The relevance of ADHD in substance use disorders (SUD) Pieter-Jan Carpentier, psychiatrist Reinier van Arkel Groep, ‘s-Hertogenbosch Novadic-Kentron, Netwerk voor Verslavingszorg THE NETHERLANDS 2 God invented alcohol to prevent the Irish from ruling the world 3 adult ADHD NL 1.0 – 2.5 : % (N= 1800) USA 4.4 : % (N= 3200) (Nat. Comorbidity Survey Replication) worldwide 3.4 : % (N =11422) 1.2 - 7.3 ( %) Kooij e.a. Psychol Med. 2005; 35: 817-27. Kessler e.a. Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Apr;163(4):716-23 4 Fayyad e.a. Br J Psychiatry. 2007; 190: 402-9 Comorbidity in adults with ADHD ± 80 % of patients at least 1 ± 50 % at least 2 comorbid psychiatric disorder(s): - mood disorders: mood swings depression bipolar disorder - anxiety disorders - personality disorders Substance Use Disorders - McGough Am J Psychiatry 2005; 162: 1621-7 5 substance use disorders (SUD) loss of control main characteristic: DSM-IV-TR : diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders abuse: persistent use in spite of serious negative consequences dependence: even more serious abuse, complicated by • tolerance • withdrawal symptomatology craving 6 Prevalence of Adult ADHD in Substance Abusers Seeking Treatment * Author, Year Population ADHD *Based on DSM-IV Criteria Levin, 1998 281 Cocaine Abusers 10-15% Clure, 1999 136 Cocaine and/or Alcohol Abusers 15% King, 1999 125 Methadone Patients 17% Schubiner, 2000 201 Substance Abusers 24% * Based on DSM-IV Criteria 7 Prevalence ADHD in SUD Prevalence of ADHD in substance-abusing patients: A meta-analysis and meta-regression analysis. Study name Ervaetent LloSiwmtaeittris ticUslp ifmoperi tre achZ -sVtaulduyep-Value Event rate and 95% CI CGalarrlakn edt eatl al 00,,221816 00,,125166 00,,238608 --64,,973638 00,,000000 Katelijne van Emmerik - van Oortmerssen GHJaroeivnllceahn eisllt eeattl aall 000,,,123341060 000,,,122110080 000,,,124574267 --21-032,,,186386598 000,,,000000008 LdMaeot liMimnialei ore te ta lal 000,,,421084060 000,,,320247142 000,,,432835536 ---284,,,327015876 000,,,000200100 Geurt van de Glind NSSSStuuzooobbvwbrriaaonemmtsll eaaeetnntt iiaaaaallmml eettaall AB 00000,,,,,334013948800300 00000,,,,,223014825136413 00000,,,,,455123062715934 -----31095,,,,,288942786997816 00000,,,,,003000670011400 TTCaimarrtrseo rle l ete tat alall B 000,,,123938980 000,,,113464352 000,,,234732010 ---645,,,898382200 000,,,000000000 Wim van den Brink CDlauirger ee te ta lal 00,,210500 00,,102969 00,,320220 --47,,926203 00,,000000 FJKoainhlcga kne nte tae lat lal 000,,,210199309 000,,,110737100 000,,,221663287 -1--961,,,643866920 000,,,000000000 Filip Smit LMOehovldmiense eiteitnr aeeltt aall A 000,,,211310100 000,,,100567620 000,,,311284871 -1--416,,,085357054 000,,,000000000 ORSchohlumunbseiianever riel leet t a ealt l Bal 000,,,253444019 000,,,142819667 000,,,364060415 --605,,,961743090 000,,,050020020 Cleo L. Crunelle TWZaieondogod ne eits ta ealtl al 0000,,,,133204331601 0000,,,,021169899114 0000,,,,145240276532 --11--0401,,,,269761739720 0000,,,,000000080004 -1,00 -0,50 0,00 0,50 1,00 Robert A. Schoevers Meta Analysis 0%-50% 29 studies, including 6689 subjects (4054 adolescents and 2635 adults) Overall prevalence ADHD in SUD = 23.1% (95% C.I: 19.4% – 27.2%) Meta-regression analysis: - lower prevalence of ADHD in primary cocaine dependent subjects - higher prevalence of ADHD in studies with DICA or SADS-L - no effect of age, gender, setting, time-frame, abstinence duration 8 ADHD & SUD : prevalence bidirectional overrepresentation of ADHD and SUD among subjects with these disorders ADHD prevalence clearly increased among SUD patients clinical impression: ADHD prevalence even more increased among SUD populations with more severe / more chronic disorders (e.g. inpatient populations) adults with ADHD + SUD are at risk for other psychiatric comorbidities and a longer course of SUD 9 ADHD & SUD : selection of substances substances used: EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRYYYYTTTTHHHHIIIINNNNGGGG !!!! NO CLEAR SELECTION not only psycho-stimulant drugs: amfetamines / cocaine paradoxical effect of stimulant drugs : (some, not all) users become relaxed and more focused also sedating substances: alcohol / heroine / soft drugs Clure e.a. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 1999; 25: 441-8 10 Biederman e.a. Am J Psychiatry 1995; 152: 1652-8