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The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation [microform] PDF

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Les diagrammeasuivants lllustrentla mAthoda. 1 '« * €bt l^rincipal Bauigations, (Uopages, Craffiqucs, .\XI> 2:>iscoticriC0 of tbc <ZEng!isft jl3ation. •«a»ii««pp-.I"•«"•'"•" '< THE PRINCIPAJ. ANI> Discotjenes OK THE ENGLISH NATION. Collrrtttr bt* RICHARD HAKLUYT, Pri aciiik. A.VU EDMUND GOLDSMID, F.R.H.S. Vol. V. CENTRA JND SOUTHERN EUROPE. r. Edinburdb: 1-: \ (, (.()i,i)>\mt 1887 100 Copiesmi/y. — nilwjiiii MlBWlm^MiiiiBMi li : Nauigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries tn CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN EUROPE. A Catalogue of the great Masters of the Order of the Dutch knights, commonly called the Hosi)italarics ofIcrusaleni and what great exploites eue'y ofthe saidc Masters hath atchieued,either in conquering the land ofPrussia, or in tamingandsubduing the Infidels, or els in keeping them vnder their obedience and subiection, taken out of Munster. THe order of the Dutch knights had their first original at lerusalemintheycrcofour Lorde 1190. within the Hospitall of theblessed Virgine: and the first Master ofthe saide orderwas called Henrie ofWalpot, vnder whome many good things, and muchwealthandricheswere throughout all Gcrmanie and Italic procured vnto the order: and the saide Kospitall was remoued from lerusalem vnto Ptolemais, otherwise called Aeon, and the foresaidOrdergrew and mightily increased, whereofI will here- afterdiscoursemoreatlarge in my Treatise ofSyria. Henrieof Walixjt deceased in the yeere of Christ 1200. The 2. Master wasOtto of Kerpen, and he continued Master ofthe Order for thespace ofsixe yeeres. The 3. was Hermannus Bart a godly VOL. V. i>

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