Astronomy&Astrophysicsmanuscriptno.mips_atlas (cid:13)cESO2016 January27,2016 The rate and latency of star formation in dense, massive clumps in ⋆ the Milky Way M.Heyer1,2,R.Gutermuth1,J.S.Urquhart2,3,T.Csengeri2,M.Wienen2,S.Leurini2,K.Menten2,andF.Wyrowski2 1 DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofMassachusetts,LederleResearchBuilding,Amherst,MA01003 e-mail:[email protected] 2 MaxPlanckInstituteforRadioAstronomy,AufdemHügel69,53121Bonn,Germany 3 CentreforAstrophysicsandPlanetaryScience,UniversityofKent,Canterbury,CT27NH,UnitedKingdom 6 1 January27,2016 0 2 ABSTRACT n a Context.Newbornstarsformwithinthelocalized,highdensityregionsofmolecularclouds.Thesequenceandrateatwhichstarsform J indenseclumpsandthedependenceonlocalandglobalenvironmentsarekeyfactorsindevelopingdescriptionsofstellarproduction 6 ingalaxies. 2 Aims.Weseektoobservationallyconstraintherateandlatencyofstarformationindensemassiveclumpsthataredistributedthrough- outtheGalaxyandtocomparetheseresultstoproposedprescriptionsforstellarproduction. ] Methods.Asampleof24µm-basedClassIprotostarsarelinkedtodustclumpsthatareembeddedwithinmolecularcloudsselected A fromtheAPEXTelescopeLargeAreaSurveyoftheGalaxy. Wedeterminethefractionofstar-formingclumps, f ,thatimposesa ∗ G constraintonthelatencyofstarformationinunitsofaclump’slifetime.Protostellarmassesareestimatedfrommodelsofcircumstellar environmentsofyoungstellarobjectsfromwhichstarformationratesarederived.Physicalpropertiesoftheclumpsarecalculated . h from870µmdustcontinuumemissionandNH lineemission. 3 p Results.Linear correlations are identified between the star formation rate surface density, Σ , and the quantities Σ /τ and SFR H2 ff - Σ /τ ,suggestingthatstarformationisregulatedatthelocalscalesofmolecularclouds.Themeasuredfractionofstarforming o H2 cross clumpsis23%.Accountingforstarformationwithinclumpsthatareexcludedfromoursampledueto24µmsaturation,thisfraction r t canbeashighas31%,whichissimilartopreviousresults.Dense,massiveclumpsformprimarilylowmass(<1-2M⊙)starswith s emergent24µmfluxesbelowoursensitivitylimitorareincapableofforminganystarsfortheinitial70%oftheirlifetimes.Thelow a fractionofstarformingclumpsintheGalacticcenterrelativetothoselocatedinthediskoftheMilkyWayisverified. [ Keywords. Stars:formation–Stars:protostars–ISM:clouds–Galaxy:disk 1 v 5 71. Introduction Several recent studies have addressed this issue using data 8 that spans a large range in spatial scales and environmental 6The formation of young stars and stellar clusters in galaxies conditions (Krumholzetal. 2012; Federrath 2013; Salimetal. 0follows a sequence of interstellar processes that progressively 2015).Krumholzetal.(2012)analyzedstarformationratesand .redistributes gas into denser, more compact configurations. 1 moleculargaspropertiesformolecularcloudsinthesolarneigh- Clouds of primarily molecular gas develop from the diffuse, 0 borhood,Local group galaxies, unresolved disks, and starburst atomic interstellar medium in response to gravito-magnetic- 6 galaxiesinthelocalandhigh-redshiftuniverse.Withthesedata, 1thermal instabilities within spiral arms or converging flows theyevaluatedseveralproposedstarformationrelationshipsthat :of warm, neutral material (Kim&Ostriker 2006; Heitschetal. describe the variation of star formation rates with the amount v 2006; Dobbsetal. 2014), or may build-up into larger com- i of gas processed over key timescales, such as the orbital pe- Xplexes from the agglomeration of small, pre-existing molecu- riodandfree-falltime.Thevolumetriclaw,expressedasΣ = SFR larclouds(Dobbs2008).Largemolecularcloudstypicallyfrag- r ǫ Σ /τ ,whereΣ isthemoleculargassurfacedensity,τ ff H2 ff H2 ff ament into clumps with enhanced volume and column density isthe free-falltime, andǫ is the star formationefficiencyper ff thatcomprise5-10%ofthemassofthecloud(Battisti&Heyer free-falltime, providedthe best fit to the full range of data for 2014). The clumps break down further into localized parcels ǫ =0.01.Thisvaluefortheefficiencyissupportedbytheoreti- ff ofgas(cores)withevenhighervolumedensities(Beutheretal. calestimates(Krumholz&McKee2005;Padoanetal.2012). 2007;Schneideretal.2015).Single,newbornstarsemergefrom these localizedcores while youngstellar clusters are generated if the clump itself is gravitationally unstable (Bateetal. 2003; Evansetal. (2014) examined a more recent compilation of Vázquez-Semadenietal.2009).Understandinghoweachstepin young stellar objects within the Gould’s Belt star forming re- thissequencelimitstherateandyieldofnewbornstarsisakey gions.Theyidentifiedalinearrelationshipbetweenthestarfor- requirementtothedevelopmentofacompleteandpredictivede- mation rate and the amount of dense gas mass that is consis- scriptionofstarformationingalaxies.Inthisstudy,weaddress tentwithathresholdforstarformation,Σ = f Σ /τ , SFR dense H2 dense whetherstarformationisregulatedbyglobal,galaxy-widepro- where f isthefractionofdensegaswithinamolecularcloud, dense cesses, or by the local conditions of the gas from which stars andτ isacharacteristictimescaleforthisdensegas.More- dense condense. over,they foundno correlationbetween the star formationrate Articlenumber,page1of16 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.mips_atlas andmassforcloudextinctionsgreaterthan2magnitudesandno correspondancewiththevolumetriclaw. Inthisstudy,weinvestigatethestarformationratesandgas properties of high density clumps embedded within molecular cloudsdistributedthroughouttheMilkyWay.Thesedataextend the numberandenvironmentofresolved,Galactic star forming regionswithwhichtoevaluatethestarformationlaws.Theratio ofstarformingtoquiescentclumpsisdeterminedtoestimatethe timerequiredforatypicalclumptoinitiatestarformation. 