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The Reduction of Iron Ores L. von Bogdandy . H.-J. Engell The Reduction of Iron Ores Scientific Basis and Technology Revised and Translated Edition of "Die Reduktion der Eisenerze" With 381 Figures and 54 Tables 1971 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Prof. Dr.-Ing. LUDWIG VON BOGDANDY Member of Managing Committee, Hiittenwerk Oberhausen AG, Oberhausen Prof. Dr. rer. nat. HANS-JURGEN ENGELL Director, Max-Planck-Institut fiir Eisenforschung, Diisseldorf The translation of Chapters 1 to 4 was procured by arrangement with thc Trade and Industrial Translation Centre Ltd., London. These four chapters were translated by Commander E. R. DAWSON of the University of Dundee, Scotland, and edited by Mr. F. B. TRAICE ofthe Swinden Laboratories of British Steel Corporation. - Chapter 5 has been translated and edited jointly by Messrs. R. S~;WELL and A. J. H. LEADLEY of the Swinden Laboratories of British Stecl Corporatioll. DK 669.051 669.046.46: 669.162.12 669.162.263.23 ISBN 978-3-662-10402-6 ISBN 978-3-662-10400-2 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-10400-2 This work is subject to copyright. AII rights are reserved. whether the whule or part of thc material is conccrned, specifically those of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, broad· casting, reproduction hy photocopying machi ne or similar means, and storage in data banks. Under § 54 of tho German Copyright Law whcre copies are made for other than private use, afec is payablc to the publisher, tlle amount of the fee to be determined by agreement with the publisher. © by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1971 Originally published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg and Verlag Stahleisen m.b.R., Diisseldorf in 1971 Softcover reprint ofthe hardcover lst edition 1971 The reproductioll in this book of registered trade-marks does not warrant tho assumption, eveu without auy special marking, that such names are to be considered free under tlle trade-mark law and may be used by anyone. Preface to the English Edition For the English edition the book was revised by the authors, taking into account a number of suggestions of the readers of the German edition. Some of the most important publications in the field of iron ore reduction, which appeared since 1967, have been used to bring the manuscript as far as possible up to date. The kind assistance of Dr. K. BOHNENKAMP of the Max-Planck-Institut fUr Eisenforschung, Dusseldorf, was much appreciated in this respect. Ohapters 2.9 and 2.10, dealing with the reduction of molten oxide slags by solid carbon and with the contribution of the water-gas reaction to iron ore reduction, have been added for the English edition. Ohapter 2.9 has been completely revised with the kind assistance of Dr. H. J. GRABKE, Stuttgart. Dipl.-Ing. J. LODDE contributed to this edition by revising the bibliography. Owing to the rapid development of the blast furnace it was necessary to revise Ohapter 5 considerably. In this field many valuable suggestions have been made by Dipl.-Ing. G. LANGE and Dipl.-Ing. P. HEINRICH. Furthermore, Ohapters3 and 4 have been thoroughly revised by Dr.-Ing. E. FORSTER and Dr.-Ing. U. SCHIERLOH. Last, but not least, we have to thank our translators for their excellent work. Oberhausen and Dusseldorf, November 1970 L. von Bogdandy H.-I. Engell Preface to the German Edition In 1838 ROBERT WILHELM VON BUNSEN climbed up the blast furnace of the Veckerhagen "Herrschaftliche" Ironworks and lowered into the burden a tube made from gun barrels welded together and covered with fireproof material. With the aid of lead pipes and glass tubes, bits of rubber tubing and an air pump, BUNSEN drew from the furnace shaft, via this tube, gas samples which he analyzed, finding carbon dioxide and mon oxide, hydrogen and methane. He proved that it would be well worthwhile to collect the gas and use it to heat the Henschel steam-engine which drove the air blower, and which had previously required 35 lb. of beechwood per hour. BUNSEN himself said: "Even if the experiments mentioned cannot be regarded in any sense as exhausting the subject, they may still be not without value as a preliminary report, since they embody the most important features