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Preview The Preparatory Manual of Black Powder and Pyrotechnics

OF BLACK POWDER | AND PYROTECHNICS A Comprehensive Reference Manual on the World's most widely used Pyrotechnic Mixtures A BOOK BY JARED LEDGARD THE PREPARATORY MANUAL OF BLACK POWDER AND PYROTECHNICS "FIRST EDITION =, JARED B. LEDGARD (Chemise and Inversor ‘The Prepzratery Manuat of Black Powder and Pyrotechnics Copyrighs 3 206 by Farod 3, LedusedL A rights neerved. Printed ia the Lote States of Ameriou No patt ofthis rasnual o27 he veptodncod or distibuxed in any form or By auy means without the prior writlen penvission ofthe aur. Forthermerc, no past af this manual cant be eeproduced in any foeta or hy any reams, and srtel fa ‘wabase or other conapust related storgs svsiom, public o: private. Fucthermore, aw part wf thiv book, including fext, insgess references. ect, ect, can be copied or duplicuted in anyway and placed upon aweb page of any Kind without prior permission of the author, ar pub Cover ehacogaph of fresars displays wit wes of aa SUL bra’ LS my Tack a sur fneg-eun th waioas tele and soczarcal nition Ping shown in hic ole, TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘Chapter 1: Pyrotechnic compositions, pise 61 Te Lnrodeciow tne. p09! 2h. Wet makes pertecale empiions bat ps wc? page Sa The acc if vacusiog agen vis midiring nets, page O03 4 Be eration and tho rosin ol combueton, page 048 5a Neo-siicing pynotesnes, anh sue i 006 Bx Metiods ar forming syroleeane composting, as 6 2a Hr ose he wana wage A Black Powder, nag 4¢2 Seaton 1 Bk Powder. pags 7 (Chena sd eds seen ag 7 ‘Bach Pesder Compaision in sano ge 01? O-01-001: Blac Powder Conspodlion 1 (stuaducd block pom, zee DD? 01-01-0048: Bach Funder Compasifon 2 (Chinese iran. 40" Craters) nage 4 {n-BT-NC: Hack Powder Composition 3 Whitehorn black poster, 1S eeotary Baroy) ge 3) €1-D1-004D: Black Pom Jee Compostdan d (Engh evn! boi powder, 7 entiry Kaseuad). nage 10 (01 -00LE: Diack Powder-Cunapasition § (French specif bck power, 17 entry), pam 10 (1-01-06: Black Powdse Cempestton 6 (Aneriea blue poveder, 19 craleeyh pice O16 {1.81-601G: Standart black power (prelpkattn eta, page O22 O1-O1-OM1TK: styadard pyrotechaies Black boseder (PGK apr, reworks standard). page 1 OL-BL-92A: 19° century Amerieun black powder coe pei, paz 12 DIM; “Redaced wast” Wek ponder compen (hutns ore crealy with eeition fewer un-burned partite, pase 0t2 Ui-DL-D4a: Standard bach powder composton (pepitatin mothod 3). page 012 ‘01-005: Standard “spertap power” Wack powder ampston bck taming method, ape G13 ‘LOL-WuGa: Black power composion, pas C12 SLAN-DOTA: Black pede companion: pee C13 {0-01-008a% Black ponedereomspoation, p12 O1-tT-.s Black porsdaréompstion ge 014 M-OL-B10A: Whack pores eomapsltinn, pape 1? OL-DY O11; Black onder ompusitinn ago O13 2. Modified Blusk powder.» Chemie wood iu hi ete, age O16 Sortba 1 av Powder Mdied Gla Powder ass life Biacd Ponder Campo 61h win, pe O22 SR-OL-OM1A: Standard “eaten ira cut" tome fave lature, puge O23 (2-0100L0: “Rede ura rate” fie parler dicety from pease stra, poge O73 01-0024; “Redueed bura ral" Fuse powder rectly rom pulssim nitrate, pee Gi (2-01-38: Minted blne pore tr use ia fase law urmng lack under compost), pgs 023 (2-01-04: Cassa ysrotechnie eonapasi for ws glee aod sassy tim fee page O24 02-01-004B: Ginsles pyeotec lov uonpusitioa for ase in Bases at! smokes ie fu uted Dare eat) gage ©2-61-N4C: Gases pprotecale coum Jar use ingaslss and smokeless Gime fos (unde arm rate 2 page 025 (2.01-008A: Chlorate slow rnin Ese compoloy, DOS R-at-¥6A:Pyratecnie compost fr tive fuses page O23 8-01-0974: Niroeslllave containing psvotecanic eo sition fer fares gates), page O25 ND-OVA04A: Muted “high etueed bara” black powder emusiBuas pees O20, S2-OL00RIt: Modliet “high reduced bur” black jeder compra, ze J26 "2-ML-WU9A: Modified black power eompesition fv wc i a ast ad dela page 127 SeAt-0004t; Modified bine powder cen fr ie fo de fared deiyar pees O27 SE-O-DODA: MC emphite” black power compotion, peae EST 22-81-0098: “Grapiir” black powder comperiton (ode) ye 02S $201.80. therasslysthfe modified Black poweter composition. page 2 SL-OLAIILA: Reduced ebpaber prove modidod back vd euible fr sual ar, ‘SbnLoza: Modified blue nord compertion wiz 02-014112B: Mofo black power sorapeniion ula cae elise ibers Jor adie stebINty a¥8 energy untpu.page 129 cellose bers for waking cnioaindble gan case careipe, pa 029 ralooécomete 2-01-0134: Monies nha pomstercompostton wing coated sodium aitane, gaye 8 ©2.0)-0444: Basie aodiled black powder cempoieon fr hse cas, pie 330 82-01-0184: Modi black power composi with imercaoed bra rte ge 820 G2-01-0168: Specaliy mond black yemrercenipiton, 2031 Da-av-0L7A: Redwwod buen black ponder eemmpsaa for sarlous ust ge US] (2-01-0178: Reduced urn black pomler cospostin fr varias uses, puse O31 02.01.9184; Movie’ “high rented burn” black powder viper, me 52 02-01-0188: Mle “reduced buen” black ponder cemnstion pss O22 OFDL-BIOA: Modified “retwoe! bur black powder compton, age O32 3. High Performance Rocket Prapllants, page 034 Stction 1: Ammen ereblorate Rocket Propllsns page Ns (Ghar sed ote aetn sen ae net Pele aye 033 High Perma coon Perehlorte opal ia eaio, pgs O38 (0301-0014: High Perfocanoucr Miltary Brae cet propellant. peae C3! 05-01-0024: Web Pecormance Milgey grade rocket prepalluct page 12 5-01-0054: igh Perfurmonee Mary srale rocket propels wilt PVC. pose D1 (3-01-0144: Ligh Performance nitty rocket penpetat GPL XS00 Gp, pase 234 5-01-0084: High Perfneraoce snltns rocket propellant, ae O44 15-01 006A: igh Performance miliary vocke prugellna ith negative press exponent), pe bb 03-01-007A: high Peetormancs nilitary rocket prmellan (eeused Dash page Ns 3-01-0684: High Performance polpmerc mitiry rocket propel ees O48 01-0008; Ugh Perfomance “platonn-barmbue” polymeric racket propia, pe DS O5-DL-1104 Hig Performance polyere cle! propellants nae Se 8-01.04: igh Perforuianee polymere Poeket jopellan nae With jug eased bura rate—=alwmousn fre) age N56 igh Performance plvrethone rocket pra, page O27 ‘13.01-01262 High Performance CMDB reckel propetlatschuijnnite uudiGed Doable Base propelvas). page 047 03-61-0124: High Performance suche prop rye O88 US-OL-013A High Perfurmanee JPL XS ruckee propellant, pe 48 014730: High Perforave Je, X00 rocket propelinat (ith decreed ue nit, pase G49 (5-01-0444: High Perforemtace rocket propellant with ree clctromagacts ere exaust. page 050 OhINAHISA: High Penormance ‘apes wchel propellant, 050 (05-05-0163 Tigh Perioraaace Teflintnaed rocket prapelint, page 051 ‘5-01-0168: High Performance Toff base raekitproplint with eaced Born eat, ye 251 05-01-06 Ligh Performance Taflya based “stokes” rocket propellant will rede Bara T2.3 8-02-0174: igh Performance smokeless potyaice chet jeopeliat ge J52 IS O1ANRA: High Performance sls polymer rocket propellant ge 83 201-0198: High Pertoronaace anninm perellorate rocket propcbonts pa 624 (24020: High Petdormanes anmontaan perchlorate roche! propellant page C53 (2.012: igh Performance anmoniaas percilorn resket propellant pare C84 63-01-0224; High Pertnrmnee metablesay nmmociiepercocate rocket propllen,pige 54 AsiM4738; High Perfoxorance polymesieammwninm perchlorate rocket prepdast, pose 05? 