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The Progenitor Dependence of the Preexplosion Neutrino Emission in Core-Collapse Supernovae PDF

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Preview The Progenitor Dependence of the Preexplosion Neutrino Emission in Core-Collapse Supernovae

SUBMITTEDTOAPJ.JULY4,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.12/16/11 THEPROGENITORDEPENDENCEOFTHEPREEXPLOSIONNEUTRINOEMISSION INCORE-COLLAPSESUPERNOVAE EVANO’CONNOR1 ANDCHRISTIAND.OTT1,23 SubmittedtoApJ.July4,2012 ABSTRACT Weperformspherically-symmetricgeneral-relativisticsimulationsofcorecollapseandthepostbouncepre- explosionphasein32presupernovastellarmodelsofsolarmetallicitywithzero-age-main-sequencemassesof 2 12M to120M . Usingenergy-dependentthree-speciesneutrinotransportinthetwo-momentapproximation (cid:12) (cid:12) 1 with an analytic closure, we show that the emitted neutrino luminosities and spectra follow very systematic 0 trendsthatarecorrelatedwiththecompactness(∼M/R)oftheprogenitorstar’sinnerregionsviatheaccretion 2 rateinthepreexplosionphase. Wefindthatthesequalitativetrendsdependonlyweaklyonthenuclearequa- l tionofstate,butquantitativeobservationalstatementswillrequireindependentconstraintsontheequationof u state and the rotation rate of the core as well as a more complete understanding of neutrino oscillations. We J investigate the simulated response of water Cherenkov detectors to the electron antineutrino fluxes from our 4 modelsandfindthatthelargestatisticsofagalacticcorecollapseeventmayallowrobustconclusionsonthe innerstructureoftheprogenitorstar. ] E Subject headings: equation of state - hydrodynamics - neutrinos - stars: evolution - stars: neutron - stars: H supernovae: general . h p 1. INTRODUCTION the region behind the stalled shock to revive the shock and - o maketypical∼1Bcore-collapsesupernovaexplosion(Janka r The radial instability of the electron-degenerate, et al. 2007; Müller et al. 2012 and references therein). Only t Chandrasekhar-mass core marks the beginning of the fi- hyper-energetic(i.e., O(10)B)explosionsmayrequireadif- s a nal episode in the life of a massive star with zero-age ferent mechanism (Ugliano et al. 2012), e.g., rapid rotation [ main-sequence(ZAMS)massintherange∼8M(cid:12)−130M(cid:12). combinedwithstrongmagneticfields,whichmayleadtoen- Collapseensuesand,oncefullydynamical,separatesthecore ergeticjet-drivenexplosions(e.g.,Burrowsetal.2007). 1 intoasubsonicallyhomologouslycontractinginnercoreand v For a galactic or near-extragalactic core-collapse super- asupersonicallycollapsingoutercore. Atnucleardensity,the 0 nova, neutrinos offer the unique possibility of directly ob- repulsivecomponentofthenuclearforceleadstoastiffening 0 serving the dynamics and thermodynamic conditions preva- oftheequationofstate(EOS).Thisstabilizestheinnercore, 1 lentinthesupernovacore. Togetherwithgravitationalwaves which overshoots its new equilibrium, then rebounds into 1 (see, e.g., Ott 2009; Kotake 2011) they will herald the next 7. tfhroemouittesrecdogree,.laTunhcishiinngstaansttroinngtihmyedriosdyrenfaemrriecdshtoocakswcaovree nearby supernova possibly hours before any telescope sensi- 0 bounce.Theinnercorehasamassof∼0.5M atbounceand tive to electromagnetic waves will notice the event. In the 2 (cid:12) probable case that the next galactic supernova occurs in a thismaterialbecomestheunshockedcoreoftheprotoneutron 1 dust-enshrouded region and/or close or behind the galactic star. The shock formed at core bounce propagates into the : center, thesupernovamaybeimpossibletoobserveinbroad v outer core, but dissociation of accreting nuclei into neutrons bandsoftheelectromagneticspectrum, makingneutrinoand i andprotonsandelectroncaptureonfreeprotonsintheregion X gravitational-waveobservationsevenmoreimportant. behind the shock (the postshock region) soon sap its might, r driving it into submission to the ram pressure of accretion. TheobservationofneutrinosfromSN1987AintheLarge a The shock stalls and turns into a standing accretion shock Magellanic Cloud (Hirata et al. 1987; Bionta et al. 1987; thatmustberevivedtounbindthestellarenvelopeanddrive Alekseev et al. 1987) confirmed the basic picture of core acore-collapsesupernovaexplosion. collapse and early protoneutron star evolution (e.g., Sato & Suzuki 1987; Bruenn 1987; Burrows & Lattimer 1986; Bur- Neutrinos play a pivotal and dominant role in stellar col- rows1987,1988;Arnettetal.1989;Jegerlehneretal.1996; lapse and core-collapse supernovae. Neutrinos and antineu- Loredo & Lamb 2002; Yüksel & Beacom 2007; Pagliaroli trinos of all flavors carry away the ∼300B (=3×1053ergs) etal.2009bandreferencestherein),butthesmallnumberand of gravitational binding energy of the remnant neutron star poortimingoftheobservedeventsdidnotallowfar-reaching over tens of seconds after core bounce. Aided by multi- androbustconclusionsoncore-collapsesupernovadynamics dimensional fluid instabilities, they probably deposit, within andtheinvolvedneutrinophysics,nuclearphysicsandastro- afewhundredmillisecondsafterbounce,sufficientenergyin physics. 1TAPIR, Mailcode 350-17, California Institute of Technology, The situation will be completely different when the Pasadena,CA91125,[email protected],[email protected] neutrino burst from a galactic core-collapse supernova 2KavliIPMU,UniversityofTokyo,Kashiwa,Japan reaches current and near-future neutrino detectors on Earth. 3AlfredP.SloanResearchFellow Super-Kamiokande (Fukuda et al. 2003; Ikeda et al. 2 [Super-Kamiokande Collaboration] 2007), IceCube (Ab- 2009; Dasgupta & Dighe 2008; Duan et al. 2010 and refer- basi et al. [IceCube Collaboration] 2011), LVD (Aglietta encestherein). However, anumberofrecentstudiessuggest et al. 1992; Vigorito [LVD Collaboration] 2011), Borexino thatcollectiveoscillationsmaybecompletelyoratleastpar- (Alimonti et al. [BOREXINO Collaboration] 2009; Cado- tially suppressed in the preexplosion accretion phase of or- nati et al. 2002), KamLAND (Piepke 2001), SNO+ (Kraus dinarycore-collapsesupernovae(Chakrabortyetal.2011b,a; & Peeters 2010), Noνa (Davies, [for the NOνA Collabo- Sarikasetal.2012),butseeCherryetal.(2012)andDasgupta ration] 2011) and others will together see many thousands etal.(2012)fordiscrepantresults. of neutrinos from a core collapse event at 10kpc (Scholberg Provided that collective oscillations can be ignored in the 2012).Distanceestimatesbasedontheobservedneutrinoflux preexplosion phaseand thatthe θ mixing angleindeed has (Kachelrieß et al. 2005), sky localization (Beacom & Vogel 13 the large value suggested by recent measurements (An et al. 1999;Tomasetal.2003),andtriggeringofgravitational-wave 2012), the neutrino mass hierarchy may be inferred from searches by the reconstruction of the time of core bounce the qualitative shape of the early postbounce neutrino signal (Pagliaroli et al. 2009a; Halzen & Raffelt 2009) will likely (Kachelrießetal.2005;Serpicoetal.2012). allbepossible. Apreexplosionaccretionphasewithsuppressedcollective Well-timedhigh-statisticscoincidentneutrinoobservations oscillations would also offer the opportunity to probe the willallowtoprobeindetailabroadrangeofsupernovaastro- structure of the progenitor star on the basis of the observed physics, nuclear physics, and neutrino physics (see Burrows neutrinosignal.Thedetailsofthepreexplosionneutrinoemis- et al. 1992; Wurm et al. 2012; Raffelt 2010 for overviews). sion have been discussed carefully, e.g., by Thompson et al. Fast characteristic temporal variations in the preexplosion (2003)andLiebendörferetal.