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The PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible: A Comprehensive System for Attacking the GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions PDF

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Preview The PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible: A Comprehensive System for Attacking the GMAT Critical Reasoning Questions

T GMAT PoOWERSCORE CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION nacetion — ie A Fie Ove ie ob the COAT ayes: CRON ene pe oMat CAT Lusi e = Specal ONAL EXT Corsidemsions.o= . (Conszles ah SEPEH FES one ss “The GNAT Pecetile x Tue Use ofthe MAT. HESSET CHAPTER TWO: THE BASICS OF CRITICAL REASONING ‘The Cute Reswaine Seti on Auetyitg “he Semuhs on apt Tru veo 4 13 16 29 3 CHAPTER THREE: THE QUESTION STEM AND ANSWER CHOICES Ty Questing Sm - Tae Amie Choe -: Qets Aproaeh Fie ee Fil hap NOS CHAPTER FOUR: MUST BE TRUE QUESTIONS Mist e Irae Quoin Must e Tre Question Pete St CHAPTER FIVE: MAIN POINT QUESTIONS ‘Main tia: Quston: S = Wain Poin Garson Peblem Bet CHAPTER SIX: WEAKEN QUESTIONS een Quon ¥ im - ‘Weukan Questor Probie Set. 2 a THE POWERSCORE GMAT CRITICAL REASONING BIBLE 101 CHAPTER SEVEN: CAUSE AND EFFECT REASONING Whats Calin’ an {Causl Ressing Probie = 14 CHAPTER EIGHT: STRENGTHEN AND ASSUMPTION QUESTIONS Te Seal Sami I Sitencher Qessins a ir Svangihon Question blo So moo TS Assumption Que ‘sumption =the ais Questions a st Mar Point Eile #¥¢ Math Qvetn 31 Assumption ()sstion Proem Set 4 CHAPTER NINE: RESOLVE THE PARADOX QUESTIONS. Revol the Pens Ches-ocs 201 Resolve te Parador Queann Proc Set i 208 CHAPTER TEN: METHOD OF REASONING AND FLAW IN THE REASONING QUESTIONS Meth! of nesomg Quins 20 ‘he Ressoning Qu e Stef ot Rio Pet Questions 2 snd Fr inthe Reasoning Quest abi Se bs CHAPTER ELEVEN: PARALLEL REASONING QUESTIONS Parallet Reaoving Quesions a0 Parle Reascnsg Qoestiss Publ Set Z 253 CHAPTER TWELVE: NUMBERS AND PERCENTAGES irsers and Penis CHAPTER THIRTEEN: EVALUATE THE ARGUMENT QUESTIONS Evaluate th Agenirt Gees 28s valle the Argument Question Ish or Sel es I ‘THE POWERSCORE GMAT CRITICAL REASONING BIBLE CHAPTER FOURTEEN: TEST READINESS de iy tee ee. 25 ene : 2 z sor ‘Goaacing toscstiee i 26 CHAPTER ANSWER KEY Ques: Des plow Legend. = i a heron lami Caegoaion See Catron ay Ea THE POWERSCORE GMAT CRITICAL REASONING BIBLE TH About PowerScore Powers is ome ete wuld’ lastest stewing test peeparat.on companies. ITeadquartezed on Litton Head Island in South Carolina, PowerScore offers GMAT, GRE, LSAT. end SAT prepara ‘ever 7§ locations inthe U.S. and abroad Fer mors in‘irmain,pleave vis our website at “poewpowerscore wou, cls in IV THE POWERSCORE GMAT CRITICAL REASONING BIBLE Wissen ONE: INTRODUCTION (SS SS Welcome to the PuwexScure GMAT Crtfcal Reaswniny tote: We congeetalate ‘yon on yous savvy urclzse—yint hve houglt the most advanced 004 ever Dublishe! far the GMAT Critical Reasoning sevitor. The pntpose of this back 18 to previde you with a power il znd ecrapcchensive system for allacking he -itival Rewsonng sserion of the Graduate Menagenenl Asker ssion Tos (GMAT), and dy thoroughly studying, nd corrzetly applyicg this system we are ‘cunfident yo will irercase your Critical Reawoningr score Reasoning section, The concents ax: Keehniques from our ve GMAT courses, which we Sel ate 1 most effect ve i le wor In order to ap y var methocs effsctively ale Tciemly, we strongly recommerd that you carefully reid and ro-reed each ofthe discuse cms