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THE REPUBLIC OF LETTERS AbbeD elirleliceni hgti pso e"maL C onsvaetr"ii onn stahloeofM n a daGmeoeff rin, fromJ aqcueDse liLlaCl oe,nes rvat(iaPorni1 s82,1.) C orutseyo fH arvaUrnid­ versLiitbyr. a ry THE REPUBLIC OF LETTERS l l CuturHaistoofr y A l thFer eEnncihg htenment DenaG oodman CORNELULN IVERSIPTRYE SS IthaacnadL ondon Copyr©i g1h9t9b4y C orneUlnli versity Allr ighrtess erEvxecde.fp otbr r iqeufo tatiinao r nesv iew, thibso oko,rp artthse remoufs,nt o tb er eproduicnae ndy forwmi thopuetr misisniw orni tfrionmgt hep ublisFhoerr . informaatdidorneC,so sr neUlnli verPsrietsSysa ,gH eo use, 512E asStt aStter eIetth,a Nceaw,Y or1k4 850. Firpsutb lis1h9e9db4 y C orneUlnli verPsrietsys Firpsrti ntCionrgn,eP lalp erbai9c 9k6s , Printientd h eU nitSetda toefAs m erica LibraoryfC ongreCsaslt oagi,-niPgnu-ibclaDtaitoan GoodmaDne,n ai,9 52- Ther epubolfli ect t:e rcasu ltuhriaslto ofrt yh eFr ench enlighteInD meennGato odman. p. cm. Inclubdiebsl iogrraepfheirceaanlnc die nsd ex. ISB0N- 8014-2(9c6l8o-t4h ) 1.F renpcrho slei teraturcee-n1t8utrhy -Hainsdt ory cntic12s.mF .r ance-Intellilfeec-t1u8atlh century. 3.F rance-Civilization4-.1E 8ntlhicgehntteunrmye.n t­ FrancIe..T itle. PQ618.G6i69 94 944.'0 34-dc20 ISB0N- 8i40 - i87 4 -0( paper) CorneUlnli verPsrietssyts r itvoue ssee nvironmentally responssiubplpela inedrm sa tertioat lhsef ulleexstte nt possiibntl hepe u blisohfii tnbsgo okSsu.c mha terials incluvdeeg etablel-obwa-sVeiOdnC,k a sn da cid-pfraepee rs thaatr ree cyctloetda,cl hllyo rineo-rpfr aeretc,lo ym posed ofn onwoofidb erFso.rf urtihneforr matviiosoniu,tr websaittwww e .cornellpress.cornell.edu. Paperbparcikn tiInog g 8 7 6 5 A mecso mpatlreigsoe tndesels e,t tres Contents ACKNOLWEDGEMNTS IX AN OTET OT HER EDAERx iii IntroidounAc: Ct ultuHriaslt oofr ytF hreen Ecnhl ightein ment TheR isoeft hSet atTeh:eR epubolfLi ect taenrdts h Meo narchy I ofF ranc1e2 TheR epubilco fL etteirnts h eS eventeenthC entur1y5 The Eycnolpcedainedt heP rjoecto fE nliegnhmtent2 3 Citizsehniapn dt heE nliegnhmtentR epubloifcL ette3r4s PhilosaonpdSh aelso nniA eCrreist:io qfEu nel ightenment 2 Historio5g3r aphy Rousesa'usC ritqiueo fS alnosa ndP hilohseos5p 4 Rousesau'sC ritiaqnuedT wentihe-Ctentury Hisotriorgaph5y6 TheE nlhitgenmentS alonnieer 73 GoverntihnRege pubolfLi ect tSearlso:n nainedtr heResu leo(fs ) 3 Polite Congvoe rsation CutlurlaP ractiocfe st he ReOglidm eg 1 RepublcianG overnnacei nt heS alongsg PoltieC onevrsiaotna ndE nilghetnmentD isocusre1 11 Vlll CONTENTS IntWor iting: ECpoimsmteorilcnta ehr Reye pubolfi c 4 Lettie63r s Letterisnt heE nlhitgenmentR epubloifcL etteir3 s9 Noulveeasl l