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The relation between nu lear harge radii and other parameters hara terizing the nu lear drops. ∗ Zbigniew Sosin Jagellonian University, M. Smolu howski Institute of Physi s, Reymonta 4, PL-30059 Kraków, Poland Correlation between the rms nu leus harge radius and their deformation, isospin asymmetry, mass and harge numbers are presented. Four parameters radius parametrization formula is pro- posed. Ratio of experimentalto theoreti al valuedistribution exhibit variation equal to 0.0044, i.e. it orresponds to the value of experimental errors. Observed orrelations an impose interesting onstraints on theformof thenu lear equation of state. PACSnumbers: 21.10.Ft21.60. -n21.65.+f 7 0 In the laboratory framework the nu lear matter is 0 available only as the atomi nu lei, whi h an be viewed 2 astheliquiddropsofnu learmatter. Be ausethedimen- n sion and shape of nu lei re(cid:29)e t ompli ated intera tions a inside nu lear matter it is of great importan e to (cid:28)nd J orrelations between the parameters des ribing the nu- 4 lear drops. In this letter we demonstrate new simple 2 relation between these parameters, based on extensive data for 574 heavy nu lei. In parti ular, we hoose the 1 v relation betwIeen nu lAear hargeradii and theZir deforma- 3 tion, isospin , mass and harge numbers . In order 7 to des ribe the nu leus deformation one an introdu e 0 di(cid:27)erent kinds of the shape parametrization [1℄. In our 1 approa hdes riptionofdeformationsislimitedtoaxially 0 symmetri quadruply deformed shapes and therefore for 7 β every nu lei the respe tive parameters are attributed. 0 β / Thess parametersareassumedtobetakenfrommodel h al ulations presented in [1℄. t - The redu ed nu lear harged radius an be de(cid:28)ned as cl (cid:10)R2(βZ,I)(cid:11)1/2 u r(Z,I,β)= n A1/3 (1) : v (cid:10)R2(βZ,I)(cid:11)1/2 i where isthe rootmean square(hereafter X rms) nu lear harge radius. The distribution of these r r0 redu ed radii (normalized by a onstant , as explained a iNn t=he57fu4rther part), bAased on experimental data [2℄ for Figure1: ThedistributionFαβαZαIr0(r˜). Thesolidlinesrep- nu lei with >100 is presented in (cid:28)g. 1 as a r˜ αβ αZ αI r0 resents the distribution of for parameters , , , dashed line and exhibits varirationsβabZouAt of 3%I. given by (4). Dashed line represents this some distribution Correlations between radius and , , and param- for parameters αβ =0, αZ =0, αIr=exp0/ra0nd r0 =0.945 what eters are presented on (cid:28)g. (2). for su h ase is thedistribution of . Looking at this (cid:28)gure, we annot see learly any sys- temati al behavior. This fa t is related to onfounded dependen e on all parameters. Main result of this letter is the pro edure allowing us to unmask this dependen e αβ αZ αI r0 and unravel generi orrelations. in whi h , β,2 and are free oe(cid:30) ients. The Sin e deviations in the rms distribution are small, it is dependen βe2on results from the dependen e of rms natural to adopt the form of an expansion, using simple radius on for quadruIply deformed shape. The form parametri form of the dependen e on is justi(cid:28)ed by the results ob- r =r0(cid:0)1+αβ ·β2(cid:1)(1+αZ ·(Z−50))(1+αI ·I) tained in the re ent papers [3℄ where an important ob- (2) servation was made, that for heavy nu lei, their nu lear rms hargeradiiexhibitasystemati variationasafun - tion of neutron-proton asymmetry. ∗ αβ αZ αI r0 Ele troni address: ufsosin yf-kr.edu.pl We an (cid:28)nd oe(cid:30) ients , , and by onsid- 2 Figure 2: Correlation betweenredu edradii andrespe tively Figure 3: Correlation between redu ed radii with (cid:16)swit h- β Z A I , , and . o(cid:27)(cid:17) dependen e from value other than orrelated one, and β Z A I orrelated values are respe tively , , and . Solid lines representsfor onsider orrelation (cid:28)t givenby(2) r˜ ering distribution of value de(cid:28)ned as rexp 0.995+α ·I 1.005+α ·I r˜= r0(1+αβ ·β2)(1+αZ ·(Z−50))(1+αI ·I) (3) o,n the mainI braann hd ar1e.0m0a5r+keIdαby·.IgTreheenp ooilnotrswloh earteeads I rexp t0h.9e88po+inαts·Iabove0l.i9n9e5+α ·I and between lines I I where the is the experimental value of the re- and aremarkedby olorsblue dFu ed nu (ler˜a)r harged radius. Now the distαributαion and yellow, respe tively. 