03-01-0244: Hig Pectormance announiam porshlorss etek propelaut exe Ss {8-91-605: igh Verlorance and fais, uampeniam peeehlerme rocket propelint with semlcarbaride perelarate born, increases, ge O22 OS 01-026A, High Partormance mauonenn a6 63-01-027 Figh Permenunee subberdite wmaioui pershlornt rocket propellant, ge O86 (5-01-0270: Aligh Performance eubbe ke amsniom petchlovale racist propel pass 295 05-01-0384 High Performance anneninm pevehlorate erbet propellant utlicine nope page O57 ls-01-02%a Specialty anworsum peretlneate vomsold (gelled rac propallaae, page 85-01-50. Specaly Ligh pecrnraves sterile amblowira pereblorateFochet pela fr use in space rocket pags 987 @MUAILA: Cassie Big pertorauace nmin perchlorate eaket poplin age O38 95-01-982 Hih werfurmnnce atviguainm peventieste cocket propellan page U8 ORD-ONSA: High performavce ametatlom perehlorate focketpenpelat Fo¥e 0:9 05-01-0344. High pertormance smokeless stumeniim percblorte racket propelint pene 084 5-01-0340: Fgh perfrmuace smokebeesummoaiuonperchtarate rocket propellant (odode U52 05-47-84: igh penforniance smolless amemcninin pereblorate racket (ropeliat (moder ps Ca {S4iLISEA: High fevformance sovckeles ammonium persilirsie rocket propellant wit copper sue Baca acelerater, page 0 ost perehlocate rachet propcllanr conta saynetic ison oxide burn cutarst RODE r " : : trae rocket point wt copper sistem aelera 1-580; igh perfomance mmm npr ma ‘BinkO30a: Fgh porbrmne smoute perchlorate rocket propelaat wih opp salar bur aelritor at sanasts. th metal yd aesoro emp). aS SESIUEEE: gh pertronacesaiontum porehiste rocket prope (ith ment nyt eek men OC; 4: Tigh perorwsocesmoniva percha ricketpeopeliaot with sie won acekern ur om pms se 2 4290: igh yechrmanee amoonin peellorats rocket propel with isan mane and co ide trae anodes 02 = SSCA igh perane cliemmono perateroshl roman 0 oath Heh Seormnes cable smmeciuy press adkt opal et seo alble and ak eu rntancth poets SS5hOae Hh Reromoce ment pctrae nk pop wt oie ae 0 facet errr mana cne cr pptan a ats -. * TIEN Pectoraact newt pect eet proper okk truce bse: poset ersaip: Mia rornce noni priate rwcke Propel 1 ect bss pe weetcat: spss hk Pcorence nmum pelos rske option pas SSolaata: gu Pecoetmmesammentm purhiorte ke popsnat grees SSHLAUla gh petenaicelowsempeste uripemvicts popsmese GS teincaoy ts prtrmance note tnpraare rig usel prope pa Dealctetes mga petrance sma propenan ras O6 Opt ogy Ma erfrtanee mules opel pee 97 . Scan petal gh ovionance peyton pe? Secon 3: Aumont Nuss Coton. ig 0% Giese wera seton ps ct sae ig UY ‘gr Priarte inno, Bade Poplin: nb eee, ge 88 CfA igh erate ton oat poplin I, 0) pas O88 ‘ogg: Nieatased macy rocker prpeteat eouteess age 08 . Ha MEAs sent atts se itr ret poploat watt AI foreased poner ti. a5 SSe-m8: Annee rte itary reste ropes ith TNT power pac {ho-004a neapeae soni ae ih pertones rk Propel ase? Sa tah Brennen? Sano ppt aa tease igh Revtraase por ec prin fa Ai-a-iek Han Pec et smn ve oss pop 8 91 (0.03-07R: High Performunce polymee anamoninnsaitsace sche roll (anedMe), 2oge 18 (O§:15.Na: igh Performance seatciee rubber like rorist propellant jane {B-03.004: High Persurmance smokeless pulymer racket propellamt pags 092 (05-00-D1NS: High Perfornsince smokeless palyner rocket propellants C8? (05.68-0104: Tigh Vertormance anokelos pofpcr tuchet propellants ane 094 : (S-OS-ALLAT High Pertorannce rocet propellant, pss O25 i IstA01 TB: High Werformaueeeovhet propels (mod age 06 a 05-03-0124: A igh performance SATO [fet acted tleof rocket propellnat, pace 3 : (GIA: igh Performance ammonium orate "plusieite® propellant age od i (05-8014: High Pertorawace netmonivey crate propellene pise 183, ATOMS; High Pevforaanee ammoniog nlrate reek propel ulizing asphalt page 9s 3-48-4016 High Pevforauice anntnium nate recht propels alse onrmniom dekrownsl Naru cuts ently ng 096 {83493.016B; Ligh Performance sremanium strat cock propellant axing ummeniom dchrinate Gur ra extaly nye a (603-017: Specialty annnoainn nitrate seninoti galled) ease propellant (ith inerease muti), 24 5 é (5-05-0184: Specially wmmonian wltrate rucket propellant with auaderateaeclertion for ec in paceeraf ae O2T 5 (3-90-0194: High Pertorvance ucmoniaot mira reeketpopllan with akrerclalve baer DT q {5-05-0198 igh Performance ammariua ltate ruckstpropellat with wirnsllaose bese age 18 : 13-45-1204: Fgh Pertorimince ammonturs aire rocket peoples pass OPE z {tsui2 La Mig Pertormateesmoonias rst ska prepa ge 8 E 85:05-0224: ih Periormance anniv ava rock! propel i Ree wre burn aerate OS ¥ (1-323; gh Perirmaneewmmonian iene ocket propellant, page 0 ¥ (@-080245: Specie igh Petervceamevntn wire rocket peopellant, ae 109 : 6543-0040: Spell high Petomieesvanooinm alate oct propel pes DD : f4s-024C: Specialty high Perfnaunes anmnonim nate rocket propellant paps 100 @ (340-4235: Hh Osrformines aston ae cke peach, pas 10h z {94042 4As Specialy high Performance pltimersbacd anv mat ocker propellant ope it Fa 3-0-4254: Hig reriormance stele polymer rocker propa, page el % ne ge 123 & acho (ade ore verted age 101 i ‘nfo Mflaon rapt ni setae 0 : O3-4-00t0: High Perincwance witars esker ropa (97 papal page 18 A 8344-602: Migh Perfor ty voce propellants 108 # 5-04-0038: uigh Pertermance CMH rocker Frapeuls2 (eomposie net Dorble Base rope) rage 109 : $8-060030: High Performance CMH rxke propellant > Gunpore eda nite ine propelant), fs 10 2 ‘Bell Hig Fevtormanaerioetsosrgletrine based vket propeleat pe 2 93-04-0084: Tigh Pertormaace “har st lesble™propeUaat olinng hedroxpani pecans se 111 # 3.04. 