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The Rise of Civilization PDF

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THER ISOEFC IVILIZATION THER ISOEF C IVILIZATION FroEma rFlayr mteoUr rsb aSno ciientt hyAe n ciNeenatEr a st CharlLe.Rs e dman StaUtnei veorfsN ietwy York Binghamton [E W.H .FR EEMAANN DC OMPANY SaFnr ancisco libraryo fC ongreCastasl oginignPu blicatiDoanta RedmanChar,l esL . The riseo fci vilization. Bibliograpph.y : Incluidnedse x. 1.NeaEasrt -CivilizatiIo.Tn i.tl e. 0557.R943 9 78-1493 ISBN 0-7167-0056-5 ISBN pbk. 0-7167-0055-7 Copyright1©978 b yW .H .F reemanadnC ompany Nop arto fth isb oomka yb ere produbcyea dn y mechanipchaolt,o graoprhe ilce,ctr opnriocc ess, ori nth ef ormo fa p honograrpehciocr ding, nomr ayi tbe s torienad r etrievsayls tem, transmittoerdo ,t herwicsoep ifoerdp ubloirc privautseewi ,t howriuttte np ermissfiroonm thep ublisher. Printiendth eU nitSetda toefAs m erica 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ToM YF AMILY PREFACE Thearreme a ncyo mpelrleiansfgoo nsrst udyinIgh avaet temtpotw erdit theib so osko t haitt thpea sNto.ot n liysi m ty sterainoddui ss tbauntt ,s atissefiveesgr oaalIl itss .i ntenpdreidm afroirl y iitst hkee tyo u nlocokuiornr gi gFienswsu .b jecsttusd enotfas r cheoalnotghyr,o paonladon gcyi,e nt araese xciotria sni gn teraesst thriein osgfec ivilh­istIotryc .a nb eu seads a bastiecx tbfooork izatMieonna .n dw omeenq uipwpietdoh n ly courosnet sh rei soefc ivilitzhaNete ioolni,t hic, simptloeo flasc tehdce h alloefnn gaetu raen d orN eaEra stern aIritcs ah lesodole osgiygt.no e d moldoeudt o fa simpbleeg innai cnogm plebxe a s upplemteenoxtrtac rya sset ufdoygr e neral sociTehtye.ai crh ieveimnecnltusd e atnedc hinnitcraold cuocutroisrnaey rs c heology. enginefeeratithntsaag m aztehe ex peerctosn,o micA lthoIuh gahva et temtpotp erde stehnmeta ­ anidn dusitnrnioavlat thiraoetns sh atpheed wortledr,ii nat lh ibso ookb jecttihvoeer lgya,n ization, anda rtiasntdli ict earcacroym plitshhamater net sse lecotfmi aotne rainabdla sl,a anrcaeeff ecbtye d ast hritloldiaansytg h ewye rfiev teh ousyaenadr sm yo wnv ieowfa rcheoHleongciyeit.,si mportant agoT.h ep erifordo 8m0 0t0o2 00e0. cd.u,r infgo trh ree adteokr n owwh amty p erspeicst.i ve whicahg ricualntduu rrbela inwf eer ien troduEcsesde ntIai maa lp loys,i tainvadip srta gmatist, and int ehN eaEra swta,sa t imoefi ntecnrseeat tyi vIvi ieawr cheoflrootgymh epseer speIcb teilvieesv.e andc hanTgheee. v entthsat to opkl atchee anr e thatth iem porptraoncte osfst ehpsea scta nb e certabiontlfhya scintaotl ienagar bno uatn d knowfnr otmh eex ismtaitnegrr ieamla ibnuastt, wortohfsy e riionuvse stigation. thsea mtei mIer ecogtnhiaaztre c heolhoagvies ts Thes ubjoeftc htbi oso ikts h rei osfce i vilizyaetttio do env emlaonpoy f t htee chninqeuceess sary int haen ciNeenatEr a sAtl.t hocuigvhi lizaftoimroe nass urpihnegn omoefni an terNeesvte.r the­ emergienod t hreerg ioofnt sh weo rlcdu,r renlte sisste, e umnsn ecetsows aaiurytn ttihpleo tential informlaetaitdoosnt hec onclutshiafoton o d ofa rcheolroegsiecaharablcse h e rne albiezfeodr e procdtuiaonnud r bsaonc iweetyra ec hieivnte hde writtihnsigys n thTehseci usr.r setnaottf ke n owl­ NeaEra sattl eaasset a ralsyt hewye rien a ny edgiess ubjteocc hta nagnedI,e xpetchtae tn or­ othreerg