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ON POINTED HOPF ALGEBRAS WITH CLASSICAL WEYL GROUPS SHOUCHUAN ZHANG 9 Abstract. Many cases of infinite dimensional Nichols algebras of irreducible Yetter- 0 Drinfeld modules over classical Weyl groups are found. It is proved that except a few 0 2 cases Nichols algebras of reducible Yetter-Drinfeld modules over classical Weyl groups p are infinite dimensional. Some finite dimensional Nichols algebras of Yetter-Drinfeld e modules over classical Weyl groups are given. S 4 1 0. Introduction ] A Q This article is to contribute to the classification of finite-dimensional complex pointed . Hopf algebras with Weyl groups of classical type. Weyl groups are very important in h t the theories of Lie groups, Lie algebras and algebraic groups. The classification of finite a m dimensional pointed Hopf algebra with finite abelian groups has been finished (see [He06, [ AS00]). Many cases of infinite dimensional Nichols algebras of irreducible Yetter-Drinfeld 2 (YD) modules over symmetric group were discarded in [AFZ]. All 1-type pointed Hopf v − 8 algebras with Weyl groups of exceptional type were found in [ZZWC] and it was showed 4 7 that every non 1-type pointed Hopf algebra is infinite dimensional in [AZ07, ZZWC]. 4 − It was obtained that every Nichols algebra of reducible YD module over simple group . 2 0 and symmetric group is infinite dimensional in [HS]. Hopf subalgebras of co-path Hopf 9 algebras was studied in [OZ04]. 0 : In this paper we discard many cases of infinite dimensional Nichols algebras of irre- v i ducible YD modules over classical Weyl groups by mean of co-path Hopf algebras and the X r results of [AFZ]. [HS] said that if Nichols algebra of reducible YD module is finite dimen- a sional, then their conjugacy classes are square-commutative (see [HS, Theorem 8.6]). We obtain that except a few cases Nichols algebras of reducible YD modules over classical Weyl groups are infinite dimensional by applying result of [HS]. We also find some finite dimensional Nichols algebras of YD modules over classical Weyl groups. The main results in this paper are summarized in the following statements. Theorem 1. Let G = A⋊ S be a classical Weyl group with A (C )n and n > 2. n 2 ⊆ Assume that M = M( ,ρ(1)) M( ,ρ(2)) M( ,ρ(m)) is a reducible YD Oσ1 ⊕ Oσ2 ⊕ ··· ⊕ Oσm module over kG . (i) Assume that there exist i = j such that σ , σ / A. If dimB(M) < , then n = 4, i j 6 ∈ ∞ the type of σ is 22 and the sign of σ is stable for any 1 p m with σ / A. p p p ≤ ≤ ∈ 1 2 SHOUCHUANZHANG (ii) If σ = a := (g ,g , ,g ) G and ρ(i) = θ := (χ(νi) µ(i)) Ga Ga i 2 2 ··· 2 ∈ χ(νi),µ(i) ⊗ ↑Gaχ(νi)∈ with odd ν for i = 1,2, ,m, then B(M) is finite dimensional. i ··· c Theorem 2. Let 0 ν nandLetG = A⋊S . Letσ S be oftype (1λ1,2λ2,...,nλn) n n ≤ ≤ ∈ and ρ = ρ′ ρ′′ (S\)σ with ρ′ Sσ and ρ′′ Sσ\ . Assume that B( G,θ ) ⊗ ∈ n χ(ν) ∈ ν ∈ {ν+1,···,n} Oσ χ(ν),ρ is matched with dimB(OσG,θχ(ν),ρ) < ∞. Let µ = ⊗1≤i≤nµi with µi := θχti,ρi as in (2.2) c denote ρ′ when σ S and ρ′′ when σ S , respectively. Let λ′ = λ (n ν) ∈ ν ∈ {ν+1,ν+2,···,n} 1 1− − when σ S ; λ′ = λ ν when σ S . Then some of the following hold: ∈ ν 1 1 − ∈ {ν+1,ν+2,···,n} (i) (1λ′1,2), µ1 = sgn or ǫ, µ2 = χ(1;2). (ii) (2,σ ), σ := σ = id, µ = χ , µ = (χ ρ ) (SYj)σj , o o 1≤i≤n,1<i is odd i 6 2 (1;2) j (0,...,0;j)⊗ j ↑(SYj)σχj(0,...,0;j) for all odd j > 1. Q (iii) (1λ′1,23), µ1 = sgn or ǫ, µ2 = χ(1,1,1;2) ǫ or χ(1,1,1;2) sgn. ⊗ ⊗ Furthermore, if λ′ > 0, then µ = χ sgn. 1 2 (1,1,1;2) ⊗ (iv) (25), µ = χ ǫ or χ sgn. 2 (1,1,1,1,1;2) (1,1,1,1,1;2) ⊗ ⊗ (v) (1λ′1,4), µ1 = sgn or ǫ, µ4 = χ(2;4). (vi) (1λ′1,42), µ1 = sgn or ǫ, µ4 = χ(1,1;4) sgn or χ(3,3;4) sgn. ⊗ ⊗ (vii) (2,4), µ = χ and µ = ǫ or µ = ǫ and µ = χ . 2 (1;2) 4 2 4 (2;4) (viii) (2,42), µ = ǫ, µ = χ sgn or χ sgn. 2 4 (1,1;4) (3,3;4) ⊗ ⊗ (ix) (22,4), degµ = 1, µ = χ . 2 4 (2;4) Furthermore, B( G,θ ) is 1-type under the cases above. Oσ χ(ν),ρ − Indeed, Theorem 1 follows Remark 3.8 and Remark 3.12. The proof of Theorem 2 is in subsection 3.1. Preliminaries And Conventions Let k be the complex field and G a finite group. Let Gˆ denote the set of all isomorphic classes of irreducible representations of group G, Gσ the centralizer of σ, or G the Oσ Oσ conjugacy class in G, C the cycle group with order j, g a generator of C and χ a j j j j character of C with order j. The Weyl groups of A , B , C and D are called the j n n n n classical Weyl groups. Let ρ G denote the induced representation of ρ as in [Sa01]. ↑D Aquiver Q = (Q ,Q ,s,t)isanoriented graph, where Q andQ arethesets ofvertices 0 1 0 1 and arrows, respectively; σ and t are two maps from Q to Q . For any arrow a Q , 1 0 1 ∈ s(a) and t(a) are called its start vertex and end vertex, respectively, and a is called an arrow from s(a) to t(a). For any n 0, an n-path or a path of length n in the quiver Q is ≥ an ordered sequence of arrows p = a a a with t(a ) = s(a ) for all 1 i n 1. n n−1 1 i i+1 ··· ≤ ≤ − Note that a 0-path is exactly a vertex and a 1-path is exactly an arrow. In this case, we define s(p) = s(a ), the start vertex of p, and t(p) = t(a ), the end vertex of p. For a 1 n 0-path x, we have s(x) = t(x) = x. Let Q be the set of n-paths. Let yQx denote the set n n of all n-paths from x to y, x,y Q . That is, yQx = p Q s(p) = x,t(p) = y . ∈ 0 n { ∈ n | } ON POINTED HOPF ALGEBRAS WITH CLASSICAL WEYL GROUPS 3 A quiver Q is finite if Q and Q are finite sets. A quiver Q is locally finite if yQx is a 0 1 1 finite set for any x,y Q . 0 ∈ Let G be a group. Let (G) denote the set of conjugate classes in G. A formal sum K r = r C of conjugate classes of G with cardinal number coefficients is called a C∈K(G) C ramification (or ramification data ) of G, i.e. for any C (G), r is a cardinal number. P ∈ K C In particular, a formal sum r = r C of conjugate classes of G with non-negative C∈K(G) C integer coefficients is a ramification of G. P For any ramification r and a C (G), since r is a cardinal number, we can choice C ∈ K a set I (r) such that its cardinal number is r without loss of generality. Let (G) := C C r K C (G) r = 0 = C (G) I (r) = . If there exists a ramificationr of G such C C { ∈ K | 6 } { ∈ K | 6 ∅} that the cardinal number of yQx is equal to r for any x,y G with x−1y C (G), 1 C ∈ ∈ ∈ K then Q is called a Hopf quiver with respect to the ramification data r. In this case, there is a bijection from I (r) to yQx, and hence we write yQx = a(i) i I (r) for any C 1 1 { y,x | ∈ C } x,y G with x−1y C (G). ∈ ∈ ∈ K deg ρ denotes the dimension of the representation space V for a representation (V,ρ). Recall the notation RSR in [ZCZ, Def. 1.1]. Let ρ be a representation of Gu(C) C (i) with irreducible decomposition ρ = ρ , where I (r,u) is an index set. Let ⊕i∈IC(r,u) C C (i) ρ denote ρ = ρ . (G,r, ρ,u) is called an RSR when −→ { C}C∈Kr(G) {{ C }i∈IC(r,u)}C∈Kr(G) −→ deg(ρ ) = r for any C (G), written as RSR(G,r, ρ,u). For any RSR(G,r, ρ,u), C C r →− −→ ∈ K we obtain a co-path Hopf algebra kQc(G, r, ρ,u), a Hopf algebra kG[kQc, G,r, ρ,u] of −→ 1 −→ one type, a kG-YD module (kQ1,ad(G,r, ρ,u)) and a Nicolas algebra B(G,r, ρ,u) := 1 −→ →− B(kQ1,ad(G,r, ρ,u)) (see [ZCZ]). 1 →− If ramification r = r C and I (r,u) = 1 then we say that RSR(G,r, ρ,u) is of bi-one C C −→ | | since r only has one conjugacy class C and I (r,u) = 1. Furthermore, if let σ = u(C), C | | (i) C = , r = m and ρ = ρ for i I (r,u), then bi-one RSR(G,r, ρ,u) is denoted by Oσ C C ∈ C −→ RSR(G,m ,ρ) ( or RSR(G, ,ρ)), in short. σ σ O O RSR(G,r, ρ,u) is called to be 1-type, if u(C) is real (i.e. u(C)−1 C) and the order →− − ∈ (i) of u(C) is even with ρ (u(C)) = id for any C (G) and any i I (r,u). In this C − ∈ Kr ∈ C case, the Nichols algebra B(G,r, ρ,u) is called to be 1-type. −→ − For s G and (ρ,V) Gs, here is a precise description of the YD module M( ,ρ), s ∈ ∈ O introduced in [Gr00, AZ07]. Let t = s, ..., t be a numeration of , which is a 1 m s O conjugacy class containingcs, and let g G such that g ⊲ s := g sg−1 = t for all i ∈ i i i i 1 i m. Then M( ,ρ) = g V. Let g v := g v M( ,ρ), 1 i m, s 1≤i≤m i i i s ≤ ≤ O ⊕ ⊗ ⊗ ∈ O ≤ ≤ v V. If v V and 1 i m, then the action of h G and the coaction are given by ∈ ∈ ≤ ≤ ∈ (0.1) δ(g v) = t g v, h (g v) = g (γ v), i i i i j ⊗ · · where hg = g γ, for some 1 j m and γ Gs. Let B( ,ρ) denote B(M( ,ρ)). By i j s s ≤ ≤ ∈ O O [ZZWC, Lemma 1.1], there exists a bi-one arrow Nichols algebra B(G,r, ρ,u) such that →− B(Os,ρ) ∼= B(G,r,−→ρ,u) as graded braided Hopf algebras in kkGGYD. 4 SHOUCHUANZHANG If D is a subgroup of G and C is a congugacy class of D, then C denotes the conjugacy G class of G containing C. 1. G = A⋊D In this section we give the relation between Nichols algebras over group A ⋊ D and group D. Let G = A ⋊ D be a semidirect product of abelian group A and group D. For any χ Aˆ, let D := h D h χ = χ ; G := A⋊D . For an irreducible representation χ χ χ ∈ { ∈ | · } ρ of D , let θ := (χ ρ) G , the induced representation of χ ρ on G. By [Se, χ χ,ρ ⊗ ↑Gχ ⊗ ˆ Pro.25], every irreducible representation of G is of the following form: θ . Let ǫ A χ,ρ ∈ with ǫ(a) = 1 for any a A. Thus D = D and θ is an irreducible representation of G. ǫ ǫ,ρ ∈ Lemma 1.1. Let G = A⋊D and σ D. Then Gσ = Aσ ⋊Dσ. ∈ Proof. If x = (a,d) Gσ, then xσ = σx. Thus ∈ (1.1) a = σ a and dσ = σd. · This implies d Dσ and a Aσ since σ a = σaσ−1. ∈ ∈ · Conversely, if x = (a,d) Aσ⋊Dσ, then (1.1) holds. This implies xσ = σxand x Gσ. ∈ ∈ (cid:3) Lemma 1.2. Let D be a subgroup of G with σ D and let right coset decompositions ∈ of Dσ in D be (1.2) D = Dσg . θ θ∈Θ [ Then there exists a set Θ′ with Θ Θ′ such that ⊆ (1.3) G = Gσg θ θ∈Θ′ [ is a right coset decompositions of Gσ in G. Proof. For any h,g D, It is clear that hg−1 Dσ if and only if hg−1 Gσ, which ∈ ∈ ∈ prove the claim. (cid:3) Lemma 1.3. If kQc(G,r, ρ,u) is a co-path Hopf algebra (see [ZZC, ZCZ]), then kG+ →− kQ = (kG[kQc]) , where kG[kQc] := kG[kQc,G,r, ρ,u] and (kG[kQc]) denotes the 1 1 1 1 1 −→ 1 1 second term of the coradical filtration of kG[kQc]. 1 Proof. By [ZCZ, Lemma 2.2], R := diag(kG[kQc]) is a Nichols algebra. [AS98, Lemma 1 2.5] yields that kG[kQc] is coradically graded. (cid:3) 1 ON POINTED HOPF ALGEBRAS WITH CLASSICAL WEYL GROUPS 5 Definition 1.4. Let D be a subgroup of G; r and r′ ramifications of D and G, respec- tively. If r r′ for any C (D), then r is called a subramification of r′, written as C ≤ CG ∈ Kr r r′. Furthermore, if u(C) = u′(C ), I (r,u) I (r′,u′) and ρ(i) is isomorphic to a ≤ G C ⊆ CG C subrepresentation of the restriction of ρ′(i) on Du(C) for any C (D), i I (r,u), then CG ∈ Kr ∈ C RSR(D,r, ρ,u) is called a sub-RSR of RSR(G,r′,→−ρ′,u′), written as RSR(D,r, ρ,u) →− −→ ≤ RSR(G,r′,→−ρ′,u′). Lemma 1.5. LetD be a subgroup ofG. If σ D, then RSR(D, ,ρ) RSR(G, ,ρ′) σ σ ∈ O ≤ O if and only if ρ is isomorphic to subrepresentation of the restriction of ρ′ on Dσ. Proof. It follows from Definition 1.4. (cid:3) Proposition 1.6. Let D be a subgroup of G. If RSR(D,r, ρ,u) RSR(G,r′,−→ρ′,u′), −→ ≤ then (i) kQc(D,r, ρ,u) is a Hopf subalgebra kQ′c(G,r′,→−ρ′,u′). →− (ii) kD[kQc,D,r, ρ,u] is a Hopf subalgebra kG[kQ′c,G,r′,→−ρ′,u′]. →− (iii) If B(G,r′,−→ρ′,u′) is finite dimensional with finite group G then so is B(D,r, ρ,u). →− Proof. (i) For any C (D) and i I (r,u), let X(i) be a representation space of ∈ Kr ∈ C C ρ(i) with a basis x(i,j) j J (i) and X′(i) a representation space of ρ′(i) with a basis C { C | ∈ C } CG CG x′(i,j) j J (i) and J (i) J (i). ψ(i) is a kDu(C)-module monomorphism from { CG | ∈ CG } C ⊆ CG C X(i) to X′(i) with x′(i,j) = ψ(i)(x(i,j)) for i I (r,u), j J (i). C CG CG C C ∈ C ∈ C Let φ be an inclusion map from kD to kG and ψ is a map from kQc(D,r, ρ,u) to 1 →− kQ′c(G,r′,−→ρ′,u′) by sending a(i,j) to a′(i,j) for any y,x D, i I (r,u), j J (i) 1 y,x y,x ∈ ∈ C ∈ C with x−1y C (D). Now we show that ψ is a kD-bimodule homomorphism from r ∈ ∈ K kQc to (kQ′c) and a kG-bicomodule homomorphism from φ(kQc)φ to kQ′c. We only 1 φ 1 φ 1 1 show this about right modules since the others are similar. For any h D, C (D), r ∈ ∈ K i I (r,u), j J (i), x,y D with x−1y = g−1u(C)g and g h = ζ (h)g , ζ (h) Dσ, ∈ C ∈ C ∈ θ θ θ θ θ′ θ ∈ θ,θ′ Θ Θ (see Lemma 1.2), see ∈ C ⊆ CG ψ(a(i,j) h) = ψ( k(i,j,s)a(i,s) ) (by [ZCZ, Pro.1.2]) y,x · C,h yh,xh s∈XJC(i) = k(i,j,s)a′(i,s) and C,h yh,xh s∈XJC(i) ψ(a(i,j)) h = a′(i,j) h y,x · y,x · = k(i,j,s)a′(i,s) (by [ZCZ, Pro.1.2]), CG,h yh,xh s∈XJCG(i) where x(i,j) ζ (h) = k(i,j,s)x(i,s), x′(i,j) ζ (h) = k(i,j,s)x′(i,s). Since C · θ s∈JC(i) C,h C CG · θ s∈JCG(i) CG,h CG x′(i,j) Pζ (h) = ψ(i)(x(i,j)) ζ (h) = ψ(i)(xP(i,j) ζ (h)) CG · θ C C · θ C C · θ = ψ(i)( k(i,j,s)x(i,s)) = k(i,j,s)x′(i,s), C C,h C C,h CG s∈XJC(i) s∈XJC(i) 6 SHOUCHUANZHANG (i,j) (i,j) which implies ψ(a h) = ψ(a ) h. y,x y,x · · By [ZZC, Lemma 1.5], Tc (φπ ,ψπ ) := φπ + Tc(ψπ )∆ is a graded Hopf kG 0 1 0 n>0 n 1 n−1 algebra map from Tc (kQc) to Tc (kQ′c). By Lemma 1.3, (Tc (kQc)) = kD + kQc. kD 1 kG 1 P kD 1 1 1 Since the restriction of Tc (φπ ,ψπ ) on (Tc (kQc)) is φ+ψ, we have that Tc (φπ ,ψπ ) kG 0 1 kD 1 1 kG 0 1 is injective by [Mo93, Theorem 5.3.1]. (ii) It follows from Part (i). (iii). By[ZCZ,Lemma2.1]kD[kQc,D,r,−→ρ,u] ∼= B(D,r,−→ρ,u)#kDandkG[kQ′c,G,r′, −→ρ′,u′] = B(G,r′, −→ρ′,u′)#kG. Applying Part (ii) we complete the proof. (cid:3) ∼ The relation “ ” has the transitivity, i.e. ≤ Lemma 1.7. Assume that G is a subgroup of G′ and G′ is a subgroup of G′′. If RSR(G,r, ρ,u) RSR(G′,r′,−→ρ′,u′) and RSR(G′,r′,→−ρ′,u′) RSR(G′′,r′′,→−ρ′′,u′′), then −→ ≤ ≤ RSR(G,r, ρ,u) RSR(G′′,r,−→ρ′′,u′′). −→ ≤ Proof. Obviously, G is a subgroup of G′′ and r r′′. For any C (G) and r ≤ ∈ K i I (r,u), then u(C) = u′(C ) = u′′(C ). Let s = u(C) and let X(i), X′(i) and ∈ C G′ G′′ C CG′ X′′(i) be representation spaces of ρ(i), ρ′(i) and ρ′′(i) , respectively. Let (X(i),ρ(i)) CG′′ C CG′ CG′′ C C be isomorphic to a subrepresentation (N,ρ′(i) ) of (X′(i) ,ρ′(i) ). Considering CG′ |Gs CG′ CG′ |Gs (X′(i) ,ρ′(i) ) is isomorphic to a subrepresentation of (X′′(i) ,ρ′′(i) ), we have that CG′ CG′ CG′′ CG′′ |G′s (N,ρ′(i) ) is isomorphic to a subrepresentation of (X′′(i) ,ρ′′(i) ). Consequently, CG′ |Gs CG′′ CG′′ |Gs (X(i),ρ(i)) is isomorphic to a subrepresentation of (X′′(i) ,ρ′′(i) ). (cid:3) C C CG′′ CG′′ |Gs Lemma 1.8. Let N be a subgroup of G and (X,ρ) be an irreducible representation of Nσ with σ N. If the induced representation ρ′ := ρ Gσ is an irreducible representation ∈ ↑Nσ of Gσ, then RSR(N, ,ρ) RSR(G, ,ρ Gσ). Oσ ≤ Oσ ↑Nσ Proof. Since (X,ρ) = (X 1,ρ′ ) by sending x to x 1 for any x X, the ∼ kNσ kNσ ⊗ | ⊗ ∈ claim holds. (cid:3) Proposition 1.9. Let G = A⋊ D with σ D, χ Aσ, G = A⋊D , ρ Dσ and ∈ ∈ χ χ ∈ χ θ := (χ ρ) Gσ . Then χ,ρ ⊗ ↑Gσχ c c (i) RSR(G , ,χ ρ) RSR(G, ,θ ) χ σ σ χ,ρ O ⊗ ≤ O (ii) RSR(G , ,χ ρ) is 1-type if and only if RSR(G, ,θ ) is 1-type. χ σ σ χ,ρ O ⊗ − O − (iii) RSR(D , ,ρ) RSR(G, ,θ ). χ σ σ χ,ρ O ≤ O (iv) RSR(D , ,ρ) is 1-type if and only if RSR(G, ,θ ) is 1-type. χ σ σ χ,ρ O − O − Proof. (i) It follows from Lemma 1.8. (ii) Let P and X be representation spaces of χ and ρ, respectively. Then (P X) kGσ ⊗ ⊗ χ kGσ is a representation space of ρ′ := θ . If ρ(σ) = id, then for any g Gσ, x X, χ,ρ − ∈ ∈ p P, we have ((p x) g) σ = ((p x) σ) g = (p x) g. Therefore kGσ kGσ kGσ ∈ ⊗ ⊗ χ · ⊗ · ⊗ χ − ⊗ ⊗ χ ρ′(σ) = id. Conversely, if ρ′(σ) = id, then ((p x) 1) σ = ((p x) σ) 1 = kGσ kGσ − − ⊗ ⊗ χ · ⊗ · ⊗ χ (p x) 1. Therefore (p x) σ = p x for any x X. kGσ − ⊗ ⊗ χ ⊗ · − ⊗ ∈ ON POINTED HOPF ALGEBRAS