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Preview The Radon Monitoring System in Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment

The Radon Monitoring System in Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment M.C.Chua,K.K.Kwana,M.W.Kwoka,T.Kwokb,J.K.C.Leungb,K.Y.Leungb,Y.C.Lina,b,K.B.Lukc,d, C.S.J.Punb aDepartmentofPhysics,TheChineseUniversityofHongKong,HongKong,China bDepartmentofPhysics,TheUniversityofHongKong,HongKong,China cDepartmentofPhysics,UniversityofCaliforniaatBerkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,U.S.A. dPhysicsDivision,LawrenceBerkeleyNationalLaboratory,Berkeley,CA94720,U.S.A. 6 1 0 2 n Abstract a J We developeda highlysensitive,reliableandportableautomaticsystem (H3) tomonitortheradonconcentrationof 9 the underground experimental halls of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment. H3 is able to measure radon 1 concentrationwithastatisticalerrorlessthan10%ina1-hourmeasurementofdehumidifiedair(R.H.5%at25◦C) withradonconcentrationas lowas 50Bq/m3. Thisis achievedbyusinga largeradonprogenycollectionchamber, ] t semiconductor α-particle detector with high energy resolution, improved electronics and software. The integrated e d radon monitoring system is highly customizable to operate in different run modes at scheduled times and can be - controlledremotelytosampleradoninambientairorinwaterfromthewaterpoolswheretheantineutrinodetectors s n are being housed. The radon monitoringsystem has been runningin the three experimentalhalls of the Daya Bay i ReactorNeutrinoExperimentsinceNovember2013. . s c Keywords: radon,Rn,DayaBay i s PACS:29.40.n y h [p 1. Introduction 210Bi −−−β−−→ 210Po −5−.−3−0−M−e−V−→α 206Pb. These α-particles 83 5.01d 84 138d 82 The main goal of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino caninducebackgroundintheexperiment.Furthermore, 1 v Experiment is to determine the neutrino mixing angle due to its relatively long half-life, 222Rn can accumu- 5 θ . Eightanti-neutrinodetectormodules(ADs)arein- late to a high concentration in poorly ventilated space 13 8 stalledinthreeundergroundexperimentalhalls.Inorder andposeahealthhazard. Inviewofitsimportance,the 8 to suppress backgrounds related to cosmic-ray muons term“radon”isusedtoreferspecificallyto222Rninthis 4 andnaturalradioactivity,theADsareimmersedinwa- paperunlessotherwisestated. 0 . terpools[1]. 1 Radoninairisparticularlydifficulttohandleamongst Inanundergroundenvironmentlikethis,radioactive 0 commonnaturalradioactivebackgrounds.Itcandiffuse radon gas can be easily found in air. Isotopes of Tho- 6 into the ADs through any unnoticeable leak or radon- 1 riumandUranium(232Th,235Uand238U)inrockspro- permeable materials, and then dissolve in the liquid : duce gaseous 220Rn, 219Rn and 222Rn respectively in v scintillator. The dissolved radon and its progeniescan theirdecaychains. 219Rninairhasnegligibleimpactto i X the experimentsince its half-life is only 3.96 s. 220Rn cause correlated background(from α decays) and sin- gles background (from β decays) mimicking antineu- r has a half-life of 55.6 s, so it can exist for a longer a trino signals. To reduce the amount of radon in the time in air and may accumulateto a measurablequan- vicinity of the ADs, dry nitrogen gas is used to flush tity. For 222Rn, it has a half-lifeof 3.83days. Numer- out air in the space between the water pool cover and ousα-particlesaregeneratedfrom222Rnanditsproge- the pool water, and in the dry ducts connected to the nies along the chain: 222Rn −5−.−4−0−M−e−V−→α 218Po −6−.−0−0−M−e−V−→α 86 3.83d 84 3.05m ADs. The poolwater is also purified and recirculated. 214Pb −−−β−−→ 214Bi −−−β−−→ 214Po −7−.