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The Role of Allelopathic Interference in the Maintenance of Southern Appalachian Heath Balds PDF

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Preview The Role of Allelopathic Interference in the Maintenance of Southern Appalachian Heath Balds

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff TTeennnneesssseeee,, KKnnooxxvviillllee TTRRAACCEE:: TTeennnneesssseeee RReesseeaarrcchh aanndd CCrreeaattiivvee EExxcchhaannggee Doctoral Dissertations Graduate School 6-1978 TThhee RRoollee ooff AAlllleellooppaatthhiicc IInntteerrffeerreennccee iinn tthhee MMaaiinntteennaannccee ooff SSoouutthheerrnn AAppppaallaacchhiiaann HHeeaatthh BBaallddss Robert Edward Gant University of Tennessee - Knoxville Follow this and additional works at: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss Part of the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons RReeccoommmmeennddeedd CCiittaattiioonn Gant, Robert Edward, "The Role of Allelopathic Interference in the Maintenance of Southern Appalachian Heath Balds. " PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 1978. https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_graddiss/1607 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of TRACE: Tennessee Research and Creative Exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. To the Graduate Council: I am submitting herewith a dissertation written by Robert Edward Gant entitled "The Role of Allelopathic Interference in the Maintenance of Southern Appalachian Heath Balds." I have examined the final electronic copy of this dissertation for form and content and recommend that it be accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, with a major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. E. E. C. Clebsch, Major Professor We have read this dissertation and recommend its acceptance: Clifford C. Amundsen, John P. Witherspoon, Frank W. Woods, James W. Hilty Accepted for the Council: Carolyn R. Hodges Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School (Original signatures are on file with official student records.) To theG rdautaeC ounci:l I asmub mittinhge erwitha dissertatiownr itten by RoebrtE dwradG anetn tlietd" TheR ole Aolfl eloptahci Interefrencien t heM ainetnancoefS otuhenr Appaalchian Heaht Bald.s"I recommentdh aitt b ea ccpeteidn p artial fuflillmenotf t her equirmeentsf ort hed egree ofD ocotr ofP hiolsopyh,w itha maojri nE colyo.g E.E .C .C lbesch, MajoPrr osfesro Weh aver eadt hisd issertatoin andr eocmmnedi ts accetpance: / Acceptfeodr t heC onucil: ViceC hnaclelor GradtueaS tudiesa ndR esearch � \ . . .T:�H ..E R OLEO FA LELLOTPHAICI NTERFREENEC INT HE .... .�. MAITNEANNCEO FS OUTHRENA PPALACHifu� HETAHB ALDS A Dissertatino Preesntefdor the Doctoorf P hilosophy Deger e TheU niversitoyf T enensseeK,n oixvlle Roebrt wEadrGdan t June1 798 ACNKOWLEMDEGNTS Thea uthowri shetose xpressh iss inceer grtaitdue toD r.E dwarEd .C .C lbeshc,D epratemnt ofB otany,T he Universiyt ofT ensnesefeor hise nocuragementa nda dvice in tphreep atriaon oft hidsi ssetratino. Thankasre also exetndde toD rs .C lfiford C.A munsde,n HenryH .S hugta,r andJ onh P.W ithersp,o Doenpratemnto fB otnay; Dr. Jamse W. Hilyt,A grictuulrla Biology; andD r.F rankW .W odos, Depa­rt mento fF orsetyr,T heU nivresity ofT ennesseef or theirs ug­ gestionsa ndc riitcimsso ft hism anucsrip.t Apprceitaioni se xtnedetdo t heG raudaet Progrma in Ecolyo,Tg he University ofT ennessee for thierm aetrial supporto ft hiisnv estaitgino. Spceialt hnaksa los got o Dr.s Henyr