The Reptile and seitinumm onCaibihpmA ni eht detinUsetatS 1002 yraunaJ SV:SIHPA:ADSU Centersf or ipE d ygoloime htlaeH laminA dna e : c o n t e d n o p s e r r sr e to r h nc o t e o m s l m s l o e a c r e d s d a a e l P s i r h , C s e g d i r a B i r o t c i V , l a r p o K o r d l a n i g e R n o s n h o J ( 9 7 0 ) 4 9 0 - 8 0 0 0 v o g . a d s u . s i h p a @ s e g d i r B . E . a i r o t c i V v o g . a d s u . s i h p a @ l a r p o K . A . e n i t s i r h C v o g . a d s u . s i h p a @ n o s n h o J . A . d l a n i g e R s e u s s g I n i g r e m r E o r f e t n e C s r r e o t f n e C y g o l o i m e d i p E h t l a e H l a m i n A d n a S V : S I H P A : A D S U 5 5 5 S o u t h H o w e s F o r t , s n i l l o C O C 1 2 5 0 A 8 S U yramm ueSvitucexE d n,asda o,tsgo ref rsanaibihp meali h,wseltr udt n,aselidoco r,cseka n,ssdraz ieldulc nsielitpeR tpec xdelr oew h nttinenitn oycre v oeetvit aen rsanaibihp mda nsaelit p. esRrednamalas dh0nt 4arsoeN e sr feg0ode4udti tenaheltew tden buesorefaic et ps,sormeve w;oahcitcratnA degrees South. ehTD c ietlssieet imp ntoedaiRninabuimhmpomCA gnidulcn ispuor gtin kylesoo lf otsisno cseitinummo cnaibihpm adn aelitpe rcitsemo dehT tuo bnawo nsekil t.t sirLen wt oed pn,astsiybb o,hsreliat e,rsnoitazinag r,oseitisrevi n,usretropmi d nhact aonw tue fryae hetsuac eyblirami rspt estpap ee krsaeli t.p eelR o shyaawrtsud neiht ta hrtae l stc,iinwo nt k ossnit esdpaen wsoelitp efrroebm utnca xe ehet l.i theWi ue qryaeht den wsodlohesu oSnhUoill i5 m.o5 2t.t1a hdtetami t. sestesi Iie r hnsstoielitp efproihsrenwo feop ydten wyoltneuqe rtfs oe mhgtni esbeltr ud tnsaeka nhst i,w69 9ns1ielitp eerr oremono . elitper he,thsitewrots rs eer t pr ometuodopesterpssfah csernruaapibi hsdpenmlaai tttpseeoprM efgoar etnvnaa esp rs.e8 n 9wsn9Oei1k a rn 1osso9fgt$ o rr 5ofm1f o$grnfig neacr iergpareva .den wsoeice pes h ntgonidnep e,dslami nraie h fteor adc nganide eef hrt orfa ena1yi5 4 o$7t6$ etartnecn o ocdtn e otyde h,teta tysre v nedinu o efnb ascnaibihp mda nsaelitp e frsorell eeslihW .adiro ld Fn,asax e,Tanozi r,Aainrofil agCnidulc nSei U hfrtoe intrehtu oe shstsorca os l saeir e hT es hgtnidulc n,isnoig esrek atLae rrGew odl ncaitnaltA-d iem h ntnioitartnecn oac tates of New l ldI n,aoi h,Oainigr i,Vdnalyr a,Myesr ewJ e,Nainavlysnn e,PkroY i.sion ro/d nhacraes ensrouc otfa hstnoitazinag rnoaibihp md anealitp efrroeb m eu arnearehT naibihp mda nealitp err osfnoitazinag rloev ellac oyln aem reare h,tnoitid d. nanIoitavresnoc .snaibihp mda nsaelitp e frhotla eeh h ntdoesuc osfnoitaicos s salal e sw,astsiybb odh nsarenwo selitpeR , A snaibihpm , and M edicine oetlbissimsna ret rtaa hstnaibihp mda nsaelitp e frsoesaes i fdyodu tes h styigolotepr