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THE PRINCIPLE OF STATIONARY ACTION IN THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 3 E.LÓPEZ,A.MOLGADO,J.A.VALLEJO 1 0 2 Abstract. We review some techniques from non-linear analysis in order to investigatecriticalpathsfortheactionfunctionalinthecalculusofvariations n appliedtophysics. Ourmainintentioninthisregardistoexposeprecisemath- a ematical conditions forcritical paths tobeminimumsolutionsinavariety of J situationsofinterestinPhysics. Ourclaimisthat,withafewelementarytech- 1 niques, a systematic analysis (including the domain for which critical points 2 are genuine minima) of non-trivial models is possible. We present specific models arising in modern physical theories in order to make clear the ideas ] h hereexposed. p - h at 1. Introduction m The calculus of variations is one of the oldest techniques of differential calculus. [ Ever since its creation by Johann and Jakob Bernoulli in 1696-97, to solve the 2 problemofthebrachistochrone(otherssolvedit,too: Newton,Leibniz,Tschirnhaus v and L’Hôpital, but their methods were different), it has been applied to a variety 5 of problems both in pure and applied mathematics. While occupying a central 6 placeinmodernengineeringtechniques (mainly incontroltheory,see[9], [38],[47], 8 0 [65], [75]), it is in physics where its use has been promoted to the highest level, . that ofthe basic principle to obtain the equations ofmotion, both in the dynamics 5 of particles and fields: the principle of stationary action (see [5], [10], [32], [56]). 0 2 Accordinglytothatpointofview,almosteverytextonmechanicsincludeachapter 1 on the calculus of variations although, surprisingly enough, the treatment in these : textsisexpeditiousandsuperficial,directlyorientedtowardstheobtentionofEuler- v i Lagrange’s equations, leaving aside the question of whether the solutions are true X minima or maxima, despite the importance of this distinction (for instance, while r infields suchasoptics one is interestedin the minimalopticallength, instochastic a dynamics one seeks to maximize the path entropy [71]. On the other hand, while theprincipleofstationaryactionjustselectscriticalpaths,experimentallyanactual minimum is detected in some systems, see [25]). It is interesting to note that the principle was once called the principle of least action,althoughitwassoonrealizedthatmanyphysicalphenomenadoesnotfollow atrajectorythatrealizesaminimumoftheaction,butjustacriticalpath(themain exampleisthe harmonicoscillator,whosetrajectoryinphasespaceonlyminimizes the action for a time interval of length which depends on its frequency, see Sec. V of [34], which we recommend to get details about the physical meaning of the action integral and its extremals). In view of these phenomena, and because the 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 49K15,49S05, 34K11. Key words and phrases. Stationary action; Functional extrema; conjugate points; oscillatory solutions;Lane-Emdenequations. 