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The Reflector: Now in Technicolor (2012) PDF

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Full-color yearbook vividly preserves memones "A pu.:t1trc' u mit a tltou.san I ompct~.: \\1th 1 ~ng th r m u n-J , bw volt c..dn 'r Sl'c uluu rlto 1 rsc: n, but nt l\\ m read< f :cmg s/k1J cf J.,'lU"i k1.:11 ultc..'TCJ ) otl m bla k, \\lute, .md f..>nl\, future ltnuld lun • en I! nt color. Jam 0 reader \\ill I< k lt 1 r tur the Jolmsc: n' c.ountr) m.1 h htt 'In wm ru lent!' there ,It rh · tunc (~)lor C\ ok m.m\ mcmon t\\ them: in hnlh,mt had of fwm tt au It ·n ~.:: memon of olor. duldhcx-d, lununou ummer lllc'll-'12 h ll)car' C\ent, aft ~mL n: , .md lm cd on d 1\ , d , ,m l hara ters 1 m m arc po\\ L>rf ul 'L'Ilt • ertrunh popped out <f the an I 11(\ pt tur~.: c h'r m uch ordinal) hum lrum patt~.:m o th ra\\ mten tr\ of cmonon daih life, mu h like a turming m •mon l nng forth. Ho\\C\t:r, phutt)'i-,'Taph lea1 off the page m a lear JICturc can gl\ ~ m t 'ht 1 l x)k. Kemery M ·ers (II ) uuo 1tu mor .tl I hd~ aid,"\\ lllU.l 'iinnen:tzldl(lradcrs e pcnen c 1 hrcd of th cmotu n rlus ywr; rt dcf nll!lc.."''madt rite )car generate ll'l\ rh mctn( I'\. num:• fun.'' In th.at \\,1), th h(lol In 2~..: ll , the. cbrm ka Um nan \ear, not jut th lu1k, \\, in ' 1rl k taff tt 1k a color. lndi\ idual \\l'rc the aiT.l\ monum mal tc.:p m the of colo 1l ~hl'll onto the\\ lure recording ( f mcmon . ror the hc.-et that"'~ the ne\\ )car. ll1c ftr;t nme m the ht tor} ot th lle\\ tudem mi e I wuh the ol I }carh. 1k pn T.ml , t • br. kn and created not <n l a HC\\ Om n.m, the Rcf1:cunmuld 1 ' tu :lent ~ -d) , 1 ut al 1 d whole presented tn full cokr. 2Cll nc\\ campu : ,1 CillllJ'U v1br.mt, m.trkL\.~ 1 gr'"tt nul tone for the dynami , and p, sionate .thlut }Carh 1ok prL"l!!nUn. "ll£n mg a full life. Those \\hn weren't there color "icarbook ltas e~wb!C£1 us w can't un lc t::md or h\c It gzve a clam. >. r pzaurc of tlte "\Wr' \1Canou I). Bur 110\\ the} an ~ ct'Cllts,' remarked \carl-xx1k 1t clearer, m dctml. 1 h'l'iCr Mi I k • Ritta. ''A fu..1ttrc' ttKn1lt a tlumsand ll1c goal of e' CI) \carl k taff words, bw y-nt can't c wltat rllo 1 to capture :md prcscn ~.: slwdes of gray kccJJ colo-,; d, y-m mcmon~ 1 th can lx: ,;C\\cd slumld of lwtoe 5tcrt I! m mlar.' m the funrrc. A 1 1ok um nc\er Tc luucolor, that 1. - thBailcy (12) 2 Oper-ng Operng Green (adjJ balance, harmony, stability e People Theme Maintaining Harmony Students focus on school unity A, the ne\\ hool ;em h.-gins, each grade f. ccs the <l~tacle uf redeveloping cia s harmony. As the year progrc , tulbm learn the trcngt~ and weakn ~ of thetr cia mates ;md work to wmplcmL'Ilt each <lther. Though a variety of nati<ll1alincs arc found m the campu · -..C1unc '. Viemamc...c, K< 1rc:m, 1hli. Japanese, Amenc:m-- e\U)"<ll1e is trc:ned the une. \Vhitncy T wc~ood (1 0) wmmmtcd, "Ac our .school. the ctluucs mul cultures are so dn ..>. r.-c and nu..xal cogdhcr cluu you dmt't ct:en noClcc cll1)7ltore. Pcotl/c are JlCoJl/c hcrl!, mulsumctimcs I fmgcc chat tt'C et'1.'1l cmru. from different Jxms of the workl." "Matthew 7:12 :KJV) ·ap., 'Therefore, whatever you \\iU1t men to do to you, do also to them, f<1r this i ·the Law <mdtheProphet.."Johnl5:12 .:K]\')add tothi·, .l\ing, 'This is my conun;mdmcnt th:lt you love one <mother as I have lm·L'I.:i you." Andrew wanson (I 2) said," \\'call need co mnemh>r. cluu u·e are the txxly of Omst, ~ u·e slun.tkl treat otlu.