elhacideM secnavd adip a .Rhtlae hnamu ho tsnaibihpm adn aselitpe rf ostifene blacidemoi beh tdn a,snamuh fsonoitacilp plaacitca rgpniyfitne d oistdrag e nryigolotepr elhacid e nmeica lgpnik aetra elpmax ero f,selitpe rdn asnaibihpm amor fdevire dsecnatsbu slacimehcoib ,slairetcabitna lagnufitna sd nlaacimota nlaufe seu rsaelitp edr nsanaibi,h p. msAcisegla nda n,astnemtae rrtecn ac ydu t oshtcraes ecris a nbdie snue eebrofere hetv adh nsaesaes indam urh osfled olmacigoloisyhp .esaesi df osmsinahce mlatnemadnu feht noissimsna r otet ued rsanaibihp mda nsaelitp e ordtetal esrnam u nhsiesaes indomm otcs oemhT fo f soeice pssuoirav Salmonella timsna r,tsnix oetterc eoss lna ascnaibihp mda nsaelitp et.r uB .gnit i ybnbi adp naamua retsu adc n,asdnu oewt iab isvnix odt nsanegoht aspuoirav T e dnairR selitpe strop mS,iUs’09 9y1lr ae. e hyntrItsud nt iee phr tosfelitp eerv ifrloetrop mrio j saSaeimUhT re ehddten tusseiil ceel p itse t ud0npd oa 7 i eldbrrl%rrea toa0otfft8wnoout osctcra odpnxae . )SETI Ca(ro ld Fnaanu adFl ifsWoeice pdSeregnad nneEida rlTanoitanret nnnIooitnevnoC e. hyntlIlaun nSea Uhott ndietrop meir eswelitp eerv inloil l ti2umo b,as’09 9e 1httuohguorhT r odfetnuoc csae k.a sntSrop meilitp eerv il l lf%a o0r8e vpeoud asmdraz i,ls’09 9e1t aodltim selit p .een% vr a1ishL stepe dulsaemlidoc o dr ,nct%au3 osbealt r,usttro pemliit p%fe1or1 .stnemp iehss e lh %flt r7oado9eftnuo cscta ry0o l1p,nroeve w;o8h 9sn9ti1 ro0So t3Upenmiac % 4t 8u, bSe Uhott nsielitp eerv itlhguo ro bhswretrop m0 i5y3letamixorp pear eewre h,tylralimiS detrop meir eswelitp eerv iell i. hsWretrop m 0iy2l n yo nbtihguo rebr edwetrop msielitp elr lfao s e ti,m nur8o diot 9r 0ebnr9f,8t ahuo1sn%t of tu2 isc ero8e wefhocspiotpceorm ahtti0tn1uoc .dnalia hdT n,aani h,Cmante i,Vrodavl a lS,Eaibmol ogCni esbeirtnu op5 coetht yo4ltetamixorp ps aa8w9 9d 1n3a9 9n1eewt eSe bUhmto rdfetrop xseelitp eerv ifrloebm uenhT detrop msielitp eerv i flroebm uen hstem i5t esrte rw) o %fept5ohxn8tee( cerveipf hgiE dsre eergldantieirl-ousd gteo rt h ,.t,asuneeo ariSn poradaKtenJnpauoorcuE e rsanaibihp mda nsaelitp eerv i fleoda ret h otgtniniatr espt ceavitalsig etlnatrop mtis oom wethT deregna denndiE alraTnoitanre tnnnooIitnev n eo dhC tntscaeAic edpeSregna deSnhUEt ese h ftsonoisivo rep hgtnicrof nsenoitalu g. e)RSETI Ca(ro ldF naanu adFl i fWsoeicepS re h. teOcivr eeSfildl idW nhas i SFeU h ytdberetsinim dea rsaeice plsairtserr ert osft ceavitalsigel r osfretn ee Che trsaelitp eerv iglnidrag esrnoitalug elranoitid ddaetca neev atha hsteicnega i ne Ahd tn,anoitneve rd Pnlaortn oeCsaesiD .ecivr enSoitceps nhItla etHna ldP nlaam ev asheta ttss od mneata toestta tmso ryfr asvnaibihp md ansaelitp egrnidrag