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The Retinal and 3-Dehydroretinal in Xenopus laevis Eggs are Bound to Lipovitellin 1 by a Schiff Base Linkage(Biochemistry) PDF

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Preview The Retinal and 3-Dehydroretinal in Xenopus laevis Eggs are Bound to Lipovitellin 1 by a Schiff Base Linkage(Biochemistry)

ZOOLOGICAL SCIENCE 8: 855-863 (1991) 1W1 Zoological SocietyofJapan The Retinal and 3-Dehydroretinal in Xenopus laevis Eggs are Bound to Lipovitellin 1 by a Schiff Base Linkage Toshiaki Irie1 Masami Azuma2 and Takaharu Sekp , 1Osaka Meijo Women's College, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-gun, Osaka590-04and 'Department ofHealth Science, Osaka Kyoiku University, Hirano-ku, Osaka 547, Japan — ABSTRACT The egg ofXenopus laevis contains both retinal (ret,) and 3-dehydroretinal (ret2). The sumofthetworetinalsandtheratioofthereti toret2inoneeggwerenotsodiverseamongtheeggsina brood, but the values between different broods varied in the ranges 40-60pmol/egg and 0.67-1.35, respectively. mM Both retinals in the egghomogenatewereprecipitatedin20 Tris-HClbuffer,redissolvedinNaCl solution at concentrations above 400mM, and precipitated at 50-659f saturation with ammonium sulfate. Theproteinscontainingretinalscorrespondedtolipovitellin(LV)onSDS-PAGE. The LVwas chromatographed by gel filtration in the presence of SDS into two components, LV1 and LV2, and retinals bound covalently to the binding site by the treatment with sodium borohydride (NaBH4) were cochromatographed with LV1. The protein with retinalswasconverted to a fluorescent product by the NaBHj treatment, following which both retinals could no longer be extracted with organic solvents. The fluorescencewasobservedevenafterdelipidationoftheNaBH4-treated LV. Theseresultsindicate that the retinals are bound to the protein moiety ofLV1 via a Schiffbase linkage. The molar ratio of LV1 toone moleculeofret] orret2wasin the rangeof 12-23. Wediscussevidence that the retinalsare bound to the lipovitellin precursor, vitellogenin, priorto the uptake ofthe vitellogenin into the oocyte. INTRODUCTION control of retinal concentration in the blood plas- mawassubstantiated [7]. These findings indicate a Extraoccular retinal was found for the first time connection between egg retinal and vitellogenesis, in the eggs of herring by Plack et al. [1]. In but neither the origin of the egg retinal nor its subsequent papers [2-4], the occurrence ofretinal, physiological significance are yet known. For or both retinal and 3-dehydroretinal, in the further our understanding, it is important to make megalecithal eggs of vertebrates was shown to be clear the state in which retinal exists in the egg. common, while no retinal was found in the eggs or Plack reported in his early papers [1,2] that the ovaries of the invertebrates investigated [4]. Plack retinal in herreing eggs is bound to a lipid and, etal. [5] also reported important observations that either directly or indirectly, to protein, for the retinal is found in cod ovaries only when they are retinal was extracted with a fat solvent only after maturing and contain large ripening eggs, and that denaturation ofthe proteinswith ethanol. Recent- its first appearance coincides with the onset of ly, Seki et al. [8] found that Xenopus laevis eggs vitellogenesis. Plack et al. [6] also found retinal in contain both retinal and 3-dehydroretinal in nearly the blood ofegg-laying hens, but only traces in the equal amounts, and it was suggested that the blood of cockerels and none at all in the blood of retinals are present in a protein-bound form, but pullets. Using the fowl, an intimate relation be- the protein that binds the retinals has not been tween sexual maturation and the appearance of characterized. Therefore, in this study. X. laevis retinal in the plasma was shown, and the hormonal egg homogenate was fractionated by several methods to inspect the protein that binds the Accepted June 18, 1991 retinals. Evidence is presented that the retinals Received March 9. 