−6−9−M−e−V−→α 210Pb −−−β−−→ Inadditiontosuppressingradonintheexperiment,there 82 26.8m 83 19.7m 84 164µs 82 22.3y isaneedtomonitorcontinuouslyitsconcentration,es- pecially in the air in the experimentalhalls, and in the Emailaddress:[email protected](T.Kwok) watersurroundingtheADs. PreprintsubmittedtoNuclearInstrumentsandMethodsA January20,2016 A preliminary survey of airborne radon was carried However,duetothesmallvolumeofitsinternalsample outwith an AB-5 detector (Pylon ElectronicsInc.) [2] cell(0.7L),RAD7 hasa C.F. ofonly148Bq/m3/cpm. intheexperimentalhalls(EH1,EH2,andEH3)ofDaya Another detector of this type is ERS-2-S (Tracerlab Bay. Radon concentrationsfrom about 50 Bq/m3 to a GmbH) [4], which has a higher sensitivity. However, few hundredsof Bq/m3 were recordedat variousloca- theα-particleenergyspectrumhaslimitedresolutionfor tions. We require the statistical error of a meaningful easybackgroundidentification. monitoring of the radon concentration to be less than Excellentsensitivityreaching1mBq/m3orbettercan 10% for 1-hour sampling of air with radon concentra- beachievedbyradonextractionfacilitiesbuiltforsome tiondownto50Bq/m3. Itisconvenienttoexpressthis underground experiments [5–7]. These facilities uti- requirement by a detector calibration factor (C.F.) of lizecollectionchamberofhundredsoflitresinvolume. 30Bq/m3/cpmwiththedefinition: They take up large spaces and are not intended to be portable. radonconcentration[Bq/m3] C.F.= (1) numberofcountsperminute[cpm] 3. RadonmonitoringintheDayaBayExperiment Also, the detector should be sensitive to a low radon concentration of 0.5 Bq/m3 and portable, for carrying outadhocradonmeasurements(e.g.radoningasflush- In order to meet the requirements stated in Sec- ingtheADs). tion1,theHongKongHigh-sensitivityHigh-reliability The monitoring system should operate as an inte- detector (H3) is designed to have a C.F. better than grated system. It has to control the measurements of 30Bq/m3/cpmwithsuperbportability. Thewholesys- radon in air and water automatically following a cus- tem is integrated to the hardware and software of the tomizable schedule. The radon data and the measure- DayaBayexperimentinasimplemanner. Itiscapable ment conditions should be ready to be processed and tocontrolradonmeasurementsinairandwatersamples, uploadedtoacentralizedsystemoftheexperiment. andpresentthereal-timeresultsthroughnetwork. Thusahighlysensitiveradonmonitoringsystemwas As depicted in Figure 1, the system is installed in developed to meet these requirements. Details of this the electronics room of each experimentalhall. There systemareintroducedinthispaper.InSection3,thede- aretwotypesofrunmode: “airrun”formeasuringthe signandconstructionofthesystemarepresented. Cal- radonconcentrationoftheairsampleextractedfromthe ibrationand optimization of the radondetector are de- hall; and “water run” for measuringthe radonconcen- scribed in Section 4. In Section 5, the performanceof tration of the water sample obtained from the recircu- thesystemintheundergroundhallsisdiscussed. lation system of the water pool. The samples are not required to flow at high speed or be pressurized. The sampling points can be set up easily by plugging the 2. Otherradonmonitoringequipment tubingsintothepush-infittings. ManycommercialradondetectorsemployLucascell The H3 is designed to measure airborne radon di- or electrostatic method for radon progenies counting. rectly. For radondissolved in water sample, the gas is Lucascell-baseddetectorslike AB-5 arerenownedfor allowedtodiffusefromwatertoairinadegassingunit theirstabilityandsimplicityofoperation.However,the first. ThentheairispumpedtotheH3formeasurement. celldoesnotdistinguishtheα-particlesgeneratedfrom AnsoftwareinterfaceiswritteninLabVIEWVirtual radon,218Poand214Po. Asthetwo nuclidespreceding Instrument (VI) [8] to control and monitor the opera- 214Pohavehalf-livesofabout20minutes,ittakesabout tionoftheradonmonitoringsystem.Thehostcomputer 3hoursforradonand214Potoreachequilibriuminside (hostPC) of the LabVIEWVI is connectedto a set of theLucascell. Thistypeofdetectorisnotdesignedfor controlvalvesandflowsensorsinstalledalongthesam- monitoringthehourlyfluctuationofradoncontinuously. ple pathways through a USB data acquisition module. Detectors employing electrostatic method to collect TheVIalsoreadstheH3 dataviaaRS-232port. Then radonprogeniescanhaveaquickerresponse. Manyof it processes the data with the calibration constants set themareabletotakeanenergyspectrumofα-particles, by the system administrator. A copy of the processed enablingtheselectionofthefast-response218Poevents dataisalsosenttotheremoteDetectorControlSystem for counting. RAD7 (Durridge Company Inc.) [3] is (DCS)oftheexperimentwhichcentralizesalltheenvi- a typical and popular model of this type of detector. ronmentaldataanddetectoroperationconditions. 