esrnoitalug eertatS l lyallaut r. isVnaibihp m rasoelitp e frgonidee r rbgonidl oehvitp aec h ntsonoitcirts ewr eyfrev d nsaelitp eervit aenm oesv asheta ttss odm nnaoitalsig esleice pdseregnad neev ashetats seitivit cya nra odferiuq eyrllaren eeg rsatim r. edPenetaer h rtdoeregnad n sedaets islnaibihpma deregnad nsdeaets it losneic e .pr dsoeFnetaer hrdtoeregnad nsdeaets ie lrtaa hsteice pgsnivlovni mo rsfnaibihp mrsaoelitp eervit aenk aotttimr efdpon iekm oesriuq esreta tysn a,mdenetaer hrto ,seta tesm o nsdietibiho r spginik altaicremm oecl i. hsWesopr ulpaicremmocn orn odfl iewht .seic enpisat rgoentci ktactirt ssretorim reerpiu q tegurnbi klaaticrem mwooc lsleat arteshto rsoelitp eervitann ofnnooitatrop me ihgtnitcirts esrnoitalug eerv asheta tl s lffaol athuobA .snaibihpma stnet nefoloCbaT List of Abbreviations ................................................................................. i Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 Overview of Reptiles and Amphibians ........................................................ 3 .............................. unma mieob lC idichntipaptm esAeRehmToD 5 Reptiles, Amphibians, and Medicine ........................................................... 11 International Trade in Reptiles ................................................................... 15 ............... .s.n.aibih p dmsnAealit pgoentRiniat rsenpoitalu gleaRre dSeUF 19 ................. .s.n.a.ib i shde pnlgmai nAtoiptneiRa tsrneoPital ue gtSeaURtS 23 Sources ..................................................................................................... 24 Appendix A: Reptile Imports ..................................................................... 25 .... .s.elitp edR nsanaibihp m oAgtniniatr esPnoitalug eeRt a: xtBiSdneppA 33 List of Abbreviations PVBA srenoititca ryPraniret efdVora onBacir e m-A SIHPA ecivr enSoitceps nhItla etHna ldP nlaami n-A AMPPA noitaico sssrAerutcafu nsatMcud o trnePaPci r e-mA VARA snairanirete Vnaibihpm Adn anailitpe Rf onoitaicoss A- AMVA noitaicoss Alacide Myranirete Vnacirem A- noitnev e drlnPoart neosCae s risoDrfe tC nD-eCC aro ld Fnaanu adFl ifsWoeice pdSeregnad nneEida rlTanoitanret nnnIooitnev n So-ECTIC ASE tsceAic edpeSregn a d-nE noitartsinim dgAu rd Dnda o Ao-DFF HSUS set adteSt i eynfhtUotei ceon Sa m-uH ATAI noitaico stsrAopsn a rrliTaAnoitanr e t-nI LEMIS mets ynSoitamrof ntInemegan atMnemecrof nw E a-L SFMN ecivre Sseirehsi Fenira Mlanoita N- CAARN licnuo Cyrosivd Anaibihpm Adn aelitpe Rlanoita N- CAJIP licnu oyCrosiv dtAni oyJrtsud nt I e-P SWFSU ecivre Sefildli Wdn ahsi FS U- i seitinumm onCaibihp md Anealitp eeRhT s end tieeathtitSnU noitcudortnI .) 