00SB: High Pevirinane ard, teat papell orice brxglnsne perch aratefdiied,cone Q 13-04-0964: igh Pertormence polymeric propellant wélizioy geanidne perchlyeats aa, 93.040NFTA: Moderate performance “rubieelu propellant wigs potassium percilorae nad possulfle iorer seg: 12 TS.04.D07BY Moderate periemone “rubherlie™ propel nodiied), page 112 A.DAANUSAT High petformance lium povehlorate based plan! for varius pristine £13 05-04-0094: ish yerformance polymer rocket pela tse on patasstun perealrateepoge 2 (5.04-D1NAs High Performance potassium yerctorate racket relat ge? UD.N4-011.: High Performance pobsrinm porehturate recut propellants pe 113 SIH-OTIA: Supe high Perfrmance pusevum pereNbre chet pepellant conta 1 G*-OLOLSA: Saper high Pvformaves fable, lydruastomiae persian ck! propllame page 11 83-04-0143 igh Perforatance ruck prielenutlcing bsdrarne astute page I s-04-DISS: Special migacsion perablrate sla (gcd echt peal lug hy ronpanline perhlorats page “Troe Cones 8-04 0234: High Betforaance petnesiam pebehlaate rocker propelaal Bose 11% 95.04-0258: High Pecioraanes polavinm petebloratsYocket propel faye 18 8.044280: High Performance possum peeehloras rocket propellant rite InfearetWuanaatr, e178 (05.08:0244; Tigh Performance poraim petshlorale icket propellane pee 119 65.06025A: High pervirmaace thermally stable rocket rina, pegs 119 CB.Du6A: Maerae peforauaneepotssiin Mate traced rocket pwimetinte puso 119 4. Non-Black Powder Gun Propellants, aye 121 Seeton 1: Ammonium Nitrate Cenaining. page 1 Chemical oem cero nds et Pele page 121 Rig Perernence door Sire Ge Ponds assent, ae 2 ‘OLIN-NO1.A: igh Performance auunusina eitcate guopabaler, pase [24 {is 01002a: High Perforrmoes nnatontuns wirale guapowder hse 125, ObDLnBA: High Perforuanve aomualum alate gonporvder: pase (26 Ds1-O04A: Righ Neriormaace autsiniuer arate genporen page 126 DEOLAKGSA: High pextoratance san propel! will cal acceler sul ae 126 44-006: igh performace sau prepellnat with catalyst veoderaat faye 127 401-0074: High performance umataiuny teats eua propellant, pages 127 ‘OEIL-ADT: Tigh performance sinmeniam atrats gun jrpeliiat wed, pau 127 8401-008: Amutouiam qirate smokes po propelant faye (23 ‘4.01.09: Stvadard big peefarenee anoroniats sleire gun pronelsat, pus 128, OLDI-M10A: High pordorance sinmonium nitrate olcess poet, gae: 129 USOLOLLA: Migh perforrsane atrocelllse gun propellants aay 123 04-01-0524; Animoniem atest bigh performance go yrovelien pags [25 ‘DEOLO1SA: High peeturmanot aaionniuin wilrstebacod sun greta azo 13 ‘MLO-2144: igh perfonuance mee based gun propellant 222 130 (64-01-0184: High performance shanontar ateate gum propalont with potisinn pier booster. aage 171 Oe.n1d16a: High perfoemancenmatoaiain trate gun propellant, aye ot LOL-DITa: Tigh pecermance aunmeoninm ats gus prelim ess 3 (Gea annae High perfrniance unten lets a propeant ge 132 M401-018b: High pertormance amimoninm aittate pun propellant ozs {12 ‘Seti 2: Niroelllese containing. pre 134 Chon dns erin anda ars Shed), 988 V1 igh Psfrmmce Mitcaelaave Gin Prplnt nshsSeton gage 135 Forondatig Wvonatinione Camano, page 3? SLODMI A: Nitcacetluloe igh perforaance yom propellant (airy grade gunpnele: double based), ave 13? (4-402: Niracetlsebigh perivemaace pun HroLelat (itary sae uopowder: double busy ag [38 (6402-84: Nitrate “Saale mer page 158 ‘BLO 9048; Neroreliuose sot etuoee saline hi {4-02-52 Nlroeliate i specially fn shotgun, nage 142 '6.02-W40B: Nicovellsineseketess gun Propllan!ypeiicaly Cor sguas Gncreanel chum ressure va cnt dust one gua propellan (ls ARMY ALG propellants pees 113 GEN-ANAD: Rielle Zw propel CS ‘Sih tac suppression wees, page “45 HAMIR HC: Nieocatelse gan propellin (orene US Navy jropctm’ pyre propel raze ‘4n-4¥22 Standard high perhormaace nine gna propellant, page 1, DAAR-L3A: Steyr bigh performance alraclnlose “nuit haee”etickelexs powder wih raduet nt sage HS ‘satasa: liga Petoeanee pte gereserte sat popeloat eee $2 Man ous standart ne performance ios igh iraleeine concn} alts ponder nt cele Ras, {8.40124 Hh Pertimace ivninn Perch ope Poet rere 6 1 pSteenne (G.-018A; High Perforunzage atronium perebloralespevinty rocket propellant (would cure), ge US 05-04-0194: High Peciormance Lvdrazine titrate rosket propellant pane 115, 3-04-0204: High Pertenece bydvasiee parate racket propolnat Saco LI? (5-1 igh Performance potassium fereblorafsrockat perpen! with roel a8 6 PSE M0 048: Star hgh performance aieoceloe high skrapyerne wen mle pnd i eee Mach Si fei ana draostne p BOLO OUSA Mig pefrmonce ool (igh open cone smokes powder Bi ebeg ae obencn) pce eM? reed lash omatited UBAALDEEA: Hah Peformance sotanum byesde grogelant wth arealulostace page SNA: igh pectr mane ire smokeless per ith rast Ssh pe HP iv Boe See (OF 01-0174 High portormanesnicrarcass smhlens der pce 148 (02-0178 High performance wrocelluuse scokeles powder (Pie! with barium Wieentebura cobaeer ice 8 52-0784: High performance alroecIulose saohelexe powder cova dithylphenyleariaide lara enlaneet, 12 1 ‘AL-o2-018B: High performance nitsweellabne somata yonder th passing lactate table (4-02-0194; Mage performonee nitrates mokslees powder cutis the "Sbalioe” proces) rage 42 DsO2A20A: High performance aliacalalowesmipheere power, page 150 (D0 0244 High performanesaitracelolns stuckless powder Guilty grade) pe 130 ILO2AIZAI figh performance sieve scxkeles power tmiirry eras) "$1 (04-93-0724; High performance alcocelulse goa propellant (gntasian nvate forte, peas (O4U2-0254: Ligh performance itroetalss va propel (ith TNT meaiGer age 152 (NE83-0344: gh perferazanes mite lss yun propellants e152 (4-62-0284: High porformunesaitroeleogs un propelant, og 152 [BLW264: high performance ioealalse own penpalane sage 135 (62-0274: High perferaranesaltoesaoss gun prope, 2020133 (G442-0284: sigh performanes “flahes” eitrooellfose goo propellant 04+ 14 ‘4-02-028B: Fgh performance “ashen alercellloe pun propellant, paze 134 (04:82-025.: Mish pertorannes “elena buraing”nitrocallose smokeless yta propellant prge 154 Section 3: Mivzcllancous gaa propelisats, z0"> 156 Conmiois en serstin deri or Bcd ee 186 Fish Panformanes Bisvllcats Gut Propels oti wean rage 13? ‘03. 