2. Dataandsourceselection We exploit the information within two surveys of the Galactic plane–theAPEXTelescopeLargeAreaSurveyoftheGalaxy, (ATLASGAL) (Schulleretal. 2009; Csengerietal. 2014) and the Spitzer MIPSGAL survey of 24µm emission (Careyetal. 2009). These surveys respectively trace the location and prop- erties of dense clumps and color-selected young stellar objects intheMilkyWay.ATLASGALimagedthe870µmthermaldust continuum emission over longitudes 60◦ > l > 280◦ and lat- itudes |b| < 1.5◦ with more extended latitude coverage, -2 Fig.1.Distributionof< Φ24,90 >valuesforATLASGALclumpswith < b < +1 between 280◦ and 300◦. The angular resolution of |b|<1◦andcontainingnosaturatedpixelsat24µm.Theverticaldotted thesurveyis19.2′′ andthesurfacebrightnesssensitivityistyp- line marks the maximum value of < Φ24,90 > that defines the clump sampleandreflectsthefluxatwhichtheMIPSGALsourcecatalogisat ically70mJy/beam.Twosourcecatalogshavebeenconstructed least90%completeintheseareas. from the ATLASGAL image data. Csengerietal. (2014) tabu- lated a list of compact objects based on the Gaussclump de- compositionalgorithmwhichsampleslocalizedemissionpeaks whose solid angle subtends any flagged, saturated MIPSGAL (Stutzki&Guesten 1990). Urquhartetal. (2014a) applied the pixel is excluded from our analysis. Of the original sample of theSExtractoralgorithmtodefinespatiallyconnectedstructures 9494 ATLASGAL clumps, 1487 overlap with saturated MIPS- (Bertin&Arnouts 1996). Such objects are generally more ex- GALpixelsandareremovedfromtheclumplist. tended and circumscribe the localized emission peaks. In this The second consideration in our selection of ATLASGAL study,weusetheUrquhartetal.(2014a)catalog,whichincludes clumpsissourcecompleteness.The24µmbackgroundmeasured asetofmaskimagesthatdefinethesetofpixelstaggedtoeach by MIPSGAL exhibits large spatial variations throughout the ATLASGALsource. Galactic plane. This variation arises from extended nebulosity The MIPSGAL Survey is a Legacy Program of the Spitzer excitedbyultravioletradiationthatheatsinterstellardustgrains, Space Telescope that imaged the 24 and 70µm emission along whichcoolbyreradiatingthisenergyinthemidandfarinfrared the Galactic plane over the areas -68◦ < l < 69◦, |b| < 1◦and - wavelength bands. The effect of this background is to reduce 8◦<l<9◦,<|b|<3◦toasensitivitydepthof1mJy(Careyetal. the local sensitivity to faint 24µm point sources. As ATLAS- 2009). Gutermuth&Heyer (2015) constructed a 24µm point GALclumpscanbeembeddedwithinsuchnebulosity,the cor- source catalog from the MIPSGAL images as well as a lower respondingsensitivity to associated YSOs within the projected signaltonoisearchivesetofpointsources.Here,werestrictour clump area is variable across the Galactic plane. To character- analysis to the more reliable set of catalog sources. Owing to izethe24µmbackgroundwithinanATLASGALclumpandthe limitedsensitivityintheMIPSdetectors,thecatalogdoesnotin- sensitivitytopointsourceswithinitsarea,wedefine clude70µmphotometry.AnauxilarydataproductoftheMIPS- GAL source catalog used in this study is the set of differential φ24,90dΩ completenessdecaydatacubesforeachimagetilethattabulate <φ24,90 >= R dΩ , (1) the point source detection completeness within 1 arcmin2 pix- R elsasfunctionsoffluxandpositiongiventhelocalbackground whereφ istheinterpolatedvaluefromthedifferentialcom- 24,90 (Gutermuth&Heyer2015). pletenessdecaycubesto 90%and the integralis overthe solid angleoftheATLASGALsource.Figure1showsthedistribution of< φ >for8007ATLASGALclumpswithout24µmsatu- 2.1.SelectingATLASGALsources 24,90 ration. To establish a base sensitivity to YSOs for all ATLAS- Weexaminedustsources(hereafter,clumps)fromATLASGAL GAL clumps, a source completeness requirement is imposed withintheGalacticlongitudes60◦>l>300◦andlatitudes,|b|< suchthat< φ24,90 >islessthan72mJy([24]=5).Thislimiten- 1◦. There are 9494 ATLASGAL sources located within these ablesouranalysistobeatleast90%completetoprotostarswith boundaries. massgreaterthan2M⊙atadistanceof3.9kpc(seeSection4).A Theeffectsofsaturationandaspatiallyvaryingbackground totalof 3494ATLASGAL sourcessatisfy this requirementand within the MIPSGAL images must be considered when evalu- compriseourfinalsampleofclumps. ating star formationactivity within a clump. Dependingon the local background level, the Mips 24µm detectors saturate for 2.2.SelectingyoungstellarobjectsfromMIPSGAL pointssourceswithflux∼>2Jy.TheMIPSGALsourcecatalog constructed by Gutermuth&Heyer (2015) excludes such posi- The Gutermuth&Heyer (2015) MIPSGAL source catalog is a tions from analysis and flags these locations within the differ- compilationof pointsourcesextractedfrom24µm imageprod- entialcompletenessdecaydatacubes.AnyATLASGALclump uct. In addition to the positional centroids, 24µm photometry, Articlenumber,page2of16 Heyeretal.:RateandLatencyofStarFormation and quality flags, the table also includes photometry from the thissample,2184donothave24µmphotometryowingtobright nearest entry in the 2MASS, GLIMPSE, and WISE catalogs if backgroundorlocalsaturationoftheMipsdetectors. the source positions from these catalogs fall within 2′′ of the ThecandidateYSOsderivedfromtheMIPSGALcatalogare MIPSGALpositionalcentroid.Theavailabilityofsourcefluxes matchedto 2744(23%)oftheGlimpse-basedYSOs. Ifwe im- fromtheneartomid-infraredbandsallowsonetoidentifycan- pose the same IRAC selection criteria used by Robitailleetal. didate young stellar objects based on the shape of the spectral (2008), only 4318 of the MIPSGAL-based YSOs would have energydistributionbetween1-25µm.Inthisstudy,weareinter- beenselectedbyRobitailleetal.