1 2 E.LÓPEZ,A.MOLGADO,J.A.VALLEJO emphasis was on the equations of motion, the elucidation of the true nature of the critical paths of the action functional was omitted, and the interest focused on the stationaryproperty. However,somerecentpapershavemadea“calltoaction” (the pun is not ours, see [66], [51], [34], [33]), renewing the interest in their extremal properties, not only their character of paths rendering the action stationary. Ouraiminthispaperistwofold: ontheonehand,toofferaconcise,yetrigorous and self-contained, overview of some elementary techniques of non-linear analysis to investigate the extremals of an action functional. On the other hand, we intend toshowseveralnontrivialexamplesofphysicalinterestillustratingtheuseofthese techniques. We have avoided the well-known cases, so our examples go beyond oscillators and central potentials, and are taken from modern theories, ranging fromastrophysics(Lane-Emdenequations)to relativisticparticleswithenergydis- sipation. Each one of these examples has been chosen to illustrate some particular feature. Thus,example6.1showsaLagrangianforadissipativesystem;inexample 6.2.3, as a bonus of the theory developed, we explicitly compute the solution (and itszeros)ofanequationoftheformy +q(x)2y =0withq(x)rational;example6.6 ′′ contains a justification of the use of Lagrangemultipliers in the maximum entropy principle, etc. We also differ from previous works, such as [34] or [33], in the flavour of the treatment: we feel that discussions trying to explain some plain analytic effects in physical terms are too lengthy, and sometimes add confusion instead of enlight- enment when it comes to explicit computations. Thus, we center our exposition around the analytic definition and properties of the Gâteaux derivatives of func- tionals defined by integration (Lagrange functionals) and the techniques for the study of the behaviour of solutions of differential equations such as convexity or the comparison theorems of the Sturmian theory. This will be particularly patent in section 5, where we show that the main result in [34] is a direct consequence of well-known properties of the zeros of the Jacobi equation (see Proposition 5.1 and comments). Weoffershortproofsforthoseresultsthatseemtobenotcommoninthephysics literature. The bibliography,althoughby no means complete, is somewhatlengthy as a result of our efforts to make it useful. 2. Calculus of variations In this section we will briefly describe some basic concepts in the calculus of variations in order to set up our notation and conventions, and also in order to introduce the Jacobi equation and conjugate points as explicit criteria for a given extremal solution to be a minimum. We will start by discussing Gâteaux deriva- tives and extrema of functionals. For general references on the topics of functional analysisandcalculus ofvariations,see [16], [19], [23], [27], [60], [62], [69], [70], [76]. Notethatwedealwiththelocalaspectsofthetheory,exclusively. Thereareseveral approaches to the global setting, some of these were developed in [29], [24], [59]; more modern versions are developed in [45]. For detailed accounts of the theory involved in the global analysis, see [44] and [26]. 2.1. Gâteaux derivatives. Let (E, ) be a Banach space, D E an open subset of E and y D. Given a funkct·ioknal J : D R, if v E⊆is a non zero 0 ∈ → ∈ vector and t small enough, y +tv will lie in D so the following definition makes 0 | | sense. THE PRINCIPLE OF STATIONARY ACTION IN THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 3 Definition 2.1. Whenever it exists, the limit J(y +tv) J(y ) 0 0 δJ(y ,v):= lim − 0 t 0 t → iscalled theGâteauxderivative (orfirstvariation) ofJ aty in thedirection v E. 0 This defines amapping δJ(y , ):E R. If this mapping is linearand continu∈ous, 0 · → we denote it by J (y ) and say that J is Gâteaux differentiable at y . Thus, under ′ 0 0 these conditions, δJ(y ,v) = J (y )(v). Another common notation is δJ(y ,v) = 0 ′ 0 0 δ J(v). y0 The y D such that J (y )=0 are called critical points of the functional J. 0 ′ 0 ∈ The extension to higher-order derivatives is immediate. If, for a fixed v E, δJ(z,v)existsforeveryz D,wehaveamappingD : Randwecancomput∈eits ∈ → Gâteaux derivative. Given an y D and z,v E, the second Gâteaux derivative 0 ∈ ∈ (or second variation) of J at y in the directions v and z (in that order) is 0 δJ (v) δ J(v) δ2J(y ,v,z):= lim y0+tz − y0 . 0 t 0 t → If δ2J(y ,v,z) exists for any z,v E, and (v,z) δ2J(y ,v,z) is bilinear and 0 0 ∈ 7→ continuous, we say that J is twice Gâteaux differentiable at y D, and write 0 ∈ J (y ) for this mapping. With these notations, we will write ′′ 0 δ2 J(v)=δ2J(y ,v):=δ2J(y ,v,v). y0 0 0 Remark 2.2. For fixed y D and v E, if we consider the function j : R R by j (t) = J(0y∈+ tv), it is∈obvious that it is defined in some(y0o,pv)en → (y0,v) 0 neighborhood of 0, ] ε,ε[, and the higher-order variations of J are given by − δnJ(y ,v)=j(n) (0). 0 (y0,v) Wewillbeinterestedinaparticularclassoffunctionals. Tointroduceit,wefirst need a technical observation: given an open subset U R3, the set ⊂ D = y 1([a,b]): x [a,b],(x,y(x),y (x)) U U ′ { ∈C ∀ ∈ ∈ } (theprimedenotesderivation,althoughwewillalsomakefreeuseofthephysicist’s dotnotationforderivatives)isevidentlycontainedintheBanachspace( 1([a,b]), C k ), endowed with the norm ·k y = y + y , 0 ′ 0 || || || || || || where is the supremum norm. Moreover, D 1([a,b]) is an open subset. 0 U k · k ⊂ C This follows from the fact that for a given y D the set x,y (x),y (x) : x 0 ∈ U { 0 0′ ∈ [a,b] is compact, so it has an open neighborhood contained in U. } Definition2.3. AfunctionL 2(U)iscalledaLagrangian. ToeveryLagrangian it corresponds a functional J :∈DC R, called its action, defined by U → b J(y)= L(x,y(x),y (x))dx. ′ Za Proposition 2.4. For any U R3, the action J is Gâteaux differentiable on D . U ⊂ Proof. Lety D . Takingintoaccounttheremark2.2,notethatforanyt ] ε,ε[ U ∈ ∈ − (applying Leibniz’s theorem of derivation under the integral): b d j (t)= (L(s,y(s)+tv(s),y (s)+tv (s)))ds. (′y,v) dt ′ ′ Za 4 E.LÓPEZ,A.MOLGADO,J.A.VALLEJO Evaluating the derivative at t=0, we get b δJ(y,v)= (v(s)D2L(s,y(s),y′(s))+v′(s)D3L(s,y(s),y′(s)))ds. (1) Za Note that δJ(y,v) is linear in v. Moreover, b δJ(y,v) v (D L(s,y(s),y (s)) + D L(s,y(s),y (s)))ds, 2 ′ 3 ′ | |≤|| || | | | | Za where the integral exists (because the D L, i 1,2 , are continuous on U and i ∈ { } y,y on [a,b]) and it is a number depending only on y, thus constant for fixed y. ′ Then, δJ(y,v) is also continuous in v. (cid:3) 2.2. Local extrema of functionals. Definition 2.5. Let J : D R be a functional and let y D. We will say that 0 → ∈ J has a local maximum (local minimum, respectively) in y if for all y G, where 0 ∈ G D is a convex neighborhood of the point y , it follows that 0 ⊂ J(y ) J(y) 0 ≥ (J(y ) J(y), respectively). 0 ≤ Theorem 2.6. Let J :D R be a functional and y D. Then: 0 → ∈ (1) (Necessary condition) If J has a local extremal and the variation δJ(y ,v) 0 exists for some v E, then δJ(y ,v) = 0. Thus, if J is Gâteaux differen- 0 ∈ tiable at y , J (y )=0. 0 ′ 0 (2) (Sufficientconditionforaminimum)ThefunctionalJ hasalocalminimum at y whenever the following hold: 0 (a) For each v E, δJ(y ,v)=0. 