2 Figure1:SchematicdiagramoftheradonmonitoringsystemineachDayaBayexperimentalhall.DetailsofcomponentscanbefoundinSections 4and5. 3.1. H3detector ciencyof218Poioninsidethechamber,andε istheα- α The H3 detector is made of a rack-mount VME-4U particledetectionefficiencyofthePIPS.Forcollection chassis (178 mm (H) × 482 mm (W) × 279 mm (L)) chambersofsimilarmechanismandcomparablesize,εp thathousesa radonprogenycollection chamber,an α- isabout70%[12]. ForthePIPS,εα is40%. Sothevol- particle detector, a high-voltage generator, and front- umeof the chamberofthe H3 shouldbe about2.25L. endelectronics,weighinglessthan5kgintotal. Figure 2 is the cross section of the radonprogenycol- lection chamber. It is a polyvinylchloride cylinder of 3.1.1. Detectionmethod 9-cm(h)×18-cm(∅)(2.3L)toprovidesufficientvol- Airsampleisdrawnintotheradonprogenycollection umeofairsampletogeneratetheprogenies. chamberformeasurement. Radonprogeniesanddusts The inner surfaces of the chamber are coated with in the incoming air are removed by a glass fiber filter aluminumfoils.ThePIPSismountedonacircularaper- (GF-75, pore size 0.3 µm, Sterlitech Corp.) [9] at the tureatthecenterofthe topplate. Airsampleisdrawn inletofthechamber,soonlythefreshlyproducedradon into the chamber with a micro-pump installed down- progeniesarecollected. stream of the gas outlet. Temperatureand relative hu- Inthechamber,thepositivelychargedprogeny218Po midity(R.H.)oftheairsamplearemonitoredbydigital are collected electrostatically on the entrance window sensorsattheinletofthechamber. ofaPassivatedImplantedPlanarSilicondetector(PIPS The aluminum coating of the chamber is connected modelA450,CanberraIndustriesInc.) [10]. ThePIPS to+1800V,whiletheentrancewindowofthePIPShas measurestheenergyoftheα-particlesemittedinthede- a DC bias of +24 V. This establishes an electric field caysof218Poandsubsequentprogenies.Thentheradon inside the chamber for driving the positively charged concentration can be calculated from the counts of α- radonprogeniestothePIPS. particleintheenergyspectrumandtheC.F. The C.F.s obtained in the calibration (Section 4.4) with this chamber were consistent with the estimation 3.1.2. Radonprogenycollectionchamber ofEquation2. Alargerchambercanboostthedetector ThevolumeofthechamberrequiredtoachieveaC.F. sensitivityasmoreradonprogeniescouldbecollected. of30Bq/m3/cpmisestimatedby: However, this would sacrifice portability and requirea highlystablehigh-voltagesupply. 1 V = (2) C.F.×r ×ε ×ε ×60[sec] + p α 3.1.3. Electronicsunit wherer =88%[11]isthefractionofemanated218Po Signalsfromthe PIPSare analyzedby the on-board + that carries positive charge, ε is the collection effi- electronics unit. The electronics unit is divided into a p 3 reached for radon and with sufficient air exchange be- tweenH3 andtheRAD-Aqua,theairintheclosedloop trulyreflectstheradonconcentrationinwater. 4. PerformanceandcalibrationofH3 Inthedesigningstage,testswerecarriedouttoopti- mizetheperformanceoftheH3. 