(2008).Fromthissubset,2739 estedintheearlystageYSOsthatshouldstillbelocatedwithin (63%) match the YSO list of Robitailleetal. (2008). How- the clumps from which they formed. Such early stage YSOs ever,theYSOsidentifiedbyRobitailleetal.(2008)includeboth exhibit rising spectral energy distributions through the mid-IR early and intermediate stage systems. We have classified the bands(ClassI)(Lada&Adams1992). Robitailleetal.(2008)sampleusingtheGutermuthetal.(2009) UsingtheinfraredcolorcriteriaforClassIordeeplyembed- criteria assuming 10:1 signal to noise ratio in the MIPSGAL dedprotostarsdescribedbyGutermuthetal.(2009),13406can- fluxes (not tabulated in the Robitailleetal. (2008) table). This didate early-stage YSOs are selected from the MIPSGAL cat- classification resultsin 3887Class I, 39 deeplyembedded,and alog with |l| < 60 and |b| < 1. A fraction of these candidate 4193Class2objects.Ofthe3926ClassIanddeeplyembedded YSO sourcescould be AGB stars, which exhibitsimilar colors set, 59% are matched to the YSO sample in this study. When as early stage YSOs. Robitailleetal. (2008) estimated 30-50% analyzed self-consistently, there is ∼60% overlap between the oftheGLIMPSE-basedredsourcesareAGBstarsandproposed Class I/embeddedMIPSGAL-basedsample ofYSOsandthose a magnitude and color threshold to distinguish between AGB ofRobitailleetal.(2008).Alargenumber(11091)ofearlystage starsandYSOs.Inthisstudy,wedonotdirectlyapplythiscolor- MIPSGALYSOsarenotmatchedtotheGLIMPSE-basedYSO magnitudecutsinceweareinterestedintheangularcoincidence sample.ThismismatchsuggeststhattheYSOskeyedon24µm betweenATLASGAL clumpsand YSOs. Itis possible,yetun- detection represent a different population of YSOs than those likely,thatAGBstarsarealignedwiththesmallareasubtended defined by Robitailleetal. (2008). This population is likely to by such clumps. Nevertheless,an examinationof the photome- be more deeply embeddedwithin the dense clump from which try for the selected sources satisfies these magnitudeand color it condensed and therefore, represents an earlier stage of YSO requirements. evolution. 2.3.Selectionbiases 3. LinkingyoungstellarobjectstoATLASGAL clumps To address the biases generated by the respective selection requirements for ATLASGAL clumps and MIPSGAL YSOs, To evaluate the star formation activity within this sample of we compare our ATLASGAL sample and YSO populations to clumps, it is necessary to associate early-stage YSOs to AT- those used in previous studies. Urquhartetal. (2014b) com- LASGAL sources. A candidate YSO is linked to an ATLAS- piled a complete sample of massive star forming clumps in GAL clump if its l,b coordinate lies within the solid angle of the Galaxy by matching sources within the ATLASGAL cata- the clump as defined by its SExtractor mask. A YSO located log to various tracers of massive star formation. These tracers just outside of the mask area is not considered to be resident include the Red MSX Source (RMS) Survey (Lumsdenetal. within the clump but may represent a later stage of YSO evo- 2013), the Methonal Multibeam (MMB) Survey (Greenetal. lution. More than one YSO may be linked to a single clump. 2009), and compact HII regions extracted from the Cornish Examplesofastar-formingclumpanda nonstar-forming,qui- Survey (Purcelletal. 2013). Cross linking our sample of 3494 escentclump,inwhichnoYSOislinked,areshowninFigure2. ATLASGAL clumps with those associated with these signa- In manycases, a MIPSGAL pointsource is coincidentwith an turesof massive star formation,we find the followingmatched ATLASGALclumpbutitsinfraredcolorsareconsistentwith a fractions: 23/329 (7%) to RMS, 63/529 (12%) to MMB, and main-sequencestar. 21/556 (4%) to compact HII regions. The low overlap fraction The fraction of star-forming clumps, f = N /N , is 0.23, ∗ ∗ T arises from both saturation within the MIPSGAL images and where N is the number of ATLASGAL clumps with at least ∗ brightbackgroundsinthevicinityofmassivestars.Specifically, oneearly-stageYSOand N =3494,isthetotalnumberclumps T 43%, 42%, and 58% of the ATLASGAL sources examined by inthesample.Thisfractiondoesnotsignificantlychangeifthe Urquhartetal. (2014b) are discarded in our study due to satu- completenesslimitrequirementisrelaxedsuchthatall8007AT- ratedpixelsat24µmforRMS,MMB,andcompactHIIregions LASGALclumpswithinthesearchedareawithnosaturatedpix- respectively. Similarly, 50%, 46%, and 38% are removed from elsareexamined.Inthiscase, 22%oftheATLASGALclumps oursampleofclumpsowingtothesourcecompletenessrequire- areassociatedwithaMIPSGALYSO.Whilemorestarforming ment.TherequirementsimposedonoursampleofATLASGAL clumps are identified within this larger sample, the added AT- clumps introducesa bias that mostly excludes sites of massive LASGAL sources with brighter backgrounds(higher values of star formation as traced by the RMS, MMB, and compact HII < Φ >)precludedetectionsoffainterYSOs.Tomaintaina 24,90 regionCORNISHcatalogs. well-definedsample,weonlyconsiderthe3494clumpswiththe Robitailleetal. (2008) constructed a list of 18337 red in- imposedbackgroundfluxlimit. frared objects based on the color selection [4.5]-[8.0] > 1 for Theoffset,∆r,betweentheYSOpositionandthepositionof