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THE RICCI TENSOR OF AN ALMOST HOMOGENOUS KA¨HLER MANIFOLD 1 0 0 2 Andrea Spiro n a J Abstract. WedetermineanexplicitexpressionfortheRiccitensorofaK-manifold, thatisofacompactKa¨hlermanifoldM withvanishingfirstBettinumber,onwhich 1 a semisimplegroupG ofbiholomorphicisometriesactswithanorbitofcodimension 2 one. We also prove that the Ka¨hler form ω and the Ricci form ρ of M are uniquely ] determined by two special curves with values in g= Lie(G), say Zω,Zρ : R → g= G Lie(g) and we showhow the curve Zρ is determinedby the curve Zω. D These results are used in another work with F. Podesta`, where new examples of non-homogeneouscompactKa¨hler-Einsteinmanifoldswith positivefirstChernclass . h are constructed. t a m [ 1. Introduction. 1 v 2 The objectsof our study are the so-called K-manifolds, that is Ka¨hler manifolds 7 (M,J,g) with b (M) = 0 and which are acted on by a group G of biholomorphic 1 1 isometries, with regular orbits of codimension one. Note that since M is compact 1 C 0 and G has orbits of codimension one, the complexified group G acts naturally 1 on M as a group of biholomorphic transformations, with an open and dense orbit. 0 According to a terminology introduced by A. Huckleberry and D. Snow in [HS], / h M is almost-homogeneous with respect to the GC-action. By the results in [HS], t C a the subset S M of singular points for the G -action is either connected or with m ⊂ exactly two connected components. If the first case occurs, we will say that M is a : non-standard K-manifold; we will call it standard K-manifold in the other case. v i The aim of this paper is furnish an explicit expression for the Ricci curvature X tensorof a K-manifold, to beused for constructing(andpossibly classify) new fam- r a iliesofexamplesofnon-homogeneousK-manifoldwithspecialcurvatureconditions. Asuccessfulapplicationofourresultsisgiven in [PS1], whereseveralnewexamples of non-homogeneous compact Ka¨hler-Einstein manifolds with positive first Chern class are found. Note that explicit expressions for the Ricci tensor of standard K-manifolds can be found also in [Sa], [KS], [PS] and [DW]. However our results can be applied to any kind of K-manifold and hence they turn out to be particularly useful for the 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C55,53C25, 57S15. Key words and phrases. Ka¨hler-Einsteinmetrics,cohomogeneityone actions. Typesetby AMS-TEX 1 2 RICCI TENSOR OF AN ALMOST KA¨HLER HOMOGENEOUS MANIFOLD non-standard cases (at this regard, see also [CG]). They can be resumed in the following three facts. Let g be the Lie algebra of the compact group G acting on the K-manifold (M,J,g) with at least one orbit of codimension one. By a result of [PS1], we may always assume that G is semisimple. Let also be the Cartan-Killing form of B g. Then for any x in the regular point set M , one can consider the following reg -orthogonal decomposition of g: B g =l+RZ +m , (1.1) where l = g is the isotropy subalgebra, RZ +m is naturally identified with the x tangent space T (G/L) T (G x) of the G-orbit G/L= G x, and m is naturally o x ≃ · · identified with the holomorphic subspace m x ≃ D = v T (G x) : Jv T (G x) . (1.2) x x x D { ∈ · ∈ · } Noticethatforanypointx M the -orthogonaldecomposition(1.1)isuniquely reg ∈ B given; on the other hand, two distinct points x,x M may determine two ′ reg ∈ distinct decompositions of type (1.1). OurfirstresultconsistsinprovingthatanyK-manifoldhasafamily ofsmooth O