4.1. Regions-of-interestforcounting Figure 4 shows the energy spectrum of α-particles collected by the H3. The two prominent peaks corre- Figure2: Crosssectionoftheradonprogenycollection chamberof H3. O-ringsusedforensuringair-tightnessaredepictedbytheblack sponding to the decays of 218Po and 214Po (6.00 MeV dotsaroundthePIPS. and 7.69 MeV respectively). In prolonged measure- ment, the α-peak of 210Po (5.30 MeV) becomes vis- ible gradually when 218Po and 214Po accumulate on the PIPS. However, the 210Po-peak does not respond front-end(FEE)circuitandamainboard(Figure3). quickly to any change of radon concentration. Thus it The analog FEE circuit is shielded from the noisy wouldnotbeusedintheanalysis. digital and switching power circuits with a Faraday The energy spectrum obtained by the H3 has suf- cage. It consists of a charge-sensitiveamplifier (CSA, ficient energy resolution for defining the regions-of- OP Amp AD8065) and a charge-to-time converter interest (ROIs) for 218Po and 214Po. The number of (QTC). The QTC converts an input analog pulse from countsin the ROIs can be usedto determinethe radon the PIPS into a TTL logic signal with a width propor- concentration. The ROI of 218Po is 5.50 to 6.40 MeV, tionaltotheinputcharge.ThentheQTCoutputisdigi- and7.20to8.24MeVfor214Po,eachcoveringarange tizedbythemainboard(32-bitARMMicroController offiveFWHMsaroundtherespectivepeaks. Although Unit). The main boardis also responsiblefor relaying resultsfrombothROIswillberecordedbytheH3,only commandsfromthehostPC todifferentdetectorcom- the counts in the 218Po peak are used to calculate the ponents(e.g.highvoltagegenerator,pump). real-time radon concentration. This is because 218Po (τ =3.05 min) is significantly quicker in response to 1/2 thechangeofradonconcentrationthan214Po. DefiningnewROIcanenhancetheidentificationand rejectionofbackgroundornoise. Equation3showsthe decaysofthe220Rnprogeny212Bithatgeneratesa6.10- MeVα-particlefallingintotheROIof218Po. 212Bi−−6−.1−0−M−−e−V−α→ 208Tl Figure3:ElectronicsunitoftheH3. 36%,60.6m (3) 212Bi−−−−−β−+−−−→ 212Po−8−.−7−8−M−e−V−→α 208Pb 64%,60.6m 299ns Thisbackground,whichmayonlycontributeuptoafew 3.2. Degassingunit percentofthetotalcountsiftheradonconcentrationis For water run, a RAD-Aqua (Durridge Company low and the sampling point of air is very close to the Inc.) [13]isusedasthedegassingunit. Thewatersam- H3,canbesubtractedbyaddinganadditionalROIfrom ple is broken into droplets to facilitate radon diffusion 8.24 to 9.26 MeV, to count the number of 8.78-MeV from water to the air flowing through the RAD-Aqua. α-particles associated with 212Bi. By multiplying this Thisflowingaircirculatesinaclosedloopbetweenthe number by 36/64, the contamination of 212Bi decay in RAD-Aquaandthe H3. Whendiffusionequilibriumis theROIof218Pocanbecalculated. 4 calibration factor was traceable to the National Radon Laboratoryof the Universityof South China in China. Withtheairsamplesofhighradonconcentration,suffi- cientstatisticscouldbeobtainedinashorttimeforthe calibration runs, such that any fluctuations caused by the environmentcould be identified easily by repeated measurements. 4.3. Humidity Sensitivityofradondetectorsusingelectrostaticcol- lectionmethodisinverselycorrelatedtohumidity[16]. Water vapor can neutralize the electric charge of the radonprogenies,leadingto a dropin thecollectionef- ficiency. Therefore,itisnecessarytocontrolandmoni- torthehumidityoftheairsampleinsideH3tomaintain dataintegrity.Duringcalibration,theairsamplesforthe AB-5andH3weredriedwithdesiccanttoalowR.H.of Figure 4: Energy spectrum obtained with a H3 detector. The grey 5%at25±1◦C,whichwasequivalenttoawatercontent areasaretheROIof218Po(left)and214Po(right). of1.15g/m3 inair. However,inrealoperation,humid- ity may deviate from this low value. So a correction curveforhumiditywasobtainedforeachH3. Thiswas 4.2. Calibrationinexposurechamber donebyconnectingtwoH3sindependentlytotheradon chamber.OneH3wasusedasacontrol,whiletheother Calibration of the H3 was carried out with a radon one was under calibration. At the inlet of the control exposure chamber in The University of Hong Kong H3,thehumidityoftheincomingairsamplewaskeptat (HKU) (Figure 5). The exposure chamber provided 1.00±0.02g/m3 throughoutthecalibrationwithalarge air samples of known and stable radon concentration column of desiccant. For the H3 under test, the desic- withcontrolledenvironmentalconditions[14].Airsam- cantcolumnwasmuchsmaller, such thatthe humidity pleswithradonconcentrationsfrom200Bq/m3toover wasallowedtochangeslowlybylessthan1.00g/m3in 7000Bq/m3 withanuncertaintylessthan5%couldbe 2hours. Sinceeachrunlastedfor30minutesonly,the prepared. changeinhumidityofairsampleinthisH3waslessthan 0.25g/m3 andhenceconsideredasstable. Besideshu- midity,bothH3soperatedunderthesameconditionsfor over 30 hours. The ratio of the 218Po counts collected by the H3s were plotted against humidity in Figure 6. Thenumberfromthe controlH3 wasthe denominator. ThecurveofeachH3 wouldbeusedtocorrecttheC.F. forairsampleofdifferenthumidity. 