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The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition (The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, Volume 2) PDF

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Preview The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition (The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek, Volume 2)

THEROAD TO SERFDOM The atte re Edition F. A. HAYEK EDITED BY Bruce Caldwell _ THE COLLECTED WORKS OF EA. Hayck VOLUME 1 THE ROAD 'TO SERFDOM ‘Text and Documents Th Definitive Falition Voluuue 1 Volume T1 Voluine LU Voluine LV Volune V Volume VI Voluins VIL Volume VUE Volume 1X Volum: X Voie NT Volune NIL Volume STIL Volume NIV Volune XV Volume VI Voluue NVI Volume XVIIE Volante NIX, Sappiona ‘The piaivis provisional, Minox al Doods, and seve PLAN OF THE COLLECTED WOKSS, Edited by Bruce Calebwell ‘The Falat Conceit; The Brveas of Secale "Ths Rasa to Serfélom Tex and Doesrsents he Trent of Eesstanic Pin Economists and Eoonemie History (101) Phe Fortunes of Liberals ical the Aastian Sch 183) Essays on Poliical I-Bseyson Awstrian Eessontiee and the [eal of E:vedom 1392) Goud Mone, Par. L. The Now Word (1999) Goel Money, Par Ths Stamelael (198°) Busigese Cy les, Bart Business Cyctes, Pat Th (Goura Keynes 18 Cambridge: Kssays, Comespocenes sas) Soc‘alisa and War: Essays, Documents, Review ( Corina and Interest ‘The Pare Tory of Capital Studies on) 12 Absae of Reason “The Seusory Onder and Othe= Essays “The Market and Dthe= Orders ‘John Stuart Mill and Heciet Taylor “The Constitution of Liberty Essexa on Liberty Law, Legislation, snd Likeny Ilayekon Layek: Aa Autobiographical Dialegus (1994 rations nay oecurin Giles ofindiv:dval additional volumes may be added THE COLLECTED WORKS OF FA. Hayek VOLE TT THE ROAD TO SERFDOM Text and Documents The Definitive Edition EDITED BY BRUCE CALDWELL # ‘The University of Chicago Press BRUCE CALDWELL i the Joc Rovailal Rrelkace Profsce the acd author ¢© Bayon Retvnn Becca Mein te Tie Ce fal Haer's Chal: dail Pagel of Ft HE, te lator aks “The Usivashy of Chica Press vale oreo (© 2007 bythe Bete of 4 faye Original sat © (O11 ay Tie Unversity of Chicago fens 0S 0-22. 3405809 per) vary <I Cor guess Cato agnP bcm Data Hayek, Fadtioh A. von ‘Frecrich Aug, 1899-1092, The oad oem test and dovurenie BA, Havok by esse ahae Dati v= por (The colectes work of FA Bagels Incl bstiogrphiva e-renec ene tna 32975-0-300-2208 1-0 esta peer we: 978.0-226.92085-7 pbk le paper) 25620545 hall pays 26-52085-9 pb al se) I Sevies Havel nie A. wo (Fedrich agus 1899-1002 amish rav kt pews) once 2095 Me paper used in hiepeblicaton meets he mieimum requvmeatsof the american Nes Stara for -formaten Sciences Pervanense PIE COLLECTED WORKS QE FA HAYEK Pruning Ealicor: W. W. Barley IIL General Editor: Br:ce Czlewell Tblishod ith te satpont of The Havver Lastition ou Wa, Reve ion sal Peace Scant University ‘The Earhart Foundation ‘The Piste F ancl Lasidl Goodeh Feucaor ‘The Mortis Fossidetian, Little Rock CONTENT Ealiterial Larewore is Invoduesion, L THE ROAD TO SERPROM Prefars te the Original Rltons a Foreword tothe 1938 American Paperback Fait 3 Prefacs te the 1976 Eaition 3 Introduction 37 One The Abandoned Ran 65 Two The Great Copia 6 Incisialsas ane Cellectivinn 83 Paws ‘The “Loevitabily” of Planning ot Five Pluming ad Desoeraey wo Six Planning and the Rule of Las 12 Seven Ecououic Coutiol aud Fotalita anism 24 igh Who, Whom? st Nine Security and Freedom Tea Whi the Worst Get on Top Eleven The Had of Fath Twehe The Socialis: Roots of Tlateea ———The"Totalvataas i ©. Malst Fourteon Matern, Coneitions and Ideal Bes Fittest: The Peospocts ef Tustermational Orde Sintec Concasion Bibliographieal Note Appendis: Peianed Dacunents Nadi iss (1933), Reader's Repor: by Frank Krigt (1942) Rearler’s Repors by Jacob Matschak (1925) Forewors| to the 16444 American Edition by John Chamberlain Letter fiom John Scoon to ©. Hartiey Grattar: (1845) Inteaduetion to the 1924 Laition by Milton Fiiedusan Acknowiedgments Index ot a EDITORIAL FOREWORD Ute fist veinve in ie Collet Hinds af 14, faye was the las: book that Hayek wwrore, Te Baal Cavite Tt was the firs voir in reso respects: * was volume L inthe sevies, audit was the fust published, in -988, Te Fovaeling genetal tor was the philospher W. W. Bart tially cnisionied that the series would contain Gwely-tW9 + atts whit wes noted inthe material Geseribing tne planned ser:esin The Fara! Canceit, Wisely, Bar cvides the proviso that “the plats provisional” Iie now iciticipated that there ill he nineteen vohimes in all, hut the original provise sill plies Mach has happencd since 1988. A second volume produce. uncer Bartley’s céitorsh'p was published ir 141, but was a posthumous conte ution, Ba Jhaving succumbed 19 cancer in Febuary 13 Kresge took over the position of general editer, and tn umes were produced, ‘fhe veluries in the series did not =ppear in mumerical aoxdet: to date, vacames 1,3, 4, 5, 6,9,and 10 have becn published. In spring 2002 Stepher: Kresge asked me whether Tnightve interes conting the next general edito Twas, and after the Hay=k ari y ané -epre= sentatives from the University of Chicago Press and Routledge all signed off, my work began. The frst year ¢= so was takea up wh getting eextarial mate= rial shied ftom California to Nort: Gavolina, rethinking the ordring of the vvelures, establishing relationships with ex'sting and potential vote editors = seeking, mds 1 smpport rhe prajert Te Bond io St wa fearly steady progress over the and Docweacats The Define Ration i the first volume: saleditorsiuyp, Ouluers are ou the way. utripate sstfew years 28 the pmjes" moves tawatd en Tn the Fst voltime Rill Barley brieRyscarsd the editorial poliey the series cs follows, “he texis of subsequent values wil Le publisied vied and annatatce form” ard “essays which ost in slightly want forms, oF iu several dillercut anguages, will be publislit! always is English or ia En. st translation, and enly bx their mos: eomplets end inisee for unless some connected 16>

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