The problem of repulsive quark interactions - Lattice versus mean field models J. Steinheimera,b, S. Schramma,b,c aInstitut fu¨r Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universit¨at, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany bFrankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany cCenterfor ScientificComputing, Max-von-Laue-Str.1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main Abstract Wecalculatethe2ndand4thorderquarknumbersusceptibilitiesatzerobaryochemicalpotential,usingaPNJLapproach and an approach which includes, in a single model, quark and hadronic degrees of freedom. We observe that the 1 susceptibilities are very sensitive to possible quark-quark vector interactions. Compared to lattice data our results 1 0suggest that above Tc any mean field type of repulsive vector interaction can be excluded from model calculations. 2Below T our results show only very weak sensitivity on the strength of the quark and hadronic vector interaction. The c n best descriptionof lattice data aroundTc is obtainedfor a case of coexistence of hadronic and quark degrees of freedom a. J 5 Manyrecentexperimentalprogramsinheavyionphysics, 4, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]. In our com- ]e.g. at the relativistic heavy ion collider and the planned parison we will use a very basic parametrization of the h FAIR facility,areaimedatabetter understanding ofbulk two-flavorPNJL model and extend it to incorporate a re- p -properties of QCD matter. In particularthe experimental pulsive vector interaction. The thermodynamic potential p confirmationofthedeconfinementandchiralphasetransi- of our parametrization reads: e htions as wellas the searchfor the criticalend point (CeP) [are of great interest to the community. Lattice results Ω=U(Φ,Φ∗,T)+σ2/2GS−ω2/2GV −Ωq (1) at µ = 0 suggest that both phase transitions exhibit a 2 B with smooth crossover. Suffering from the so called sign prob- v 6lem atfinite baryochemicalpotential, lattice studies have Ω = 2N d3p 7sofarnotbeenabletoconstituteaconsistentpictureofthe q fZ (2π)3 11phase diagram and the existence of the CeP [1, 2]. While T ln 1+3Φe−(Ep−µ∗q)/T .a Taylor expansion of lattice results at µb =0 predict the n h 5existence ofacriticalendpointthese resultsmaystrongly + 3Φ∗e−2(Ep−µ∗q)/T +e−3(Ep−µ∗q)/T 0dependontheordertowhichtheTaylorcoefficientscanbe i 10evaluated [3]. Lattice calculations at imaginary chemical + T ln 1+3Φ∗e−(Ep+µ∗q)/T :potential on the other hand show no indication for a CeP, h vthough these calculations are done on on a coarse lattice + 3Φe−2(Ep+µ∗q)/T e−3(Ep+µ∗q)/T i i Xwith a fermion action that is known to have large dis- + 3∆E Θ(Λ2 p~2) (2) rcretization errors. Other studies trying to locate the CeP p − (cid:9) aoften rely on the applicability of various effective models Here the grand canonical potential includes contributions where CeP’s existence and location seems very sensitive ofsateswith1,2and3timesthesinglequarkenergy. Note on the vector coupling strength at and below Tc [4]. that the 3 quark state does not couple to the Polyakov loop. The (traced) Polyakovloop Φ was introduced as: 1. The PNJL model Φ=1/3 Tr eiφ/T (3) The PNJL model was introduced in [5, 6] as an ef- fective chiralquasi-quarkmodel that incorporatesa mean with φ = A , a background color gauge field. The ther- 4 field likecouplingto acolorbackgroundfield. Ithasoften modynamics of Φ (and Φ ) are controlled by the effective ∗ been shown to reproduce many general features of lattice potential U(Φ,Φ ,T) [29]: ∗ results at µ = 0 [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, B 1 U = a(T)ΦΦ ∗ Email address: [email protected] −2 (J.Steinheimer) + b(T)ln[1 6ΦΦ +4(Φ3Φ 3) 3(ΦΦ )2](4) ∗ ∗ ∗ − − Preprint submittedto Elsevier January 6, 2011 with a(T)=a T4+a T T3+a T2T2, b(T)=b T3T. representtheinteractionsbetweenbaryonsandvectorand 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 scalar mesons, the self-interactions of scalar and vector Thischoiceofeffectivepotentialsatisfiesthe Z(3)cen- mesons, and an explicitly chiral symmetry breaking term. ter symmetry of the pure gauge Lagrangian. In the con- The index i denotes the baryon octet and the different fined phase, U has a minimum at Φ = 0, while above the quark flavors. Here, the mesonic condensates (determined critical Temperature T its minimum is shifted to finite inmean-fieldapproximation)includedarethevector-isoscalars 0 values of Φ. The logarithmic term appears from the Haar ω andφ, andthe scalar-isoscalarsσ andζ (strangequark- measureofthegroupintegrationwithrespecttotheSU(3) antiquarkstate). Thelastfourtermsofeqn.