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The Preliminary Practice of Altar Set-up & Water Bowl Offerings PDF

33 Pages·2004·1.42 MB·English
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Preview The Preliminary Practice of Altar Set-up & Water Bowl Offerings

PractRiecqeu irements Thep ractciocnetsa iinnet dh ibso oklceatnb ed oneb ya nyonwei th faitNho. e mpowermeanrters e quired. EducatDieopna rtment FPMT InternatiOoffniacle P.0 .B ox8 88 TaosN,e wM exic8o7 57US1A Tel(:5 05)758,7766 Emaimla:t [email protected] www .fpmt.sohrogp/ ©FPMT,I nc2.0,0 4 Allr ighrtess erved. Froncto vedre sibgynC andiBcael dwin. ImagGee:s hTes ulgaal'tsaa trK urukuClelnat er Photcoo urtoefsD ya viKdi ddlestrom � Altsaeryt a -nuwda tBeorw ls 3 contents � T�N� 5 Theo bjecatnsd what retphreeys ent 5 Offerings 7 Settiunpyg o uwra tebro wls 7 Presentthieon ffge rings 9 Removitnhgeo fferings 10 TheP ractoifOc ffee rinbyg L,a mZao pRai npoche 11 GuidelfionCreo sm plet1i0n0g, 0W0a0t eBro wlO ffering1s7 ExtensOiffveer iPnrga ctice 19 LighOtf ferPirnagy bye rL,a mAat isha 3 0 � 4 Altsae-rtua y nd w atBeorw ls � Altsaert a-nupwd a tBeorw ls 5 Alsteaatrn d -uy waBtoeowrffl es r in g ThAelt ar Iti sv erhye lpfuflo yr oumre ditaptrioanc ttiohc aev ae s pecrioaoln o1r spacseea ts iidney ouhro meth atis reserfvoeyrdo ur practiisc yeo.u rT his "gompoar"" meditaptiloanc Thee. "m aini temtsog oi ny ougro mpaar e ana ltyaoru,mr e ditasteiaoatnn, d p,e rhaapt se.,xtt ablTeh.ea ltisa wrh ere youp lacyeo uhro loyb jecptsi,c tuarnedst ,exts whicihn spyioruenr 1 ind andi nform pyroauctriI ctse h.o ubledi na c lean, repslpaewcciett thfuhel objepcltsa cheidg hthearn t hel evoefly ouhre aads y ous ifta ciint\Xlg.h en firssett tiunpgy our amlatkaesr u,rt eo c lean spthaecv ee rwye lla ndb um incentsope u rithfye placYeo.u gro mpsah oubleds wepatn dd usteevde ry daya ndg enellryka epvte rnye aatn dc leaOnff.e rinsghso ubledt naddea ily. Theob jaecnwtdhs a t rtehyerye sent A propBeurd dhiasltth aorl dssy mboolfes n lightbeondeysd,p eeacnhd mindt,r aditiroenparlelsyeb nydt iesdp laays itnagto urpe h otoofB uddha Shakyamuan sic,r iptaunrdea , s tupAat. t hev eyr leastth,ea ltar shoulhdo lda n imagoef B uddhSah akyamutnhief, o undaenrd sourocfet het eachiinngo su rt ime. Regardtihnepg l acemoefnt th eim ageisti, si mporttahnaStth akyamuni Buddhbae t hec entrfailg uOrteh.e irm ageasr en otr equirbeudti, f youh ave thpelma,ct eh em fruopmp ermoosnyt o ura lttaorl ower int hef ollowoirndge rro:o ltma as,y idam(shg ihesyto gat atnra deitipeesro,fr manctea ntdreaii et,s thena ctiotna ntdreaii ets,) dakisn,ai ndf inaplrloyt teocrd etiies. � 6 Altsae-rtuy a nwda tBeorw ls Thes criprteuprree setnhteis npge eocfht heB uddhdao enso tn eed tob ew rittienTn i betoarnS anskrIitc ta.nb ea Dharmtae xitna ny languaAg en.i!cte e xtto h avies a copoyf L amaT songkhsa Lpaam' Rim CheLanmmaoZ .o paR inpocahles roe commentdhseS utoraf GoldLeinga hsat textto b ep lacoend t hea ltar. Them indo