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National Academy of Sciences . Research Council NUCLEAR SERIES ., ,“ The Rcadiochemistry of Silver ,——. ——. . - COMMITTEE ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE L.F.CURTIS5,Chairman ROBLEYD.EVANS,ViceChairman NationaBlureauofStandards MassaehuaethtwstltutoefTechnology J.A,DeJUREN,Secretary WestinghouEsleectriCcooperation C.J.BORKOWSfG J.W.IRVfNE,JR. OakRfdgeNationaLlaboratory MassachusetItnsstituotfTeechnology ROBERTG.COCHHAN E.1).KLEMA TexaeAgricultuarnadlMechanical NorthwesteUrnniversity College W.WAYNE MEINKE SAMUELEPSTEfN UniversiotfyMichigan CelifornItnastituotfTeechnology J.J.NICKSON MemorialHoepitaNle,wYork U.FANO NationaBlureauofStsndarde ROBERT L.PLATZMAN LaborataidreeChimiePhysique HERBERTGOLDSTEIN NucleaDrevelopmenCtooperatioofn D.M.VANPATTER America BartoRlesearcFhoundation LIAISONMEMBERS PAuLc.AEBEItSOLD CHARLESK.REED AtomicEnergyCommission U.S.AirForce J.HOWARD McMILLEN WILLIAME.WRIGHT NationeSfciencFeoundation OfficoefNavalResearch SUBCOMMITTEE ON RADIOCHEMISTRY W.WAYNE MEINKE,CAairm/m EARLHYDE UniversiotfyMichigan UniversiotfyCaliforn(iRaerkeley) NATHAN BALLOU JULIANNIELSEN NavalRadiologiDceaflensLeshoratory HanforLdsberatories GREGORY R.CHOPPIN G.DAVfDO’KELLEY FloridSatatUeniversity OakRidgeNationaLlaboratory GEORGEA.COWAN ELLISP.STEINBERG km AlamOsScientiLfaibcOrato~ ArgonneNationaLlaboratory ARTHURW.FAIRHALL PETERC.STEVENSON UniversiotfyWashington UniversiotfyCaliforn(iLaivermOre) JEROME HUDIS DUANEN.SUNDERMAN BrookhaveNnationaLlaboratory BattelMleemorialInstitute CONSULTANTS HERBERT M.CLARK JOHNW.WINCHESTER RensselaeProlytechnIincstitute MaseachusetItneetituotfTeechnology The Radiochemistry of Silver D. N. SUNDERMAN AND C.W. TOWNLEY Battelle Me?non”al Institute Cohmbus, Ohio November1961 OCT311968 ~,1-wum PROPERTY -—.-. Subcommittee on Radiochemidry NationalAcademy ofsciences—National Research Couucfl PrinteidnU8A.Prtoe$0.76A.vnilnbflreomtheOffIcoefTe&ulcal Wwlcee,DeprtmentofCommeroe,Wnehiogt2o6n, D.C. FOREWORD The Subcommittee on Radiochemistry Is one of a number of BubcommltteeB working under the Committee on Nuclear Science wlthln the National Academy of Sciences - National Reeearch council . Its members represent government, Industrial, and university laboratorte6 In the areas of nuclear chemistry and analytical chemistry. The Subcommittee has concerned Itself with those areas of nuclear science which Involve the chemist, such as the collec- tion and d16trlbution of radlochemlcal procedures, the estab- lishment of speclflcatlon~ for radlochemiaally pure reagents, avallablllty of cyclotron the for eervlce irradiations, the place of radlochemlstry In the undergraduate college program, etc. This series of monographs has grown out of the need for up-to-date compilations of radlochemlcal information end pro- cedures. The Subcommittee has endeavored to present a series which will be of maximum use to the working scientist and which contains the latest available