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The risk of trading : mastering the most important element in financial speculation PDF

226 Pages·2012·8.857 MB·English
by  TomaMichael
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P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February27,2012 7:43 Printer:CourierWestford i P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February27,2012 7:43 Printer:CourierWestford The Risk of Trading i P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February27,2012 7:43 Printer:CourierWestford Founded in 1807, John Wiley & Sons is the oldest independent publish- ingcompanyintheUnitedStates.WithofficesinNorthAmerica,Europe, Australia,andAsia,Wileyisgloballycommittedtodevelopingandmarket- ing print and electronic products and services for our customers’ profes- sionalandpersonalknowledgeandunderstanding. TheWileyTradingseriesfeaturesbooksbytraderswhohavesurvived the market’s ever-changing temperament and have prospered—some by reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether you are a novice trader, professional, or somewhere in between, these books will provide the advice and strategies needed to prosper today and well into thefuture. For a list of available titles, visit our Web site at www.WileyFinance.com. ii P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February27,2012 7:43 Printer:CourierWestford The Risk of Trading Mastering the Most Important Element in Financial Speculation MICHAEL TOMA, CRM JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. iii P1: OTA/XYZ P2: ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February 27, 2012 7:43 Printer: Courier Westford Copyright (cid:2)C 2012 by Michael Toma. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or oth- erwise, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600, or on the Web at www.copyright.com. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, (201) 748-6011, fax (201) 748- 6008, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies con- tained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. Charts were created using TradeStation. (cid:2)CTradeStation Technologies, Inc. 2001-2011. All rights reserved. No investment or trading advice, recommendations, or opinions are being given or intended. For general information on our other products and services or for technical support, please contact our Customer Care Department within the United States at (800) 762-2974, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572-4002. Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in printmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks.FormoreinformationaboutWileyproducts, visit our web site at www.wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData: Toma,Michael,1966– Theriskoftrading:masteringthemostimportantelementinfinancialspeculation/ MichaelToma,CRM. pagescm.–(Wileytradingseries) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-118-10083-7(hardback);IBSN978-1-118-22376-5(ebk); ISBN978-1-118-26207-8(ebk);ISBN978-1-118-23710-6(ebk) 1.Speculation.2.Riskmanagement.I.Title. HG6015.T662012 332.64(cid:3)5–dc23 2011048577 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 iv P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February23,2012 4:58 Printer:CourierWestford Contents Preface vii Acknowledgments xiii About the Author xv PART I Principles of Risk Management 1 CHAPTER 1 Foundations of Risk Management 3 CHAPTER 2 Five Steps in the Risk Management Process 11 PART II Managing and Measuring Risk 61 CHAPTER 3 Predictive Analytics Using Quantitative Analysis 63 CHAPTER 4 Statistical Edge and Its Impact on Risk 71 CHAPTER 5 Embracing a Culture of Analytics 113 PART III Qualitative Elements of Risk 145 CHAPTER 6 The Human Element: Psychological Risks of Trading 147 v P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-fm JWBT671-Toma February23,2012 4:58 Printer:CourierWestford vi CONTENTS CHAPTER 7 Preparing for Risk and Loss 161 CHAPTER 8 Business Risk Management for Traders 181 Bibliography 201 Index 203 P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-Preface JWBT671-Toma February15,2012 14:3 Printer:CourierWestford Preface From corporate offices to trading desk, the two words “risk manage- ment”togetherhavelongsparkedcuriosity,bewilderment,andeven confusion. But recently, the profession has received more respect and recognition in our everyday business world and includes a much big- ger scope than “those