0 ∈ (b) (Coercivity) For any y in a convex neighborhood of y , the second vari- 0 ation δ2J(y,v) exists for each v E. Moreover, there exists a c > 0 ∈ such that δ2J(y ,v) c v 2, 0 ≥ || || for all v E. ∈ (c) (Weak continuity) Given ε>0, there exists an η >0 such that δ2J(y,v) δ2J(y ,v) ε v 2, 0 | − |≤ || || for any v E and y satisfying y y <η. 0 ∈ || − || Proof. (1) Consider j (t) = J(y +tv), so if J has a local extremal at y , j (y0,v) 0 0 (y0,v) has a local extremum at t = 0. Then, it must be (recall remark 2.2) 0=j (0)=δJ(y ,v). (′y0,v) 0 (2) Suppose each of (2a),(2b),(2c) holds. As before, we have j (t) = (′y0,v) δJ(y +tv,v)andj (t)=δ2J(y +tv,v). Thehypothesisonthesecond 0 (′′y0,v) 0 derivativesofJ allowsustodevelopj (t)byTaylorintheinterval[0,1], (y0,v) and there exists a ξ ]0,1[ such that ∈ 1 J(y +v) J(y )=j (1) j (0)= j (ξ). 0 − 0 (y0,v) − (y0,v) 2 (′′y0,v) THE PRINCIPLE OF STATIONARY ACTION IN THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 5 As j (ξ)=δ2J(y +ξv,v), we have the following bound: (′′y0,v) 0 J(y +v) J(y )= 0 0 − 1 1 1 δ2J(y ,v)+ δ2J(y +ξv,v) δ2J(y ,v) 0 0 0 2 2 − 2 ≥ (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 1 1 c v 2+ δ2J(y +ξv,v) δ2J(y ,v) 0 0 2 || || 2 − 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) Taking ε=c/4 in (2c), there exists an η >0 such that c δ2J(y,v) δ2J(y ,v) v 2, 0 | − |≤ 4|| || for y y <η. Choosing now v <cη/2, it is y +ξv y v < 0 0 0 || − || || || || − ||≤|| || cη/2, so c δ2J(y +ξv,v) δ2J(y ,v) v 2. 0 0 | − |≤ 4|| || Substituting: 1 1 1 J(y +v) J(y ) c v 2 c v 2 = c v 2 >0, 0 0 − ≥ 2 || || − 4 || || 4 || || so J has a local minimum. (cid:3) Remark 2.7. Writing c<0 and reversing the inequality for δ2J(y ,v) in (2b), we 0 get sufficient conditions for a local maximum. Remark 2.8. Note that condition (2a) alone does not guarantee the existence of a local minimum, see counter-examples in [53], §2.10. It is interesting to particularize the condition δJ(y ,v) = 0 to the case of an 0 action functional. For this, we need a couple of technical results whose proof is straightforward, but anyway can be found in any of the references cited at the beginning of this section. We will denote k([a,b]) = f k([a,b]) : f(a) = 0 = C0 { ∈ C f(b) . } Lemma2.9(Lagrange). Letf ([a,b])beacontinuousreal-valued function over ∈C the interval [a,b] such that b f(x)µ(x)dx=0 Za for all µ ([a,b]). Then it follows f 0. 0 ∈C ≡ Lemma 2.10 (DuBois-Reymond). Let f ([a,b]) and g 1([a,b]) such that ∈C ∈C b (f(x)µ(x)+g(x)µ(x))dx=0 ′ Za for all µ 1([a,b]). Then it follows g = f. ∈C0 ′ − Now, a simple integration by parts in (1), and the application of Lemmas 2.9, 2.10 and Theorem 2.6, leads directly to the following result. 6 E.LÓPEZ,A.MOLGADO,J.A.VALLEJO Theorem2.11(Euler-Lagrange). Ify Disanextremal(maximumorminimum) for the action functional J :D R giv∈en as in Definition 2.3, then y must satisfy → the Euler-Lagrange equations d D L(x,y(x),y (x)) D L(x,y(x),y (x))=0. (2) 2 ′ 3 ′ − dx Remark 2.12. In physics literature, it is common to commit a slight abuse of notation and to write the Euler-Lagrange equations in the form ∂ d ∂ L(x,y(x),y (x)) L(x,y(x),y (x))=0. ′ ′ ∂y − dx∂y ′ Note that, for the case at hand, writing L(s,y(s)+tv(s),y (s)+tv (s)) = L(s) ′ ′ for simplicity: b j(′′y,v)(t)= (v2(s)D22L(s)+2v(s)v′(s)D23L(s)+(v′)2(s)D33L(s))ds, Za so, evaluating at t=0, δ2J(y,v)= b(v2(s)D