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Annual Index References are to issue number and pages, respectively Acker, Kathy. A Few Notes on Two of You Rather Young to Be Writing My Books, 3: 117-22. Your Memoirs? 3: 64-77. Bellos, David. Introduction: The Liebler, M. L. A Terrible Beauty is Book of Bachelors by Philip Born: Edward Sanders, the Tech- Terry, 2: 7-11. niques of Investigative Writing, Boddy, Kasia. Shards of God: An and 1968, 1: 112-21. Epinician to the Heroes of the Lins, Osman. OfI dealism and Glory, Peace-swarm, 1: 61-80. 3: 141-46. Caponegro, Mary. Impressions of a Mathews, Harry. For Prizewinners, Paranoid Optimist, 3: 153-57. 3: 83-97. Cela, Camilo José. The Novel as Miles, Barry. An Interview with Ed Concept, 3: 43-48. Sanders—1 October 1968, 1: 13-22. Charters, Ann. Marching with the Myers, Thomas. Rerunning the Fugs, 1: 47-49. Creepy-Crawl: Ed Sanders and Clark, Tom. Ed Sanders and Black Charles Manson, 1: 81-90. Sparrow Press, 1: 55-56. Ollier, Claude. French Version, 3: Cortazar, Julio. Some Aspects of the 98-106. Short Story, 3: 25-37. Olsen, Lance. Divining the Avant- Creeley, Robert. Tell the Story, 1: 58-60. Pop Afterburn: Fame & Love in Dewey, Joseph. Helter Skelter: Stra- New York, 1: 91-100. tegic Interment in Tales of Beat- Pinget, Robert. Address to the New York nik Glory, 1: 101-11. University Conference, 3: 17-24. Donoso, José. A Small Biography of Sanders, Edward. From Tales of The Obscene Bird of Night, 3: Beatnik Glory, Volume 3: The 123-37. Psychedelicatessin, 1: 31-46. Galloway, Janice. Bad Times, 3: 147- Simon, Claude. Reflections on the 52. Novel: Address to the Colloquium Garrett, George. “Once More unto on the New Novel, New York Uni- the Breach, Dear Friends, Once versity, October 1982, 3: 49-63. More”: The Publishing Scene and Sorrentino, Gilbert. The Act of Cre- American Literary Art, 3: 107-17. ation and Its Artifact, 3: 7-16. Goytisolo, Juan. Literature Pursued Terry, Philip. Afterword to The Book by Politics, 3: 38-43. of Bachelors, 2: 102-8. Herd, David. “After All What Else is ——. The Book of Bachelors, 2: 12-101. There to Say?” Ed Sanders and Valenzuela, Luisa. Dangerous Words, the Beat Aesthetic, 1: 122-37. 3: 78-80. Horvath, Brooke. An Edward Sand- . Dirty Words, 3: 81-82. ers Checklist, 1: 138-43. Vollmann, William T. Something to ———. Edward Sanders on His Fic- Die For, 3: 138-40. tion: An Interview, 1: 23-30. Wallenstein, Barry. Mr. Ed Sanders, ———. Introducing Edward Sand- 1: 50-54. ers, 1: 7-12. Weinreich, Regina. Ed Sanders: The Johnson, B. S. Introduction to Aren’t Un-Fuzzy Fug, 1: 57. 