1991 are bound to a yolk protein, lipovitellin I (LV1), 856 T. Irie, M. Azuma and T. Seki and the origin of the egg retinals is discussed in washed with sufficient TB by centrifugation to terms ofthis and previous [5-7] results concerning remove the AS. egg retinals. The As-ppt freed from AS was redissolved in A preliminary accountwas presented at the 60th TBS and fractionated by gel filtration on a 3x38 Annual MeetingoftheZoologicalSocietyofJapan cm column of Sephacryl S-200, equilibrated with in 1989 [9]. TBS containing 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). Prior to gel filtration, the AS-ppt in TBS MATERIALS AND METHODS was treated with sodium borohydride (NaBH4), to bind the retinals covalently to the binding site [12, 13]. To minimize the cleavage of the protein by Animals and eggs NaBH4, the treatmentwasperformedon icefor30 Xenopus laeviswere supplied by Dr. H. Takasa- min, which was long enough to complete the ki or purchased from Hamamatsu Seibutsu Kyozai reduction at the binding site as monitored by the Co., Ltd. (Shizuoka, Japan). They were reared at increase in fluorescence (see below). The reaction 25°Candfedtwiceweeklywithafeedforthetoads was terminated by addition of more than three supplied by the same company. The eggs were times the volume of TB and centrifuged to wash obtainedbyinjectionto the animalswithchorionic out NaBH4. In the supernatant, no fluorescence gonadotrophic hormone [10], Puberogen (for due to retinol or retinyl product was observed. veterinary use; Sankyo Co., Tokyo) at 200-300 The precipitate was dissolved in TBS, mixed with IU. Pre-gastrula eggs were used in this experi- SDS to a final concentration of2% and applied to ment. The jelly layers of the eggs were removed the column for gel filtration. Five ml fractions [11] by shaking the eggs gently in 0.6% NaCl were collected and their absorption spectra were solution containing 1.5% sodium thioglycolate at measuredfrom220to400nmwithaspectrophoto- pH 9-10, then the eggs were rinsed with 0.6% meter (Hitachi 200-20, Hitachi, Japan). Fluoresc- NaClsolutionin20mMTris-HClbufferatpH7.4. ence of the retinyl product could not be used to monitorthe fractions because the fluorescencewas Fractionation ofegg homogenate quenched by SDS. mM The rinsed eggs were homogenized in 20 Alltheproceduresofpreparationoftheproteins Tris-HCl buffer at pH7.4 (TB), using a glass described above and the following retinoid analy- homogenizerwith amotor-driventeflonpestle ora ses were carried out under dim red light. high-speed homogenizer (Physcotron NS-50; Nichion Irikakikai Seisakusyo Co. Ltd., Chiba, Detection ofretinals in thefractions Japan). The homogenate was centrifuged at 5°C Fluorospectrometry and high performance liq- with a centrifuge (Kubota KR-180B, Tokyo) at uid chromatography (HPLC) were used to detect 13,000xg for 20min. The precipitate was resus- the retinals. Although retinal itself is not fluores- pended in 400mM NaCl in TB (TBS) and centri- centinmostsolvents, retinolandN-retinylproduct fuged again. To collect the TBS soluble sub- (the reduced products of retinal and the retiny- stances, the material solved in TBS was reprecipi- lidene Schiffbase, respectively) arefluorescent[cf. tated by dilution with more than three times the 12, 13]. The conversion of the material with volume ofTB. After centrifugation, the collected retinals into the fluorescent product, on treatment material was redissolved into TBS and then frac- with NaBH4, was monitored by the increase of tionated further by ammonium sulfate (AS) pre- fluorescencewith anemission Amaxaround475 nm, cipitation. Till 50% saturation, no precipitation induced by excitation at 330nm using a fluoro- occurred. At 65% saturation, the turbid suspen- photometer (Hitachi 650-10M, Hitachi, Japan). sion was kept on ice for a few hours, or overnight For HPLC analysis, retinals in the egg(s) or in a refrigerator, and centrifuged to obtain the AS fractionated samples were extracted by the oxime soluble (AS-sup) and precipitate (AS-ppt) frac- method [14] followingourroutineprocedures [15]. tions. The AS-ppt,whichwasinsoluble inTB, was The eluent was 8% diethylether-0.08% ethanol in Egg Retinals Bound to Lipovitellin I 857 /z-hexane [8], or 5rc terf-butylmethylether-0.04% Table 1. Content of a\\-trans retinal (ret,) and ethanol-25rr benzene in n-hexane: both of which 3-dehydroretinal (ret:) in the egg from different give good separation of the syn oximes of retinal pairs of adults (reti) and 3-dehydroretinal (ret:). A HPLC- pmol/egg wsiytshtema(H6i\ta1eh5i06m55m. Hciotalcuhmin. Joafpan3)pawnasseiqliueiappgeedl Pair n ret, ret: sum ret, ret: A CYMC-PACK-A-012-3 S-3 SIL: Yamamura Chem- 1 22.9 27.8 50.7 0.82 ical Laboratories Co. Ltd.. Kyoto), with a 4x50 A 1 24.3 30.6 54.9 0.79 mm preeolumn. and was used at a flow rate of 2 A 1 23.3 27.2 50.5 0.S6 ml min. Absorbanee at 350nm was monitored A 5 26.0 29.3 55.3 0.89 with a UV-detector (Hitaehi 638-41. Hitaehi. B 1 29.6 22.0 51.6 1.35 Japan). Quantities of ret, oxime and ret: oxime B 1 28.6 22.0 50.6 1.30 were estimated from the peak areas of the syn C 1 16.8 25.2 42.0 0.67 isomers, using equimolar mixtures of standard oximes [16] supplied by Dr. T. Suzuki. c 1 16.8 23.0 39.S 0.73 D 2 33.9 25.2 59.1 1.35 Quantification ofthe lipovitellin 1 n: number of eggs analyzed. Two methods, the Lowry method [17] and the fluorescence excited by 280 nm. were used to determine the amount ofthe protein that binds the Table 1 shows the amounts of each retinal, along retinals. The standard protein was bovine serum with their sum and ratios in the eggs produced by albumin. The amount oflipovitellin 1 (LV1) inthe four different pairs of adults (A~D). The sum of AS-ppt was calculated using the stoichiometry 1 : 1 the two retinals (pmol/egg) was nearly constant [18] for LV1 and lipovitellin 2 (LV2), and the among eggs from one brood (A), though varied molecular weight 150.000 dalton [18, 19] for the from brood to brood in the range of 40 and 60 sum of the molecular weights of the two proteins. pmol/egg. Similarly, the ratio of retj to ret2 was not so diverse within each brood, but varied from SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 0.67 to 1.35 in the four broods examined. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- PAGE) was performed according to Laemmli [20] Survey of retinals in fractions of the egg homo- with a 7.5-15rr acrylamide linear gradient gel as genate the separatinggel. The gelswerestainedovernight In the first step, eggs were homogenized in TB with 0.05% Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) R-250 and separated into a TB-soluble (TB-sup) and a mM in 20 A1CL. 2592 isopropyl alcohol and 10% TB-precipitate (TB-ppt) fractions by centrifuga- acetic acid [19] to visualize phosphoprotein bands tion. They were assayed for retinals by HPLC as [21). The following proteins were employed as shown in Figure 1; almost all the retinals were molecular weight markers; Myosin (200 KD). ,3- found in theTB-ppt (Fig. 1, B), with little detected galactosidase (116 KD). phosphorylase b (97.4 in the TB-sup (Fig. 1, A). It was found that the KD). bovine serum albumin (66.2 KD), ovalbu- TB-ppt issoluble in l()9f NaCl. On ccntrifugation. min (43 KD). trypsinogen (24 KD). ,?-lacto- a small quantity ofblack sediment wasprecipitated glnbulin (18.4 KD) and lysozyme (14.3 KD). but contained no retinal detectable by HPLC: all the retinals were detected in the clear supernatant. The concentration of NaCl was then altered, and RESULTS the amount of retinal in the supernatant alter centrifugation was examined by HPLC. About Amounts and the ratio of retinal and 3-dchvdro- 97r/r ofthe retinals were detected in 400 mM N.K I retinal in an i I solution. 