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The Price of Information in Combinatorial Optimization ∗ Sahil Singla† 7 1 November2,2017 0 2 v o N Abstract 1 Consideranetworkdesignapplicationwherewewishtolaydownaminimum-costspanningtreein agivengraph;however,weonlyhavestochasticinformationabouttheedgecosts. Tolearntheprecise ] S cost of any edge, we have to conduct a study that incurs a price. Our goal is to find a spanning tree D while minimizing the disutility, which is the sum of the tree cost and the total price that we spend on the studies. In adifferentapplication,eachedgegivesa stochastic rewardvalue. Ourgoalisto finda . s spanningtreewhilemaximizingtheutility,whichisthetreerewardminusthepricesthatwepay. c [ Situations such as the above two often arise in practice where we wish to find a good solution to an optimization problem, but we start with only some partial knowledge about the parameters of the 1 problem. The missing informationcan be foundonly after paying a probing price, which we call the v 5 priceofinformation.Whatstrategyshouldweadopttooptimizeourexpectedutility/disutility? 0 AclassicalexampleoftheabovesettingisWeitzman’s“Pandora’sbox”problemwherewearegiven 4 probability distributionson values of n independentrandomvariables. The goal is to choose a single 0 variablewithalargevalue,butwecanfindtheactualoutcomesonlyafterpayingaprice. Ourworkisa 0 generalizationofthismodeltoothercombinatorialoptimizationproblemssuchasmatching,setcover, . 1 facility location, and prize-collecting Steiner tree. We give a technique that reduces such problems 1 to their non-price counterparts, and use it to design exact/approximation algorithms to optimize our 7 1 utility/disutility. Our techniques extend to situations where there are additional constraints on what : parameterscanbeprobedorwhenwecansimultaneouslyprobeasubsetoftheparameters. v i X r a ∗PartofthisworkwasdonewhiletheauthorswerevisitingtheSimonsInstitutefortheTheoryofComputing. Wearegrateful toAnupamGuptaandViswanathNagarajanforseveraldiscussionsonthisproject. †ComputerScienceDepartment,CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA15213,USA.Email: [email protected]. Re- search supported inpart by aCMU Presidential Fellowshipand NSFawards CCF-1319811, CCF-1536002, CCF-1540541, and CCF-1617790. 1 Introduction Suppose we want to purchase a house. We have some idea about the value of every available house in the market, say based on its location, size, and photographs. However, to find the exact value of a house we havetohireahouseinspectorandpayheraprice. Ourutilityisthedifferenceinthevalueofthebesthouse thatwefindandthetotalinspectionpricesthatwepay. Wewanttodesignastrategytomaximizeourutility. TheaboveproblemcanbemodeledasWeitzman’s“Pandora’sbox”problem[Wei79]. Givenprobability distributions of n independent random variables X and given their probing prices π , the problem is to i i adaptively probeasubsetProbed [n]tomaximizetheexpectedutility: ⊆ E max X π . i i "i∈Probed{ }−i∈Probed # X Weitzman gave an optimal adaptive strategy that maximizes the expected utility (na¨ıve greedy algorithms can behave arbitrarily bad: see Section A.1). However, suppose instead of probing values of elements, we probeweightsofedgesinagraph. Ourutilityisthemaximum-weightmatchingthatwefindminusthetotal probing pricesthatwepay. Whatstrategyshouldweadopttomaximizeourexpectedutility? Inadifferent scenario, consider anetwork design minimization problem. Suppose wewishto laydown a minimum-cost spanning tree in a given graph; however, we only have stochastic information about the edge costs. Tofindthe precise cost X ofany edge, wehave to conduct a study that incurs aprice π . Our i i disutility is the sum of the tree cost and the total price that we spend on the studies. We want to design a strategytominimizeourexpected disutility. Animportantdifference betweenthesetwoscenarios isthatof maximizingutilityvsminimizingdisutility. Situationsliketheaboveoftenarisewherewewishtofinda“good”solutiontoanoptimizationproblem; however,westartwithonlysomepartialknowledgeabouttheparametersoftheproblem. Themissinginfor- mationcanbefoundonlyafterpayingaprobingprice,whichwecallthepriceofinformation. Whatstrategy should weadopt to optimize our expected utility/disutility? In this work we design optimal/approximation algorithms for several combinatorial optimization problems in an uncertain environment where we jointly optimizethevalueofthesolution andthepriceofinformation. 