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The Proverb, And Other Stories PDF

296 Pages·1961·35.04 MB·English
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BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY THE PROVERB and other stories BY MARCEL AYME NOVEI S THE GREEN MARE ipsS {Lajument Verte) THE SECRET STREAM ig$3 (La Moulin de la Sourdine) THE SECOND FACE J95I {La Belle Image) THE BARKEEP OFBLEMONT igSO (Uranus) THE MIRACULOUS BARBER igSO (Trauelingue) THETRANSIENT HOUR ig48 (Les Chemin desEcoliers) SHORT STORIES THE PROVERB ig6l ACROSS PARIS igsg FOR CHILDREN RETURN TO THEWONDERFULFARM igS4 THEWONDERFUL FARM igs1 (bothfromLes Contesdu ChatPerche) The Proverb and other stories MARCEL AYME Translatedfrom the French by NORMAN DENNY NEW YORK ATHENEUM 1961 ThreeNewsItems*' hasappearedin Esquire: ''Knate" in Harpers; ''The Life-Ration'' in Harper'sBazaar © Copright ig6i by TheBodleyHeadLtd, Allrightsreserved LibraryofCongresscatalogcardnumber 61-9257 Printedin the UnitedStatesofAmerica by TheMurrayPrinting Company, Forge Village, Massachusetts BoundbyH. Wolff, New York FirstAmericanEdition The following is alist,with the date of theirpubhcation,oftheFrenchvolumes from v/hich this collectionof stories has been made: Le Puits aux Images(1932) THE RETREAT FROM MOSCOW LeNain (1934) THREE NEWS ITEMS THE LAST KNATE was pubUshed separately in 1936, in a volume ofshort stories by winners of the PrixTheophraste-Renaudot. Derriere ChezMartin (1938) THE BOY MARTIN LePasse-Muraille(1943) THE PROVERB THE LIFE-RATION Le Vin de Paris(1947) LA BONNE PEINTURE THE BOGUS POLICEMAN COULDn't-CARE-LESS EnArricre (1950) JOSSE BACKWARDS

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