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The Rise and Fall of Greater Syria: A Political History of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party PDF

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Carl C. Yonker The Rise and Fall of Greater Syria De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences Volume 1 Carl C. Yonker The Rise and Fall of Greater Syria A Political History of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party ISBN 978-3-11-072847-7 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-072909-2 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-072914-6 ISSN 2747-5689 e-ISSN 2747-5697 Library of Congress Control Number: 2020952340 Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at http://dnb.dnb.de. © 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Cover image: Syrian Social Nationalist Party gathering in Lebanon, 1 March 1949. © The Palmach Archive Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck www.degruyter.com Figure 1: Syrian Social Nationalist Party Map of Greater Syria. (Wikimedia Commons) Acknowledgments TheEnglishpoetJohnDonne’sfamouswordsthat“nomanisanisland,”which pointtotheimportance,evennecessity,forhumanstobeincommunityinorder tothrive, areparticularlyapt as I reflect on the time Idedicatedto this project. Were it not for the contributions, guidance, support, and encouragement of my community of family, friends, and colleagues, current and former, I would not havethrivedorcompletedthiswork.Tothem,Iexpressmysincereandheartfelt thanksandgratitudefor alltheyhavedone,whilealsoacknowledgingthatany shortcomings and mistakes in the study that follow are mine, and mine alone. This bookand the dissertation onwhich it is based would not exist were it not for the invaluable advice, assistance, encouragement, and contributions of several professors at Tel Aviv University with whom I have worked closely for nearlyadecade.EyalZisser,mydoctoraladvisor,providedtheinitialinspiration forstudyingtheSyrianSocialNationalistPartywhileIwasagraduatestudentin his Modern History of Lebanon and Syria course. Having planted the seed, he thenshepherdedmydissertation tocompletion,offeringmevaluableguidance, advice,andcriticismthroughout,ensuringImadesteadyprogressandneverlost sight of the larger context of Lebanese and Syrian politics and society. He also helped me secure important funding for my research. Uriya Shavit has been a steadfast source of support, helping me navigate university bureaucracy, advis- ingandassistingme insecuringfunding,providingmewiththeopportunityto gainmyfirstteachingexperience,andencouragingmeeverystepoftheway.Uzi RabiprovidedmewithanintellectualhomeattheMosheDayanCenterandgave me important guidance and recommendations that strengthened the Introduc- tion to this book. Bruce Maddy-Weitzman,who advised my master’s thesis, has been a devoted teacher, mentor, colleague, and friend whose door has always been open to me to talk about research, life, and our shared love of baseball. Iamdeeplygratefultoeachofthemforalltheyhavedoneandtheirunceasing encouragement. SpecialthanksareduetoMichaelReshef,thedirectoroftheArabicPressAr- chives at the Moshe Dayan Center (MDC), and Marion Gliksberg,the directorof the Moshe Dayan Center library, for their assistance in finding and locating ar- chivalmaterialandsourcesfortheproject.ThanksalsotothestaffsoftheCentre desArchivesdiplomatiquesdeNantes(CADN)andTheNationalArchivesatKew fortheirassistanceinlocatingrelevantfiles.IwouldalsoliketothanktheMDC, CADN, and the Palmach Archive for granting me permission to use the photo- graphsthatappearinthisbook.Further,ImustthankmyfriendsAndrewEsens- tenandChrisSolomon,whovisitedseverallibrariesintheUnitedStatestoscan https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110729092-001 VIII Acknowledgments importantbooksIwasunabletopurchasefrombookstoresinLebanon,France, and the UK, or find in libraries in Israel. Throughout theresearchandwritingofthisbook,manyfriends andcollea- gues have willingly listened to me discuss my work, read parts of the manu- script,andofferedvaluablefeedback,insights,support,andencouragement,in- cluding Ryan H., Ryan F., Jake, Patrick, Natalie, Ben S., Ben M., Joel, Joyce, Duygu, Rachel, Brandon, Jessie, Or, Roger, Leah,Waleed, Yair, Michael, Gadi, and Tzachi. AtDeGruyter,IwouldliketothankGerhardBoomgaarden,theSocialScien- ces Editorial Director, Tony Mason, the Social Sciences Commissioning Editor, andMichaelaGöbels,ContentEditor,foracquiringthemanuscriptandtheirpro- fessionalism in guiding it through the production process. MygreatestdebtofgratitudeisowedtomyfamilyintheUnitedStates,Unit- edKingdom,andIsrael,firstandforemostmywifeSigalitandoursonRoi,who wasborninthemiddleofthisproject.Sigalitlovinglyandpatientlyputupwith my absent-mindedness and fretting, keeping me grounded, supporting and en- couraging me throughout,providing me feedback, and ensuring Iwas not con- sumed by my work. Roi is our greatest source of joy and pride; he inspired me and kept me going.Without their love and support, this book would not exist at all.This work is dedicated to them. Contents Acknowledgments VII Introduction 1 Imagining Syria: Syrian Nationalism, Greater Syria, and the SSNP 6 The SSNP in Popular Discourse 13 Comparing Radical Rivals: The Communists, the Baʿth, and the Kataʾib 17 The Communists 17 The Baʿth 19 The Kataʾib 20 The SSNP in Academic Discourse 22 Organization of the Book 27 Part One: A New Generation  Nationalist Formation: Antun Saʿadeh in the South American Mahjar 33  Establishing a Nationalist Movement 46 . Beginnings: Clandestine Organization and Recruitment 47 . Discovery: The Beginning of Open Struggle 56  Freedom Proves Fleeting 66 . Freedom and Confrontation 73 . From Détente to Exile 83 Part Two: The War Years  Those Who Have Departed and Those Who Have Remained 97 . Exile 98 . Under Pressure: The Mandate Cracks Down on the SSNP 105 X Contents  Tightening the Noose: Life Under Vichy 109 . Disconnected 115 . “The Mandate Continues”: The Free French and the SSNP 118  The Early Days of Independence 127 . Forging a Path Ahead as the “National Party” 130 . A Special Election 137 Part Three: The Road to a Failed Revolution and Its Aftermath  Erasing the Mandate 145 . The End of the Mandate 145 . The Gathering Storm 149  Return to the Field of Struggle 159 . Saʿadeh Versus Thabit: The Struggle for the Party 162 . Rebuilding the Party and The Palestine Question 168  An Inglorious Revolution 177 . The Aftermath: Revenge and Reorganization 185 . Emerging from the Shadows 191 Part Four: Advance and Retreat  Out of the Shadows: Contesting Elections in Syria and Lebanon 197 . The Electoral Struggle 198 . Consequences: Navigating the Post-Shishakli Political Order 203 . New Challenges from Within and Without 210  The Malki Affair: The Uprooting of the SSNP in Syria 216 . Military Tribunals and Syria’s Pursuit of the SSNP in Lebanon 222 . A Bitter Struggle: The Clandestine Battle Against the Syrian Regime 227

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