WITH CLASSICAL WEYL GROUPS 7 (iii) By (i), it is enough to show RSR(D , ,ρ) RSR(G , ,χ ρ). Let P and X χ σ χ σ O ≤ O ⊗ be the representation spaces of χ and ρ on Aσ and Dσ, respectively. Thus (P X,χ ρ) χ ⊗ ⊗ is an irreducible representation of Gσ := Aσ ⋊(Dσ) . Considering Definition 1.4 we only χ χ need to show that ρ is isomorphic to a submodule of the restriction of χ ρ on Dσ. Fix ⊗ χ a nonzero p P and define a map ψ from X to P X by sending x to p x for any ∈ ⊗ ⊗ x X. It is clear that ψ is a kDσ-module isomorphism. ∈ χ (iv) Considering Part (ii), we only show that RSR(D , ,ρ) is 1-type if and only if χ σ O − RSR(G , ,χ ρ) is 1-type. Since χ (σ) = χ (σ), the claim holds. (cid:3) χ σ ρ (χ⊗ρ) O ⊗ − IfD = D,thenitfollowsfromthepropositionabovethatRSR(D, ,ρ) RSR(G, , χ σ σ O ≤ O θ ). Therefore we have χ,ρ Corollary 1.10. Let G = A ⋊ D. If r r′ and ρ′(i) = θ with D = D, ≤ CG χ(Ci),ρ(Ci) χ(Ci) χ(i) A[u(C), u(C) = u′(C ) and I (r,u) I (r′,u′) for any i I (r,u), C (D), C ∈ G C ⊆ CG ∈ C ∈ Kr then RSR(D,r, ρ,u) RSR(G,r′,−→ρ′,u′). Furthermore, if I (r,u) = I (r′,u′) for any −→ ≤ C CG C (D) and (G) = C C (D) , then RSR(D,r, ρ,u) is 1-type if and r r′ G r −→ ∈ K K { | ∈ K } − only if RSR(G,r′,−→ρ′,u′) is 1-type. − Lemma 1.11. Let G = G G . If σ = (σ ,σ ) G with ρ Gσ1 and ρ Gσ2, 1 × 2 1 2 ∈ 1 ∈ 1 2 ∈ 2 then (i) Gσ = Gσ Gσ; Gσ = Gσ1 and Gσ = Gσ2. d d 1 × 2 1 1 2 2 (ii) G = G1 G2, where G denotes the conjugacy class containing σ of G. Oσ Oσ1 ×Oσ2 Oσ (iii) RSR(G , ,ρ ) RSR(G, ,ρ ρ ) when σ = 1; RSR(G , ,ρ ) 1 Oσ1 1 ≤ Oσ1 1 ⊗ 2 2 2 Oσ2 2 ≤ RSR(G, ,ρ ρ ) when σ = 1. Oσ2 1 ⊗ 2 1 Proof. (i) It is clear Gσ = Gσ1 and Gσ = Gσ2. For any x = (a,h) Gσ, then xσ = σx, 1 1 2 2 ∈ which implies that aσ = σ a and hσ = σ h. Thus x Gσ Gσ and Gσ Gσ Gσ. 1 1 2 2 ∈ 1 × 2 ⊆ 1 × 2 Similarly, we have Gσ Gσ Gσ. 1 × 2 ⊆ (ii) It is clear. (iii) We onlyshow the first claim. It is clear thatρ isisomorphic toa subrepresentation 1 of the restriction of ρ ρ on the Gσ1. Indeed, assume that X and Y are the represen- 1 ⊗ 2 1 tation spaces of ρ and ρ , respectively. Obviously, Gσ1-module (X,ρ ) is isomorphic to 1 2 1 1 a submodule of the restriction of ρ ρ on Gσ1 under isomorphism ψ form X to X y 1⊗ 2 1 ⊗ 0 by sending x to x y for any x X, where y is a non-zero fixed element in Y. (cid:3) 0 0 ⊗ ∈ Lemma 1.12. Let G = G G and σ = (σ ,σ ) G with ρ Gσ1 and ρ Gσ2. 1 × 2 1 2 ∈ 1 ∈ 1 2 ∈ 2 (i) If σ = 1, then RSR(G, ,ρ ρ ) is 1-type if and only if RSR(G , ,ρ ) is 2 Oσ1 1 ⊗ 2 − 1 Oσ1 1 d d 1-type. − (ii) If σ = 1, then RSR(G, ,ρ ρ ) is 1-type if and only if RSR(G , ,ρ ) is 1 Oσ2 1 ⊗ 2 − 2 Oσ2 2 1-type. − Proof. (i) Considering χ (σ ) = χ (σ )deg(ρ ), we can complete the proof. ρ1⊗ρ2 1 ρ1 1 2 (ii) It is similar. (cid:3) 8 SHOUCHUANZHANG Lemma 1.13. θ is a one dimensional representation of Gσ = Aσ ⋊Dσ if and only χ,ρ if Dσ = Dσ and degρ = 1 χ Proof. LetP andX betherepresentationspacesofχandρonAσ andDσ,respectively. χ ((P X) kGσ,θ ) is a one dimensional representation of Gσ = Aσ⋊Dσ if and only kGσ χ,ρ ⊗ ⊗ χ if kGσ = kGσ and dimX = 1. However. kGσ = kGσ if and only if Dσ = Dσ. (cid:3) χ χ χ Consequently, θ = χ ρ when θ is one dimensional representation. χ,ρ χ,ρ ⊗ 2. Symmetric group S n In this section we study the Nichols algebras over symmetric groups. Without specification, σ S is always of type 1λ12λ2 nλn. g denotes the gen- n j ∈ ··· erator of cycle group C with order j for natural number j. We keep on the work j in [Su78, Page 295-299 ]. Let r := kλ and σ := y , j 1≤k≤j−1 k j 1≤l≤λj rj+(l−1)j+1 (cid:16) y , , y , the multiplPication of cycles of lengthQj in the independent rj+(l−1)j+2 ··· rj+lj cycle decomposition of σ, a(cid:17)s well as Y := y s = r +1, ,r . Therefore σ = σ j s j j+1 i { | ··· } and (S )σ = (S )σi = T T . It follows from [AFZ, subsection 2.2] that T n Yi 1 × ··· × n Q j is generated by A ,...,A ,B ,...,B , where A = (y ),...,A = (y ), Q 1,j λj,j 1,j λj−1,j 1,1 1 λ1,1 λ1 A = (y y ),..., A = (y y ), and so on. More precisely, if 1,2 λ1+1 λ1+2 λ2,2 λ1+2λ2−1 λ1+2λ2 1 < j n, then ≤ A := y , y , , y , l,j rj+(l−1)j+1 rj+(l−1)j+2 ··· rj+lj (cid:16) (cid:17) B := y , y , y , y y , y , h,j rj+(h−1)j+1 rj+hj+1 rj+(h−1)j+2 rj+hj+2 ··· rj+hj rj+(h+1)j (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) l for all l, h, with 1 l λ , 1 h λ 1. Notice that ϕ(A ) = (1, ,1,gj−1 ≤ ≤ j ≤ ≤ j − l,j ··· j ,1··· ,1),1 and ϕ(Bh,j) = 1,(h,h + 1) , where ϕ is an isomorphism(cid:0)frzom G}σ|j to{ (C )λj⋊ S , defined in the proof of [ZWW, Pro. 2.10 ] (also see the below (2.1)). Fur- j λj(cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) thermore, if Y X 1,2, ,n , then σ is said to be in S . i>1 i X ∪ ⊆ ⊆ { ··· } Lemma 2.1. If σ S is the multiplication of m independent cycles with the same n ∈ length l, i.e. σ is of type lm, then (i) ϕ(σ) = ((gl−1,gl−1, ,gl−1),(1)), where ϕ is the isomorphism from (S )σ to l l ··· l n (C )m⋊ S defined in the proof of [ZWW, Pro. 2.10 ]. l m (ii) θ (ϕ(σ)) = χ((gl−1,gl−1, ,gl−1)) id for any ρ (\S ) and χ (\C )m, where χ,ρ l l ··· l ∈ m χ ∈ l G = (C )m⋊ S , G = (C )m⋊ (S ) and θ = (χ ρ) G . l m χ l m χ χ,ρ ⊗ ↑Gχ Proof. (i) Assume that σ = (a a a )(a a ) (a a ). 10 11 1,l−1 20 2,l−1 m0 m,l−1 ··· ··· ··· ··· By [ZWW, Pro. 2.14 ] or [Su78], ϕ Sσ = (C )m ⋊S n ∼ l m ON POINTED HOPF ALGEBRAS WITH CLASSICAL WEYL GROUPS 9 where the map ϕ is the same as in the proof of [ZWW, Pro. 2.10 ]. Indeed, here is precise definition of isomorphism ϕ. For any element τ of (S )σ, we will define θ(τ) S and n m ∈ f (C )m by τ l ∈ τ−1(a ) = a , j = θ(τ)−1(i), f (i) = gk, i0 jk τ l where g is the generator of C , 1 i m. Let l l ≤ ≤ (2.1) ϕ(τ) = (f ,θ(τ)). τ Since σ(a ) = a , we have ϕ(σ) = (f ,θ(σ)) with f = (gl−1,gl−1, ,gl−1) (C )m i,l−1 i,0 σ σ l l ··· l ∈ l and θ(σ) = (1) S . m ∈ (ii) Let P and X be representation spaces of χ and ρ, respectively. For any 0 = p P 6 ∈ and 0 = x X, see 6 ∈ ((p x) 1) ϕ(σ) = ((p x) ϕ(σ)) 1 ⊗ ⊗kGχ · ⊗ · ⊗kGχ = χ((gl−1,gl−1, ,gl−1))((p x) 1) (by Part (i)). l l ··· l ⊗ ⊗kGχ Since ϕ(σ) is in the center of Cm⋊S and θ is irreducible, we have that Part (ii) holds. l m χ,ρ (cid:3) Obviously, every element in (\C )m can be denoted by χ := χt1,l χt2,l l (t1,l,t2,l,···,tm,l;l) l ⊗ l ⊗ χtm,l for 0 t l 1. For convenience, we denote χ by χt when it ···⊗ l ≤ j,l ≤ − (t1,l,t2,l,···,tm,l;l) does not cause mistake. Lemma 2.2. (i) Every irreducible representation of Sσ = Sσi is isomorphic to n 1≤i≤n Yi one of the following list: Q (2.2) ⊗1≤i≤n (θχti,ρiϕi), where ρi ∈ (\SYi)χti and ϕi is the isomorphism from SσYii to (Ci)λi ⋊Sλi as in (2.1). (ii) Let χ denote the character of ⊗1≤i≤n(θχti,ρiϕi). Then (2.3) χ(σ) = ( χi(gi)(i−1)tj,i)deg(θχti,ρiϕi). 