00LA igh oesv ing? wetion gon propellaat stable for afilery wos, pie 198 08.0028: Law Meamaber pressure” gun prupellnl suai fr cantons, Page 159 ‘4-05-0034: igh performaneseblocafe gun propellan sulable for Grearms, page 13) Inga: Sane” bite performance gun propetbat subi fur propelling projects Nigh aiden rage 16t /e-93-B4B Super” high peeTrananes on pron itd fo rol preset beh allan tla, steizee) pra et 14-a3-006Pocassium perebloras hgh perfoemance aun propeabt, page lil 10485-0064: Nitro eos! Ng performaass gun propellant conaicing piri acid, puge 161 InQeRSITA: ign performace som are onautning specially pom propel age 18 04.05-008: High perforaaceaitrocelslose yen propeuent ple based). pape 162 03 RUN ig ertareesnceatewealone gm propel (ipl bio), page 245 De.us-o08A: Fgh performance anmeaion perchlvste gun prepalant, pa3s Hh 1-05-9098: Ai jertorrmmreporeblornte based gem propia, pe 1S Figta-bioe: High performance chlorate his yn opel pe Fe ‘9605-0100: High performance nitroguacidine ea propellant ca ICH 04-03-0101 nerfoernmeratrossewidie gum propellut, pase 165 f.a8-01 4 Fgh performance arhum alteste gon propel or eal ara Weapons gs DLUS-DLAU: Ask pertrnucebucium altro geo propellant for xml rae woapuae. Ge 1B DDeA-0124: Specialy higk peforwanee avnaoallon pera ww wrapaane. Mae 155 14-05-0134: igh performance ammuaiom pierateguo qvopllaat 0x2 167 ‘pegs: High perYornance hain alice propels, pie 16? ‘h-03-0148: Figh performace bariom nkrate gon jvopellaut ulferinbuted, paso Ii? A NC05-015: Uh pertornce Ssauolelss perder” ammaniam pierae gua proelint 5, General aon-prapellant pyrotechnic compositions page i Seeton Rtn Fraser com ontins, pie 168 hamicalcl be eon indore an etc, page 9 Bulg Foose Cmpostions im eon, pags 17 ‘osimaon a: Litvaeed Tracer coupon fe eh, OS 01-002a: “lavsble” waver coupeciton video Merl aging delete, ane 14 OS D1-403A: High performance tracer compton 2, pa 115 OS 01-444: Lig pertorazuce wbite tree compusiton with reduced base drag, age (7S COTANEA: High Forformance pinks tracer campiion will Feucet base dea, poe 176 (9501-8050: Ligh performance cod raver composition wid reduced base drag. 3ege [7 ®EOTANGA Blue acer compas with seat sranke Ira, ge 17? ‘OSOLOGTA: High vnbiity ruocr eompeston, raze 174 (ODL igh lity tracer conpontiow orn cae ge 1M hy shooters weaFing oF SIND kon Role, lear eters, aF (6.0.09: igh visibility tensor vomposton ails rice unabation Fr austaweratt gant, pees 179 TSIN-OURA: Loog baraing (caer evasion eontainlng depleted anion for ase in lm vange wenpons soch ws niger ile, benyy antlne une. mortar. aud artery sel pag? 179 DoT! High oteasiy Hlemiuony racer compost fr une neff beavy machine guns ta Hires. ze 180 (OS.OLGU8R: High fest lnm racer conpesien fr usin sniper rile, henyy ening wus, 2 are (wl et age 80 1-018: Hig iatoasity Minos teacer cempostog for usr ln ies, hoary machine guns, roche ures penile. andsamitee peoectles, gous 180 {G.07 UIE gh intense Weiaves fencer enupasten fr ase in ffs, heavy macbine gua, rockets, gremude projets, Sind snular projets (moda, pees [SL (Ga 0114: tracer compaeitiog for woe ia gh celocy projectiles Gel by taka, gous, and otc Giring weapons wherchy the freruldier fs wing aver opr sighing devies, page 181 (utt-048; oer conmpoalion fur ue a igh vehi ejosties Ge ly dans ys, and her Beng weapons cry che Trersldler fe wdliay tower oe sighing devtece (edie) oe “21 (541-0124; Tescercomypaston wis incre re Insioniy. se 122 e-aL-BLAA: Grea aver eomostion wit iaresaed tunloosiy, page 182 (E-413B: Re raver eonpesttlon with increased lene. pee 182 EAL BINC: Ele grea trneer compton with hgh Tamlneaey page 133 E01 -DL4AE Tener commotion wih reduced base drag pge 182 (s-91 0140: tracer composition mith dnc awe dap ae increased buen ange, page 185 ‘EDI-DLSA: White ight tracer eorpusition pags 124 ‘DeAL-BIGA: White eke racer couzposicon wilh sparking eflec Caye 182 BSOTAATA: Specialy dopeted uranium racer comopoiden for large caliber snmumiion, age 184 mp teeta Hi bnabtenncewer es Pa £ SenLbtsas Alu porpece racer conpontion for rious ppiestuns pee 83 {SO1-b1HH: Muld spose trecersnapestnn kr varovsapleston, age (PS & GESUHIGC. Mlk purpose rane conporion fr vasoos applctons, pgs 85 3. DS bLn08c "Tear compodsion fr hgh liber pram me 14 % hsov-tdba:Sposalty sed tener ovopoion wt ad etake al oro ia dnytine operations, ge 186 5 Ustionans: Specs acer eompaciton wh ce yoke tal or mein due operations ale gg: UBS 4 . osotaabe: Specialty teaver vomprotinn wah yt uoke al fov ue a daydane operon ol, page 87 °E"SDH-b20D: Spall racer somponon with Bick emake eal rose time operations pate 197 _Seeion 2: Mother Compiitians page 188 #5 Ghentate with sotto tore ave nt Mah od Compoaton ni an age 15D = DSR-0044 Sataey-match easposion pape 23? DORAL ALUS: Satety-caatch (mode) excapeitan 2, page 19 (5.000024: Strike ampere” watch competion Ire DE (s.. 2B: “Serio anywhere” (aodiied) ets eompostinn 2 aye 192 5402-0034: Matehbook matel cumpostin fge8¢ 13 se 18 S20. asunsnita: “Double dip" Retion vesiorant matchstick corspauiion T, pipe 19 Ene 09 dO: Clean baring maleheomposiion Tags 13 3g) assizani6 as Qaicktite “easy ght” weather proof mate composition J, Faye W ZF as. o2 0074: *Netksanywhere” mate Bel erinpaion 3, mb 19S SE, OS4n-007D: Safeey match common 5, age 9S £2 02-084: satensciing eompention for tars asia eaves a 199 SE “osazauya, Sulry match compuction, page 196 "fos (SMR-O104: Ligh hear producing mateh composition. puge 198 2S san-ota, Standard match camption pane ‘02-012: Chusic mute composi, 282 197 "Zo A O2-0134: Clarle ate eamporiton with din spotbiophoe pate ven Ineeaser,paze 17 2 $4014: Cinse teh compostan wth gum antxnalae binder, pale 197 So S0saa-M1s4; Clasle mateh compari, pie 198 SCSASAOA01GA Cttse mateh cenprion (ivea 1610). page 198 ERIS e2an7 4: Fricdn restomt mateh enenpoiion, pos 18 Ge AS24184: Chase waterpreat eee cinpilion p92 199 ‘ef /OS2-O10A: Wrieen sepstive composition for us x matches. pix 18 spiny Fo ws ates ae 19 {SSE OLTL A Wiction sete compost for use atte. page 200 2 /0542-422 4; Relelio sensitive composition for use ia “like yonvere” rate. ae 26 alts Comer (842-9352 Frieon anative cmapmton fr sein utes 32 200 ‘USAR-IRSA Krition seni eompostion frase fn matchan 2x 20 OS:2-4284: Felton seasltive competion for un auareher 2636-2 (06.02.4360: Cesc matab-bead compost axe 208 (05. 