ft heBu ddhisat raditiroenparlelsyeb nyat s etdu poafe nlight­ enmenbtu,ti td oenso th avteo b ea costsliyl voergr o lodn eA. 1p hoto­ grapohra c lamyo deilsp erfectly aTchcese tputpasabh loeub.le!dp laced tot her igohftt heB uddhiam ag(ea yso ua rfea citnhgea ltaIrft) h.ea ltar consiosftts h reoerm orel evethless ,c ripsthuoruebl edp lacheidg heosnt thea lttahreB, u ddhsat atounet hen exatn,d t hes tupuan derneatthha t.l Ift hea ltiasor n o nel evtehleo, r desrh oubledfr, o ml eftt or ig(htasy ou arfea citnhgea ltatre)xB:tu ,d dhsat,u pa. Theo bjeocntst hea ltaalrs o reptrheThesr eeneJt e weolfRs e fugeI.ft1 h ere iso nlay s tatoufBe u ddhSah akyamtuhniin,tk h aittr epresaelnTltsh ree JewelIsft. hte risea lsao s cripatnudra e s tuptah,i ntkh atth es tuprae pre, sentthseB uddhtah,es criprteuprree stheen Dthsa rmaan,d t hei magoef theB uddhrae prestehneSts a ngha. Iti si mporttaonk tee pi nm indt hatth eo bjeocntt sh e asletraavrse a meanfso dr irecotnien'gms i ndt bt heB uddhae'nsl ightqeunaeldi ties, whicohn ea spitroee sm ulaftoeor t hebresn'e fit.! � Altsae-rtu ay nd w atBeorw ls 7 offegsr in Offerings bsehm oaudlead tt hae ltoanra d aiblays iThse.r ea rneo l imita-­ tioansst ow hacta nb eo ffereadn,dt heraerm ea nyl eveolfos ff eriInng .1 generoanlem, a yo ffaenry p leasoibnjge pcatr,t icuolbajreplclyte sa stion g thef ive senses: form, asnodutn odu,c hIs.tim1 sce ulslt,o mttaoar syt e, offesre veonre igbhotw losfw aterre prese(nfrtoimyn ogu lre ftt or ight): watefro drr inkiwnagt,ef ro wra shitnhgef eeftl,o weirnsc,e nlsieg,hp te,r � fume,f ooda,n dm usiOcft.e nt heriesn ow atebro wflo mru siacst hiiss represebnyot need' s avnodit cheem usicianls trumuesnetswd h end oing prayers.f olAwcetrucsaa,ln dloerbs u tter�alnadmi pnsc,e nasreoe f feirne d theriers pecbtoiwvlaesn do/r e lsewhoenrt eh ea ltar.l Thet hintgobs e o ffersehdo ubledc leanne,wa ndp leasiFnogo.ds1 h ould befr esahn do fb esqtu al-inteyv eorl dl,e ftovoersr p,o ifloeoddB .o wlosr platweist ohff erings lsohoofukul llad n dp lentiIfutil sb. e ttteoor ff ear · smalhle apibnogw olf o fferitnhgasan l arpgaer tieamlpltbyyo wl. Offerinsghso ubledh onesotbltya ianneddn otc omefr oms tealcihnega,t­ ingo rh urtiontgh eirnsa nyw ayT.h1e e xteronfafle rsihnogusnl od tb e seeans l imittoet dh ea ctual oobntj heeac ltst baurts, h oubledi magined asv asitnn umbears,e xtenasissv pea cOef.f1e trh ew ateirm aginiitin sg purnee ctar, ptloae latlsh iesn egn seIsti. si1 m porttaont th intkh atth e merit afciceelptdth seo fferienngjso,y s atnhdei msp, l easTeod .m ake watebro wolf feroinny gosu arl tyaoru,s houhladv aem inimuomf s even bowlTsh.e b iggaenrdn ictehre q ualoiftym ateryioaulbr o wlasr mea de of,t heb ettTehre. boswhlosu lbde c lean.1 setgtu iyYn ouwra tBeorw ls Iti sc ustoymt aorw ash( your hands) beoffofreer iSmneagtyks oi.un!rg motivatthiaoytno ua rem aking tohffeesreio nngb se haolffa lsle ntient beinwgist thh ew istho a ttaeinnl ighteansmq eunitc kalspy o ssitbobl