31% in 200 mM NaCl and none in 100 Both ret; and ret; arc found in the X. lac\ ; mM NaCl. Subsequent solubilization was there- 858 T. Irie, M. Azuma and T. Seki Table2. Amounts of a\\-trans retinal (retj) and 3-dehydroretinal (ret2) in different fractions of Xenopus laevis egg homogenate A350=0001 nmol ic^uvciy ieij/iei.2 ret! ret2 sum TB-sup 0.39 0.44 0.83 0.01 0.90 TB-ppt 39.2 46.8 86.0 0.99 0.84 TBS-sup 38.3 44.2 82.5 0.96 0.87 AS-ppt 37.0 43.0 80.0 0.97 0.86 TB: 20mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH7.4 TBS: 400mM NaCl in TB AS: 65% saturation of ammonium sulfate The egg homogenate in TB was centrifuged at 13,000xg for 20min, producing a supernatant 15 (TB-sup) and a precipitate (TB-ppt). The TB-ppt Time(min) wasresuspendedinTBSandcentrifugedtoproduce Fig. 1. HPLC elution profiles of extracts from the su- a second supernatant fraction (TBS-sup). The pernatantandprecipitatefractionsofXenopuslaevis TBS-sup was then precipitated by AS to obtain the egghomogenatein20mMTris-HClbufferatpH7.4 precipitate fraction (AS-ppt). The amounts and (TB). Retinoids were extracted by the oxime ratiooftheretinalsinthesefractionswerequantified method and analyzed by HPLC as described in by HPLC. Materials and Methods. The eluent was 5% tert- butylmethylether-0.04% ethanol-25% benzene inn- hexane. Large peaks of syn and and d\\-trans retinaloximes (1, 1') and a\\-trans 3-dehydroretinal- oximes (2, 2') are observed only in the precipitate fraction (B). -3 A: 7.8X10 portion of the supernatant fraction (TB-sup). -4 B: 8.3XlO portion of the precipitate fraction mM (TB-ppt) resuspended in 400 NaCl in TB. mM fore routinely performed using the 400 NaCl in TB (TBS). The retinal-containing material solubilized in the TBS (TBS-sup) was then fractionated by the AS precipitation. Almost all of the retinals was detected in the AS-ppt fraction. Table 2 shows an example of the quantitative representation of the retinals in the fractions mentioned so far. The ratioofret] to ret2didnotchange markedlyduring Fig. 2. SDS-PAGE of the proteins in the fractionated the procedures. The behavior of the retinal- samplesofXenopuslaevisegghomogenate. Thegel containing material described above is similar to w1,asprsetcaiipnietdatweitihnC20BBmMintThreisp-rHeCslenbcueffoefrA1atC1p3H[718.]4. that reported for lipovitellin (LV) in the yolk (TB); 2, supernatant in TB; 3, supernatant in 400 platelet of toad eggs [22, 23]. The SDS-PAGE mM NaCl in TB; 4, supernatant in the 65% satu- patterns (Fig. 2) oftheeggproteinsfurthersuggest rated ammoniumsulfate (AS); 5, precipitate inAS; that the protein in the AS-ppt fraction is LV [18, and 6, marker proteins. The phosvitin band (PV; i1s9]n.otThsetaAinSe-dsubpy(ClBanBe4w)itcohnotuatinAs1Cp1ho3sv[1i9t]i.n,which lb[1aa8nn]ed),s3s(bhLuoVtw1nnoatcnldeaatLrlValy2l;iinn[l1la8a]nn)eea45r,,eismaluotbchshoeurdgvehendsleifpraoivtnihttalenylliiinnn Another attempt to solubilize the TB-ppt with- lane 3. ) Egg Retinals Bound to Lipovitellin 1 859 out NaCl was performed. The TB-ppt suspended in TB was divided into aliquots and mixed with detergents, Triton X-UX). lauryl-sucrose ester or SDS, to a final concentration of 2rr. In SDS solution, the turbid suspension was completely dissoved. but a heavier turbidity occurred in the other two detergents. The TB-ppt could not be solubilized in the mild detergents, indicating that the TB-ppt is not a membrane substance. Binding ofthe retinals with LY via the Sehiffbase Figure 3 shows that the retinal in the lipovitellin traction (AS-ppt solved in TBS) is reduced by NaBH4 to a fluorescent product with an excitation maximum around 335 nm (A) and the emission 300 400 maximum around 475 nm (B). After the addition Wavelength(nm obfyNthaeBoHr4g.anniecitshoelrvreenttj fnoorrHrePtL2 cCoualndalbyseise.xtrTahcetseed c3 B 1 ' ! results indicate that the both retinals are bound to >- LY by the Sehiff base linkage [13]. TO 3 < Retinals bind to the protein moiety ofLV1 Lipovitellin is composed of two major compo- CO v. 1 \ nents. LV1 and LV2, as shown in lane 5 in Figure CO to 2. They could be separated by gel filtration in the E LU presence of SDS. as has been shown by Wiley & Wallace [19], but our preliminary test indidated that the retinals also separated from the native 1 1 1 1 1 400 500 600 binding site on addition of the SDS. This was Wavelength(nm) prevented by adding NaBH4 to the LVsolution (in Fig. 3. Fluorescence spectra of the 659f saturated TBS) prior to the addition of SDS, and then gel ammonium sulfate (AS)-soluble and -precipitate filtration was performed. Figure 4A shows the fractions before and after addition of NaBH4. The resultingchromatogram detected byabsorptionsof AS-soluble (1. 