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Preview The RMS Survey: Near-IR Spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,000–000 (0000) Printed18January2013 (MNLATEXstylefilev2.2) The RMS Survey: Near-IR Spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects 3 1 H.D.B. Cooper,1 S.L. Lumsden,1 R.D. Oudmaijer,1 M.G. Hoare,1 A.J. Clarke,1 0 J.S. Urquhart,2 J.C. Mottram,3 T.J.T. Moore,4 B. Davies4 2 1School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK n 2Max-Planck-Institut fr Radioastronomie, 53121 Bonn, Germany a 3Leiden Observatory,Leiden University,2300 RA, Leiden, Netherlands J 4Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University,Twelve Quays House, Egerton Wharf, Birkenhead CH41 1LD, UK 7 1 18January2013 ] A G ABSTRACT . h Near-infrared H- and K-band spectra are presented for 247 objects, selected from p the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey as potential young stellar objects (YSOs). 195 - (∼80%)ofthetargetsareYSOs,ofwhich131aremassiveYSOs(LBOL >5 × 103L⊙, o r M>8M⊙).ThisisthelargestspectroscopicstudyofmassiveYSOstodate,providing t a valuable resource for the study of massive star formation. In this paper we present s ourexploratoryanalysisofthedata.TheYSOsobservedhaveawide rangeofembed- a [ dedness (2.7 < AV < 114), demonstrating that this study covers minimally obscured objectsrightthroughtoveryred,dustysources.AlmostallYSOsshowsomeevidence 1 foremissionlines,thoughthereisawidevarietyofobservedproperties.Themostcom- v monly detected lines are Br γ, H2, fluorescent Fe II, CO bandhead, [Fe II] and He I 9 2–1 1S–1P, in order of frequency of occurrence. In total, ∼ 40% of the YSOs display 0 either fluorescentFe II 1.6878µm orCO bandheademission(or both), indicative ofa 1 4 circumstellardisc;however,nocorrelationofthestrengthofthese lineswithbolomet- . ric luminosity wasfound. We alsofind that ∼60%of the sourcesexhibit [Fe II] or H2 1 emission,indicatingthepresenceofanoutflow.ThreequartersofallsourceshaveBrγ 0 in emission.A goodcorrelationwith bolometric luminosity was observedfor both the 3 1 Brγ andH2 emissionlinestrengths,covering1L⊙ <LBOL <3.5 × 105L⊙.Thissug- : gests that the emission mechanism for these lines is the same for low-, intermediate-, v and high-mass YSOs, i.e. high-mass YSOs appear to resemble scaled-up versions of i X low-mass YSOs. r Key words: Stars: pre-main-sequence; Stars: formation; Physical Data and Pro- a cesses:lineidentification;ISM:jetsandoutflows;InterstellarMedium(ISM),Nebulae. 1 INTRODUCTION Mottram et al.2011a),fusionhasbeguninthecentralstar, but it has not yet ionized its surroundings to form an H II Massivestars(>8M⊙,i.e.>5 103 L⊙)haveaprofound region.Accretionmaybedisruptedorcompletelyhalted,in × influenceontheirsurroundingsduetotheirintenseionizing which case the final mass of the star would be set in this radiation, strong stellar winds and powerful outflows. How- phase. MYSOs typically have strong, ionized stellar winds ever,despitethefactthatlow-massstarformationisbroadly (Bunn,Hoare & Drew1995)andbipolarmolecularoutflows understood (Shu,Adams & Lizano 1987),relatively little is (Shepherd& Churchwell 1996), both of which have an im- known about the conditions and processes that influence portantfeedbackeffectonthesurroundingmolecularcloud. high-massstarformation. Thestudyof massivestar forma- Whilst these properties mean that the MYSO stage tion is hindered by the rarity of massive stars, their short is crucial to the understanding of massive star formation, evolutionarytime-scales,andthedustextinctionwhichren- theirobservation isnotwithoutdifficulties. Dustextinction dersthestarsinvisibleatshortwavelengthsformostoftheir hinders optical and IR studies, their lack of H II regions formation. means that radio emission is either weak or non-existent, The massive young stellar object (MYSO) phase is of and although MYSOs are often associated with masers, no particularinterestforthestudyofmassivestarformation.In single maser transition can be guaranteed to be present this relatively brief phase (104−5 years: Davies et al. 2011; (Beutheret al. 2002). 2 H.D.B. Cooper et. al. Most of the bolometric luminosity of MYSOs is found stages of the RMS survey. Initially, no radio or luminos- in the thermal IR, so that is where they are most easily ity data were available, so the criteria for the spectroscopic observed. Previous attempts to produce a large sample of observations were that the objects satisfy the colour cuts MYSOs have been made using IRAS (e.g. Molinari et al. laidoutinLumsden et al.