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The Prophet’s Prayer Described – Sh. al-Uthaymin PDF

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Preview The Prophet’s Prayer Described – Sh. al-Uthaymin

DESCRIBED Ee A = = = = foe O————— 232 ASS The Prophet’s Prayer Described ‘Phe Paphos sper Pescritod © 2018 Hikimah Publications All rights reserved. No port of this Hook may fe repromed or reproduced or uilize fy sing fern, ory any electrical, mechanieal ar ther meow mae Known, or hereafter svented, inhding phevoenpyige and recording, whoa prior perouisson fren de pisos bipst Firion: March 2015 Lranslarion: Abn Mash Tagweem Aslam Reviewed and Edited: Hilemah Publieations ISBN: 978- 1-495 !-9977-5 Address Bikroah PO, Box 44121 Philadelphia, BA, 191-44 Email: Hikmahpuby(éymailcam 2IPag Dass “The Peeples "Table of Contents Ieeoduction The Morning af Prayer When and Where Was the Prayer Obligac Innportance ofthe Prayer tayivatvely ‘he Virene of the Pray nd is Benes ‘Warning from Neglecting the Prayer Ruling on the One who Abandons the Prayer Gandicions of the Prayer Description of the Prager ‘The Pillars ofthe Prayer he Obsigationss (Wibad) oF che Prayer Two Great Principles Tres & Sebmissiveness i Prayer Some Rufings of Congregational Peayst Fron the Responsibilites Upon che Imam. an bac Glossary Our Call mb thee 310 The Prostar’ Paap Deedes ian ‘Transliteration Table Consonants rr cre k re eo rr es ho; kg oon bow 8 - goa bh ee ee ee a Vowel shen. er uipet ange how Sow Sublins ed Ese ‘May AL czake socal newinTs Propks th highescomsny aly Wa aim tie Ed the nese ‘May Als bs pleted wi in May A ss mercy 7 im, esc sv Peagoe Dusenbed fhe ae Ineroduetion to the Book AI praise i dus wo Alls, who obligated upon His {evscious) obligations, withone any need ve want from denn, and He grve those reward and bexe of she perform dein the most complete of seormpense, and He punished chose eho shun away Sena chert and are negligent wich repard to them wich that which they deserve tom the (approgriats) punishenent Arsl bear witness there iso deity worthy of worship in rath csvepe Ath alone swithour any parmees, without any dmubt or Tsitaree. and | bear witness chat Mabammad {eis His servane amd Messenger, servants, Alla cormpletid Fis blessing upon ube believers wich fis one seu as a mercy £0 the kim, and rectified the sane of the world and religion wich him, Se the prayers and sakararions of Alla be upon him, his Family and his companions and those who follow chem vpon Fighoconsmess thee Day af Reckoning. Th procwed, indeed Allah bus chosen (Or usa religion, and He js nor pleased with any religion besides it, He has chosen for costhe religion of In and has betowed icupon dus Ummah [ravion?. SlIBh si prapho's Prager Deserted “This day. | fave perfected. your zeligion for you, completed My Favor upon yon, and have chosen le ah 3} you faim as your religion." (Ale And Ve said about ic also A Bigs “And whoever seeks a religion erher than Islam, it will newer be accepted of hien, and in the Hereafter he will be ‘one of che losers". (Al ‘Inurdn: 85}. So I remind you of che blessing of AIIEh upon you wich this refigion of fam, How many people ~ and there are so many cof chem — have become misguided away from che religion of Islan and have nor been guided to it. So they ars let in cis Say [0 Multnrmad Sadia) ‘Shall We cell you the: greatesr losers in respect af (eet) deeds? Those awhowe efforts have buen wasned in this life while they thought thar they were acquiring good by their deeds! "Uhey are Page The Pregl i Pepe eid sigs ALT usowe who deny the lessons. signs, revelations, eee) of theit Tord ant die (vie (pron, evidences, verus, Meeting. with Him {in che Mereaies) So chsir works are it vain, and ou the Day af Resareation, We shall assign roo weight fie shen” {AI-Kaé 103. 105) Amul Allah aid Say {© Mujarimad, vill Lose thomiches and eheit Eanilies on the Day-of Resuurcction. Verily, hat wil be a mami low!” [Ale The losers ere howe who Zamna 15) ‘And che (ie. Is) is ro sutine to Allzh and to yield to Him curseandly ans inwardly in cvued (Ayia). and in stagernemes and actious, $0 Isla is nor ereud (Agida} alone, rth, Islam is creed and seasoments and actions, So jus lke Ham ext. be only aesions sons sitiany it camnot be only creed alone. The Propher (sctst¥e) wid: “hla 3 buult upon five pillars: the rextficarion. dat deve is ew dey worthy of warship in ‘uth excepe Allsh and that Meharnnud is the Messenger of ‘All, the exablishmene of che Praysr, the giving of Zakat, Lj. aud che isting, of Ramagin™. The meaning of thacis chat The? se’ Prayer Das Thy At Cibo these foutrdaciony are the pills of slam which i¢ canto be optighe witht, jst ike a sreucture canner seand swithour its foundciows. Indeed, we, © brothers. remind vunclves and you of che Blessing of Adlah upon us woth regards eo his celigion of lar, and we ask Allah the Mast High to keep us seeadiase upon it une we meet Him Gc, tll death). However, be aware © Irothers, the blewing. of Iam is like any urher blessings if gratinide is chown for i chen it inereaws and becomes corabished and consolidated, IG nwmever, itis. shown longratetudness, t decreases o disappears, and we ack Allth for salesy Hence, if we are npright with thae which is opou. ux in ih religion of Im, in coms of peesersing i, calling co it and vexing free eyon i, thon we wal increase in seadtismess ‘upon i ad in cur attions and calling toi, just as our Lord ‘the Mighry and Majestic si: AES AOR 5 old BG TES p “While as for chose who accepe guidhinen, He increases their guidlines, and bestows on chem thair plecp. {Mubampsad: 17). And with this i becornes clear thar che mone a person increase in his worship co At, All opens up ro him doors of Kknoviledge and finan (fai) char He does riot open up 00 TIPupe ier Prayer Dewebed Tn A others, So Tencourare the students of kowledge especialy. co cling onto che outward and inward signposts nf (slam (istingoishing apparent signs of Islam} chat are connected x» the right of Allah the Mighry aud Majestic, and thase thar connected co dhe right of His scevanns, im order char Allah creases thom {anidears particularly and serves of AMlzh sgonerilly} in knowledge, yidonee and Tighe. Therefore, leam che boundaries of whae Allih revealed upon His Messenger so that you may worship your Lord upon ansight and evidence; foe indeed they ate.not equal, dhe ones reho know, and che ones who do mot, The ane who warships Allsh knowing how t womhip im, and he knows he swomips upon: le lagslaion of Allah an lis Messenger, this cone is mit equal tothe one whe wordps ATI und i gguoranc rather, ehe ignarant one is lower in level And when yon do come e know the boundaries of AML ileyisicions, fal? & farm chem Rear Alli the Mosr High in clinging them as you have come ro know (correctly), Do act be 0 chem nthe best of your ability. and implement overcome by che blame of chase who blame, or the criticism, of thase whe criticize 7 Alla has ure right ehar you sould tear Him, iC yom are believers.” (Al-Tawbals 13) Biase

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