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The Prosperity Bible: The Greatest Writings of All Time on the Secrets to Wealth and Prosperity PDF

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Table of Contents Title Page Copyright Page Part 1 - THINK AND GROW RICH CHAPTER 1 - Introduction CHAPTER 2 - Desire CHAPTER 3 - Faith CHAPTER 4 - Auto-Suggestion CHAPTER 5 - Specialized Knowledge CHAPTER 6 - Imagination CHAPTER 7 - Organized Planning CHAPTER 8 - Decision CHAPTER 9 - Persistence CHAPTER 10 - Power of the Master Mind CHAPTER 11 - The Mystery of Sex Transmutation CHAPTER 12 - The Subconscious Mind CHAPTER 13 - The Brain CHAPTER 14 - The Sixth Sense CHAPTER 15 - How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear Part 2 - ACRES OF DIAMONDS Part 3 - A MESSAGE TO GARCIA Part 4 - AS A MAN THINKETH Thought and Character Effect of Thought on Circumstances Effect of Thought on Health and the Body Thought and Purpose The Thought-Factor in Achievement 2 Visions and Ideals Serenity Part 5 - THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT The Game The Law of Prosperity The Power of the Word The Law of Nonresistance The Law of Karma and The Law of Forgiveness Casting the Burden - Impressing the Subconscious Love Intuition or Guidance Perfect Self-Expression or The Divine Design Denials and Affirmations Part 6 - THE SCIENCE OF GETTING RICH CHAPTER 1 - The Right to Be Rich CHAPTER 2 - There Is a Science of Getting Rich CHAPTER 3 - Is Opportunity Monopolized? CHAPTER 4 - The First Principle in the Science of Getting Rich CHAPTER 5 - Increasing Life CHAPTER 6 - How Riches Come to You CHAPTER 7 - Gratitude CHAPTER 8 - Thinking in the Certain Way CHAPTER 9 - How to Use the Will CHAPTER 10 - Further Use of the Will CHAPTER 11 - Acting in the Certain Way CHAPTER 12 - Efficient Action CHAPTER 13 - Getting into the Right Business CHAPTER 14 - The Impression of Increase CHAPTER 15 - The Advancing Man CHAPTER 16 - Some Cautions, and Concluding Observations CHAPTER 17 - Summary of the Science of Getting Rich How to Get What You Want CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 Part 7 - CREATIVE MIND AND SUCCESS PART 1 - Instruction PART 2 - Practice Part 8 - PROSPERITY LESSON 1 - Spiritual Substance, the Fundamental Basis of the Universe LESSON 2 - Spiritual Mind, the Omnipresent Directive Principle of Prosperity LESSON 3 - Faith in the Invisible Substance, the Key to Demonstration LESSON 4 - Man, the Inlet and Outlet of Divine Mind LESSON 5 - The Law That Governs the Manifestation of Supply LESSON 6 - Wealth of Mind Expresses Itself in Riches LESSON 7 - God Has Provided Prosperity for Every Home LESSON 8 - God Will Pay Your Debts LESSON 9 - Tithing, the Road to Prosperity LESSON 10 - Right Giving, the Key to Abundant Receiving LESSON 11 - Laying Up Treasures LESSON 12 - Overcoming the Thought of Lack Question Helps Part 9 - IN TUNE WITH THE INFINITE CHAPTER 1 - Fullness of Peace, Power, and Plenty CHAPTER 2 - The Supreme Fact of the Universe CHAPTER 3 - The Supreme Fact of Human Life CHAPTER 4 - Fullness of Life—Bodily Health and Vigor CHAPTER 5 - The Secret, Power, and Effects of Love CHAPTER 6 - Wisdom and Interior Illumination CHAPTER 7 - The Realization of Perfect Peace CHAPTER 8 - Coming into Fullness of Power CHAPTER 9 - Plenty of All Things—The Law of Prosperity CHAPTER 10 - How Men Have Become Prophets, Seers, Sages, and Saviours CHAPTER 11 - The Basic Principle of All Religions—The Universal Religion CHAPTER 12 - Entering Now into the Realization of the Highest Riches CHAPTER 13 - “The Way” 4 Part 10 - THE MASTER KEY SYSTEM Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen Part Twenty Part Twenty-one Part Twenty-two Part Twenty-three Part Twenty-four Part 11 - THE SECRET OF SUCCESS LESSON 1 - The Secret of Success LESSON 2 - The Individual LESSON 3 - Spiritedness LESSON 4 - Latent Powers LESSON 5 - Soul-Force LESSON 6 - The Power of Desire LESSON 7 - The Law of Attraction LESSON 8 - Personal Magnetism LESSON 9 - Attractive Personality Part 12 - THE ART OF MONEY GETTING CHAPTER 1 - The Art of Money Getting 5 CHAPTER 2 - Don’t Mistake Your Vocation CHAPTER 3 - Select the Right Location CHAPTER 4 - Avoid Debt CHAPTER 5 - Persevere CHAPTER 6 - Whatever You Do, Do It with All Your Might CHAPTER 7 - Depend Upon Your Own Personal Exertions CHAPTER 8 - Use the Best Tools CHAPTER 9 - Don’t Get Above Your Business CHAPTER 10 - Learn