(2002),andthattheywerebright 1996; Sridharan et al. 2002). The low spatial resolution of enoughtobeseenattheK-bandin2MASStoenablecorrect IRAS (3′ 5′ at 100 µm) meant that in star clusters and identificationofthecounterpart.Onceluminosityestimates × inthedenseenvironmentoftheGalacticPlanesourceswere were available, a loose luminosity cut of L21µm > 500 L⊙ often confused. Since most massive stars form in clusters (whichcorrespondstoLBOL >10000L⊙,seeMottram et al. and exist within the Galactic Plane, the MYSOs in these 2011a)wasimposed.Thereforefewerlow-luminositysources studies may not be representative of all massive stars. The were observed in the later runs. We targeted our source se- small number of MYSOs that have been identified so far lection to observe all objects we believed to be YSOs with meansthatthereisalackofstatisticalevidencewithwhich theappropriateluminosity,plusthe10%ofthe 2000can- ∼ to improveour understandingof high-mass star formation. didates whose classifications were ambiguous. A full list of TheRedMSX-SourceSurvey(RMS;Hoare et al.2005; observationalparametersforeachindividualobjectisshown Urquhartet al. 2008a) is a valuable tool with which to ad- in Tables A1and A2(see AppendixA). dress these issues, having taken both imaging and spec- UIST is a 1–5 µm imager-spectrometer with a troscopic data from near-IR to radio wavelengths on a 1024 1024InSbarrayandacamerawith0.12′′/pixelresolu- × comprehensive, uniformly selected sample of MYSOs. The tioninspectroscopymode.TheHKgrism(1.395–2.506 µm) MSX point source catalogue (Egan et al. 2003) and near- wasused,witha0.48′′ 120′′longslit.Thisproducesafairly × IR 2 Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS; Skrutskieet al. low spectral resolution of λ/∆λ 500, but meant that in ∼ 2006) data were used to find sources with IR excess. The ideal conditions a high signal-noise ratio could be achieved MSX survey has a much better spatial resolution than withrelatively shortexposuretime.Thisallowed identifica- IRAS, thus eliminating the bias against dense environ- tion of faint lines whilst maximising the number of objects ments (Hoare et al. 2004). The reddest, most embedded that could be observed in the time awarded. In practise a objects were selected as targets using colour cuts defined largenumberoftheobservationsweredoneinpoorweather by Lumsden et al. (2002). However, ultra-compact H II conditions and with typicalseeing of 1′′,so thesignal-noise (UCHII)regions,planetarynebulae(PN)anddustyevolved ratiowasnotalwaysveryhigh,andfluxcalibrationwasun- starsalsohavesimilarcolourstoMYSOs,soclassificationof reliable on some nights. Exposure times for each object are thesourceshasbeenamajorpartoftheproject.Acampaign shown in Table A1. of follow-up observations has been undertaken to achieve Many of the observations were taken before the near- this (see Urquhartet al. 2008a). We combined radio, mid- IRcounterpartshad beenaccurately identified.Asa result, IR, and near-IR images with kinematic distances and far- finding charts were frequently done at the telescope using IR data to characterise our sources (Mottram et al. 2007; UIST in imaging mode so that the counterpart could be Urquhartet al. 2007a,b, 2008b, 2009a,b; Mottram et al. identified prior to taking the spectrum. In a few instances, 2010,2011a;Urquhart et al. 2011a,b,2012).Thefullclassi- such spectra were repeated later if subsequent high spatial ficationcriteriaarediscussedinLumsdenetal.(inprepara- resolution thermal IR images suggested a different source tion). was the correct counterpart. The position angle for the slit Near-IR spectroscopy is the final classification stage, (also shown in Table A1) was derived from such images, as separatingtheMYSOsfromtheremainingsources.Todate, well as from 2MASS images for brighter, isolated sources, 90% of the 2000 objects from the original survey have orGLIMPSE2 forcomplex embeddedsources.Theaim was ∼ ∼ beenclassified,identifying 600MYSOsand 500UCHII to avoid very bright,unrelated stars nearby,and if possible ∼ ∼ regions.1 In total, we have spectroscopic observations of to align the slit on other interesting objects and extended ∼ 450objects. Thedataforthe 200 objectsobservedin the emission nearby. This proved a useful technique as several ∼ Southern Hemisphere are still in the analysis process, and fields of view had more than one MYSO within the field, willbepresentedinafuturepaper.Inthispaperwepresent and many have extended emission. In the tables, multiple near-IR spectra and classifications of 247 objects observed objects within the same field of view are denoted by G*** intheNorthernHemisphere,i.e. 12%oftheobjectsinthe – 1 and G*** – 2 etc. ∼ survey. Standard stars with spectral types ranging from A0 – B9.5 were observed before each object for flux calibration, and the objects were nodded along the slit to minimise the effect of bad pixels and aid sky subtraction. The spectrum 2 OBSERVATIONS of an argon lamp was taken each night for wavelength cali- Spectroscopicobservationsoftheyoungstellarobjectcandi- bration. dates were made using the UIST instrument at the United The standard star and object spectra were all reduced Kingdom Infra-Red Telescope (UKIRT) observatory from usingtheUKIRTpipelineOrac-DrandtheStarlinkpack- 2002 to 2008. 247 objects were successfully observed over age Figaro. To prevent confusion between emission lines 84 nights. Sources were selected from the 2000 candidate in the object spectra and the H I absorption lines in the ∼ MYSOs found using the MSX catalogue in the preceding 2 GLIMPSE:theGalacticLegacyInfraredMid-PlaneSurveyEx- 1 SeeRMSdatabasehttp://www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/RMS/,Lums- traordinaire–aSpitzer legacyscienceprogrammewhichimaged denetal.