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The Reflector: The Best of Times (1995) PDF

80 Pages·1995·19.8 MB·English
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1. How Time Flies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02-15 2. Time to Grow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-23 3. Doing Doubletime ............ 24-43 4. Down to the La t econd ....... 44- 5 5. So Much Time to Go . . . . . . . . . . 6-65 ebra. ka Christian chool 1 Rt. 2 Bo, 124 Central City, TE 6 26 ~ 0 -946-_ . 6 Volume :'6 Reflector How Time Flies!! The inentable approache'> Graduation con er, one memory will stick with them all (e ·pe fronts the Class of 1995 head on. Wtth so little cially Michele Warner): toilet runoff early in the time together, memone become prectou , and morning. making memone become es. ential Some Semors enjoy being involved in sports. Some Semor have known each other mce the Se\en Semor took the field in football, leading dtapers and ktddie pool era Dana Ta> lor and the team to a 4-5 season. Most will not forget Kmtin Hattan remember back to their elemen Jon Parlane' pre-game concert . or Leon Cle tar) year<, when they would throw unwanted venger' pre-game Petra at high decibels. For . andw tches tn the tree and under car. the love ofTA Z the Semor girls led the volley ')I Other Semors JOtned the cia recentl) Shannon ball team. Su te Wtles and Tnsha Redding Rou e tramferred to NC thts year when the Mar return to drama a old pros prepared to entertain quette Publtc School clo ed it door . Jennifer the world. Band lovers wtll hear the trumpet of \'rood and Shane Hoover al o joined the rank Dalane Epp above the re t. Sara Chase "per tht ·chool year. Jana Bree e and Elijah John on suade " her way through peech eason while returned to the Cia of 1995 Shawna Leach captivates the It teners with her orne Semor ltve in the area. Andrew Mu - poetry. and Yfandy Fl}nn tnform her audience grave tmpl} troll aero the road to chool about emph) ema and dandruff. each morning. Man) Semors, like Eric Some handle these hectic chedule . Peter on and Lonn> Cooper, enjoy Mo t do not. Many a harried, tre ed-out about a 20-30 minute dme to chool. Diversity brings Semor can be found in the haiL of any Dana Taylor. Holly John on. and Jaime the Class of 1995 chool day Keeping up with chool work, together and Poffel drive an hour to get to chool. athletic practtces. and after chool job ha Chri t keep Other cia smate ltve in different parts mo t Semors crambling. Part ttme jobs do of the tate. countf). or even world Ltna them together. con ume a lot of time. Matt Hoff pend 0 hto has been at ·c tnce her Sopho- time a a ca. hier. Brad Bremer flip burg more year. Living in Totri. Japan. Lina make er . a doe ~tkki Prusa Randy Dietz. the cia her home in the dorm Mandy Jividen. a car fanattc. pumps gas and enjoy mechanic Wyoming re tdent. ta> \\ith her mom in a work. cabin JU t out tde of Central City. Her mom Some will go to Romania. For the fir t time. commutes between their home in Cheyenne, ~C t ending a mt tons team to Romania. Ben WY and their hou e tn :-.;ebra. ka. Jon Parlane · :..1erchant. Hannah Huenefeld. Andrew Mu - parent accepted the call to be mi ionarie in grave. :'-:ancy Rikli. Dalane Epp. and Je ica Puebla. Mexico. They left during the ummer. Behren eagerly await their departure to Roma but Jon ch e to remain at T. living with Mr. nia where the) will hare their faith in public and ~1r \\ 1 chmeier. chool . orphanage and churche . Some em or live in the dorm. Actuall). a lot Di\ er tt} bring the Cia of 1995 together o Sent r gtrl live in the dorm. Leaving her and Chn t keep them together S . a ttme tlie mt . tonar) parent behind in Germany. Joy by ... Look up. Semor !!. pauJdmg returned to T for her enior year <lnd ta) in the dorm Stacte Coppedge of Che)enne. WY al olive tn the dorm. With thi man~ Semor tn the dorm. it i bound to get wild. Evet; da> tn We. t Hall i a memof) in the making. Chnt) Hampt 1n tell of water fight . tickle war . curltng iron concert and walkte tal ·ie at night which provide mo t girl with fond and funn) memorie of dorm life. Howev- lliEMEPAGE Hm;· Embarra.llin~!.' Wht·nl ji-ll on tht• floor at St. Edward while rwmin~ to 1mrm-up1 111 8askt•ti7C111. Fire Yean? 7- In college or married. Pet Pene ?1- People that 1mack the1r gum. How Embarrauing!.' Too numy!! Fire Yean??