(6)wereintro- Polyakovloopmatrix. Theparametersa ,a ,a andb are ducedtomodeltheQCDtraceanomaly,wherethedilaton 0 1 2 3 fixed, as in [29], by demanding a first order phase transi- field χ can be identified with the gluon condensate. tion in the pure gauge sector at T = 270MeV, and that Theeffectivemassesofthebaryonsandquarksaregen- 0 the Stefan-Boltzmann limit is reached for T . erated by the scalar mesons except for an explicit mass →∞ The dynamical mass of the quarks m = m σ = term (δm = 120 MeV, δm = 5 MeV and δm = 105 0 N q s − m G ΨΨ is the same as in the NJL model and the MeV for the strange quark), m =g σ+g ζ+δm . 0− S ∗i iσ iζ i vector cou(cid:10)pling(cid:11) induces an effective chemical potential for Vector type interactions introduce an effective chemical the quarks µ =µ +ω =µ +G Ψ Ψ . The two aux- potential for the quarks and baryons, generated by the ∗q q q V † iliary fields σ and ω are controlled b(cid:10)y the(cid:11)potential terms coupling to the vector mesons: µ =µ g ω g φ. ∗i i− iω − iφ andthelasttermincludesthedifference∆E betweenthe The coupling constants for the baryons [34] are chosen to p quasi particle energy and the energy of free quarks. The reproduce the vacuum masses of the baryons,nuclear sat- NJL part of the model has 4 parameters, the bare quark urationpropertiesandasymmetryenergyaswellastheΛ- massfortheu-andd-quarks(assumingisospinsymmetry), hyperonopticalpotential. Thevacuumexpectationvalues the three-momentum cutoff of the quark-loop integration of the scalar mesons are constrained by reproducing the λ and the coupling strengths G and G . To reproduce pion and kaon decay constants. For the quarks we chose S V realistic values for the pion mass and decay constant as the following coupling parameters: g = g =4.0, while qσ sζ well as the chiral condensate, we take these values to be the vector coupling strength g is left as free parameter. qω [6]: mu,d = 5.5 MeV,GS = 10.08 GeV−2,Λ = 651 MeV The coupling of the quarks to the Polyakov loop is intro- (G will be left as a model parameter to study the influ- duced in the thermal energy of the quarks [30]. All ther- V ence of the vector coupling on our results). modynamicalquantities,energydensitye,entropydensity The self consistent solutions are obtained by minimizing s as well as the densities of the different particle species the thermodynamic potential with respect to the fields σ, ρ , can be derived from the grand canonical potential: i ω, Φ and Φ . ∗ Ω= L L +Ω U (7) int meson th − − − Here Ω includes the heat bath of hadronic and quark 2. The QH model th quasi particles. The effective potential U(Φ,Φ ,T) which ∗ To estimate the influence, of hadronic contributions, controls the dynamics of the Polyakov-loop has the form on the susceptibilities we will compare the results from of eqn.(4). the PNJL model with those obtained from a model where Sinceweexpectthehadroniccontributiontodisappear,at quark and hadronic degrees of freedom are present in a least at some point above T , we included effects of finite- c single partition function (Quark-Hadronmodel). volume particles to effectively suppressesthe hadronicde- Inthefollowingwewillshortlydescribethedifferentcom- greesoffreedom,whendeconfinementis achieved. Includ- ponents of the model, for a more detailed discussion we ing these effects in a thermodynamic model for hadronic refer to [30]. The hadronic part is described by a flavor- matter, was proposed some time ago [35, 36, 37, 38]. We SU(3) model, which is an extension of a non-linear repre- willuse anansatzsimilarto thatin[39,40],but modify it sentation of a σ-ω model including the pseudo-scalar and to also treat the point like quark degrees of freedom con- vectornonetsofmesonsandthebaryonicoctet[31,32,33]. sistently. We introduce the chemical potential µ which i Besides the kinetic