(inpreparation) theGalacticMid-Planeat3.6,4.5,5.8,and8µm. The RMS Survey: Near-IR Spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects 3 6.0 4.0 Akritas-Theil-Sen Line Akritas-Theil-Sen Line 8.0 6.0 e e d 10.0 d 8.0 u u nit nit g g a a M M 12.0 10.0 d d n n a a B B H- 14.0 K- 12.0 d d e e ur ur s s a a e 16.0 e 14.0 M M 18.0 16.0 20.0 18.0 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 Catalogue H-Band Magnitude Catalogue K-Band Magnitude Figure 1.Measuredvs.catalogue magnitudesforbothH-andK-bands.Thecatalogue magnitudesweretakenfromeitherUKIDSSor 2MASSdepending on the object and the quality of the catalogue data. Detections aredenoted by black diamonds and limitsby green arrows.ThedottedlinesrepresenttheATSregressions.Asexpected,astrongcorrelationwasfoundbetweenthemeasuredandcatalogue magnitudes (seetextformoredetails). standard starspectra, thelines inthestandardswerefitted to2MASSphotometry,108toUKIDSS,and14hadnomag- withGaussianfunctionsandremovedbeforefluxcalibrating nitudedata available in eithercatalogue. The datafor each the object spectra. Flux calibration was done using the Fi- object are found in Table A2. garoroutineirflux.Thisroutineusesablack-bodymodel The magnitudes were also measured from the spectra for the standard star, normalised to the star’s flux at K. usingtheFigarofunctionistat,whichgivesthemeanand TheK-bandmagnitudesandspectral typesofthestandard total flux and the r.m.s. (σ) across a user-defined wave- starsweretakenfrom theSIMBADdatabase.Thetemper- length range. The ranges used to measure the total flux atures corresponding to the spectral types were taken from were 1.5365–1.7875 µm and 2.028–2.290 µm for H and K Schmidt-Kaler(1982). respectively. These correspond to the wavelength ranges for the 2MASS magnitude measurements, as described in Cohen et al. (2003). UKIDSS magnitudes are calibrated to 3 PHOTOMETRY 2MASS(Hodgkin et al.2009),sothesamerangeswereused to measure the spectral magnitude regardless of which cat- We compared our magnitude data with the 2MASS Point alogue magnitudes were used for comparison. The contin- Source Catalogue (2MASS PSC; Skrutskieet al. 2006) and uum noise (σ) was measured using 0.01 µm ranges around UKIDSSGPS database release 8.3 Thechoice of catalogue 1.6 µm and 2.2 µm for H and K respectively. These ranges used for analysis was decided on an object-by-object basis. areclearofemissionlinesandofdistortionfromatmospheric Some objects are listed in both catalogues, others in only features, both of which can cause an over-estimation of σ. one, and some do not have any near-IR magnitude data The fluxes were then converted into magnitudes, using the available. Where available, UKIDSS GPS magnitudes were H and K zero-points 1.133 10−9 and 4.283 10−10 preferred due to their improved sensitivity and resolution. Wm−2µm−1 for 2MASS sou×rces (Cohen et al. 20×03), and However,duetoitsincompletestatus,notalltheobjectswe 1.131 10−9 and4.271 10−10 Wm−2µm−1 forUKIDSS observed were covered by UKIDSS,and those that were do sources×(Hodgkin et al.20×09).Theerrorsonthemagnitudes not always have data for all of J-, H- and K-bands. In ad- given in Table A2 are 3σ errors. Some of the sources were dition, the UKIDSS camera, WFCAM (Casali et al. 2007) not detected at H, in which case their H-band magnitudes tends to saturate for the brighter objects. For objects with could not becalculated. However,most spectra werebright incomplete,lowquality,orsaturatedWFCAMdata2MASS enough at Hthat theirmagnitudes could bemeasured, and was used. Overall, for our 247 sources, 125 were compared all were bright enough at K. Figure 1 shows a comparison of catalogue with mea- sured magnitudes, for both H- and K-bands. The dot- 3 The UKIDSS project is defined in Lawrenceetal. (2007). ted lines represent Akritas-Thiel-Sen (ATS) regressions. UKIDSS uses the UKIRT Wide Field Camera (WFCAM; Casalietal. 2007) and a photometric system described in The ATS regression and Kendall’s τ were calculated us- Hewettetal.(2006).Thepipelineprocessingandsciencearchive ing the cenken (Akritas, Murphy,& LaValley 1995) func- aredescribedinIrwin(2008)andHamblyetal.(2008). tion in the NADA library (Helsel 2005) from the R-project 4 H.D.B. Cooper et. al. H II Region: G019.7540-00.1279 Evolved Star: G049.5373-00.3929 2.0×10-14 2.5×10-13 2.0×10-13 1.5×10-14 Br γ -1m) -1m) 1.5×10-13 µ µ -2m 1.0×10-14 -2m CO F (Wλ 0.5×10-14 H2 H2 F (Wλ 1.0×10-13 5.0×10-14 He I H I 0 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 λ (µm) λ (µm) PPN: G026.4897-00.5455 PN: G030.2340-00.1392 6×10-14 7.0×10-15 CO 5×10-14 6.0×10-15 Br γ 4×10-14 5.0×10-15 -1µm) 3×10-14 -1µm) 4.0×10-15 -2m -2m 3.0×10-15 H W 2×10-14 W 2 F (λ F (λ 2.0×10-15 1×10-14 1.0×10-15 0 0 He I 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 λ (µm) λ (µm) M-Giant: G025.4018+00.0198A Evolved Hot Star (Other): G026.3050+00.1162 2.0×10-12 2.6×10-13 CO 2.4×10-13 1.5×10-12 -1m) -1m) 2.2×10-13 H I Absorption µ µ -2m 1.0×10-12 -2m F (Wλ F (Wλ 2.0×10-13 5.0×10-13 1.8×10-13 0 1.6×10-13 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 λ (µm) λ (µm) Figure 2. Example spectra of each class of contaminants found within the sample i.e. the non-YSOs. From top-left to bottom-right: the H II region G019.7540-00.1279; the evolved star G049.5373-00.3929; the PPN G026.4897-00.5455; the PN G030.2340-00.1392; the M-Giant G025.4018+00.0198A; and finally the hot star G026.3050+00.1162, labelled as ‘Other’ in the data base and tables. Note the similarityof the PN spectrum to that of the H II region. This object required the RMS follow-upcampaign’s mid-IR imaging data in ordertobecorrectlyclassified. statistics package, and compared with other regression The lower τ and greater deviation in the fit from methods and correlation tests performed using the Asurv m =m forH-bandmagnitudesisprimarily duetothe obs cat statisticspackage(Isobeet al.1986;Isobe & Feigelson1990; factthatmanyofthefainterobjectshaveverynoisyH-band Lavalley et al. 1992). These statistical methods were used spectra,andsomewerenotdetectedatshorterwavelengths. totakeaccountofthemanycensored datapresent(seealso Thismeansthattherearemorelimits,andtheerrorsatthe Section 6.5). Based on a y = a+bx fit, the ATS fit co- high end of the magnitude range are larger, both of which efficients for H are a = 0.96 and b = 0.92. For K, the decrease the measured correlation coefficient and pull the H H coefficients are a = 0.08 and b = 1.02. The Kendall’s regression line away from m = m . Nevertheless, the K K obs cat − τ values for H and K are 0.48 and 0.70 respectively, both correlation is clearly there for both H- and K-bands, and withp-values 0;i.e.thereisessentially nopossibility that the regression coefficients for the K-band are very close to ≃ a correlation does not exist. m = m . This shows that, for most objects, the pho- obs cat The RMS Survey: Near-IR Spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects 5 G017.3765+02.2512 G018.6608+00.0372 6×10-13 1×10-14 5×10-13 8×10-15 -1µm) 4×10-13 H2 -1µm) 6×10-15 H2 -2m 3×10-13 -2m W W 4×10-15 F (λ 2×10-13 Br γ F (λ [Fe II] 2×10-15 [Fe II] 1×10-13 0 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 λ (µm) λ (µm) G019.8922+00.1023 G033.3891+00.1989 4.0×10-14 1.2×10-12 1.0×10-12 3.0×10-14 Br γ -1µm) H2Br γ -1µm) 8.0×10-13 CO -2m 2.0×10-14 -2m 6.0×10-13 W W F (λ [Fe II] F (λ 4.0×10-13 H I 1.0×10-14 H I 2.0×10-13 Fluor. Fe II 0 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 λ (µm) λ (µm) G076.3829-00.6210 / S106IR G095.0531+03.9724 2.0×10-12 3.0×10-15 Br γ CO 2.5×10-15 1.5×10-12 -1m) H2 -1m) 2.0×10-15 -2µWm 1.0×10-12 Mg II 2.14 µm Pair -2µWm 1.5×10-15 F (λ He I F (λ 1.0×10-15 0.5×10-12 Fluor. Fe II H I 5.0×10-16 H 2 0 0 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 λ (µm) λ (µm) Figure 3.Example spectra of the MYSOs. Allhave the steep risingcontinuum and some emissionlines, however there isvariation in whichlinesarepresent.ThisfigureshowsallthemajoremissionlinesseeninMYSOs,butisnotintendedtoberepresentativeinterms oftheproportionofMYSOsthatshoweachemissionline. tometry measured from the spectra is good despite the fre- were normalised to the catalogue magnitudes. The correc- quentlypoor weather conditions. tion factor, f /f = 10(mobs−mcat)/−2.5, was calculated obs corr usingthestandardequationforapparentmagnitude,andis Those objects that deviate strongly from the m = obs shown in Table A3. m were all taken in verypoor weather conditions and/or cat with poor seeing. The conditions were highly time-variable for these badly affected observations. The much longer ex- posure times for the objects average out such variations 4 CLASSIFICATION whereas the shorter exposure times for the standards do not. The raw standard star data counts were noticeably Theobjectswereprimarily classified usingtheRMSfollow- very low for these observations in particular. The ratio of up observations. These criteria are described in detail in object to standard then becomes exaggerated. Since there Lumsden et al. (in preparation). In summary, MYSOs con- isonlyonestandardstarspectrumperobject,therewasno form to the colour cuts defined in Lumsden et al. (2002), way to mitigate against this. For consistency, all the fluxes are radio-quiet due to insufficient ionized gas, show strong 6 H.D.B. Cooper et. al. 90 60 80 50 70 60 40 s e c ur K) 50 So A (HV 40 ber of 30 m u 30 N 20 20 10 10 A (HK) = A (JH) V V Akritas-Theil-Sen Line 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 A (JH) A V V Figure 4.Left:Comparisonofextinction calculatedusingJ-andH-bandmagnitudes (AV (JH)) andH-andK-bandmagnitudes (AV (HK)), for theYSOs. Detections aredenoted by blackdiamonds andlimitsbygreen arrows.Thesolidlinerepresents AV (HK)= AV (JH), and the dotted lineis the ATSregressionline.Right: Number distributionof AV forthe YSOs,usingAV (HK) whereavailable, orotherwiseusingAV (JH). trast to more evolved stars, which appear as isolated point sources. This left a sample of predominantly MYSOs, but 5.0 also of some H II regions, proto-planetary nebulae, com- pact planetary nebulae and embedded evolved stars. Near- IR spectroscopy was necessary to distinguish between the 4.0 MYSOsand contaminants. The spectra were classified according to the shape of their continuum and the presence or absence of emission 3.0 and/orabsorptionfeatures.Allthespectrashowtelluricwa- terabsorptioninthe1.8 2.0µmrange.Consequently,this K rangecouldnotbeusedi−ntheanalysisandwastakenoutof H- 2.0 thefigures.Examplespectraofthecontaminantsareshown inFigure2.Figure3showsexamplespectraofMYSOs.Each major emission line is present in at least one of the MYSO 1.0 spectrashown in theexamplefigures.Spectraof all objects observed