which can serve as a basis for practical investigations into this subject, which is of such importance for the whole of metal lurgy". N o·one who reflects on the then state of affairs in science and engineering and on their subsequent evolution can dispute this opinion. The methods and aims of metallurgical research are shown quite clearly by this example. The aim is to improve the degree of utilization of the raw materials employed, and to increase manufacturing efficiency: the method consists in developing suitable methods of making measurements (here it was the method of gas analysis), combined with a scientifically based appraisal of the experimental results. These methods, these aims - coupled with theoretical penetration into the mechanism of the process, and with the development of better designs and more efficient auxiliary plant for the blast furnace - these are the foundation of the developments of the ensuing century. Countless engineers and research-workers have concerned themselves with the blast furnace process, with the result that the blast furnace of today must be regarded as one of the most effieient devices used in metallurgy. In this monograph, the thermodynamic principles and the basis in reaction kinetics for the reduetion of ores are recounted first, and then the laws of gas flow and heat transfer in packed columns are reviewed. Using this background material, we try to describe scientifically the technology Preface to the German Edition VII of the blast-furnace process and to compute limits for its performance. In particular, we discuss in detail: the preparation of the burden from the standpoint of process technology and reaction kinetics; the significance of the chemical and physical properties of the materials used, and the methods for determining these properties; and the behaviour of alternative fuels. The conditions in the "dry" part of the blast furnace where the react ions between gases and solids predominate are discussed in particular detail. By means of this theoretical "tool-kit" we can in many cases distinguish the essential from the fortuitous; we can calculate in advance the effect of particular properties of the materials used, and the influence of the operational parameters, on the manufacturing costs and on the operational results, i.e., on the manufacturing performance and the specific fuel con sumption. Hence a basis can be constructed for the optimization and automation of blast-furnace operation, and we can judge whether improve ments will be possible in the future, and what these may be. Apart from this statement of problems, which is mainly directed towards improving the blast· furnace process itself (the process which today is of primary importance), we also discuss the problem of "direct reduction", i.e., reduction without using a blast furnace. For several decades attempts have been made to reduce iron ores to the metal in some apparatus other than the blast furnace, obtaining the product either in the form of molten pig iron or in the solid phase, as sponge iron or metallized pellets, for example. It is true that no method of this sort has yet achieved the performance of the blast furnace. However, the increasing availability of economically priced gaseous and liquid fuels, especially of natural gas, in the Middle East and in Central and South America, for instance, makes it increasingly important to find a method for the reduction of iron ores using these fuels instead of coke. The reduction of iron ores without a blast furnace could be the key to the problem of providing the national economies of these countries with supplies of iron on extremely economic terms by using their indigenous raw materials and fuels. And iron is, of course, essential for building up national industries and increasing the gene ral prosperity. We hope that this monograph may be of assistance to both research workers and practising engineers in solving these and other problems and that it will stimulate them to improve and cheapen iron production by making well-conceived modifications of the methods of operation. But we also address ourselves to students, hoping to enable them to become more closely acquainted with the fundamentals of iron-ore reduction and their application to technology, and to acquire an insight