1erugiF (ralimi ss iS Ueh tn iseitinummo celitpe rdn anaibihpm aeh tf onoitazinagr oehT l l e aobdtednet nti o sndi nnaoitacifilpmisre v n osaeir edhetcip eedrutcur tes hhtguohtlA reom ie t n. tosAeitinumm oecse h ftsotec atfnese rypltnetsisn olcarev ensiatn osce o td,ievisulcni : gniwoll oef h ftlo l rayo n fasodn aeh hhtguor hsts ayp anmaibihp m raeolitp e,arrehtona .tsiy b rbreoonhw o,- ytalelpautn edrvneealia t,errotubirt s,irdotcel l,orcelaed/rede e,rrbetropmi ,do oyflpp ussnaibihp mda nsaelitp e freor adc nganisu oeh h ntdie ssutup n fisorerutcafunaM r onfoitaerc eerdivo rspnaibihp mda nsaelit p. etRnempiu qreeh tdo nganithg i,lseg a,csredeef gnisaerc nei hh tt. isWmues udm n,aso o,zsru o,tsop xgenidulc nsilenna hlcarev ehsguor hetlpoep d n,astf i,ggnihto lecvitaroc erd otfekr agmniwo rsaegire h,tsnaibihp mda nsaelitp e fryotiralupop os lsalami nease h ftyotiralup ogpnisaerc n ei. hsTeme hntaibihp mda nealitp egrnitaroproc ntira soed idv n,aslanru o,jsenizag a,msko ogbnidulc nsinoitacilb uspuoir arv otfekr adametae rscah .sgni hrteh tgono m,ahtla ed hn,agnidee r,bgnisu ofehogdelwo nhkt iswren weodivo rhpcihw ,snaibihp mda nsaelitp etruo bcailb uep hettacu dsemues udm n,aso o,zseitisrevi n tusanoitcelloC ivit claanoitacu d oesda itn idevlovn ie bosl aya msnoitcello cese h .Tsmoorssal cloohc sn ise d nsaled ohmcraes e srdalr olwacid eem h ntdie seu rsanaibihp mda nsaelit p. esRtcejo rhpcraeser laren eegso hswnoitazinag rsouorem ue nrear e .hd stnlAacituecamra hfnpooitcudo re phnti ese hdt nsaeitivit cnaeewt epbalr e. vsOnaibihp mda nsaelitp err osfetacov d saeavr e os stnioissim ro/d ntarop mois lya armedee r,abelpma xr.e otFnacifing i ssyigolotepr e fhsotcep ssauoirav .snaibihp m rasoelitp esrdee rob htwsiybb o eahobs lya anmairaniret e ravsolami ntaropxe :dere v eosrccai pgontiwol l eo,hfrte psa ipnhIt ,snaibihpm adn aselitpe rf oweivrev O- ,seitinummo cnaibihpm adn aelitpe rcitsemo deh T- selitp e-R ,enicide mdn asnaibihpm a, ,selitp enerida rltanoitanret n-I ,snaibihp mda nsaelitp e orgtniniatr espnoitalug elrared e Sf-U .snaibihp md ansaelitp eogrtniniatr espnoitalug eerta tS-sU 1 seitinummo Cnaibihpm Adn aelitpe RS Ueh T: 1erugiF Herpetological Community selitpeR Amphibians Manufacturers srenwO Recreation hcraeseR Medicine srehsilbuP Organizations Education (inputs) Herpetological Importer dooF sopxE yrtsudnI skooB National University Medicine /redeerB /sbulC sredeeF University ARAV senizagaM Regional muesuM relaeD Societies gnigaC Distributor sruoT sooZ ABVP slanruoJ State sooZ Equipment Medical /yradnoceS Retailer sooZ srettelsweN lacoL Herpetology Elementary renwo-teP Art Internets ites Hobbyist/Collector Clothing Gifts 2 snaibi hsdpenmlaA iw tefpioevRrevO ?selitp eer rtaahW ni krsi e. hsTrehta