sources with ∼6:1 signal to noise in these bands. These red peak870µmintensityiscalculatedforeachstarformingclump. objects are comprised of unresolved planetary nebulae, AGB This offset is normalizedby the clump radius. The distribution stars, YSOs, and background galaxies. Using targeted MIPS- ofnormalizedoffsetsisstronglypeakedbetween0and0.1and GAL 24µm photometry on these sources, they further refined affirmstheearly-stagestatusofYSOslinkedtotheseclumps. theirsampleofYSOsbasedon[4.5]>7.8and[8.0]-[24]≥2.5. Several previousstudies have examinedthe fraction of star From these cuts, they estimate a total of 11473 YSOs. Within forming ATLASGAL clumps using other star forming tracers. Articlenumber,page3of16 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.mips_atlas Fig.2. (left)StarformingATLASGALclump,AGAL007.166+00.131,associatedwithaMIPSGALselectedYSO.Thebackgroundimageisthe MIPSGAL24µmimage,thecontoursshowthemasked870µmintensity.TheYSOislocatedatthepeakofthedustemission.(right)Quiescent clump,AGAL022.531-00.192.Thefaint24µmsourceprojectedontothedustemissionisnotidentifiedasaYSO. Contrerasetal. (2013) used mid infrared, color-selected data This corrected value is more aligned with earlier estimates by from the MSX mission and found a fraction of star form- Contrerasetal.(2013)andCsengerietal.(2014). ing clumps of 40% over the longitude range 330 < l < 21. The derived fraction of star forming clumps is a global Csengerietal. (2014) compiled a list of compact ATLASGAL value over the examined area of the surveys. However, f may sourcesandlinkedbothWISEandMSXbasedprotostarsbased ∗ vary with position in the Galaxy and local environmentalcon- on angular proximity to the dust peak. They found 30% of the ditions. Figure 4 shows the variationof f with Galactic longi- compactclumpswerelinkedtoYSOsidentifiedwithintheWISE ∗ tude.Thedisplayederror-barsreflectthepropagationofcount- sourcecatalogwithcolorssimilartothoseusedinthisstudyand ing statistics in each bin. The apparent rise of f towards both 33%ofstar-formingclumpswhenincludingMSXsourcesinre- ∗ longitude ends of the survey results from the limited num- gionswhereWISEsaturates. ber of clumps in these segments and therefore, is not statisti- Thediscrepancybetweenthefractionofstar-formingclumps cally significant. However, the minimum of f in the bin cen- found in these earlier studies and this MIPSGAL based study, ∗ tered at l=2.5◦ is significantly below the other bins. Such re- lies primarily in the sample of 1487 ATLASGAL clumps dis- ducedstar formationactivityinthisregionhasbeenpreviously cardeddue to saturation in the 24µm band.Figure 3 shows the recognized (Guesten&Downes 1983; Longmoreetal. 2013; cumulativedistributionsofpeakandintegratedfluxdensitiesfor Urquhartetal. 2013; Csengerietal. 2014). Kruijssenetal. ATLASGAL sources with 24µm saturation (dotted line), with (2014)haveexaminedproposedstarformationsuppressantsthat bright backgrounds < Φ > greater than 0.072 Jy (dashed 24,90 couldbeactivewithintheCentralMolecularZone(CMZ).The line),andwith<Φ >lessthan0.072Jy(solidline).Clumps 24,90 primarylimitation appearsto be a high volume density thresh- with24µmsaturationhavelarger870µmpeakfluxdensitiesthan oldforstarformation(>107cm−3)setbytheelevatedturbulent theothergroups.Csengerietal.(2014)demonstratethatclumps velocity dispersions in the CMZ (Krumholz&McKee 2005). withlargepeakfluxdensitieshaveahigherprobabilityofbeing This threshold is much larger than the mean volume densities associated with star formation activity. The number of clumps ofclumps(discussedin§5)locatedwithinorneartheCMZ. discardedduetosaturationthatmaybelinkedtoYSOs, N ,is ∗,c estimatedbytheintegral Thelocalenvironmentofagivenclumpisexpectedtohave a role in regulating star formation. In particular, regions with higher volume and column density should be more suscepti- N = P(S )N(S )dS =755, (2) ∗,c Z peak peak peak bletoformingnewbornstarsasself-gravitybeginstodominate over magnetic and turbulent pressure. Figure 5 show the vari- where P(Speak) is the probability of a star-forming core within ation of f∗ with 870µm peak flux density and integrated flux. bins of the peak flux density (see Figure 18 in Csengerietal. ClumpswithinthediskandGalacticcenter(|l| <5◦)areshown (2014)). A corrected value for f∗,c that accounts for star for- separately.The correspondingvaluesof H2 columndensity are mation in these saturated zones is f = (791+755) = 0.31. showninthetopaxisassumingadusttemperatureof20Kand ∗,c (3494+1487) Articlenumber,page4of16 Heyeretal.:RateandLatencyofStarFormation Fig.3. (left) Cumulativedistributions of peak fluxintensityof ATLASGALclumpswithMIPSGALsaturation (dottedline), with< Φ > 24,90 greaterthan72mJy(dashedline)andwith<Φ >lessthan72mJy(solidblackline).(right)Cumulativedistributionsofintegratedfluxdensity 24,90 ofATLASGALclumpsforthesesamegroups. Fig.4. Fractionofstarformingclumps, f ,withGalacticlongitude.TheCentralMolecularZone(|l|<2.5)hasasignificantlysmallerfractionof ∗ starformingclumpsthanintheGalacticdisk. dust opacity of 1.85 cm2/gm at 870µm (Ossenkopf&Henning constant with integrated flux for both disk and Galactic center 1994)andagastodustratioof100.Clumpslocatedinthedisk clumps show an increasing frequency of star formation with peak flux density. Curiously, no such rise is measured for clumps in the Galactic center region. The fraction of star forming clumps is Articlenumber,page5of16 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.mips_atlas Fig.5.