(2004)andweshallnotrepeat neutrinofluxeswouldbe tell-tale signsofmulti-dimensional themhere. Itis,however,necessarytooutlineitsmostsalient fluid instabilities in the postshock region (Ott et al. 2008; features. For simplicity, we neglect neutrino oscillations in Marek et al. 2009; Lund et al. 2010; Brandt et al. 2011) thefollowing. and/or early postbounce ring-down oscillations of a rapidly spinning protoneutron star (Ott et al. 2012). A sudden deep In core collapse and in the subsequent postbounce evolu- drop of the accretion-driven component of the neutrino lu- tion, emission of νe and ν¯e occurs via charged and neutral minosity (primarily in νe and ν¯e) within a few hundred mil- currents, while heavy-lepton neutrinos νx = {νµ,ν¯µ,ντ,ν¯τ} lisecondswouldindicatetheonsetofexplosion(e.g.,Burrows are created exclusively via thermal neutral-current pair pro- et al. 1992; Hüdepohl et al. 2010; Fischer et al. 2012, 2010) cesses. Before core bounce, only νe are emitted from elec- and an abrupt cut-off of the entire neutrino flux within sec- tron capture in the collapsing core. Milliseconds after core ondsofitsonsetwouldindicatetheformationofablackhole bounce,theshockbreaksoutoftheνe neutrinosphere(where (Burrows1986,1988;Beacometal.2001;Liebendörferetal. the optical depth is τνe ≈ 2/3) and a strong burst of νe is 2003,2004;Sumiyoshietal.2006;Fischeretal.2009). The emittedfor∼20msfromrapidelectroncaptureonthefreshly spectralcharacteristicsandlong-termspectralevolutionofthe abundantfreeprotonsbehindtheshock. νxarecopiouslycre- neutrino flux could provide important constraints on the nu- ated in the hot interior of the protoneutron star after bounce clearEOS(Robertsetal.2012;Mareketal.2009)and/orthe and begin to diffuse out, leading to a steep rise, quick lev- spin of the progenitor core (Ott et al. 2008; Marek & Janka eling and subsequent slow decay of the νx luminosity (Lνx). 2009). The ability of some detectors to distinguish interac- ν¯e productionviacharged-currentpositroncaptureisinitially tionsofdifferentneutrinoflavorswouldleadtoconstraintson suppressed due to the high degeneracy of the electrons. The theneutron-to-protonratiointheneutrino-drivenwindphase, latter is partially lifted after bounce at the moderate-density, allowinganobservationaltestofcore-collapsesupernovaeas hot edge of the protoneutron star and Lν¯e rises, reaching or potentialsitesforr-processnucleosynthesis(Hüdepohletal. surpassingthevalueatwhichLνe levelsoffaftertheneutron- 2010;Fischeretal.2010;Wurmetal.2012). izationburstdecays. Thesubsequentpreexplosionluminosity canroughlybesplitintoadiffusivecomponentfromthecore The neutrino signature of core collapse, of the subsequent and accretion luminosity (∝GM[R ]M˙/R , where R is an core-collapse supernova evolution and of the protoneutron ν ν ν approximate neutrinosphere radius) from or from above the starcoolingphase,isinvariablyintertwinedwithneutrinoos- neutrinosphere (Burrows 1988). L is primarily diffusive, cillation physics. The robustness of all of the above men- νx while L and L are dominated by accretion. In general, tioned observational conclusions will depend on our under- νe ν¯e L ≈L >L ,but4L =L +L +L +L >L +L . standingoftheimpactofneutrinoflavoroscillations. Neutri- νe ν¯e νx νx νµ ν¯µ ντ ν¯τ νe ν¯e ν havethelowestopacity,sincetheyinteractonlyvianeutral nospropagatingfromtheiremissionsitetodetectorsonEarth x currents. Theydecouplefrommatteratthesmallestradiiand may experience (i) so-called vacuum oscillations driven by highesttemperaturesandthushavethehighestaverageener- neutrinomassdifferences(Pontecorvo1968),(ii)oscillations gies(cid:104)(cid:15) (cid:105). ν¯ haveaslightlyloweropacitythanν ,leadingto mediated by a resonance in ν–e− scattering (the Mikheyev- ν e e the well established neutrino energy hierarchy in the preex- Smirnov-Wolfenstein [MSW] effect; Mikheev & Smirnov plosion phase (cid:104)(cid:15) (cid:105)>(cid:104)(cid:15) (cid:105)>(cid:104)(cid:15) (cid:105). The mean energy of all 1985; Wolfenstein 1978), and (iii) oscillations due to ν–ν νx ν¯e νe speciesgrowswithincreasingpostbouncetime,reflectingthe scattering (Pantaleone 1992; see Duan et al. 2010 for a re- recessionoftheneutrinospheresduetothecontractionofthe view). Vacuum and MSW oscillations are well understood protoneutronstar. andtheiroutcomesdependessentiallyonlyonneutrinomix- ingparameters,inparticulartheneutrinomasshierarchyand Considering that the accretion luminosity will scale with themixingangles. Theν–ν-scatteringdrivenoscillations,on thepostbounceaccretionrateM˙, onewouldnaturallyexpect the other hand, have a non-linear Hamiltonian that may lead an increase of the detected neutrino events with increasing to so-called collective oscillations with very complex spatial mass of the stellar core. Since higher accretion rates corre- and temporal outcome that remains to be fully understood spondtomorematerialcompressingandsettlingmorerapidly (see,e.g.,Hannestadetal.2006;Duanetal.2007;Foglietal. ontheprotoneutronstar,thelatter’souterregionswillbehot- 3 ter. Thus the thermal neutral-current emission will be en- preservingtheoverallsystematicswithaccretionrate. Buras hanced,leadingtohigherluminositiesandhighermeanneu- et al. (2006) also were the only authors to suggest that the trinoenergies. accretion-ratedependenceofluminosityandtotalemitteden- ergyinthepreexplosionphasecouldbeusedtoinferthestruc- Thevariationofthepreexplosionneutrinosignalwithpro- ture of the progenitor. The other studies, being focused on genitorstarZAMSmasswasfirstdiscussedbyWoosleyetal. aspectssuchasneutrinooscillations,blackholeformation,or (1986)basedonthepioneeringsimulationsofWilson(1985) thelate-timepost-explosionevolution,didnotconsiderobser- andWilsonetal.(1986). Theseauthorsprovidedtotalemis- vationalconsequences. sion characteristics and spectra that show a systematic in- crease of total energy emitted in neutrinos and mean ν¯e en- Thompson et al. (2003), using a limited set of three pro- ergywithZAMSmassintherangefrom10−25M(cid:12). Mayle genitor models ({11, 15, 20}M(cid:12) at ZAMS), found similar et al. (1987), before SN 1987A, carried out simulations of systematics as the aforementioned studies, but also carried a range of progenitor stars with ZAMS mass in the range outananalysisoftheexpectedsignalinvariousneutrinode- 12−100M(cid:12). They found that the νe neutronization burst tectorsinthefirst250msafterbounce. TheycomputedIBD shows little dependence on the progenitor, due to the rather event rates for their 20-M and 11-M and found a factor (cid:12) (cid:12) universal homologous collapse and bounce dynamics. Fur- of two more IBD events for the former, which would allow thermore, they mentioned, though did not discuss in detail, a high-confidence distinction between these progenitors for thattheluminositiesandmeanneutrinoenergiesincreaseasa a galactic core collapse event. However, their 15-M model (cid:12) functionofironcoremass(andnotZAMSmass). Amorede- yielded a postbounce neutrino signal very similar to that of tailedandclearphysicaldiscussionwasprovidedbyBruenn their 11-M model and would be indistinguishable by neu- (cid:12) (1987), who contrasted the predicted neutrino