The Question of “Eclecticism” STUDIES IN LATER GREEK PHILOSOPHY Baited by J.M, Dillon & A.A. Long Co ‘The Question of “Eelecticism” ELLEWISTIC CULTURE AND SOCIETY {Geet Eakors tun Pe Bally Sy ieceden 22 Hla Ts eral of Grkend Now Goats fom Sy Cedar aed Eee yA Kua a Sse She oP 2. MeGaetinal"Eetrca” Sas Lr Conk Dian flbedby1'M Dilonsod A Aton 4 niga te One Bot dh Crete Sy Rehan A Be 5 Airy Aeon oy Niece Engen, ianded by otenne Egon 2 eet ang ere at ree Pep nd nia Fano 8. Hotere Haury! Culsecaied by Petr Gran 11. the efit Arent The Renee en ‘pslne acct Janes Cac, 1. se Mme sergeant hs by ce Se 12 Ings an cient eta by Anthony fakch reste Cates Along ane Anite ea, 28. Fem Spe Ape Sei Emp 1A. exile and Change moms eee De by Gary Rese ony me Tix Delman Rema peri Et! fr 1 6 By Raber ale Ns 28 os vero he arf ea AR HL Eten 19. Than inn: Mai, Gene anlage by oan Bato {Peano enti teatro 2. Pee en,“ Beet or Dip 22 re sig in te tnt i by Kot) gS 2A The tes Pl fogs ent ow Ron Fn inti, Sinton my eaeph toe Tenia tra Ras nr wh ato, tote Sie shone Edited by John M. Dillon and A.A. Lang The Question of “Eclecticism” Studies in Later Greek Philosophy nv of aller Pee Boyd Lasegea 2.00 ‘actagu othe Unenty fee et aprtck ones 95 Tsoi Arce 1b ee Ryde ist se ty Contents Netusoaconerinuuce is Abeviton, a Chronology sii Inveducion 1 The history ofthe concege feces ts isla Dorin Chen poop alias ba joke Glucker Philosophy in the serine of Serpe 2 Tio exearial sraeen Joop Marna 4 “Ontvaliny” and “ecesicin”: Madi 163 Ptonie rel NeorPytaypneane Jobe M. Dill Sclence and metaphysic: Paoniam, Asie: “ aus, sd Seem a Plaats nib Fein he Man eshugs Doss 6._Seatus Enniveus on the Arie: Te Shei u concep egnie Jeoques Drschwig 1 Puolesmy On te Caer: An epistemology for vs ALA Long Discovering che imagination: Parone and Stoic on planus G Matson Discovering thew rms Ariel sa a Avusine (Chases H Koha Inde of Greek and Livin erm wr Preface Inthe period s@ mesa 200, Greek philosophers belonged 0 timeless radon tat bad persist fe five osx hunded ears They wore more eset fo thie Tonia exigins tan we fxs wey forthe Re the Copernican Revchsion lave cd they, anc ach aele Roma Cicer), reir that radon and the sehuols eo which they eaimed le ance! Whi cartesian did philosophy make at that time 0 telzious sheng, to scent merhadoogy, or ro te emergence fof cain onsets we naw tke for grant? Ta what perspec tives, viewing the period in yeneral shuald we regu the sige ridcince of Pita philosophy Aristd, Stacin, and Shep cen? These are some ofthe general questions aedrese! in the ccupeers of thos Book. The peviod shat it covers i sume in ‘sed of ceexaminatio. I hae tended all outside standard die visions af the tomy of phoroghy, wale ie principal Egures dave generally been downgraded as “eels.” inuserininae nsemblers of other thinker docins. Te purpose af his book is revision ad scassesaest of hs unbelpl note, a goal it pursues by means of deal ease sues of some ofthe most fnteresting posuphers and wanceps at work in di period The book began ts ie cll race Gock phils phy held in Dublin, ae Tanity College, part of che quin- _quenial meccing ofthe Eighth E>termtional Classical Congress (ELEC) in August 1984. The colloquium was ognized for ELEC by Aathony Lang, wha insite the participants ro ox sidee the theme of sealed cclectics in the peri fram Coes 10 abou a. 290. Each chapecr of the book was writen a8 an vical paper read tothe colloquium whose pariipants also Inclided Frederick Bronk, Walter Chalmers Joschim Classen, John Cheney, Goonge Keer, ln Kidd, Mioshy Marcovih, Paul Morauy, Reimer Maller, Ann Sheppar, Rickard Sora, Gila Smriker, Gregory Vises, and Abraham Waeeerstein, They and ‘others have helped to chape the form the book hae taken. The ‘dicors ate pariulerly gateful 9 Doris Krcischner ofthe Unie seity of California Pres fr her interes ae ave a all stages ‘of is presen, snd to che John Sinn Guggenhen Meri ‘Foundation forthe award of a Fellowship 0 A.A. Teg, wick foliated dhe Final stages of the editorial process. They also press thie dhanks 0 Thomas Chance at Jaf Purim, who ‘gave valuable research assistance. Tealincal deta, which any work of ancien philosophical Interpretation eequites, have been laraely confined facanotes ‘The main arguments of each chapel, where they depeed on lilology, are develope through insion of the Greek amd Latin originals. Groek word, which ar transliterated i the main test are also explained in the Index of Greek and Lain Philo- sophical Terms. Thus the book is designed ro appeal to as wide an aulence a8 porsibe ALM.DAAL Notes on contributors ‘Jcques Baunscnane ts Professor of the History of Ancien: Phi- losophy atthe University of Pare X-Nanrerve. His publicarons include the Budé edition of Arita, Tipe, vale. 1-4 (1g67), and ances em Plato, Arist, and Hellenistic philosophy, He is ‘ko editar of Eee Stine er few egip (1978) ae condor Of Daur ane Degrarioe (gf) aul Science and Specelavion G98), Jonny M. Dnzowis Regius Profesor of Greek at Tniy Collegs, Dablin- His books inchide Fomblsfagranta (1973), The Aid. Ale Plsonete (977), Clarcal Lesieon for Finegan Wak, seth BL O'Hehir (i977), Fw Tirana af Philo of Aland, wich David Wiaston (igs), and Pref on thr Parmenides of Plea, swith Glenn Merson (1987). Prasuvis Donint ie Professor of Ancien Philesophy xt che Unie versity of Torin, Hi publieanons on Inter Greek philosophy ir clude Tre sad cul arts acl I seco dz (973) Le rewale anima Unger: a flowofia entien ds dasioce « Platine (1582), and studies cn te problem of cermin. Jones Gece is Peofssor of Clasieal Pilelogy aod Phlaso- phy in Tel-Aviv Univesity Israel. He the author of uous