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APPEAREDINBULLETINOFTHE AMERICANMATHEMATICALSOCIETY Volume30,Number1,January1994,Pages76-86 RESEARCH ANNOUNCEMENT 4 9 9 1 n THE RIGID ANALYTIC PERIOD MAPPING, LUBIN-TATE a SPACE, AND STABLE HOMOTOPY THEORY J 1 ] M. J. HOPKINS AND B. H. GROSS T A . Abstract. ThegeometryoftheLubin-Tatespaceofdeformationsofaformal h group is studied via an´etale, rigidanalytic map from the deformation space t a to projective space. This leads to a simple description of the equivariant m canonicalbundleofthedeformationspacewhich,inturn,yieldsaformulafor thedualizingcomplexinstablehomotopytheory. [ 1 v Introduction 0 2 Eversince Quillen[22,1]discoveredthe relationshipbetweenformalgroupsand 2 complex cobordism, stable homotopy theory and the theory of formal groups have 1 0 been intimately connected. Among other things the height filtration of formal 4 groups has led to the chromatic filtration [21, 20, 23] which offers the best global 9 perspective on stable homotopy theory available. From the point of view of homo- / h topytheorythiscorrespondencehasbeenlargelyanorganizationalprinciple. Ithas t always been easier to make calculations with the algebraic apparatus familiar to a m topologists. This is due to the fact that the geometry which comes up in studying formal groups is the geometry of affine formal schemes. : v The point of this paper is to study the Lubin-Tate deformation spaces of 1- i dimensional formal groups of finite height using a p-adic analogue of the classical X period mapping. This is a rigid analytic, ´etale morphism, from the Lubin-Tate r a deformation space to projective space, which is equivariant for the natural group action. Withthismorphismtheglobalgeometryofprojectivespacecanbebrought tobearonthestudyofformalgroups. Whenappliedtostablehomotopytheory,this leads to a formula for the analogue of the Grothendieck-Serre dualizing complex. 1. Formal groups 1.1. The map to projective space. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>0, and let F be a formal group of dimension 1 and finite height 0 ReceivedbytheeditorsAugust22,1992. 1991Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary14L05,12H25,55P. Keywordsandphrases. Chromatictower,formalgroups,Lubin-Tatespace,MoravaK-theory. (cid:13)c1994AmericanMathematicalSociety 0273-0979/94$1.00+$.25perpage 1 2 M. J. HOPKINS AND B. H. GROSS n over k. Lubin and Tate [18] studied the problem of deforming F to a formal 0 group F over R, where R is a complete, local Noetherian ring with residue field k. They defined deformations F and F′ to be equivalent if there is an isomorphism φ:F →F′ over R which reduces to the identity morphism of F and showed that 0 the functor which assigns to R the equivalence classes of deformations of F to R 0 is representable by a smooth formal scheme X over the ring W of Witt vectors of k. Let G be the formal additive group. The essential cohomological calculations a in their argument are: (1)bExt2(F,G ) = 0, which assures that deformations from R/I to R exist a when I2 =0; (2) Ext1(F,Gb ) is a free R-module of rank = n − 1, which determines the a dimension of the tangent space of the versal deformation; (3) Hom(F,Gb )=0, which gives the existence of the moduli space. a ThespaceX is(noncanonically)isomorphictotheformalspectrumofthepower series ring W[[u1b,...,un−1]] in (n−1) variables over W. The group of automor- phisms of the specialfibre, G=Aut(F ), acts as formalautomorphismsof X,as it 0 acts as automorphisms of the functor represented by X [18]. An automorphism T of F deforms to an isomorphism T :F →F of liftings over R (corresponding to 0 a b points a,b∈X(R)) if and only if T ·a=b. LetK be the quotientfieldofW,andletX be the rigidanalyticspaceoverK K which is the “generic fibre” of the formal scheme X. Then X is (noncanonically) K isomorphicto the open unit polydisc ofdimension= (n−1)overK, andGacts as rigid analytic automorphisms of X . K ThealgebraD =End(F )⊗Q isisomorphictothedivisionalgebraofinvariant 0 p = 1 over Q , and End(F ) is the maximal Z -order in D. Hence G is isomorphic n p 0 p