Something Useful CHAPTER 11 - Let Hope Predominate but Be Not Too Visionary CHAPTER 12 - Do Not Scatter Your Powers CHAPTER 13 - Be Systematic CHAPTER 14 - Read the Newspapers CHAPTER 15 - Beware of “Outside Operations” CHAPTER 16 - Don’t Endorse Without Security CHAPTER 17 - Advertise Your Business CHAPTER 18 - Be Polite and Kind to Your Customers CHAPTER 19 - Be Charitable CHAPTER 20 - Don’t Blab CHAPTER 21 - Preserve Your Integrity Part 13 - THE WAY TO WEALTH The Way to Wealth Franklin’s Advice to a Young Tradesman from an Old One Franklin’s Pro Bono Publico - A NEW WAY OF PAYING OLD DEBTS Part 14 - THE SECRET OF THE AGES CHAPTER 1 - The World’s Greatest Discovery CHAPTER 2 - The Genie-of-Your-Mind CHAPTER 3 - The Primal Cause CHAPTER 4 - Desire—The First Law of Gain CHAPTER 5 - Aladdin & Company CHAPTER 6 - See Yourself Doing It CHAPTER 7 - “As a Man Thinketh” CHAPTER 8 - The Law of Supply CHAPTER 9 - The Formula of Success CHAPTER 10 - “This Freedom” CHAPTER 11 - The Law of Attraction CHAPTER 12 - The Three Requisites CHAPTER 13 - That Old Witch—Bad Luck CHAPTER 14 - Your Needs Are Met 6 CHAPTER 15 - The Master of Your Fate CHAPTER 16 - Unappropriated Millions CHAPTER 17 - The Secret of Power CHAPTER 18 - This One Thing I Do CHAPTER 19 - The Master Mind CHAPTER 20 - What Do You Lack? CHAPTER 21 - The Sculptor and the Clay CHAPTER 22 - Why Grow Old? CHAPTER 23 - The Medicine Delusion CHAPTER 24 - The Gift of the Magi Part 15 - THE CONQUEST OF POVERTY CHAPTER 1 - In Bondage CHAPTER 2 - The First Step Toward Freedom CHAPTER 3 - The Dawn of Freedom CHAPTER 4 - Arrival at the Conscious Plane of Growth CHAPTER 5 - Practical Fruitage of the Conscious Plane CHAPTER 6 - The Potency of Desire CHAPTER 7 - Correlation of Thought to External Things CHAPTER 8 - Difficulties CHAPTER 9 - The Vitality of Proper Belief CHAPTER 10 - The Fear of Poverty CHAPTER 11 - Courage CHAPTER 12 - Conclusion Part 16 - HOW TO ATTRACT SUCCESS CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 14 CHAPTER 15 7 Part 17 - THE POWER OF CONCENTRATION LESSON 1 - Concentration Finds the Way LESSON 2 - The Self-Mastery: Self-Direction Power of Concentration LESSON 3 - How to Gain What You Want Through Concentration LESSON 4 - Concentration, the Silent Force That Produces Results in All Business LESSON 5 - How Concentrated Thought Links All Humanity Together LESSON 6 - The Training of the Will to Do LESSON 7 - The Concentrated Mental Demand LESSON 8 - Concentration Gives Mental Poise LESSON 9 - Concentration Can Overcome Bad Habits LESSON 10 - Business Results Through Concentration LESSON 11 - Concentrate on Your Courage LESSON 12 - Concentrate on Wealth LESSON 13 - You Can Concentrate but Will You? LESSON 14 - The Art of Concentration by Means of Practical Exercises LESSON 15 - Concentrate So You Will Not Forget LESSON 16 - How Concentration Can Fulfill Your Desire LESSON 17 - Ideals Developed by Concentration LESSON 18 - Mental Control Through Creation LESSON 19 - A Concentrated Will Development LESSON 20 - Concentration Reviewed Part 18 - HOW TO GROW SUCCESS How to Grow Success Money Making Now and Then United We Achieve I Want and I Am How to Be Wealthy Factors of Success To Be Square One Thing at a Time Joy Words Success Letters Desire for This, That and The Other Part 19 - THE MENTAL EQUIVALENT 8 Universal Polarity Building a New Mental Equivalent Maintaining the New Equivalent About the Authors 9 10 11 JEREMY P. TARCHER/PENGUIN Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Group (USA) Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA Penguin Group (Canada), 90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 700, Toronto, Ontario M4P 2Y3, Canada (a division of Pearson Penguin Canada Inc.) Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England • Penguin Ireland, 25 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland (a division of Penguin Books Ltd) • Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) • Penguin Books India Pvt Ltd, 11 Community Centre, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110 017, India • Penguin Group (NZ), 67 Apollo Drive, Rosedale, North Shore 0632, New Zealand (a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd) • Penguin Books (South Africa) (Pty) Ltd, 24 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg 2196, South Africa Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England Copyright © 2007 by Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions. Published simultaneously in Canada Most Tarcher/Penguin books are available at special quantity discounts for bulk purchase for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, and educational needs. Special book or book excerpts also can be created to fit specific needs. For details, write Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The prosperity bible : landmark writings on the incredible prospering powers of the human mind / Napoleon Hill . . . [et al.]