R.D eSme alndM arWk .B ienerr, Deparenttmo f Boatny,f or thiera dvicea nd saissntcaed urintgh ed eevlpo­ menot ft hisi nvestaitigo.n Thea uhtori sa lsgor atuelft oM r. Jamse CD.u rrett, Buckrn CehemicaClom pany,f or techncial advicien t he deevlopmenotf g as chormaotgraphitce hcnqiuse andf or re­ vieiwngt hea naltyicalc hmeitsry procdeureusse di nt he isoltaion andp urfiication ofp hytoxtions. Thec otnribtuino ofM rs .M airlynC aponettii nt he prepartaion oft hism anucsrpitw as invlauabl.e Thea uthro ise specaillyg ratfeult oh isw ife,K ath, y forh er assitsancien d atac olelctioann d aalynsi,s document prepartaion, andn umeroucson triubtinost ot hisr esearcehf for.t ii ABSTARCT Alellpoathiicn treferenec seemst ob ea ni moprtant mehcanisimn t hem aintenaanncdpe e rissetnceo fs outhren Apaplahcianh etahb aldc ommnuitsi.e Copmartaivea nalyses werec onudcteodn t woh eathb aldsl ocadt ien tBhales ma Mountaniso fw estenr NotrhC aorlina tod istniguishp hyot­ toxic charaecritstsi tchaetnh ancep erisstenc.e Filed studiesr eevaledt haotn ec ommuinty wasa mixedh eathb ald doimntaedb yR hoddoednrocna tawbinese andt hes ecnodr e­ sembleda ni mmatursep ru-chreododnedrofnor esth etah domiantedb y Rhdooedndnr moaximuma ndP icear uebn.s Caffeica cid, gallica cid, genitsica ci,d hyrdoquinneo, ph-ydroxyebnzoica cid, 2p-inen,e phlorogclinuol, rhodoedn­ drol, andv anililca cidw erei sloaetda nd idnetified from canopdyr i,p leaves,l itetr, rotos, ands oilo ft het wo heathb ald.s Biosaayssr unw itahq ueousl eahcateosf h eath baldl ittearn ds oiplr oudcevdar yindgeg rees orafd cile reducitoni nt hree tests pec.i eLsogn-etrm inhibition by heathb alsdoi ls wasc onifrmed ing reenhosuee xpreiment. s Fielsdtu dise deomnsrtatedt haetn vriomnetnalf orceisn ­ craesedt hea llelpoathice ffectievnesso fh eathb alsdoi ls ons eedlign grwotha nds urvival. Influxo fs eefdr otmh es urrnodiungf orestsw as sufifcietn tos ustaini nvasion pressruea gainst boht heath balsd. iii iv Allelpoathici nterefrencdee lyass uccesisonalr e­ placemenotfRh ododendromanix mumh eaht baldsb yp aritally suppressingt hee stbalimsehnatn dg rwotho ff orescto pmeti­ tors. Heathb alds domaitnedb yRh odoedndrno maixmmu cannto maitanint hesmelvesa ndr epresentt ruly seuscisconaclom ­ muniti.e s Rhoddoendrocna twabienshee tahb alds repsrenets tbale commnuiitest haetmp loya lelloptahici netrefrencteo a rrset succesison andm aianint thmeselves .C omumnitieso ft his typcean bee xpecdt teop esristi nt hes uothernA paplcahian forest.s Inevsitgationso fs outhrenA ppaalcihan heathb alds reevaletdht a thseec ommuniitesa rem ored iversaen dm ore invlovde in thes ucecssoino ft her egionvaegelt atni tohna has bene prevoiuslreyc ognized. Key words: allelpoathy,i nterefrenec,h eath balds, phyttooxin,s inhibitoin,p erisstecne, stbailit,y reislinec,e Rhoddoendron,K almai,p helnos,A paplahican,s eedr ai,n litterfall, root biomsas, succseiosn. TALBEO FC ONTENTS CHAEPTR PAEG I. INTORDCUTOIN.. . . . . . . . . . .. 1 II.A LLELOPTAHYA NDC OMMUNIYT STBAILIYT 4 II.I ALLELOPTAHICE XTRAE-TMABOLIETSF ROMK ALMAI AND RHODODENDRON. .• . . • • . . . . 6 IV. SIET DESCIRTPION. • . . . . • . . • . . . . . . 9 Loactioann dT opogprhay. . . . . • . • . 9 Climaet .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . 10 Geology .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Soils . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 4. LandU se Hitsoyr.• . • . . . . • 16 CatatsropihcE vent.s • . • . • . • • • . 17 v. EXPREIMENTALME THOD. S. . . . . . . . . . . • . 