information. Each mono- graph colleats In one volume the perttnent hformatlon required for radiochemlcal work with an individual element or a group of closely related elements. An expert In the radiochemlstry of the particular element has written the monograph, following a standard format developed by the Subcommittee. The Atomic Energy Commission has sponsored the printing of the aerlea. The Subcommittee la confident these publications will be useful not only to the radlochetiat but alao to the research worker In other fields such as physics, biochemistry or medlclne who wlahee to uae radloche~cal-technlquea to solve-a apeclflc problem. W. Wayne Mehke, ChalrmerI SubcoimmLtteeon-Radloche!uiatry iii INTRODUCTION ‘l’Mavolum nldchdealauiththemadioohamlatroyfsilverh one ofa eerlesofmnographaonmii ochemlstryoftheelernenta.Them 18 Inoludeda reviewofthenuolearanichemicalfbat~s ofparticularinterest to theradioobemld+, a dlacueaionofproblem ofdlsaolutionofa sample ami oountingtachniquee,axxlflmally,a collectionofradioohemical ~cedurea fartiealanantaa founiIntheliterature. Theeerlaaofmonograpbawillcoverallelenmntsforwhich radioolwxbl procaduraaarepertinent.P1.armincluderevlaionof themmographPricdlccllyaa mw techniquesandprocedureswarrant. The readeria,tbarefom,enccamugadto uallto theattentionof tbaauthora mterial on the nmlioohenriatoafyEKLvar revlaedvureionofthemmograph. CONTENTS I. GeneralRevlewBoftheInorganicandAnaQticalChemlmtIYofSfiver II. GenermlReviewsoftheRadiochercilaotfrySilvw 111. Tableof IBotopeaofStiver IV, ReviQJwofthoeeFeaturesofSilverChemlatryofGhi.efIntereetto 1. W3talliosilver 2. SolutiLeetitaofaflver 3. InsolublesaltaofEIilveafndprecipitationandcopreclpltitior charaoteriehta ofsilver h. Inorganicmmplexeaofsilver 5. Organicwmpkues ofsflver 6. Extraotim ofsilverintoorganicadvents 7. Ionexchangetshavlorofq ilver 8. leotepicexohangeofsilver 9. Kb3ctrodepoeitloonfsilver v. Diaaolutionoflhtiala GontalmfngSilver VI. RadloaaaayTechniquesforSilmr Ieotopea UC. CollectionofDetdl.edRadiochemld Proceduresfcm Silver Referemee v The Radiochemistry of Silver D. N. SUNDERMAN AND C.W. TOWNLEY Battelle Memorial It&titute Columbus, Ohw I. GENERALRHV13WBOF THEINORQANICANDANALYTICALCSEFJSTHIOXSILVER pp. 99-104 ti VolunEII andpp. 49-52and61L6-64h9 VoluueII of9AnalyticalChemist&, F.P.Treaduell,tr.andrev. ~ WIllim T. Han, John Miby andSons,hC., Neu York, nlmthedition,1937. Chapter18,pp.818-84Lin‘IncrganicChendatW, T. %ellerj JohnWileyandSome,Inc.,NeuYcmk,1952. Pp.20h-209imlAppliedInorgauicAnalyeiea,U. ?.Hlllebrand, G.E. Lumdell,H.A. Bright,andJ. I.Eloffmn,JOhO Wiley andSome,Inc.,NewYork,seoomleditim, 1953. Pp.173-190inlPrescottandJobneonlsQuali’mtiveChemid Amolyeiam,R. K.McAlpineand B.A. Soule,VanNostrard, NewYork,1933. II. GEIW?ALSEVIW3 OFTHERADICEHEKLSTROYFSILVER %valuatlonofRadiochendcelSeparationProceduress, DuaneN.Sumiemam ad W. W- Winke, AnalyticalChemiatq ~, 1578,November1957. WM Wvelopnent and EvaluationofRadiochemi-1S3Patlon Pi’ocadurafEc!mBarium,Calcium,Strontium,Silver,and Mu#, DuaneN.Sundermam,AEcU-3159,Februaq 19.56. 