energy term for hadrons and quarks, is connected to the real chemical potential µ∗i, eof the i- the terms: th particle species by the relation: µ = µ v P (P is i ∗i − i the sum over all partial pressures and v the volume of a Lint =− iψ¯i[γ0(giωω+giφφ)+m∗i]ψi, (5) hadron). Allthermodynamicquantiteiescianthenbecalcu- LmePson =−21(m2ωω2+m2φφ2) latedwithrespecttothetemperatureT andthenewchem- g ω4+ φ4 +3ω2φ2+ 4ω3φ + 2ωφ3 icalpotentialsµi. Tobethermodynamicallyconsistent,all − 4(cid:16) 4 √2 √2 (cid:17) densitieshavetobemultipliedbyavolumecorrectionfac- e +1k (σ2+ζ2) k (σ2+ζ2)2 k σ4 +ζ4 tor f, which is the ratio of the total volume V and the 2 0 − 1 − 2(cid:16) 2 (cid:17) reducedvolume V , notbeing occupied. In this configura- ′ k σ2ζ+m2f σ+ √2m2f 1 m2f ζ tion the chemical potentials of the hadrons are decreased − 3 π π (cid:16) k k− √2 π π(cid:17) by the quarks,but notvice versa. As the quarks startap- +χ4−χ40+lnχχ404 −k4 χχ404 lnσσ022ζζ0 . (6) pearing they effectively suppress the hadrons by changing 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 1.0 GV=0 1.0 1.20.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 1.2 GV=GS/2 Lattice data 0.8 GV=GS 0.8 1.0 τ 1.0 N= 4 GV=GS*2 τ c2 0.6 0.6 0.8 N= 6 0.8 Lattice data 2 N= 4 c 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 N= 6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 T/ T 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 c T/ T Figure 1: The second order quark number susceptibility from the c PNJLmodel,withdifferentstrengthsofthevector interaction,asa function of T over Tc. Black solid line: no vector interaction, red dashed line: GV = GS/2, green dotted line: GV = GS, blue dash Figure 2: The second order quark number susceptibility from the dotted lineGV =2GS. QHMmodel, withdifferent strengths ofthe vector interaction, as a functionofT overTc. Blacksolidline: gNω 6=0,gqω =0,v=1,red dashedline: gNω 6=0,gqω =gNω/3,v=1,greendottedline: gNω = theirchemicalpotential,whilethequarksareonlyaffected 0,gqω =0,v=1,bluedashed dotted line: gNω 6=0,gqω =0,v=0, orangedashdotdotline: gNω =0,gqω =0,v=0. through the volume correction factor f. Our description oftheexcludedvolumeeffectsisadmittedlysimplifiedand parameterdependent,butitenablesustodescribeaphase 1 ∂n(p(T,µB)/T4) c (T) = (10) transition from hadronic to quark degrees of freedom in a n n! ∂(µ /T)n (cid:12) quite natural and thermodynamically consistent manner. B (cid:12)(cid:12)µB=0 (cid:12) In our approachwe explicitly calculate the pressure at As has been mentioned above, the Lagrangian of the finite µB and then extract the expansion coefficients nu- chiral model contains dilaton terms to model the scale merically. The results for the secondcoefficientcalculated anomaly. These terms constrain the chiral condensate, if for the PNJL model and QH model, compared to lattice the dilaton is frozen at its ground state value χ . On the results [42], are shown in figures (1) and (2). One can 0 other hand, as deconfinement is realized, the expectation clearly observe that the best description can be obtained valueofthechiralcondensateshouldvanishatsomepoint. when quark vector interactions are turned off. Any form OnaccountofthiswewillcouplethePolyakovlooptothe of repulsiveinteractionstronglydecreasesthe value of the dilaton in the following way: second order coefficient above Tc. The lattice results on theotherhandquicklyreachavaluethatisexpectedfora χ=χ0 (1−0.5(ΦΦ∗)) (8) non-interactinggasofquarks,evenrightaboveTc. Thisis in fact surprising as other thermodynamic quantities tend Assumingahardpartforthedilatonfieldwhichessentially to favor a picture with a wide region around T where in- stays unchanged and a soft part, which vanishes when de- c teractions are strong. This behavior was also reproduced confinementisrealized. Hence,allowingthechiralconden- by the PNJL model and the QH model while both fail to sate to also approachzero. describe the fast increase in c right above T . For a more detailed discussion of the model and compar- 2 c isons with lattice data we refer to [30]. Next we try to disentangle the hadronic contribution to the second coefficient. As can be seen in figure (2) 3. Susceptibilities the dependence on the strength