19 Biaossya Techniqu.e . • . • • 0 • 19 Aquoeusl ecahaets. • • . • . • 20 Laboartoyr stnadards. • . o 20 CheimcalT echniquse o • • • o • o • • 21 Extrcationa nd rpifiucatoin• . • • 21 Paperc hrmoaotgarph.y . . . o • • • • • 22 Gasc hromoagtrpahy. . . . • . . . . . o 22 VI. FLORSITCI ANVDEG ETAITONALS URVEY. . . . . 26 Maetrialasn dM ethod. s• o • • • • o • • o 2• 7 Resultasnd Conlcusions. . . • o • • 27 VII. HETAHC ANOPY• • o • o • • o • • • • 0 31 CanopDyr ip . o • • • • • . . . . 32 Mateiralasnd metho.d s 33 Resulst and concluosniso 33 Litterfall. . • . . • . . • . • . • 35 Maetrialasn dm ethodo so o • 36 Resultasn dc onclusions• . 37 VII.I HETAHL ITTRE.. . . . • . . . . . 42 Maetrialsa ndM ethosd . . . . . . . 43 Resultsa ndC onculsions . . . . 44 IX. HETAHR HIZ OSPHERE . o o o . . . . . 53 RootS ystmes• . . • . . . . o • . . . . . . . 54 Maetrialsa nd methods. . . . . . . 54 Resultsa ndc onclsuionso • o . . . . . 55 v vi CHATPER PAEG IX.( Cnotniued) So1i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Matreialsa nd method• s• . • . . . 59 Reslutsa ndc onclsiuons. . • . . . . 60 X. SENISTIVIYT OFF IR,B ICRH, AND HEMOLCK SEEDLINSG TOP HYOTTOXI.NS• • . . . • . . 71 Maetriaalnsd M etho• ds• . • • . . . 71 Resultasn dC onlcuisons. . • • • . . . . 72 XI. GREEONUHSEI NVESTGIAITNO. .. . . . . . 78 Materiasl andM ethod.s . . . . 78 Resultsa ndC onculsions . . 80 XII .F IELIDNV ESTIAGTINO .. . 86 Maetrialsa ndM etohds . . .. 86 Resultasn dC onlcuisons . . . 88 XIII.S EEDRA IN. . • . . . , . . • . . . . . . . 94 Maetrilasa nd tMheod• s . . . . . . . . . 95 Resultasn dC oncluisons. • • • . . . 95 XIV. DISCSUSINO.• . . • • • . • . . . • 99 SitAe. . . . . . . . . . .9 9. . . . . . . SitBe. . ... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 1 02 Southenr Aaplapchina HeatBhal d.s• . . . . . 1 03 Recommendaitonsf or FuutreR eseacrh. . 1.0 7 XV. S UvfAffiRiY • . . . . . . . . 110 LITERATUREC IETD.• • . . . . . 1.61 VIAT.. . • . . .. . • • . . . . 123 LITS OFT ABLES TABLE PAGE 1 .M ontlhya ndA nnula PrecipiattionR ecordde on Sitea nda t TSVtaA tion1 09,H aywooGdap , NorthC arloinaf roFme rbuar1y9 37 Through 4 Januayr 197 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 2 .M aixmuma ndM inimAuimr TepmeraturBeense ath TwoH eath BaldC anopeis. • . . • • . • . • 13 3. Rf Valuse andC oloRrea ctionosf L aboratoyr Pheonl.s . . . . . . . . .2 3. . . . . . . . 4 .R elativeR etetnioVna ules ofP helnioca nd TerpenoiCd ompoundsw ithR especttoa n IntnearlS tnadrad.. . • • . . • . • 25 5 .S pceiesC ompostiioann dR erpesentaotniw ithin HetahB adl Commuinteis • .• • . • . • .. • . 28 6 .D etcetoino fP henloicC ompounsd inM onthly Canoyp Drpi Sapmlefsr mo TwoH eathB alsd . 34 7 .M eanM onthlLyit tefrall (K/GHAa) tS iet .A• . . 38 8. MeanM onthlLyit tearllf (K/GHA)a tS iet B . 39 9 . C heimcaSlu rveyo fL ittearlflC omponents from RhododBe ndroCna twabiense andR .m aximmu o Heatha !a s• . . . . . . . • .• . . • . . 4 10. ChemicalS urveoyf L itterf rmo Rhododendron maxmium Bald. . • . • • . . • . • .• .. 4 5 11. Cheimcla Surveoy fL ittefrr mo Rhodoednrdon catawbienes Bal•d • • . . • . . . • • . . 46 12. DepthD itsriubtioann dW eighotfU nderrgonud Orgnasi nT woH eathB adls. . . . . . • . • 56 13. ChemiaclS urevyo fM ontlhyS oilS amplesT aken froam Rhodoedndrno maximHuema thB al•d . . 61. 14. ChemicaSlu rveoyfM ontlhyS oiSlam plesT aken froam Rhdooednrdonc atwabiense HeatBhal d• . 62 vii

Hi lty , Agricultural B io logy; and Dr. Frank W. Wood s , Depart ment of .. the earl iest and most lucid accounts o f rhododendron toxicity can be found
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