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THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SOVIET ECONOMY An Economic History ef the USSR.from 1945 The Postwar World General Editors: A.J. Nicholls and Martin S. Alexander As distance puts events into perspective, and as evidence accumulates, it begins to be possible to form an objective historical view of our recent past. The Postwar World is an ambitious series providing a scholarly but readable account of the way our world has ben shaped in the crowded years since the Second World War. Some volumes will deal with regions, or even single nations, others with important themes; all will be written by expert historians drawing on the latest scholarship as well as their own research and judgements. The series should be particularly welcome to Students, but it is designed also for the general reader with an interest in contemporary history. Decolonisation in Africa, Second Edition J.D. Hargreaves The Community of Europe: A History of European Integration since 1945, Second Edition Derek W. Urwin Northern Ireland since 1945, Second Edition Sabine Wichert A History of Social Democracy in Postwar Europe Stephen Padgett and William E. Paterson 'The Special Relationship': A Political History of Anglo-American Relations since 1945 C.J. Bartlett Rebuilding Europe: Western Europe, America and Postwar Reconstruction D.W. Ellwood Central Europe since 1945 Paul G. Lewis International Relations since 1945. A History in Two Volumes John Dunbabin The Cold War. The Great Powers and their Allies The Post-Imperial Age: The Great Powers and the Wider World Modern Indonesia: A History since 1945 Robert Cribb and Colin Brown Peace Movements: International Protest and World Politics since 1945 April Carter The Bonn Republic: West German Democracy, 1945-1990 A.J. .Nicholls The Pacific Basin since 1945, Second Edition Roger C. Thompson United Nations Peacekeeping in Africa since 1960 Norrie MacQueen The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Economy: An Economic History of the USSR from 1945 Philip Hanson THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SOVIET ECONOMY AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE USSR FROM 1945 PHILIP HANSON R O Routledge U T LE DG Taylor&Francis Group E LONDON AND NEW YORK First published 2003 by Pearson J· :duealion I .imiled Published 2014 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Millon Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017, USA Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an infimna business Copyright it') 2003, Taylor & Francis. The right of Philip Hanson to be identified as Author of this Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 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ISI3N 13: 978-0-582-29958-0 (pbk) British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book can be obtained from the British Library Library ef Congress Cataloging in Publication Data A CIP catalog record for this book can be obtained from the Library of Congress Typeset in 11/ l 3pt Baskerville by Graphicraft Limited, Hong Kong CONTENTS List ef Tables ....................................................................................................................... vii List ef Figures ....................................................................................................................... ix Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................... x Editorial Foreword ................................................................................................................ xi Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 1. The Starting Point: the Stalinist Economic System and the Aftermath of War ............................................................................................. 9 The inheritance from the 1930s: the Soviet economic planning system ...................... 9 The aftermath of war ................................................................................................... 21 Post-war recovery: the Fourth Five-Year Plan, 1946-50 ........................................... 25 Priorities and the defence sector .................................................................................. 30 Agriculture .................................................................................................................... 34 Economic organisation and policy more generally .................................................... .40 Living conditions and the first stirrings of acquisitive dissent ..................................... 43 Economic relations with the outside world ................................................................. 45 2. Khrushchev: Hope Rewarded, 1953-60 ...................................................... 48 Policy-making and power ............................................................................................. 50 Khrushchev's initiatives ................................................................................................ 51 Agriculture .................................................................................................................... 52 The Sovnarkhoz reform .................................................................................................. 58 Foreign trade, aid and technology transfer ................................................................. 60 Wages and the welfare of workers ............................................................................... 63 Economic debate .......................................................................................................... 67 3. Khrushchev: Things Fall Apart, 1960-64 ................................................... 70 Policies: 'catching up' and the seven-year plan ........................................................... 71 Agriculture .................................................................................................................... 74 Foreign trade and external relations ............................................................................ 80 Incomes and consumption ........................................................................................... 87 Economic debate .......................................................................................................... 91 Khrushchev and the economy in retrospect ............................................................... 96 4. A New Start: Brezhnev, 1964-73 ................................................................... 98 Early days ................................................................................................................... 100 The 1965 reform ........................................................................................................ 101 The improvement in growth ...................................................................................... 108 Agriculture .................................................................................................................. 