194 REVIEW OF CONTEMPORARY FICTION Books Reviewed Reviewers’ names follow in parentheses. Regular reviewers are abbreviated: BE=Brian Evenson; DWF=David William Foster; AH=Amy Havel; TH=Thomas Hove; IM=Irving Malin; RM=Robert L. McLaughlin; MP=Michael Pinker Amburn, Ellis. Subterranean ern Bestiary, 2: 139. (Joanne Kerouac: The Hidden Life of Jack Gass) Kerouac, 1: 208 (Tim Hunt) Brown, Stewart and John Wickham, Anderson, Perry. The Origins of eds. The Oxford Book of Carib- Postmodernity, 2: 145-6 (TH) bean Short Stories, 3: 163-4 Auster, Paul. Timbuktu, 3: 171-2 (TH) (Nancy D. Tolson) Barnes, Julian. England, England, Burgin, Richard, ed. Jorge Luis 3: 174 (Philip Landon) Borges: Conversations, 2: 140-1 Bataille, Georges. The Bataille (DWF) Reader, 1: 183-4 (James Sallis) Busch, Frederick. The Night Inspec- Beard, Richard. Damascus, 1: 187 tor, 3: 179 (TH) (Matthew Roberson) Bush, Peter, ed. The Voice of the Beattie, Ann. Park City: New & Se- Turtle: An Anthology of Cuban lected Stories, 1: 194 (BE) Stories, 1: 192 (DWF) Berberova, Nina. The Ladies from Butts, Mary. Ashe of Rings and St. Petersburg: Three Novellas, 2: Other Writings, 1: 185-6 (Allen 146-7 (MP) Hibbard) Blanchot, Maurice. The Station Hill Calvino, Italo. The Path to the Spi- Blanchot Reader: Fiction and ders’ Nests, 1: 190 (David lan Literary Essays, 3: 159 (Jeffrey Paddy) DeShell) Canetti, Elias. Notes from Hampstead: Blatnik, Andrej. Skinswaps, 3: 162- The Writer’s Notes: 1954-1971, 1: 3 (MP) 181-2 (Allen Hibbard) Borges, Jorge Luis. Collected Fic- Caponegro, Mary. Five Doubts, 1: tions, 1: 175 (IM) 187-8 (RM) Borinsky, Alicia. Dreams of the Carruth, Hayden. Beside the Shad- Abandoned Seducer, 1: 198-9 blow Tree, 3: 167-8 (AH) (Alan Tinkler) Cixous, Héléne. FirstDays of the Bove, Emmanuel. A Winter’s Jour- Year, 2: 135-6 (Nicole Cooley) nal, 1: 186-7 (BE) ———. Stigmata: Escaping Texts, 2: Bowker, Gordon. Through a Dark 135-6 (Nicole Cooley) Labyrinth: A Biography of Cohen, Marcel. Mirrors, 1: 193-4 Lawrence Durrell, 1: 182-3 (Jeffrey DeShell) (Julius Rowan Raper) Coover, Robert. Ghost Town, 1: 174 Braschi, Giannina. Yo Yo Boing! 1: (RM) 202-3 (DWF) Croft, Barbara. Necessary Fictions, Brodkey, Harold. Sea Battles on Dry 2: 128. (Nicole Lamy) Land, 3: 174-5 (IM) Davenport, Guy. Objects on a Table, Brooke-Rose, Christine. Next, 2: 2: 126. (Alexander Theroux) 127-8 (Brian McHale) Day, Aidan. Angela Carter: The Brown, Rebecca. The Dogs: A Mod- Rational Glass, 1: 205 (Joanne ANNUAL INDEX 195 Gass) Gordon, Karen Elizabeth. Out of the Dixon, Stephen. 30: Pieces of a Loud Hound of Darkness: A Novel, 3: 161 (IM) Dictionarrative, 2: 130-1 (BBE) Dobychin, Leonid. The Town of N, 2: Gorup, Radmila J. and Nadezda 134-5 (AH) Obradovic, eds. The Prince of Donleavy, J. P. Wrong Information Is Fire: An Anthology of Contempo- Being Given out at Princeton, 2: rary Serbian Short Stories, 2: 141-2 (Eamonn Wall) 136-7 (Biljana D. Obradovic) Donoghue, Denis. The Practice of Goytisolo, Juan. The Marx Family Reading, 3: 181-2 (Brooke Saga, 3: 176 (Sophia A. McClennen) Horvath) Hamsun, Knut. Under the Autumn Ducornet, Rikki. The Fan-Maker’s Star, 2: 132 (Philip Landon) Inquisition: A Novel of the Mar- Handke, Peter. Once Again for quis de Sade, 3: 181 (Steve Thucydides, 1: 185 (Matthew Tomasula) Badura) Duffy, Jean H. Reading between the ———. My Year in the No-Man’s Lines: Claude Simon and the Vi- Bay, 1: 185 (Matthew Badura) sual Arts, 1: 204-5 (George O’Brien) Hoffman, Yoel. Bernhard, 