. p. cm. eISBN : 978-1-101-09763-2 1. Success. 2. Wealth. 3. New Thought. 4. Conduct of life. I. Hill, Napoleon, 1883-1970. BF637.S8P 650.1—dc22 135791086422 Neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book. http://us.penguingroup.com Version_3 12 Publisher’s Note The nineteen books that compose The Prosperity Bible appear largely as they did in their original editions. Other than minor adjustments made for clarity, the publisher has retained the original spelling, usage, and style of each author. As most of these works were initially published in the late nineteenth century or the first half of the twentieth century, they occasionally feature an antiquated reference or word choice. For purposes of historical accuracy, the publisher has left these intact. Further information about these books and their authors appears in the About the Authors section on pages 1269-1272. 13 1 THINK AND GROW RICH NAPOLEON HILL (1937) 14 Publisher’s Preface This book conveys the experience of more than 500 men of great wealth, who began at scratch, with nothing to give in return for riches except thoughts, ideas, and organized plans. Here you have the entire philosophy of money-making, just as it was organized from the actual achievements of the most successful men known to the American people during the past fifty years. It describes what to do, also, how to do it! It presents complete instructions on how to sell your personal services. It provides you with a perfect system of self-analysis that will readily disclose what has been standing between you and “the big money” in the past. It describes the famous Andrew Carnegie formula of personal achievement by which he accumulated hundreds of millions of dollars for himself and made no fewer than a score of millionaires of men to whom he taught his secret. Perhaps you do not need all that is to be found in the book—no one of the 500 men from whose experiences it was written did—but you may need one idea, plan, or suggestion to start you toward your goal. Somewhere in the book you will find this needed stimulus. The book was inspired by Andrew Carnegie, after he had made his millions and retired. It was written by the man to whom Carnegie disclosed the astounding secret of his riches—the same man to whom the 500 wealthy men revealed the source of their riches. In this volume will be found the thirteen principles of money-making essential to every person who accumulates sufficient money to guarantee financial independence. It is estimated that the research which went into the preparation, before the book was written, or could be written—research covering more than twenty-five years of continuous effort—could not be duplicated at a cost of less than $100,000.00. Moreover, the knowledge contained in the book never can be duplicated, at any cost, for the reason that more than half of the 500 men who supplied the information it brings have passed on. Riches cannot always be measured in money! Money and material things are essential for freedom of body and mind, but there are some who will feel that the greatest of all riches can be evaluated only in terms of lasting friendships, harmonious family relationships, sympathy and understanding between business associates, and introspective harmony which brings one peace of mind measurable only in spiritual values! All who read, understand, and apply this philosophy will be better prepared to attract and enjoy these higher estates which always have been and always will be denied to all except those who are ready for them. Be prepared, therefore, when you expose yourself to the influence of this philosophy, to experience a changed life which may help you not only to negotiate your way through life with harmony and understanding, but also to prepare you for the accumulation of material riches in abundance. 15

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