will be available on theRMS database.4 MYSOsarestillembeddedintheirnatalclouds,sotheir 0.0 spectra show strong dust extinction in the form of a steep rising continuum, and occasionally excess dust emission at λ &2.3 µm. Almost all have emission lines, the most com- 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 mon being Br γ and H . Some also have H-band Brackett 2 J-H series, shocked [Fe II], fluorescent Fe II, or CO bandhead Figure5.Colour-colourdiagramshowingYSOJ−HandH−K emission. Both Br γ and He I can be seen in emission, ab- sorption,orwith aP-Cygni-typeprofile,though atthislow colours for the RMS objects. Detections are denoted by black diamonds and limits by green arrows. The black arrow shows resolution itwas not possible toobtain expansion velocities the extinction vector, of length AV = 10, calculated using the for such profiles. Draine(1989)extinctionlaw.Thebluetriangleshowstheintrinsic Massive YSOsweredifferentiated from low-mass YSOs coloursofaB0star,takenfromKoornneef(1983):J−H =−0.12 by their luminosity: a loose cut of L>103 L⊙ was applied. andH−K=−0.05. Most of the RMS YSOs have luminosities characteristic of massive stars: 131/195 ( 70%) of the RMS YSOs in this ∼ millimetre CO emission as expected in a star formation region, and appear as point sources in mid-IR images at 4 SeeRMSdatabasehttp://www.ast.leeds.ac.uk/RMS/,Lumsden 1′′resolution.Theyshowclusteringinnear-IRimagesincon- etal.(inpreparation) The RMS Survey: Near-IR Spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects 7 (pMapoetrtrhaamveeLt a>l.52×01110b3).LH⊙,owwehvicehr,ctohrreeirspsopnedctsrtaolMpro>pe8rMtie⊙s AV = 0.551m.751(−λ−1m1.275+−ciλn−2t1.75) (1) are very different from those of typical main sequence stars where m and m are themagnitudes used to calculate the 1 2 (Hanson et al. 2005). extinction (either J- and H-band magnitudes, or H- and HIIregionshavecomparativelyflatcontinua,strongHI K-band magnitudes), λ and λ are their reference wave- 1 2 emission, and, often, He I emission. The H I emission con- lengths,c istheintrinsicm m fromKoornneef(1983), int 1 2 formstocase-BofBaker & Menzel(1938)sinceitoriginates and 1.75 is the Draine & Lee−(1984) / Draine (1989) red- in an optically thin ionized region. It is worth noting that dening constant. The errors were calculated in quadrature it was occasionally difficult to distinguish between MYSOs as follows: with strong H I emission and H II regions by their spectra alone. Generally, this was achieved using other data from δA = δm21+δm22 (2) the RMS Survey follow-up or in the literature. In particu- V 0.551.p75(λ−1.75 λ−1.75) 1 − 2 lar, radio observations and GLIMPSEimages were used.In These are shown in Table A3. Where one or more magni- mostcases,HIIregionsproducefree-freeradioemissionow- tudesare unavailable, theextinctions cannot be calculated, ingtothelargeamountofionizedgas,whereasHIemission and‘–’ismarkedinthetable.Wherethe2MASSmagnitude inMYSOsdoesnotproducebrightfree-freeemission.Inad- is a lower-limit, the A given is also a lower-limit. For 35 dition,HIIregionsappeardiffuseinmid-IRGLIMPSEim- V sources(27ofthemYSOs),therewasnotenoughmagnitude ages, so even radio-quiet ‘weak’ H II regions can usually be data tocalculate an extinction. distinguished from MYSOs. Sometimes the suspected cen- The left panel of Figure 4 shows A (HK) against A tralstarofanHIIregionhascharacteristicsofaYSO.These V V (JH) for the YSOs. The solid line represents A (HK) = were classified as ‘YSO/HIIR’. V A (JH),andthedottedlineistheATSregressionline.The Evolvedstarshavemuchlessdustextinctionandthere- KVendall’sτ is0.36,withap-valueof3.0 10−11,indicating fore have comparatively blue continua, or continua that × agoodcorrelationbetweenthetwo.Theequationforthefit peakinthemiddleofthe1.5–2.5 µmrange.Theyoccasion- is ally havethe Brackett series in emission or absorption, and frequently have CO bandhead absorption. Proto-planetary A (HK) =6.0+1.1A (JH) (3) V V nebulae (PPN) are very red and can have strong CO ab- TheregressionlinefallsabovetheA (HK)=A (JH)line. sorption. Some of the PPN spectra closely resemble those V V ThiswasexplainedbyPorter et al.(1998):theH Kcolours of FU-Ori type objects, so it is possible that some of the − appear redder in youngobjects dueto dust excess, and the objects we have classified as PPN are in fact FU-Ori type J H coloursappearbluerduetoscatteringatshortwave- objects. The spectra of planetary nebulae (PN) are flat or − lengths. This artificially increases A (HK) and decreases redandareoftenverysimilartoYSOorHIIregionspectra. V A (JH), meaning the true value for extinction lies some- In these cases, other data from the RMS Survey follow-up V where between the two. As the amount of dust increases, andtheliteraturewereusedtoclassify theobject.Thefinal theeffectbecomesmorepronouncedandtheregression line class found within our sample were M-Giants. These have deviates furtherfrom theA (HK)= A (JH) line. continua that peak in the middle of the 1.5–2.5 µm region, V V Figure 5 shows a colour-colour diagram demonstrating show molecular absorption lines owing to their cool atmo- this point. Some of the objects do fall very close to the ex- spheres, and have strong H O absorption. 