1.1 Utility/DisutilityOptimization Tobegin, theabovemaximum-weight matchingproblemcanbeformallymodeledasfollows. Max-Weight Matching Given a graph G with edges E, suppose each edge i E takes some random ∈ weight X independently from a known probability distribution. We can find the exact outcome X only i i after paying a probing price π . The goal is to adaptively probe a set of edges Probed E and select a i matchingI Probedtomaximizetheexpected utility, ⊆ ⊆ E X π , i i − "i∈I i∈Probed # X X where the expectation is over random variables X = (X ,...,X ) and any internal randomness of the 1 n algorithm. We observe that we can only select an edge if it has been probed and we might select only a subset of the probed edges. This matching problem can be used to model kidney exchanges where testing compatibility ofdonor-receiver pairshasanassociated price. 1 Tocapturevaluefunctionsofmoregeneralcombinatorialproblemsinasingleframework,wedefinethe notionofsemiadditive functions. Definition 1.1 (Semiadditive function). We say a function f(I,X) : 2V R|V| R is semiadditive if × ≥0 → ≥0 thereexistsafunction h :2V R suchthat ≥0 → f(I,X) = X +h(I). i i∈I X For example, in the case of max-weight matching our value function f(I,X) = X is additive, i∈I i i.e. h(I) = 0. We call these functions semiadditive because the second term h(I) is allowed to effect the P function ina“non-additive” way;however,notdepending onX. Herearesomeotherexamples. Uncapacitated Facility Location: Given a graph G = (V,E) with metric (V,d), CLIENTS V, • ⊆ and facility opening costs X : V R , we wish to open facilities at some locations I V. The ≥0 → ⊆ function isthesumoffacilityopening costsandtheconnection coststo CLIENTS. Hence, f(I,X) = X + mind(j,i). (1) i i∈I Xi∈I j∈CXLIENTS Hereh(I) = j∈CLIENTSmini∈Id(j,i)onlydepends onI,andnotonfacilityopening costsX. Prize-CollectPing Steiner Tree: Givenagraph G = (V,E)withsomeedgecosts c : E R ,aroot ≥0 • → noder V,andpenaltiesX : V R . Thegoalistofindatreethatconnectsasubsetofnodesto ≥0 ∈ → r,whiletrying tominimizethecost ofthetreeandthesum ofthepenalties ofnodes Inotconnected tor. Hence, f(I,X) = X +Min-Steiner-Tree(V I), i \ i∈I X whereMin-Steiner-Tree(V I)denotes theminimumcosttreeconnecting allnodesinV Itor. \ \ We can now describe an abstract utility-maximization model that captures problems such as Pandora’s box,max-weightmatching, andmax-spanning tree,inasingleunifyingframework, Utility-Maximization Suppose we are given a downward-closed (packing)1 constraint 2V and a F ⊆ semiadditive function val. Each element i V takes a value X independently from a known probability i ∈ distribution. To find the outcome X we have to pay a known probing price π . The goal is to adaptively i i probe a set of elements Probed V and select I Probed that is feasible (i.e., I ) to maximize the ⊆ ⊆ ∈ F expectedutility, E val(I,X) π , i − " i∈Probed # X wheretheexpectation isoverrandomvariables Xandanyinternal randomness ofthealgorithm. Forexample, in the max-weight matching problem valisan additive function and asubset ofedges Iis feasibleiftheyformamatching. Similarly,whenvalisadditiveand isamatroid,thisframeworkcaptures F max-weightmatroidrankfunction, whichcontains Pandora’sboxandmax-spanning treeasspecialcases. Thefollowingisourmainresultfortheutility-maximization problem: 1AnindependencefamilyF ⊆2V iscalleddownward-closedifA∈F impliesB∈F foranyB⊆A.Aset-systemiscalled upward-closedifitscomplementisdownward-closed. 