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TTT hhh eee RRR A MISTRA Publication iii sss eee aaa nnn ddd TTThhheee MMMaaapppuuunnnggguuubbbwwweee IInnInsssttitittiutuuttetee ffofoorr r SSSttrtraraatteteegggiiccic DDD A MISTRAPublication RRReeeflflfleeecccttitiooionnn ((M(MMIISSISTTTRRRAAA)),), , wwwhhhiiccichhh wwwaaasss pppuuubbblliilccicllyyly eee ccc TTThhheee RR Riissiseee aa annnddd DD Deeeccclliilnnineee aa annnddd RR Riissiseee oo off f CC Chhhiinninaaa:: : llaalauuunnnccchhheeeddd aaasss aaa tththhiinninkkk ttataannnkkk iinnin MMMaaarrcrcchhh 222000111111,, , TTThhhiissis ii ssis aa a tt itimmimeeellyyly aa annnddd gg grrrooouuunnndddbbbrrreeeaaakkkiinninggg bb booooookkk.. .II ttI t ii nninvvveeesssttitiggigaaatteteesss aa annnddd pp prrreeessseeennnttstss tt hthheee rr riissiseee lll ininin SSSeeeaaarrrccchhhiinninggg ff ofoorrr aa annn OO Orrrgggaaannniissisiinninggg PP Phhhiillioolosssoooppphhhyyy wwwaaasss ff ofoouuunnndddeeeddd bb byyy aa a gg grroroouuuppp oo off f SS Sooouuutththh AA Affrfririccicaaannnsss oooff f CC Chhhiinninaaa cc cooommmppprrreeehhheeennnsssiivviveeellyyly,, ,tt ataakkkiinninggg ii nninttotoo cc cooonnnsssiiddideeerraraattitiooionnn nn nooott t oo onnnllyyly ii ttistss pp prrreeessseeennntt t bb buuutt t aa allsslsooo eee rrreeeppprrreeessseeennnttstss aa a nn neeewww aa annnddd pp prrrooommmiissisiinninggg aa apppppprrroooaaaccchhh tt otoo wwwiittihthh eeexxxpppeeerririeeiennnccceee iinnin rrereessseeeaaarrcrcchhh,, , aaacccaaadddeeemmmiiaaia,, , iittistss hh hiissisttotoorrryyy;; ;nn nooott t oo onnnllyyly ee ecccooonnnooommmyyy aa annnddd pp pooolliilttiiticcicsss bb buuutt t aa allsslsooo ii ttistss cc cuuullttlutuurrreee,, ,vv vaaalluulueeesss,, , aaa nnn AAAffrfrriiccicaaa//C/CChhhiinninaaa rr reeellaalattitiooionnnsss.. .WW Whhhaaatt t ii ssis mm mooossstt t ii mmimppprrreeessssssiivviveee pppooolliilccicyyymmmaaakkkiinninggg aa annnddd gg gooovvveeerrnrnnaaannnccceee ww whhhooo ss saaawww tt hthheee aaannnddd pp phhhiillioolosssoooppphhhyyy.. . ddd iissis tt hthhaaatt t ii tti t ii ssis aa annn ee ennncccooouuunnntteteerrr bb beeettwtwweeeeeennn AA Affrfrriiccicaaannn aa annnddd nnneeeeeeddd tt otoo cc crrereeaaattetee aa a pp pllaalattftfofoorrmrmm ff ofoorr r ee ennngggaaagggeeemmmeeennntt t RRR WWWhhhaaatt t mm maaakkkeeesss tt hthhiissis bb booooookkk uu unnniiqqiquuueee aa annnddd gg giivviveeesss ii tti t tt hthheee mm mooossstt t ss siiggignnniififiificccaaannnccceee,, ,hh hooowwweeevvveeerr,r, , isisis CCChhhiinnineeessseee tt hthhooouuuggghhhtt,t, ,bb buuutt t tt hthhiissis ee ennncccooouuunnntteteerrr ii ssis nn nooott t jj uujussstt t aaarroroouuunnnddd ss sttrtraraatteteegggiiccic ii ssissssuuueeesss ff afaaccciinninggg SS Sooouuutththh AA Affrfririccicaaa.. . eee iissis tt hthhaaatt t tt hthheee cc cooonnnttrtrriibbibuuuttotoorrrsss ee exxxaaammmiinnineee CC Chhhiinnineeessseee vv vaaalluulueeesss aa annnddd pp prraraacccttiticciceeesss ii nnin rr reeellaalattitiooionnn tt otoo aaa ss seeett t oo off f ss sttataalleele cc cooommmpppaaarrriissisooonnnsss oo off f pp phhhiillioolosssoooppphhhiiccicaaall l MMMIISSISTTTRRRAAA c ccooommmbbbiinnineeesss r rereessseeeaaarrcrcchhh a aannnddd a aacccaaadddeeemmmiiccic ooo mmmaaannniiffiefeesssttataattitiooionnnsss oo off f tt hthheeessseee ii nnin AA Affrfrriiccicaaa,, ,aa addddddrrreeessssssiinninggg tt hthheee pp paaarraraammmooouuunnntt t qq quuueeesssttitiooionnn oo off f hh hooowww fff bbbeeelliileeieffsfss.. .TT Thhhiissis ss sttutuudddyyy pp pllaalaccceeesss tt hthheee cc cooonnnccceeepppttstss aa annnddd dddeeevvveeelloolopppmmmeeennntt,t, , sssttrtraraatteteegggiiccic rrereeflflfleeecccttitiooionnnsss aaannnddd C C C AAAffrfrriiccicaaa cc caaannn rr reeettataaiinnin aa annnddd cc caaapppiittiataalliilzzizeee ii ttistss rr riiccichhh cc cuuullttlutuurraraall ltt rtraraadddiittiitiooionnnsss aa asss ii tti t aa accchhhiieeievvveeesss ss