112 Soviet citizens as consumers ....................................................................................... 114 THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SOVIET ECONOMY Foreign trade and payments ...................................................................................... 119 Economic debate ........................................................................................................ 124 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 125 5. The 'Era of Stagnation': 1973-82 ................................................................ 128 The growth slowdown ................................................................................................ 132 Policies and reforms ................................................................................................... 140 Agriculture .................................................................................................................. 149 Foreign economic relations ........................................................................................ 154 The late Brezhnev era in retrospect .......................................................................... 162 6. Three Funerals and a Coronation: November 1982 to March 1985 ............................................................................................................ 164 Economic discussion ................................................................................................... 165 Policies ........................................................................................................................ 169 Outcomes .................................................................................................................... 174 7. Gorbachev and Catastroika ............................................................................. 177 Acceleration, discipline and the alcohol campaign, 1985-86 .................................. 178 Forward to reform, 1987-89 ..................................................................................... 192 8. The End-game, 1989-91 .................................................................................. 218 Accelerating political change ..................................................................................... 218 Economic policies ....................................................................................................... 222 Breaking up a single economic space ........................................................................ 235 Economic outcomes; Western assistance ................................................................... 236 Public opinion ............................................................................................................. 238 9. The Soviet Economy in Retrospect .............................................................. 240 Soviet post-war economic performance in comparative perspective ........................ 241 Why did growth slow down? ..................................................................................... 248 The final output collapse ............................................................................................ 253 Annex: Measuring changes in productivity ............................................................... 254 Bibliography ........................................................................................................................ 256 Index .................................................................................................................................... 269 Vl LIST OF TABLES 1.1 USSR post-Second World War economic recovery 26 1.2 USSR net agricultural production per head of population, 1940 and 1950-53 39 1.3 Soviet real incomes and consumption levels, 1937-55 44 2.1 Soviet net farm output per head of population and agricultural value added, 1950-53 and 1955-58 55 2.2 Soviet state and state-assisted housing construction, 1946-65 64 3.1 The abandoned Sixth Five-Year Plan, 1956-60 71 3.2 Soviet foreign trade volume, 1955-65 81 3.3 The political-geographical composition of Soviet merchandise trade in 1960 82 3.4 Soviet hard-currency trade and external finances, 1960-64 84 3.5 Soviet personal incomes, consumption and repressed inflation, 1960-64 88 4.1 Soviet growth in the late Khrushchev and early Brezhnev periods: alternative estimates 109 4.2 Estimates of Soviet total factor productivity (TFP) growth, 1960-70 110 4.3 Soviet agricultural output, inputs and factor productivity 113 4.4 Some indicators of Soviet consumption, 1965-7 3 115 4.5 Soviet consumption levels: selected comparative indicators, 1968-73 116 4.6 Partially repressed inflation: state and Kolkhoz market food trade, 1965, 1970, 1975 118 4.7 Soviet measures of Soviet net material product as a percentage of US, selected years, 1963-85 126 5.lA 'Stagnation': the slowdown in Soviet growth in the 1970s and early 1980s 133 5.lB Components in the slowdown between 1964-73 and 1973-85 133 5.2 The Soviet economy in 1976-82: a growth accounting exercise 136 THE RISE AND FALL OF THE SOVIET ECONOMY 5.3 Soviet output and output per head of population, selected farm products, 1977-82 152 6.1 The Soviet economy in 1982-85: selected indicators 174 7.1 A schematic illustration of Soviet resource-allocation options for 1986-90 182 7.2 Soviet medium-term plans, 1981-90 184 7.3 External and internal prices for selected Soviet products, 1987 201 7.4 Individual labour activity, joint ventures and cooperatives: the state of play in 1990 209 7.5 Soviet economic developments, 1985-89 inclusive 210 8.1 Selected Soviet economic indicators, 1990-91 236 9.1 Soviet and US per capita GDP compared, selected years, 1946-91 243 9.2 Soviet and US per capita GDP: growth rates for selected periods, 1950-91 243 9.3 Selected countries: rates of divergence from and convergence to the per capita GDP level of the US over the period 1950-92 245 9.4 World and selected countries and groups of countries: years of life expectancy in 1960-65 and 1985-90 247 9.5 A growth accounting exercise for the USSR, 1950-90 249 Vlll LIST OF FIGURES Figure I. l Soviet GNP: average annual growth rates, 1945-91 5 Figure 1.1 The Soviet planning system as a layered hierarchy 11 Figure 1.2 The Soviet Union and the development of nuclear weapons 33 Figure 3.1 Soviet agriculture: value added, 1950-80 75 Figure 9.1 Soviet GNP, 1940-92 242 Figure 9.2 Catching up and overtaking: USSR and US per capita GDP, 1946-92 244 Figure 9.3 Russia/USSR per capita GDP as a percentage of US, selected years, 1913-98 244

Why did the Soviet economic system fall apart? Did the economy simply overreach itself through military spending? Was it the centrally-planned character of Soviet socialism that was at fault? Or did a potentially viable mechanism come apart in Gorbachev's clumsy hands? Does its failure mean that tru
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