curves η : R M of the form → η =exp(itZ) x , t o · where Z g, x M is a regular point for the GC-action and the following o ∈ ∈ properties are satisfied: (1) η intersects any regular G-orbit; t (2) for any point η M , the tangent vector η is transversal to the regular t ∈ reg t′ orbit G η ; t · (3) any element g G which belongs to a stabilizer G , with η M , ∈ ηt t ∈ reg fixes pointwise the whole curve η; in particular, all regular orbits G η are t · equivalent to the same homogeneous space G/L; (4) thedecompositions(1.1)associatedwiththepointsη M donotdepend t reg ∈ on t; (5) thereexistsabasis f ,...f formsuchthatforanyη M thecomplex 1 n t reg { } ∈ structure J : m m, induced by the complex structure of T M, is of the t → ηt following form: 1 J f = λ (t)f , J f = f ; (1.3) t 2j j 2j+1 t 2j+1 2j −λ (t) j wherethefunctionλ (t)iseitheroneofthefunctions tanh(t), tanh(2t), j − − coth(t) and coth(2t) or it is identically equal to 1. − − Wecallanysuch curveanoptimal transversal curve; thebasisforRZ+m ggiven ⊂ by (Z,f ,...,f ), where the f ’s verify (1.3), is called optimal basis associated 1 2n 1 i − with η. An explicit description of the optimal basis for any given semisimple Lie group G is given in 3. § A. SPIRO 3 Noticethatthefamily ofoptimaltransversalcurvesdependsonlyontheaction O of the Lie group G. In particular it is totally independent on the choice of the G- invariant Ka¨hler metric g. At the same time, the Killing fields, associated with the elementsofanoptimalbasis,determinea1-parameterfamilyofholomorphicframes atthepointsη M , which areorthogonalw.r.t. atleastoneG-invariant Ka¨hler t reg ∈ metric g. It is also proved that, for all K-manifold M which do not belong to a special class of non-standard K-manifold, those holomorphic frames are orthogonal w.r.t. any G-invariant Ka¨hler metric g on M (see Corollary 4.2 for details). From these remarks and the fact that η = JZˆ , where Z is the first element of any t′ ηt optimal basis, it may be inferred that any curve η is a reparameterizationof a ∈ O normal geodesics of some (in most cases, any) G-invariant Ka¨hler metric on M. Our second main result is the following. Let η be an optimal transversal curve of a K-manifold, g = l + RZ + m the decomposition (1.1) associated with the regular points η M and let ω and ρ be the Ka¨hler form and the Ricci form, t reg ∈ respectively, associated with a given G-invariant Ka¨hler metric g on (M,J). By a slight modificationof argumentsused in [PS], we show that there exist two smooth curves Z ,Z : R C (l)=z(l)+a , a =C (l) (RZ +m) , (1.4) ω ρ g g → ∩ satisfyingthefollowingproperties(herez(l)denotesthecenteroflandC (l)denotes g the centralizer of l in g): for any η M and any two element X,Y g, with t reg ∈ ∈ associated Killing fields Xˆ and Yˆ, ω (Xˆ,Yˆ)= (Z (t),[X,Y]) , ρ (Xˆ,Yˆ) = (Z (t),[X,Y]) . (1.5) ηt B ω ηt B ρ We call such curves Z (t) and Z (t) the algebraic representatives of ω and ρ along ω ρ η. It is clear that the algebraic representatives determine uniquely the restrictions ofω andρtothetangentspacesoftheregularorbits. ButthefollowingProposition establishes a result which is somehow stronger. Before stating the proposition, we recall that in [PS] the following fact was established: if g = l + RZ + m is a decomposition of the form (1.1), then the subalgebra a = C (l) (RZ + m) is either 1-dimensional or 3-dimensional and g ∩ isomorphic with su . By virtue of this dichotomy, the two cases considered in the 2 following proposition are all possible