4.4. CalibrationfactorsofH3 EachH3wastestedfordeterminingtheC.F.sof218Po and 214Po as summarized in Table 1. The test was re- peatedwitharangeofradonconcentrations. Nocorre- lationofC.F.swithradonconcentrationscouldbeseen uptonearly104Bq/m3. Figure5:Schematicdrawingoftheexposurechamberforcalibration inHKU. 4.5. High-voltageoptimization Thehighvoltage(HV)appliedtotheradonprogeny Radon was added to the chamber by pumping air collection chamber directly affects the collection effi- throughastandardradonsource(RN-1025,PylonElec- ciency ε in Equation 2. A series of runs were con- p tronicsInc.)[15]. DuringH3calibration,theradoncon- ducted with different HV values to find out the opti- centration was monitored by an AB-5 detector, whose malrange. Airsamplewithafixedradonconcentration 5 Figure7: Numberofcounts of218Poversus theHVapplied tothe radonprogenycollectionchamber. Radonconcentrationwas800±40 Figure6:Ratioof218PocountsfromtheH3beingcalibrated,tothat Bq/m3(R.H.=5%,temp=25±1◦C). fromthecontrolH3. Horizontalaxisshowsthehumidityofairsam- pleintheH3beingcalibrated. SampleinthecontrolH3waskeptat 1.00±0.02g/m3.Statisticalerror(1-σ)waslessthan2%. (250±12Bq/m3)for2hours. Thenumberofcountsin theROIof218PoarecomparedinFigure8bytakingthe Radonconc. 1-L/mindatumasthedenominator. In±20%ofthese- C.F.of218Po C.F.of214Po byAB-5 lected flow rate for operation(1 L/min), no systematic (Bq/m3) (Bq/m3/cpm) (Bq/m3/cpm) changeintheratiowasobserved. 565.1±4.3 27.51±0.25 25.72±0.13 795.2±5.8 26.60±0.23 24.93±0.12 1251±8.3 28.13±0.22 25.76±0.11 7315±21 27.15±0.97 25.12±0.10 AverageC.F. 27.35±0.20 25.38±0.10 Table1: CalibrationfactorsofaH3atdifferentradonconcentrations (R.H.=5%,temp=25±1◦C).Statisticalerrors(1-σ)areshownfor theC.F.atdifferentradonconcentrations. Standarderrorsareshown fortheaverageC.F. (800±40Bq/m3)waspumpedfromtheexposurecham- bertotheH3. ThenumberofcountsintheROIof218Po Figure8:RatioofaveragecountsintheROIof218Poatdifferentflow wereplottedagainsttheappliedHVinFigure7. From rates.Datumobtainedataflowrateof1L/min(•)isthedenominator. the data, the number of counts began to plateau above Radonconcentrationwas250±12Bq/m3. 600V.TheoptimalHVwaschosentobe1800V,such thatfluctuationof1%intheHVprovidedbythesupply (DW-P202-IC33, DongWen High Voltage Power Sup- ply Co.) would not lead to significant variation in the 4.7. Backgroundandlowerlimitofdetection data. Backgroundwasmeasuredbyusingradon-freenitro- gen gas. Before the measurement, the H3 was purged 4.6. Pumpoperatingatdifferentflowrates withnitrogentoremoveanyresidualradon,andthere- The H3 employs active and continuous sampling of maining progenies in the collection chamber were al- air. Air sample is drawn into the collection chamber lowed to decay. When the counts in the ROIs ap- with a micro-pumpat a flow rate of 1.00±0.05L/min. proachedzero,theH3wasrunfor106hoursatasample Various flow rates between 0.4 to 1.6 L/min were flowrateof1.0±0.1L/min. also tested on the H3. At each flow rate, the H3 The average background rates were measured the air sample of stable radon concentration 0.68±0.08counts/hrfor218Po,and0.17±0.04counts/hr 6 for 214Po. They were equivalent to a radon concen- thoroughly with an air sample of radon concentration tration of 0.31±0.03 Bq/m3 and 0.07±0.02 Bq/m3 606±45Bq/m3fromtheexposurechamber.Thenawa- respectively by the C.F.s in Table 1. The 90% con- tersamplewith106±6Bq/m3 ofradonwaspumpedto fidence level detection limit was 0.11 Bq/m3. The