2 Theorem 1.2. For the utility-maximization problem for additive value functions and various packing con- straints ,weobtainthefollowingefficient algorithms. F k-system2: Forstochastic elementvalues, wegetak-approximation. • Knapsack: Forstochastic itemvaluesandknownitemsizes, wegeta2-approximation. • Some important corollaries of Theorem 1.2 are an optimal algorithm for the max-weight matroid rank problem3 and a2-approximation algorithm for themax-weight matching problem. Theorem 1.2isparticu- larlyinterestingbecauseitgivesapproximationresultsformixed-signobjectives,whichareusuallydifficult tohandle. Wealsoshowthatifvalisallowedtobeanymonotonesubmodularfunctionthenonecannotobtaingood approximation results: thereisanΩ˜(√n)hardnesseveninadeterministic setting(seeSectionA.3). Next,wedescribeadisutility-minimizationmodelthatcapturesproblemslikethemin-costspanningtree. Disutility-Minimization Suppose we are given an upward-closed (covering) constraints ′ 2V and a F ⊆ semiadditive function cost. Each element i V takes a value X independently from a known probability i ∈ distribution. To find the outcome X we have to pay a known probing price π . The goal is to adaptively i i probe a set of elements Probed V and select I Probed that is feasible (i.e., I ′) to minimize the ⊆ ⊆ ∈ F expecteddisutility, E cost(I,X)+ π , i " i∈Probed # X wheretheexpectation isoverrandomvariables Xandanyinternal randomness ofthealgorithm. Forexample, inthemin-cost spanning treeproblem, costisanadditive function andasubset ofedges I are in ′ if they contain a spanning tree. Similarly, when val is the semiadditive facility location function F as defined in Eq. (1) and every non-empty subset of V is feasible in ′, this captures the min-cost facility F location problem. Remark: The disutility-minimization problem can be also modeled as a utility-maximization problem by allowing itemvalues tobenegativeandworking withtheinfeasibility constraints (ifA ′ thenV A ∈ F \ ∈ ),butsuchatransformation isnotapproximation factorpreserving. F Wenowmentionourresultsinthismodel. (SeeSection4forformaldescriptions oftheseproblems). Theorem 1.3. For the disutility-minimization problem for various covering constraints ′, we obtain the F followingefficient algorithms. MatroidBasis: Forstochastic elementcosts, wegettheoptimaladaptivealgorithm. • Set Cover: For stochastic costs of the sets, we get a min O(log V ),f -approximation, where V is • { | | } theuniverse andf isthemaximumnumberofsetsinwhichanelementcanoccur. Uncapacitated Facility Location: For stochastic facility opening costs in a given metric, we get a • 1.861-approximation. 2Anindependence familyF ⊆ 2V isak-systemifforanyY ⊆ V wehave maxA∈B(Y)(|A|) ≤ k, whereB(Y)denotesthe minA∈B(Y)(|A|) setofmaximalindependent setsofF includedinY [CCPV11]. Thesearemoregeneralthanintersectionofk matroids: e.g.,a 2-systemcapturesmatchingingeneralgraphsandak-systemcapturesmatchinginahypergraphwithedgesofsizeatmostk. 3Forweightedmatroidrankfunctions,Kleinbergetal.[KWW16]independentlyobtainasimilarresult. 3 Prize-Collecting SteinerTree: Forstochasticpenalties inagivengraphwithgivenedgecosts,weget • a3-approximation. FeedbackVertexSet: ForstochasticvertexcostsinagivengraphwegetanO(logn)-approximation. • 1.2 Constrained Utility-Maximization Ourtechniquescanextendtosettingswhereweimposerestrictionsonthesetofelementsthatwecanprobe. In particular, we are given a downward-closed set system and the constraints allow us to only probe a J subset of elements Probed . This is different from the model discussed in Section 1.1 as earlier we ∈ J could probe any set of elements but could get value for only a subset elements that belong to . As an F example, consider a generalization of the Pandora’s box problem where besides paying probing prices, we canonlyprobeatmostk elements. Wenowformallydefineourproblem. ConstrainedUtility-Maximization Supposewearegivendownward-closedprobingconstraints 2V J ⊆ andprobabilitydistributionsofindependentnon-negativevariablesX fori V. TofindX wehavetopay i i ∈ aprobing priceπ . ThegoalistoprobeasetofelementsProbed tomaximizetheexpected utility, i ∈ J E max X π . i i "i∈Probed{ }−i∈Probed # X Remark: Onecandefineanevenmoregeneral versionofthisproblem wherewesimultaneously haveboth downward-closedsetsystems and ,andthegoalistomaximizeasemiadditivefunctionvalcorrespond- F J ing to , while probing a set feasible in . Forease of exposition, we do not discuss it here and consider F J ourvaluefunction tobethemaxfunction, asintheoriginalPandora’sboxproblem. Depending on the family of constraints , we design efficient approximation algorithms for some set- J tingsoftheaboveproblem. Thefollowingisourmainresultforthisproblem (proofinSection5.1). Theorem1.4. Iftheconstraints formanℓ-systemthentheconstrained utility-maximization problem has J a3(ℓ+1)-approximation algorithm. Since the cardinality (or any matroid) constraint forms a 1-system, an application of Theorem 1.4 gives a 6-approximation algorithm forthePandora’sboxproblemunderacardinality probingconstraint. Theaboveconstrainedutility-maximizationproblemispowerfulandcanbeusedasaframeworktostudy variants ofPandora’s box. Forexample, consider the Pandora’s box problem wherewealso allow toselect anunprobed boxiandgetvalueE[X ],withoutevenpayingitsprobingpriceπ . Thiscanbemodeledusing i i a partition matroid constraint where each box has two copies and the constraints allow us to probe at most oneofthem. ThefirstcopyhasadeterministicvalueE[X ]withzeroprobingpriceandthesecondcopyhas i arandom valueX withpriceπ . UsingTheorem1.4,wegeta6-approximation forthisvariant. i i Asanon-trivialapplicationofthisconstrainedutility-maximizationframework,inSection5.3wediscuss a set-probing utility-maximization problem where the costs are on subsets of random variables, instead of individual variables. Thus for a subset S V, we pay price π to simultaneously probe all the random S ⊆ variables X for i S. This complicates the problem because to find X , we can probe a “small” or a i i ∈ “large” setcontaining i,butatdifferentprices. Formally,wedefinetheproblem asfollows. Set-ProbingUtility-Maximization Givenprobability distributions ofindependent non-negative variables X for i V and given set family = S ,S ,...,S , where S V for j [m] has a probing price i 1 2 m j ∈ S { } ⊆ ∈ 4 π 0. Theproblem istoprobesomeofthesetsin withindicesinProbed [m]tomaximize j ≥ S ⊆ E max X π . i j ∃j∈Probeds.t.Sj∋i{ }−j∈Probed  X   Note that when weprobe multiple sets containing an element i, we find the same value X and not a fresh i samplefromthedistribution. Remark: IfthesetsS arepairwisedisjointthenonecansolvetheaboveproblemoptimally: replacingeach j setS withanewrandomvariableX′ = max X havingprobingpriceπ reducesittoPandora’sbox. j j i∈Sj{ i} j Weusetheconstrained utility-maximization problemframeworktoshowthefollowingresult. Theorem 1.5. The set-probing utility-maximization problem has a 3(ℓ + 1)-approximation efficient al- gorithm, where ℓ is the size of the largest set in . Moreover, no efficient algorithm can be o(ℓ/logℓ)- S approximation, unlessP = NP. 1.3 OurTechniques Howdoweboundtheutility/disutility oftheoptimaladaptivestrategy? Theusualtechniquesinapproxima- tionalgorithmsforstochastic problems(seerelatedworkinSection1.4)eitherusealinearprogram(LP)to bound the optimal strategy, or directly argue about the adaptivity gap of the optimal decision tree. Neither of these techniques is helpful because the natural LPs fail to capture a mixed-sign objective—they wildly overestimatethevalueoftheoptimalstrategy. Ontheotherhand,theadaptivitygapofourproblemsislarge evenforthespecialcaseofthePandora’sboxproblem—see anexampleinSectionA.2. Weneedtwocrucialideasforbothourutility-maximization anddisutility-minimization results. Ourfirst ideaistoshowthatforsemiadditivefunctions, onecanboundtheutility/disutility oftheoptimalstrategyin the price-of-information world (hereafter, the PoI world) using arelated instance in a world where there is no price to finding the parameters, i.e., π = 0 (hereafter, the Free-Info world). This