cases. Proposition 1.1. Let η be an optimal transversal curve of a K-manifold (M,J,g) t acted on by the compact semisimple Lie group G and let g = l+RZ +m be the decomposition of the form (1.1) determined by the points η M . Let also t reg ∈ Z : R C (l)= z(l)+a be the algebraic representative of the Ka¨hler form ω or of g → the Ricci form ρ. Then: (1) if a is 1-dimensional, then it is of the form a = RZ and there exists an element I z(l) and a smooth function f : R R so that ∈ → Z(t) =f(t)Z +I ; (1.6) (2) if a is 3-dimensional, then it is of the form a = su = RZ +RX +RY, 2 with [Z,X] = Y and [X,Y]= Z and there exists an element I z(l), a real ∈ 4 RICCI TENSOR OF AN ALMOST KA¨HLER HOMOGENEOUS MANIFOLD number C and a smooth function f : R R so that → C Z(t)= f(t)Z + X +I . (1.7) D cosh(t) Conversely, if Z : R C (l) is a curve in C (l) of the form (1.6) or (1.7), then g g → there exists a unique closed J-invariant, G-invariant 2-form ̟ on the set of regular points M , having Z(t) as algebraic representative. reg In particular, the Ka¨hler form ω and the Ricci form ρ are uniquely determined by their algebraic representatives. Using (1.5), Proposition 1.1 and some basic properties of the decomposition g = l+RZ +m (see 5), it can be shown that the algebraic representatives Z (t) ω § and Z (t) are uniquely determined by the values ω (Xˆ,JXˆ) = (Z (t),[X,J X]) ρ ηt B ω t andρ (Xˆ,JXˆ) = (Z (t),[X,J X]),whereX mandJ isthecomplexstructure ηt B ρ t ∈ t on m induced by the complex structure of the tangent space T M. ηt Here comes our third main result. It consists in Theorem 5.1 and Proposition 5.2, where we give the explicit expression for the value r (X,X) = ρ (Xˆ,JXˆ) ηt ηt for any X m, only in terms of the algebraic representative Z (t) and of the Lie ω ∈ brackets between X and the elements of the optimal basis in g. By the previous discussion, this result furnishes a way to write down explicitly the Ricci tensor of the Ka¨hler metric associated with Z (t). ω Acknowledgement. Many crucial ideas for this paper are the natural fruit of the uncountable discussions that Fabio Podest`a and the author had since they began working on cohomogeneity one Ka¨hler-Einstein manifolds. It is fair to say that most of the credits should be shared with Fabio. Notation. Throughout the paper, if G is a Lie group acting isometrically on a Riemannian manifold M and if X g = Lie(G), we will adopt the symbol Xˆ to ∈ denote the Killing vector field on M corresponding to X. The Lie algebra of a Lie group will be always denoted by the corresponding gothic letter. For a group G and a Lie algebra g, Z(G) and z(g) denote the center of G and of g, respectively. For any subset A of a group G or of a Lie algebra g, C (A) and C (A) are the centralizer of A in G and g, respectively. G g Finally, for any subspace n g of a semisimple Lie algebra g, the symbol n ⊥ ⊂ denotes the orthogonal complement of n in g w.r.t. the Cartan-Killing form . B 2. Fundamentals of K-manifolds. 