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001 Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Acknowledgements PART I - CHILDHOOD Chapter 1 - ALAIS: PRINCESS OF FRANCE Chapter 2 - ELEANOR: FORGOTTEN QUEEN Chapter 3 - ALAIS: A STOLEN SEASON Chapter 4 - ELEANOR: THE LARGER WORLD Chapter 5 - ALAIS: PRINCE AND TROUBADOUR Chapter 6 - ELEANOR: A BALANCE OF POWER Chapter 7 - ALAIS: A ROSE WITHOUT THORNS PART II - WINDSOR Chapter 8 - ELEANOR: QUEEN OF SPIES Chapter 9 - ALAIS: A STABLE HAND Chapter 10 - ELEANOR: THE LION’S DEN Chapter 11 - ALAIS: THE KING’S JEWEL Chapter 12 - ELEANOR: TO DANCE WITH THE KING Chapter 13 - ALAIS: A CROWN OF FLOWERS Chapter 14 - ELEANOR: A LETTER Chapter 15 - ALAIS: ANOTHER GARDEN Chapter 16 - ELEANOR: TRUTH TELLING Chapter 17 - ALAIS: LOSS PART III - A WOMAN GROWN Chapter 18 - ALAIS: TO BED A KING Chapter 19 - ELEANOR: THE KING’S HEALTH Chapter 20 - ALAIS: THE KING’S MISTRESS Chapter 21 - ELEANOR: THE QUEEN Chapter 22 - ALAIS: TO BECOME QUEEN Chapter 23 - ELEANOR: ANOTHER LETTER Chapter 24 - ALAIS: QUEEN IN ALL BUT NAME Chapter 25 - ELEANOR: LOYAL SUBJECTS OF THE KING Chapter 26 - ALAIS: ANOTHER PRINCE Chapter 27 - ELEANOR: A MOMENT OF TRUCE Chapter 28 - ALAIS: A CHOICE Chapter 29 - ELEANOR: AN ESCAPE Chapter 30 - ALAIS: THE PIPER PAID Chapter 31 - ELEANOR: ENDGAME Epilogue Afterword READERS GUIDE More Praise for The Queen’s Pawn “The Queen’s Pawn is a powerful portrait of two dynamic royal women and the men who controlled their lives—or is it the other way around? Treachery, betrayal, lust—and an unusual and compelling love story, beautifully told.” —Karen Harper, author of The Queen’s Governess “The Queen’s Pawn by Christy English resurrects from misty legend Eleanor of Aquitaine, Henry II, Princess Alais, and Richard the Lionhearted. I knew the outlines of their stories, but now I have come to know them as fully, emotionally human, both flawed and magnificent. The French Princess Alais comes as a child to England to be raised by Eleanor for marriage to Richard, the queen’s favorite son. But the child becomes a beautiful woman and catches Henry’s eye, starting an ever-escalating palace war of intrigue, betrayal, and passion. Almost 850 years have passed, but Christy brings the complex time of unrest and deceit to full, lyrical life for us. A captivating love story of Richard and Alais beyond the story I thought I knew of a young woman trapped between Eleanor and Henry in their lifelong struggle for mastery over the English crown and each other. A jewel of a novel.” —Jeane Westin, author of The Virgin’s Daughters “Told with simple grace and from the heart, The Queen’s Pawn is a moving evocation of two women, deep friends but destined to a tragic rivalry for royal power and two men’s love.” —Margaret Frazer, author of A Play of Treachery “What a promising debut! With deft strokes, Christy English transforms Alais from the innocent child her father sends to England into the cunning woman her surrogate mother, Eleanor, teaches her to be—while the crafty and sophisticated Eleanor is ensnared and nearly brought down by helpless love for her adopted daughter. The complex love-hate quadrangle between Eleanor, her husband, Henry, her son Richard, and the ever more wily Alais is a fascinating and original take on this juicy historical footnote.” —Ellyn Bache, award-winning novelist of Safe Passage and Daughters of the Sea “An astonishing debut! Christy English spins an unforgettable tale of dangerous splendor, evoking the stone and tapestry of the Plantagenet era, and the fierce rivalry of two equally fascinating and determined women, whose ambitions threaten to overturn their world.” —C. W Gortner, author of The Last Queen NEW AMERIQAN LIBRARY Published by New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc, 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc) Penguin Books Ltd., 80 Strand, London WC2R ORL, England Penguin Ireland, 25 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd.) Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty. Ltd.) Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd., 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi - ndia Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd.) 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A historical novel of the legendary Eleanor of Aquitaine and the one person she loved more than power-her rival for the throne. At only nine, Princess Alais of France is sent to live in England until she is of age to wed Prince Richard, son of King Henry II and Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine. Alais is a
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