2 tinctionline,i.e.thelinethatrunsparalleltotheextinction Ofthe247objectswhosespectraweretaken,therewere vectorandstartsattheintrinsicJ H andH K colours. 180 YSOs, 15 YSOs within H II regions, 26 H II regions, − − However, most fall above this line, showing evidence of the 7 evolved stars, 5 PPN, 4 PN, 5 M-type supergiants, and dust excess emission and/or scattering described above. 5 evolved hot stars labelled as ‘Other’ in the table and on For extinction correction, A (HK) was used where theRMSdatabasewebsiteduetounusualcharacteristicsin V available, or A (JH) when A (HK) was not available, or theirdata.Spectrawerefoundtobeavaluableconfirmation V V was a lower limit. The number distribution of these extinc- of classification in addition to our imaging data in 45% of tions is shown in the right panel of Figure 4. The median cases, and theonly meansof classifying thesource in5% of is A = 42, and the extinctions range from A = 2.7 to cases. V V A = 114, demonstrating that this study covers the min- V imally obscured objects right through to very red, dusty sources. 5 EXTINCTION Two estimates of extinction to each object were calculated, 6 YOUNG STELLAR OBJECTS using the Draine & Lee (1984) / Draine (1989) interstellar 6.1 Spectral Features extinction model; one using J H colours and the other − using H K colours. The MYSO colours were normalised Inadditiontothestrongdustextinctionandcorresponding − to the intrinsic colours of a B0 star, taken from Koornneef steep rising continuum, most YSOs have emission lines in (1983): J H = 0.12 and H K = 0.05. For these cal- theirspectra.However,notallofthemshowthesamelines. − − − − culations, thecatalogue magnitudesinTableA2wereused. One of the objectives of the RMS survey is to identify why The results are listed in Table A3 as ‘A (JH)’ and ‘A there are differences. The main emission lines observed in V V (HK)’ for calculations using the J H and H K colours YSOsin our sample were Br γ, Br 10, Br 11, Br 12, [Fe II] − − respectively. The equation for A is: 1.64µmline,H 2.1218µm,H 2.2477µm,fluorescentFeII V 2 2 8 H.D.B. Cooper et. al. G033.3891+00.1989 G019.8922+00.1023 1.1×10-12 1.2×10-14 Br 10 1.0×10-12 Fluor. Fe II -1m) 9.0×10-13 Br γ -1m) 1.1×10-14 µ µ -2m 8.0×10-13 -2m 1.0×10-14 W CO W F (λ 7.0×10-13 F (λ 9.0×10-15 Br 11 Br 12[Fe II] 6.0×10-13 8.0×10-15 5.0×10-13 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 λ (µm) λ (µm) Figure 6. The K-band section of the spectrum of the YSO Figure 7. The H-band section of the spectrum of the YSO G033.3891+00.1989. This shows a very clear example of the G019.8922+00.1023. This object has both the Brackett series saw-toothprofileoftheCObandhead.ItalsohasBrγ emission. and the [Fe II] 1.64402 µm line, as well as the fluorescent Fe II 1.6878 µm line. Note that the Br 12 / [Fe II] line at ∼1.64 µm ismuchstrongerthantheotherBrackettserieslines. scured the presence of emission lines that became visible Table1.DetectionfrequencyofspectralfeaturesinYSOspectra. Alldetections areat the 3σ level or better. The percentages are when the continuum was subtracted. For all spectral fea- basedontotals of195objectsfortheK-band,188forBr10and turesexcepttheCO2–0bandhead,thelineprofileswerefit- fluorescentFeII,and186fortheshorterwavelengthH-bandlines. ted with a Gaussian function, which Dipso then integrated Thistakes account of thefactthat someoftheobjects werenot to find the total flux of the line. The majority of the spec- detected for part or all of the H-band meaning determining the tral lines are unresolved so a Gaussian function is a good presenceorabsenceofthelinesinthatregionwasimpossible. assumption. Detectionsweredefinedashavingf >3δf ,wheref λ λ λ EmissionFeature NumberofSources Frequency(%) isthelinefluxandδf istheerror.Fortheunresolvedlines, λ Brγ 147 75 Dipsogave a good estimation of the error. Where thelines Br10 85 45 had broad wings or interference in the profile shape from Br11 69 37 noise, Dipso could still fit the line with a Gaussian, but Br12Un-blended 35 19 could not accurately estimate the error. When this was the Br12/[FeII]Blend 46 25 case, errors were calculated using the equation for a Gaus- [FeII]Un-blended 20 11 sian with the height equal to the continuum r.m.s. noise, H2 2.1218µm 109 56 i.e. H2 2.2477µm 18 9 Fluor.FeII 48 26 W δf =h (4) HeI2.0587µm 30 15 λ (cid:18)2√2ln2(cid:19) PfundSeries 13 7 CO2–0Bandhead 34 17 where h is height, and W is the FWHM of an unresolved peak at that wavelength. The continuum r.m.s. noise was measured using Fi- garo’s istat function, taking wavelength ranges with no 1.6878 µm, and CO bandhead. Some objects also exhibited spectrallines,closeenoughtothepertinentspectrallinethat thePfundseries,orothermolecularH lines.HeI2.0587µm 2 extinctionwouldnotdistorttheresult.Ther.m.s.noisewas was seen in both emission and absorption. Both Br γ and measuredfortworangesperline,oneeithersideoftheline, He I were occasionally seen with P-Cygni-type profiles: 13 and the mean value of these was taken. The upper limits MYSOs had Br γ with a P-Cygni profile and 15 had He I fornon-detectionswerecalculated usingthesameequation, with a P-Cygni profile, of which 8 had P-Cygni profiles for with h=3 continuum r.m.s. both Br γ and He I. These objects are listed in Table B3. × The CO bandhead has a saw-tooth