signal from trino observations alone. This suggests that ZAMS mass is the early postbounce phase in two different progenitor core not a good parameter to describe presupernova stellar struc- models with neutrino observations of SN 1987A. He noted ture(cf.,Bruenn1987). that there are significant uncertainties in connecting a given ZAMS mass to precollapse structure. Instead of a progeni- Inthisarticle,wepresentafreshlookattheprogenitorde- torwithanassociatedZAMSmass, heconsideredamassive pendenceoftheneutrinosignatureinthepreexplosionaccre- (and high-entropy) 2.05-M iron core model and a lower- tionphaseofcore-collapsesupernovae. Weperform1Dgen- (cid:12) mass (and lower-entropy) 1.35-M iron core model in his eral relativistic radiation-hydrodynamics core collapse sim- (cid:12) spherically-symmetric(1D)neutrinoradiation-hydrodynamic ulations of 32 progenitor models from the single-star solar- simulations. Heshowedthatthemoremassivecoreleadstoa metallicity presupernova model suite of Woosley & Heger consistentlyhigherν¯ luminosityinboththeaccretionanddif- (2007)andfollowthepostbouncepreexplosionevolutionfor e fusionsectors. ThewaterCherenkovdetectorsthatobserved 450ms. In ZAMS mass, these models range from 12M(cid:12) neutrinos from SN 1987A are most sensitive to the inverse to 120M(cid:12), but guided by the previous results discussed in betadecay(IBD)reactionν¯ +p→n+e+. Bruenn(1987)pre- theabove,wechoosenottoparameterizeoursimulationsby e dicted a factor of two difference in the integrated early IBD ZAMSmass. Insteadweemploythecompactnessparameter events between the massive and the low-mass core in these ξM ∼M/R(M)(forarelevantmassscaleM,measuredatthe detectors. Heconcludedthattheneutrinosignalobservedby time of bounce). As shown in O’Connor & Ott (2011), ξM thesedetectorsfromSN1987Awasmostconsistentwiththe is the most important stellar structure parameter governing low-masscore. Burrows(1988),whocarriedoutaparameter the postbounce accretion evolution to a remnant mass scale study of quasi-hydrostatic protoneutron star cooling, consid- M.Wedemonstratethatthepreexplosionneutrinoemissionis ering various initial masses, ad-hoc accretion rates, and dif- very well parameterized by the compactness. The preexplo- ferent nuclear EOS, found a similar trend. He showed that sion luminosities and mean energies of all neutrino species more massive cores, higher accretion rates, and softer EOS increase essentially monotonically with increasing ξM. We lead to stronger, higher-energy neutrino emission. Some of computepredictedintegratedIBDeventsforagalacticcore- hisstrongestemitterswerecasesinwhicheventuallyablack collapse supernova in the Super-Kamiokande detector and holewasformed. show that the clear systematics governed by ξM carries over to observation, even when standard MSW neutrino oscilla- Liebendörfer and collaborators carried out a sequence of tions are taken into account. Our results thus indicate that studiesoftheprogenitordependenceoftheneutrinosignalus- – in the absence of complicated collective neutrino oscilla- ing modern general relativistic 1D radiation-hydrodynamics tions – a high-statistics detection of neutrinos from the pre- simulations (Liebendörfer et al. 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004). explosion phase will allow, in principle, a tight constraint of They showed that the ν neutronization burst is indeed al- e thecompactnessoftheprogenitorstar’score. This,however, most independent of progenitor structure (as first suggested willrequireknowledgeofthenuclearEOSandoftherotation by Mayle et al. 1987). They also qualitatively and quantita- rateofthecollapsedcore,since,asweshow,bothcandilute tivelyconnectedtheevolutionofthepostbouncepreexplosion theotherwiseclearcompactness-dependentneutrinoemission luminosity to the postbounce accretion rate, but did not dis- systematics. cuss observational implications. Their results were corrobo- ratedbysimilarlysophisticatedsubsequentstudiesofKachel- This paper is structured as follows. In §2, we discuss our rieß et al. (2005); Buras et al. (2006); Fischer et al. (2009); generalrelativistichydrodynamicscodeGR1Dandintroduce Sumiyoshi et al. (2008); Fischer et al. (2010, 2012); Serpico itsextensiontoneutrinoradiation-hydrodynamicsinthetwo- etal.(2012). Ofthese,Burasetal.(2006)presentedthemost momentapproximation,nuGR1D.Theinitialmodelsandthe comprehensive analysis and also compared between 1D and employed EOS are discussed in §3. In §4, we present re- axisymmetric(2D)results. Theyfoundthatin2D,convection sults from a benchmark collapse and postbounce simulation intheprotoneutronstaraltersthestructureofthelatter,affect- thatallowsustocomparewiththepreviouslypublishedcode ingtheneutrinoemissionstarting∼100msafterbounce, but comparisonofLiebendörferetal.(2005)toassessnuGR1D’s 4 abilitytoreproduceresultsoffullBoltzmannneutrinotrans- tensorareP =E X2andP =g E /3,respec- rr,(ν),thin (ν) ii,(ν),thick ii (ν) port. Wepresenttheresultsofoursimulationsin§5,analyze tively. thedependenceoftheneutrinosignalonprogenitorcompact- Wesetouttosolvethesystemofequationsviastandardhy- ness, discusspredictedIBDsignalsfromagalacticcorecol- perbolicmethodsborrowedfromconservativehydrodynamic lapse event in the Super-Kamiokande detector, and explore schemes (Pons et al. 2000). Transport variables live at cell potential degeneracies introduced by EOS and rotation. Fi- centers and we employ piece-wise linear reconstruction to nally, in §6, we critically summarize our work and conclude cellinterfaceswithvanLeer’slimiter(vanLeer1977)andthe by contrasting our results with the early neutrino signal ob- HLLEapproximateRiemannsolver(Einfeldt1988)forcalcu- servedfromSN1987A. lating the intercell fluxes. A complication arises when solv- ingtheneutrinomomentequationsinthehigh-opacitylimit. 2. METHODS In this case, the standard fluxes returned from the Riemann solveraredominatedbyanumericaldiffusionterm. Wefol- We make use of the open-source 1D general relativistic low Audit et al. (2002) and modify the fluxes to correct for hydrodynamics code GR1D (O’Connor & Ott 2010; avail- this. Essentially,themodifiedfluxesreturnthediffusion-limit able at http://www.stellarcollapse.org) outfit- fluxinthehighopacitylimit. Themodifiedformoftheneu- ted with an energy-dependent multi-species M1 neutrino trinoenergydensityfluxthroughthei+1/2interfaceisgiven transport scheme in which the zeroth and first moments of by the neutrino distribution function are evolved. We refer the reader to O’Connor & Ott (2010) for details on GR1D and a˜+Fi,R −a˜−Fi+1,L+(cid:15) a˜+a˜−(Ei+1,L−Ei,R) describe in the following our current implementation of the Fi+1/2= r,(ν) r,(ν) (ν) (ν) (ν) . (5) transport scheme. For this first application, we neglect the r,(ν) a˜+−a˜− computationally-expensiveenergy-couplingneutrinointerac- The corresponding modified interface flux for the neutrino tions and transport terms – these terms are undoubtedly im- fluxevolutionequationis, portantformakinghighlyaccuratepredictionsoftheneutrino signature(see, e.g., Lentzetal.2012a,b), butareunlikelyto Pi+1/2=(cid:15) P˜i+1/2+(1−(cid:15)2 )(Pi+1,L+Pi,R)/2, (6) rr,(ν) (ν) rr,(ν) (ν) (ν) (ν) affect the general trends we observe. We will address them infuturework,butprovideadiscussionontheconsequences with ofneglectingthesetermsviaacomparisontofullBoltzmann (cid:15) (a˜+Pi,R −a˜−Pi+1,L)+a˜+a˜−(Fi+1,L−Fi,R) neutrinotransportsimulationsin§4. P˜i+1/2= (ν) rr,(ν) rr,(ν) (ν) (ν) . (7) rr,(ν) a˜+−a˜− OurM1schemecloselyfollowsShibataetal.