-Married and in graduat£' school. Pet Peen•?.' - lmmawre r:un 11'1111 think thl·y are the belt. Hm1 Embarrauing!! Turned the wrong wav on a one way street in downtown Omaha. Fil·e Yean?? -Ail.\'llhere in the 1mrld, Hill in the Ncny. Pet Pee1·e?' SlcJ\1 dri1·en. How Embarrauing! 1- When/ ran a red light with a policeman sit ting right there. and my mom was behind me. Fil't Yean?? I hope to be ow of college with a major in miuions and on m1 IHI\' to Ruuw. Pet Pene?!- When people rub the1r hands on the ceiling ofa car. How Embarrassing!! Mv cleats didn't catch traction as I wellf to kick afield goal. and I ended up on the ground. Fil·e Yean?' - If I go to college. I'll probably be workinr: to pay my school bill.f. If I don't go to college, I'll probably work to pay off all m\' toy\. (Pick-up. stock car, dirt bike) Pet Peere?! - Yearbook. qu£'.\tion.\. Hm\ Embarrassing.'.' - When I 1\'IH in elnnentarv, I accidentally snce:t·d on a Ktrl 's sand1\'ich. Fn·e Yean?? - lthmk. I'll he in the Mid-nest on myj ob that/trained for 111 collegt•. I might go into .wme wrt of af.!riculwre engineering cart·t•r. Pet Pare?! - When people dril'l' around with only their parking light.\ on. How Emharrll\1111!<1!! - Durtll/<1 tlu.• fir.\/ part of a ftKJthall game. /1\·ent to hr~~sh a leaf offm v coat, the "leaf' jumped and I screamed at the beginning oft he National Anthem. Fil·e Yean?? - I want to he a mis.1imwrv m Sowh America. Pet Pee1·e ?! - When people get in my comftmuble spaa. How Embarrassmg!! - None. Fil·e Years?? Working in Western Nebraska. Pet Peere ?! People who call a pick-up a "truck." How Embarrassing!!-None Fil·e Years?'' - !will be a hennitli1mg in a ca1·e in Nortlmest Montana. Pet Pee1·e ?! -Girls wlw perpewally engage in superjluourtwaddle. Hoy,· f.mhamLHIII.fl.'!-My Fre.rhltlim vear Jy,·a\ ...-a/kmr? frum the ~\m to the Ad Buildmg and my 1/tp .\tarted .1/idmg off. It emled up tt1ng/rd aro<UJd my feet. Fi1·r Years?? - 1 hope to work m Adrertising, eitherf or a lan(e compunyor self-employed. I'd also likt• to ht· nwrried om/ \'1'1) im'Oil·ed moltKal £hurc'h. Pet Pet'\·t•?!- Dmmheat.s m the middle ofGo•emml'llt dass.1 Hem Embarruullrr?!.' Durtnf? basketball I meallt to 1111 the ball, bllt I hit anmher plawr 111 the head. hard' People in thc• crowd smd they heard the slap .. oop.1!! Fin• Yean?? - I hope to be married and work part-time as wme kind ofsecretarv for a busine.1.1 corporatwn. Pet Peere 1 Guvs with lonf? fingernails, short jeans. and also. ROAD CO\"STRUCTIO.V. How EmbarraHing.11- At our 8rh grade clcH.\ party, I broke my nose. and ended up wearin~? a cast m·a it Fire }ears??-Hop<'}icllybedone 1•ith co/le~e. and mavbe be nu.trried. Pet Pee1·e?!-People who pop thetr knuckles. Back \tabbers. How EmbarraHIIIl?'! - Kara, a uudent helper 111 P.E. class, depantsed me in flag football as 1he attempted to grab myflag. Fire Years??-I'll be workin~? ,,·ith Elijah. Pet Pee1·e ?.' - Chruty and Suste. Ho~< Embarrassin~?!!-Gom~? up to some lady thmkin~? it was my mom. Fi1·e Years?? - R1din~? the rails of a Burlington Northern boxcar, uein~? the countrY the cheap way. ,,.,w Pet Pee1·e?! - People c11k stupid question\. How Embarrauinr(.1•1- Wearmg a black 1hoe and anal)' shoe to 1chool on the .wme day Fi•·e Yean??-So clue. ,.,fa)be teachin~? 111 a reform school. Pet Pee•·e?!-Flirtatious r(irls always chasinr( r(uys.

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