Fegarding arguments, concep's, amd questor lyn Wealse suggest that as a finish each question yon nok at bot: the explanat on line tha eamcect answer ehoiee and the explanatiers fe the insomect answe- chives. Closely ‘examine esc printer and determine whic elernemts led 20 te come: answer, an thea study the arlyses prov'ded ia tae took and check them ‘agains. your owe werk, By doing so you will pnatly increase your cha.ces uf recogni the patter presen’ inal! Crtieal Re soul ques ions This book also evs © variety of drills and exercises thar supplement the Aiseussion of tecaniques and quesite ana.ysis, The drils “ep sttenathen specifi sills tut ae erteal for GMAT excellence, sul lor th:s season they ere asimapostant as the questions. In tie amsvice keys so taese de ls we will often intradvee and discuss importan: GMAT points, so we strongly advise you ta rad through all explanations (Os page 29% thers ix complats qvicketeterence answer key Wall preblems ‘a this hooic The answer key conta t legend of question iéeatcies, as well is hapler hy chanter anayer keys. Because access to accurate anc up-e-akne mtorvation devoted a revi of our websiss to Critical Reasons ‘line resource area of"es supleriems ra the back material, answers questions noe by shudemrs. offers study slans, andl provides updares 28 nesded. Taete is sso an official book evelual on ‘orm chat we sirongly enewuraue you to use | CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION The exclusive GMAT Crcc! Reasoning Bibi online cm bs ween a www-powerscore.com/erbible ‘we can sist you in yous GMAT preparation in any wsy, ori you bave any ‘questioas or comments, please co not hes a ns vit powerscore.com. Adéitional cealact inlormation is provided atte ond ‘ofthis teak, We lack fooward to hossing frem you! THE POWERSCORE GMAT CRITICAL REASONING BIBLE “a A Brief Overview of the GMAT ia es ‘The Graduate Mare gement Admesion Tes is required for emission at over 1000 husinew schocls worléwiée According to the Grashunte Management Acmission Council (MAC), he rukers ofthe tet, “The GMA + specically designed to meastce te verb, quantitative, and writ-ag skills wl pl ants Zor ‘ant Thin doe (prada sidy in ousiness, It Coes net, however, grt apose any specific pbs knowledge af kusiness or other specific coment areas, ni des if meagre fords aacluevementiv ny partculz: subject ares.” The GMAT is ven in English nd consists ofthe lollowing ur soparsiely timed sections: ; + Amalytical Writing Assessment, 2 essays, M1 mtes ss for an saalyss ofan issue, the ntner esks foram ar ‘QuanGitutive Section, 37 multiple enotce questions, 75 minutes: Ovo | ‘question tyes: Probiers Solving ard Date Sufficiency Verbal Section, 11 -multiple-canice questions, 75 m tron rypes: Resding Corpreliension, Cot Coxectior mas; have quese al Reasoaing, aid Senlence Ax options! hretk of $niinutes is zllewed helweer 2nch seetion, aad so ihe onder ofthe test sections is aways identical: Analptical Writing Assessment Anais ofan Tats 30 nme, 1 question Anaysis ofun Angunent 30 minutes 1 gusston seal Smiaates ‘Quainitative Section adhe rate Nam Sufficiency 73 minutes 37 questions tas Problem Se-ving reer mic tive | Hnwsk Swi ‘erhal Section Chitin Reaseaing Srames sual dura Comprehension | Semonce Coast | ' CHAPTER Owe: InTRODUCTION 3 The Analytical \ ‘Tre Analytioal Writ ret (AWWA apps at she begin-ing of the (GMAT, saunotitely ater tes corporat tulerial. ne AWA consis Of 0 cesaaya. and you Faye thisty mutes us enmplete cach essay, Thete is break between the we