(2011),who formulate the M1 evolution equations in a closed covariant In these equations, (cid:15) controls the modification to the (ν) form. The scheme is simplified greatly by neglecting the fluxestoaccountforthehighopacity. FollowingAuditetal. energy-coupling terms. This further requires that the veloc- (2002),wetake ity dependent terms are also ignored. In this limit, and us- (cid:18) (cid:19) ing the Schwarzschild-like metric and radial-polar slicing of 1 (cid:15) =min 1, , (8) GR1DandsettingG=c=M(cid:12)=1,theevolutionequationsfor (ν) κ(ν)∆r theneutrinoenergydensity,E ,andtheneutrinofluxvector, (ν) Fr,(ν),simplifyfromEquations3.37and3.38ofShibataetal. where κ(ν) is the sum of the scattering and absorptive opac- (2011)to ities. These opacities are strong functions of energy and are alsospeciesdependent. Wenotethatwhen(cid:15) is1,theinter- ∂E + 1∂ (cid:18)αr2F (cid:19)=α2St , (1) cellfluxesreducetothestandardHLLEapp(rνo)ximation. The t (ν) r2 r X2 r,(ν) (ν) characteristicspeedsneededfortheHLLEschemearecalcu- latedinthesamespiritastheneutrinopressuretensor(Shibata and etal.2011;Kurodaetal.2012), 1 (cid:18)αr2 (cid:19) E (1−p ) ∂tFr,(ν)+r2∂r X2 Prr,(ν) =αX2S(rν)+α (ν) r (ν) , (2) λ(ν)= 3p(ν2)−1λ(ν),thin+3(1−2p(ν))λ(ν),thick, (9) whereSα istheneutrinointeractionsourceterm(seebelow), where in the zero velocity limit, λ = ±α/X and αisthelapsefunctionandX =(1−2M(r)/r)−1/2. P isthe √ (ν),thin rr,(ν) λ =±α/( 3X). a˜+ anda˜− arethemaximumandmini- neutrinopressuretensorandistakentobeaninterpolationbe- (ν),thick mumvalues,respectively,ofthesecharacteristicspeedseval- tweenthetwolimitingcasesoffreestreaminganddiffusion. uatedfromboththerightandleftreconstructedvariables. WefollowShibataetal.(2011),whoexpressP as ii,(ν) Finally, the source terms in Equations 1 and 2 are taken 3p −1 3(1−p ) P = (ν) P + (ν) P , (3) fromShibataetal.(2011). Inthezerovelocitylimit, ii,(ν) 2 ii,(ν),thin 2 ii,(ν),thick St=(η −κ E )/α, (10) where p istheEddingtonfactor,takenheretobethemax- (ν) a,(ν) (ν) (ν) imum entropy closure in a closed, analytic form (Minerbo Sr=−(κa,(ν)+κs,(ν))Fr,(ν)/X2, (11) 1978;Cernohorsky&Bludman1994), where η , κ , and κ are the neutrino emissivity, neu- (ν) a,(ν) s,(ν) 1 f2 trino absorption opacity, and the neutrino scattering opac- p = + (ν)(6−2f +6f2 ). (4) ity, respectively. We precompute the neutrino interaction (ν) 3 15 (ν) (ν) terms for each neutrinos species (we treat ν , ν¯ and ν = e e x Intheno-velocitylimitforGR1D, f =|F /(E X)|. The {ν ,ν¯ ,ν ,ν¯ }) and neutrino energy group in dense tabular (ν) r,(ν) (ν) µ µ τ τ free streaming and diffusion limits of the neutrino pressure form as a function of density ρ, temperature T, and electron 5 fractionY . Wethenuselinearinterpolationforefficienton- e ✶✵✹ the-fly interpolation. We include all standard iso-energetic scattering processes, charged-current absorption and emis- sion, and thermal pair-production processes (Burrows et al. ✶✵✷ ☎✆✝✞✟ 2006; Bruenn 1985) in the calculation of the neutrino in- ☎✠✝✟ ✶ teraction terms. Since the neutrino–matter interactions for heavy-lepton neutrinos and antineutrinos are slightly differ- ent, NuLib averages the two values of the emissivities and (cid:0)✵✽ ▼ opacities. Ourlibraryofneutrinointeractionroutines(which ① we call NuLib) is open source and available as a GitHub (cid:0)✵✻ repositoryathttp://www.nulib.org. NuLibrequires an EOS for the evaluation of the emissivities and opacities. (cid:0)✵✹ Our treatment of thermal pair processes in GR1D warrants some comments. Since we do not currently consider energy (cid:0)✵✷ (orspecies)couplingforthermalemissionprocessessuchas electron–positronannihilationtoaneutrino–antineutrinopair, (cid:0) wecomputeanemissivitybasedonthethermalcontentofthe ✶✷ ✶✺ ✷(cid:0) ✷✺ ✸(cid:0) ✹(cid:0) ✺(cid:0) ✻(cid:0) ✼(cid:0)✽(cid:0) ✶(cid:0)(cid:0)✶✷(cid:0) matterignoringanyfinalstateneutrinoblocking.Welimitthe ❩✁✂✄ (cid:210) neutrino energy density to the blackbody occupation density FIG.1.— Compactness parameters for the 32 considered presupernova modelsofWoosley&Heger(2007)versusZAMSmassasevaluatedfrom byusingKirchhoff’slawtodetermineaneffectiveopacityfor collapse simulations with the LS220 EOS. We show both ξ1.75 and ξ2.5. neutrino–antineutrinoannihilationfromthethermalemissiv- ThemappingbetweenZAMSmassandprecollapsestructureishighlynon- ity. Asweshallsee,thismethodperformswellatpredicting monotonic,makingtheformeranill-suitedparameterfordescribingprogen- itorstructureincorecollapsesimulations. thethermalneutrinofluxoftheheavy-leptonneutrinosduring nuclearequationofstate.Theempiricalparameterintroduced thepreexplosionphase. inO’Connor&Ott(2011)isthecompactnessoftheprogen- InnuGR1D,wefirstupdatethehydrodynamicvariablesto itor, measured at the time of core bounce. It is an inverse then+1-thtimestep. Wethencomputetheneutrinoopacities measureoftheradialextentofagivenmasscoordinateatthe and emissivities associated with the updated hydrodynamic timeofbounce, variables. We update the radiation field operator-split. The fluxtermissolvedexplicitly,usingtheradiationmomentsof ξ = M/M(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) , (12) the n-th timestep. We calculate the neutrino–matter interac- M R(Mbary=M)/1000km(cid:12)t=tbounce tion terms using the n+1 radiation moments via a local im- where R(M =M) is the radial coordinate that encloses a plicit update. With the n+1 radiation energy density source bary baryonicmassofM atthetimeofcorebounce. InO’Connor term,wethenupdatetheenergydensityandelectronfraction & Ott (2011), we chose M =2.5M , since this is the rele- of the matter. We use 24 energy groups, with lowest-energy (cid:12) vantmassscaleforblackholeformation,i.e.,atypicalmax- groupcentersat0.5MeVand1.5MeV,andthenspacedloga- imumbaryonicmassatwhicharangeofEOScannolonger rithmicallyupto200MeVforν ,ν¯ andν . Wenotethatfor e e x support a neutron star against gravity. In this study, we pri- thehighestenergybinsitoccasionallyoccursthattheevolved marily use ξ . The motivation for this is that during the neutrinofluxvectorexceedstheevolvedneutrinoenergyden- 1.75 postbouncepreexplosionphase,therelevantmassscale,espe- sity. This tends to occur in the most dynamic phases of our ciallyformodelswithrelativelysmallcompactness,ismuch simulations and where the opacities vary significantly from less than 2.5M . In this study, we choose 1.75M because onezonetothenext. Whenthisisthecasewelimittheneu- (cid:12) (cid:12) thisisclosetotheaveragebaryonicmassinsidetheshockat trinofluxtotheneutrinoenergydensity. 200–300ms after bounce for all models: in the two extreme 3. INITIALMODELSANDEQUATIONSOFSTATE modelsthatspanthespaceincompactnessparameter(model s12WH07, [ξ =0.24 and ξ =0.022], on the lower end; 1.75 2.5 We employ the most recent non-rotating solar-metallicity model s40WH07 [ξ =1.33 and ξ =0.59] on the upper 1.75 2.5 single-starmodelsetfromthestellarevolutioncodeKEPLER end),thebaryonicmassaccretedthroughtheshockat250ms (Woosley & Heger 2007). This model set contains the pre- afterbounceis1.45Mand2.05M,respectively. Wefurther supernova configuration of 32 stars ranging in ZAMS mass justifyourmotivationofusingξ overξ in§5.1.InFig.1, 1.75 2.5 from 12M(cid:12) to 120M(cid:12). We denote individual models by weplotbothξ1.75 andξ2.5 versusZAMSmassforall32con- sXXWH07,whereXXcorrespondstotheintegerZAMSmass sideredmodels. ξ isprovidedinTable1forallmodels. 