26H: Claevie matehsnead eomporition, page 202 0802-0274: Cassie “safe matcleead com prion, poe 22 OS G2K4: Maten eampnsition Ger aalee use, sce 2 562-429: Weatherprgot watch camwnitin, page 9 Section 4 Bae pereratng Cumposiions page 208 ‘Chania adn hese (itn are inetd page Soka aneratng Comet nh sation, page 29 (505.001, We smoke generatg composition 1 74g 227 ‘OS 03.001: Yellow smoke generating comtpsiian ¥, age 12 (5.03.001C: Green moke gonerntig eompesition I pags 214 (05 9.0024: Yellow smake generafiny compton 2. page 718 (SSA: eel snake generating compotion 1. paze 215 0502-0084; White rooke generating compesition 7 gage 2146 SSS 05-UDUA: White sme geocenting composition 3, 242 216 DSI Keak seneraling emsion 2 eae (©a3 006A: High yckling deus ved smoke geverating comilion with halgeange view sbiiy pe 217 InGaN: Dene green noke gencenting Pompostion wit lng-nange vc buy pags 21% (-05-007B: Dense Fellow stake generat campcition with Longecimge view iy ge 218 (05.08-0088: Kelle yew smoke generating crmpecitlon Wit long duration, pag 218 /6-03-DOSH: Excellent green emake Renecaling onxperition it vag duran, pie “19 (05-05-008C: Rectloat red amok generating coniperic seth ogra, ce 215 isg4-v09as Standaea military bite smoke gencrating cmportion,sz2 220 1549-910 Miltary grade wile nak uensrating eompason for amo purposes ulzing de “wet munlue™ proces. pie 220 ‘D8 05-01 14+ Envtronenentsty ste wee suauke generating composition, page 220 (0805-012: Opaque smoke generating conpaston Tbe fderorfg Eh ara blockag nlrwrl trating, pgs 22 ‘0s48-012R: Opagime sie generating composition for interfering With aud Blocking infeared trganng tuedited). race 221 (68.05-013A: improved “HC™ white srinke coappsiion (ena US allitry sudke oompertva) page 22 5434144; Mlselard wie uke comportion uring guaokdine wate. ago 222 96.03.0148: Standard whee smoke compriion ailing samuiine alte mie), pose 222 (05.5401 34: Gpnnue stoke generating compton fo ieereving th heared tang eystens mele age 223 (08:3-012¥ Opaque sls yenerety composition for interfering wit infrared targeting systems ‘mold, a 229 (05.03-01¢A: Standard wate setoke geteratinz ona yendion for seer toes pave 227 (OS4)847174: Star blye sone weneratng compesitien fr general paso 22 9505-0184 Whlc spotting sche campusitin toe atiery nad uri tani wed similar age 228 (953-0144; Orange smoke reducing compasiony 260221 (05.05.6198: Orange shoke prulacing comeitvn (auded, page 225, (£03-819C Orange smokes produelng onipestin fanalie 1) eye 225 (5:15-8091 Yellen sake proucingcomposon, raze 275 9205-0198: Vilcromoke predating comprmilrn. pe 228 (5-004: Viet sme procucing competion (nda n> DE05.019G: Red sac prodocing sumprtna ge 26, 1.89-OISLL Green smoke predaciag composition, pags 226 (68-020 Intensely red producing srokreompasiion fo epotelng nd signaling, po (05.03.0214: Safe to uso, Ohmelesyello-orange smoke cazposiive for wet n highly Nammabe envionment page 22? (5-48-0124: Sole composition for anc at night prodaciyg a brush blacessoks. wih lek Ii6-08.0220; Smoke eomposiion fa use at nit producing hrsenib (qaodiod) ae 228 fi-034234: Nem anunie-chlorine contalaing white tmnae eatin far reenng, pie 228 1DB.88-424A: Nontoxic supke xeneating eomponitian for arc ia various taining eperatons ax DBS08.02SA: Pyestacnic eompesitin for producing mv sie, pe 239 DSLS-A2GA: Red phosphorus sits stmposiion. page 228 15.05.0260: Red phosphoras tuoke composi (edie evmponent eae 229 DENS: Parle stoke wmpostion, pie 230, ach sroke chick looks oxmage frond dstoats rom wun page ate eames (654040254: Yellow suk comport, ROR O2N: Yellow stoke componicon, fags 21 1-05-0294: ruven sake eennshons ese 231 (R038; Orne seh compasiion, rege 271 {iS OEHSTA: Pak smoke compnsiion, pase 231 E-A-ASLIE: Pek sole oomposton ag 22. ‘E0352. Clasake HC ake cumpostins PES {5:43-402B; Cteaic saokt vonposlton tied with magnesium chloride, page 232 (5634058: Mufifel HC suche eompestan for geuecatiog 2 bdrasoie eaoke for use in humid gavéronnents,pige 25 05408-0340: Simplified reddhh-oaoke enmpusition fr Hurting type mone, ee 232 18.0805: Sinlilirallish-porple sake counpasitios for harstine ise meio, page 2 §1G-RA: Dense reddish sake caption, naps 233 DS-0L036A; Opuqne sacks compesten for rriae ass page 254 (05:05-026R: Opaqor aml composition for marie ene pase 234 (@206-036C! Opugue smoke omni lp mine wee haze 75 (54840534: LanerevaterInueched geen sue cnusiion for matin use. pags 295 (O543-057C; Under-vater launch yellow smoke cempsilna [ar muive Wie we 235 ‘second: Pyvoccehute guiter starter) and “primis” cimmpostons peas 236 (Chenoa ied nt section ins are orto pge 236 {gion ond Priming Comportons iti sain sabe 2 ‘© 04-00LA: Shock rsstan iguteiprinee composien (producce Cash and tna report upon ignite), ge 785 ENB: Moslifed shoe resistant Iuitenirimer compaction (rnlacis Baah and loud report apoa gun) ee 246 ean egies tints 05-04-0024: Igaiter compton fradooesn0 aah or export upon ipln). pee 86, EL GbLONSA: High stitute ign composti fean be aged fu supersonic maaifons. ps 227 SF o6.04-001As Hiab duet bacoing pyrotchnleiwiter mature ft ieaene compositions. page 227 2 GS.0enat: Mlovbble", dark bacuing pprotochaie alter misters for aver sumption, page 242 E04 0034: “Now-iletbursiog”praecaie ge hanen ring competence a bere de compoitins fiat ave getion perature sets O00 Cos. pry 8 SCI MeOOLA' Thane "gate composilna foc pugaeaion 25) Manis ner composi tr lew vloiy rocket propeena pags Af M4054: Noctumaons fgater cunpasiog or sais aden page 219 5 okt Eriniog vompor tion Gio consonance ou cece ‘WSO OOTA: fain copostn fer hip performance roche! peopel uss 20 235 Q-oeiika; Castes ion vomposaa for “herp con stiogs,paee 232 “EPMO ON: cokes ignon com vin fr Dave cv oe gene petals compositions “ss oLa8a: ton sempction fr texer som pcitens pape 251 2.0504 9104:igeion compre for crc ating cope detoolor, ie 252 se acoi.a pntioe eompeston fr big pctrantse Fhe propels pe 2 ENON: ba ve for ncenlary enpostins, page 23) 2S: isodaitas Totton composition tr cls piers faye 2 22 SIRO: gain composi a etre primers th crescents (aude rg 25 2 $0 084A enon compoution ar es, smal, le cond wlg lek pone, pe 2 #508 084: Pring composition fr biting opt and fore rework ae 123 * SES Rot nso: Peiming comin or blasts ea, al for warn Groth inarete soc resinges, 26536 1 USMAbLGA:lgoidon cumpostion tor Wik peclarmance atari aitaceerdlernte rocket propellant page 235 ore, pe 248 s 4 Bevan: Renn compensa or tat performance ammonlan itvelpreMorate cher popelaoe een). pge 2} 3 0 017A: Goats gvition composioon tne high performance musket propellatspa 25? ae w ce rcket propellant pa 22 PRET MSA: Nowarcoes hgh legceatare gion composition fr nur mates ake 258 Se MS.04 0194: Standard ignition com pusitin fr tracer mares, snake cooper isms and sila kteres, page 258 LIND: Standicdigaltow competion fo traeee mitten stiohe compositions and sone wires Guede, ce Sete ee SEE NANO&: Petning com posiin with hear rettaat properties tor ns in Hniog Lead ave in eaplsive tain, pe 259 : 14208; Primtugeompesiinn with Bea esses prupectis fv ue in Gring lead Sze ne lonve tins seed, rage 05-0/-024a: Priming composition for wee percussion cap pi 241 gs. 02SA: Show buroiog Rashi, iguitioncouposton foe teaver cocaportons, xr 262 (05-04-0264: Igitien eomposilon fur wetting compos, spoeiealy bor