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t) THE PRACTICE OF PALMISTRY FOR } P P rofessional urposes BY Comte C de SAINT-GERMAIN, A. R , LL. M. (Of the Unhrersity^of France) President of the « A m erican C hirological Society, (Incorporated) and of the tyQaticnal School of Palmistry. AUTHOR OF Hand Book of Modern Palmistry (1883) and of Practical Palmistry, (28th Thousand, 1897.) mkan Introduction t>y the Late ADOLPHE DESBARROLLES Over 1 (00 Original Illustrations and a Complete PALMISTIC DICTIONARY VOL. II. CHICAGO FRENCH-AMERICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers Google Digitized by HMKMID COLLEGE U BRAKY DEXTER FUND Copyright, 1897, BY THE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF PALMISTRY, C. db Saint-Gebmaim, President. Entered at Stationers Hall, London, England. Déposé an Ministère de l’Intérieur et à la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France. Google Digitized by TABLE OF CONTENTS. Thk Link or Maks.................................................................................................. 194 Thk Rascstts......................................................................................................... 195 Thb Link or Livkr................................................................................................. soo Thb Via Lasciva.................................................................................................... >09 Thb Link or Intuition.......................................................................................... sto Thk Link or Hkad................................................................................................. tij Thb Link or Hbart.............................................................................................. >41 Thk Girdlb or Vbnus.......................................................................................... 15^ Thk Links or Union.............................................................................................. 164 Thk Link or Fatk................................................................................................. >73 Thk Link or thk Sun............................................................................................ >94 Thk Plain or Mars................................................................................................308 Thb Quadranolb.............................................................................................309 Thb Trianolb................................................................................................ 316 Links and Sions on Thumb and Fingbrs...........................................................315 PART FIFTH—ADDITIONAL CASES.................................345 PART SIXTH—PHRENOLOGY AND PALMISTRY COMPARED..... 355 PART SEVENTH—PALMISTIC DICTIONARY........................ 371 APPENDIX.................................................... Timk Mbasurkmknt on Mounts and Horizontal Links.................................... Model Chart tor Hand Rkadino......................................................................... Digitized by Cj O O Q 1.0 Google Digitized by LINES OF INFLUENCE FROM THE MOUNT OF VENUS. J93 A Line starting from an island and of Life and ending in a star on the Upper ending in a dot or star on the Line of Mount of Mars—Hemorrhoids. Head—Guilty intrigue affecting the sub­ A Line starting from a star on the ject’s brain. Mount of Venus and ending in a star on Cruel Separation Bringing About a Happier the Mount of the Moon—Insanity result­ Fate. — The Line of ing from the loss of a relative or close Heart starting from the friend. Line of Head is crossed by a bar under the Disastrous Death of a Near Relative.—A Mount of Jupiter; a Line of Influence start­ square of preservation ing from a star on the was formed around this Mount of Venus and cross by a line from cutting an upward the beginning of the branch of the Line of Line of Life going up Life ended in a star the Mount of Jupiter, then crossing toward on the Mount of the the Mount of Saturn, where it meets a fine Moon, on a sloping Line of Fate. The fourth side of this square Line of Head. is formed by a good Line of Head. Inside “A French officer lost the Mount of Venus a line of influence start­ his mother, who died insane. Besides his grief, ing from an island cut an upward branch of he had to fight a law-suit about the will left by the Line of Life and ended in a star on the the old lady.19 Line of Fate. An influence line from the ADDITIONAL CASE Mount of the Moon merged into the Line of Grief; Lawsuit; Palpitations of the Heart. the Sun. Result.