1.75 of the model, e.g., s12WH07 is the 12-M model of this (cid:12) ForFig.1,onenotesthatwhileξ andξ differquanti- model set. In O’Connor & Ott (2011), we investigated this 1.75 2.5 tatively,thereisnosignificantqualitativedifferencebetween and other model sets in the context of black hole formation. them. The overall trends transcending individual models re- Undertheassumptionofafailedcore-collapsesupernova,we main, including the two regions of high compactness near found a strong empirical relation between the properties of 22–25M and35–45M . ξ simplyprovidesamorefine- thepresupernovastructureandtheevolutionofthefailingsu- (cid:12) (cid:12) 1.75 grained parameterization at the lower mass scale relevant in pernova, e.g., the time to black hole formation. This led to the first few hundred milliseconds after bounce. Note, how- a clear prediction: If we observe black hole formation in a ever, that there are a few models that have similar ξ , but failed core-collapse supernova via neutrinos, the lifetime of 2.5 rather different density structure at small enclosed masses the protoneutron star (and thus of the neutrino signal) relays andradiiand,hence,adifferentξ . Modelss14WH07and direct information about the presupernova structure. How- 1.75 s16WH07areexamples. ever,suchaprediction,(i)requiresafailedsupernova,which maynotbethenorm,and(ii)hasastrongdependenceonthe In this study we perform core collapse simulations with 6 eachprogenitorandtwoEOS.WeusetheEOSofLattimer& ✼✵ Swesty (1991) with a nuclear incompressibility of 220MeV. TheLS220EOSisbasedonacompressibleliquid-dropmodel ✲✁ ✻✵ ✢❡ ✢❡ of the nucleus. Of the publicly available nuclear EOS, the ✺✵ LS220 EOS best matches the constraints from nuclear the- ✹✵ ✁ ory and astrophysical observations (see Fig. 1 of Ott et al. (cid:0) ✸✵ ✜✚✚ 2011 and Demorest et al. 2010; Hebeler et al. 2010; Steiner et al. 2010; Özel et al. 2010). We also employ the relativis- ♥ ✷✵ ✛✚✚ ✢① ticmeanfieldEOSofShenetal.(2011)thatisbasedonthe ✶✵ ✚✌✙ ✚ ✙ ✗✚ ✗✙ TM1parameterset. ItisverydifferentfromtheLS220EOS. ✵ ✵ ✺✵ ✶✵✵ ✶✺✵ ✷✵✵ ✷✺✵ ✵ ✺✵ ✶✵✵ ✶✺✵ ✷✵✵ ✷✺✵ The maximum neutrino-less β-equilibrium cold neutron star gravitationalmassesare2.04M(cid:12) and2.24M(cid:12) fortheLS220 ✷✹ ❆✠✡☛☞✌✍✎☛✏✑✏✒❆✓ and HShen EOS, respectively. The radius of a neutrino-less ❱☞✒✏☞✔ β-equilibrium cold neutron star with a gravitational mass of ✷✵ ✕✖✠✒✗✘ ✢① 1.4M usingtheLS220EOSis12.7km.FortheHShenEOS, (cid:12) the corresponding radius is 14.6km. For details on our par- ✟✞ ✶✻ ✁ ticular implementation and the treatment of the low-density ✞ ✢❡ EOS, we refer the reader to O’Connor & Ott (2010, 2011). ✶✷ ✢❡ The EOS tables, reader and interpolation routines are avail- ablefromhttp://www.stellarcollapse.org. ✽ ✵ ✺✵ ✶✵✵ ✶✺✵ ✷✵✵ ✷✺✵ ✵ ✺✵ ✶✵✵ ✶✺✵ ✷✵✵ ✷✺✵ ❜✂✄☎✆✝ ❜✂✄☎✆✝ 4. COMPARISONOFNUGR1DTOBOLTZMANNTRANSPORT FIG.2.—Neutrinoluminositiesandrootmeansquaredenergiesplottedasa functionofpostbouncetimeforthes15WW95progenitor.Theseluminosities (toppanels)andenergies(bottompanels)correspondtothecomparisonstudy Sinceourimplementationofneutrinotransportisnewand ofLiebendörferetal.(2005).Theleftpanelscontainresultsforνe,theright approximate, a comparison with published results of full panelsshowν¯e(thicklines)andνx(thinlines)results. Theinsetplotinthe Boltzmann neutrino transport is warranted. This will allow upperleftpanelshowstheνeluminosityaroundcorebounce.Showninsolid blacklinesareluminositiesandrootmeansquaredenergiesobtainedwith ustotesttheabilityofourcodetoreproducetheneutrinolu- nuGR1D.Thebluedashedlinesandreddashed-dottedlinesaretheresults minositiesandspectralpropertiesinthepreexplosionphase. fromLiebendörferetal.(2005)usingtheVERTEXcode(Rampp&Janka 2002)andAgile-BOLTZTRANcode(Liebendörferetal.2004),respectively. WecomparenuGR1DwiththeresultsofLiebendörferetal. Adetaileddiscussionofthedifferencesisprovidedinthetext. (2005), a comparison study between two Boltzmann neu- species: ν (left panels), and ν¯ and ν (right panels). Both trino transport codes4. The two codes, Agile-BOLTZTRAN e e x theluminosityandrootmeansquaredenergiesaredefinedin (Liebendörfer et al. 2004), and VERTEX (Rampp & Janka Liebendörfer et al. (2005), Section 4. The black solid lines 2002), approach the neutrino transport problem in very dif- aretheresultsobtainedwithnuGR1D,thereddashed-dotted ferent ways. Their results compare very well in the New- lines are the predictions of Agile-BOLTZTRAN, and the blue tonian limit, but show significant quantitative differences in dashedlinesaretheVERTEXresults. Overall,theagreement thegeneralrelativisticcase. Subsequentmodificationstothe isgood,howeverthereareareseveralsystematicdifferences: approximate general relativistic potential used in VERTEX (Marek et al. 2005) have since removed many of the quan- (i)Themagnitudesoftheνeandν¯eluminositiesintheearly titativedifferencesbetweenthecodes. Thegeneralrelativis- postbounce phase predicted by nuGR1D agree well with the tic test case of Liebendörfer et al. (2005) was the collapse Agile-BOLTZTRAN results but they are systematically lower andearlypostbounceevolutionofa15-M (atZAMS)solar- than the VERTEX results. This discrepancy, which also ex- (cid:12) metallicityprogenitorofWoosley&Weaver(1995),referred ists between VERTEX and the Agile-BOLTZTRAN, has been to as model s15WW95 in the following. They employed furtherinvestigatedinMareketal.(2005)andhassincebeen the LS180 EOS (Lattimer & Swesty 1991) and a baseline resolved. The updated VERTEX code employs an improved setofneutrino-matterinteractions, includingcouplingofen- generalrelativisticpotentialandgivescomparableamplitudes ergy groups via inelastic scattering processes (Bruenn 1985; toAgile-BOLTZTRAN,andhencenuGR1D. Liebendörferetal.2005). Werepeattheirtesthere,usingthe (ii)Thetimewhenthesilicon–oxygeninterface(locatedat same initial conditions and EOS, with our current approxi- abaryonicmasscoordinateof1.43M inmodels15WW95) (cid:12) mations and compare the neutrino observables. We empha- accretesthroughtheshock,whichismarkedbyasharpdrop sizeagainthatthecurrentversionofnuGR1Dlacksinelastic in the ν and ν¯ luminosities, is earlier (at ∼140ms) in our e e neutrino–electronscatteringandvelocitydependenttransport simulations than in the simulations of Liebendörfer et al. terms. Both are included in the simulations of Liebendörfer (2005)(∼180msintheVERTEXsimulations5). Wehavecar- et al. (2005). Our transport scheme evolves only the zeroth riedoutanumberofteststotrytounderstandthisdifference. and first moment of the neutrino distribution function, using We have varied the zero point of the internal energy, which ananalyticclosuretotruncatetheseriesofmomentequations, affects the relativistic enthalpy entering the momentum and whereas Liebendörfer et al. (2005) solve the full Boltzmann energy equations and alters the collapse time. We have at- equationforneutrinotransport. tempteddifferentmappingsofthepresupernovastellarstruc- In Fig. 2, we show the luminosities (top panels) and root mean squared energies (bottom panels) of three neutrino 5 Such a sharp drop is not seen in the Agile-BOLTZTRAN results. Liebendörfer et al. (2005) attribute the lack of a sharp drop in the Agile-BOLTZTRANresultstotheuseofanadaptivegrid,whichintroduces 4 The numerical data from this study are available online at artificialdiffusionandsmearsoutsharpdensityfeatures. Nevertheless,the \unhbox\voidb@x\hbox{http://iopscience.iop.org/ slowdeclineoftheνeandν¯eluminositiesbeginsaroundthesametimeasin 0004-637X/620/2/840/fulltext/datafiles.tar.gz} theVERTEXsimulations. 