(left)Variationof f withpeakfluxdensityand(right)integratedfluxforATLASGALclumpswithinthedisk(black)andGalacticcenter ∗ (red).Thebinsizesareadaptedtoincludeequalnumberofclumps.Thehorizontalerrorbarsshowthebinwidths.Theverticalerrorbarsreflect thedispersionofvaluesaboutthemeanofthesample.Thetopx-axisoftheleftsideplotshowsthecorrespondinggascolumndensityassuminga dusttemperatureof20K. 4. MIPSGALsensitivitytoprotostellarmass Table 1. Protostellar stage vs color-based classification of Robitailleetal.(2006)models 4.1.ComparisontoRobitailleetal.(2006)models Stage1 Stage2 Stage3 Toobtainabetterunderstandingofthecandidateprotostellarob- ClassI 54253 8055 639 jects identified by MIPSGAL, we have examined the radiative ClassII 33940 52225 7804 transfer models of YSO environments(central star, disk, enve- ClassIII 72 3399 12784 lope) and emergent spectral energy distributions computed by Robitailleetal. (2006). The set of 20,700models span a range of stellar mass, radius, and surfacetemperature,accretionrates infrared colors and follow the locus of Stage 2 sources within from the disk and envelope, and different stages of protostel- aplotofIRspectralindexanddiskaccretiondateillustratedin lar evolution.For each model, spectral energydistributions are Figure11ofRobitailleetal.(2006). calculated for 10 inclination angles relative to the disk axis. The sensitivity of our YSO sample to stellar mass can be The model SEDs are convolved to commonly used filter re- partiallyconstrainedbyexaminingthedistributionof24µmflux sponsefunctionsto generatebroadbandfluxeswithin50differ- densityvalues.Figure6showstherunofmean24µmfluxwith entsizedaperturesforeachinclinationangleatafixeddistance stellar mass for models classified as Class I objects for dis- of 1 kpc. In our analysis, we only consider model photometry tances 1, 4.0, and 20 kpc and 2 bins of disk accretion rates: inthelargestapertureof100,000AU.Usingsomewhatsmaller 10−9 < M˙ < 10−7 M yr−1 and 10−7 < M˙ < 10−5 disk ⊙ disk apertures(>20,000AU)providedbyRobitailleetal.(2006)did M yr−1.Attenuationofthe24µmfluxbyinterstellardustgrains ⊙ notaffectourresults. distributed over these distances is not included. Also shown is The YSO model broad band fluxes are used to determine thedistributionofmeasured24µmfluxesforthefullsampleof early-stageClass I,Class II,andlate-stage,Class III objectsas Class I, MIPSGAL YSOs. The models show that fluxes from applied to the MIPSGAL data in §2.2. Robitailleetal. (2006, protostarswithmassesgreaterthan12M⊙ exceedthe2Jysatu- 2008) define 3 stages of YSO evolution based on the envelope rationlimitoftheMipsdetectorsatadistanceof20kpc.Since and disk accretion rates relative to the stellar mass: Stage 1 thisdistanceislikelyanupperlimittoanyprotostar,weassign has M˙env/M∗ > 10−6 yr−1; Stage 2 has M˙env/M∗ < 10−6 yr−1 12 M⊙ as an upper protostellar mass limit to which the MIPS- and M /M > 10−6; Stage 3 has M˙ /M < 10−6 yr−1 and GAL catalog is sensitive. The plotalso shows that the selected disk ∗ env ∗ M /M < 10−6.Table1showsthenumberofmodelsineach YSO sample isat least90%completeto protostellarmassesof disk ∗ YSO Stage thatare classified as Class I, Class II, andClass III 0.2-0.4M⊙ atadistanceof1kpc,1.5-3M⊙ at4kpc,and7M⊙ spectralenergydistributions.ModelYSOsthatareclassifiedas at20kpc. Class I objects are primarily linked to Stage 1 YSO models. The YSO luminosity can also be used to constrain YSO However,asignificantnumberofStage1modelYSOsareclassi- masses.Theemergentbolometricluminosityfromaprotostellar fiedasClass2objects(37%).TheseStage1modelsexhibitblue environmentdependsonmanyfactorsincludingthediskaccre- Articlenumber,page6of16 Heyeretal.:RateandLatencyofStarFormation Fig. 6. (left) Variation of mean 24µm flux within bins of protostellar mass and mass accretion rates 10−9 ≤ M˙ < 10−7M yr−1 (black) and disk ⊙ 10−7 ≤ M˙ <10−5M yr−1(red)derivedfromtheYSOmodelsofRobitailleetal.(2006)and3distances(1kpc(solidline),4kpc(dot-dashed disk ⊙ lines)and20kpc(dashedlines).(right)Distributionof24µmfluxesforearlystageYSOslinkedtoATLASGALclumps.Theupper horizontal dottedlinecorrespondstothefluxlevelatwhichtheMIPSdetectorssaturate.ThelowerhorizontallineshowsthefluxatwhichMIPSGALisat least90%completeforthissampleofATLASGALclumps. tionrateandmassofthecentral,developingstar.Consequently, side assignment for a given clump were used to derive a dis- theprotostellarluminosityexhibitsalargerangeofvaluesfora tanceusingtheReidetal.(2009)rotationcurve.Ofthissample, given central star mass. A significant fraction of the protostel- thereare219starformingclumpswhichareassociatedwith290 larbolometricluminosityisemittedatwavelengthslongerthan ClassIYSOs.Themediandistanceforallclumpsinoursample 50µm. Since the YSO photometryfrom the MIPSGAL catalog is3.9kpc.Themostdistantclumpis25.2kpc. is limited to wavelengths less than 25µm, we restrict our anal- Infraredluminositiesarecalculatedforstarformingclumps ysis to the mid-infrared luminosity, LIR, between 2 and 24µm with assigned distances. Figure 7 shows the distribution of LIR fromtheavailable2MASS,GLIMPSE,andMIPSGALphotom- fortheseYSOs.Therangeofobservedluminositiesmatchesthe etry. Figure 7 shows the variation of LIR, with central, stellar mean luminosity values for the stellar masses < 25 M⊙. How- mass,MRob06,asa2D-histogram,ζ(M,LIR),forallmodelsiden- ever, at the highest IR luminosities, the expectation value for tified as Class I objects with model disk accretion rates in the modelcentralmassesis∼7M . ⊙ range,10−8 < M˙ < 10−5 M yr−1 and integratedoverall in- disk ⊙ cidenceangles.Theadoptedrangeof M˙ istakenfromrecent disk observational studies of pre main sequence evolution that de- 4.2.Monte-Carloestimatestoyoungstellarobjectsmasses rivea comparablerangeof mass accretionrates forClass I ob- The variation of L with stellar mass computed in the jects(CarattioGarattietal.2012;Antoniuccietal.2014).Fora IR Robitailleetal.