1') and -precipitate (2, 2') fractions Tthheepprrootteeiinn.sAw:eKrn.e asnedparthaetedretiinntyoi tpwroodupceta,kAf3r3a0c.- wtahdeedriestaiommneeaoifsnuNarlaeldBthHeb4es.faoNmropetlees(1t,ehaxtc2e)tphtea2nd'detienacfBtt,ieorwnhr(eafrn.eget2hi)es tions but the retinyi product eluted out in a single rangeisreducedtoonethirdascan beseen from the peak which coincided precisely with the first peak relativesizeofthe Ramanscatteringpeakat375 nm. of the protein. The SDS-PAGE results in Figure The fluorescent product, with an excitation max- 4B confirm that the first peak is LV1 and the imum around 330nm and emission maximum at 475 csoenccolnuddeodnethaLtVt2he[r1e9t]i.nalFsraorme btohuensed troesLulVt1s wititihs arnedmtd,iintaiils.onproofducNeadBiHn4t.heinAdSi-captriencgipitthaeteprterascetnicoen oonf the Sehiff base linkage. A: Excitation spectra obtained from emission at LipoMtellin is a lipoprotein [23]. and the retinal 520nm. can form the Sehiff base with an amino group of B: Emission spectra measured during excitation at 330nm. either the protein or such a lipid as phosphatidyl- ethanolamine. The results shown above have suggested that the retinals are bound to the pro- bound to the protein moiety of the LV is lacking. tein, but definite evidence that the retinals are This point was clarified as follows. A LV sample : 861) T. Irie, M. Azuma and T. Seki was divided into two aliquots, to one of which NaBH4 was added. The lipid was extracted from both samples by mixing with 3 volumes of an = organic solvent (methanol:dichloromethane l 2), re-mixing with /t-hexane and centrifuging at l,400xg for 10min. The upper organic solvent layer was removed and the extraction with di- chloromethane//?-hexane was repeated again. In the organic solvent, the fluorescence with an emis- sion maximum around420nmwasobservedat330 nm excitation, but the intensity was not different Fraction number B KD 200 W 116 LV1 97.4 300 400 Wavelength(nm) 1 1 1 1 B 43 +NaBH4 LV2 24 ^^'Nn -NaBH4 18.4 14.3 Fr.ll Fr.15 1 l 1 1 1 Wavelength(nm) Fig. 4. Gel filtration profile, in the presence of 0.1% SDS, ofthe ammoniumsulfateprecipitatedmaterial Fig. 5. Fluorescence spectra of the delipidated lipo- after treatment with NaBH4. The proteins were vitellin. An ammonium sulfate precipitate fraction chromatographed into two fractions: lipovitellin 1 was divided into two aliquots, NaBH4added toone (LV1; Fr. 11) and lipovitellin 2 (LV2; Fr. 15) [18]. of them, and both samples were delipidated as The retinyl-product detected by the absorbance at describedinthetext. Thedelipidatedproteinswere 330nm cochromatographed with LV1. resolved in 5% SDS in Tris-HCl buffer at pH7.4 mM A: The elution profiles shown by the absorbances containing 400 NaCl. The fluorescence due to at280nm(O) andat330nmmagnifiedten-fold the retinyl-product is observed even after delipida- tion ofthe lipovitellin sample treated with NaBH4. B: SDS-PAGEoftheproteinsinpeakfractions 11 A: The fluorescence excited at 280nm. and 15 in A, and marker proteins. B: The fluorescence excited at 330nm. Egg Retinals Bound to Lipovitellin 1 861 between the two samples. The lower water layer bound to retinals is not a membrane protein, was then recentrifuged at 13,000Xg for 20 min to scince it is not redissolved in mild detergent. preceipitate the delipidated proteins. The precipi- Finally, a proeedure to extract lipoproteins using tate was suspended with the TBS but it was not NaCl solution as used for insect hemolvmph [24, redissolved. SDS was added at the final concentra- 25] is successful, indicatingthat the retinal contain- tion of 5c'c to make the suspension clear. Figure 5 ing material is a lipoprotein that behaves like LV shows the fluorescence speetra immediately after [22. 