7 turetoourEuleriangrid,andwehavetestedvariationsinpre- collapse electron capture by parameterizingY as a function TABLE1 ofdensityinthecollapsephase(Liebendörfer2e005). Noneof KEYNEUTRINOQUANTITIES thesetestsledtoachangeofthepostbouncetimetosilicon– oxygeninterfaceaccretionbymorethan∼10ms. Model ξ1.75 E4ν0e0ms/E4ν¯0e0ms/E4ν0x0ms N2ib0d0ms N4ib0d0ms LS220/HShen LS220/HShen Withoutcurrentlyhavingthemodelingtechnologytotestit, [B] [103] [103] wesuspectthattheapparentdifferencemaybeduetotheonly s12 0.235 19.24/14.19/ 7.73 1.02/0.92 2.13/1.78 otherobviousdifferencebetweennuGR1DandVERTEX:our s13 0.383 22.18/16.58/ 8.76 1.25/1.09 2.53/2.07 simplistic treatment of the EOS at low densities. Below a s14 0.537 25.19/19.35/ 9.24 1.36/1.20 3.06/2.49 density of 6×107gcm−3, VERTEX replaces the nuclear sta- s15 0.580 25.51/19.59/ 9.17 1.30/1.16 3.13/2.59 s16 0.338 18.91/13.72/ 8.20 1.11/0.95 2.00/1.68 tisticalequilibrium(NSE)EOSwithanEOSthatspecifically s17 0.383 19.93/14.54/ 8.57 1.20/1.02 2.13/1.78 dependsonthecompositionofthematter.Agile-BOLTZTRAN s18 0.738 28.66/22.26/10.30 1.55/1.36 3.62/2.92 assumesallmatterbelowthisdensityissiliconandburnsitto s19 0.544 23.36/17.49/ 9.37 1.43/1.23 2.67/2.18 NSE when the temperature reaches 0.44MeV (Liebendörfer s20 0.944 29.39/22.70/11.08 1.79/1.55 3.64/2.91 s21 0.325 18.48/13.41/ 8.09 1.04/0.91 1.95/1.65 etal.2005).InGR1D,asdiscussedinO’Connor&Ott(2010), s22 0.972 30.06/23.29/11.26 1.82/1.58 3.76/3.00 weassumeNSEcompositionsfromthenuclearEOS.Atden- s23 1.256 42.00/33.88/14.68 2.29/2.00 5.99/4.67 sities below the validity regime of the nuclear EOS, we take s24 1.167 39.14/31.35/13.66 2.16/1.89 5.44/4.24 thecompositionsatthelowestdensitypointfromthenuclear s25 1.040 32.30/25.28/11.87 1.93/1.68 4.15/3.28 s26 0.727 24.97/18.84/10.10 1.59/1.38 2.88/2.33 EOSandusetheTimmesEOS(Timmes&Arnett1999). For s27 0.783 25.67/19.45/10.21 1.61/1.40 3.01/2.42 reference,theinitialdensityofthesilicon–oxygeninterfaceis s28 0.640 25.86/19.83/ 9.54 1.36/1.21 3.16/2.62 0.4–1.0×107gcm−3,wheretherangerepresentstheextentin s29 0.556 23.24/17.38/ 9.43 1.45/1.22 2.64/2.17 s30 0.760 26.61/20.30/10.19 1.60/1.40 3.20/2.58 densityspace. s31 0.687 25.23/19.09/ 9.95 1.56/1.35 2.96/2.40 (iii) The ν and ν¯ root mean squared energies, predicted s32 0.883 28.10/21.58/10.70 1.71/1.49 3.43/2.75 e e s33 0.965 30.36/23.57/11.28 1.82/1.58 3.82/3.04 bynuGR1DagreeverywellwiththeBoltzmanntransportre- s35 1.129 35.93/28.50/12.77 2.06/1.79 4.83/3.79 sultsduringthepostbouncephase. Thedifferenceseeninthe s40 1.328 48.32/39.45/17.51 2.49/2.21 7.23/5.75 ν root mean squared energy is similar to that observed by s45 1.300 46.42/37.81/16.56 2.42/2.14 6.86/5.44 x Thompson (2002) and Lentz et al. (2012a) when investigat- s50 0.701 25.60/19.42/10.00 1.57/1.32 3.02/2.45 s55 0.577 23.56/17.65/ 9.52 1.48/1.25 2.69/2.20 ingtheeffectsofinelasticneutrino–electronscattering. Inthe s60 0.461 21.52/15.88/ 9.07 1.33/1.12 2.36/1.95 postbounceevolution,thisinteractionisexpectedtopredom- s70 0.755 25.83/19.58/10.17 1.60/1.39 3.04/2.46 inately affect the ν neutrino. We currently ignore this pro- s80 0.591 23.75/17.80/ 9.63 1.48/1.26 2.71/2.22 x cessinnuGR1Dandnotethattheν luminositypredictedby s100 0.792 29.90/23.33/10.59 1.61/1.42 3.82/3.07 x s120 0.474 22.31/16.64/ 9.02 1.33/1.15 2.52/2.07 nuGR1DstillagreeswellwiththefullBoltzmannresults. (iv) Another difference between the evolution in nuGR1D NOTE. —ForeachmodelintheWoosley&Heger(2007)modelset andthefullBoltzmanntransportresultsarisesinthecollapse weshowξ1.75,thecumulativeemittedneutrinoenergyinνe,ν¯e anda phase. The lack of velocity terms and inelastic ν −e− scat- singleνxat400msafterbounce.Thenumberscorrespondtothemodels e runwiththeLS220EOS.Wealsopresent,foreachmodel,theestimated teringsignificantlyeffectsthecompositionoftheinnercore. numberofIBDeventsinaSuper-Kamiokande-likedetectorat200and Insimulationswithinelasticνe−e−scattering,neutrinosfrom 400ms after bounce for a supernova at a fiducial galactic distance of electroncaptureonfreeprotonsdown-scatteroffofelectrons 10kpcforbothEOS. tolowerenergies. Sincetheopticaldepthislower,theseneu- effectcanbecapturedwithGR1D’sleakageschemeinwhich trinos can then escape, deleptonizing the core. In our simu- itistrivialtoincluderedshiftterms(O’Connor&Ott2010). lations, thesehigh-energyneutrinoscannotdown-scatterand Capturing redshift in an energy-dependent transport scheme therefore cannot escape. Deleptonization is suppressed until requiresenergy-groupcoupling. Wehavealsocomparedour laterphases,whencentraldensityandtemperaturearehigher. M1schemetotheresultsofFischeretal.(2009)forthe40M Thelackofvelocity-dependenttermsdelaysfulltrappingthat (cid:12) modelfromWoosley&Weaver(1995)usingtheLS180EOS. would normally begin to occur at ρ(cid:38)1×1012gcm−3 until Inthismodelablackholeformswithin500msofbounce.We nuclear densities, allowing for further deleptonization. At finddifferencesintheν andν¯ luminositiesof∼10–20%in bouncethecentralvalueofY are∼0.22comparedto∼0.29 e e e thelast∼50ms,butgoodagreementintheearlypostbounce inVERTEXandAgile-BOLTZTRAN. Therootmeansquared phase. ν energies predicted by nuGR1D are higher during the pre- e bounce phase, because the neutrinos do not experience the down-scatteringviainelasticneutrino–electronscattering. 5. RESULTS Wefindthatdifferencesintheinnercorestructureandcom- 5.1. TrendsintheNeutrinoObservables position at bounce do not manifest themselves in the neu- trinosignalafterthecollapsephase. Therefore,forthisstudy, Weperformcorecollapseandearlypostbounceevolutions we find the current version of nuGR1D to be acceptable, of all 32 models introduced in §3 using both the LS220 and since our primary focus is the neutrino signal of the preex- the HShen EOS. In Fig. 3 we present the three neutrino lu- plosion accretion phase. We do note, however, that the lack minositiesandaverageenergiesforeachmodelandEOSasa of energy-coupling terms in our transport can cause quali- functionofpostbouncetime.Wedonotexpectacleartrendin tative differences near black hole formation. When energy- theneutrinoobservableswithZAMSmass. However, wedo coupling terms, such as gravitational redshift, are included, expecttrendsbasedonthepresupernovastructureofthestar, thentheν andν¯ luminositiesdropoffattimesverycloseto whichiswellencapsulatedbythecompactnessparameterin- e e black hole formation, as seen in Fischer et al. (2009). This troducedin§3. Inthetopsetofpanelsweshowsimulations 8 runusingtheLS220EOS.Inthebottompanels, simulations which the high accretion rates lead to the accumulation of performedwiththeHShenEOSareshown. Tohighlightthat ∼2M ofmaterialinsidetheshockwithin∼200–300msof (cid:12) thereisindeedatrendwithpresupernovastructure,wecolor- bounce. InthecaseoftheLS220EOS,thisleadstoveryhigh code individual models according to their compactness pa- temperatures throughout the protoneutron star as it becomes rameter.Themappingbetweenlinecolorandξ isprovided more and more compact and closer to gravitational collapse 1.75 