T he Right Thing to Do rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd ii 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd iiii 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM T he Right Thing to Do Basic Readings in Moral Philosophy SEVENTH EDITION Edited by Stuart Rachels and James Rachels rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd iiiiii 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM THE RIGHT THING TO DO, SEVENTH EDITION Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2015 by McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous editions © 2012, 2010, and 2007. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education, including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning. Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States. This book is printed on acid-free paper. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 DOC/DOC 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 ISBN 978-0-07-811908-8 MHID 0-07-811908-1 Senior Vice President, Products & Markets: Kurt L. Strand Vice President, General Manager, Products & Markets: Michael Ryan Vice President, Content Design & Delivery: Kimberly Meriwether David Managing Director: William Glass Lead Product Developer: Lisa Pinto Product Developer: Jamie Daron Director, Content Design & Delivery: Terri Schiesl Content Project Manager: Lisa Bruflodt Buyer: Jennifer Pickel Cover Designer: Studio Montage, St. Louis, MO Compositor: Lumina Datamatics, Inc. Typeface: 10/12 New Baskerville Printer: R. R. Donnelley Cover painting: Aleksandr Rodchenko (Russian, 1891–1956). Non-Objective Painting no. 80 (Black on Black). 1918. Oil on canvas, 32 1/4" × 31 1/4" (81.9 × 79.4 cm). Gift of the artist, through Jay Leyda. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Digital Image © 2006 The Museum of Modern Art/Licensed by Scala/Art Resource, NY. © Alexander Rodchenko/RAO, Moscow/ VAGA, New York All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The right thing to do: basic readings in moral philosophy/edited by Stuart Rachels and James Rachels.—7th ed. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-07-811908-8 (alk. paper) 1. Ethics—Textbooks. I. Rachels, Stuart, 1969–editor. II. Rachels, James, 1941–2003. editor. BJ1012.R5 2014 170—dc23 2014022613 www.mhhe.com rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd iivv 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM Contents Preface viii About the Authors ix INTRODUCTION 1. A Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy J ames Rachels 1 2. Some Basic Points about Arguments J ames Rachels 19 UTILITARIANISM 3. Utilitarianism J ohn Stuart Mill 29 4. Utilitarianism and Integrity B ernard Williams 40 5. The Experience Machine R obert Nozick 45 OTHER THEORETICAL ESSAYS 6 . The Subjectivity of Values J . L. Mackie 48 7. Our Sense of Right and Wrong C . S. Lewis 60 8. The Categorical Imperative I mmanuel Kant 65 9. The Virtues A ristotle 69 10. Master Morality and Slave Morality F riedrich Nietzsche 76 11. Caring Relations and Principles of Justice V irginia Held 80 ABORTION 12. On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion and Postscript on Infanticide M ary Anne Warren 87 13. Why Abortion Is Immoral D on Marquis 99 14. A Defense of Abortion J udith Jarvis Thomson 106 ANIMALS 1 5. All Animals Are Equal P eter Singer 123 16. Torturing Puppies and Eating Meat: It’s All in Good Taste A lastair Norcross 133 17. Do Animals Have Rights? T ibor R. Machan 141 v rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd vv 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM vi CONTENTS POVERTY 18. Famine, Affluence, and Morality P eter Singer 154 19. Poverty and Parenthood S tuart Rachels 164 THE DEATH PENALTY 20. A Defense of the Death Penalty L ouis P. Pojman 182 21. Why the United States Will Join the Rest of the World in Abandoning Capital Punishment Stephen B. Bright 191 WAR, TERRORISM, AND TORTURE 22. Hellhole Atul Gawande 203 23. The Ethics of War and Peace D ouglas P. Lackey 221 24. Fifty Years after Hiroshima J ohn Rawls 230 25. What Is Wrong with Terrorism? T homas Nagel 238 26. Liberalism, Torture, and the Ticking Bomb D avid Luban 241 SEX AND DRUGS 27. America’s Unjust Drug War M ichael Huemer 255 28. Our Sexual Ethics B ertrand Russell 269 29. A Few Words about Gay Marriage A ndrew Sullivan 276 30. Same-Sex Marriage and the Argument from Public Disagreement David Boonin 278 31. Alcohol and Rape N icholas Dixon 289 RACE, WOMEN, AND IMMIGRATION 32. Letter from the Birmingham City Jail M artin Luther King Jr. 301 33. Is Racial Discrimination Arbitrary? P eter Singer 309 34. In Defense of Quotas J ames Rachels 321 35. Homeward Bound L inda Hirshman 336 36. The Case for Open Immigration M ichael Huemer 345 rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd vvii 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM CONTENTS vii BIOETHICS 37. The Morality of Euthanasia J ames Rachels 348 38. The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia J . Gay-Williams 353 39. The New Eugenics M att Ridley 358 40 . Human Cloning and the Challenge of Regulation John A. Robertson 365 41. Selling Organs for Transplantation L ewis Burrows 372 42. A Free Market Would Reduce Donations and Would Commodify the Human Body James F. Childress 378 rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd vviiii 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM Preface Moral philosophy is the study of how one should live. This anthology is an introduction to that great subject. The readings cover the main moral theories and present a wealth of ideas about various practical matters. This book is a companion to T he Elements of Moral Philosophy, which was also written by James Rachels and revised by Stuart Rachels. These two books complement each other and may be read together. However, nothing in either book presupposes knowledge of the other. In selecting the pieces for this volume, I was looking for articles on serious moral topics that are deftly argued; that are pleasant to read; that lend themselves to lively discussion; and that the average college student can grasp. I believe that the selections chosen are not merely good articles on suitable topics; they are first-rate essays on compelling issues. Students who read this book will want to read more, unless the subject is simply not for them. This edition contains five new essays, replacing two that were elim- inated. Thus, there is now more to choose from. As a counterpoise to Mackie, I’ve added an essay by C.S. Lewis on the objectivity of morals. Peter Singer’s “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” has now replaced “The Singer Solution to World Poverty.” I’ve paired Singer’s piece with an essay in which I argue that we should not have children, according to Singer’s argument. In the section of the book called “Race, Women, and Immigration,” I’ve added articles by Linda Hirshman, on equality in the home, and Michael Huemer, who argues that U.S. immigration policy is unjust because it imposes serious harms on non-citizens. The only essay I have simply eliminated is John McMurtry’s “Monogamy: A Critique.” I thank Heather Elliott, Daniel Hollingshead, Tucker Meyers, and Carol Rachels for their help in preparing this edition. To learn more about James Rachels, visit w ww.jamesrachels.org. If you have suggestions for the next edition, please let me know: [email protected]. —Stuart Rachels viii rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd vviiiiii 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM About the Authors James Rachels (1941–2003) wrote T he End of Life: Euthanasia and Morality (1986), Created from Animals: The Moral Implications of Darwinism (1990), Can Ethics Provide Answers? And Other Essays in Moral Philosophy (1997), Problems from Philosophy (first edition, 2005), and The Legacy of Socrates: Essays in Moral Philosophy (2007). His website is w ww.jamesrachels.org. Stuart Rachels is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Alabama. He has revised several of James Rachels’ books, including The Elements of Moral Philosophy (eighth edition, 2015), and P roblems from Philosophy . Stuart won the United States Chess Championship in 1989, at the age of 20, and is a Bronze Life Master at bridge. He is currently writing a book about his chess career called T he Best I Saw in Chess . ix rraacc1199008811__ffmm__ii--xx..iinndddd iixx 99//1133//1144 1111::5511 AAMM