new instance still has i independent random variables, however, the distributions are modified based on the original probing price π (seeDefn2.2). Thisproofcrucially reliesonthesemiadditive natureofourvalue/cost function. i Oursecond ideaistoshow thatanyalgorithm with“nice” properties intheFree-Info worldcanbeused togetanalgorithm withasimilarexpected utility/disutility inthePoIworld. Wecallsuchanicealgorithm FRUGAL (anddefineitformally inSection3.1). Forintuition, imaginea FRUGAL algorithm tobeagreedy algorithm, or an algorithm that is not “wasteful”—it picks elements irrevocably. This also includes simple primal-dual algorithms thatdonothavethereverse-deletion step. Theorem1.6. IfthereexistsaFRUGALα-approximation Algorithm tomaximize(minimize)asemiaddi- A tive function over some packing constraints (covering constraints ′) in the Free-Info world then there F F exists an α-approximation algorithm for the corresponding utility-maximization (disutility-minimization) problem inthePoIworld. Finally,toproveourresultsfromSection1.1,inSection4weshowwhymanyclassicalalgorithms, ortheir suitable modifications, are FRUGAL. We remark that although Theorem 1.6 gives good guarantees for several combinatorial problems in the PoIworld, therearesomenaturalproblems wheretherearenogood FRUGAL algorithms. Onesuchimpor- tantproblemistofindtheshortests tpathinagivengraphwithstochasticedgelengths. It’saninteresting − 5 openquestion tofindsomeapproximation guarantee forthisproblem. Anotherinteresting open question is toshowthatfindingtheoptimalpolicyforthemax-weightmatchinginthePoIworldishard. Ourtechniquesfortheconstrainedutility-maximizationprobleminSection5againusetheideaofbound- ingthisprobleminthePoIworldwithasimilarproblemintheFree-Infoworld. Thislatterproblemturnsout tobethesameasthestochastic probing problem studied in[GN13,ASW16,GNS16,GNS17]. Byproving an extension of the adaptivity gap result of Gupta et al. [GNS17], we show that one can further simplify theseFree-Info problems tonon-adaptive utility-maximization problems (bylosing aconstant factor). This wecannow(approximately) solveusingourtechniques fortheutility-maximization problem. 1.4 Related Work An influential work of Dean et al. [DGV04] considered the stochastic knapsack problem where we have stochasticknowledgeaboutthesizesoftheitems. Chenetal.[CIK+09]studiedstochasticmatchingswhere we find about an edge’s existence only after probing, and Asadpour et al. [ANS08] studied stochastic sub- modularmaximizationwheretheitemsmayormaynotbepresent. Severalfollowuppapershaveappeared, e.g. forknapsack[BGK11,Ma14],packingintegerprograms[DGV05,CIK+09,BGL+12],budgetedmulti- armed bandits [GM12, GM07, GKMR11, LY13, Ma14], orienteering [GM09, GKNR12, BN14], match- ing [Ada11, BGL+12, BCN+15, AGM15], and submodular objectives [GN13, ASW16]. Most of these resultsproceedbyshowingthatthestochasticproblemhasasmalladaptivitygapandthenfocusonthenon- adaptiveproblem. Infact,Guptaetal.[GNS17,GNS16]showthatadaptivity gapforsubmodular functions overanypacking constraints isO(1). Mostoftheaboveworksdonotcapture mixed-sign objective ofmaximizing thevalueminustheprices. Some of them instead model this as a knapsack constraint on the prices. Moreover, most of them are for maximization problems as for the minimization setting even the non-adaptive problem of probing k elements to minimize the expected minimum value has no polynomial approximation [GGM10]. This is also the reason we do not consider constrained (covering) disutility-minimization in Section 1.2. There is also a large body of work in related models where information has a price. We refer the readers to the followingpapersandthereferences therein[GK01,CFG+02,KK03,GMS07,CJK+15,AH15,CHKK15]. ThePandora’sboxsolutioncanbewrittenasaspecialcaseoftheGittinsindextheorem[Git74]. Dumitriu etal. [DTW03]consider aminimization variant of theGittins index theorem when there isno discounting. Anotherveryrelevant paper isthatofKleinberg etal.