e rfroi a fhdoaets n,isgnirev oycd oybla chst iswlami neatarbetr eev rsaelitpeR selit p. eeRhtae r obhtci hhwt iswgn uelv ayhe hdt nsadna lwg eyfr e r voohnt iyw r e dobstdnet ailitpe Rssal ceh tn iera sedulcn ihcih w, e nsoedulc nyil naoilahpecohcny hrRe d. rsOred rrou of d n,asnami a,csrotagil l,aselidoco rfpecoud asamiilidoco rrCe d .re aohrTata ue th,tseiceps r e esdenrerhialott rdsunetas i.ost lraoiTvag .ata nidutseT 1sedu l,cantiam a,urq eShdtr roeuhoTf . seka nds nsadrazil e rsaelitp etra h stsidr i rbsolamm adm nsaelitp enreewt eebcnereff indwo nyklnomm otcs oemhT olikiop ug eyrllanret ntionn ayce htta h nt)idedoo ldblo cc(imreht esrautarep mye dtroib eehttal om osyhaletarucca lanret xe ehnto pdunep eyde h,tdae t.s snlIami n)adedoo lmbra wc(imrehtoi ta ethnaid abrros brtaohgiln utscer inkdis aybe h,tsevlesme h mt.r oaoootswdTtnemnorivne sae ryada host nginiv o smhac usseitivit ceazili tyue h,tsevlesme hlto o. ocsTecafr umsr amworf ,ytivit claacisy hrpie h yttba eyhd oebtaren e ogsdelit p. edRnuo reg hft fsoeid orbie hgtnisi arro . ta edhetaren eeg hetvresn o ocstna elmamin iemv ayhe httub )suorapiv os(g gye arleht iseeice ptss otma h staiilitp esRsa lec h fteoruta egfnihsiugnits irdehtonA e. h)Tsuorapivivov or(eht oem h ntyillanret nsig gmeo rhfct atha hgtnu oeyv i olhttr iebv irgo o ptsuy aw d etafs umjo rsfeir arveht oem hntiht iywa tssg gdeetanoyrb mee htta hetm i fthotgnel ohttr iebv i ogtda hsteice peslitp ew r eea frear e. hgTnihct aehrof eybltro hdsi aglni egb geeht .gg edetanoyrbm en af otnemevlovn ilamini mhti wgnuo ygnivil ?dnu osfelitp eer rearehW ntinenitn oycre v oeetvit aen rsaelitpeR N u m b e r o f R e p t ile S p e c ie s .ac ie t,hdtc rtlprereavoctewxnweAoH eenchontedne p'esdeli t epouetdr yd orb otfnemnoriv nleanretxe seeria c te,spnosomital uegreurtarepmet 4 0 N 3 4 0 2 0 0 sf0eo4duti t eanhletew tdenbuof 3 5 0 2 0 4 0 5 0 0 sse e e Ned rS rnyg0sgaee4oaehdddt 1 0 5 0 1 3 2 0 2 3 0 dlo cylemertx en ille wevivru ston (2 3 0 ) 1 5 6 0 3 6 0 8 5 0 e rsaeice peslitp e0r00 ,r 3e. vsOetamilc ,acire mhAtu odS nlaartn e nCdinuof 4 0 S 000 ,r2e vdo n,anaebbir aeC hgtnidulcni .ais An idnuo fer aseiceps S o u rc e : E u ro p e a n M o le c u la r B io lo g y L a b o ra to ry , R e p tile d a ta b a s e 1 Throughout this document, the broad term turtles is used and includes tortoises and terrapins as well as turtles. 