ontheright. TomoredirectlyhighlighttheEOSdependence, toablackhole. Inoursimulations, themostcompactmodel weincludetheluminosityandaverageenergiesoftwomodels s40WH07(ξ =1.33,ξ =0.59)formsablackhole503ms 1.75 2.5 runwiththeLS220EOSintheHShenEOSpanelswiththick after bounce. The slightly less compact model s45WH07 dashed lines. These models, s12WH07 and s40WH07, have (ξ = 1.30, ξ = 0.55) forms a black hole 563ms after 1.75 2.5 the lowest and highest compactness parameter in our model bounce. The high temperatures present in the LS220 simu- set,respectively. lations at these times will not be obtained until postbounce times(cid:38)1sinmodelsusingtheHShenEOS6. Wefindthatthereislittlevariationinthepeakluminosityof theν neutronizationburstsignal.Forall32modelssimulated Most neutrino detectors are most sensitive to the electron e usingtheLS220(HShen)EOS,thepeakamplitudevariesby antineutrino luminosity through the dominant IBD interac- lessthan3%(5%)fromtheaverage. Thisreflectstheuniver- tion, ν¯ +p→n+e+. IntheleftpanelofFig.4, weconsider e salnatureofthecollapseoftheinnercore(Liebendörferetal. the cumulative emitted ν¯ energy for each model using the e 2002). After the neutronization burst, the postbounce lumi- LS220 EOS. We color code the models based on their com- nositiesofallspeciesincreasesystematicallywithincreasing pactnessparameterandincludetworeferencemodelsthatuse compactnessparameter. Modelswithhigherξ havehigher theHShenEOS,models12WH07andmodels40WH07. The 1.75 temperatures throughout the protoneutron star (O’Connor & graphsshowninthispanelaretheintegralofthegraphsshown Ott 2011). This increases the diffusive neutrino luminosity inthetopcenterpanelofFig.3. Itisobviousthatthecumu- and is best seen in the ν luminosities. The postbounce ac- lative amount of ν¯ energy emitted during the preexplosion x e cretion rate also increases with the compactness parameter. phasestronglycorrelateswiththecompactnessoftheprogen- Higher accretion rates, and the deeper gravitational poten- itor model. For example, the amount of emitted ν¯ energy e tialduetothehigherprotoneutronstarmass,increasetheac- from model s40WH07 (ξ =1.33) is always between two 1.75 cretion luminosity, which is most directly reflected in the ν andthreetimesofthatofmodels12WH07(ξ =0.24). We e 1.75 and ν¯ signals. After roughly 100ms, the average energy of makethispointmorequantitativeinthecenterandrightpan- e theemittedneutrinosalsoshowsanincreasingtrendwiththe els of Fig. 4. In the center (right) panel we plot the cumu- compactnessparameter. Themattertemperatureattheneutri- lative emitted ν¯ energy at 100, 200, 300, and 400ms after e nosphereishigherinmodelswithlargercompactness,there- bounce for both EOS as a function of ξ (ξ ). For refer- 1.75 2.5 foreahigheraverageneutrinoenergyisobservedatinfinity. ence, we present a subset of these numbers in Table 1. We see a very clear correlation that depends only weakly on the The neutrino luminosities and average energies from sim- chosenEOS.Note,however,thatformodelswithsmallcom- ulations using the HShen EOS are systematically lower than pactness parameter (ξ (cid:46)0.8), the correlation between the theluminositiesandaverageenergiesfromsimulationsofthe 1.75 totalemittedν¯ energyandthecompactnessparameterisnot samemodelrunwiththeLS220EOS.Thisisclearlyseenin e as strong after 400ms of postbounce evolution. Comparing the bottom set of panels in Fig. 3: models s12WH07-LS220 the center and right panels justifies our choice of ξ over ands40WH07-LS220haveluminositiesandaverageenergies 1.75 ξ asexplainedin§3. that are comparable to or larger than in the corresponding 2.5 HShen models. For a fixed accretion rate (or fixed progeni- The onset of an explosion will break the correlation ob- tormodel),thelocationoftheneutrinosphereofeachspecies served in Fig. 4. Once it is launched, the accretion lumi- influences the emitted luminosities and spectra. In models nosity effectively turns off and only the diffusion luminosity evolved with the stiff HShen EOS, the neutrinospheres are remains. One also expects this diffusion luminosity to show located systematically at larger radii and lower matter tem- a correlation with the compactness of the progenitor, since peraturesthaninmodelsrunwiththesofterLS220EOS.For the remnant protoneutron star’s thermodynamic conditions, example, in the s12WH07 simulations, the Rosseland-mean such as the central entropy and its mass, are essentially set ν neutrinospheresat200msafterbouncehaveradiiandtem- by the presupernova structure. However, it is currently un- e peratures of ∼35.3km and ∼4.86MeV; and ∼39.5km and clearwhetheroneshouldobtainacorrelationbetweenexplo- ∼4.46MeVfortheLS220andtheHShenEOS,respectively. sion time and the compactness parameter. Clarification will The larger neutrinosphere radii are responsible for the lower require a more complete understanding of the core-collapse accretion luminosity since the latter is set essentially by the supernova explosion mechanism and may require extensive product of the mass accretion rate and the gravitational po- parameterstudieswithfullyself-consistentthree-dimensional tential at the protoneutron star surface (Liebendörfer et al. simulations. 2002). The latter is located at larger radii in simulations us- ing the HShen EOS. The differences in the neutrinosphere 5.2. Detectability radii and temperatures between the LS220 and HShen EOS also give an explanation for the systematically lower aver- WeusethepubliclyavailablesoftwareSNOwGLoBES7 to age neutrino energies seen in the HShen simulations. Mat- predict the neutrino signal observed in Earth-based neutrino ter at larger radii has been compressed less and therefore is cooler. This leads to average neutrino energies that can be 6 While we do not follow these models to black hole formation in our currentstudy,inO’Connor&Ott(2011)wefoundthattheblackholefor- up to 5MeV lower for the HShen EOS than for the LS220 mationtimesofthes40WH07ands45WH07modelsare∼1.3sand∼1.4s, EOS for the same progenitor model (see Fig. 3). The dif- respectively,whenusingtheHShenEOS. ferenceintheneutrinoluminositiesandaverageenergiesbe- 7 available at http://www.phy.duke.edu/~schol/ tween the two EOS is largest for models with ξ (cid:38)1.2, in snowglobes 1.75 9 ✶✹✵ ✲(cid:0) ✶✷✵ ▲▲✞✞✟✟✟✟✠✠✡✡☛☞✟✠ ✶✵✵ ✽✵ ✕✖✗✘✙ ✺(cid:0) ✻✵ ✒✎✑ ✹✵ ✒✎✏ ♥ ✷✵ ✌❡ ✌❡ ✌① ✒✎✍ ✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✍✎✓ ✸✵ ✸✵ ✌❡ ✌❡ ✸✵ ✌① ✍✎✔ ✷✝ ✷✝ ✍✎✑ ✷✝ ✷✵ ✷✵ ✍✎✏ ✷✵ ✶✝ ✶✝ ✶✵ ✶✵ ✶✝ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ❜✁✂✄☎✆ ❜✁✂✄☎✆ ❜✁✂✄☎✆ ✶✹✵ ✲(cid:0) ✶✷✵ ❍❍✞✞✟✟✠✠✡✡☛☛☞✍✌✎ ✶✵✵ ✺(cid:0) ✻✽✵✵ ▲▲✢✢✣✣✣✣✤✤✥✥✦✧✤✣ ✕✒✔✘✙✚✛✜ ✹✵ ✕✒✓ ♥ ✷✵ ✏❡ ✏❡ ✏① ✕✒✑ ✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✑✒✖ ✸✵ ✸✵ ✏❡ ✏❡ ✸✵ ✏① ✑✒✗ ✷✝ ✷✝ ✑✒✔ ✷✝ ✷✵ ✷✵ ✑✒✓ ✷✵ ✶✝ ✶✝ ✶✵ ✶✵ ✶✝ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ❜✁✂✄☎✆ ❜✁✂✄☎✆ ❜✁✂✄☎✆ FIG.3.