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NATIONAL BESTSELLER THE REVOLT THE OF ELITE U 1 ^ i assionate, compelling, and disturbing/ — John Gray, New York Times Book Review — Further praise for TheRevolt oftheElitesandtheBetrayalofDemocracy "Christopher Lasch spent a lifetime raising his eloquent voice on behalfofthe liberty, civic responsibility, andgood senseofordinary people. Hiscontributionwas prophetic inthetruest sense: calling us back to the first principles ofdemocratic life and forward to a more just society unafraid to argue about the moral meaningofindividual and social choices. It is a blessing that he left The Revolt ofthe Elites and the Betrayal ofDemocracy, which is both a brilliant dissection of the failures ofliberals, conservatives, and radicals, and an invitation to a more responsible and fruitful approach to public life. All who —come to this book will bechallenged and inspired." E.J. Dionne,Jr. "The Revolt ofthe Elites and—the Betrayal ofDemocracy ranges provoca- tively [and] insightfully." Robert H. Bork, NationalReview "A full-spirited attack on the threats to American democratic cul- ture . . . ." ChronicleofHigherEducation "In TheRevolt oftheElites, Mr. Lasch sets forth a provocative thesis. He argues that the same upper-middle-class elites 'who control the international flow of money and information and thus set the . . . terms of public debate' have paradoxically '—lost faith in the values, or what remains of them, of the West.' " Dennis Farney, Wall StreetJournal "In TheRevoltoftheElites, Laschoffers a powerful critiqueofAmeri- can democracy that calls for a new populist program com—bining lib- eral and conservative remedies to restore its health." Peter H. Stone, PhiladelphiaInquirer "This brilliant, clear-eyed work . . . examines how the American impulse toward political equality has been frustrated in the work- — place and widerculture ." Paul Baumann, Newsday . . . "Lasch is so pithy and cogent that he produces the kind ofbook th—at makes you want to corner friends and read it aloud to them." starred Booklist "This posthumous contribution makes us sense the loss ofChristo- pher Lasch ever more strongly. He had the real capacity to tell the truth, to speak plainly with subtlety, and to challenge the smug thinkingintowhich somany privileged Americans fall with uncanny regularity. This is an—important and disturbing book, even if one doesn't agree with it." Leon Botstein OTHER BOOKS BY CHRISTOPHER LASCH The American Liberals and the Russian Revolution (1962) The New Radicalism in America (1965) The Agony ofthe American Left (1969) The World ofNations (1973) Haven in a Heartless World (1977) The Culture ofNarcissism (1979) The Minimal Self(1984) The True and Only Heaven (1991) Women and the Common Life (1997) THE Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal ofDemocracy CHRISTOPHER LASCH W.W.Norton & Company NewYork London Copyright© 1995 by theEstateofChristopherLasch First publishedasa Nortonpaperback 1996 All rights reserved Printed in the United StatesofAmerica Thetextofthisbookiscomposed inJanson with thedisplay set inJanson composition and manufacturingby theMaple-Vail Book Manufacturing Group. Bookdesign byChrisWelch Portions ofchapter 4 appeared in "A Reply toJeffrey Isaac," Salma- gundi, Winter 1992. Reprinted by permission. Chapter 5 appeared in differentformas"CommunitarianismorPopulism?"New Oxford, Mav 1992. Copyright© 1992 NewOxford Review. Reprintedwithpermis- sion from the New Oxford Review (1069 Kains Ave., Berkeley, CA 94706). Chapter 6 appeared in different form as "Preserving the Mild Life,"PittsburghHistory, Summer 1991.Copyright© 1991 bythe Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. Chapter 7 appeared in different form as "Civic Wrongs," Tikkun, vol. 6, no. 2. Reprinted from Tikkun Magazine, a bimonthlyJewish Critique of Politics, Cul- tureand Society. Chapter 8 appeared indifferent form as "TheGreat Experiment: WhereDid ItGoWrong?"inBeyondCheeringandBashing, editedbyJamesSeatonandWilliamK. Buckley. Reprintedbypermis- sionofPopularPress.Chapter9appearedindifferentformas"Journal- ism, Publicity and the Lost Art ofArgument," Media StudiesJournal, Spring 1990. Reprinted with permission. Chapter 10 appeared in dif- ferent form as "Politics and Culture: Academic Pseudo-radicalism," Salmagundi, Winter 1991. Reprinted by permission. PortionsofChap- ter 11 appeared in "For Shame," "New Republic, August 10, 1992. Reprinted by permission. Chapter 12 appeared in different form as "The Saving Remnant,"NewRepublic, November 19, 1990. Reprinted by permission. Chapter 13 appeared indifferent form as "The Soulof ManUnderSecularism,"NewOxfordRezieii- July-August 1991.Copy- , right © 1991 New Oxford Review. Reprinted with permission from theNew Oxford Review (1069Kains Ave., BerkelevCA94706). ISBN 0-393-31371-9 W.W. Norton&Company, Inc., 500Fifth Avenue, New York, N. V. 10110 W.WNorton &Company Ltd., 10CopticStreet, LondonWClA 1PU 6 7 8 9 10 For Robert Westbrook Contents Acknowledgments ix 1 Introduction: The Democratic Malaise 3 THE INTENSIFICATION OF SOCIAL I DIVISIONS 2 The Revolt ofthe Elites 25 3 Opportunity in the Promised Land: Social Mobility or the Democratization ofCompetence? 50 4 Does Democracy Deserve to Survive? 80 5 Communitarianism or Populism? The Ethic ofCompassion and the Ethic of Respect 92 DEMOCRATIC DISCOURSE IN DECLINE II 6 Conversation and the Civic Arts 117 7 Racial Politics in New York: The Attack on Common Standards 129 8 The Common Schools: Horace Mann and the Assault on Imagination 141 9 The Lost Art ofArgument 161 Vll 31 viii Contents 10 Academic Pseudo-radicalism: The Charade of "Subversion" 176 THE DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL III 1 The Abolition of Shame 197 12 Philip Rieffand the Religion ofCulture 213 The Soul ofMan under Secularism 230 1 Bibliography 247 Index 261

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