—The Line of "A lady was abandoned by her lover (a Heart chained from married man), and this was for her a great start to termination. sorrow and disaster. But she was protected A Line of Influence from from the consequences of both by the coming the Mount of Venus, forward of another admirer, both wealthy cutting an upward and constant” branch on the Line of Life, reached and just cut the Line of Heart under the Mount of Mercury. “A friend of Desbarrolles. Tormented all his life by a wicked woman from whom he finally separated legally. Had his health ruined by his sorrow and troubles. His heart and liver had been particularly affected. The woman was of the Mercurian type.” Google Digitized by 194 Position. THE LINE OF MARS. Position. THE UNE OP MARS—THE RASCBTTB. To complete Division One (see p. Normal. 141), I have to present here the few ob­ Running close and parallel to the Line servations that have been gathered con­ of Life, on the Lower Mount of Mars cerning the Sister Line of the Line of and the Mount of Venus—It corrects Life, called The Line of Mars—doubt­ many of the breaks and defects of the less because it often starts inside the Line of Life. It gives assurance, self­ Lower Mount of Mars—and the three respect, and, with a good Mount of Bracelets of Life constituting the lower Jupiter, a desirable amount of pride. boundary of the Palm and called, to­ Also a promise of success and fortune gether, The Rascette. These four lines when confirmed elsewhere. have always been considered as concern­ Running quite parallel to the Line of ing especially the Longevity of the sub­ Life, like the two rails of a track, es­ ject or the state of his health. In fact, pecially along the latter portion of the most of the other observations brought Line of Life—Death away from one's forward concerning these lines I* have own country. (See p. 80.) • found purely traditional and difficult to explain logically; besides, I failed to find the meanings given them warranted in the few cases when they happened to come under my personal examination. Still, they are worthy of enumeration, and the student, in his diagnosis, may find them more reliable. I begin with THE LINE OF MARS. I. POSITION AND DEFECTION. Running only for a limited space as a sister line to the Line of Life—Its in­ fluence is limited to the space of time indicated upon the Line of Life it par­ tially duplicates. II. CHARACTER. Slightly more pink than the natural coloring of the skin and with a hand an- jiouncing^dec^ perseverance— Google Digitized by Termination. THE LINE OF MARS. Forks. 195 Of great assistance to an officer in com­ superabundance of the animal nature; mand, or to a society leader with an often amounts almost to brutal insan­ important function to manage. ity. Too deep or broad, with red coloring Terminating in a fork, one prong of —A sign of great heat and violence in which enters the Mount of the Moon sensual passions; of an easily aroused and ends in a star—Alcoholic intemper­ anger; of a masterful spirit. Especially ance. Add to this a black spot on 'the so in a thick, hard hand with exagger­ Line of Head—Death from delirium ate Mounts of Mars and highly col­ tremens or alcoholic insanity. ored lines. V. BREAKS AND SIGNS. IH. STARTING POINTS AND FORKS These must be read as Breaks and AT THE START. Signs in the Line of Life, and always At the date corresponding to its start­ in connection with it. ing point—A love affair began, or is to SPECIAL OBSERVATONS. begin. *’ Traditional—This is very much in the line of the observations I inserted on page 174, concerning the Lines of Influence concentric to^he^Linc^o^afe^^ IV. TERMINATION AND FORKS AT THE TERMINATION. Accompanying only the final portion of the Line of Life, in a hand contain­ ing indications of a very violent nature —Tendency to murder. Especially if Other sister lines of the Line of Life, the Line is deep and red. further inside the Mount of Venus— Terminating in a fork, one prong of Influences of other people over the sub­ which enters the Mount of the Moon— ject’s life. The intensity and duration of this influence reckoned in accordance to the length, depth and nearness of these lines to the Line of Life.. This belongs more properly to the chapter on Lines of Influence within the Mounts of Venus and Lower Mars (pp. 173-4)- Other indications relating to the dura­ tion of life and to its happiness or ill- luck are found in these three lines on Intemperance of every kind, due to a the wrist, called the Bracelets or Re- Google Digitized by tç6 Position. THE RASCETTE. Character. streintes (because they restrict or limit I. (POSITION AND DIRECTION. the hand), and the combination of which One of these Bracelets clearly marked constitutes and unbroken—An omen of twenty- three (23) to twenty-eight (28) years of THE RASCETTE. life. Pesbarrolles says of the Rascette: Two such bracelets—Announce a life 4 it is traced in that portion of the of from forty-six (46) to fifty-six (56) hand which is devoted to material in­ years. stincts, and