soooccciiaaiall l hhh aaatttttitittiutuudddeeesss ii nnin bb boootththh CC Chhhiinninaaa aa annnddd AA Affrfrriiccicaaa ii nnin tt hthheeeiirrir ss soooccciiooio--- iinnintteteellllleelecccttutuuaaall l dddiissiscccooouuurrsrsseee aaannnddd aaapppppplliileeiesss iittistsseeellffl f iii aaannnddd ee ecccooonnnooommmiiccicaaall ltt rtraraannnsssffofoorrrmmmaaattitiooionnnsss ii nnin tt hthheee 22 2111ssstt t cc ceeennnttutuurrryyy.. . nnn pppooolliilttiiticcicaaall lcc cooonnntteteexxxttstss,, ,ii nnin aa annn aa attttteteemmmppptt t tt otoo pp prrrooovvviiddideee aa a ttotoo iississssuuueeesss sssuuuccchhh aaasss eeecccooonnnooommmiiccicsss,, , sssoooccciiooiolloologggyyy,, , aaa ::: sssoooppphhhiissisttiticcicaaatteteeddd,, ,ss seeennnsssiittiitivviveee,, ,aa annnddd uu usssaaabbblleele hh hiissisttotoorrryyy.. . gggooovvveeerrnrnnaaannnccceee,, ,h hhiissisttotoorrryyy,, ,a aarrrttstss a aannnddd c ccuuullttlutuurreree,, ,a aannnddd II Iss sttrtrrooonnngggllyyly rr reeecccooommmmmmeeennnddd tt hthhiissis bb booooookkk tt otoo ee evvveeerrryyyooonnneee ii nnintteteerrreeessstteteeddd ii nnin uu unnndddeeerrrsssttataannndddiinninggg S S S eee TTThhhiissis aa attttteteemmmppptt t yy yiieeiellddldsss dd diivviviiddideeennndddsss,, ,ee essspppeeeccciiaaialllllyyly ff ofoorrr tththheee ll oologggiiccicsss oo off f nn naaattutuurraraall lss sccciieeiennnccceeesss... CCChhhiinninaaa ff rfrrooommm aa annn AA Affrfrriiccicaaannn pp peeerrrssspppeeecccttitivviveee.. . aaa rrr tththheee pp prrriimmimaaarrryyy aa auuudddiieeiennnccceee oo off f AA Affrfrriiccicaaannnsss,, ,aa asss ii tti t gg giivviveeesss aa a CCChhheeennnyyyaaannnggg LL Lii,,i a,a auuutthhthooorr r oo off fTT Thhheee CC Cooonnnffuufucciciaaiannn PP Phhhiillioolossosooppphhhyyy oo off fHH Haaarrmmrmooonnnyyy ccc hhh wwwaaayyy oo off f ll eeleaaarrrnnniinninggg ff rfrrooommm tt hthheee vv vaaassstt t hh hiissisttotoorrryyy oo off f CC Chhhiinnineeessseee iii nnn ggg eeexxxpppeeerrriieeiennnccceee ww wiittihthhooouuutt t rr reeeddduuuccciinninggg AA Affrfrriiccicaaannn ee exxxpppeeerrriieeiennnccceee AAA tt hthhooouuuggghhhtt-t-p-pprrrooovvvoookkkiinninggg oo ovvveeerrrvvviieeiewww oo off f CC Chhhiinninaaa’’ss’s dd deeeeeeppp cc cuuullttlutuurraraall lss sttrtrruuucccttutuurrreee aa annnddd ii ttistss fofofo ttotoo ii nninsssiiggignnniififiificccaaannnccceee oo orrr ii rrirrrreeelleelevvvaaannnccceee (( a(aasss hh haaasss hh haaappppppeeennneeeddd iimmimpppaaaccctt t oo onnn ss soooccciieeiettytyy.. .TT Thhheee ss syyyssstteteemmmiiccic cc cooommmpppaaarrriissisooonnnsss ww wiittihthh vv vaaalluulueeesss aa annnddd pp prraraacccttiticciceeesss ii nnin ss suuubbb--- rrr sssooo oo offtfteteennn ii nnin dd diiaaialloologgguuueeesss bb beeettwtwweeeeeennn AA Affrfrriiccicaaa aa annnddd tt hthheee aaa SSSaaahhhaaarraraannn AA Affrfrriiccicaaa aa arrreee bb boootththh ii nninnnnooovvvaaattitivviveee aa annnddd uu ussseeeffufuull..l . nnn WWWeeessstt)t).). .TT Thhhiissis bb booooookkk ww wiillilll lbb beee oo off f ii nnintteteerrreeessstt t tt otoo aa annnyyyooonnneee DDDaaannniieeiell lAA A.. B.B Beeelllll,,l a,a auuutthhthooorr r oo off fTT Thhheee CC Chhhiinninaaa MM Mooodddeeell l OOO rrr ffrfrrooommm ww wiittihthhiinnin AA Affrfrriiccicaaa ii nnintteteerrreeessstteteeddd ii nnin ee ennngggaaagggiinninggg ww wiittihthh CCCooonnnttrtriribbibuuuttotoorrsrss::: ggg aaa TTThhheee RRRiiissseee aaannnddd CCChhhiinninaaa aa asss aa a cc cooommmppplleelexxx aa annnddd nn nuuuaaannnccceeeddd pp pllaalaccceee,, ,aa a pp pllaalaccceee oo off f DDDrr r HH Heeessstteteerr r dd duuu PP Plleelessssssiissis:: :MM MIISSISTTTRRRAAA TTThhhiissis ii ssis aa annn ii mmimmmmeeennnssseeellyyly bb booollddld aa annnddd tt itimmimeeellyyly ee effffffooorrrtt t tt otoo dd deeemmmooonnnsssttrtraraattetee aa annn AA Affrfrriiccicaaannn ‘‘ ww‘wrrriittiitinninggg nnn isisis ccchhhaaallllleelennngggeee,, ,cc crrreeeaaattitivviviittiytyy,, ,aa