1≤Yi≤n 1≤Yj≤λi Proof. (i) By [ZWW, Pro. 2.10], Sσ = Sσi Q=ϕi (C )λi ⋊S . It follows n 1≤i≤n Yi ∼ 1≤i≤n i λi from [Se, Pro.25] that every irreducible representation of (C )λi ⋊ S is isomorphic to Q Q i λi θχti,ρi. This completes our proof. (ii) It follows from (i) and Lemma 2.1. (cid:3) Definition 2.3. t 1 j,k (2.4) ξt,σ := + k 2 1≤k≤Xn,1≤j≤λk is calledthe distinguishedelementof therepresentation (2.2) orRSR(Sn,Oσ,⊗1≤i≤n(θχti,ρiϕi)), where 0 t k 1. j,k ≤ ≤ − 10 SHOUCHUANZHANG Lemma 2.4. Let χ denote the character of (⊗1≤k≤n(θχtk,ρkϕk)). Then ξt,σ is an integer if and only if χ(σ) = deg(χ). − 2πi Proof. Let ωj := e j , where i := √ 1 and e is the Euler’s constant. For any k with − λ = 0, since (k,k 1) = 1, there exists a with (a ,k) = 1 such that ωak(k−1) = ω . k 6 − k k k k Choice χ such that χ (g ) = ωak. By formula (2.3), we have k k k k (2.5) χ(σ) = e(2πi)P1≤k≤n,1≤j≤λk tjk,kdeg(⊗1≤s≤n(θχts,ρsϕs)). Using the formula we complete the proof. (cid:3) Consequently, we have Proposition2.5. Thedistinguishedelementξt,σ of therepresentation ⊗1≤i≤n(θχti,ρiϕi), as in (2.2) is an integer and the order of σ is even if and only if B(,OσSn,⊗1≤i≤n(θχti,ρiϕi)) is 1-type. − Lemma 2.6. If χ (\C )m, then (S ) = S if and only if χ = χt χt χt for ∈ l m χ m l ⊗ l ⊗···⊗ l some 0 t l 1. ≤ ≤ − Proof. NotethatS acts(C )m asfollows: Foranya Cm witha = (ga1,ga2, ,gam) m l ∈ l l l ··· l and h S , m ∈ (2.6) h a = (gah−1(1),gah−1(2), ,gah−1(m)). · l l ··· l Let χ = m χti with 0 t l 1. If (S ) = S and there exist i = j such that t = t . ⊗i=1 l ≤ i ≤ − m χ m 6 i 6 j Set a = (ga1,ga2, ,gam) Cm with a = 1 and a = 0 when s = i; h = (i,j) S . See l l ··· l ∈ l i s 6 ∈ m (h χ)(a) = χ(h−1 a) = χ(gah(1),gah(2), ,gah(m)) · · l l ··· l = χ (g )tiaj+tjai = χ (g )tj l l l l and χ(a) = χ (g )ti. This implies χ = (h χ). We get a contradiction. Conversely, it is l l 6 · clear. (cid:3) Proposition 2.7. Every one dimensional representation of Sσ is of the following form: n (2.7) (χ ρ )ϕ , ⊗1≤i≤n (ti,···,ti;i) ⊗ i i where 1 t i 1 and ρ is a one dimensional representation for any 1 i n. i i ≤ ≤ − ≤ ≤ Proof. By Lemma 2.2, every irreducible representation of Sσ is of form as (2.2). n If (2.2) is one dimensional, then it follows from Lemma 1.13 that ⊗1≤i≤n(θχti,ρiϕi) = ⊗1≤i≤n(χti ⊗ρi)ϕi and(Sλi)χti = Sλi. ByLemma 2.5, χti = χtii⊗χtii⊗···⊗χtii = χ(ti,···,ti;i) for some 0 t i 1. (cid:3) i ≤ ≤ − Note that every one dimensional representation of S is χ or ǫ. Therefore every one m 2 dimensional representation of Sσ can be denoted by (χ χδi) in short, m ⊗1≤i≤n (ti,···,ti;i) ⊗ 2 where δ = 1 or 0. i

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