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The Propagation Characteristics of the Plate Modes of Acoustic Emission Waves in Thin Aluminum ... PDF

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The Propagation Characteristics of the Plate Modes of Acoustic Emission Waves in Thin Aluminum Plates and Thin Graphite/Epoxy Composite Plates and Tubes by William H. Prosser NASA Technical Memorandum 104187 (November, 1991) A dissertation submitted to The Johns Hopkins University in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Baltimore, Maryland 1991 Thi d d ihF M k 402 Abstract Acoustic emission was interpreted as modes of vibration in finite aluminum and graphite/epoxy plates. The ‘thin plate’ case of classical plate theory was used to predict dispersion curves for the two funda- mental modes described by the theory and to calculate the shapes of flexural waveforms produced by a vertical step function loading. There was good agreement between the theoretical and experimental results for the aluminum. Composite materials required the use of a higher order plate theory (Reissner-Mindlin) combined with lamination theory in or- der to get good agreement with the measured velocities. Plate modes were shown to be useful for determining the direction of motion of a source. Thus, with a knowledge of the material, it may be possible to ascertain the type of the source. For example, particle impact on a plate could be distinguished from a crack growing in the plate. A high fidelity transducer was needed to distinguish the plate modes. After evaluating several types of transducers, a broadband ul- trasonic transducer was found which satisfied the fidelity requirement and had adequate sensitivity over the 0.1 to 1 MHz range. The waveforms were digitized with a 5 MHz transient recorder. The dispersion curves were determined from the phase spectra of the time dependent waveforms. The aluminum plates were loaded by breaking a 0.5 mm. pencil lead against the surface of the plate. By machining slots at various angles to the plane of a plate, the direction in which the force acted was varied. Changing the direction of the source motion produced regular variations in the measured waveforms. Four composite plates with dif- ferent laminate stacking sequences were studied. To demonstrate appli- cability beyond simple plates, waveforms produced by lead breaks on a ii Thi d d ihF M k 402 thin-walled composite tube were also shown to be interpretable as plate modes. The tube design was based on the type of struts proposed for Space Station Freedom’s trussed structures. iii Acknowledgments The author would like to thank a number of people without whom this work would not have been possible. First and foremost, gratitude is due my wife, Karen, for her love, support, patience, and understanding throughout this endeavor. Our parents and families also provided sup- port and encouragement that was greatly appreciated. I am grateful to my thesis advisor in the Materials Science and En- gineering Department at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Robert E. Green, Jr. The knowledge of the mechanics of materials and the propagation of elastic waves which he imparted to me during my earlier years at Hopkins served me well throughout the course of this research. His allowance of my participation in the nonresident student research program to car- ry out the research at NASA Langley Research Center and his assistance in the logistics of this were of tremendous value. Also at Johns Hop- kins, Dr. Jim Wagner and his graduate students, Jim Spicer and John Deaton, were of great assistance in providing the optical interferom- eter and assisting with the measurements presented in the transducer evaluation section. The remaining faculty within this department also contributed greatly to my education as well as provided friendship and support. Thanks is also due to a number of graduate students and former students including Paul Kelley, Lou Phillips, Joe Krynicki, and those listed previously, who provided friendship which made my years at Hop- kins most enjoyable. In the Nondestructive Evaluation Science Branch at NASA Langley Re- search Center, where most of this research was performed, Dr. Joe Hey- man and Dr. Eric Madaras are acknowledged. They provided both technical and financial support and allowed me the freedom needed to pursue this iv Thi d d ihF M k 402 work. Also, John Dorighi, a visiting summer student from the University of Colorado, provided assistance in the gr/ep tube measurements and in proofreading this thesis. Many other members of the Nondestructive Evaluation Science Branch, too numerous to mention by name, also pro- vided technical and moral support during this research. Last, but certainly not least, is the acknowledgment of Dr. Mike Gorman of the Department of Aeronautics of the Naval Postgraduate School. As my De Facto advisor during our collaborative research ef- forts, he provided the initial ideas and motivation for this work and has provided brilliant technical insights throughout its progress. His patience and support through almost daily coast to coast phone conver- sations were invaluable. His friendship, company, and golf tips during our several meetings made this research most pleasurable as well as lowered my handicap. The collaborative assistance of Steve Ziola, a graduate student of Dr. Gorman, is also acknowledged. v Table of Contents Abstract..........................................................ii Acknowledgments...................................................iv Table of Contents .................................................vi List of Figures.................................................viii List of Tables...................................................xiv I. Introduction....................................................1 II. Transducer Evaluation.........................................20 II.1 Introduction.....................................20 II.2 Frequency response determination by constant amplitude, swept-sine input......................23 II.3 Acoustic wave input generated by pencil lead break on thick aluminum plate and comparison with theory......................................37 II.4 Acoustic wave input generated by pencil lead break on thin aluminum plate and comparison with output from optical interferometer...........50 II.5 Summary and Conclusions..........................59 III. Plate Wave Propagation in Aluminum Plates....................60 III.1 Introduction.....................................60 III.2 Classical plate theory...........................61 III.3 Source orientation effects.......................68 III.4 Prediction of the flexural mode by a normal mode