i proeacing welding eompesttlons, page 262 (054.027: Custos ignition sompasion for ue In ele basting caps and Stents pe 262 DRAd.028A: Friston Seuslve cemgustion for asc primers, page 262 (5-04-08 rietionseonitve composition for ues prs (trace CONS) xe 262 URtabI¥A: Conductive triton snstve eoonposron for tera primers (aoa pizmary exptosive concn), page 261 (004-0304: Iguition composition fv a In deloy trang um fu general eat for other goon opermioge. ps 36% {08.0.1906: Primer sorapiton for uz a detonators, nage 263 {443122 Prien compodion fir ave ts etre Bing expe nef ws elctie ignition devine, pags 265 {0S.GCI52A: Junin composition fr flares sad itnutuation eouponcona, 20 246, {USsHLAGE: fans mapas Ta ineenduryspeutsmagnesin opbite) ps2 9S.OCR85B: Igoiton composition forincendlaré agents [Aluminum phat) with incre! Renta wmbnstion, pe 256 (5.040984: Meat nebtunt ignition composition with high thera etbity, pazo 267 {@5188 4: Falcon coms for eines vetion seat, pees 747 (05-04-055B: igitioa vompmsition fr sein avert ection eas, a> 267 (os1¢458C Ion eovupestin for meta wera jection cat, page 268 (OS 0¢056A: Priming composition for sulle wus {Vein seca) 266 (OS D418: Pring compatiun for use a cletec blasting exp With good thermal stabi, page 268 (06.08.0878: Pemlag compost fo ase in electric Ulstiog cape wilh you! (ral stbiiy (with iercieed sonst. age 2 (05.04.037C: Peiwing compaition for use in etc blasting eap with goad thermal stably oltzng potassam peraungasnte, pee 263 SDAI9NA biter comp for ne in cect ignition devs, page 269 (01-0804: Tacemlly sable percussion prler con esta fr nse 0 oriers Rest esing pe 270 O54 0404; Friction sasitivefyltion composition fr Metin restart matcead compton, 32-271 NE--N41 Tultion comput fr aoe renal, e270 (8-04-0424; Cloesie bighty insensitive feuson ements lor We i op neceersting projutcs such ae eank ronads ar srilry suas 0271 I-44 0035s Clase bighiy iusensilce ion compsiion fr win maderasty aceterading project such at ortor om rou psee 27 ssh; Spec pene comaition optnioy high eps fr wi sho um pomers. 15.04.0444: igldon composon for exon the ef atc ase 2 Iea-iabstatoncomptinfr worn fhe Op of meta uo, age 273 ‘8--045As tases gestion compari fr ruched and ey ase 279 ‘eteedist Iellve ton composton or vk and we age 272 DOSAMLDIECsTancastve lon cnapwsion ir crcl ad sien pe 24 {S-bebea asese priming gion coupon far male wan gs 221 5-0-0468; Teele prieniggntinn computing fr aap wee ge 24 5.040474: sasthe primi compost for ole ne pee 17S 5k pub esalve rin evapo fer matic wage 273 504.468 Inconel comin for muipe se pugs 275 Seba: osesve Rion compeaton forme tu; fags 25 O50¢a484: Peon sexsi enitonsmpuitin for cesre anther aotchiks, ad rsa tldaied devices rae 275 5080804: No-ricton scone enon Sniolion lr Friar eration ee 277 {i-th Moderate Picton sence ria compost hr oth, 26d ete operatlon ph 277 {504-080 Rona fete proluin gntn steer ae a combate wh nhs a ker Bis senlve deotion som enon sage 2 ED FOSLA Ign epost i nating hermits and eer acatiy ompostions page 278 OS-OLISZA: Friming composition fr une fa Mec cpn pane 278 A088: Pring couposto fr wo a sll rm poets pegs 279 {SDL 0531: Priming composi for wen sal re primer nage 2K CEASA: Pring cnosion tar ws oma ree piers age 220 USsN- 0584s Priming composition fru ln soll ene primeracpge 380 Date’ aan enmpoon fr spe Poe 300 anak greboes page 2 USA gods Caster igaion consis fr se pots ad ewok grnaie 5381 iatent' en un comporton forsake pte tnd smal stenades jae 1 18.64.0894 Yin composts tr ear campos (it ADT neat), pa 2 DS. 0S84: Peimingcomponito for ane in Basing cap, 5822 f8-6-a888: Pring cunqeiin lor we ting cape pe 282 ERB OS BEDS: Priming covaposton for used Wisin eps a 382 AISHLDSSD: Peng comfosion lor unc Banting ea ese 283 AHA: fpnier competion Tor tracer compute. page 2 Ve-bUARA! Specialy higieemperacuce tlt enitostioa fr set lets squibe” eA-36L A: Charsc fea mtvate priming eomnpsldon tr rile ammunition, pes 763, ‘enesl62A: Prt composition for eh noweeloctie Glastng cept a 284 {5:06-0634; Specialy preg evseponiton for ass ametesiiy primes, pe 28° {UROGISLA: Starler eompositon for iain ofspoke eumpeaien pa 2 page 2 Selon 5: Huminuton/Flas and Signaling Compsiion, gone 285 (Chemie wis th econ Pinder enced. oe 288 Blunbiancvslne. Siva Compan i eae pac 299 iigesuha: Meare tamination competi 1, page 292 (548-4018: Infrared umivation(podiied} conipasinn 2, puze 282 05-41: feared ilesination conning 3.293, 15-08-0024: Fave compen 1. page 202 ‘O506:0034: Creun sganing Nore cumporiion Ie 30 {51 OIGE: Green signaling te anadtied sonposiion 2, pgs 294 (.08:905C Green signaling Nore (mouifed) compat 3 age 24 O5-054M: Green sigouling Hare (eda) composition 4 jg 294 (5-08 05E: Stendard DS Navy signing Bare cotipndigas pat 275 545.4: Sipmaling compoalcon 1, page 295 1-45-4040: Sigoalig com prion 2, a 285 UBA.AUSA: Signaling comsponlen 3: page 296 ‘5-08-0060: Atnbersgeating Bate for nee ga wontons, paze 296 {5.T78;Anfeasesunainaing (are vompastion, page O5.05-18:Iamsmoing Lae coasts page 2° {SOSA Dlaminatbig composition suicable Tor uxein ground flares aye 297 05.06.0104: Whminating cempesttion for lng boraing growl sa liga, pay 298 S08 O1LA: “White lint" aerial Ulucineting covey tion for cltay ane. poss 298 S012: “near infrared” [Usuinating composition fr wight vision cabencement, Fe 298 505-0134 Ther ind fnpactreitan awe” signalng fare prateing wo atk ark pge 200 OROSASR: Thermally aul esp eskaat “red” sigautog fare prosln wa seh of parka pose 9 DE45-013C: Fhevouly nd impact resistant “yellva™sigallag Nr peudneing tn ath tr sparta peas 297 ‘5-08.03; Thermally and impact resistant “gree” signing Mars producing no ach ch sperk, page U0 Se HMISOL4A: Ses ures perogeine manpunitina page 210 {eS MS OSA: Sookeles ace with brant becanacentproperdes, gce 8H) OSDSMIGA:“ocae inter” uti composition Eo might vision euha emt, 7022 300 SESst8 e074: Munteatingcompossnon dr llominating th bate nad other use, page 30 65-4475. ntuminating composidan for Hosenate he tel aod miner woe (th reduced wars. ge 30 3x7 988-016a: Bry Uluminatingeomposin for vious persion, ps 202 8 JAG05-0194: Ugh leone iluminating somes (or sgaalng, stg ideoihing and olvercpecations pe 22 SCoPE M90: Mien eee nntatiog competion for carting, sporting, tea nud otceaperatine (model), ye hO6-020A: Mikerhig saul Dare prouelng racar waves aad infrare union for use iw evasing radar guided. teymtanitions aa Jor eontasl a xurtnt-o-ac-fsile syste used ov altcrshe ge 308 of SEO M0D: Vickeriue cna Dore producing cur waves aod