annnddd oo oppppppooorrrttutuunnniittiytyy.. . PPPrrorooffeefessssssooorr r TT Thhhaaaddddddeeeuuusss MM Meeettztzz:: :UU Unnniivviveeerrsrssiittiytyy oo off f bbbaaaccckkk’’ ’tt otoo CC Chhhiinninaaa,, ,tt hthhaaatt t bb boootththh pp prrrooopppooossseeesss aa annn ee eqqquuuaaall lrr reeellaalattitiooionnnssshhhiippip bb beeettwtwweeeeeennn tt hthheee tt wtwwooo ininin PPPrrooroffeefesssssosoorr r BB Brruruuccecee JJ aJaannnzzz,, U,U Unnniivviveeerrsrsisittiytyy oo off fCC Ceeennnttrrtaarall lFF Flloolorririddidaaa ggg JJJooohhhaaannnnnneeesssbbbuuurrgrgg cccooonnnttitinnineeennnttstss,, ,aa annnddd ss shhhooowwwsss hh hooowww ss seeerrriiooiouuusssllyyly aa annnddd kk knnnooowwwlleeledddgggeeeaaabbbllyyly AA Affrfrriiccicaaa aa apppppprrreeeccciiaaiatteteesss PPP PPPrrorooffeefessssssooorr r GG Gaaauuuhhhaaarr r RR Raaazzzaaa:: :NN NIISSISCCCAAAIIRRIR//C/CCSSSIIRRIR II nnIndddiiaaia CCChhhiinninaaa,, ,ii ttistss hh hiissisttotoorrryyy aa annnddd ii ttistss tt hthhooouuuggghhhtt.t. .TT Thhheee qq quuueeesssttitiooionnn tt hthhaaatt t nn nooowww aa arrriissiseeesss ii ssis ww whhheeetththheeerrr hhh DDDeeecccllliiinnneee aaannnddd iii CCChhhiinninaaa cc caaannn tt ataakkkeee AA Affrfrriiccicaaa aa asss ss seeerrriiooiouuusssllyyly.. . lololo RRRiiccichhhaaarrdrdd PP Pooopppllaalakkk:: :JJ Jooouuurrnrnnaaalliilssisttt sss SSStteeteppphhheeennn CC Chhhaaannn OO OBBBEEE,, S,S Sccchhhooooooll loo off fOO Orririeeiennnttaatall l&& & AA Affrrfiriccicaaannn SS Sttuutudddiieeiess s UU Unnniivviveeerrsrsisittiytyy oo off fLL Looonnndddooonnn ooo DDDrr r DD Daaaooouuudddaaa CC Ciississssèèè:: :UU Unnniivviveeerrsrssiittiytyy oo off f AA Allbblbeeerrtrtataa,, , ppp hhh CCCeeennnttrtreree ff ooforr r CC Chhhiinnineeessseee SS Sttutuudddiieeiesss yyy RRRiiissseee ooofff CCChhhiiinnnaaa DDDrr r MM Maaarrtrtytyynnn DD Daaavvviieeiesss:: :FF Frroroonnnttitieeierr r AA Adddvvviissisooorryryy DDDrr r YY Yooonnngggjjuujunnn ZZ Zhhhaaaooo:: :GG Grroroonnniinningggeeennn UU Unnniivviveeerrsrssiittiytyy DDDrr r GG Gaaarrtrththh ll eele PP Peeerreree:: :UU Unnniivviveeerrsrssiittiytyy oo off f PP Prrereettotoorririaaia SSSeeeaaarrrccchhhiiinnnggg fffooorrr aaannn A MISTRA Publication DDDrr r RR Rooossssss AA Annntththhooonnnyyy:: :SS Stteteellllleelennnbbbooosssccchhh UU Unnniivviveeerrsrssiittiytyy,, , CCCeeennnttrtreree ff ooforr r CC Chhhiinnineeessseee SS Sttutuudddiieeiesss ISBN: 978-0-6399238-6-4 MMMaaaxxxiimmimeee LL Laaauuuzzzooonnn--L-LLaaacccrrorooiixxix:: :UU Unnniivviveeerrsrssiittiytyy oo off f OOOrrrgggaaannniiisssiiinnnggg PPPhhhiiilllooosssoooppphhhyyy SSStteteellllleelennnbbbooosssccchhh,, ,CC Ceeennnttrtreree ff ooforr r CC Chhhiinnineeessseee SS Sttutuudddiieeiesss A M A M MMMrr r KK Keeevvviinnin BB Bllooloooommm:: :JJ Jooouuurrnrnnaaalliilssisttt ISTRA ISTRA 9A7 M8I0S6T3R9A9P2ub3l8ic6a4tion Publication Publication THE RISE AND DECLINE OF CHINA COVER PR 12.9mm.indd 1 2019/06/06 17:53 T T h h e e R R i i s s e e a a n n d d The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic D D Reflection (MISTRA), which was publicly e Reflection (MISTRA), which was publicly e c The Rise and Decline and Rise of China: c The Rise and Decline and Rise of China: launched as a think tank in March 2011, This is a timely and groundbreaking book. It investigates and presents the rise l launched as a think tank in March 2011, This is a timely and groundbreaking book. It investigates and presents the rise l in Searching for an Organising Philosophy in Searching for an Organising Philosophy was founded by a group of South Africans of China comprehensively, taking into consideration not only its present but also e was founded by a group of South Africans of China comprehensively, taking into consideration not only its present but also e represents a new and promising approach to represents a new and promising approach to with experience in research, academia, its history; not only