1 Mthcd Of IMot EalfLife Reparation $03- 59Mlr” 0.554 M4V cd~.(P,4) EO 0.764 4#04 27tin @ * 2.70 0JL8 dau@terOfCdlOh 0.556 &lo5 Iloda?’a E Owl 0.281 0;345 o.4J&3 o.6511 @.06 &n&l H 41.95 O.m (17%) Rhy 4, d, 1.45 ~ ~d[,~) g -0.36 (-M) 8.3days m 0.s3 O.6& 0.72 1.0b5 1.131 1.388 1.53 ~107m u Bec n 0.093 0.093 Ikm@Ler ofCdm @7 -- (51.35%) 4?W (n,W @Om 253dayn ~ -0.086 63 @ (n,& 0.536[318 ::% IT 0.u6 (5%) O.*5 0.61.9 0.677 0.705 0.7611 0.88L 2 III. TABLE(CONKCNUEO) PrilmqyRadiation Fwhai of Isotope HalfLife VP ofDeqy anmn We paration ~.937 i:?% B- 2.16 0.66 DaughterofA&om 2.MI &lllm 74 aec IT0.087 0.087 I@ghter ofPdU &l 7.5daye p- :.;:(Y& o.2h3(1% Fieeionprcduct, 0.340(8%1 0:80ul.% glw:”&m 112 & 3.2hr d - M (25% 0.61.B Fissionprcduct, :.; [MJ :.g daughterofRim -*1 (15%\ 2:31 &3m 1.2ndn g)- <2.0 0J& RaughterofMu 0.30 0.39 0.% o.~ #.3 5.3 br 0.31(waek) Flaaionproduct @J.1 5 eec 0s7 DaughterofPd~ *U4 211dn Flaaionprcduct A+% 20 aec Fieslonprduct @ 21 Udll O.lx week maim prduct 0.227/n1eek #6 2.5min 0.70 F’ieslopnrcduct 0.52 4+7 1.1Edn F3Eaionproduot For- coqileteinformationcm tieradiationsoftheisotopesof ailmr amlformferenceatotheoriglrmlUterature,see‘Talil.oef Iaotopae, D. 6trombger,J. W Hollamier,auiG. T. Seabarg,ReviewsofWdern Physloe~ lb.2, M II, April @3. 3 IV. REV~ OFTHCSEFIWURES OF SILVllCSHEMISIRYOFCH~ ~T TO RAJIICCHEMISTS 1. I19talliScllvwr W.var isa whiteuetal,havinga denai~ of10.Sg/coat 20G, a mlt~ pointof 960.5C, anda boiling-t of1~ C. Itis a vary mmlleablaendduot~e mtal andis supsriortoall othernmtalsin conductionofbat ad aleotricity. Silmr isa noblanmkalandla e$milyreducedto theIMtallio state. Heatalonslasuffkieti toreducasilvercmidc,carbonate,or -- Theadditionofrmtalaauohas eino,coppar,orticmto a eolutioia of silvericmawIIJreducetb Bilverto thamtal, aawiU formicaoidj stannouachlmide,andfbrrouasulfitel. Electrolytloreductionofaflverlaeasily aocoqliabad,d purificationoft~ metalis commnly broughtatautin thicmumer. Oxidaticmpotentialofailvararegivenbalds k =Ag++e- $98 --0.7995 v ~ + ~H- =A@ + H20 + 2e- - -o.341v1 590 h+ “&e+e- =4.98 v ’298 Ag20+20H-”2 Ago+ H20+2e- - -0.57v ~;9tl Ag4 + S20 =&0++&+2e- - aa.-2.0v 7$98 Ag+2+ ~o _&go* +a+. +e- E“ - Oa.-2.lV :90 2Ag0l 20H-=Ag~03+ H@ + 2e- “ -o.711v ’298 ThemoatstablecnidationetatalaAK(I). TheAg(II)etataaxiatsas t& . solid-tie and iluoride,ina mmbar of coqik mmpti, andinaticng axitiingaolutionc?.The4(111) stateexiatain acarmcomplaxc~, instrongoxidia3ngeolution#,andpoeaiblyaa thesolidoxi&. 2. SolubleSaltaofSilver In aqueouaaolutionatlmody stablecmidationdate ofeilverla tJM+1atati. The+2 and+3silvertoneaseEuobpowerful oxidlal.ng agontathattheyareunatalilienwatersolutionebaoauaeoftlmirreduction bywatar6. Thesolubleaaltaofai.lverticludathenitrate,nitrite, iluoride,ohlorate,pertiorate,bromate,eulfate,pamanga!mte,acatate$ andtartrata. The fluoride10theonlysolublediver hallda. 4

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