[KWW16],whiletheir resultsaretodesign auctions. TheirproofofthePandora’sboxprobleminspired thiswork. Organization In Section 2 we show how to bound the optimal strategy in the PoI world using a corre- sponding problem intheFree-Info world. InSection3weintroduce theideaofusing a FRUGAL algorithm to design a strategy with a good expected utility/disutility in the PoI world. In Section 4 we show why manyclassicalalgorithms, ortheirsuitablemodifications, areFRUGAL. Finally,inSection5wediscussthe settings wherewehaveprobing constraints, anditsapplication totheset-probing problem. 2 Bounding the Optimal Strategy for Utility/Disutility Optimization In this section we bound the expected utility/disutility of the optimal adaptive strategy for a combinatorial optimization in the PoI world in terms of a surrogate problem in the Free-Info world. We first define the 6 gradeτ andsurrogate Y ofnon-negative randomvariables. Definition 2.1 (Grade τ). For any non-negative random variable X , let τmax be the solution to equation i i E[(X τmax)+]= π andletτmin bethesolutiontoequation E[(τmin X )+]= π . i − i i i i − i i Definition2.2 (Surrogate Y). For any non-negative random variable X , letYmax = min X ,τmax and i i { i i } letYmin = max X ,τmin . i { i i } Note that τmax could be negative in the above definition. The following lemmas bound the optimal i strategyinthePoIworldintermsoftheoptimalstrategy ofasurrogate problemintheFree-Infoworld. Lemma2.3. Theexpectedutilityoftheoptimalstrategytomaximizeasemiadditivefunctionvaloverpack- ingconstraints inthePoIworldisatmost F EX[max val(I,Ymax) ]. I∈F { } Lemma 2.4. The expected disutility of the optimal strategy to minimize a semiadditive function cost over covering constraints ′ inthePoIworldisatleast F EX[min cost(I,Ymin) ]. I∈F′{ } We only prove Lemma 2.3 as the proof of Lemma 2.4 is similar. The ideas in this proof are similar to thatofKleinbergetal.[KWW16,Lemma1]toboundtheoptimaladaptivestrategy forPandora’sbox. ProofofLemma2.3. Consider a fixed optimal adaptive strategy. Let A denote the indicator variable that i element i is selected into I and let 1 denote the indicator variable that element i is probed by the optimal i strategy. Notethattheseindicators arecorrelated andthesetofelements withnon-zero A isfeasible in . i F Now,theoptimalstrategy hasexpected utility = E val(I,X) π i − " i∈Probed # X = E (A X 1 π ) +E[h(I)] i i i i − " # i X = E A X 1 E [(X τmax)+] +E[h(I)], i i− i Xi i − i " # i X(cid:0) (cid:1) usingthedefinitionofπ . SincevalueofX isindependent ofwhetherit’sprobedornot,wesimplifyto i i = E A X 1 (X τmax)+ +E[h(I)]. i i− i i − i " # i X(cid:0) (cid:1) 7 Moreover, since wecanselect anelement intoIonly afterprobing, wehave 1 A . Thisimplies thatthe i i ≥ expectedutilityoftheoptimalstrategyis E A X A (X τmax)+ +E[h(I)] ≤ i i− i i − i " # i X(cid:0) (cid:1) = E A Ymax +E[h(I)] i i " # i X = E[val(I,Ymax)]. Finally,sinceelementsinIformafeasibleset,thisisatmostE[maxI∈F val(I,Ymax) ]. { } 3 Designing an Adaptive Strategy for Utility/Disutility Optimization In this section we introduce the notion of a FRUGAL algorithm and prove Theorem 1.6. We need the followingnotation. Definition 3.1 ( Y ). For any vector Y with indices in V and any M V, let Y denote a vector of M M ⊆ length V withentriesY forj M andasymbol ,otherwise. j | | ∈ ∗ 3.1 A FRUGAL Algorithm ThenotionofaFRUGALalgorithmissimilartothatofagreedyalgorithm,oranyotheralgorithmthatisnot “wasteful”—itselectselementsone-by-oneandirrevocably. Itsdefinitioncaptures“non-greedy”algorithms suchastheprimal-dual algorithm forsetcoverthatdoesnothavethereverse-deletion step. We define a FRUGAL algorithm in the packing setting. Consider a packing problem in the Free-Info world(i.e., i,π = 0)wherewewanttofindafeasiblesetI and 2V aresomedownward-closed i ∀ ∈ F F ⊆ constraints, whiletryingtomaximizeasemiadditive functionval(I,Y) = Y +h(I). i∈I i Definition3.2(FRUGALPackingAlgorithm). ForapackingproblemwithPconstraints andvaluefunction F val,wesayAlgorithm isFRUGALifthereexistsamarginal-value functiong(Y,i,y) : RV V R≥0 A × × → R that is increasing in y, and for which the pseudocode is given by Algorithm 1. We note that this ≥0 algorithm alwaysreturnsafeasiblesolution ifweassume . ∅ ∈ F Algorithm1FRUGAL PackingAlgorithm A 1: StartwithM = andvi = 0foreachelementi V. ∅ ∈ 2: Foreachelementi 6∈M,computevi = g(YM,i,Yi). Letj = argmaxi6∈M &M∪i∈F{vi}. 