aM aza�ndn C orrepsondanLciertsat ie1r5e2s Periiocdali6s5 PublSiucb scirptio17n5 IntPori nDti: scionrt dhR ee pubolfLi ect t1e3r8 s 5 . Galinai'sD ailogsuuelrsCe o mmedreBcsie e 1s87 TheP hysiorcatFsi ghBtac k1 97 MorelletR'fesu atti2o0n4 DiderotA'pslo og2i ei 5 6 MasculSienlfGe-o vernaanndtc heEe n do fS aloCnu ltu2r33e . TheA pothesoiosf P ublci Opiinon2 35 Pahidne L aB lanhceri:eG enerAagle nto f tRheep ublci of Letter2s4 2 Masonci Socaibilit25y 3 TheM usedee M onsieu2r5 9 Inrceads eCompetiitona ndt heS trugglefo r Surviv2a7l6 ConcluTshieoE nn:l ighteRnempeunbotlfL i ect taenrds the FrenRcehv olu2t81i on Brists'oLsy cedee L onrdes28 1 TheC erclSeoc iaalnd thJea cobinC lub2 88 A ReeavluatoifoT noc quevi3l0l0e BIORGAPIHCLAS EKTHCES3 05 WORKCSTI ED31 3 329 INDEX Acknowledgments hibso oiksa h sityoo rf Rtehpeub loifcL eetsrti n etihgeh ­ teenctehun rtyI.ti sa lsaor eflteicoann da p orduocftt he T RepulbiocfL ettsei rnt hleae tt ewnthic eetnrtyIu.it as p orduct ofac ommutyno ifm y iimnaag,tw iio,al nlndde rseib,u ittf h ceo mmu­ nietxyssi to nly fbroyco ef iimnaiagot,tn hiesn tuiittoannsid n vdiiduals whoc opmoseid to n otT.h eayr e rvee,aar lnywd i tuhtto hetmh bioso k wounlodht av eb eepnos sbil.eA st he btoaoktkeh sfe ro mo fa n arra­ tvie,s ot oo tdhoea skceno wdlgemenst. Thes otrbye gwiinhtsw haitnr, e otpsretcm,u shtva eb eetnhm eat irx an_dt ihsneip ratfoirto hnpi orsj ecLty:nH nu tn'Bsek relFerye nHcihos ­t ryG rou.pT heIrl ee aranbeodtu htie ni tmeaa tnsdy mbiroeatltiiscoh nip bewetedni osucrsaen ddi nibnugIta, l dssiooc vreetdh peo sbsiyil iotf a dsicoutrhswaeatb s o tchr itainccdoa lll aibv.Aoe nrdoa vtetrhy ee a,ar sIs havej iondea nfdro med ortaehdeiarnn gdd issciuogsnr opu,s hIav e comteou ndseatrnadn adp pecreiL aytnHnu tnsb' irlliaanhndec hera dr worikns haptihndagsti c ouwristgehe nesyria otnwdi t. FroCmal oirfnIiw ae nttoM adsio,nw hetrheIe sn itutetfo rR esearch int hHeu maniattti hUeens ie vryso ifWt iscsoiannn idst d rietcoRro,b ­ etrK inogndw,e lmceodm ea nds upotpretdh riess ceha rtfohrye ae r 198�51986J.o hTned escwhaies x tmreelhye luplif nh icspa cayia ts heaodfs epcicaoellc lotnsii nt hueni evsrtiyl ibraanardly as so eantnuh ­ sitacies alrym odnesirtD.u irntgh aytae rI p rofifrtoemdd sicussions wihtD iaRnueb nseetiann edps eciSauzlalnyDn ees .aT nheesh avec on­ tniueodv etrhy ee sad,re vpeilnoigno tf irendsthhiacpatsn nboet s d­i tniguisfrhome tdh bee st okfci onldla atbiioonrtn h Reep ubolfiL ce t­ te.r s ACKNLOEWDMGENTS x KeitBhak esrW 'orkshoonpP o liictCaull teua rtt hUen iveyro sfi t Chiacgwoa s ftishrvtee niunwe h icIhp resetnhtiesad r r.cTe hhseeirte recetihvkeei dno dfc i rctairle adfoirnw gh iacnhcy ii