to the group of units of this order, which is a maximal compact subgroup of the group D×. Since the simple algebra D⊗ K =M (K) Qp n is split, G has a natural n-dimensional linear representation V over K. It follows K that G acts by projective linear transformation on the projective space P(V ) of K hyperplanes in V . This action extends to a projective linear action of the group K D×. Our main result is the following: Theorem 1. The crystalline period mapping (to be defined below) is an ´etale, G- equivariant, rigid-analytic morphism Φ:X →P(V ). Let L be a Tate algebra (= K K affinoid) over K, and let R ⊆ L be the W-subalgebra of integral elements. Let F a and F be deformations over R of F corresponding to the points b 0 a,b∈X (L)=X(R). K An isogeny T of F (viewed as an element of D×) deforms to an isogeny 0 f :F →F T a b if and only if T ·Φ(a)=Φ(b). LUBIN-TATE SPACE AND PROJECTIVE SPACE 3 Remark. WehavecalledΦthecrystallineperiodmappingtostressitsanalogywith the period mapping from a simply connected complex family of abelian varieties of complex dimension g to the Grassmannian of maximal isotropic subspaces in a complex symplectic space of dimension 2g [5]. Indeed both the crystalline and classicalperiodmappingsaregivenbysolutionstothePicard-Fuchsequation,which is the differential equation given by the Gauss-Manin connection on the primitive elements in the first deRham cohomology groups of the fibres. In the complex case the image lies in an open orbit (Siegel space) for the real symplectic group by Riemann’s positivity conditions. In our case the map Φ is surjective on points with values in the completion of an algebraic closure of K. The fibres of Φ can be identified [7, §23] with the cosets of GL (Z ) in the group n p g ∈GL (Q )|detg ∈Z× . n p p (cid:8) (cid:9) The proof of Theorem 1 and its extension to formal A-modules in the sense of Drinfeld [3] are given in our paper [7]. There we provided explicit formulae for Φ usingcoordinatesonprojectivespace;herewewillsketchamoreabstractapproach. To specify a G-morphism Φ:X →P(V ), K K we must specify a G-equivariant, rigid analytic, line bundle L on X , as well as K K a homomorphism of K[G]-modules V →H0(X ,L ) K K K whose image has no base points. Then Φ(x) is the hyperplane W in V , mapping x K to sections of L which vanish at x. K Let F be the universal deformation of F over X, and let e : X → F be the 0 identity section of the formal morphism π :F →X. Then ω =ω(F)=e∗Ω1 F/X defines the invertible sheaf on X of invariant differentials on F. The sheaf L=ω−1 =Lie(F) is a G-equivariant line bundle on X whose fibres are the tangent spaces of the corresponding deformations. Let L be the associated rigid analytic line bundle K on X . K LetE be the universaladditiveextensionofF overX;then E is aformalgroup of dimension =n which lies in an exact sequence 0→N →E →F →0 of formal groups over X. The formal group N is isomorphic to the additive group G ⊗Ext(F,G )∨ of dimension = (n−1). Passing to Lie algebras gives an exact a a sequence b b 0→Lie(N)→Lie(E)→Lie(F)→0 of G-equivariant vector bundles on X. 4 M. J. HOPKINS AND B. H. GROSS The equivariant vector bundle M = Lie(E) of rank = n on X is the covariant Dieudonn´e module of the formal group F (mod p). As such M is a crystal over X in the sense of Grothendieck [8, 19], it has an integrable connection ∇:M→M⊗Ω1 X/W togetherwithaFrobeniusstructure. AfundamentaltheoremofDworkontheradius ofconvergenceofsolutionstop-adicdifferentialequations(cf.