people in legal” or “that guy in charge of insurance policies.” The Risk of Trading takes a holistic, or enterprise-based, approach that encompasses not only risks on a trade, but also for the trader and ultimatelythebusinessoftrading. WHY USE A DATA-DRIVEN APPROACH? Anyone in the trading jungle knows that a comparison is often made be- tweentradingandgambling.Thisbooklooksdeeplyintothisanalogyand discovers the statistical principles are, in fact, quite similar. When I first mentionarisk-basedapproachtostock,futures,oroptionstradingtothe casualinvestor,thewords“risky”and“gambling”oftenfollow.Usingame- chanical method to trading supported by a statistically strict data-driven approachofteninvitesevenmorequestions. “Youreallydon’tcarewherethemarketisgoing?”“Don’tyouwantto beatthemarket?”“Isn’tthatabitboring?”“Isthatwhatyoudoallday?”My responsetotheseallegedmarket-predictorsis,“Idon’tfindwinningboring atall.IexecutemyplanwhenIhaveanedge.Alltherulesareinmyplan. What I do is execute my plan with precision just like a project manager building a house or a homeowner mowing the lawn. I’m not concerned about beating the market. I just focus on executing winning trades, and I onlyexecutewhenIhaveabetterchanceofwinningthanlosing.” Thereisacertainlevelofpridewhenso-calledtraderstalkabouttheir successinpredictingmarketmovements.Anyonecandoitforatimewith- out any charts, data, or trading experience. You have about a coin-flip chance of being right, and most just hype the few successful predictions vii P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC JWBT671-Preface JWBT671-Toma February15,2012 14:3 Printer:CourierWestford viii PREFACE over and over again. There’s no pressure for them, of course, since most ofthetimethereisn’tanyhard-earnedcapitalatrisk.Performinghoursof analysistakesmuchmoreenergyandcertainlycomesacrossaslesssexy, ifinfactdataanalysiscanhavesuchanalluringappeal.Thecasualinvestor tendstoberesistanttoanyformofanalytics,sincetheworditselfisreflec- tiveoflotsofworkandanalysis.Whenthesemethodsarepresentedwith simplicity, the better the chance that more will want to hear about them. Combining the conversation with success in trading the markets usually resultsinacaptiveaudience. Establishing a culture of trading analytics and metrics is about per- formingstatisticalanalysistoshifttheoddswhereonecanbesuccessful. Thereisavaluepropositioninusinginformationandeventsthathaveoc- curredinthepasttopredicttheprobabilityoftheiroccurringinthefuture under similar circumstances. Although sometimes associated with a geek dynamic, a data-driven approach is evident in many successful areas of business.Serviceindustriescurrentlyusecustomerandvendordatatode- termine methods to improve quality of service. Internal risk control data generatedfromprocessimprovementassessmentscanassistinimproving productqualityandefficiency.Data-drivendecisionmakingisevenusedto determineifafootballquarterbackshouldpassorhandoffduringcertain situations. The book Bringing Down the House describes the MIT black- jack team’swinning formulaforbeating the casinos using data-driven an- alytics. The book takes a microscopic approach to using data to manage riskandidentifythoseopportunitiesthatpresentanadvantage.Simplyput, pastdataandstatisticsthathaveprovidedpositiveresultsinyourtrading will tend to continue to do so in similar market conditions, thus provid- ingyouwiththecompetitiveadvantageeagerlysoughtintrading.Combine thismethodologywithsolidriskplanning,andyounowhaveaccesstoone ofthemostpowerfultradingtools. Mutualfundcompanies,hedgefunds,andproprietaryfirmshaveused risk protocols for some time, but only recently has the average swing or day trader making a living from his or her basement computer had a risk component to trading. It is now commonplace to have a risk section ap- propriatelytitledinatrader’stradingplan;oratleastforthosewhoinfact havecreatedone. The titleofthisbook reflectstheessentialprinciples oftheriskman- agement concept required in trading stock, ETFs, futures, or other secu- rities and derivatives. Any type of loss, financial, physical, and even loss ofopportunityisafactoflife.Iftheywerenot,howweoptimizethebest use of the ways to minimize loss would be meaningless and unnecessary. Onetrader’sworkvenuemaybevastlydifferentthananother’sinthesame profession.Onecanperformhisorhercraftatahedgefund,propdesk,or atthekitchentable.Inthisbook,Itaketradersonanassessmentjourney

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