e u e r u r i O L Sport.<:: Index: £veryTemn £very Name 54-71 76 77 Acbvitu:~:;: Ads: Clasmg: £ve1y Pursu1t £very £ve1y at10n 44-53 Con tributor 78 80 72-75 Ut:LC: Buildmg blCX!k: a bR.c:tc element or component. In ordl'r to mature, a solid fonndation must be laid Three of these 9:Senbal blCX!ks are fnendc:}up. respect. and obecitence, all of whtch the ebra.c:kR Chn..c:ban teachers hopro to mstill m the lower elementAry duldren. ~~lemeni:Ary students developro cla<;e fnendsht~ through datly mteracbons m smaller classrooms. "! hke commg to tiu.c: schooL The kidc: are cool" srud Michael Am&rle.n. Throughout the school year. the students leanurl to comply wtth Ute rule: ~>t m place. Obedience m follOWing dn'OCbons taught student.c: to respect ti1e teachers. Though fnendc:}up. obedtence, and respect were 1tnportanl the chtef rum of ti1e elementAry wa.c: to love ti1e Lord The lower elementary stnved to learn more ~ about lovmg the Lord and lovmg otlte:rs. One way they $ 0 rud futs was through memonzmg verses. wluch they rectte:l. dunng weekly chapeL<:. "Saymg tile verse: are kmda hard. but tt's fun to see lliat I know them." satd Amanda Whu;enand From the playgronnd to fue classroom, fue lower elementary developro the butkling blCX!k.c: for a godly hfe. Sierra Shaeki: Colby :I')(Croff. P Mtcah Green, P Trwtt Merchant. P 6 Lower c:Lement:aru