0E.9le8v8e+nαter·bIium points whi h ααIβαZαIrr00 an be treated as a fun tion of β, Z, arelo atedbelowtheline I weremarkedsep- and . Ifr˜the parametrization (2) is orre t, the dis- arately by red olor. As one an see green points mat h δtr(ir˜b−ut1io)n of should tend to theαβDirαaZ dαeIlta furn0 tion perfe tly all orrelations announ ed by us. Other points forsomespe i(cid:28) valuesof , , F and . (Br˜y) follow also similar trends, but he orresponding urves minimizingthevarian eofthedistribution αβαZαIr0 areslightly shifted omparingto the trends exhibited by under the ondition that its average value is equal to 1 green points. Two reasons an be responsible for su h the following set of parameters was obtained: behavior. First, the systemati s of the dis repan ies an αβ =0.225 αZ =−0.00021 αI =0.16 r0 =0.9681fm beasso iatedwithexperimentaland systemati alerrors. Se ond, the e(cid:27)e t may be the onsequen e of some spe- (4) ial properties of these nu lei. We should point out that To verify the equation (2), we plot on (cid:28)g. 2 respe - radiiofterbiumisotops(redpoints)aremeasuredwithin tive orrelation and urves obtained from (cid:28)t (2). We total(experimental+systemati al)errorabout3%what noti e the systemati and onsistent behavior for al- is quite a large un ertainty whereas the relative error of mostall hargeradii, on(cid:28)rmingthe soundnessof hosen measured terbium radii with respe t to the radius of the parametrization. referen eisotopeis mu hsmallerand reads0.04% [2℄. It Aswe ansee,forthemajorityof onsiderednu leithe is therefore possible that that observed radii deviations hosen form of parametrization works quite well. How- an origin from the total experimental error. ever, there are still some groups of points on the plot We summarize our on lusions: whi h do not mat h the major trends. Toseether˜s(t1r+u αtur·eIo)fvthse.sIeparti ulardatabetter,for 1. Correlation observed by us proves that the fun - I orrelation we separate t0h.i9s8g8r+ouαp b·Iy tional form of radius parametrization is orre t for I dashed linesgivenrespe tively by equation majority of onsider nu lei. Ratio of experimental 3 α =0.225 β should be stressesthatvalue of ismore than two times higher from the value expe ted for uniform quadruply deformed matter. This is an interesting result whi h may point at strong or- relations between non-uniformity of the density of protons and quadrupole deformation. Correlation between radii and isospin asymmetry is in agree- ment with the earlier observations [submitted to [3℄ . 3. E(cid:27)e ts of the surfa e an be easily taken into a - ount,byaddinganotherfun tionalparametri de- pendAe−n 1/e3with additional parameter multiplying the term. We have found that these e(cid:27)e ts are negligible. This observation is onsistent with our hoi e of onsidering only heavy nu lei, where surfa e e(cid:27)e ts are not expe ted to play the major role. r Z 4. Correlation between radii and shows, that at value of deformation and neutron-proton asymme- try (cid:28)xed, protons be ome on average loser, as the number of protons in reases. This observation probably suggests the possibility of the reation of the neutronskin. This orrelationa ompaniedby the orrelation between radii and the isospin an Figure 4: Furtheranalysis of orrelations as presentedin Fig impose interesting onstraints on the form of the 3. Color of the points isIdetermr˜i(n1e+d bαyI·pIo)sitions on orrela- nu lear equation of state. This possibility would tionsbetweentheisospin and . Thepointsfrom be addressed in the forth oming publi ation. btheetwm1e.ea0ni0n5d+absrhαaenId ·hIlinaersewmitahrkreedspbey tgtroeethne eoqloura1ta.i0on0nd50a+.r9eα95Ilo+· IαatIe·dI 5. Takenintoa ountthesystemati sofdeviationsfor and . Pointslo atedaboveline 0.995+αIa·rIe theterbiumisotopes,it wouldbeinterestingtoob- plotted in blue0 .9o8lo8r+wαhIe·rIeas points below line tainedand ompareexperimentaldata orrespond- andaboveline 0a.9r8e8p+lotαtIed·Iinyellow olor. Eleven ing to smaller errors. In the future the shift from points, lo ated below line orresponding to the systemati al behavioralso for isotopes represented terbiumisotopes are plotted in red olor. byblueandyellowpointsshouldbe onsideredand explained. to theoreti al value for radii is presented on (cid:28)g. 1 as a solid line. The variation of this distribution is A knowledgments equal to 0.0044, i.e. it orresponds to the value of experimental errors. The author is indebted to E. Nowak, M. A. Nowak 2. The orrelation between radius and the oe(cid:30) ient and P. Pawlowski for areful reading of manus ript and of deformation learly (cid:28)ts a paraboli shape and helpful dis ussions. This work was supported the Polish shows that in nu lear ground state the dominat- MinistryofS ien e, resear hproje tno. PB 1P03B 020 ing deformation is the quadrupole one. Howeverit 30. [1℄ P. Möller, J.R. Nix W.D. Myers and W.J. ‘wia(cid:11)te ki, [3℄ Z. Sosin, submittedto PRC Atomi Data Nu l.Data Tbl. 59, 185 (1995) [2℄ I. Angeli, Atomi Data Nu l.Data Tbl, 87, 185 (2004)

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