2.1 K-manifolds, KO-manifolds and KE-manifolds. A K-manifold is a pair formed by a compact Ka¨hler manifold (M,J,g) and a compact semisimple Lie group G acting almost effectively and isometrically (hence biholomorphically) on M, such that: i) b (M)= 0; 1 ii) G acts of cohomogeneity one with respect to the action of G, i.e. the regular G-orbits are of codimension one in M. A. SPIRO 5 In this paper, (M,J,g) will always denote a K-manifold of dimension 2n, acted on by the compact semisimple Lie group G. We will denote by ω( , ) = g( ,J ) the · · · · Ka¨hler fundamental form and by ρ= r( ,J ) the Ricci form of M. · · For the general properties of cohomogeneity one manifolds and of K-manifolds, see e.g. [AA], [AA1], [Br], [HS], [PS]. Here we only recall some properties, which will be used in the paper. If p M is a regular point, let us denote by L= G the corresponding isotropy p ∈ subgroup. Since M is orientable, every regular orbit G p is orientable. Hence we · may consider a unit normal vector field ξ, defined on the subset of regular points M , which is orthogonal to any regular orbit. It is known (see [AA1]) that any reg integralcurveofξ isageodesic. Anysuchgeodesicisusuallycallednormalgeodesic. A normal geodesic γ through a point p verifies the following properties: it inter- sects any G-orbit orthogonally; the isotropy subalgebra G at a regular point γ γt t is always equal G =L (see e.g. [AA], [AA1]). We formalize these two facts in the p following definition. We call nice transversal curve through a point p M any curve η : R M reg ∈ → with p η(R) and such that: ∈ i) it intersects any regular orbit; ii) for any η M t reg ∈ η / T (G η ) ; (2.1) t′ ∈ ηt · t iii) for any η M , G =L =G . t ∈ reg ηt p The following property of K-manifold has been proved in [PS]. Proposition 2.1. Let (M,J,g) be a K-manifold acted on by the compact semisim- ple Lie group G. Let also p M and L= G the isotropy subgroup at p. Then: reg p ∈ (1) there exists an element Z (determined up to scaling) so that RZ C (l) l , C (l+RZ) =z(l)+RZ ; (2.2) g ⊥ g ∈ ∩ in particular, the connected subgroup K G with subalgebra k = l+RZ is ⊂ the isotropy subgroup of a flag manifold F =G/K; (2) the dimension of a = Cg(l) l⊥ is either 1 or 3; in case dimRa = 3, then ∩ a is a subalgebra isomorphic to su and there exists a Cartan subalgebra 2 tC lC+aC gC so that aC = CH +CE +CE for some root α of the α α α roo⊂t system o⊂f (gC,tC). − Notethatif forsomeregularpointpwehavethatdimRa =1(resp. dimRa =3), then the same occurs at any other regular point. Therefore we may consider the following definition. Definition 2.2. Let (M,J,g) be a K-manifold and L =G the isotropy subgroup p of a regular point p. We say that M is a K-manifold with ordinary action (or shortly, KO-manifold) if dimRa =dimR(Cg(l) l⊥) = 1. ∩ In all other cases, we say that M is with extra-ordinary action (or, shortly, KE- manifold). 6 RICCI TENSOR OF AN ALMOST KA¨HLER HOMOGENEOUS MANIFOLD Another useful property of K-manifolds is the following. It can be proved that any K-manifold admitsexactlytwo singular orbits, at least one of which is complex (see [PS1]). By the results in [HS], it also follows that if M is a K-manifold whose singular orbitsare both complex, thenM admitsa G-equivariant blow-up M˜ along the complex singular orbits, which is still a K-manifold and admits a holomorphic fibration over a flag manifold G/K =GC/P, with standard fiber equal to CP1. Several other important facts are related to the existence (or non-existence) of two singular complex orbits (see [PS1] for a review of these properties). For this reason, it is convenient to introduce the following definition. Definition 2.3. We say that a K-manifold M, acted on by a compact semisimple group G with cohomogeneity one, is standard if the action of G has two singular complex orbits. We call it non-standard in all other cases. 