[14,Proposition3.1]) shows that the vector space V =H0(X ,M )∇ K K K of rigid analytic, horizontal sections has dimension n over K and that V ⊗O ≃M . K XK K This vectorspace affordsthe naturaln-dimensionalrepresentationof G. We stress thatthe horizontalsectionsinV arerigidanalytic;theW-moduleH0(X,M)∇ of K formal horizontal sections is zero once n≥2. The surjection M →L →0 K K of rigid analytic vector bundles gives a map of K[G]-modules V →H0(X ,L ) K K K whose image is base point-free. This defines the crystalline period mapping Φ in the theorem. The fact that Φ is ´etale follows from an explicit computation of the determinant of the differential dΦ [7, §23]. Remark. (1) The crystal M can also be identified with the primitive elements in the first deRham cohomology group of F/X [16]. From this point of view the connection ∇ is that of Gauss-Manin. (2) An analogue of the rigid analytic map Φ was introduced by Katz [15] in the studyofthemoduliofordinaryellipticcurves. KatzcalledhismapLforlogarithm. The map L was studied in the supersingular case by Katz [17] and Fujiwara [4], and this is essentially equivalent to a considerationof the map Φ in the case when F has height n = 2. In this case the inverse images under Φ of the two points of 0 P1 fixed by a maximal torus of G are the moduli of quasicanonical liftings of F , 0 which were introduced in [6]. In the general case quasicanonical liftings have been studied by Jiu-Kang Yu [25]. (3) The components of the map Φ were also investigated in joint work of the firstauthor with Ethan Devinatz [2]. That accountis presentedin a languagethat might be more familiar to topologists. 1.2. The G-action on X and the canonical line bundle. The group G is a K (compact) p-adic Lie group. Let g be its Lie algebra over Q . Then p g⊗K ≃gl (K). n If γ ∈g, then for m≫0 the element exp(pm·γ) lies in G and acts on X. LUBIN-TATE SPACE AND PROJECTIVE SPACE 5 Proposition 2. Let f be a rigid analytic function on X , and let γ be an element K of g. Then the limit exp(pmγ)◦f −f D (f)= lim γ m→∞ pm exists in the Fr´echet algebra A of rigid analytic functions on X . The map f 7→ K K D (f)is aderivation of A over K, and themap γ 7→D defines a representation γ K γ of Lie algebras g⊗K →Der (X ). K K Indeed, the corresponding facts are clear for the G-action on P(V ), which is K algebraic. Since Φ is ´etale, there is no obstruction to lifting the resulting vector fields to X . Informally speaking, the proposition shows that the action of G on K X is“differentiable”,whichisnotimmediatelyapparentfromthedefinitionofthe K G-action on X. In fact, if the ring of formal functions O is made into a normed X algebra in the obvious way (by choosing deformation parameters and giving them norm 1), then the action map G→Bounded linear operators on O X is not even continuous. It is not difficult to find explicit formulae for the vector fields giving the differentiated action [7, §§24 and 25]. We can also use the map Φ to describe the canonical bundle of X over W n−1 Ωn−1 =Ωn−1 = Ω1 X/W X/W ^ in the category of G-equivariant line bundles on X. Let Θ = Θ be the tangent bundle of X over W. The deformation theory X/W of Kodaira and Spencer (cf. [7, §17; 13, Corollary 4.8] gives an isomorphism of G-vector bundles Θ≃Hom(Lie(N),Lie(F)). Taking duals gives an isomorphism Ω1 ≃Lie(N)⊗ω; hence, n−1 n−1 Ω1 ≃ Lie(N)⊗ω⊗(n−1). ^ ^ Since the sequence 0→Lie(N)→Lie(E)→Lie(F)→0 of G-bundles is exact, we obtain a G-isomorphism n Ωn−1 ≃ Lie(E)⊗ω⊗n. It remains to identify the line bundle^nLie(E). IfF isanequivariantvectorbundleonX andkisaninteger,weletF′ =F[detk] V be the equivariantbundle where the action of G on sections of F is twisted by the kth power of the reduced norm character det:G→Z×: p g′(f)=det(g)k·g(f). 6 M. J. HOPKINS AND B. H. GROSS By an analysis of the determinant of dΦ, we show [7, §22] that Φ induces an isomorphism of equivariant line bundles on X: n ∼ Lie(E)→O [det]. X ^ Hence we obtain Corollary 3. ThecanonicallinebundleΩn−1ofX isisomorphic, asaG-equivariant line bundle, to ω⊗n[det]. Remark. SincethemapΦis´etale,thisformulacanalsobededucedfromthe(more elementary)correspondingformulafortheGL -equivariantbundle Ωn−1 ofP(V ). n K Indeed, Ωn−1 =O (−n)[det]. P P 2. Duality in localized stable homotopy theory In this section we will work in the category of p-local spectra (in the sense of stable homotopy theory). Unfortunately, it does not seem possible to preserve the standard notation of both algebraic geometry and algebraic topology and avoid a conflict. Throughout this section the symbols E and F will denote spectra. The category of spectra is a triangulated category and appears in the abstract to be muchlikethe categoryofsheaves(orcomplexes