tzoefnt hReep ub­ liocfL eetrtssh oublegd r afutleI.a me spieaycli lnedbtteodD aniel Gornd,wo itwhh oImh avec ontitnodu iesdca unsddse beat thies sues raibsyet dh wiosr akn bdy h iosns ocbiiyal.i t Ini 8981-98t9h Mee llFoounn adtisounpo tpretdh riess cehaa rt HarvaUrndie vrys.Hi atvra'rCsde nteforrE uorpeSautnd eisw eclomed mea sa na ssoc,ia anttdeh Cee nertf roL itaeraryn Cdu ltSuutrdaeils gavmeea m uhc-vceotoefifdc .e vAe rsoifCo hnpa etrIw afisr rseta bdy one osfut dtgyho reu spa tC ESt,h rho wuhgiIce hx cahnegdm anu­ scriapnitdds se a abuott hReep ubloifLc ettewrist Ahn nG oldagra nd LarWroylf f.a lIbs eonfi etefdr otmh Eegi hetehn-tCnetyuS remianta r CLCSA.tt hFeem iniSsmeti nIam re t owtomheenrw hos headra n intsetir nee ralmyo dne Frrac,nea ndw iht theamn dt hseu ppoofr t CLCwSe f rometdh reae dignorgu Fpor ogttneW omeno fE arMloy­d erFnr ac.neF rom gtorhua,ptN adinBeer euneig,rE ilzbaetGhol d­ smit,ah nEdri cHaa trh vheca ontitnohu eeldp t oum ned esratndt he womeno ft hEenl gihetnmnetR epubolfiL cee trt.Ts heg roiutps ieasl f modoefls ocainaidltn lelteucianleta rtcioofn htgihhese sto .r t Chatpe3r g ot fiar shte araispn agtr tohfWe o mensH 'istyoW reek celetobinr(i a 8ggo)gr anibzywe omde ng ardautset udoefHn atrsav rsd ' hiosyrtd epatrmenCtar.o lFionrde,w hoji onetdh deep artmtehnatt ye,aw rabso ht gao ofrdi enadn adt ierlepsasr tinnde sirc suisoonfs Frenchy .Oh liwseHtnuot frno,P atri·cHgeion neMtar,g aHreigton net, andS imoSnc hawmear ael waeynsc aogugir.Jn ohanDnruace kra nd NancPyax towne raet i rbeut tot he imfplellwiosehodif pt he Mellon proagm.r WheInc amteoL ouisSiteaaU ntnavi ersinii t8gygI ,f uo nadW orks­ inP-roegsSrse minawra asts hmaaltl cooftr hnReeep ru bcol fLi ett.e rs Thorugiht dsiIcv oerceodm moinne trsetwsi tDhav iLdni denefl,d whoisnehs siti gnoat ncdr itoifcp iarstomsft hbioso hkav eb eevne ry heluplf. It ooku pr seindceayg aiintn h Reep ubloifLc e ttieni9r 91s -919,a2 s af elolfot whD eav iHsu maniItnitseutesati tt hUen vieirtsoyfC aloi­rf niTah.e i nistteua tndi tdsri etco,rM sicehla ffHmoan andCa lrence Walkefrul,ls yu potpretdh risesae r.cA hsa ssoedc riieatctoorft hien sti­ tuet,K ayF lalvslaet mpeidwt i thhe orw nv irtoufie nesltl etcucaulr i­ osiyt,e neryg,a ndg eneorsityM.a nyo ft het rdaitniaols ervisc oeft he Republico fL etterwse ref urnihsedc heefrullayn dc ompetetnlyb y ifonrmal othfeelrwl so Jeaneet Ttrieb.eF rormala nd disucsisonsw ith anmde mberosft hDeav ifsca uylw teroetf euns uelfb,u mto sotfa lIl amg rautlte oCf hirsnteDi iS tenfao,w hosfele lwoshainpfrd i nedship cannboedt i nsgtuiisfrhoemhd e irne telcltcuoatnlbr iuotnti ot hwiorsk .

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