L(s,y(s),y (s)) (3) a 22 ′ +2v(s)v (s)D L(s,y(s),y (s))+(v )2(s)D L(s,y(s),y (s)))ds. ′ 23 R ′ ′ 33 ′ It is now a routine computation (continuity arguments and Schwarz inequality) to prove that for an action functional J(y) = bL(x,y,y )dx with L 2(U) such a ′ ∈ C thatitssecondpartialderivativesareboundedonU,underthehypothesis(2a)and R (2b) of Theorem 2.6, the condition (2c) is satisfied ([27], pg. 224). Thus, a path y D is a minimum if it satisfies Euler-Lagrange’s equations (2) and the second 0 ∈ Gâteaux differential at y is coercive, that is, there exists a c>0 such that, for all 0 v E: ∈ δ2J(y ,v) c v 2. (4) 0 ≥ || || 2.3. Problems with constraints. The calculus of variationis frequently applied when there are constraints. The problem can be reduced to that of extremizing a single functional constructed out from the original one and the constraints. Definition 2.13. Let J be a functional defined on a Banach space (X, ). We k ·k say that δJ is weakly continuous at y X if: ∈ (a) The domain of J contains an open neighborhood D y, and, for each h X, ∋ ∈ the variation δJ(y,h) is defined. (b) lim δJ(z,h)=δJ(y,h). z y → If there exists an r >0 such that δJ is weakly continuous for every z B(y;r), we ∈ say that δJ is locally weakly continuous at y, or simply weakly continuous near y. When we have an open subset U =]a,b[ R R R3 and an action functional × × ⊂ J : D R, J(y) = bL(x,y,y )dx, it is easy to see that imposing some mild U → a ′ conditionsonthe LagrangianL 2(U) weobtainaweaklycontinuousfunctional. R ∈C For instance, it is enough to require that the second partial derivatives of L be bounded on U, or that its first partial derivatives be uniformly continuous. For most of the actions appearing in physics, however, it is usually easier to prove the weak continuity directly from the definition (cfr. Example 6.6). THE PRINCIPLE OF STATIONARY ACTION IN THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 7 Let now J =: K ,K ,...,K be functionals defined on D, all of them Gâteaux 0 1 r differentiables at each point y D. We will assume that the set ∈ S = y D :K (y)=k ,1 i r i i { ∈ ≤ ≤ } is not void,and that y is an interior point of S suchthat J has a localextremal 0 S | at y . 0 Proposition 2.14. Let δK be weakly continuous near y , 0 j r. Then, for j 0 ≤ ≤ any h=:h ,h ,...,h X we have: 0 1 r ∈ det(δK (y ,h ))=0, 0 j,m r. j 0 m ≤ ≤ Proof. By reduction to the absurd. Let us assume that there exist h,h ,...,h 1 r such that the determinant is non zero. As y has an open neighborhood D, there 0 exist a set of scalars α,β ,...,β such that y +αh+β h + β h D, and the 1 r 0 1 1 r r ··· ∈ variationsδJ,δK ,...,δK arecontinuousaty +αh+β h + β h . Letusdefine 1 r 0 1 1 r r the function F :Rr+1 Rr+1, ona neighborhoodGof the o·r·ig·in(0,...,0) Rr+1, → ∈ by F (α,β ,...,β )=K (y +αh+β h + β h ), p+1 1 r p 0 1 1 r r ··· for 0 p r (remember K =J and h =h). It is immediate that 0 0 ≤ ≤ D F (α,β ,...,β )=δK (y +αh+β h + β h ,h ), q+1 p+1 1 r p 0 1 1 r r q ··· for 0 q r. Now, as δJ,δK ,...,δK are continuous near y , by shrinking G if 1 r 0 ≤ ≤ necessary we can assume F 1(G), with Jacobian at the origin: ∈C det(δK (y ,h ))=0, 0 j,m r j 0 m 6 ≤ ≤ by hypothesis. Applying to F the inverse function theorem in the neighborhood of the origin, we get that there exists an open subset V Rr+1, containing ⊂ F(0,...,0) = (J(y ),k ,...,k ), and a local diffeomorphism ϕ : V G such that 0 1 r → G˜ = ϕ(V) G is an open neighborhood of the origin in Rr+1, and for all ⊂ (x,y ,...,y ) V: 1 r ∈ (x,y ,...,y )=F(ϕ(x,y ,...,y )). 