ofsheaves)ona scheme. For many purposes it is sufficient to take this scheme to be a Riemann surface; but to understand the more refined apparatus of stable homotopy theory, it is necessary totakeittobeavarietyS havingauniquesubvarietyS ofeachfinitecodimension n n [10, 21]. From the point of view of (complexes of) sheaves the sphere spectrum corre- sponds to the sheaf of functions, the smash product of spectra corresponds to the (derived) tensor product of sheaves, and stable homotopy groups correspond to (hyper)cohomology groups. A more complete description of this analogy appears in Table 1. Therearetwokindsofdualityinstablehomotopytheory. TheSpanier-Whitehead dual of F, DF =Map[F,S0], is the spectrum of maps from F to the sphere spectrum. If F is finite, then the homotopy type of F is determined by a functorial (in E) isomorphism E∗F ≈ E−∗DF. The Brown-Comenetz dual IF of F represents the functor Y 7→Hom(π Y ∧F,Q/Z). 0 If I denotes the Brown-Comenetz dual of S0, then there is a weak equivalence IF ≈Map[F,I]. IntheanalogoussituationofsheavesoveraRiemannsurfaceS,ifF corresponds to a divisor D, then the Spanier-Whitehead dual of F corresponds to the divisor −D. By the Serre duality theorem the dual of Hi(S,D) is H1−i(S,K−D), where K is the canonical sheaf. It follows that the Brown-Comenetz dual IF of F corre- sponds to the divisor K−D and that the dualizing complex I corresponds to the divisor K or, more precisely, to the complex of sheaves consisting of the canonical sheaf in dimension −1 and zero elsewhere. LUBIN-TATE SPACE AND PROJECTIVE SPACE 7 Table 1. Analogy between p-local spectra and quasicoherent sheaves (or complexes of sheaves) on a variety S having a unique subvariety S of each finite codimension n. The map i :U →S n n n is the inclusion of S\S n Stable Homotopy Theory Sheaf Theory p-local spectrum quasicoherentsheaforcomplex of quasicoherent sheaves “finite” p-local spectrum finite complex of coherent sheaves smash product tensor product homotopy groups hypercohomology homotopy classes of maps RHom function spectra sheaf RHom(A∗,B∗) p-local sphere spectrum O S category C subcategory of coherent n sheaves supported on S n Morava K(n) total quotient field of S \(S ∩U ) n n n+1 functor L functor Ri ◦i ∗ n n∗ n functor L completion of U along K(n) n Un∩Sn−1 chromatic tower Cousin complex The importance of this formula for the dualizing complex is well known, and it is desirable to have an analogousdescription of the dualizing complex I. Since the category of finite spectra has infinite Krull dimension [10, 12], it is necessary to localize away from the primes of finite codimension. This leads to the chromatic tower. 2.1. The chromatic tower. In the situation of complexes of sheaves over the filtered variety S there is a standard procedure for constructing a resolution of a sheaf by sheaves whose support lies on one of the subvarieties S \S . This is n n+1 called the Cousin complex in [9]. In the context of stable homotopy theory, it is 8 M. J. HOPKINS AND B. H. GROSS known as the chromatic resolution [24]. Fix a rationalprime p, and let L denote localizationwith respect to the wedge n K(0)∨···∨K(n) of the first n+1 Morava K-theories [23]. There are natural transformations (1) Ln →Ln−1 and compatible transformations 1→L . This results in the chromatic tower n . . . L S 1 (cid:0)(cid:18) (cid:0) (cid:0)  S −−−−→ L0S y When F is the p-localization of a finite spectrum, the map {π F}→{π L F} k k n n is a pro-isomorphism for each k [11]. This means that all of the homotopy theory of finite spectra can be recovered from the chromatic tower. The difference between Ln andLn−1 canbe measuredin two ways. The fibre of the transformation (1) is the functor M . It is known as the nth monochromatic n layer. The difference is also measured by the functor L , which is localization K(n) with respect to the nth Morava K-theory. It is believed that the stable homotopy type of the p-localization of a finite spectrum F can in fact be recovered from the collective knowledge of of the spectra L . There are natural equivalences K(n) L M