Thmea teirnti habilos oi rkse stricted. Thbioso mkabe y reoandbl yyc howsheho a vree ceived ah iahyesr.os ot onetmrpoo wermenc. if.o nt hoet hhearny do.iu n tteopn radc tYiacmea ntaka. iwto ublebd e isyfto hua vree cetiheveme pdo weorfm ent Yamanttogaekt.awh iettrhhc eo mmenat.noadrry ta rla nsmission. At t.vhelere yay somt.uu shta vree cetiheveme pdo werment. THEft OAft OFT HUNDEft YamantParkaac taincdCe o mmenryt a NgulchDuh armabhaadnrda thFei fLtihgn R inpoche, Losagn LungtogT enzTir ni nley TranslbayDt aevdGi odn salez SNOWL IOPNU LBICATIONS ITHANCEAW,Y ORK SnowL ioPnu blications P.OB.o x6 483 IthaNceaw,Y or1k4 85U1S A (6072)7 3-85w1w9w Copyri©gh 2t0 1D2a viGdO nsalC-L Allr ighrtess ervNeodp .o rtiooftn h ibso omka yb er eprodubcyea dn y meanwsi thopurti owrr inepne rmissfiroontm h ep ublisher. PrintienUd S Ao na cid-rferceyec plaepde r. ISBN-I1-O5,5 939-387-4 ISBN-13,978-1-55939-387-4 Library Ct1aCtoonlgoariensss -Diont-oP ublicotion Ther aaorft hund:eY ramantparkaac taincdce o mmentary / NgulcDhhua rmabhaadnrdta h eF ifLtihn Rgi npocLhoes,a nLgu nglog TenzTirni nl;te rya nslbaytD eadv iGdo n�lt�z. � p.e m.T ranslfartoeTmdih etaInn.c lubdibelosg rapcahlri eferences andi ndex. I I.Y amant(aBkuad dhdicsitt y)-C2u.lD tg.e -Iug(sS-epc-at R)itauls. Gonsalez, 1D9a6\41'-1iD.dr ,i ul-Dchhaur mabha1d7r7a2,- 1O8p5a1l. I. Rdo-r'jjci-gs-lbhyae db cu gsbusmk ymeraid'm i gyhi rizdsir nas rrio hril a matzia llunE.n gli1s1hD1.n. u l-cDhhua rmabha1d7r7a-12,8 51. ! OpaRld o-rjc-'jiJegyrsii- mhp yage ndi psa 'iamj iI tabrg ropda 'tis hguyl i r;- zibnr igss an chen mEynugrl ilIsaVhmB...l bza-lnw-irotgs-bsta'ndz in 'phrind-.I1 a9s0,2O .p aRld o-r'jjiges-b-yedD pa'-bo.gc-piag'rii mp olg iiiJes rnamp arb sapda d itgorsu nbo rb u'mid zodk rsig ob rgyal egpsa r' byepda' legbss ardi cnh egns egry i migE.n glish. Ide BQ486Y0.33 R632 012 294_34'20423-<1c23 2011039477 Designaenddt ypesbeyGt o pa Ted2I,n c. & Contents TranslInattroord'us.c .t ion Notoen t hTer anslitaenrPdah toinoent ic RenderoifSn agn skMraintt.r .a s ..7 Acknoedwglmes.n t 13 A BriBeifo groafpN hgyu lcDhhua rmabhadra .15 PART1 :C OMMENTARIETSO THE GENERATIOANN D COMPLETIOSNT AGOEF GLORIOUYSA MANTAKVAA JRABHAIRAVA .....1.9. ..... Notoens P trohcuefGn edn ieorSnat LacafeG loVraijoruasb hairava ThinDeeeiEntn yt 'iTtOhlreeIa dnl s tr'!JutchSteai ioGnnutsrl uy" byN gulcDhhua rmabh.a dra. 21 Outltiont ehG ee neraStitoean.g .. .519 . NotoenHs o twPo r oacleoetndhP8 eta ohft hSee cSotnarday e GlorViaraojbuhsa Einrta"ivTtaQyhl ieec dPkta '!Jht hGer eSaete m" byN gulcDhhua rmab..h adra ... .. . ..1 6.3 . Outltiont ehC eo e 211 ThGeo lKdee'!JynE loqEuxepnnlatat ioPrnef TeOhcpateOtlynn se HunddD roeotrtosh J ee weTlreeydac Asft.u rtaiAnC moemnmte:n cory ttoh Gee anteriaonCndo mplSettaiaSoeon l ciHfte arYmaroay m aka byt hFei fLtihnR gi npoLcohsea,Ln ugn gTtenoizgnTrei.yn 1...2.1.5 ,., viiTih ReIo aorf Thunder TheG e TheC ompletSitoan.g e PART2 :R ITUATLE XTS. ThSea dh'at!!nh Baeh avaaGanl orSiooluiHste raor y Varbjaha;Ernatv"iaitV cltaleo'JDreeyrm ons" byP abonDgkehcahN ey ni ng.p.o.. .... . ThEex trCeomneSclaiyds he'a !!n a GlorSiotolauiHrsey rV oarbj aha;ro,ra byP abongDkehcah en N.y..i..n.g...p..o... ........ AppendIi:Jx e S herGayba tsHoi'sst orAicccaolu nt oft heL ineaogfVe a jrabhai.r.a.v...a.. Append2i:Ax l ternaStpievlel fionSrga sn skMraintt r Useidn T hiVso lum.e . ... . . . .. . Gloss.a.r.y Bibliography Index. ... TranslaItnotrr'osd uction YAMANTAKA ONEo ft hem oswt ideplrya ctidceeidt wiietsh tihne IS Gelutgr aditIitwo ansT. s ongkhafpoar'esm opsetr sodneailt fyr om whomh er eceidvierdev cits itohnawst e raec onstsaonutr ocfee m p ow· ermenitn,s piraitnisotnr,u catnideo vne,pn e rsoandavli Hceer .e ceived hifisr sYta manteamkpao wermaetna tg see vefnr otmh Kea dampmaa s terD,o ndruRpi nchIeitnsw . e lkln owtnh aLta ma Tsonghkahdba epean ind ireccotm_ municawtiitohn ManjaunsdYh armia ntsaiknatc hete i me ofh irse trweiattLh a maU mapaa tG adonlgo,c ataebdo utth remei les fromL haswah,e nL amTas ongkhwaapsaa r ountdh aeg eo ft hirty-five. Itw asf romt het imoef t hirse treoantwa rtdh aMta njusahcrtiea ds hidsi regcutr ug,i viLnagm Tas ongkhmaapnayp rofouinnds tructions. Becauosfte h itsh,eG elutgr adictoinotna miannsyu ni�auned u nex celloerdai ln strucotnit ohneps r actoifcY ea mantaThh.e slei neages failnlt tow om aisnt reacmosn sisotfti hnegE nstar aditsitoenm,n ung froGmy al"E,nas apLao sanDgo ndruapn,dt heS egylui neasgtee,m minfgr oJme S herSaebn gTyhee.q uintessiennsttiraulco tfbi ootnohsf thelsien eaagreceso ntaiinnte hdte w oc om_mentaprrieesse nitnte hdi s volumIeh .a vael spor oviidnet dh aep pendati rxa nsloaftJ ieSo hne rab Gyatsion'tsr odutcoth iioosnw nc ommentaornty h Teh irteen-Deity practwihciec,ph r ovirdiecdshe tacioln cerntihonerg i gainndls i neages oft hipsr acet.i c Fort hpe ractoifcY ea mantatkhae,ra ert eh remea ians pecBtlsa:c k, Reda,n dB U t hreaer set iplrla ctitcote hdid sa yi,ti s thel astth,ao tfV ajrabhatihraatvt ahi,ess u bjemcatt toefrt hibso ok. Vajrabhaciornatvaapi rnasc tiocfbe ost Thh irteDeeni ty Saonldi tary Heroa,n dw hilteh eayr ev ersyi miltahre,ra er ea lssoo men otable 2 TIhe R oar Tohufn der differences betweeno rtt hheesme. dMioffsestrt eenmfc reosmt he addititownealldv eei tiinte hsTe h irteen-mDaenidtaywl hae,r etahse re iso nloyn ei nt heS olitHaerryom andalAal.s oV,a jrabhaiintr haev a SolitHaerrypo ractiiswc iet hoauc to nsowrhti,lV ea jrabhaiintr haev a Thirteen-pDreaicttyei mcber acheiscs o nsoVratj,r Vae taDleis.p ite thesdei fferetnhcete wsoa, r cve rsyi milIanmr o.s itn stanwcheesna, lamgai ves a comtmote hnSeto alriyt Haerrypo r acthiecu es,ea sc om mentatroyt h Teh irteen-pDreaicttayist c here o otte xutp ownh ichhe basehsic so mmentaTrhye.r efoifry eo,ua rper actiScoilnigt Haerryo , youw ilela sibleay b lteoa ppltyh ceo mmenttaort yh Teh irteen-Deity practtioyc oeu prr actbiymc eer efloyL lowailnognw gi tyho usra dhana; inf acatn,u nderstaonfdt ihnTegh irteen-pDreaicttywi icledl e epen youurn derstaonfd itnShgoe l itHaerrypo r actice. Witrhe gatrodt hceo mmentairnicelsu idnep da rItt, h efi rscto m mentairsyb yt heg reastc holsaird,d haan,dl ineahgoel doefrt he GeluMga hamudlrian eaNggeu,l cDhhua rmabhaHdircsao .m mentary addrestshTeehs i rteen-pDreaicttayin cdce o ntaaiw nesl lsporfio nrga l instructthiapotrn osv irdieca hn dh ighalcyc essdiebtlaeci olnsc erning thep ractoifYc aem antatkhaaa tr ee qualalpyp lictaobt lheeS olitary Herop ractFiucret.h ermtohreceo ,m pletsitoango efTs h irteen Deity andS olitarya rHieed reon tiacnadNl g,u JcDhhua rmabhagdirvaae ns amazineglloyq uepnrto,f ouanndd,h ighalcyc esspirbelsee ntaIt ion. havael sion cluadb erdi beifo graopfNh gyu Jchu Dharmianbt hhaidsr a publication. Asf otrh es ecocnodm mentairtiy sa, c ommentatroty h eS olitary Herop ractaincdew a sc omposbeydt heF ifLtihn Rgi npocLhoes, angL ungtoegnzTTirni nlHeeyw .a st hper e1ecetsosL oirnR gi npoche ThubtLeunn gtNoagm gyTariln lewyh,ow ast hsee nitourt oarn dr oot gurtuo H isH olintehseFs o urteeDnatlhaL amaT,en ziGny atsToh.i s commentacroyn tamiannsye xtraorriunnsatrr uctthiahotan vsne o t beewnr ittdeonw ni no thetre xbtusth avee enp resertvherdo utghhe oralli neaIgtwe omposwehdi lLei nRgi npocwhaese ngagienda three-ryeetarroe faYta mantwahkeanh ew tsw enty-yfievaeor lsd .This texitps a rotfa h ighsleyc revtoilvuem ceo t?ainmianngyt exotnsS oli tarHye rYoa mantaeknat ittlheEed i ahStteeoeSpfnos l iHtear' wrohy,ic h 1.' Jbirgedsdpa b 'o g ogth ems Usb oob rgyold. pa