(2006)modelsandillustratedinFigure7enable givencentral,stellar mass, thereis a largespreadof L values IR astatisticalestimatetothemassoftheYSOobjectlinkedtoan reflecting the varying disk accretion rates and range of model ATLASGALclump.Foragivenstarwithmid-infraredluminos- time-steps. ity,L ,andluminosityerror,σ(L ),adistributionofluminosi- IR IR Distances are available for 510 of the ATLASGAL clumps ties,N(L ),withanexpectationvalue,L iscreatedwith16384 ∗ IR fromthestudybyWienenetal.(2015)orcross-linkingATLAS- elements assuming σ(L ) follows a gaussian distribution. The IR GAL sources with Bolocam Galactic plane dust sources with largest source of luminosity error is due to the distance mea- distances (Ellsworth-Bowersetal. 2015). For the Wienenetal. surement rather than photometric uncertainties. The fractional (2015)sample,themeasuredvelocityandpositionsandnear/far distanceerrors,σ /D,fortheATLASGALsourcesrangefrom D Articlenumber,page7of16 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.mips_atlas Fig.7. (left) 2D histogram, ζ(M,L ),of mass andinfrared luminosityfor theRobitailleetal.(2006) YSOmodels with-8 < log(M˙ ) < -5, IR disk integratedoverallincidenceanglesandclassifiedasClassI/embeddedobjects.Thecolorscaleislogarithmicandrangesfrom0(white)to1000 (black)modelsperbin.(right)DistributionofL for290ClassI,MIPSGALYSOslinkedto219ATLASGALclumpsinoursample. IR 0.1to1(Wienenetal.2015;Ellsworth-Bowersetal.2015).The cumulativeprobabilitydistribution, P(M,L |L ) is constructed IR ∗ fromζ(M,L )forthissetofClassImodels, IR ζ(< M,L |L ) P(M,L |L )= IR ∗ , (3) IR ∗ Mmax ζ(M,L |L ) IR ∗ M=PMmin where M =0.1 M and M =50 M are the minimum and min ⊙ max ⊙ maximummodelYSOmassesrespectively.Itdescribesthefrac- tionofmodelswithinmassbins,M+dMforL <L < L +dL. IR ∗ IR Foreachluminosityvalueinthedistribution,astellarmass,m , ∗ is calculatedby randomlysamplingthis cumulativeprobability distribution. The assigned mass of the star, M , is the expecta- Fig.8. Variationofnormalizedscatterwithinbinsofmodel massfor ∗ tion value of the resultant mass distribution, N(m ), and YSO 1%(histogram)and100%(solidline)fractionalerrorsintheluminosity. ∗ ThemethodislimitedbythedegeneracyofL witharangeofcentral mass uncertainties are derived from the shape of N(m ). The IR ∗ YSOmassesratherthanobservationalerrors. large variance of model luminosity values for a given central, stellarmassarisesfromtheadoptedrangeofdiskaccretionrates andarereflectedintheerrorsinthederivedstellarmass. morelimitedgoalsofdefiningtheefficiencyandstarformation ToassessthereliabilityofthisMonteCarlobasedYSOmass ratewithinthesampleofdenseclumpsdescribedin§6.2. estimate, we apply the method to the Class I model luminosi- The method is applied to the set of derived infrared lumi- ties for various levels of luminosity errors. Figure 8 shows the nositiesof290early-stageMIPSGALYSOslinkedtoATLAS- variation of fractionalscatter, (< (M − M )2 >)1/2/M GAL sources with established distances. Table 2 tabulates the ∗ Rob06 Rob06 with model YSO mass for both 1% and 100% fractionallumi- derived mass and uncertainties for this sample. Also listed are nosity errors, where M is the Monte-Carlo derivedYSO mass the linked, ATLASGAL source name and infrared luminosity. ∗ and M isthemodelcentralmass. Thecongruenceofthese Figure9showsthemassdistribution,dN/dlogM,forthissetof Rob06 curves demonstrates that the method is limited by the range YSOs.Massesrangefrom1to10M .Anerror-weightedfitto ⊙ anddiversityofthemodelsthatareintegratedintoP(M,LIR|L∗) the expression dN/dlogM ∝ M−αM for masses greater than 2 ratherthandistanceorphotometricerrors.Forlowmasses,0.1< M produces an index, α = 1.05±0.14. The mass distribu- ⊙ M M /M < 0.5,thefractionalscatterrangesfrom200-750%. tion is shallower than the the high mass IMF functional forms Rob06 ⊙ For larger masses, the fractional error narrows from 150% at (α ∼ 1.3)ofSalpeter(1955)andKroupa(2001).Forthemore M 1 M to ∼20% at 10 M . While such fractional errors are too luminous objects, source confusion of multiple objects within ⊙ ⊙ large for many scientific questions, these are sufficient for our theapertureoverpopulatesthehighmassbinsanddecreasesthe Articlenumber,page8of16 Heyeretal.:RateandLatencyofStarFormation N1(0.5)α0−α1 = 2N1 starspermassinterval.Sincethetimescale for Class I protostars is short and the clump masses are small (<104M ),itisunlikelythattheIMFisfullysampledso M ⊙ ∗,imf isnecessarilyanupperlimittotheamountofprotostellarmass. The ratio, M /M is listed in Table 3. The derived values ∗,imf ∗,T canbequitelargeforM >4M butaretypically6-12formost ∗ ⊙ clumpsinoursample. 