theRAD-Aquaat3.4±0.3L/min. Figure10showsthe backgroundissufficientlylowthattheH3 canmeasure radonconcentrationmeasuredbytheH3 beforeandaf- verylowradonconcentrationforspecifictasks,suchas ter the RAD-Aqua was started at t = 20 minutes. Af- detectingradonintheADcovergas. tert=60minutes,theradonconcentrationinH3 stabi- lized at 477±7 Bq/m3, a concentration consistent with 4.8. Precisionofmeasurement the Ostwald Coefficient (Section 5.2). So the prepara- The precision of the H3 is mainly affected by the tionperiodofwaterrunshouldbeatleast40minutesto statistical error of the counts of α-particle. Figure 9 obtainthetrueradonconcentrationinwater. summarizesthe precisionof theH3 ina seriesof mea- surementusinglowradonconcentrations,in whichthe countingstatistics is low. Thenumberofcountsinthe ROI of 218Po was used in the calculations. In the ex- perimental halls at Daya Bay, the lowest radon con- centrationevermeasuredwas about50Bq/m3. At this radonconcentration,uncertaintyof10%orlesscanbe achievedwithanhourofmeasurement. Figure10:ResultsofH3measurementbeforeandafterswitchingon theRAD-Aquaatt =20minutes. Initialradonconcentration ofair fromtheexposurechamberwas606±45Bq/m3.Radonconcentration inrunningwaterinRAD-Aquawas106±6Bq/m3. 5. On-sitesetupoftheradonmonitoringsystem Figure9:PrecisionofH3asafunctionofmeasuringtimeobtainedby The H3 is capable of monitoring the radon concen- experimentswithvariousradonconcentrations(R.H.=5%). tration in air and water of each experimental hall at scheduled times. The details of on-site operation are describedbelow. 4.9. Lengthofpreparationperiodforwaterrun 5.1. Radonconcentrationinair Priortodatatakingina waterrun,apreparationpe- riodis neededforradonconcentrationin airandwater Airsampleisextractednearthewaterpoolintheex- toreachequilibriuminthe degassingunit. Preparation perimental halls. The sampling points are 1 m above timeisalsoneededfortheH3toreachaquiescentstate ground,andatleast2mawayfromthewalls. Thisre- after the previousair run. As indicatedin ourprelimi- duces the background due to the α-particles from the narysurvey,radonconcentrationintheairoftheexper- short-lived 220Rn (6.29 MeV), 216Po (6.78 MeV) and imenthallishigherthanthatinthepoolwaterbyabout otherprogeniesof220Rntoanegligiblelevel.Nosignif- a factor of six. If the H3 starts to collect data without icant difference in radon concentrationcould be found the preparation period, the α-particle energy spectrum near the water poolin the experimenthalls because of wouldconsistofconsiderablecontributionoftheradon thestrongventilation. progeniesaccumulatedduringthepreviousairrun. Todecidethelengthofthepreparationperiod,theH3 5.2. Radonconcentrationinwater andRAD-AquaweresetupinHKU,resemblingthede- Watersampleisextractedfromtherecirculationsys- tailsofthemonitoringsystem. TheH3wasfirstflushed temwhichpumpsthewaterfromthewater poolto the 7 purificationsystem. Theradonconcentrationofthewa- EH1 EH2 EH3 tersampleisidenticaltothatinthewaterpool. Sample Meantemp(◦C) 26.9±0.2 27.5±0.3 25.9±0.3 extractionrateto theRAD-Aquais setto 2 to4 L/min R.H.(%) 20.0±0.2 24.7±0.3 25.3±0.3 for a reasonable diffusion rate from water to air in a closed loop leading to the H3. At diffusion equilib- Progeny C.F.(Bq/m3/cpm) rium, the radon concentrations in the two media (wa- 218Po 39.3±0.7 37.1±0.7 43.5±1.5 ter/air)arecorrelatedbytheOstwaldCoefficient,which 214Po 35.2±0.6 35.5±0.7 39.5±1.6 hasavalueof0.226at25◦C[17]. Thisgivesextrasen- sitivity to the H3 measurement of radon concentration Table 2: On-site calibration factors of the H3s with dehumidifiers. in water. For 1 unit of change in the radonconcentra- Statisticalerrors(1-σ)areshown. tion in the incoming water sample, that would lead to over1/0.226=4.42unitsofchangein the air inside the closedloop. Thedrawbackofthismethodisthatabout VI library. A daily measurementschedule includes an 40minutesisneededtoreachequilibrium.Thustheto- air run (20 hours), and a water run (3 hours) preceded tallengthofwaterrunissetto4hourssoradondataof byapreparationperiod(1hour).Atthebeginningofan morethan3hourscanbecollected. airrun,theVIwouldsetthevalvepositionssothatthe H3 would be flushed with air in the experimentalhall. 