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The Presenting Past: The core of psychodynamic counselling and therapy PDF

290 Pages·2012·2.28 MB·English
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M i c h a e l J a c o b s The Presenting Past 4th Edition T M i c h a e l J a c o b s h e “This is an original and reliable approach to the development P of personality that every therapist and student therapist should r possess.” e Andrew Samuels, Professor of Analytical Psychology, University of s Essex, UK e n “Jacobs’ lucid, lively style makes the connection between theory t and practice clear and accessible.” i n Associate Professor Jan Grant, Counselling Psychology, Curtin g University, Western Australia P A person’s past is ever present, from infancy to old age, and it affects a the dynamics of therapy and the therapist-patient relationship. s t Written by a key founding figure of psychodynamic counselling and one of the most-cited counselling authors in Europe, the bestselling The 4 t Presenting Past gives practicing therapists and students keen insight h E The into the subject. The theories of Freud, Winnicott, Klein and attachment d theorists are organized into three main categories: trust and attachment; itio authority and autonomy; and cooperation and competitiveness. n In this new edition, Michael Jacobs gives psychodynamic counselling M and therapy a truly human face. He brings practice to the forefront in a new three-part structure. Fully updated with new references, the i Presenting c book shows Jacobs at his best and is a testimony to his lifetime of h experience. a Michael Jacobs was for many years director of the counselling and psychotherapy programme at the University of Leicester and is Visiting e Professor at the University of Leeds, UK. He is a Fellow of BACP and an l Past accredited member of the Universities Psychotherapy and Counselling Association. J a c o The core of psychodynamic b s counselling and therapy Cover design swilliamsgraphics.com 4th Edition P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm The Presenting Past P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm The Presenting Past The Core of Psychodynamic Counselling and Therapy Fourth Edition MichaelJacobs Open University Press P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm OpenUniversityPress McGraw-HillEducation McGraw-HillHouse ShoppenhangersRoad Maidenhead Berkshire England SL62QL email:[email protected] worldwideweb:www.openup.co.uk andTwoPennPlaza,NewYork,NY10121-2289,USA Firstpublished1986 Firstpublishedinthisfourthedition2012 Copyright©MichaelJacobs2012 Allrightsreserved.Exceptforthequotationofshortpassagesforthepurposesof criticismandreview,nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedina retrievalsystem,ortransmitted,inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical, photocopying,recordingorotherwise,withoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthe publisheroralicencefromtheCopyrightLicensingAgencyLimited.Detailsofsuch licences(forreprographicreproduction)maybeobtainedfromtheCopyright LicensingAgencyLtdofSaffronHouse,6–10KirbyStreet,London,EC1N8TS. AcataloguerecordofthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary ISBN-13:978-0-33-524718-9 ISBN-10:0-33-524718-0 eISBN:978-0-33-524719-6 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData CIPdataappliedfor TypesetbyAptaraInc.,India PrintedintheUKbyBell&BainLtd,Glasgow Fictitiousnamesofcompanies,products,people,charactersand/ordatathatmaybe usedherein(incasestudiesorinexamples)arenotintendedtorepresentanyreal individual,company,productorevent. P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm Praise for this book “This is an original and reliable approach to the development of personality that every therapist and student therapist should pos- sess.Jacobs,oneofthefoundersofpsychodynamictherapyandcoun- selling,avoidsthetwinperilsofunimaginative,meaninglesscausal- ity on the one hand and indifferent, irresponsible reference to fate ontheother.” AndrewSamuels,ProfessorofAnalyticalPsychology, UniversityofEssex,UK “In this fourth edition of what is a seminal text on psychodynamic ways of working, Michael Jacobs has managed to take the reader throughthecomplexandintricatewaysofthinkingaboutwhatitis to be human from a psychodynamic view of the world. This text has beenrecommendedreadingforundergraduatesthatIteachwhoare studyingtheworldofcounsellingandhelpinganditcontinuestobe atextthattheydrawonwhenfacedwithadifficultyinunderstand- ing the ideas and concepts of the psychodynamic approach. Michael Jacobshasthatrareabilitytomakecomplicatedideasandconcepts seemunderstandableandyetleavethereaderinnodoubtthatthey are complicated. The use of case material brings the theory to live and mirrors Michael’s commitment to practice that is informed by theory.ThisisavademecumandMichaelhas‘donethejob’.” SueSully,SeniorLecturerinCounsellingandPsychotherapy, UniversityofBrighton,UK “ThisneweditionofThePresentingPastisawonderfullyreadable overview of the developmental principles underlying psychodynamic counselling. Theories of Freud, Klein, Bowlby, Winnicott, Kohut and others are organized into three broad developmental themes: trust and attachment; authority and autonomy; and cooperation and competition. It is illuminated with rich clinical examples which bring alive how theory is helpful to understanding clients. Jacobs’ lucid, lively style makes the connection between theory and practice clear and accessible. This outstanding book will appeal to established clinicians as well as students training in counselling andpsychotherapy.” AssociateProfessorJanGrant,CounsellingPsychology, CurtinUniversity,WesternAustralia P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm It’sinvain,Trot,torecallthepastunlessitworkssomeinfluenceuponthepresent CharlesDickensDavidCopperfield Timepresentandtimepast Arebothperhapspresentintimefuture, Andtimefuturecontainedintimepast T.S.Eliot‘BurntNorton’,inFourQuartets Themoebiusstriponthecoverhasdifferentproperties,butitalsoillustrates the connection between past and present in our lives. Take a strip of paper 2–3 cm wide and 20–30 cm long. On one side write ‘Past’ and on the other side write ‘Present’. The two are clearly separated. Now put one twist in the stripandjointhetwoendstogether.Startdrawingalineatanypointalong the strip – the line will pass through‘Past’ and pass through‘Present’before coming back to its beginning. Past and Present are distinct, but nevertheless formacontinuum,connectedtogetherdespitetheirseparation. P1:OTA/XYZ P2:ABC MHBK065-fm MHBK065-Jacobs June21,2012 14:39 PrinterName:YettoCome Trim:152mm×229mm

"This text is characterised by the insight and authority of practice based evidence rather than being primarily theory applied to practice ... It is also written accessibly, with sometimes difficult psychodynamic concepts rendered into plain but elegant prose ... Convincing case studies are used thr
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