—Neutrinoluminosities(toppanels)andaverageenergies(bottompanels)plottedasafunctionofpostbouncetimeforall32modelsofWoosley &Heger(2007). ThetopsetofpanelsshowsresultsobtainedwiththeLS220EOS.ThebottompanelshowsthesamefortheHShenEOS,butincludes,for reference,twoLS220models: s12WH07ands40WH07. Theleft,center,andrightpanelsshowresultsforνe,ν¯e,andνx,respectively. Thecurvesarecolor- andline-weight-codedwithincreasingcompactness(ξ1.75),themappingfromcolortocompactnessparameterisshownontheright. Thereisacleartrendin allluminositiesandaverageenergieswithcompactnessparameter. Theprogenitorwiththehighestcompactness,s40WH07,formsablackholeat502msafter bounce. Noneofthesemodelsexplode,buttheonsetofanexplosioninanyofthesemodelswouldleadtoasuddendeepdrop(strongestforνeandν¯e)inthe luminositiesandaverageenergies(Fischeretal.2010). Thesmallerdropobservedformostmodelsmodelshereisduetothesuddendecreaseoftheaccretion ratewhenthesilicon–oxygeninterfacereachesthestalledshock. detectors. SNOwGLoBES(Scholberg2012),whichinturnre- of events for each model run with the LS220 EOS and, for lies on GLoBES (Huber et al. 2005, 2007), is a set of rou- reference,twomodelsrunwiththeHShenEOS.Thelinesare tines that compute the interaction rates of supernova neutri- color-coded according to compactness parameter. Note that nos in user-specified detector configurations. Variables in- theverticalscaleinthisfigureisinthousandsofevents. We clude detector material (e.g., water, scintillator, argon, and notethatouranswersagreewiththetotalnumberofexpected lead), detector volume, detector response functions, and a eventsinSuper-Kamiokandefromagalacticcore-collapsesu- host of relevant neutrino interactions. For this investigation, pernovaat10kpc,whichisestimatedtobe∼7000(Scholberg we consider only IBD events in a water Cherenkov detec- 2012). To arrive at this number from our results, consider tor. We choose a detector mass of 32kT, the mass of wa- the lowest ZAMS mass progenitor in our model set, model terinSuper-Kamiokandethatissensitivetocore-collapsesu- s12WH07. After 450ms of evolution, 15B of ν¯ energy has e pernova neutrinos (Scholberg 2012). For reference, we use beenradiated(Fig.4),whichcorrespondsto2000IBDevents the wc100kt30prct smearing rates and efficiencies pro- (Fig. 5). For 50B of released energy (∼1/6 of 300B, the vided with SNOwGLoBES. We construct SNOwGLoBES ini- fiducial energy released in neutrinos over the entire cooling tial fluence data from our simulations binned in 5ms inter- phase),onewouldthenexpect∼7000events. However,asis vals. Weprovidetheseenergy-dependentfluencesathttp: clear from Fig. 5, the number of events from the next galac- //www.stellarcollapse.org/M1prog for all mod- ticsupernovamaybehigherthanthisfiducialnumber. More els, neutrino species, and both EOS in 5ms intervals up to importantly,therateofeventsinthepreexplosionphasewill 450msafterbounce.Weassumeafiducialgalacticsupernova giveusdetailedinformationontheprogenitorcorestructure. distanceof10kpc. InFig.5,weshowthecumulativenumber 10 ✺✵ ✺✵ ✺✵ ▲✌✍✍✎✏✑✍ ✑✎✎✘✏ ▲✌✍✍✎ ✹✵ ▲✌✍✍✎✏✒✎ ✹✵ ✍✎✎✘✏ ✹✵ ❍✌✢✣✤ ✙✎✎✘✏ ✦✧★✩✪✫✬✭ ✒✎✎✘✏ ✠✡✡❡☛ ✸✵ ✠✡✡❡☛ ✸✵ ✠✡✡❡☛ ✸✵ ❡✟❴ ♥☞✷✵ ❡✟❴ ♥☞✷✵ ❡✟❴ ♥☞✷✵ ❙ ❙ ❙ ✶✵ ✶✵ ✶✵ ✦✧★✩✪✫✮✯ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ ✵✓✷ ✵✓✹ ✵✓✔ ✵✓✚ ✶✓✵ ✶✓✷ ✶✓✹ ✵✓✵ ✵✓✶ ✵✓✷ ✵✓✸ ✵✓✹ ✵✓✺ ✵✓✔ t(cid:0)t❜✁✂✄☎✆ ✥✝✞ ✛✖✜✗ ✕✖✗ FIG.4.—Cumulativeemittedelectronantineutrinoenergy. Weshowthecumulativetotalsviaseveralmethods. Intheleftpanelweshowtimeseriesdatafor eachofthe32modelsofWoosley&Heger(2007)runwiththeLS220EOS.Thecolorcodingcorrespondstothevalueofξ1.75 andisgiveninFig.3. This cumulativeenergyisthetimeintegralofthetop-centerpanelofFig.3. Thedashedblacklinescorrespondtomodelss12WH07ands40WH07runwiththe HShenEOS.Inthecenterandrightpanelswepresenttheemittedenergyatselectpostbouncetimes,foreachmodelandEOS,plottedversusthecompactness ξ1.75(centerpanel)andξ2.5(rightpanel)ofthemodel. ✮ onthedetector’sresponsefunctionandefficiency. ✬✭ ✶✵ An additional independent path to experimentally probing ✾ ✖✩✪✫ the inner structure of the progenitor is via the total neutrino ✣ ✤✌✌✥✦ ▲☛☞☞✌ energy emitted in all species over the first 10s of seconds ✞✟✠✡ ✽ ✕ ✧☞✌✌✌✌✥✥✦✦ ❍☛✍✎✏ after the initial collapse. This method requires a measure- ■✆✝ ✼ ✔✢ ★✌✌✥✦ ✯✰✱✲✳✴✿✭ ment of the total fluence of neutrinos of all species, not just ✻ ✜ electron antineutrinos. An example of a neutrino interaction ✓ capable of relaying such information is the mono-energetic ✺ ✗ de-excitation of a neutral-current neutrino-excitation of 12C ✑ ✹ ✑✒✓ ✑✒✔ ✑✒✕ ✑✒✖ ✗✒✑ ✗✒✓ ✗✒✔ (Scholberg 2012). Such a measurement would require good ✸ ①✘✙✚✛ energy resolution and a significant source of carbon, for ex- ample, a liquid scintillator neutrino detector. We note that ✷ evenwithaliquidscintillatordetector,thedominantneutrino interactionisstillIBD(Scholberg2012). ✶ ✯✰✱✲✳✴✬❀ If such a measurement was made, and there is not a sig- ✵ ✵ ✶✵✵ ✷✵✵ ✸✵✵ ✹✵✵ nificantamountofrotation(seethediscussiononrotationin ❜(cid:0)✁✂✄☎ §5.3),onecanimmediatelyinferthegravitationalbindingen- FIG.5.— Cumulative IBD events in a Super-Kamiokande-like water ergyoftheremnant,sinceneutrinoscarryawaythevastma- Cherenkovdetectoratafiducialgalacticdistanceof10kpcversuspostbounce time. WeusetheSNOwGLoBESpackagetodeterminetheintegratedIBD jority(∼99%8)ofthegravitationalbindingenergy. Fortyp- eventrateina32kTwaterCherenkovdetectorat10kpc. Thecolorcoding ical nuclear EOS like the ones considered here, this results correspondstothevalueofξ1.75andisprovidedinFig.3. Thedashedlines inaone-to-onemappingofthereleasedgravitationalbinding areresultsformodelss12WH07ands40WH07runwiththeHShenEOS. energy to the baryonic mass of the remnant, and, hence, the IntheinsetweshowthecumulativeIBDhitsasafunctionofξ1.75foreach modelandEOSatfourpostbouncetimes:100,200,300,and400ms. gravitationalmassoftheremnant. Thisismosteasilyseenby fittingthegravitationalbindingenergyofacold(T=0.1MeV), In order to more directly quantify the differences between neutrino-less β-equilibrium, non-rotating neutron star to its variations in progenitor compactness and variations in the baryonic mass. From cold neutron star TOV solutions using nuclear EOS, we plot in the inset of Fig. 5 the number theLS220EOSonecanobtainanempiricalfittobetterthan of expected IBD events in a Super-Kamiokande-like water 3%aboveabaryonicmassof1.15M , Cherenkovdetectoratvariouspostbouncetimesversusξ . (cid:12) 1.75 Thereisawelldefinedtrend: ThenumberofIBDeventsde- E ∼ 1.12×1053(M /M )2ergs. (13) binding bary (cid:12) tected in the first 100, 200, 300, and 400ms increases with thecompactnessparameterofthemodels. Forreference, we AsimilarfitfortheHShenEOSgives, includetheexpectednumberofeventsat200and400msfor E ∼9.78×1052(M /M )2ergs, (14) both EOS in Table 1. We find that the EOS dependence of binding bary (cid:12) the expected number of events is similar to the EOS depen- andisaccurateto5%abovebaryonicmassesof1.15M . Be- (cid:12) dence of the total emitted ν¯e energy: the HShen EOS leads lowMbary=1.15M(cid:12), theempiricalquadraticfitisnotasac- to a lower number of events (compare the inset of Fig. 5 to curate. However,allmodelsconsideredherereachabaryonic thecenterpanelofFig.4). ThedependenceonEOSissome- protoneutronstarmassof1.15M within∼10msofbounce. (cid:12) whatstrongerhere,sincethetheloweraverageν¯eenergypre- Hence, we believe that the above fits are acceptable for the dictedfromstifferEOStranslatesintoareducedcrosssection iron-corecorecollapseeventsconsideredhere. in Earth-based detectors. In addition to the total number of events,awaterCherenkovdetectormeasuresindividualener- 8 Theremaining∼1%oftheenergyispredominantlysharedamongthe gies,andthus,allowsforthereconstructionofthecumulative kineticenergyoftheexplosion,theoriginalbindingenergyoftheunbound emittedν¯ energyovertime. Thisreconstructionwilldepend stellarmantle,andthebindingenergyoftheironcoreattheonsetofcollapse. e

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