shaped profile (see However, the He I 2.11 µm doublet was not seen in the Figure 6), so different treatment was required. The equiva- YSOs,onlyinHIIregions.Detectionfrequenciesareshown lentwidth(EW)wasmeasuredfrom 2.289–2.313 µm,again in Table 1. using Dipso. The mean continuum flux density was mea- suredacrossthe2.2825–2.2875µmrangejusttotheblueend of the bandhead, using Figaro’s istat function. The EWs 6.2 Emission and Absorption Line Fluxes were then converted into fluxes. This is consistent with the The fluxes of the YSO emission and absorption lines were method used by Ishii et al. (2001). Detections were again measuredusingtheStarlinkpackageDipso.Thecontinuum defined as EW >3 δEW, where δEW is the error given by was fitted by a 3rd order polynomial function, then sub- Dipso. Limits were taken as EW =3 δEW. limit tracted. In many cases, the steepness of the continuum ob- The fluxes of the Br γ, Br 10, Br 11, Br 12 / [Fe II] The RMS Survey: Near-IR Spectroscopy of Massive Young Stellar Objects 9 102 102 Carr 1990 RMS Detections Ishii et al. 2001 101 Akritas-Theil-Sen Line 101 RMS Sources 100 100 L (L )γBr O• 1100--21 L (L )γBr O• 1100--21 L AC C= L BLOLBOL 1100--43 1100--43 L AC C== 00..10 1 L BOL L ACC 10-5 10-5 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 L (L ) L (L ) BOL O• BOL O• Figure 8.Left: Brγ luminosityagainst bolometricluminosityfor RMSsources. Detections aredenoted by blackdiamonds andlimits bygreenarrows.Errorsondetections areshown,butarefrequentlytoosmalltobeeasilydistinguishableonthisscale.Thedottedline represents the ATS regression. Right: Comparison of RMS data (diamonds) with those of Carr (1990) (circles) and Ishiietal. (2001) (triangles). Only detections above the 3σ limitare shown. The solidlines represent the loci of LACC =LBOL, LACC =0.1LBOL, and LACC=0.01LBOL usingtheCalvetetal.(2004)relationshipbetweenLACC andLBrγ.Inbothplots,allthelineluminositieshavebeen correctedforextinction, andtheRMSdatahavebeencorrectedforthedifferencebetweenmeasuredandcatalogue magnitudes. 1.64µmline,H 2.1218µm,H 2.2477µm,fluorescentFeII lineswasnotpossible, sothiswas consideredtobethebest 2 2 1.6878 µm,andHeI2.0587 µmlinesarelistedinTableB1, available separation method for the purposesof this paper. with the presence of the Pfund series denoted by ‘P’ in the In 9 of theYSO spectra, dust extinction rendered part finalcolumn.TheequivalentwidthsoftheCO2–0bandhead or all of the H-band too noisy to identify emission lines in arelistedinTableB2.Theerrorsinthetablesareatthe1σ this region with any confidence. This caused difficulties in level.Thefluxesandequivalentwidthsinthetablesarethe theanalysis of these spectra. However, given that there are raw values as measured directly from the spectra, and are 195objects classified asYSOorYSO/HIIR,thisrepresents not corrected for extinction or normalised to the catalogue only 5%oftheobjects.Excludingtheseobjectsfrom the ∼ magnitude (see Section 3). H-Band data analysis still leaves a large enough sample to Br 12 and [Fe II] 1.64402 µm are close to each other makestatistically sound conclusions. and form a blend when both are present (see Figure 7). To determine whether the line seen at 1.64 µm is Br 12, 6.3 H I Emission [Fe II], or a blend, one has to compare this line with the rest of the Brackett series. For this reason, the fluxes of The detection rate of Br γ emission amongst the YSOs is Br 12 and [Fe II] are listed in Table B1 in the same col- 75 %,and many ofthese also haveotherH I lines. This de- umn. Un-blended [Fe II] corresponds to the presence of a tectionfrequencyislowerthanthe97%foundbyIshii et al. lineat1.64µmwhenBr10andBr11areabsent.Whenthe (2001)forintermediate-massYSOsandHerbigAe/Bestars, rest of the Brackett series is present, thepresence of [Fe II] butcomparablewiththe71%foundbyCarr(1990)forlow- can only be inferred if the relative strength of the 1.64 µm mass YSOs. Br γ was also seen with a P-Cygni profile in line compared to Br 11 is higher than expected. Assum- thespectraof13 objects(seeTableB3), indicatingthatfor ing Baker & Menzel (1938) case-B recombination with the those objects, Br γ originated in an outflowing wind. Storey & Hummer (1995) line ratios for Te = 7500 K and The left panel of Figure 8 shows a comparison of Ne = 106 cm−3, the 1.64 µm line was defined as a blend if Brγ luminositywithbolometricluminosity(thelatterfrom f(1.64 µm) > 0.788 f(Br 11). See Section 6.3 for a full Mottram et al.2011a).Correlationandregressiontestswere × discussion of theproperties of H I lines. performedonthelinevs.bolometricluminositydataforthe Thiscutreliesontheemissionlinesbeingopticallythin. RMSobjectsonly.TheATSregression isrepresentedinthe If the lines are not optically thin, the flux of the Br 12 line figureby thedotted line. The equation of theline is: may fall above this limit but not have a contribution from L =10−4.0 (L )0.85 (5) [FeII].Thismeansthatthereareprobablysomeobjectsthat Brγ × BOL are considered to have a blend of Br 12 and [Fe II] under A summary of the results of the correlation tests for all this definition that actually only have Br 12. However, the the lines is shown in Table 2. The Kendall’s τ coefficient low resolution of the spectra meant that de-convolving the for Br γ vs. L shows that there is a strong correlation BOL 10 H.D.B. Cooper et. al. Table 2. Summary of the results of the correlation tests for theemissionlineluminositiesagainstLBOL.Thesefitswereper- 102 formed only on the RMS data; the low- and intermediate-mass MYSOs: Te=7500K, Ne=106cm- 3 starswerenotincludedinthecorrelationandregressioncalcula- Bary et al. 2008 Optically Thick tions. 