1 r 1 r In particular, ϕ(J(y ),k ,...,k ) = (0,0,...,0). As (J(y ),k ,...,k ) is a point of 0 1 r 0 1 r the open set V Rr+1, we can find in V two different points (x ,k ,...,k ) and 1 1 r ⊂ (x ,k ,...,k ) such that x < J(y ) < x . Their corresponding images by ϕ are 2 1 r 1 0 2 (α1,β1,...,β1) = ϕ(x ,k ,...,k ) and (α2,β2,...,β2) = ϕ(x ,k ,...,k ). Thus, the 1 r 1 1 r 1 r 2 1 r vectors u = y +α1h+β1h + +β1h and v = y +α2h+β2h + +β2h 0 1 1 ··· r r 0 1 1 ··· r r belong to D. Moreover, F(α1,β1,...,β1)=(x ,k ,...,k ), 1 r 1 1 r F(α2,β2,...,β2)=(x ,k ,...,k ), 1 r 2 1 r so, equating components: J(u)=K (u)=F (α1,β1,...,β1)=x , 0 0 1 r 1 K (u)=F (u)=F (α1,β1,...,β1)=k , p p p 1 r p for 1 p r, and ≤ ≤ J(v)=K (v)=F (α2,β2,...,β2)=x , 0 0 1 r 2 K (v)=F (v)=F (α2,β2,...,β2)=k , p p p 1 r p 8 E.LÓPEZ,A.MOLGADO,J.A.VALLEJO so u,v S too. But, because of our choices, J(u) = x < J(y ) < x = J(v), 1 0 2 ∈ and this construction can be repeated for x ,x arbitrarily close to J(y ), so (by 1 2 0 the continuity of ϕ) the corresponding vectors u,v will be arbitrarily close to y , 0 contradicting the assumption that y is a local extremal of J . (cid:3) 0 S | Theorem 2.15. Let δK be weakly continuous near y . Then, either j 0 det(δK (y ,h ))=0, 1 i,l r, i 0 l ≤ ≤ or there exist a set of real numbers (the Lagrange multipliers) λ ,...,λ such that 1 r m δJ(y ,h)= λ δK (y ,h). 0 i i 0 i=1 X Proof. By Proposition 2.14, det(δK (y ,h )) = 0, 0 j r; developing by the j 0 j ≤ ≤ first column (where K =J and h =h), we get 0 0 m δJ(y ,h)det(δK (y ,h ))+ µ δK (y ,h)=0, (5) 0 i 0 l i i 0 i=1 X for some set of scalars µ ,...,µ (which depend on the vectors (h ,...,h )). 1 r 1 r Then, either det(δK (y ,h ))=0, 1 i,l r, i 0 l ≤ ≤ or there exist some set of vectors v ,...,v X such that det(δK (y ,v)) = 0 In 1 r i 0 l ∈ 6 this case, substituting in (5), we obtain m δJ(y ,h)= λ δK (y ,h), 0 i i 0 i=1 X where µ i λ = . i −det(δK (y ,h )) i 0 l (cid:3) 3. Conjugate points Let us rewrite the conditions for a minimum of the action J, found in the pre- vious section, in terms of a differential equation involving the derivatives of the LagrangianL. Proposition 3.1. Let the action J be given as in Definition 2.3, and let y D. 0 ∈ Then, thesecondvariation of J aty , in thedirection ofav 1([a,b]), δ2J(y ,v), 0 ∈C0 0 reads 1 b δ2J(y ,v)= Pv 2+Qv2 dx, (6) 0 ′ 2 Za (cid:0) (cid:1) where the functions P(x) and Q(x) are explicitly given by P(x) = D L(x,y(x),y (x)) (7) 33 ′ d Q(x) = D L(x,y(x),y (x)) D L(x,y(x),y (x)) (8) 22 ′ 23 ′ − dx Proof. Just make an integration by parts in the middle term of the integrand in (3), taking into account the boundary conditions on v 1([a,b]). (cid:3) ∈C0 THE PRINCIPLE OF STATIONARY ACTION IN THE CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS 9 Remark 3.2. The notation used in physics is: ∂2L P = , ∂(y )2 ′ ∂2L d ∂2L Q= . ∂y2 − dx ∂y∂y (cid:18) ′(cid:19) Lagrange considered equation (6) already in 1786. He thought that a suffi- cient condition to have a minimum would be the positivity of the second variation δ2J(y ,v)>0(whichisnot true: coercivityisneeded),sohetriedto“completethe 0 square” in(6)byintroducingaboundarytermoftheformgv2/2,whereg ([a,b]) ∈C is to be determined. In this way, we have b b d δ2J(y ,v) = P(v )2+Qv2 dx+ (gv2)dx 0 ′ dx