economy and politics but also its culture, values, a with experience in research, academia, its history; not only economy and politics but also its culture, values, a n Africa/China relations. What is most impressive n Africa/China relations. What is most impressive policymaking and governance who saw the and philosophy. d policymaking and governance who saw the and philosophy. d is that it is an encounter between African and is that it is an encounter between African and need to create a platform for engagement R need to create a platform for engagement R What makes this book unique and gives it the most significance, however, is Chinese thought, but this encounter is not just What makes this book unique and gives it the most significance, however, is Chinese thought, but this encounter is not just around strategic issues facing South Africa. e around strategic issues facing South Africa. e is that the contributors examine Chinese values and practices in relation to a set of stale comparisons of philosophical is that the contributors examine Chinese values and practices in relation to a set of stale comparisons of philosophical MISTRA combines research and academic o MISTRA combines research and academic o manifestations of these in Africa, addressing the paramount question of how f beliefs. This study places the concepts and manifestations of these in Africa, addressing the paramount question of how f beliefs. This study places the concepts and development, strategic reflections and C development, strategic reflections and C Africa can retain and capitalize its rich cultural traditions as it achieves social h attitudes in both China and Africa in their socio- Africa can retain and capitalize its rich cultural traditions as it achieves social h attitudes in both China and Africa in their socio- intellectual discourse and applies itself i intellectual discourse and applies itself i and economical transformations in the 21st century. n political contexts, in an attempt to provide a and economical transformations in the 21st century. n political contexts, in an attempt to provide a to issues such as economics, sociology, a to issues such as economics, sociology, a : sophisticated, sensitive, and usable history. : sophisticated, sensitive, and usable history. governance, history, arts and culture, and I strongly recommend this book to everyone interested in understanding S governance, history, arts and culture, and I strongly recommend this book to everyone interested in understanding S e This attempt yields dividends, especially for e This attempt yields dividends, especially for the logics of natural sciences. China from an African perspective. a the logics of natural sciences. China from an African perspective. a r the primary audience of Africans, as it gives a r the primary audience of Africans, as it gives a Chenyang Li, author of The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony c Chenyang Li, author of The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony c h way of learning from the vast history of Chinese h way of learning from the vast history of Chinese i i n n g experience without reducing African experience g experience without reducing African experience A thought-provoking overview of China’s deep cultural structure and its A thought-provoking overview of China’s deep cultural structure and its fo to insignificance or irrelevance (as has happened fo to insignificance or irrelevance (as has happened impact on society. The systemic comparisons with values and practices in sub- r impact on society. The systemic comparisons with values and practices in sub- r so often in dialogues between Africa and the so often in dialogues between Africa and the a a Saharan Africa are both innovative and useful. Saharan Africa are both innovative and useful. n n West). This book will be of interest to anyone West). This book will be of interest