therefore all lines inside the Three such bracelets—Give promise palm that droop down to it are debased of a life of betwen sixty-nine (69) and thereby and lose much of their intel­ eighty-four (84) years. lectual and moral meaning.” , Many works give to each of the brace­ This will be found confirmed in my lets a meaning of 30 years of life. I have Clnpter on the Line of Head. Remem­ never found them to exceed 26; in fact, ber that this does not apply to such lines in the hands of very old people, octo­ as rise from the Rascette, as they really genarians, etc., I have found four brace­ lets ; although they have not always been very visible, as, at that age, the skin is so exceedingly wrinkled all over the hand as to lend but very little reliable assistance to the inquiring palmist. It was also believed by the old chiro- mants that three fine bracelets—with a poor Line of Life—meant fortune, or success, or both, but without health to enjoy them. indicate an ennobling, not a debasing tendency. There is a great deal here that is purely traditional and which has not been very clearly demonstrated—in my opinion. Certainly the first Bracelet is an interesting study that deserves at­ tention; the other two, being practically out of the field over which Chiromancy concentrates its observations, may be looked upon simply as additional evi­ The first bracelet high on the wrist dence, strengthening such indications and convex in form—Troubles in the gathered elsewhere, inside the palm. generative functions, especially in child­ bearing, etc. Google Digitized by Character. THE RASCETTE. Connections with Mounts. *97 It is of the utmost importance not to mistake the first bracelet for a deep Line of Voyage from the lower part of the Mount of the Moon to the Line of Life, or for a Line of Influence from the Mount of Venus to the Mount of the Moon. Both these indications will be found interpreted on p. 114 and p. 179 respectively. Mount of Saturn, crossing each other II. CHARACTER. there—The subject will not return from The Three Bracelets very clear, well one of these long journeys. defined and colored—Health, wealth, The element of ill-luck is here quite good fortune; a smooth, easy existence. manifest. Poorly formed—A life of extrava­ A line from the Rascette to the Mount gance, and (with other confirmatory of the Sun—Reputation acquired signs) of dissipation. through associating with people in high position met in one’s travels. Also— more frequently—interpreted as “travels in tropical countries.” The first bracelet chained—A life of much hard work and care, but with final success crowning these efforts. m . CONNECTED WITH THE A line straight to the Mount of Mer­ MOUNTS. cury—Indication of sudden wealth. A line from the Rascette to the Mount It acts in that case as a sister line of Jupiter—A long and successful jour­ to the Line of Liver. ney. Lines from the Rascette to the Mount This line generally crosses the Mount of the Moon—Journeys (by land, when of Venus. When it comes through the these lines do not cross the Mount of the Mount of the Moon, it is most decidedly Moon); for every line a journey; the a sea voyage. longer these travel lines, the longer the Two lines from the Rascette to the journeys; two such lines absolutely par- Google Digitized by 198 Breaks. THE RASCETTE. Connections with Lines. allel from start to finish—Dangerous but Travel lines from the Rascette, ending profitable journeys. at the Line of Life—Death on a journey. These lines of journey are much These lines are properly Lines of In­ fainter than the three main upward lines; fluence, but tradition has given them this they are quite different in character and meaning, which is radically different therefore easily distinguishable by an ex­ from that logically attributed to Lines perienced eye. fron^th^Jtfountsjo^f^ Mars and the Line of Life (which see). IV. BREAKS. TQie^hree^^Jjracek^ cutting the Line of Liver—Poor luck point, one above the other, under the through life. Mount of Saturn—Inordinate vanity and This is in accordance with my inter­ untruthfulness, leading to disaster. pretation of the Line of Liver—men­ tioned further—which makes the latter V. CONNECTED WITH THE LINES. a line of success in business, as well as a Directly or by Minor Lines. line of health—when perfect and un­ See the Sections in the Chapters de­ barred from start to termination. voted to each particular main line, VI. SIGNS. headed, for the Line of Life, “Termina­ A cross in the center of the first brace­ tion and Forks at the Termination/' and, let, if the latter is finely shaped and un­ for the Lines of Fate, the Sun and Liver, broken—A life full of difficulties, but “Starting Points and Forks at the ending comfortably and peacefully. Start." Google Digitized by

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