101 EmissionLine Kendall’sτ p-value Brγ 0.26 6.1 × 10−7 HCCOO2 BBaannddhheeaadd––adleltedcattiaons only 000...104948 00..000.0040036 (L )0O• 100 1 Fluor.FeII–alldata 0.07 0.2 LBr 10-1 Fluor.FeII–detections only 0.36 0.0003 HeI–alldata 0.05 0.4 HeI2.0587µm–detections only 0.45 0.003 10-2 between theBr γ luminosity andthebolometric luminosity of thestar. This correlation was also seen in studies of low- 10-3 andintermediate-massYSOsandHerbigAe/Bestars(Carr 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102 1990;Ishii et al. 2001; Connelley & Greene 2010). LBr γ (LO• ) Brγemissionisknowntoberelatedtoaccretioninlow- mass stars (Calvet et al. 2004), and has been scaled up to Figure 9. Br 10 luminosity against Br γ luminosity for RMS HerbigAe/BestarsbyGarcia-Lopez et al.(2006).Theright sources. Detections are denoted by black diamonds and lim- panel of Figure 8 compares detections in the RMS sources its by green arrows. The black solid line shows the case-B with those of Carr (1990) and Ishii et al. (2001). The solid Storey&Hummer (1995) Br 10/Br γ ratio using values of Te lines represent theloci of LACC =LBOL, LACC =0.1 LBOL, andNefoundfromobservationsofMYSOs;thereddash-dotline andLACC =0.01LBOLusingtheempiricalrelationshipfrom represents the Br 10/Br γ ratio using Te and Ne values for T- Calvet et al. (2004): Tauri stars taken from Baryetal. (2008); and the black dotted linerepresentsthecaseinwhichBr10andBrγarebothoptically log10(LACC)=−0.7+0.9(log10(LBrγ)+4) (6) thick(i.e. black-bodyemission). Thelineluminositieshave been correctedforextinction,andforthedifferencebetweenmeasured The majority of the objects have 0.01 L < L < BOL ACC andcatalogue magnitudes. L . This appears to be true for most RMS sources, BOL implying that there is a common mechanism producing Br γ throughout the mass range covered by Carr (1990), N = 1014 cm−3 when modelling production in infalling e Ishii et al. (2001) and the RMS sources. This trend is seen magnetospheric gas, whereas Bary et al. (2008) observed with other emission lines, suggesting that high-mass YSOs Paschen and Brackett series H I recombination line ratios resemble scaled-up versions of low- or intermediate-mass consistent with temperatures T 6 2000 K and densities e YSOs. 109 <N <1010 cm−3, inconsistent with production in ac- e One of the considerations when distinguishing MYSOs cretingmaterial.TheHartigan et al.(1991)andBary et al. with Brackett series emission from H II regions is whether (2008) T and N values correspond to Storey & Hummer e e the recombination conforms to case-B of Baker & Menzel (1995) Br 12/Br 11 ratios of 0.757 and 0.764 respectively, (1938); recombination emission in typical compact H II re- which are not vastly different from the 0.788 ratio given by gions conforms to case-B, whereas this is not always true usingtheobservationalvaluesforT andN ,givenatypical e e forMYSOs.Storey & Hummer(1995)tabulatedthecase-B fluxerrorforthe1.64µmlineof 10%.However,whilethe ∼ line ratios for a range of temperatures and densities. Br12/Br11ratioisverysimilarwhicheversetofT andN e e Thetemperatureofthegasin whichtheBrseries lines valuesareused,thisisnotthecasefortheBr10/Brγratios: originate must lie between that of a UCHII region (T The observed T and N and the Hartigan et al. (1991) T e e e e ∼ 7500 K) at the lower end, to an OB star (T . 30000 K) and N produce line ratios of 0.338 and 0.301 respectively, e e at the upper end. Similarly, the density of a UCHII region whereas the Bary et al. (2008) ratio is 0.597. imposes a lower limit on the density of N & 104 cm−3. Figure 9 shows Br 10 luminosity against Br γ lumi- e A realistic maximum density for the stellar wind would nosity. Shown on the plot are 3 lines: one showing the be N . 1011 cm−3. For T and N in this range, the Storey & Hummer (1995) Br 10/Br γ ratio using observed e e e Storey & Hummer(1995)Br10/Brγratiovariesfrom0.327 T and N values for MYSOs; one showing the Br 10/Br γ e e to 0.490, i.e. around a 30% variation. Similarly, the Br ratio for T-Tauri stars using T and N from Bary et al. e e 12/Br 11 ratio varies from 0.756 to 0.834, i.e. about 10 %. (2008); and finally oneshowing thetheoretical ratio for op- We adopt the case-B values for MYSOs based on ob- tically thick emission. The Hartigan et al. (1991) ratio for servational evidence (e.g. Porter et al. 1998). Though the T-Tauri stars falls right next to the MYSO line, so is not values for T and N differ from those found for T-Tauri shown on the plot. e e stars, thecorresponding Br12/Br 11line ratios arecompa- Most of the MYSOs fall very close to, or on the T = e rable.Forexample,Hartigan et al.(1991)(andsubsequently 7500 Kand N =106 cm−3 line.However,for aminorityof e Muzerolle et al. 1998) found values of T 10000 K and sources,theBr10/Brγ ratioismuchgreaterthanthatpre- e ∼

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