2: 126-7 Eco, Umberto. Serendipities: Lan- (Allen Hibbard) guage and Lunacy, 1: 180-1 (Gor- Holleran, Andrew. In September the don McAipine) Light Changes: The Stories of Egolf, Tristan. Lord of the Barn- Andrew Holleran, 3: 171 (David yard: Killing the Fatted Calf and Bergman) Arming the Aware in the Hollier, Denis. Absent without Cornbelt, 3: 170-1 (James Crossley) Leave: French Literature under Ellingham, Lewis and Kevin the Threat of War, 1: 208-9 (Leon Killian. Poet Be Like God: Jack S. Roudiez) Spicer and the San Francisco Re- Homes, A. M. Music for Torching, 3: naissance, 1: 191-2 (Thomas 167 (Trey Strecker) McGonigle) Hotschnig, Alois. Leonardo’s Hands, Ellison, Ralph. Juneteenth, 3: 172-3 3: 178-9 (Brian Budzynski) (Christopher C. De Santis) Howe, Fanny. Nod, 1: 184 (Brian Erickson, Steve. The Sea Came in at Lennon) Midnight, 3: 176-7 (Trey Strecker) Jameson, Frederic. The Cultural Ernaux, Annie. Shame, 1: 175-6 Turn: Selected Writings on the (Robert Buckeye) Postmodern, 1983-1998, 2: 145-6 Evenson, Brian. Father ofL ies, 1: (TH) 200. (Eamonn Wall) Jancar, Drago. Mocking Desire, 1: ffrench, Patrick and Roland- 147 (Gordon McAlpine) Francois Lack, eds. The Tel Quel Johnston, John. Information Multi- Reader, 1: 206 (Leon S. Roudiez) plicity: American Fiction in the Gaggi, Silvio. From Text to Age of Media Saturation, 1: 2078 Hypertext: Decentering the Sub- (Trey Strecker) ject in Fiction, Film, the Visual Kafka, Franz. The Trial, 2: 137-8 Arts and Electronic Media, 2: (MP) 144-5 (Steve Tomasula) Kellman, Steven G. and IM, eds. Gerard, Albert J. Suspended Sen- Into the Tunnel: Readings of tences, 2: 131 (IM) Gass’s Novel, 2: 141 (Steve 196 Review OF CONTEMPORARY FICTION Tomasula) Murphy) Kennedy, A. L. Original Bliss, 3: Offill, Jenny. Last Things, 3: 169-70 161-2 (Eamonn Wall) (Evelin Sullivan) Kis, Danilo. Early Sorrows (For Ortese, Anna Marie. A Music behind Children and Sensitive Readers), the Wall: Selected Stories, Vol- 1: 176-7 (MP) ume Two, 1: 195 (Kristin Schar) Koja, Kathe. Extremities, 2: 132-3 Ozick, Cynthia, ed. The Best Ameri- (IM) can Essays 1998, 1: 202 (TH) Konig, Barbara. Our House, 1: 194-5 Pelevin, Victor. A Werewolf Problem (Susan Ireland) in Central Russia and Other Sto- Krysl, Marilyn. How to Accommo- ries, 2: 143 (MP) date Men, 3: 164 (Alan Tinkler) Pessoa, Fernando. The Book of Dis- Kundera, Milan. Farewell Waltz, 1: quiet, 2: 142-3 (Philip Landon) 188-9 (Paul Maliszewski) Puértolas, Soledad. Bordeaux, 1: Lish, Gordon. Arcade, or How to 190-1 (Susan Ireland) Write a Novel, 2: 139-40 (Alan Plimpton, George. Truman Capote: Tinkler) In Which Various Friends, MacMillan, lan. Village of a Million Enemies, Acquaintances, and Spirits: A Novel of the Treblinka Detractors Recall His Turbulent Uprising, 3: 175-6 (Michael J. Career, 1: 189 (IM) Martin) Purdy, James. Gertrude of Stony MacNiven, Ian. Lawrence Durrell: A Island Avenue, 3: 169 (BE) Biography, 1: 182-3 (Julius Rowan Rainey, Lawrence. Institutions of Raper) Modernism: Literary Elites & Makanin, Vladimir. The Loss: A Public Culture, 2: 147-8 (John Novella and Two Short Stories, 3: O’Brien) 165-6 (MP) Reed, Kit. Weird Women, Wired Martin, Emer. More Bread or I'll Ap- Women, 1: 199-200 (IM) pear, 2: 133 (George O’Brien) Rezvani. Enigma, 1: 200-1 (Susann Mathews, Harry. The Way Home: Cokal) Selected Longer Prose, 3: 166-7 Rios, Julian. Kitaj: Pictures and (Joseph Tabbi) Conversations, 1: 182 (IM) ——— and Alastair Brotchie, eds. Rushdie, Salman. The Ground be- Oulipo Compendium, 1: 173-4 neath Her Feet, 3: 173 (RM) (Warren Motte) Ryman, Geoff. 253: The Journey of McGraw, Milena. After Dunkirk, 1: 253 Lifetimes, 1: 201 (Robert 203 (Sally E. Parry) Headley) Mojtabai, A. G. Soon, 2: 134 (IM) Salzman, Arthur. Understanding Moore, Lorrie. Birds of America, 1: Nicholson Baker, 3: 182-3 (IM) 196 (IM) Saramango, Jose. Blindness, 1: 179 Murakami, Haruki. South of the (Philip Landon) Border, West of the Sun, 3: 168-9 Sawyer-Luacanno, Christopher. An (Paul Maliszewski) Invisible Spectator: A Biography Murdoch, Iris. Existentialists and of Paul Bowles, 3: 163 (Anne Mystics: Writings on Philosophy Foltz) and Literature, 1: 192-3 (TH) Selby, Hubert, Jr. The Willow Tree, Naslund, Sena Jeter. The Disobedi- 1: 178-9 (Brooke Horvath) ence of Water, 3: 178 (Richard J. Self, Will. Tough, Tough Toys for ANNUAL INDEX 197 Tough, Tough Boys, 3: 177-8 (RM) (Paul Maliszewski) Webb, W. L. and Rose Bell, eds. An Shrayer, Maxim D. The World of Embarrassment of Tyrannies: Nabakov’s Short Stories, 2: 145 Twenty-five Years of “Index on (IM) Censorship”, 1: 198 (Brooke Smith, Patti. Patti Smith Complete: Horvath) Lyrics, Reflections & Notes for West, Paul. Life with Swan, 3: 165 the Future, 2: 129-30 (Alexander (David W. Madden) Theroux) Winterson, Jeanette. The World and Sounces, Howard. Charles Other Places, 2: 143-4 (Eric Bukowski: Locked in the Arms of Lorberer) a Crazy Life, 3: 180 (Ben Yamanaka, Lois-Ann. Heads by Donnelly) Harry, 3: 160-1 (BE) Spicer, Jack. The House That Jack Yau, John, ed. Fetish: An Anthology, Built: The Collected Lectures of 3: 173-4 (AH) Jack Spicer, 1: 191-2 (Thomas McGonigle) Stavans, Ilan, ed. Prospero’s Mirror: A Translator’s Portfolio of Latin American Short Fiction, 1: 196-7 (DWF) Steen, Thorvald. Don Carlos, 2: 137 (Philip Landon) Stein, Gertrude. Writings 1903- 1932, 1: 180 (Ray Lewis White) ———. Writings 1932-1946, 1: 180 (Ray Lewis White) Steiner, George. Errata: An Exam- ined Life, 1: 206-7 (TH) Stump, Jordan. Naming and Unnaming: On Raymond Queneau, 1: 204 (Marc Lowenthal) Taylor, John. Mysteries of the Body and the Mind, 1: 177 (IM) —— —. The World As It Is, 1: 177 (IM) Themerson, Stefan. Bayamus & Cardinal Pélétiio, 3: 159-60 (David Ian Paddy) Thurber, James and E. B. White. Is Sex Necessary?: Or, Why You Feel the Way You Do, 2: 1389 (Sally E. Parry) Tryzna, Tomek. Miss Nobody, 3: 180-1 (AH) Valenzuela, Luisa. Symmetries, 1: 178 (D. Quentin Miller) Wallace, David Foster. Brief Inter- views with Hideous Men, 3: 158-9

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