The Rise of Eurocentrism This page intentionally left blank The Rise of Eurocentrism ANATOMY OF INTERPRETATION Vassilis Lambropoulos PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Copyright1993byPrincetonUniversityPress PublishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress,41WilliamStreet, Princeton,NewJersey08540 IntheUnitedKingdom:PrincetonUniversityPress,Oxford AllRightsReserved LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Lambropoulos,Vassilis,1953– Theriseofeurocentrism:anatomyof interpretation/VassilisLambropoulos. p. cm. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-691-06949-2 1.Literature—Historyandcriticism—Theory,etc. 2.Canon(Literature) 3.Europeanliterature—History andcriticism. 4.Europe—Civilization. I.Title. PN441.L36 1992 809′.894—dc20 92-3690 ThisbookhasbeencomposedinBitstreamElectra PrincetonUniversityPressbooksareprintedonacid-freepaper, andmeettheguidelinesforpermanenceanddurabilityofthe CommitteeonProductionGuidelinesforBookLongevityofthe CouncilonLibraryResources PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 To Gregory This page intentionally left blank CONTENTS Acknowledgments ix Preface: TheRuleofAutonomy xi CHAPTER ONE TheRitesofInterpretation 3 TheLawofInterpretation 3 Hebraism and Hellenism 24 TheExercise ofReason 41 AestheticFaith 55 TheThreat ofPaganism 78 CHAPTER TWO TheCultureofAtonement 97 TheDialectic ofCapitalism 97 TheCovenant ofEmancipation 115 TheScience ofMyth 162 TheSinofAssimilation 190 CHAPTER THREE WritingtheLaw 215 TheSpiritand theLetter 215 History and Exile 239 TheFutureofTradition 277 TheArtofRuling 311 EpilegomenatoModernity 327 Notes 333 Bibliography 413 Index 459 This page intentionally left blank ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I HAVE BENEFITED from the collegial atmosphere of the Department of Judaic and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures of the Ohio State University,where I havebeen working,firstasanassistantandthenasan associateprofessorofModernGreek.TheChairman,FredericCadora,As- sociate Dean Marvin Zahniser, andDean MichealRiley ofthe College of Humanities assisted my research with grants and many helpful adminis- trativearrangements.DimitrisMytarasgenerouslygavemepermission to use his painting on the cover. Eric Schramm copy-edited the manuscript with great care and sensitivity. Also, I was fortunate once again to work withaneditorofRobertBrown’s initiativeandintegrity. I should like to thank my parents and my in-laws for their unwavering confidence,trust,andsupport.Iamequallygratefultomyextendedfam- ily, Andreas and Maria Mylonas, and Yannis and Katerina Varvarigos. I am grateful to Julian Anderson for her reassuring faith. I thank my re- search associates Panayiotis Bosnakis, Kostas Demelis, Evangelos Gegas, and Kui Qiu for their diligence and dedication to scholarship. I appreci- ate the generosity andencouragementof Margaret Alexiou,VictoriaHol- brook, Mary Layoun, and Amy Shuman,who gaveme theopportunity to present my ideas in seminars, talks, and conferences they organized. Stathis Gourgouris, Eugene Holland, Eleni Vakalo, and Nanos Valaoritis helpedwithinsightfulsuggestionsonparticularsections.GregoryNagyil- luminated crucial issues as he responded to the first draft. Nancy Arm- strongandLeonardTennenhousehaveconsistentlyprovidedvaluablepo- litical lessons. Peter Bien, John Chioles, and Michael Herzfeld read the entire manuscript and guided me with perspicacity and wisdom through many difficult passages. Daphne created and enjoyed all the appropriate emergencies. Without Artemis, I wouldn’t have done it and it wouldn’t beworthit.