F ≈L F, K(n) n K(n) M L F ≈M F, n K(n) n so the homotopy types of L F and M F determine each other. K(n) n 2.2. The Morava correspondence. As in §1 fix a formal group of height n ≥ 1 over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic p > 0, and let G be its automorphism group and X the Lubin-Tate space of its deformations. ThehomotopytypesofthespectraM F andL F areaccessiblethroughthe n K(n) Moravacorrespondence,whichassociatesto eachspectrumF, graded,equivariant, quasicoherent sheaves K (F) and M (F) over the Lubin-Tate space X, and n n spectral sequences Hc∗ts(G;H0Kn(F))⇒W ⊗π∗LK(n)F, Hc∗ts(G;H0Mn(F))⇒W ⊗π∗MnF. Thesespectralsequencesoftencollapseandalwaysterminateatafinitestagewhich depends only on n. They converge to the graded group associated to a finite filtration of their abutment [11]. When F = S0 is the sphere spectrum, the sheaf K (S0) is the direct sum n L⊗n. Its ring of global sections is n∈Z L W[[u1,...,un−1]][u,u−1] LUBIN-TATE SPACE AND PROJECTIVE SPACE 9 with u∈H0(ω) a generator. It is gradedin such a way that |u|=−2 and |u |=0. i Let I =Map[L S0,I] n n be the Brown-Comenetz dual of LnS0. There are maps In−1 →In, and the direct limit −li→mIn is the spectrum I. The cofiber ofIn−1 →In is LK(n)In. The spectrum M I is the Brown-Comenetz dual of L S0. Knowledge of the homotopy type n n K(n) ofL I completely describes Brown-Comenetzduality in the categoryof K(n)- K(n) n local spectra and, by the above, ultimately gives a formula for the spectrum I. 2.3. Invertible spectra. Definition 4. A K(n)-localspectrum F isinvertible ifthere is aspectrumF′ and a weak equivalence L (F ∧F′)≈L S0. K(n) K(n) The invertible spectra form a group Pic . n Theorem 5. (i) A K(n)-local spectrumF is invertible if and only if the associated sheaf K (F) is the tensor product of an invertible sheaf with K (S0). n n (ii) If p is large compared with n (2p−2 ≥ max{n2,2n+2} will do), then the homotopy type of an invertible spectrum is determined by its associated Morava module. Theorem 6. LetKbethetotalquotientfieldofthesheafO . TheMoravamodules X associated to Σ−n2I are n M (Σ−n2I )=K/O ⊗Ωn−1⊗K (S0), n n X X n K (Σ−n2−nI )=Ωn−1⊗K (S0). n n X n In particular, the spectrum L I is invertible. K(n) n TogetherwithCorollary3thisdeterminesthehomotopytypeofL I atlarge K(n) n primes. In certain cases (§2.4) this can be put into a more concrete form. 2.4. Finite spectra and v self-maps. LetC be the categoryofp-localizations n 0 offinitespectra,andletC ⊆C bethefullsubcategoryofK(n−1)-acyclics. These n 0 categories fit into a sequence [12] ···⊂C ⊂C ⊂···⊂C . n+1 n 0 One of the main results of [12] is that each F ∈C has, for N ≫0, an “essentially n unique” v self-map n v :Σ2pN(pn−1)F →F satisfying 0 if m6=n, K(m)∗v =(multiplication by vnpN otherwise. This gives for N ≫0 a canonical equivalence L v :L Σ2pN(pn−1)F →∼ L F. K(n) K(n) K(n) 10 M. J. HOPKINS AND B. H. GROSS Because of this one can “suspend” K(n)-local spectra by any element of lim Z/2pN(pn−1)Z. ←−N Corollary 7. Let F be a spectrum in C . n (i) If p is odd and n=1, then I F =Σ2DF. 1 (ii) If p is large with respect to n (as in Theorem 5) and p1 ∼ ∗, then I F ≈ F n ΣαL DF, where K(n) pn−1 α= lim 2pnN +n2−n. N→∞ p−1 (iii) In particular, if F admits a self-map v satisfying K(n)∗v =vnpM, then there is a homotopy equivalence I F ≈Σ2pnM(pn−1)/(p−1)+n2−nDF. n References 1. J. F. Adams, Stable homotopy and generalised homology, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1974. 2. E.DevinatzandM.J.Hopkins,TheactionoftheMoravastabilizergroupontheLubin-Tate moduli space of lifts,submittedtoAmer.J.Math. 3. V.G.Drinfel’d,Elliptic modules, Math.USSR-Sb.23(1974), 561–592. 4. Y. Fujiwara, On divisibilities of special values of real analytic Eisenstein series, J. Fac. Sci. Univ.Tokyo35(1988), 393–410. 5. P. A. Griffiths, Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds: Summary of main results and discussion of open problems, Bull.Amer.Math.Soc.76(1970), 228–296. 6. B.H.Gross,Oncanonical and quasi-canonical liftings,Invent. Math.84(1986), 321–326. 7. 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