to anyone Daniel A. Bell, author of The China Model O Daniel A. Bell, author of The China Model O r from within Africa interested in engaging with r from within Africa interested in engaging with Contributors: g Contributors: g a The Rise and China as a complex and nuanced place, a place of a The Rise and China as a complex and nuanced place, a place of Dr Hester du Plessis: MISTRA This is an immensely bold and timely effort to demonstrate an African ‘writing n Dr Hester du Plessis: MISTRA This is an immensely bold and timely effort to demonstrate an African ‘writing n is challenge, creativity, and opportunity. is challenge, creativity, and opportunity. Professor Thaddeus Metz: University of back’ to China, that both proposes an equal relationship between the two in Professor Thaddeus Metz: University of back’ to China, that both proposes an equal relationship between the two in Professor Bruce Janz, University of Central Florida Professor Bruce Janz, University of Central Florida g g Johannesburg continents, and shows how seriously and knowledgeably Africa appreciates Johannesburg continents, and shows how seriously and knowledgeably Africa appreciates P P Professor Gauhar Raza: NISCAIR/CSIR India China, its history and its thought. The question that now arises is whether h Decline and Professor Gauhar Raza: NISCAIR/CSIR India China, its history and its thought. The question that now arises is whether h Decline and i i China can take Africa as seriously. lo China can take Africa as seriously. lo Richard Poplak: Journalist s Richard Poplak: Journalist s Stephen Chan OBE, School of Oriental & African Studies University of London o Stephen Chan OBE, School of Oriental & African Studies University of London o Dr Daouda Cissè: University of Alberta, p Dr Daouda Cissè: University of Alberta, p h h Centre for Chinese Studies y Rise of China Centre for Chinese Studies y Rise of China Dr Martyn Davies: Frontier Advisory Dr Martyn Davies: Frontier Advisory Dr Yongjun Zhao: Groningen University Dr Yongjun Zhao: Groningen University Dr Garth le Pere: University of Pretoria Dr Garth le Pere: University of Pretoria Searching for an Searching for an Dr Ross Anthony: Stellenbosch University, Dr Ross Anthony: Stellenbosch University, Centre for Chinese Studies Centre for Chinese Studies Maxime Lauzon-Lacroix: University of Organising Philosophy Maxime Lauzon-Lacroix: University of Organising Philosophy Stellenbosch, Centre for Chinese Studies Stellenbosch, Centre for Chinese Studies Mr Kevin Bloom: Journalist Mr Kevin Bloom: Journalist CHINA INSIDE COVER PR23.1mm.indd 1 2019/06/06 17:59 CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 1 The Rise and Decline and Rise of China Searching for an Organising Philosophy CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 2 This research project was supported by: 2 CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 3 The Rise and Decline and Rise of China Searching for an Organising Philosophy Hester du Plessis (ed) CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 4 Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) First Floor, Cypress Place North Woodmead Business Park 142 Western Service Road Woodmead 2191 Johannesburg First published by RAP in 2015  This edition published by MISTRA in 2019 © MISTRA 2015 ePUB ISBN 978-0-6399956-6-3 d-PDF ISBN 978-0-6399956-7-0 Sub-Editor: Barry Gilder Copy editor: Angela McClelland Indexer: Jackie Kalley Printed and bound in South Africa MAPUNGUBWE INSTITUTE (MISTRA) [A NON-PROFIT COMPANY][104-474-NPO] REGISTRATION NUMBER 2010/002262/08 [“THE INSTITUTE”] Please cite this publication as follows: MISTRA. 2015. The Rise and Decline and Rise of China: Searching for an Organising Philosophy. Hester du Plessis (ed). Johannesburg: Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection. All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of both the copyright holder and the publisher of the book. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 5 C ONTENTS Foreword 006 List of Abbreviations 017 Chapter 1: Introduction 019 Hester du Plessis and Thaddeus Metz Chapter 2: The ‘Civilisational Project’ of China 029 Hester du Plessis and Gauhar Raza Chapter 3: Values in China as Compared to Africa 075 Thaddeus Metz Chapter 4: Science and Society in China 117 Hester du Plessis and Gauhar Raza Chapter 5: The Politics of China 153 Garth le Pere Chapter 6: China's Economic Transformation – What Lessons Can Africa Learn? 205 Daouda Cissé Chapter 7: Chinese Society in Flux – A Study of Ethnicity, Guanxi, and Urbanisation From the Late Imperial China Until Today 253 Maxime Lauzon-Lacroix and Ross Anthony Chapter 8: China's Involvement with Africa 305 Kevin Bloom and Richard Poplak Chapter 9: Concluding Recommendations 343 Hester du Plessis and Thaddeus Metz Appendix 1: The Role of Land in China's Economic Development 363 Yongjun Zhao Appendix 2: China's Special Economic Zone Model – The Fire-starter of Industrialisation in Africa? 385 Martyn Davies Index 401 CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 6 F OREWORD China is regarded as a trans-century wonder. Its social and economic achievements during the last two decades of the past century and their persistence into the current period stand as a monument to the very notion of social development. The rapid advancement of its productive forces, combined with the lifting of hundreds of millions out of abject poverty, has not only profoundly affected the Chinese people but it has also redefined the contours of global economic relations. For better or for worse, China’s international impact continues to grow, encompassing economic, political, technological, environmental and cultural domains. Yet the rise of China (or Zhongguo), and its towering presence among nations of the world, is not a new phenomenon. From the forging of a new state and the administrative and technological advances that started some 2,500 years ago and beyond, China has experienced ebbs and flows that can only generate, for the inquisitive mind, the perennial question of millennia: why do civilisations rise and fall! And the deeper curiosity China invokes is, among others, for extending that question: … and rise again! And so, across the world, tomes have, in recent decades, been written to try and explain this remarkable phenomenon. Could it be the result of a calculated focus by the Chinese leadership from the dynasties of yesteryear? Do the philosophical foundations of its historical systems of social organisation matter? What about religion, ideology, culture and social mien? When faced with such a complex social phenomenon, it may be too easy to fall into the trap of sociological reductionism. Temporal success can breed an analytical framework that elevates any and everything – ‘typical’ of the Chinese – as the genesis of such success. Correlation and causality thus merge into one in search of easy answers. On the other hand, mystique and technicism can easily be rolled into one, to conjure up artificial and simplistic comparisons between ‘the extraordinary and the banal’ among nations and imagined racial categories. In this treatise, the Mapungubwe Institute (MISTRA) sets out to investigate the multifaceted factors that accompanied and influenced the evolution of Chinese society over the centuries. While the issue of belief systems, from the Han Dynasty to the current period, are the main areas of focus, an attempt has been made to examine the totality of human endeavours that characterise this evolution. Out of this has emerged a transdisciplinary compendium of separate 6 CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:28 PM Page 7 but related chapters on economic and social life, political institutions and practices, and the interrelationships between these and culture, particularly the