of the repulsive interac- tion below T is rather small and one can not exclude any Lattice results at finite chemical potentials are often c scenario. In the crossover region, around T , differences obtainedasTaylorexpansionofthethermodynamicquan- c become obvious. titiesintheparameterµ/T aroundzerochemicalpotential The solid black line in Figure (2) displays the result for [41]. In the Taylor expansion of the pressure p= Ω, the coefficients,whichcanbeidentifiedwiththequark−number c2 usingthestandardparametrizationoftheQHmodelas described in [30] without any repulsive quark-quarkinter- susceptibilities, follow from: actions. The value of c only slowly approaches 1, which 2 p(T,µB) ∞ µB n is mainly due to the fact that the value of the chiral con- = c (T) (9) T4 X n (cid:16) T (cid:17) densate drops to 0 rather slow in our model and therefore n=0 3 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.6 0.6 GV=0 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.5 GV=GS/2 0.5 Lattice data GV=GS 0.5 Nτ= 4 0.5 0.4 0.4 GV=GS*2 Nτ= 6 4 0.4 0.4 c 0.3 0.3 4 Lattice data c 0.3 0.3 N= 4 0.2 0.2 N= 6 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.0 0.0 T/T 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 c T/T Figure 3: The forth order quark number susceptibility from the c PNJL model, with different strengths of the vector interaction, as a function of T over Tc. Black solidline: no vector interaction, red Figure 4: The fourth order quark number susceptibility from the dashed line: GV = GS/2, green dotted line: GV = GS, blue dash QHMmodel, withdifferent strengths ofthe vector interaction, as a dotted line: GV =2GS. functionofT overTc. Blacksolidline: gNω 6=0,gqω =0,v=1,red dashedline: gNω 6=0,gqω =gNω/3,v=1,greendottedline: gNω = 0,gqω =0,v=1,bluedashed dotted line: gNω 6=0,gqω =0,v=0, the quark masses do not decrease as fast as in the PNJL orangedashdotdotline: gNω =0,gqω =0,v=0. approach. Including repulsive vector interactions for the quarks andQHmodelareshowninfigures3and4. Althoughthe gives a result which is similar to the one obtained from errors on the lattice results are still significant our results the PNJL (red dashed line). Here the repulsive interac- for c4 support the statements made for c2. At tempera- tions strongly decrease the value of c2. tures above Tc a gas of free non interacting quarks, with- out any hadronic contribution, gives the only reasonable Turning off all repulsive interactions, vector interac- description of the data already slightly above Tc. While tions for quarks and hadrons as well as the excluded vol- the height of the peak does depend on the strength of the ume corrections (orange dash dot dotted line), leads to vector coupling, we observe also a strong dependence on an drastic overestimation of c2. This is expected as all theslopeofthechangeoftheorderparametersaroundTc, hadronicdegreesoffreedomarepresentatandaboveT if whichislargerintheQHmodelascomparedtothePNJL c the excluded volume effects are turned off. Therefore one model. Noticethatthe parametrizationshownasthe blue largely overestimates the effective degrees of freedom. dash-dotted line, which gave the best description for c2, overestimates c around T drastically. This is simply be- 4 c On the other hand if the repulsive vector interactions cause all thermodynamic quantities are over predicted in are turned on only for the hadrons one obtains a rather this case and therefore the densities as well as the order good description of the lattice results (blue dash dotted parameters increase steeper as they do in the lattice cal- line). In this parametrization the hadrons are also still culations. present in the system up to arbitrary high temperatures, as the excluded volume effects are still turned of, and 4. Conclusion therefore all thermodynamic quantities are largely over predicted. We have compared results for the quark number sus- ceptibilities atµ =0 obtainedfromtwomeanfieldmod- B To removethe hadronic contributionsfromthe system elstorecentresultsfromlatticecalculations. Bothmodels we introduced excluded volume corrections as described strongly indicate that the EoS of QCD above T seems to c above. 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