23]. Furtherpurification ofthe material by gel the addition of SDS. The concentration of the filtration and protein analysis by SDS-PAGE indi- delipidated protein in each sample was almost the cate definitively that the retinals are bound to LV1 same (A), but the fluorescence with the emission (Fig. 4). maximum around 470 nm(B) wasobserved only in LV1 is a protein eonstituent ofthe yolk platelet. the NaBH4-treated sample. It is therefore con- arising from a yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin eluded that NaBH4 treatment resulted in a retinyl- [19]. The sequence of vitellogenesis, as summa- protein product. rized by Selman and Wallace [26], includes (i) the The molar ratio ofthe retinals to LV1 hepatic synthesis and secretion of vitellogenin in response tocirculatingestrogen, (ii) thedelivervof The sum of the two retinals in a LV sample was vitellogenin, via the maternal circulation, to the determined with HPLC. and the amount of the surfaceofthegrowingoocyte, (iii)selective uptake LV1 in the same volume of the sample was deter- of vitellogenin by receptor-mediated endocytosis. mined. Table 3 shows the results obtained by the and (iv) cytoplasmic translocation of vitellogenin three experiments. The amount of LV1 in a to form yolk bodies, and concomitant proteolytic sample differed according to method used to esti- cleavage of vitellogenin into the polypeptide sub- mate the proteins: about 1.5 times larger by units of the yolk proteins, lipovitellin and phos- fluorometry than by the Lowry method. In spite of vitin. the ambiguity of the protein determination, the Seki et al. suggested [8] that retinal is produced result was clear: only 4-8r<- of the LV1 molecules in the toad ovary, on the basis of finding of bind one molecule of ret] or ret2. carotenoids and retinylester in the ovary. Howev- er, the findingsofthe present studysuggest instead Table3. The molecular ratio of lipovitellin (LV) that retinal binding to LV1 might have occurred at to retinal (ret,) or 3-dehvdroretinal (ret-) the hepatic vitellogenin formation. Moreover, the LV ret, or 2 retinal occurs in the blood ofegg-laying hens, but Exp. ret! ret Lowry Fluor. not of pullets or cockerels [6], and the appearance A 16.4 20.7 0.87 of retinal in the blood is influenced by hormonal control [7]. These facts are further confirmation B 12.7 18.8 1.20 that retinals are bound to the vitellogenin up- C 13.9 :: - 0.72 stream from its appearance in the ovary. The amount of protein in a LV sample was In insects, vitellogenin is found as a hemolvmph quantified by the Lowry method [17] and by lipoprotein II [27, 28], which contains carotenoids faslusohroomwentriyn.MaantderaiamlosunatndofMetthheoLdVs.1 waTshecaalmcuoluanttesd [24, 27]. The hemolvmph lipoprotein II of the and the ratio of a\\-trans ret, and ret: in the same silkworm was shown to be identical with the egg sample were determined by using HPLC. lipoprotein II [28]. and we have detected carotenoids but not retinoids in the eggs ofa moth DISCUSSION (unpublished observation) and a dragonfly [29]. \Ko. Plack & Koil [4] have shown thai The present experiments reveal, first ol all. that carotenoids (but no retinal) are present in locust the egg retinals are not bound to a water soluble eggs. There seems, therefore, t<> be a common protein, since no retinal is detected in the IB-sup strategy for the deliver) Ol egg rctmals in the toad fraction (Fig. 1. Table 2). Secondly, the protein (and probably in othei egg laying vertebrates) and 862 T. Irie, M. Azuma and T. Seki of egg carotenoids in insects. duced notonlythe retinylideneSchiffbasebutalso The stoichiometryofone retinalperonlyseveral the biliverdin, forming bilirubin with a Amax % ofLV1 (Table 3)wasunexpected. Onepossible around440nm. Sothe difference spectrumbefore explanation is the heterogeneity of X. laevis LV1 and after the addition of the NaBH4 was not (a, ft, y; [18]), which are produced from three [30] appropriate to detect the absorption maximum of or four [31] different vitellogenin species. More Schiff base. Addition of alkali or acid to the LV precise determination