Za Za b(cid:0) (cid:1) = P(v )2+2gvv +(g +Q)v2 dx (9) ′ ′ ′ Za b(cid:0) g 2 b (cid:1) g2 = P v′+ v dx+ g′+Q v2dx. P − P Za (cid:16) (cid:17) Za (cid:18) (cid:19) Thus, it is straightforward that δ2J(y ,v) will be positive definite if the following 0 conditions are satisfied P =D L(x,y(x),y (x))>0, (10) 33 ′ g2 g +Q =0 has a solution g. (11) ′ − P Condition (10) is known as the Legendre condition. Also, note that equation (11) is of Riccati type. This equation is basic to determine the extremality properties of critical points of the action. Definition3.3. LetJ beanactionfunctional,andletf ([a,b]). Thedifferential ∈C equation for f d df P +Qf =0, (12) − dx dx (cid:18) (cid:19) where P and Q are given in (7) and (8), respectively, is called the Jacobi equation. Notice that Jacobi equation is simply obtained by introducing the change of variable g = Pd(lnf)/dx in equation (11), which renders it linear. Once we − solve the equation for f, we get g and then we can assure that, if P > 0, then δ2J(y ,v)>0. Althoughweknowthatthis isnotenoughtoguaranteeaminimum 0 (recallRemark2.8), the propertiesofthe solutions to the Jacobiequation(12)will lead us to an equivalent condition for a minimum of the action, given in terms of quantities determined by the Lagrangian. Definition 3.4. Two points p,q R (with p<q) are called conjugate with respect ∈ to the Jacobi equation (12) if there is a solution f 2([a,b]) of (12) such that ∈ C f =0 and f(p)=0=f(q). |]p,q[ 6 The followingresultis just aparticularcaseofK.Friedrichs’inequalities forthe one-dimensionalcase(see[1]). Itsproofcanalsobedonedirectly,asanapplication of the Schwarz inequality. 10 E.LÓPEZ,A.MOLGADO,J.A.VALLEJO Lemma 3.5. For any v 1([a,b]), we have ∈C0 b (b a)2 b v2(x)dx − (v′)2(x)dx ≤ 2 Za Za Theorem 3.6. Let J(y) be an action functional as in Definition 2.3. Sufficient conditions for a critical point y of J(y) to be a local minimum in the interval [a,b] 0 are given by (a) For all x [a,b] ∈ P(x)=D33L(x,y(x),y′(x))>0. (b) The interval [a,b] does not contain conjugate points at x = a with respect to Jacobi equation (12). Proof. Recall from (10) the expression b δ2J(y ,v)= P(v )2+2gvv +(g +Q)v2 . 0 ′ ′ ′ Za (cid:0) (cid:1) Because of the assumptions made on the continuity of the derivatives of L and the compactness of [a,b], we can choosea number σ such that 0 σ <min P(x) . [a,b] ≤ { } Inserting σP(v )2 σP(v )2 in the equation above,andrepeating the computation ′ ′ − in (10) gives b g 2 δ2J(y ,v) = (P σ) v + dx (13) 0 ′ − P σ Za (cid:18) − (cid:19) b g2 b + g +Q v2dx+σ (v )2dx. ′ ′ − P σ Za (cid:18) − (cid:19) Za AsP(x)>0andwehavechosenσsuchthatP(x) σ >0on[a,b],thefirstintegral − is positive, as it is the third one. In order to cancel out the second integral, we must take a g 1([a,b]) such that ∈C g2 g +Q =0. ′ − P σ − Introducing a function f 2([a,b]) through ∈C f ′ g = (P σ), (14) −f − we arrive at the equation for f: d df (P σ) +Qf =0. (15) − dx − dx (cid:18) (cid:19) Bythetheoremonthedependenceonparametersofthesolutionstoasecondorder differential equation, the general solution of (15) can be written as f(x,σ), with f(x,0)= f(x). Note that, by hypothesis, f(x,0) does not admit points conjugate to a in [a,b], so (by continuity), neither does f(x,σ) for σ > 0 but close enough to 0. If f˜(x) = f(x,σ) is such a solution, by substituting the corresponding g˜ of

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