tnieared iation Toy use conising sadar guhted ‘ealecarmions, nd for enfosin nti-suriac-to-av-iee stems ued sirerat ith fesease rae emton) 25t0 1 GML Smosh burning niaous face corapstion, page 30f Se essen, Spero, Trereotedhumasiey ive euaprcition far ure th setting page 394, ‘Signs eomposiiny lr usc ia Mares for roadwork and fr frst 72 302 Signa composition for wei ares for candeant ml for afc contrad 2 pe 305 4A: IS Areny "la flare eoutpelgn, page 03 IRA: MK tare co (006.0208; umiioiphorodas eomposn or igh tte oration, page? L 35:08 09b lntatonplutltak spoon tor xr anh ode operation, pS a ‘stent Sleaarsenog aon conposidon To aous eperatins, pe 308 é ‘5.080520; Seltaardening ton coopesion fr wwe erty ge 208 ‘5-92 Slbacdeug Maude npn or aon petals it ed at age 509 z DSA: Won ccespostion for vorivon operons page 2 0545-099 ened lasnaton sono for en uso aan pag 209 : DedeARMA: Bot tod suave compound gle component mpi pa 14 Q D8.5-084: tnt sotmimens re igatirecumprun Foe 31 S USseehaSA. Sana compontn Wik dense nine eect pogo 2 2 ‘5.05064: Signing compostion with sumer sper eter eee 311 3 USAAN7AS Sots an ate snl Rae cope ag HL a DS:NE-ASRAL “Red ght sigan Hare compton, zs £11 a 25-0380 “te i ral Mare compat poe 212 7 Dt Al6C luc Upheld Mae eupontton page 312 3 5.08-038Ds “Cron ht gaa Gv composition rg 312 ‘ {5-62 “elo HRD sal Mare compa poe: 313 . DS.08-628F: Rowe olored Ligh sigan Uae enmpocton pee 313 ES NSA5AB9A: Nol prec se Mare mon or ie ey ace 315 © ‘8.4308; Naval yellow sgul are conpoation fr marie we. pugs 31: Sexton ty ruediofe Delay Compostions voce 313 Cae a ear Una sorbose) pee 318 Peeroshne alan Comper bi stn page 318 ‘)S:6-001A: Pyrotechnic delay composition for dstonncor, pu 320 we 5-UG-002A Nate” rtecnelebay clement i ledonalrs a (uses, page 329 AG Aisiroma oTHERM sTE-TRO™ seo Comets 5.16010: etek daly competion or mallee ees O-oninoa Preteen ay compostan or wall caer Dsor4aLA yeochas hy coupeins te mel ee Oacaz24: Gove rte oy eopesion er ep eg 222 ‘E--22B Cotes pve dy cnepontay fr oulpce ee ee deena: Gatos prec dy conpenion far selen we esse ‘Scania Gotan ews dl componinrwalte er eet OSA Cnt porte ely comporton or weit eset lsaededa Gace poche ay Couposton er mal cae oe ark Osaned2D: Gass triste dt cumposton mse ee yas DS-DSURSA: PyroLscfuie delay ensepnsition for use im aguld stuge rockets, page 3 {S.0e406; Ppt dey stn for anln lasts rte es teed: Sera Glycompusen or weer acl cree ee Se OS-W-A2SD: Prnviteetiuiy delay comusitiog for use ia alti stage rockets nage 336 DORs: yeti eer compotion or svar epee tae {(asse2%A: th ruteciie delay compaction fr various operations ps7 6-86-0284; Fycotechoic uty compacta frase a hgh leds Tor iia nc sioke, od vockelvompesians. ge Sertinn 7 (neeodiury Compusiions. page 4 Ghonials ein serena ett nent pege 352 rca Campottionn oi cetin,eape 34 HSOT-DOLA: tw lncaing softs roeniary cmyustion, page 1b {A.B Lurang safe Ieeniiary compen (ode), pegs 344 G507-402: Low rug slow hari safety teary enmpuntiog, Page nc: pesg Sly Sens ad pode chagespge St SE (eats tapered jenareon heen mere -0Dw: Sed prtnone si eat or Bek ponerse 91 2 ieronsa Stat ay ceca oan ‘9.80830 Slag product deay leon fr black pander charges (odie), pe 331 ‘9-44-004a: Pyrotechnic delnycemipeition for dstonncors i 322 {S.G6-D0S4: #erolechuie del canjnito lor poral: mas vs. fuse, and other means. pee DS. 0G-006E: Pyrorehnedelay composition for ua in vsting emit ledanotars (rece rh Yate), age : ‘Ds. e-pnet: Pyotaste deg conan far wnt acing cap aid dtonators (reduced hora rate, aye ‘OS IDFA: Pyrtechnie delay composition fa ure io blesing cups and detonators. pee 24 5-06-0078; Byrom sea eumporition Te tim ting ene ul leat (suc arn Yate, go 324 ‘suis = Byvotechnie delay const for oxen basing caps and dtogators. pgs 325 ‘9606-007: Bpracinie dehy composition for use io Aes cs wd detouatins(eoced urn ate gs 325 ‘S.-H Protect delay cpa Tr nse Wh blasing caps and detonators With inereased Buea Fa P a {etc nen: Poroteine dy compton er we a blesing np od dtoraion pre 3% “Bea: proved ignitor orate incnuey compeaans se 05-06-0094: Stualued pyrotecbuic delyy catmpusiton for use fe Vlasting caps and detonators, ag> 226 2 E00 01-8: tmpruved lynton Chermiteinccadisry composttoe eaosom erage 352 ‘sss Stauton pvotch a ely eoepstg fr sen Blastlog caps nd dette (cued br rte poe 25:5 RSEEALSA: “auweieon Creek einen soto eee ee 3S 95.06-0104: Seiadard iow buraiog pprorentse dey wompostion Foren Masi ease delonatnrs ages? Sore i ch {Scpnea:Fpoteint day enon fore ln stag xp at detonators pee vee Sete trans Pprncine oy cempoion fr win bleating cap and deta pee 12 Eee 95.06.0/2B: CsroteleteNeay exmpestion (or be in blssting cape sod etonaters (odsBed metal alloy xe) peas 328 “a 9€:G-092C Pyrotcrhate delay composi for urea Blau oaps and detoantors(permungenite ist), pews 328 tee 15-06-0134; Rvvulecue eee eompostion for ust fa Lhitug wipe au! detonator rirullatine reinforce page 328 NN Asda: Pysoteche del coasting for une grenade ses actrated by Primer), page 329 06-06-0748 Pyrotechoic lela composition lor use greawde fuses (itil hy primer) wowed ae 126 ‘suis: Pydechole day conpsiion for une ue oe vactous lary devices. pase £29 (9506-0150; Eyrotecbni delay composition fr ne in fvss for various mites devices scented barn rate page 220 ASRSITSE: Kyratecc eta cum poof sn foe Jor various nary dete leveased uri ate)- page 33! ‘6:1¢916a# Moldable pyrorokatedclaycomipsllon for usc ia usc, paz 86-0174: Ryrotechnie delay compton Gr use se, pee 331 ‘sNi-iRA: Pyraterhate delay composliion fv multe uss, page 321 (9506-0180: Kprorecbete delay composition fr mtigte wees, pe 502 Os.uss019: Vyrutechie delay composition fr malile ose page 322 Ee tetas “tonal hernia rotons pee 46 SAS; incendiary compesttimio Dean ed an tere meting taateras erie, e349 “USA: Tnveadiany composition with high pentru poster Uliing Mghlecartoste Item side age 249 04a: Slow berning sats inceudlay comport fied, pee 249. Surry incentinry composition fr yenersing heat For mpl energy heat Fr mpl epeses page 380 AM Sher inant conpailon or nents yur aed. ee 0 in nceniaty eumpestio for incendiary purus mode 3), pase $5) Win composition for suring Tes ("ease ular") peas 127 ith agen for alltar ore page ncendtury composition produting Mallen com, pase #38 ‘acd wulary incendiary eompesttlon, ge 315 230 lrinuaa oleate), pgs 287 ncendiay agen? (preparative of geiling ied; ‘orited NAPALM incendlary eompocidan oth neve! bent outpoth 5 ‘Thermite ineenitsry compesiton producing wolt icon, pe 258 ‘mceadiary eumposition fur wevia