solution....................................76 IV. Plate Wave Propagation in Composites..........................97 IV.1 Introduction..........................................97 IV.2 Theory................................................98 IV.3 Dispersion measurements in composite plates ..........121 vi Thi d d ihF M k 402 IV.4 Flexural mode waveforms in composite plates and comparison with predictions based on the normal mode solution technique..................138 IV.5 Plate wave propagation in a graphite/epoxy Space Station Freedom (SSF) strut tube...........144 V. Summary and Conclusions.......................................152 References.......................................................159 Vita.............................................................164 vii List of Figures Figure 1.1 AE event definitions...................................3 Figure 2.1 Experimental apparatus for constant amplitude, swept-sine input for AE transducer evaluation.........24 Figure 2.2 Constant amplitude, swept-sine, tone burst input signal used for transducer evaluation.................25 Figure 2.3 Magnitude of frequency spectrum of transducer drive input signal (Figure 2.2).......................26 Figure 2.4 Output of 3.5 MHz ultrasonic transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input...............26 Figure 2.5 Output of R15 transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input ...........................27 Figure 2.6 Output of S9208 transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input ...........................27 Figure 2.7 Output of Pinducer transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input ...........................28 Figure 2.8 Spectrum of 3.5 MHz ultrasonic transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input...............29 Figure 2.9 Spectrum of R15 transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input ...........................30 Figure 2.10 Spectrum of S9208 transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input ...........................30 Figure 2.11 Spectrum of Pinducer transducer subjected to constant amplitude, swept-sine input ..................31 Figure 2.12 Deconvolved output and input response function of 3.5 MHz ultrasonic transducer.........................33 Figure 2.13 Deconvolved response function of R15 transducer.......34 Figure 2.14 Measured frequency response and manufacturer’s calibration for R15 transducer........................34 Figure 2.15 Deconvolved response function of S9208 transducer.....35 Figure 2.16 Deconvolved response function of Pinducer transducer..35 viii Thi d d ihF M k 402 Figure 2.17 Source, trigger sensor, and transducer positioning for evaluation of transducers with simulated AE source in thick aluminum plate........................38 Figure 2.18 Experimental apparatus for evaluation of transducers with simulated AE source in thick aluminum plate........................................40 Figure 2.19 Theoretical plate surface displacement due to point source step function loading at a distance of 0.0762 m. on the same surface of the plate.........45 Figure 2.20 Theoretical prediction and experimental signal detected by ultrasonic sensor for lead break source on thick aluminum plate........................46 Figure 2.21 Theoretical prediction and experimental signal detected by R15 sensor for lead break source on thick aluminum plate ...............................47 Figure 2.22 Theoretical prediction and experimental signal detected by S9208 sensor for lead break source on thick aluminum plate ...............................47 Figure 2.23 Theoretical prediction and experimental signal detected by Pinducer for lead break source on thick aluminum plate..................................48 Figure 2.24 Source, trigger sensor, and transducer positioning for evaluation of transducer with simulated AE source in thin aluminum plate.........................51 Figure 2.25 Experimental apparatus for evaluation of transducers with simulated AE source in thin aluminum plate.......51 Figure 2.26 Block diagram of optical interferometer...............52 Figure 2.27 Simulated AE signal in thin aluminum plate detected by ultrasonic transducer and optical interferometer........................................54 Figure 2.28 Simulated AE signal in thin aluminum plate detected by ultrasonic transducer and optical interferometer with expanded time and amplitude scales................................................55 Figure 2.29 Simulated AE signal in thin aluminum plate detected by R15 transducer and optical interferometer........................................57 ix Figure 2.30 Simulated AE signal in thin aluminum plate detected by S9208 transducer and optical interferometer........................................57 Figure 2.31 Simulated AE signal in thin aluminum plate detected by Pinducer transducer.......................58 Figure 3.1 Coordinate axes of plate ..............................61 Figure 3.2 Plate dimensions and positioning of sensors and source............................................70 Figure 3.3 Cross sectional view of plate and slot illustrating transducer positions .....................71 Figure 3.4 Experimental apparatus for measurements of the effects of source orientation on plate waves ......71 Figure 3.5 Typical out-of-plane displacement component for a lead break source in an aluminum plate indicating the flexural and extensional plate modes...72 Figure 3.6 Out-of-plane displacement components for waves generated at different source angles. Each waveform is offset by two volts to allow comparison............73 Figure 3.7 Average peak amplitudes of out-of-plane extensional and flexural modes for sources at different angles. The error bars are +/- one standard deviation....................................74 Figure 3.8 In-plane displacement components for waves generated at different source angles. Each waveform is offset by one volt to allow comparison....75 Figure 3.9 Average peak amplitudes of the in-plane extensional mode for sources at different angles. The error bars are +/- one standard deviation.........76 Figure 3.10 Positioning of sensors used for experimental measurements and theoretical calculations for AE signals in thin aluminum plate .....................85 Figure 3.11 Predicted flexural response for source to receiver distance of 0.127 m. evaluated by normal mode and integral transform techniques.........87 Figure 3.12 Filter coefficient used in normal mode solution to account for transducer response....................89 x

Jr. The knowledge of the mechanics of materials and the propagation of .. the frequency response of the transducer and detection electronics.
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