of the egg retinals and the solution caused heavy precipitation rendering protein is a project for further examination. absorption measurement impossible. When SDS The egg retinals were characterized to have was added to the LV solution at neutral pH, bound to the protein moiety of the LV1 via the however, a large red-shift of the absorption band Schiff base linkage (Figs. 3, 4, 5). The fluoresc- was observed. The shifted spectrum had a max- ence spectrum shown by Figure 5 has its emission imum at 415 nm, with the shoulders around 390 maximum around 475 nm (for 330nm excitation), and 450nm. This change of the absorption spec- due to the N-retinyl protein. The quantum trum is highly suggestive ofinducing the protona- efficiency, however, of the fluorescence of ret2 is tion ofSchiffbase, since the pKaofthe Schiffbase known to be extremely low, and so the Schiffbase has been reported to rise in the anionic detergent, linkage of ret2 is not deducible from the fluoresc- SDS [34]. ence data. However, the following two results Reti and ret2 are the only retinoids found in X. indicate that binding states ofret! and ret2 are the laevis eggs [8]. The egg retinals are presumably same: (i) the unityinthe ratioofreti toret2during used as the chromophore retinals of the visual thepurificationstepsofLV(Table2), and(ii)both pigments, for more than half of the egg retinals retinals become unextractable after treatment of appear in the eyes oftadpoles, at stage 45, as reti LV with NaBH4. and ret2 esters [35]. During the present experi- TheN-retinylidene Schiffbasehasitsabsorption ment, the presence of retinoic acid in the egg was maximum around 360nm at alkaline pH, but at alsoinspected, butwasnotdetected. Themetabo- acid pH it is protonated and the maximum is lic path of egg retinals, bound to LV1, into such around 440nm [32]. It is well known that the substanceshavingvitaminA activitiesisaproblem chromophore retinalsofvisualpigmentsarebound for further investigation. to the protein moiety, opsin, via a protonated Schiff base linkage. It is therefore of interest to ACKNOWLEDGMENTS know whether or not the Schiff bases of the egg retinals are protonated. To answer this question, The authors thank Dr. H. Takasaki (Osaka Kyoiku the abosrptionspectrumofthe LVsolutioninTBS Univ.,Japan)forherkindsupplyofX. laevisandDr. T. was measured, but the results were somewhat Sauezquukiim(oHlyarogmoixCtoulrleegoefofstMaenddiacridn,oxJiampeasn.) fWorehiasregifatlsoof complex. The spectrum showed a broad peak in grateful to Dr. I. Gleadall (Tohoku Univ., Japan) for the visible range with a maximum at ca. 370nm linguistic improvements of the manuscript and Dr. A. and shoulders around 350, 400 and 480nm. In Terakita (Osaka Univ., Japan) for his discussion. This additiontoretinals,X. laevisyolkprotein hasbeen study was supported, in part, by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from Ministry ofEducation, Science reported to bind biliverdin, which has absorption and Culture ofJapan to T.S. bands around 360 and 660nm [33]. Furthermore, during this experiment, the characteristic excita- REFERENCES tion spectrum of the fluorescence due to a riboflavin was observed in the LV sample: the 1 Plack, P. A., Thompson, S. Y. and Kon, S. K. maxima were at 375 nm and around 460 nm, with (1957) Vitamin Al aldehyde in fish eggs. Biochem. J.,68:2P. characteristic fine structure (unpublished observa- 2 Plack, P. A., Kon, S. K. and Thompson, S. Y. tion). At least four substances (ret!, ret2, (1959) Vitamin Al aldehyde in the eggs of the biliverdin, riboflavin) contribute to the absorption herring (Clupea harengus L.) and other marine spectrum. Moreover, the addition of NaBH4 re- teleosts. Biochem. J., 71: 467-476. Egg Retinals Bound to Lipovitellin 1 863 3 Plack, P. A. (I960) Vitamin Al aldehyde in hen's Xenopuslaevisgiverisetomultipleformsoftheyolk eggs. Nature. 186: 254-235. proteins. J. Biol. Chem.. 256: 8626-8634. 4 Plack. P. A. and Kon. S. K. (1961) A comparative 20 Laemmli. II. K. 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