philosophy underpinning Confucianism. Indeed, an investigation into civilisational cycles, by necessity of its complexity, requires input from various fields of knowledge and expertise. Running like a red thread through this book are the manifestations of Sino- African relations dating back many centuries. In this way, The Rise and Decline and Rise of China: Searching for an Organising Philosophy takes forward the work MISTRA conducted on the Mapungubwe society, one of the advanced states that existed in southern Africa some 800 years ago, and which enjoyed trade relations with China and other centres in the East. Mapungubwe rose and fell, long before European colonial incursions. Other states emerged in the vicinity, but they also suffered the same fate. When do southern Africa and Africa at large rise again? Are there lessons that the continent can draw from the experience of the Chinese people? If – beyond material considerations – religion, culture and ideology do play a role in the rise, decline and resurgence of a civilisation, what are the similarities and contrasts between these regions? Of course, such research cannot ignore the fundamental questions: whence does the current system of social, economic and political relations in China draw its resilience, how adaptable is it, and is it sustainable! As the outcome contained in this book demonstrates, a research exercise of this kind can only be exploratory. It serves merely as a genesis to work that should find new legs. What makes this research report unique, though, is that the treatment of these issues has been undertaken primarily from an African perspective. If the book leaves many questions unanswered, and if there are weaknesses in knitting together the complex narratives, our solace is that an attempt has been made and an intellectual journey has started. For this, MISTRA extends its appreciation to the authors who gave of their time to take a bold step with us; to the peer reviewers who critiqued the various drafts; to the Chinese partners who took part in a special workshop on the research at the Institute of African Studies at Zhejiang Normal University (IASZNU); to the advisors who offered counsel on the strategic direction of the research work, and to the generous donors who made this project possible. Joel Netshitenzhe Executive Director 7 CHINA 00 Intro v1_Chapter1 2015/07/22 3:42 PM Page 8 A CKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Mapungubwe Institute (MISTRA) expresses its deepest gratitude to the project leaders of this research project – Thaddeus Metz and Hester du Plessis – to the project coordinator – Jeffrey Sehume – and to the researchers for consenting to join the project and undertaking the work. Appreciation is extended to subject specialists who contributed to the research proposal drafts, project overviews and chapters: Medeine Tribinevicius, Daniel A. Bell, Bruce Janz, Shi Shunke, Bernard Schiele, Garth Shelton, Anil Sooklal, Paul Zilungisele Tembe, Matthew Birtch, Steve Dunga, and Narnia Bohler-Muller. A number of MISTRA staff contributed to the successful outcome of the project; they include: Ilva MacKay, Sedica Davids, Hope Prince, Thabiso Chiloane, Dzunisani Mathonsi, and Thabang Moerane who organised logistics for the workshops; Lorraine Pillay who expedited contracts and invoices; Barry Gilder who sub-edited the manuscript, and Joel Netshitenzhe and Yacoob Abba Omar who provided advice and assisted with editing during various stages of the drafting process. Thank you to Angela McClelland and Reedwaan Vally of Real African Publishers for producing the first edition of this publication, and to Jacana Media for partnering with MISTRA to produce this second edition. MISTRA warmly thanks its donors who contributed to this project as well as those who have generally contributed to the work of the Institute. 8

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