2.2 The CR structure of the regular orbits of a K-manifold. A CR structure of codimension r on a manifold N is a pair ( ,J) formed by a D distribution TN ofcodimensionr andasmoothfamilyJ ofcomplexstructures D ⊂ J : on the spaces of the distribution. x x x ADCR→stDructure ( ,J) is called integrable if the distribution 10 TCN, given by the J-eigenspacesD 10 C corresponding to the eigenvalueD+i,⊂verifies Dx ⊂Dx [ 10, 10] 10 . D D ⊂ D Note that a complex structure J on manifold N may be always considered as an integrable CR structure of codimension zero. Asmoothmapφ : N N betweentwoCRmanifolds(N, ,J)and(N , ,J ) ′ ′ ′ ′ → D D is called CR map (or holomorphic map) if: a) φ ( ) ; ′ ∗ D ⊂ D b) for any x N, φ J = J φ . ∈ ∗◦ x φ′(x)◦ ∗|Dx A CR transformation of (N, ,J) is a diffeomorphism φ : N N which is also a D → CR map. Any codimension one submanifold N M of a complex manifold (M,J) is ⊂ naturally endowed with an integrable CR structure of codimension one ( ,J), D which is called induced CR structure; it is defined by = v T N : Jv T N J = J . Dx { ∈ x ∈ x } x |Dx It is clear that any regular orbit G/L = G x M of a K-manifold (M,J,g) · ∈ has an induced CR structure ( ,J), which is invariant under the transitive action D of G. For this reason, several facts on the global structure of the regular orbits of a K-manifolds can be detected using what is known on compact homogeneous CR manifolds (see e.g. [AHR] and [AS]). Here, we recall some of those facts, which will turn out to be crucial in the next sections. A. SPIRO 7 Let (G/L, ,J) be a homogeneous CR manifold of a compact semisimple Lie D groupG, withan integrableCRstructure( ,J)ofcodimensionone. If we consider D the -orthogonal decomposition g = l+n, where l = Lie(L), then the orthogonal B complement n is naturally identifiable with the tangent space T (G/L), o =eL, by o means of the map φ : n T (G/L) , φ(X) =Xˆ . o o → | If we denote by m the subspace m= φ 1( ) n , − o D ⊂ we get the following orthogonal decomposition of g: g =l+n =l+RZ +m . (2.3) D where Z (l + m) . Since the decomposition is ad -invariant, it follows that ⊥ l D ∈ Z C (l). g D ∈ Using again the identification map φ : n T (G/L), we may consider the o → complex structure def J : m m , J = φ (J ) . (2.4) ∗ o → Note that J is uniquely determined by the direct sum decomposition mC = m10+m01 , m01 =m10 , (2.5) where m10 and m01 are the J-eigenspaces with eigenvalues +i and i, respectively. − In all the following, (2.3) will be called the structural decomposition of g associ- ated with ; the subspace m10 mC (respectively, m01 = m10) given (2.5) will be D ⊂ called the holomorphic (resp. anti-holomorphic) subspace associated with ( ,J). D We recall that a G-invariant CR structure ( ,J) on G/L is integrable if and only if the associated holomorphic subspace m10D mC is so that ⊂ lC+m10 is a subalgebra of gC . (2.6) We now need to introduce a few concepts which are quite helpful in describing the structure of a generic compact homogeneous CR manifold. Definition 2.4. Let N = G/L be a homogeneousmanifold of a compact semisim- ple Lie group G and ( ,J) a G-invariant, integrable CR structure of codimension D one on N. We say that a CR manifold (N = G/L, ,J) is a Morimoto-Nagano space if D either G/L = S2n 1, n > 1, endowed with the standard CR structure of S2n 1 − − ⊂ CPn, or there exists a subgroup H G so that: ⊂ a) G/H is a compact rank one symmetric space (i.e. RPn =SO /SO Z , n+1 n 2 · Sn = SO /SO , CPn = SU /SU , HPn = Sp /Sp or OP2 = n+1 n n+1 n n+1 n F /Spin ); 4 9 b) G/L is a sphere bundle S(G/H) T(G/H) in the tangent space of G/H; ⊂ c) ( ,J) is the CR structure induced on G/L = S(G/H) by the G-invariant D C C complex structure of T(G/H)=G /H . ∼ 8 RICCI TENSOR OF AN ALMOST KA¨HLER HOMOGENEOUS MANIFOLD If a Morimoto-Naganospace is G-equivalent to a sphere S2n 1 we call it trivial; we − call it non-trivial in all other cases. A G-equivariant holomorphic fibering π : N =G/L =G/Q → F of (N, ,J) ontoa non-trivialflag manifold( =G/Q,J )with invariant complex D F F structure J , is called CRF fibration. A CRF fibration π : G/L G/Q is called F → nice if the standard fiber is a non-trivial Morimoto-Nagano space; it is called very nice if it is nice and there exists no other nice CRF fibrationπ : G/L G/Q with ′ → standard fibers of smaller dimension. The following Proposition gives necessary and sufficient conditions for the exis- tence of a CRF fibration. The proof can be found in [AS]. Proposition 2.5. Let G/L be homogeneous CR manifold of a compact semisim- ple Lie group G, with an integrable, codimension one G-invariant CR structure ( ,J). Let also g=l+RZ +m be the structural decomposition of g and m10 the D D holomorphic subspace, associated with ( ,J). D Then G/L admits a non-trivial CRF fibration if and only if there exists a proper parabolic subalgebra p = r+n ( gC (here r is a reductive part and n the nilradical of p) such that: a) r = (p g)C ; b) lC+m01 p ; c) lC (r . ∩ ⊂ C In this case, G/L admits a CRF fibration with basis G/Q= G /P, where Q is the connected subgroup generated by q = r g and P is the parabolic subgroup of GC ∩ with Lie algebra p. Let us go back to the regular orbits of a K-manifold (M,J,g) acted on by the compact semisimple group G. We already pointed out that each regular orbit (G/L = G x, ,J), endowed with the induced CR structure ( ,J), is a compact · D D homogeneous CR manifold. In the statement of the following Theorem we collect the main results on the one-parameter family of compact homogeneous CR mani- folds given by the regular orbits of a K-manifold, which is a direct consequenceTh. 3.1 in [PS1] (see also [HS] and [PS] Th.2.4). Theorem 2.6. Let (M,J,g) be a K-manifold acted on by the compact semisimple Lie group G. (1) If M is standard, then there exists a flag manifold (G/K,J ) with a G- o invariant complex structure J , such that any regular orbit (G x = G/L, o · ,J) of M admits a CRF-fibration π : (G/L, ,J) (G/K,J ) onto o D D → (G/K,J ) with standard fiber S1. o (2) If M is non-standard, then there exists a flag manifold (G/K,J ) with a o G-invariant complex structure J such that any regular orbit (G/L = G o · x, ,J) admits a very nice CRF fibration π : (G/L, ,J) (G/K,J ) o D D → where the standard fiber K/L is a non-trivial Morimoto-Nagano space of dimension dimK/L 3. ≥ A. SPIRO 9 Furthermore, if the last case occurs, then the fiber K/L of the CRF fibration π : (G/L, ,J) (G/K,J ) has dimension 3 if and only if M is a non-standard KE- o D → manifold and K/L is either S(RP2) T(RP2) = CP2 [z] : tz z = 0 or ⊂ \ { · } S(CP1) T(CP1) =CP1 CP1 [z] =[w] . ⊂ × \{ } 3. The optimal transversal curves of a K-manifold. 