5. ATLASGAL clumpproperties The set of clump properties is compiled for the sub-sample of 219starformingATLASGALsourceswithmeasureddistances andarefullyresolvedbythe19′′ beamoftheAPEXtelescope. Clumpmassesareestimatedfromtheexpression S RD2 M = 870 , (5) Fig.9. Massdistribution,dN/dlogM,ofearlystageMIPSGALYSOs cl B870(TD)κ870 withinequal sizedlogarithmicbins. Errorbars reflectcounting statis- tics.Thesolidlineshowstheerror-weightedfittothedistributionfor where S870 is the measured integrated flux density at 870µm, massesgreaterthan2M⊙withindex,αM =1.05±0.14. B870(TD)isthePlanckfunctionevaluatedatthiswavelengthfor dusttemperature,T ,assumedtobe20K,κ isthedustopacity D 870 setto1.85cm2/gm,Risthegastodustmassratio(assumedtobe numberofobjectswithinthelowermassbins–leadingtoashal- 100)and D isthedistance tothe source.Theclumpradius,r , cl lowerslopeinthestellarmassdistribution.Furthermore,thede- is calculated from the effective angular radius, θ in radians, eff tectedprotostarispossiblythebrightestandmostmassiveobject r = θ D.Themoleculargassurfacedensity,Σ = M /πr2. withinaveryyoungclusterdevelopingwithintheclump.Since cl eff H2 cl cl Ameanvolumenumberdensityisderivedassumingaspherical the developingcluster is likely in its early stages, it is unlikely distribution, thatthe IMFhasbeenfullysampledandthe currentmostmas- sive YSO couldbesupercededbya yetto be formedprotostar. 3M Inanycase,thedistributionofthemaximumprotostellarmass, ncl = 4πµmclr3, (6) derivedfromasampleofAtlasgalsourceswithabroadrangeof H cl clump masses, would not necessarily adhere to the established where µ=2.8 and m is the mass of the hydrogen atom. The H formoftheIMF. free-fall time is τ = (3π/32Gµm n )1/2. Finally, the clump ff H cl Based on the YSO models of Robitailleetal. (2006) and crossingtime,τ =2r /σ ,whereσ istheNH (1,1)veloc- cross cl v v 3 ourapplicationoftheconfusionfluxlimit,itisevidentthatour itydispersionfromWienenetal.(2012)ifavailable.Theorbital list of early-stage newbornstars samples a lower mass popula- periodofanATLASGALsourceisτ =2πR /V ,whereR is orb G θ G tionofprotostarsthanthosecompiledinpreviousstudies.Both theGalacticradiusandV =254kms−1istheazimuthalvelocity θ Contrerasetal.(2013)andUrquhartetal.(2014b)usedlowsen- foraflatrotationcurve(Reidetal.2009). sitivity MSX IR photometry or established signatures of mas- Errorsinthetimescales,(τ ,τ ),areassumedtobedom- ff cross sivestarformationtolinknewbornstarstoATLASGALclumps. inatedbydistanceerrors,astheserelatetotheclumpdensityand Csengerietal. (2014) used a combination of MSX and WISE size respectively. The distance uncertainty to the source domi- photometrybutwithouttheapplicationofasourcecompleteness natestheerrorintheclumpmasscalculationwhiletheassump- limitsotheirsampleisbiasedtowardsbrighterobjectsandthus, tions of constant dust temperature and opacity can lead to ad- moremassivesourcesorclusters.TheyadoptaYSOmassrange ditional errors. The distance errors are propagated through the of8-10M .MIPSGALphotometryismoresensitivethanWISE ⊙ calculationsforr ,n ,τ ,andτ .Theclumppropertiesare cl cl ff cross tofainterYSOswithinregionsoflowbackground.Thesmaller listedinTable3. sampleofATLASGALclumpsselectedbythelocal24µmback- ground,enableslinkingfainterYSOswithlowermasswhileex- cludingbrightYSOsowingtolocalsaturation. 6. Discussion The total stellar mass within a clump, M is the sum of ∗,T masses of all linked YSOs. For most clumps, only one Class I 6.1.Latencyofstarformationindenseclumps YSOisidentified.Sincefaint,lowmassorhighlyobscuredpro- The latency of star formationis the time interval that precedes tostars may also be present within the clump, M is a lower ∗,T theformationofstarswithinagiveninterstellarvolumeelement. limit to the amount of YSO mass. An upper limit to the total Thisdelaycouldresultfromtherequireddevelopmentofgravi- massofYSOswithintheclumpcanbederivedbyintegratingthe tationallyunstable,highdensitycoreswithinasupersonic,super- 2-componentinitial mass function (IMF) described by Kroupa Alfvénic medium or the diffusion of the magnetic field to in- (2001). crease local mass to flux ratios. If the volume is already in a 0.5 M∗ state of large-scale gravitational collapse, then this latency pe- M∗,imf = N0Z m−α0+1dm+N1Z m−α1+1dm, (4) riodmustbeveryshort,≤2τff. 0.1 0.5 Assuminga randomsamplingof the star formationstate of where α = 1.3, α = 2.3, and M is the mass of the largest a clump over its lifetime, then the measured value of f corre- 0 1 ∗ ∗ embedded MIPSGAL YSO within the clump. The constants, spondsto the fraction of a clump lifetime, τ /τ , over which SF cl N ,N , are set by M and assumes continuity at the intersec- newbornstarsarepresent.Here,τ isaaverageclumplifetime 0 1 ∗ cl tion of the two power laws such that N1 = (M∗)α1 and N0 = and τSF is the time over which a clump exhibits evidence for Articlenumber,page9of16 A&Aproofs:manuscriptno.mips_atlas newbornstarswithinitsdomain.Ifonefurtherassumesthatstar 2008). The low mass stars generated in the inital stages of the formation does not go through multiple cycles of star-forming clump provide a local heating source to the gas, which sup- andquiescentstages(Kruijssen&Longmore2014),then(1-f ) pressesfragmentationandenablesthecollapseofmoremassive ∗ correspondsto the star formationlatency in units of the clump anddensesub-structuresthatultimatelyformhighmassstars. lifetime. This definition for τ is different than the definition SF provided by Mouschoviasetal. (2006) who define τ as the SF 6.2.ATLASGALclumpsinthecontextofstarformationlaws time period required for the clump or molecular cloud to de- velopintoastatethatissusceptibleforstarformation,whichis Thedata compiledin theprevioussectionsenablean examina- equivalenttoourdefinitionofthestarformationlatency. tion of the proposed star formation laws within the dense gas Our analysis of MIPSGAL YSOs and ATLASGAL clumps regime of the ATLASGAL clumps distributed throughout the determines a rather small value for f∗ but one consistent with Milky Way. Previous studies have considered star forming re- several previous ATLASGAL studies (Contrerasetal. 