5.3. Dehumidification Inthepreparationperiodofawaterrun,theRAD-Aqua The H3 is designed for long-term remote operation. would be switched on so diffusion equilibrium can be Desiccant is not suitable for continuous dehumidifica- reachedbythetimemeasurementstarts. tion as it requiresfrequentreplacement. Thusthe sys- Through a LabJack USB data acquisition module tem includes a custom-built dehumidifier for uninter- (U3-LV,LabJackCorporation,USA),statusofthesen- ruptedcontrolofthehumidity. sors and controllers are monitored by the VI. Several Insidethedehumidifier,theairsamplepassesthrough contingentmodesareprogrammedintheVI.Analarm a long zigzag path along an aluminum heat exchanger wouldbetriggeredifanyreadingdriftsoutsidethepre- for drying the air by condensation. The heat ex- defined operation range. Based on the category of ab- changer is cooled by two thermoelectric Peltier mod- normal reading, the VI would run the corresponding ules. Their temperature is stabilized by a micro- presetcontingentmodeorhalttheerroneousoperation. controller(AT89C52)andtemperaturesensors. Ittakes E-mailalertwouldbesenttotheexperts. Afullhistory 4hoursforthemtoreachtheoperatingtemperature.Af- ofthesereadingsandcontingencieswouldberecorded terwards,theR.H.canbemaintainedbelow26%forair bythehostPCfordiagnosis. samplebetween18-26◦C. TheVIreadsandprocessestheenergyspectrumofα- particles,andplotstheH3 internaltemperature,humid- 5.4. On-sitecalibrationwithdehumidifier ity,andvaluesofallsensorsandcontrolvalves. There- TheH3isabletooperatecontinuouslywiththebuilt- sultsarestoredinalocalhard-diskandsimultaneously indehumidifier. Since theR.H. is heldsteadyatabout copiedtothenetworkdatabaseofDCS. 26% by the dehumidifier instead of 5% as achieved at HKU,on-sitecalibrationofthe C.F. is necessary. This 5.6. RadonconcentrationinADcovergas also serves as a standard annual check and update of ForeachAD,aflexibleductforkeepingthedetector theC.F.softheH3. Resultsoftheannualcalibrationin cables and gas line dry is sealed off with o-rings. To 2013byradontheairsamplepreparedbytheexposure removecontaminantsandradonthatpermeatesthrough chamberareshowninTable2. Duetothedifferencein the o-rings, the duct is constantly flushed with radon- humidity, they were substantially different from those free boil-off nitrogen (R.H.≪5%) from the AD cover obtainedwiththeexposurechamberinHKU(Table1). gassystem [18]. ThereturninggasfromeachAD was measuredwiththeH3toensuretheradonconcentration 5.5. Controlanddata-takingsoftware intheductwasundercontrol. Figure 11 shows the LabVIEW VI interface devel- A different configuration was used to measure the opedformanagingthe two typesof run of H3. Mode- radonconcentrationintheADcovergas.Topreventthe switchingisautomatic,followingauser-definedsched- relatively radon-rich air in the experimental hall from ule set in the VI. All running parametersand standard contaminating the air sample, the low-level measure- valuesofsensorsfordifferentoperationsarestoredina mentswerecarriedoutwithaH3sealedinsideanacrylic 8 The humidity correction applied to the C.F. also in- heritstheerrorsinthefitofFigure6,whichis1.26%. Uncertainty caused by the operation of the PIPS is negligible. Any tiny shift in the energy scale can be compensatedbytheflexibledefinitionoftheROIs. The energyresolutionofthePIPShasbeenverystablesince thecommissioningoftheradonmonitoringsystem. 6. Results Installation of the radon monitoring system on-site wascompletedin2013. ThedatafromtheH3sareup- loadedtotheDCSoftheDayaBayExperiment. Users canaccessthehistoryofradonconcentrationandother Figure11:H3controlinterfaceonthehostPC. parameters(temperature,R.H.,etc.) throughtheDCS. 