3.1 Notation and preliminary facts. C C IfGisacompactsemisimpleLiegroupandt g isagivenCartansubalgebra, ⊂ we will use the following notation: - is the Cartan-Killing form of g and for any subspace A g, A is the ⊥ B ⊂ -orthogonal complement to A; - BR is the root system of (gC,tC); C - H t is the -dual element to the root α; α ∈ B - for any α,β R, the scalar product (α,β) is set to be equal to (α,β) = ∈ (H ,H ); α β B - E is the root vector with root α in the Chevalley normalization; in par- α ticular (E ,E ) = δ , [E ,E ] = H , [H ,E ] = (β,α)E and α β αβ α α α α β β B − − [H ,E ] = (β,α)E ; α β β − − − - for any root α, 1 i F = (E E ) , G = (E +E ) ; α α α α α α √2 − − √2 − note that for α,β R ∈ (F ,F ) = δ = (G ,G ) , (F ,G ) = (F ,H ) = (G ,H ) = 0 ; α β αβ α β α β α β α β B − B B B B - the notation for the roots of a simple Lie algebra is the same of [GOV] and [AS]. Recall that for any two rootsα,β, with β = α, in case [E ,E ] is non trivial then α β 6 − it is equal to [E ,E ]= N E where the coefficients N verify the following α β α,β α+β α,β conditions: N = N , N = N . (3.1) α,β β,α α,β α, β − − − − From (3.1) and the properties of root vectors in the Chevalley normalization, the following well known properties can be derived: (1) for any α,β R with α =β ∈ 6 [F ,F ],[G ,G ] span F ,γ R , [F ,G ] span G ,γ R ; (3.2) α β α β γ α β γ ∈ { ∈ } ∈ { ∈ } (2) for any H tC and any α,β R, (H,[F ,F ]) = (H,[G ,G ]) = 0 and α β α β ∈ ∈ B B (H,[F ,G ]) =iδ (H,H ) =δ α(iH) ; (3.3) α β αβ α αβ B B 10 RICCI TENSOR OF AN ALMOST KA¨HLER HOMOGENEOUS MANIFOLD Finally, for whatconcernstheLie algebraof flag manifoldsandof CR manifolds, we adopt the following notation. Assume that G/K is a flag manifold with invariant complex structure J (for definitions and basic facts, we refer to [Al], [AP], [BFR], [Ni]) and let π : G/L → G/K be a G-equivariant S1-bundle over G/K. In particular, let us assume that l is a codimension one subalgebraof k. Recall that k =kss+z(k), with kss semisimple part of k. Hence the semisimple part lss of l is equal to kss and k = l + RZ = (kss+z(k) l)+RZ for some Z z(k). LettC ∩kC bea Cartansubalg∈ebrafor gC containedin kC andR therootsystem of (gC,tC)⊂. Then we will use the following notation: - R = α R , E k ; o α { ∈ ∈ } - R = α R , E m ; m α - for any{α∈ R, we de∈note}by g(α)C =spanC E α,Hα and g(α) =g(α)C ∈ { ± } ∩ g; - m(α) denotes the irreducible kC-submoduli of mC, with highest weight α ∈ R ; m - if m(α) and m(β) are equivalent as lC-moduli, we denote by m(α)+λm(β) the irreducible lC-module with highest weight vector E +λE , α,β R , α β m ∈ λ C. ∈ 3.2The structuraldecomposition g=l+RZ +mdetermined by theCR structure D of a regular orbit. The main results of this subsection are given by the following two theorems on thestructuraldecompositionof theregularorbitsof a K-manifolds. The first oneis a straightforward consequence of definitions, Theorem 2.6 and the results in [PS]. Theorem 3.1. Let (M,J,g) be a standard K-manifold acted on by the compact semisimple group G and let g=l+RZ +mand m10 be thestructural decomposition D and the holomorphic subspace, respectively, associated with the CR structure ( ,J) D of a regular orbit G/L=G p. Let also J :m m be the unique complex structure on m, which determines the·decomposition mC→= m10+m10. Then, k = l + RZ is the isotropy subalgebra of a flag manifold K, and the D complex structure J : m m is ad -invariant and corresponds to a G-invariant k → complex structure J on G/K. In particular, there exists a Cartan subalgebra tC kC and an ordering of the ⊂ associated root system R, so that m10 is generated by the corresponding positive root vectors in mC =(k )C. ⊥ The following theorem describes the structural decomposition and the holomor- phic subspace of a regular orbit of a non-standard K-manifold. Also this theorem can be considered as a consequence of Theorem 2.6, but the proof is a little bit more involved.

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