into the often quite complicated relationships. VIII Preface to the German Edition It was not intended to compile a handbook that would take all opinions, views and researches into account. Rather have we selected from the literature those articles which we regarded as indicating a way forward, which seemed to us to illustrate the way of thinking and working which we have presented, and which were related to our own observations, calculations and evaluations. This means that our choice of references was subjective, and it should also be added that on occasion some omissions may have occured. The second-named of the two authors is responsible for Chapters I and 2, the first-named for Chapters 3 to 5. \Ve must thank our co-workers who have helped in the compilation of references, in the calculations, the textual presentation, and in the proof-reading. In particular, we should like to record the energetic assist ance rendered by Dr.-Ing. G. GROSS and Dr.-Ing. U. PUCKOFF of Dort mund, Dr.-Ing. H. D. PANTKE, Dipl.-Ing. H. SINGER and Dr.-Ing. D. TER LAAK of Oberhausen, and Dr.-Ing. W. PLUSCHKELL of Stuttgart. We have also to thank a large number of professional colleagues in the iron-making industry and at the Universities and Research Institutes for communi cating unpublished results to us and for fruitful discussions. Dipl.-Ing. H. KEGEL of Dusseldorf has contributed to the success of thc project by many informative and clarificatory conversations. The instigation to write this monograph came from Professor H. SCHENCK, Dr.·lng., Dr.-Ing. E. h., and to him we should like to express our sincere thanks for his encouragement. Oberhausen and Stuttgart, October 1966 L. von Bogdandy II.-I. Engell Contents Frequently Used Symbols XIV Thermodynamic Tables 1 1. Fundamentals . . . 18 1.1. Equilibria. . . . . . . . . . 18 1.1.1. The Iron-Oxygen System 18 1.1.2. The Iron-Oxygen-Hydrogen System and the Iron-Oxygen-Carbon System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 1.1.3. Reduction Equilibria of Mixed Crystals with Iron Oxides and of Compounds Containing Iron Oxides . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 1.1.4. The System FeO-CaO-Si0 and Equilibria in Sinter Formation 41 2 1.2. Fundamentals of Reduction Kinetics . . . . . . . . 47 1.2.1. Ore Reduction as a Sequence of Reactions. . . 47 1.2.2. Gas Diffusion in the Boundary Layer and Pores 50 1.2.3. Adsorption . . . . . . . . . 61 1.2.4. Chemical Adsorption . . . . . 66 1.2.5. The Phase-Boundary Reaction. 73 1.2.6. Formation of Nuclei . . . . . 81 1.2.7. Transport Processes in the Solid Phase 85 The Fundamentals of Diffusion in Iron Oxides 85 The Stability of the Surface Structure of the Oxide during Reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Transport Processes in the Reduction of Mixed Oxides and Oxide Compounds ................. 96 1.2.8. "Direct" Reduction: the Solid-State Reaction between Carbon and Iron Oxides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 2. Results of Experimental Investigations of the Kinetics of Reduction 105 2.1. Methods and Apparatus for Measurements of the Course of the Reaction 105 2.1.1. Gravimetric Methods . . . . . . . . 106 2.1.2. Gas Analysis and Volumetric Methods . . . . . . 109 2.1.3. Special Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I2 2.1.4. Preparation and Investigation of Oxide Specimens 1I3 2.2. Heat and Mass Transfer across the Gas-Flow Boundary-Layer. 1I4 2.3. The Diffusion of Gas and Solids in the Layer of Reaction Products 125 2.4. Investigations of the Phase-Boundary Reaction. . . . . . . .. 136 x Contents 2.5. The Interaction of Diffusion and the Phase-Boundary Heaction ... 147 2.5.1. The Phase-Boundary Reaction and Diffusion in the End-Products of the Reaction ...................... 147 2.5.2. Interaction of the Phase-Boundary Reaction with Diffllsioll in the Reacting Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 2.5.3. Consideration of the Combined Effects of the Phase-Boundary Reaction, Gas Flow, Diffusion in the Reacting Layers, and Dif- fusion in the End-Products of the Reaction WI 2.6. Observations on the Formation and Growth of Nuclei. . . . . . . . 105 2.7. The Reduction Kinetics of Mixed Oxides, Oxide Compounds, and Ninters 17;3 2.8. Reduction of Slags Containing Iron Oxides. . . . . . 