6.1. Radoninairon-site box. The returninggasflowed throughthe H3 directly at1L/minbeforeexhaustingintotheacrylicbox.Atthe The plots in the left column of Figure 12 show the outletoftheacrylicbox,back-diffusionfromtheexper- radon concentration in air since November 2013 for imentalhallwascutoffwithamineraloilbubbleroper- the three experimental halls at Daya Bay. The daily atingatapositivepressureof2cmofwater. Theradon and monthly averages are plotted. It shows that the concentrationwascalculatedusingtheC.F.sinTable1, radon concentrations are quite stable. The H3 also which are applicable to the cover gas with R.H.<5%. recorded spikes in the hourly radon concentration of Typically,theradonconcentrationinthecovergaswas nearly900Bq/m3inEH2,and400Bq/m3inEH3,when inthesub-Bq/m3level. theventilationsystemsofthosehallswereshutdownfor maintenanceinJanuary2014. 5.7. Uncertaintybudget 6.2. Radoninwateron-site Besidesthestatisticaluncertainty(maximumof10% at 1-σ), Table 3 summarizes other uncertainties of the The automatic radon monitors for the water pools radonconcentrationcalculatedfromthe218Pocountsof wereinstalledinNovember2013.Theplotsintheright H3. The most significant one is the 6.10% from the columnofFigure12showthedailyandmonthlyaver- C.F. (218Po) of H3. It is the quadratic sum of the un- aged radon concentration in water for the water pools certaintyofradonconcentrationintheexposurecham- oftheDayaBayExperiment.Themeasuredradoncon- ber(5%maximum),andthemaximumstandarderrorof centrationsareconsistentwiththeresultsof34.7±3.5to the repeatedmeasurementof the C.F. (3.5%at EH3 in 86.4±8.6Bq/m3 obtainedinpersonbeforetheinstalla- Table 2). Thisuncertaintyof C.F. alreadyincludesthe tionoftheH3s. Thegreatestadvantageoftheautoma- uncertaintiescausedbythepumpandtheHVofH3. For tionisthattheradonconcentrationinwatercanbemon- theuncertaintyinducedbythepumpoperatingatdiffer- itoredcontinuouslyandremotely.Sofartheradoncon- ent flow rates, no systematic trend in the performance centrationsinthewaterwerestable. could be observed at ±20% of 1 L/min. Furthermore, thepumpisabletooperatestablywithin5%atthedes- 6.3. CovergasofDayaBayADs ignatedflowrateof1 L/min. Thustheupperboundof uncertainty it causes is taken to be the 1.3%, which is ForthesixADsinstalledin2012,theradonconcen- thestatisticaluncertaintyat1L/mininFigure8. trations were foundto be below 0.55 Bq/m3, over400 For the HV, its fluctuation only have a small contri- times lower than the ambient environment (Table 4). butionof0.08%asevaluatedfromthedatainFigure7. The H3 results showed that the AD cover gas system TheuncertaintyissmallbecausetheH3 operatesinthe was operatingas designed and was able to limit radon plateauregionofHV. fromaccumulatingintheADstoaninsignificantlevel. 9 7. Conclusion Wehavedevelopedaradonmonitoringsystemforthe Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment that has been running routinely for over two years. It can measure radonconcentrationeitherinairorinwaterwithapre- cisionsignificantlybetterthanmostcommercialunitsin arelativeshorttime,fulfillingourneedsofrapidmoni- toringthepresenceofradonwhichpotentiallycangen- erate background in the experiment. In addition, with a custom-designeddata acquisition system, we can re- motely control the continuous operation of the other- wiseautomaticmonitoringsystem,thussignificantlyre- ducingthedemandofhumanresource. 8. Acknowledgement We are gratefulforthe supportwith grantsfromthe Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China (Project Nos. CUHK 1/07C and CUHK3/CRF/10) and from the University of Hong Kong (Project code: 201007176191). K.B.L. is supported by the Office of Science, Office of High Energy Physics, of the U.S. Department of Energy underContractNo.DE-AC02-05CH11231. References References [1] F.P.Anetal.(DayaBayCollaboration),hep-ex/0701029. [2] http://www.pylonelectronics.com/pylonpdfs/DS101R2.pdf, 28 August2015. [3] http://www.durridge.com/products rad7.shtml,28August2015. [4] http://www.tracerlab.com/cataloge/index.htm,28August2015. [5] C.Arpesellaetal.(BOREXINOcollaboration),Astropart.Phys. 18(2002)1. 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