conjunction with mapncsuty nila, Nag: 359 6. Spesialty uon-Propellant Pyrotechnic Compositions, pgs 369 Sesron 12 Cla! Seeing Conpostoas peas 33 (Chawial on ths seston gars are 0 ra gs 38 ‘Git Sean Compo an esto, 30 36 {06-51-0014 Cou seeding pycoteclaie composition pass 354 ‘B6DL-02 8: Cloud sorting preatecnic composition, Bese 385 ‘01-8034, Clomnd seen ad valley fog diepersivy pyrotechuic compari for producing focal previiteio, page 363 (OG01-005B: Cluud seedlog and valley fos Gipersivn jprotecbnie eompuniton for producing cal wesiitatiou Quod). pees Boot b04a; | xd smoke improved cloud soeding prrotechntscompritine ros 206 (06-01-bodRi Lead enol import chid seedhag pyroteehaieconspoctton (mode pane 385 Fit 00S: Ch eng pyroroche ompontin for general ure, pe 47? o-OL-DOSR: Claud aedng pprotesie onpntton for geacrel ust (coded barn este, ge T-OL-O0GAS Cloud sealing prroteclle semposon. pie 767 6-04-0074 Chitd seeding pyrotechai compra fr seediag super coated clout Fage 6 01-08: Spesinlty dnl sestimg coampasdon With Yoninons ui. page SoA (01-005: Clot seeding compaction. pgs 368 SE-DL-WOR: Cloud seeding vompnition. cans 369 DEGT-ATOA: Lon smoke inprad cloud sediny pyrotelae compostinn, pg2 369 S6O1-911 8: Cloud ceeding composition, ae 269 U6-UT-M2A: Clon vvding emstlon Wa bist sl keageut, Dé-O1 BISA: Clmud sading soe goncrting sorption saz3 #70 DG-OL BISA: Clond erediag vomprstion fer udastial uses page Fie-P1-O18A; Clnud ssdlng composton with sevindare smoke genceaun, page 31 6-8 BIAA: Clond erdiag vomposiion with classe “HIC™ mot marifi, 7oze 371 T-@1-017 Clout sending compostdan, pose 37% NG-ALOLNA: Chind seeding pyreteebai eomputien, page 372 {6-DI-619A; Cloud seeing compen iia for the usal purpose. pags 72 (OE5F-6204; Cand seeding comtsiion for milsary wl tose pape 372 23m Section 2: Pyrola Sola Welding Compositions. pays V4 Gonder ee ee ago 24 Bote Sole tang pone it ie Seto e338 feat WOLa: Ppectecoule welding compicmn Ly pro 79 ‘D624: Gastesspyrnteclini retin conmatean for welding afuminom und otber sts, ye 389 Fhe-82 0000; aces ponechnie welding compet oe welding aumiuan aed other metal (nodifeN cx 38% (ova-t2e: Gaston pyrotechaie welds composition forcing mansusot and ocr metas mele 3), page 331 the-002A; Cites: pyres elting composition for welding ron or ste al wher weal, page $61 (6-02-0018: Pyronecnte composition for welds eee cables rape 382 Usiruinea: Pyrotechaie compost for Welding eoppcr cables tates spokes pipes, and similar ever bodies pigs 32 age 3 UoitzuNst:Pyrotechaie composition for weldhig copper ees, pales, spokrs, pipes ama similar copper bodies (modiied 23 page 388 (S67: tyrotechnic compesiiva for welling fam plate spokes ves an similar up hue wih esl asc of Igniian,pape 83 Do-ar DOTA: Pyestechnde composition fr welling sel and nangonese sees pags a4 6-82-008 Pyrotechnie composition for welding ell wacks, pipes, si thee tna. page 36 ti DOSBE Ryrotel mms foe weg rail enc, pen ad oder metals (mead), pags 384 (6.82 00Na: Peeotechulecampostion fr ovekding, wd farming molten et! fra varie af applic page 385 {ob2-O10A: Pyrotechaie compotion fr weld chromium. pipe 38S (293-011, Prrvdechle welding eexzposioa for moltpt oes cage 385 {sn-MI2; Proterhaie welding compton for preducing molten iron, page 386 (0-0-0128: Pyroteclanis welling composition for pronocing mlteu chromite. 285 BeoLT2C. Prrotschaie melding compotion for produclag melt copper, page 596 GNEHD; Pyrotechnic elling comrlilon or producing mole oa, page 37 ‘qo2-0)2F: Preotecbale welding compoitivg Gr producing molto ir. "0287 DGADAISA: Pyrotechnic welng compotion fr Welding pynpuoese stl, ad for repaicing manganese sre sntret 387 : leo ota (602-9144 Byrorcetini walling enn har welding ot ast forming copier. page 288 e-87-L4R; Pyrotechoic welding composition for welding aed eax forming copper mith poxphors burn de-suserant ge Me 02454; Pyrotehnle welding compost for welling ing page 388 {hod2-0184: Pyororkae welding tomporiton for ldiag ce Crit chron burn deereacee gees 319 ‘6-02 464: Protec comiprtln for eating neat a welding. ge 389 {t¢02-046(: Pyrotechaie composition for cutting metas aed welding (vith improve burn ras), Fos {6.87 917A: Byrotectae eompilun for yenersing molten ioa for utp pursing 19 G01 019R: Fsrecbnke ouposiden for generating mnten te! for mulliple prrpocts page 399 (6:02 9920: Pyroterbate compton for geneentng molten eroituns steel Gr aul pr poses Digs 3 .at O12: techntc composition fay generating Molle tun fr malp purpose peas 3. SH-02-0184: Pyrocehic corpsiton Jor welding copper, poss 38T NG. ODDIMAr Rycnectdesomasiinn tr elllng empper. page 381 ‘02120: Pyroechic composition far welding copper, hags 162 (6-e7120: Pyrotechnic conection fae welting copper, page 202 ‘Uc-IRLA: Pyroveckle composi fr weldlg capper aa so, pe 37 (Gs 2azeB: Pyratechaic composition luc welding copper sad tn, faze 284 ‘GERDAAAC: Vetoes composition for welding ster, pe Iig.024rt: Pyrotechnic composition for Welding aIKC faze 593 :AIBID-ARLEs Rycolecbnbe compan Re nehlng Hi, pe 393 ate et ean STAC I Yad! 1 Seedon 3: Gus Genersting Compositions fr various purpoces. page 395 Se chindele ul Sk setion ers ae nose, page ASRasGeratng Compinan iv te eetron ie 22 SE Sopiini a Naxctewe pyrotechate 38 generating vom yestion fr nutomabile atv age. page 1 43-0018; Nem toxic pyrotechnic gos generating emptor aornvaite apo) ake bags 33 01 SE Spbos.q01C: rerutecini was generlag eumpostion for uutomebile fread) alr bags, nae 401 _ Fo SEBS tes Nowe gs produc ete fan zverain somptin or atom ar has ae 1 : imple gx genratng coupoaton for lafatingsutoaohieair gs. pe AOE "SSI IG: Siple gs ges meenith "SSRRGLEALS.: Simple gas generating compotion for inating automo ar oye with reduced bok outpat euing Tar to EE ties nae sa ° “heeded bea ope educa inary EMERGE: Sapte gos eenerifing composiion fr feftaing auton sir logs with reduced beat ootpat edachg ny to {0 fom of pes hes pes and sian ARS rtd, e407 SGM; Cn rama apes val auton pen ote nb at Fs {Ep ite sedi sorrento comping sable sr nen wt ps $4 Beste. Scotty gargoatog consti formfaing nate abe a othe na eae > SFMT: Site “tanto ow porting eompsten lows sh ZESAUPO Stitt tai? compton male tm fue wt hand ea SSA 00% Gat eoeraing coupon ln erature uring ae or semincl othi psetnn, BEES samten Latin paces AI Sch pega consion c vos goaecadag compost wits lw lemperntars mening Mau Sor comercial rerun iedastist applications, pep: 111 UA: Gan gunsratiog cmposiion for Commend indus appiestios, page $11

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