188 2.9. Reaction Kinetics of the Gasification of Coal and Coke 193 2.10. The Water-Gas Reaction 200 3. Gas Flow and Heat Transfer in Granular i\Iaterials :W3 3.1. The Static Bed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 3.1.1. Gas Flow in a Static Packed Column 203 Equi-Granular Charges. 20;") Multi-Granular Charges 209 :~.1.2. Heat Transfer in Static Beds . 214 Effect on the Heat Transfer of Longitudinal and Trans· verse Intermixing of the Gas Flow in Packpd Beds . . 21;"'; The Heating of a Ch'lrge of :-':pheres in a Countpn'urrent of Gas, Taking into Account tIlt' H pat Condudion in tIl(' :-':pheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2Ul 3.2. The Fluidized Bed and the Transition to Pn,rticulate Fluidization 221 3.2.1. The Domains for Existence of Fluidiwd Beds and of Particulate Fluidization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... 224 3.2.2. Special Features in the Industrial Application of Fluidized-Tkd Reactors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 4. 'L'echniques for the Reduction of Iron Ores, Apart from tIt., Blast }'lIl'llaer 230 4.1. Statement of the Problem . . 230 4.1.1. Available Raw Materials 232 Ores. . . . . . 232 Fuels . . . . . 232 4.1.2. Classification of Operational Reduction Processes 234 4.1.3. Limiting Values for the Required Amounts of Heductant and Heat 235 4.1.4. The Products and their Further Treatment . . . . . . . 239 4.2. Reduction in Dispersed-Cloud Apparatus and Shower Furnaces 247 4.2.1. Limits of the Region of Applicability . . 247 Maximum Rates of Reduction . . . . . . . . . 247 The Most Favourable Operating Conditions. . 2;")0 Consumption of Reducing Gas for the Chemical Reaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Gas Requirement for Heat Transfer . . .. 251 Maximum Loading of the Heduction Vessel. 251 Contents XI 4.2.2. Techniques for Carrying out the Reduction of Ores in the Form of Suspended Clouds and Falling Curtains of Fine Particles 253 4.3. Reduction in Fluidized Beds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 4.3.1. Possible Charge Material and Limits of Operation. 256 4.3.2. Review of Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 4.3.3. Energy Requirement for Fluidized-Bed Processes and Comparison with the Blast Furnace 270 4.4. Reduction in Retorts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 4.4.1. Fundamentals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 4.4.2. Numerical Calculation for Reduction in a Retort 277 4.4.3. Experimental Investigation . . . . . . . . 280 4.4.4. Retort Reduction on the Commercial Scale. 282 4.5. Reduction in Rotary Kilns . . . . 286 4.5.1. Possible Methods of Working 286 4.5.2. The Reaction Kinetics . . . 289 4.5.3. Comparison with Experiment 297 4.5.4. Heat Transfer . . . . . . . 300 4.5.5. Pre-Determination of the Output. 302 Determination of the Size of the Preheating Zone 302 Determination of the Size of the Reduction Zone and of the Whole Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 4.;">.6. Reduction in Rotary Furnaces Carried out on the Commercial Scale ...... : ........ . 303 Production of Sponge Iron. . . 303 Production of Molten Pig Iron. 310 Production of Iron Nodules . . 311 Pre-Reduction 312 4J;. Reduction in Shaft Furnaces (Without Melting). 313 4.6.1. Theoretical Basis. . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Restrictions Imposed by Fluid Dynamics on the Throughput 313 Kinetics of Reduction in Counterflow. . . . . . . . . 315 First Approximation (a Purely Reaction-Kinetic Approxi- mation) ................ . 316 Basis of the Method of Calculation 316 Properties of the Charge Materials. 317 Numerical Example ....... . 318 Limitation of the Results. . . . . 322 Second Approximation (Setting up a Mathematical Model with the Heat-Transfer Process Taken into Account) .. 323 The Temperature Difference between the Core and Outer Surface of the Pellets . . . . . . 323 Reduction of a Charge (of Uniform Grains or Spheres) in a Countercurrent Process; 8etting up the Differential Equations . . . . 325 Solution of the Differential Equations 328 Results from the Mathematical Model 330 4.6.2. Countercurrent Reduction in Shaft Furnaces on the Commercial Scale . . . . . . . . . .................. 333

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