ee ofg reatest benefiptr.o sMtarkaet itohnrse.e Witha cleacnl otwhi,p teh eb owlosu tt hretei mecsl ockw(itsdoei spel negaticvrietaiwteiestd bh o dy, sapnedem cihnd a)n,d th retei mecso unter� clockw(itbsore i ntgoo nestehlefb lessoifnth ges B uddhab'osd ys,p eech, andm indT)h.e np asesa cbho wolv ebru rning intcope unrsieify t As. you fielalc bho wwli tihn cense tsmhoikntekh, ay to ua ref illailnslge ntient beinmgisn'd wsi tehn lightweinseddo cmo,m passainodnp ,o wer. � 8 Alr.ts.ae- tuya nwda tBeorw ls Them ostt raditwiaoynt aolo ffewra tebro wlisst ob egiwni tthh e newly incenssetda cbkuoepwdsl isdd oew nt oo nes id(eY.o duo n ot wantt op lacaen e mptvye ssreilg hsti duep on thea ltaarst his represents offeriWnigt ha n poitthcihonefgrw . a)t epro,u rw ater inttoh ef irbsotw lu ntiilti sf ullT.h enp ourmo st( bunto ta llo)f the watert hfefr iorbmso tw li nttoh es econd abnodwp ll acteh e firbsotw lo ntyoo uarl tatro,w artdhsel eft,hsainddeP .o umr osto f thew atefrr otmh es econbdo wiln ttoh et hiradn,dp lacteh es econd bowlo ntot hea ltajru,st to t her ighotft hef irbsotw l.C ontinue int hiwsa yu ntiall sle veonr e ighbto wlasr eo n thea ltairna strailgihntee ,a chw iths omew ateirn t heb ottoomf i tI.t i s sometismaeisd tthheap to urionfgt he water fbroowmlt oto hnee nexit ns uccessiisro enp resenotfac tairvrey oinn tgh el ineaogfe Buddhitseta chifnrgosmt eachteord isciopvleegr e nerations. Ify oubro wlasr et oob igor s omehouwn managetaobd loet hea bove practyiocue ,c aalnt ernatpiovuearll yi twtalteei rn to eacfrho mbt ohwel mainp itchbeerf ore piltoa nct ihneag l taRre.g ardolfew shsi ch method youu sew,h enever pouriinntthgoe b woawtlesr rOeMc AHi tHeU M .1This isa lstoru ew henl ightcianngd loeris n centsobe e o ffereTdh.ir se citation prevednitss turbsipnigr friotmsp olluttihneog f fericnaguss,io nbgs tacles toy ouprr actice. Makes urteh beo wl" bheaevpnel acienad s trailgihn1 ctel ,o tsoeg ethbeurt nott ouchiTnrga.d itiotnhaedl ilsyt,ab nectwee ebno wlissa bouthte w idth ofa gr aionf w heat.s1Tyhmeb oliinst mh iisst haitfth e bowlasr teo of ar aparyto,um ayb ec reattihnekg a rmtao b es eparafrtoemdy ougru ruI.f theayr teo oc lotsoeg etthheerir,set hed angoefrc omplactehnacctyo mes ·withb eintgo oc lotsoey ougurn 1. Now,u sey oupri tcohfew ra tearn dw,h ilree citOiMn AHg HUM,f ielalc h bowLP outhre watelri kteh es hapoefa w heagtr ai-ni na t hisntr eaamt firtshte,gn r adumaolrleyt, a peroifnafgt th e endT.r1y t op outrh ew ater withomuatk inngo isaen dn eatlliyka,e m aideonff eritnegta o a k in(ga s opposteoda barmapiodu ribnegefr ro mt het ap!T)h.ew atesrh ouflidl l theb owtlo j usatb outth es izoefa w heagtr afrion mt het ops,oth att he bowlasr efu lblu,tn ott oof ulIlfy. o ur baorwnelo st f uleln ougyho,u r wisdowilml bei ncomplieftht eeyar; e o ver,yfuollu,wr is domwil l beuns table. � � Altsae-rtu ay n wda tBeorw ls 9 Ina dditiyoonum, i ght wtaonc to ver myoouutrh w ith kaat aogr facmea ska si ti si mportnaonttt ob