iooftn hw eo rladnp,de rheavpesen a rlimeoru sst riwdieblselt akdeunr itnhngee xdte cades thaann ywheelrsEee v.ei nfa n ewd iscowveerrye tof iolulat s peocftt hspe i cttuhraaetr n eo wo nly tor evetahlat th eascec omplishhampepnetnses dp eculative. earliinae nro trheegri tohnaw,to ulndo dte tractT heb ooiks o rganaiczceodr tdoid negv elop­ frotmh see mienffaeltc htaN te aEra stdeervne lompe­ntsatla greast htehras nt rriecgti onoarl ism menthsa do nt hfeo rmaotfiW oens teCrinv ilcih­ronolpoegriicMoaadlns sy.e ctcioonntsna eiwn zation. synthfeoswreh si cchu ltvuarraila rbaltethshe arn viii Prtfac t site-bayn-asliyatsreethe se b aseFsoe.ra chs tageP attyJ oW atsonh avper ofoundly imnflyu enced ofd evelopamf ewen kte ys itaersse e lectaendd thinkinga ndw orkb y encouraginag,d vising,. descriinbd eedtaa islca ses tudwiithe ssu pportingc riticizinagn,db eingt hael l-rgoounodfd r iends photographic doThceu miennttaetiniotisnto .on thaetv eyryo unpgr ofeshsoipeosnatl oh ave. combibnreo ad cowviethir na-gdee trpetahtm ent Fieolpdp ortunitiheasvb ee emna daev ailtaob le ofe xisetinmgp iriecvali deannccurrdee nth ypoth­ met hrougahv arieotyf fun ding institutioinn­s, eseosn i mportanti nnovatHiypoonst.h esaerse cludintgh eN ationSacli enFcoeun datioFno,r d presenatsie ftd h ewye rceo mpledteevleyl opFeodun datioann,d th eS mithsoInnsitani tutiThoen . positiaonndsi ns omcea saessif they werien projtehctae tn ablmeetd o c ollabwoirthma atney directo pposittoei aocnoh t heThri.si sm orteh an ofth es cholmaernst ioanbeodvi est hJeo iPrnet­ ism eanbtys omoef t hepirro ponwehnotv si ew historic oPfthr eoU jnievcte rsoiftI isetasn baunld theirp roposaasll so osweolryk oeudit d etahsa tCh icagdiroe ctedb yH al{:aemtb ealn dR obeJrt. theyp ufto rftho dri scussanido nnoa ts th eifirna l BraidwFooodrt. h aotp portunity I am indeed conclusIhi aovnaestt .e mptteobd etru e toth eir grateful. ideanads i ntegrthaetmei na emaninfgfuals hionM.a nyp eophlaev hee lpwiethd v ariaosusp ects Ia polofgizoeanr y misrepresentationso.fp reparitnhgi msa nuscrTihpets .ta ffo fW .H . Therea rem anyp eopalned i nstitutthiaotn sF reemanadn C ompahnayv bee eonfgr eaats sis­ havmea diet p ossifbolmree t ow ritthies book tancees,p eciJaolhHln.y S taplMeansy. o thers and toa lolfth emI o wea d ebotfgr atitudMey. haveg eneroalulsolwyem det ou sep hotographs own inteinr etshNtee aEra scta bne tr acetdom y andl inder awiinn thgiss t exPta.rts o ra lolfth e familiynfl'use nancde p redamtyec sa reienar r ­ bookw erree aadn dc onstructivecloym mented cheoloIgyh .a vbee emno sfto rtunatei nt eacherso,nb yR obeMrtc CA.d amRso,b eJrt.B raidwood, colleaguaensd,fi eldwoanrdk h,a vbee nefiteJd.D esmoCnldar kJ,a cHka rlPaantty,J oW atson, greatlyb yw orkiinnthg e N eaEars tw ithLl nda RichAa.rW da tsoann,dH erbEe.rtW righTto.a ll BraidwoHoadl,eµ tm belB,ru ceH oweB,ar barao ft heamn dt oo thceorl leaIagu mei sn debftoerd LawrenAcrtheu,r J elinHeakn,Ns i ssJeenaPe,nrr ot, manyo fth ei deeaxsp rehsesreaedl, th ougthh ey CharlReese dR,o beSrtt ewartW,i llveamnZ eists,h ounlodtb eh elrde sponsfiobarln ey o fth e AnitWaa lkeRirch,a rdW atsoGnl,a dWyesi n­shortcomings. berSga,ulW einbeanrgd,G ary WrighItna. d dition, RobeMrctC .A damsR,o beJrt.B raidwaonodd ,J anu1a97ry8 CharLl.Re esd man

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