2013; gionswithin1 kpcofthe Sunthatarelimited in number(∼20) Csengerietal.2014).Earlierstudiesconnectingembeddedpro- andliewithinasectoroftheMilkyWaywheretheenvironmen- tostars from the IRAS Point Source Catalog to dense core re- talconditionssuchasmoleculargassurfacedensityandambient gionsidentifiedbyNH3(1,1)or(2,2)lineemission,foundvalues UV radiation field may be verydifferentthan the inner Galaxy of f∗ from 33-45% (Beichmanetal. 1986; Bourkeetal. 1995). (Gutermuthetal.2009;Heidermanetal.2010;Gutermuthetal. LessobscuredTTauri-likeYSOsarelinkedto1/3ofthedense 2011; Ladaetal. 2012; Heyer&Dame 2015). The study by cores examined by Beichmanetal. (1986) indicating that star Wuetal. (2005) evaluated the relationship between the far in- formation may have started at an earlier stage of the core life- fraredluminosityanddense gas,as probedbyHCN J=1-0line time. emission for a sample of massive dense cores with infraredlu- We can not ignore the possibility that clumps without a minositiesbetween103 and107 L , manyofwhichcontainul- ⊙ MIPSGAL YSO may in fact harbor faint or highly obscured tracompactHIIregions,andasmallersub-sampleoflowerlumi- YSOswithfluxesbelowthelocal,sensitivitylimit.Anyconclu- nosityobjectswithmolecularoutflows.Theyfoundalinearcor- sionsdrawnfromthevalueof f∗ arelimitedtoamassrangeof relationbetween LFIR and LHCN for LFIR > 104.5. Inourstudy, YSOsforwhichourYSOlistiscomplete.Basedontheturnover we have a more direct measure of H column density gas dis- 2 oftheYSOmassdistributionshowninFigure9thissubsample tributed within dense, compact configurations. The mean den- of219clumpsis∼90%completeforprotostarswithinthemass sities listed in Table 3, are lower than the critical density re- range2< M∗/M⊙ <12.Themeasuredfractionofstar forming quired to excite the HCN J=1-0 line but are generally higher clumps, corrected for star formation in regions of 24µm satu- than 104 cm−3 suggested by Ladaetal. (2012) as a threshold ration,is0.31.Statistically,thissampleofATLASGALclumps forthestarformationprocesstocommence.Thissampleisalso is engagedin star formation in this stellar mass range for only larger in number than these previousstudies and therefore, of- ∼1/3 of their lifetimes. By complement, such clumps reside fersimprovedstatistics.Theprimarylimitationstoouranalysis within a quiescent, non-star forming state or a state in which aretheinabilitytodetectfaintorhighlyobscuredYSOswhose onlylowmass(<2M⊙)starsaregeneratedfor2/3oftheirlife- fluxes fall below our completion limit and the large uncertain- times.Ginsburgetal.(2012)demonstratethatthestarlessphase tiesinYSOmassextractedfromthespectralenergydistribution ofclumpsformingmassivestarclustersisveryshort.Suchstar modelsofRobitailleetal.(2006). andclusterformingclumpsarelikelyexcludedfromoursample The star formation rate within a star-forming ATLASGAL owingtothelocal24µmbackgroundandnon-saturationrequire- clumpisestimatedfromthetotalmassofassociatedearlystage ments. MIPSGALYSOs,tabulatedinTable2,dividedbythetimescale Recent numerical simulations of cloud formation and forClassIprotostars. evolution illustrate clouds, clumps, and filaments in a M state of hierarchical collapse (Vázquez-Semadenietal. 2009; M˙ = ∗,T (7) ∗ Ballesteros-Paredesetal. 2011). In this picture, the production τSF ofnewbornstarsbeginsveryearlywithindensesubstructuresso Studies of nearby clouds that are primarily forming low mostorallclumpswithhighdensitycontrastwithrespecttothe mass stars estimate the age of Class I protostars as 0.5 Myr cloud should contain one or more recently formed stars within (Evansetal. 2009;Gutermuthetal. 2009). We adoptthis value severalfree-falltimes.Thisleadstolargevaluesof f∗ andvery for all YSO masses. An upper limit to M˙ is set by replacing ∗ shortlatencyperiodsofstarformation. M with M in equation7. The star formationrate surface ∗,T ∗,imf These predictions would appear to be incompatible with densityis measured low values of f unless one or more of the follow- ∗ ingconditionsapply.Afractionoftheclumpsmaybetransient M˙ Σ = ∗ (8) features that never develop to form stars. Adding these short- SFR πr2 livedclumpstothepopulationofclumpsthatdoevolvetoform cl starsviolatesourassumptionofrandomsamplingofclumpswith UncertaintiesforΣ arepropagatedfromtheerrorintheYSO SFR mean lifetime, τ , and biases our measure of f to lower val- massestabulatedinTable3anddistanceerrors. cl ∗ ues.Furthermore,theclumplifetimesthemselvescouldbemuch To make a fair comparison of derived star formation rates smallerthanthelifetimeoftheoverlyingcloud(Heyer&Dame withtheextragalacticmeasurements,itisimportanttoplaceup- 2015).Ifτ =2τ ,asimpliedbyrapidstarformationdescrip- per limits to the star formation rates for ATLASGAL sources SF ff tions,thenthemeasuredvalueof f impliesameanclumplife- thatarenotlinkedtoaClassIMIPSGALsource(D.Kruijssen, ∗,c timeof∼6.5τ .Finally,iftheearlieststarsthatformhavelow privatecommunication).Suchnon-starformingstructuresarein- ff mass (< 2 M ) and therefore, are not detected by MIPSGAL, cludedinextragalacticCOordustmeasurementsofgascolumn ⊙ then f isunderestimated.SuchaskewedYSOmassdistribution density.For each of the 291resolved,nonstar formingclumps ∗ intheearlieststagesofaclumpmaybeanessentialrequirement withanassigneddistance,wecalculatea24µmluminosity,L , 24 forthedevelopmentofmoremassivestars(Krumholz&McKee basedon the adopted24µm completenesslimit flux of 72 mJy. Articlenumber,page10of16