reatohnet heo fferiansog nse ism akintgh emA.l soi,n steoafdw ateorn,e c ano ffefrl owers, incenlsieg,ha tn df oodi nt heirre specptliavceie nst hel ineoufp watebro wls. drinkwiantge frL oweirnsc enLsieg hpte rfumfeo od waterf or washing thfee et Theriesn ol imtiott heq uantoifte yi thweart ebro wlfsl,o welrisg,h ts, etc. thayto uc ano ffaetrt hea ltar. Presget nhtoeiff nerings An ExtensOifvfeeP rriancg(ft oiuconendp ag1e9 )ca nb eu seads a b asfiosr actuaplelryf oyromuiorffn egr ipnrga ctiinac nee xtenwsaiyv.e To perfoyromu orff eriinnga s s impwlaey g,e nerbaotdeh ichpiltatcae, your hainnt dhse muodfrp ar ostrarteicoiOntM,e A H HUM threteim es andi magithnaety ouorff erianrgrese ceibvyea dlth le h oloyb jecstst,a tues, ands criptiunyr oeusgr o mptah aatr em anifestoaftt ihoegn usr u's holy minda ndi magitnheat th eeyx perience greatth ibntlkhi asttsh .e Then offerianrgers e ceibvyet dh ee ntimreer ifti ealldt,lh et end irectBiuodn, dhaD,h armaan dS anghaan,da ltlh e statueasn,ds csrtiupptoaufsthr ,ee s tend irections. Witht heu nderstatnhdaiatnl tglh esheo loyb jeacrtsme a nifestoaft ions theg urui,m agitnheat th eo fferianrgrese ceiavnedtd h atth eg uruh'osl y minde xperiencebsl isgTsrh.eeta2 ht r eees sensttieaaplrs e p:r ostrating, offerianngd,g eneragtrienbaglt i ss. Afteyro uh avmea dey ouorf feridnegdsi,c tahteme e rifto r stwhie ft enlighteonfma elsnlet n tibeenitn gs. � 10 w Altsae-rytu a nwda tBeorw ls Remongv tihofeef rngis Att he eonftd h de aye,m ptthye bowlosn eb yo ne, thdermy w itha c lean cloatnhd s tactkh emu psiddoew no rp utt hema wayN.e1v elre aevmep ty bowlrsi gshitd uep o nt hea ltaOrff.elr insghso unlodt b ed iscarrdaend, domly. Watebre o sfhfoeutrloepd dl anotras g arden wihtwe irlnelo tb e stepped overs.h1o uFblledpo uwtei rnas c leapnl acoeu tsiBdoew.l!os f fruiatn df oocda nb el eoftn th e altfaorar f ewd aysa ndc ant hebne e aten whent hecyo me doowrtn h ecya nb ep uti na h igchl ean opultsaicdee . Endnotes 1 ·"Straiwgihttrh,e "s petcomt a kinogff ericnagnsb ei nterprase otffeedr iwnhgisc ahr efr ee oft hef ivdee ceptioorwn rso nlgi velihoofoo bdtsa intihnign bgysm eanosf f:l attery, hintibnrgi,b eerxyt,o rtoirop nr,e tense. Fromo railn strucgtiivoebnnys L amaZ opaR inpocahtte h eM itrugRpeat reAautg,u st 2002a,tM ilareCpean tiernV ermonUtS,A . coylhoon Extracftreodmt heS piritualC oPorrodgirnaSamet rovrisc e MaannF uPaMlT,E ducatSieorn­ vicreess ourpcp4e 9,- 5w2i,t ahd diticoonmamle ntbaarys eodn o railn strucfrtoimo Lnasm a ZopaR inpocahnedf romP abongRkian pochLei'bse raitnti hoPena lomfY ouHra nd.R evised witahd ditifornosmN ickR ibusihnM arc2h0 04.

A useful handbook that offers a complete explanation of how to set up a personal altar and make water bowl offerings, activities that are an integral part of the preliminary practices taught by the Buddha. Besides full explanations of the objects on the altar, this booklet includes an extensive offe
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