3: Ifvj > 0thenaddj intoM andgotoStep2. Otherwise,returnM. A simple example of a FRUGAL packing algorithm is the greedy algorithm to find the maximum weight spanning tree(ortomaximizeanyweightedmatroidrankfunction), whereg(Y ,i,Y )= Y . M i i We similarly define a FRUGAL algorithm in the covering setting. Consider a covering problem in the Free-Info world where we want to find a feasible set I ′, where ′ 2V is some upward-closed ∈ F F ⊆ constraint, whiletryingtominimizeasemiadditive function cost(I,Y) = Y +h(I). i∈I i P 8 Definition 3.3(FRUGAL Covering Algorithm). For acovering problem withconstraints ′ and cost func- F tioncost,wesayAlgorithm is FRUGAL ifthereexists amarginal-value function g(Y,i,y) : RV V A ≥0× × R R thatisincreasing iny,andforwhichthepseudocode isgivenbyAlgorithm 2. ≥0 ≥0 → Algorithm2FRUGAL CoverageAlgorithm A 1: StartwithM = andvi = 0foreachelementi V. ∅ ∈ 2: Foreachelementi 6∈M,computevi = g(YM,i,Yi). Letj = argmaxi6∈M{vi}. 3: Ifvj > 0thenaddj intoM andgotoStep2. Otherwise,returnM. We note that for a covering problem it is unclear whether Algorithm 2 returns a feasible solution as we do not appear to be looking at our covering constraints ′. To overcome this, we say the marginal-value F function g encodes ′ if whenever M is infeasible then there exists an element i M with v > 0. This i F 6∈ meansthatthealgorithm willreturnafeasible solution aslongasV ′. ∈F A simple example of a FRUGAL covering algorithm is the greedy min-cost set cover algorithm, where g(Y ,i,Y ) = S S /Y . Notethathereg encodes ourcoverageconstraints. M i | j∈M∪i j|−| j∈M j| i Remark: Obser(cid:16)veSthat a crucial dSifference b(cid:17)etween FRUGAL packing and covering algorithms is that a FRUGALpackingalgorithmhastohandleY RV (i.e. someentriesinYcouldbenegative)butaFRUGAL ∈ covering algorithm has to only handle Y RV . The intuition behind this difference is that unlike the ∈ ≥0 disutility minimization problem,theutilitymaximization problemhasamixed-sign objective. 3.2 Using a FRUGAL Algorithmto DesignanAdaptiveStrategy AfterdefiningthenotionofaFRUGAL algorithm, wecannowproveTheorem1.6(restated below). Theorem1.6. IfthereexistsaFRUGALα-approximation Algorithm tomaximize(minimize)asemiaddi- A tive function over some packing constraints (covering constraints ′) in the Free-Info world then there F F exists an α-approximation algorithm for the corresponding utility-maximization (disutility-minimization) problem inthePoIworld. WeproveTheorem1.6onlyfortheutility-maximization settingastheotherproofissimilar. Lemma2.3 already givesusanupper bound ontheexpected utility oftheoptimal strategy fortheutility-maximization problem in terms of the expected value of a problem in the Free-Info world. This Free-Info problem can besolved using Algorithm . Themain idea inthe proof ofthis theorem is toshow that ifAlgorithm is A A FRUGAL thenwecanalsorunamodifiedversionof inthePoIworldandgetthesameexpectedutility. A ProofofTheorem1.6. LetAlg(Ymax, )denotethesetI returned byAlgorithm whenitrunswith A ∈ F A elementweightsYmax. Since isanα-approximation algorithm (whereα 1),weknow A ≥ 1 val(Alg(Ymax, ),Ymax) max val(I,Ymax) . (2) A ≥ α · I∈F { } The following crucial lemma shows that one can design an adaptive strategy in the PoI world with the sameexpectedutility. 9

probability distributions on values of n independent random variables. The goal is weight Xi independently from a known probability distribution. problem for discrete random variables to a Bernoulli setting [BCN+15] Alok Baveja, Amit Chavan, Andrei Nikiforov, Aravind Srinivasan, and Pan Xu.
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