>rs tl'tth dt~ucy and rcsfJCct, mullot·l! tlu.'1n Ct'1.'11 tf tl'C dmt'c like tlu.'1n." Joey ~ un (12) addL'I.:i, ':As clutllen~nl.! as m/whmng tl'!Ch oclu.>rs am be, lit'ing in the drmn, hatt•et·. .>. r, t5 quite mcercscing, as f\.'oJllc of oclu.'1· countries arul tnulitim15 inu.>ract wuh each other mul [nul balance in the fnnccss." 1h~ 2011-2012 studmr lxx.1y ·rrove to love :md resp:.'Ct one ;mother md ~how G.xl's l<we through their nctilm . As lung a.. ., tudent'i kept thi goal in mind, the cl, ~ remamL'CI in harn1ony though Christ. -Bekah Mead (11 ) • Dunng the hambun:c.:r • Sophia Songthangtham (10) • ~ hcl Whittle (10) uff, a • Jahn Landri:::an (II), Brandon ( undraJ,cr, isa Bt"lllt in ( 12) , "11..a h Brock (9)senecoffce pl'<11ltuf of tee Cl'L':llll UltO the Brock (I 0), and J •roJ f>rL'1tvman collect nlrne') from McKcn::ic to their table ct th' Han t unsi.L"p<.'l.:tlng mourh rl Hannah (9) lingshot a teruU: 0011 uno the rur, hu cit::cr ( 3) . lhmu •h.>tH Festtval.llleC\'Cilt I~ctch<m cfor t cr5 ( I 0 ). I11e tudenr trving t<l l.utd It m thLu ream\ rmnh. '' the fall, th senior cl hdJ tudem and tc-tff to cxprL"' theu coun..:tl urpn-.ed rhe ruJem tarp. tkkm, were nblc ro rd x "hile \ eral f undrais<...,; uch , a thanks to ~ k..1 Ouistian' l xi) ''1th dchaou' 1 cream, r pla)1Ilg challengmg game. ter mmg hamburg ·r f ccd ,md JUP supper ;upportcrs. the etld d a loog Lb) ol h_.,J. nil monung at ~nrual Emph: rr l a\. 5 to r,use nxney for rheu 'Clllllr tnp. People Theroo orces From Yo da to unity A 1gJung dtffercnt myt:hical, com1 Jl, l! memh!rs for the clr ht tor. JXlnicn of uor ght 1 no trnnger to all) one who h<l! h.". en aroun I hrn ka ( lm Uall \ er) Ion •. It n Jt l nl) n :c a mctiKx.l of t\ m • the !1 hL'>h r) tot>ether, but abo eltat: laughter fmm the Ul1\\d when people get a! 1 !ned unftttm • cham ters. lnd~..'Cd, four ears of !ugh sc.hml h..>ar lot of similann~ to trndinonal hero-heroine \'lng-thc-<la)·t)J>C ton . Ma\ the hen or hcrom I Luke )walker, Srl<1\\ \X'hnc, \X 1hennc, Pc ah()lta , l r Ycxh, th tl' arc n \Crth~I mular. In thl ton , hen alKI herom go through different tnal alld tcmptanon , \\fulc JUming for \\1th other hen all I hen m • th ir 1 ume\ gu on, all I th ') re et\e help from ,1 ;peel tl mentor. nca A thc1r JOlinlC) orne to a C\ cntual con lu lOll, thC) gain whate\ d tTC'l urcs, I SOilS of \1rtU 'or Iht\ 'ore\ en 1m lc the\\ c fought fn. In htcrh hlx)l, tuJcnts go to hl I to f c cadcm1c challcng and oc 1l n 1lh rd ltlonal problcOlS, \\lulc gcttm • ud from their cl smat and gllldance from teach rs and C)(.x.l. \\'hen four )ears end, the\ rCCct\ a 1 r 1f of thctr I SOilS lcamcd m the fom1of a dtploma. Ho\\C\er, the onh dtffcren c i that 1t the end of the tor), the I llld fom1cd I tween tudcnto.; md other herl md hcrnmcs do not •o ~1\\a\. A Janet ng (I 2) put It, '1/.e fru?Ids I nuld and mcmones sluncd rhrrru •luna lu It scluJol u.zllaltta"i Ex: rite be r fun of afm nJe arul udlalu.dy uckuirh nJe grccm~ wnh x1g, ndr ,. wa n (12) l, 17tcSC fxlS[ am[ lC'\mrs lriitt: been rcalh au csome because we grcu. e\1ren.eh close as a class." The earb: >k spca the t.1lc of our high ht 1l ) ears a! tt r)ix ks tell the I >crenJs of other her .md hcrom . Jill\\ \er, that \\111 not be the onl) \\ \ our high hool )ear~ ll\c on, tt \\1111 "m our mcmon . At t11~ en I of the cb), \\ith fricndsh11 all I memon eamCll, th' h n all I hcrLm m the tal of the c1 f 2L 12 ma fma.lh h\c happil) C\ rafter.

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