3 ?snaibihpm aer atahW ): 1s(red reoer hntiatn o,catadro hmCuly hdp naaibihp msAsa lec h ftsorebm e,msnaibihpmA snaru n rAaoitneilaS e.l) b1 aanTo(ihpo n,d)man3yla (Gea dtroao r d,U)u2a(C sc ietlsbifaroT e: lt1, gacrnncaeo iirdm,hsarmesyhOomihcca upndgnnaitsid snaibihpma Order ema NnommoC lac igsnyihhPsiugnitsiD Characteristics Salientia or Anura sgorf dnasdaot ruof sgel sa n a y,ltllaucdiapoynt tail as an adult Caudata or Urodela newts and salamanders four legs as an adult, has tail as an adult anoihponmyG caecilians on,sgel most have no tail fsoeice p0s05 ,y4letamixorp pe are ar.e ahiTtneil arSed re ohfstorebm ee mrsada od tnsagorF denimret ende et bos nasheice pfrsoebm utnca x.e esheTilim a 1ofg4tnol etba hstda od tnsagorf e ri a Wseaeyice pnsez oldarev efesot ae rhtdtaerevocs igdni ee brsago rw feensuaceb es e. hhTtr aee h nttonemnoriv nyere vyellautr itvibah nsigo r,fstatib aehnir a fmnooitpecxe ,stser o,fstres eshdac ussae rd an,aacitcrat ntApec xsetnenitn ol cleadulc nsitnemnorivne cihparg o eehhggtu o.hs tel eA dr,ntdanuorgre d,ndu n,arle t,aswdnalss a,rsgelg n,usjniatnuom .scipo re t hnetisrev itds oe mryae h,tdaerpsed isswi g fon orofitubirtsid gnipm urjie hetcnah nheci hawlub idf naaib idtetagno lee het rsago r ffsocitsiretcara hecuqinU gnitae “dezilaicep sas ihcih w,elopda teh t,elcy cefi leh tf oesah pevitcnitsi dadn aytiliba lacisy hep reare htt u,bsda odt nsago rnfeewt enboitcnits icdifitnei c os sneir e. h”Tenihcam .ret a nweiv idl n,apa e,lsbm irla egrn oelv a,hdenniks-htoo mes ryallau ssug o. rsFecnereffid .dn a nleov idl n,ap o,hsbm irla etrro h,sni khsgu oerv ashdaoT reh tmoo rdfehsiugnits ie drsarednam a.l aatSadu arCed re o hfstorebm ee mrsarednamalaS ,stlud adn a,selinevu j,eavra lll an ilia taf oecneser peh ty b)snailicea cdn asgor f,.e.i (snaibihpma i wydo beh to tselgn athgi rt ate ssbmi lgniva hy bdna .ezi slauq ef osbmi ldni hdn asbmilero fht tsi o smtiatib aeh hetre hdwlr oew h ftsonoig eertarepm entrehtr oln lyalra etnibah nsirednamalaS .sg od lnsakc ohrtaen erboo ltfser oe fhndtonu oey fbasmrednamal alsairtse r.r leo Todcna l l nasiuorovinr aec rsarednama l. asSdn odp nsamaer t fsrooo lef h nteiv islrednamal acsitauqA .sdoporht rlala m nsyolni agmniye r,pelc yecf irlie h ftsoega teserht C d reo h ftsorebm eem rsanailicea e anoihponmy Gr ye rtpa hstnaibihp msauorovinr aec reas e. hT ,epor undEinu oe fraanoihponm ylGairtse r.r eerTut ansnimr od wn,aeavr atlces n,istces nnio ailarts u,Aacire mhAtroN ndA n,a t citcra yll uef ntosa e tl saeir e. haT ylimafbu scitauqa- ( tcenolhpyT inae) snailice adcnuob-dn adl ncaitau qha t. oaBcire mhAtu o nSainoihponm y fGo .htr aee h ntdieworr usbev ielrit nreie hetv islnailice adcnuob-dn ayl n. aeMtami ltcsi oeamriuqer seka ngsniworr ueblbmes eyrehT larev e esyb aamnoihpon m. ysGela clsanret xeev ath o ontd u,b yll u safsietcenolhp ysTun e eg. hrTetema i ndsiehc n o2ie1t rda n,agn otle elfarev e osstehcni . acire mhAtu o oSytl neovit a sntia hntailice accitauqa sestncaetnaonlhpyT n iylnommo cdnuo fs i s.eneShirU t otdmtenuspairauqa 4