sovvions. The two essay topics are Ans lysis o=an Aguiment and Aralysis ¢fan isu. The AWA wus devened in 1994 in respoase fo request ie usness sehiols toad 2 writag component he GAT. Stes had show thst song ring nl communication ab lis secre for siong business ecformance, and ase scheols waned 1 hav ameans of assesinag ; ilies, Accotding a IMAC, “The AWA :s ; vides sonm.aication rescusen she designed as adires, measure ot Your nity to think ertically aul i ‘te, emanate your ideas, More pecicall, the ysis ofan Lesa task teste : ens Your ability to explore the eomplexitis a2 an issue oF opinion av, i? Uuppropriatet0 take a position iafin ed by your understanding of those complexities. he Anais of an Argument task wits your abulity le formulate tunappropriste and constective eitique of we snbased upor = specific line of sink.” re cance, ‘Bech Analytical Writ ag Assessment essay iain tally seored on aU to 6 seale in | full-poirt mezeaonts by byo 1eace’s—oue hun reader, and en machine reace:, 1 ne Ovo scores are averaged to produce afin wis for ech essay, The Zina! score of sevh essay a then averaged together to cxeale an overal scate on a scale from 0 to 6, i hall-poine increas ‘The Quantitative Section het, algabrs, and geometry. There are two ; question types—Problem Solving aad Data Suficiency. Problem Solving cuestions contein five eepatate answer choives, cach of whic olft-s a different soluiion 2» bie probiemn. Anproximately 22 of he 37 ‘Quanctarive section questions will bein ue Problem Solving format, Datu Suf’icieney questions consist of a question followed! by to eumbored slatements. You nus viene ihe mumbere¢ statements contin sulle informssien 9 solve the proatem wl vicvly, together, not at all. F ‘Qunmiv sti contains apposir nll 18 Don Sufiienosgutans, and thi ype of ile inariqne te she MAT andcan be excepvl’y chal eng 4 ‘THE POWERSCORE GMAT CRITICAL REASONING BIBLE Tho Verbal Section The GMAT Verbal seion ss test of your ability so nad for consent. eaalyze argorseteion, ané to reoprize a orzet wrt errors. Ascotdutly acre aretha lypes of problens—R ding Comprebensin, Critical Reasoning, ané Semterce Corcection Renae Comprekeasion questions exirnire your abiliy te saalyze large ‘amounts of matertal fr cortemt and understanding. Passages ree p to 350 ‘wens a length. and exch passaue :s ceompan‘ed by 3 19 8 questions. Passage topics are fawn from a variety of areas, inslucing usin, seience, politics, law, ard bestory. (Critical Ressoning questions present = shore arguraent followed by « question suc “Which of che following weakens tae argument?” “Which ofthe Gree Renate Follooving petalets the argume=t'™ or “Which of te following inst he true iat according othe argument?” The key to these questions is underscanding the hate ‘ronsoning types ane question types hat frequently appeat. Wi hin she Vetbal Seation you will encounter exprox.snately lilo 14 Critical Reasoning questions, Each Sentenew Corecticr problem presente ase ene containing an vader seotion. Five answer choices fallow the preblers, and zach suyussts a possible ppluasing of the underlined section, Ihe Fist arswr chaiee is a -opeet ofthe ‘underlined section, and the rsmaining four answers av d:fferent than the ‘vigil Your task is 0 analyze Uwe urierlinec section an determin: which af the answets offers the best parsing, Experimental Questions During she GMAT yom wil! encoumer guesses dat wall not contribute 0 your Aut Vectahe score, These questions, Kraven vs “expecimental” quettiore, are used ire quetemsar res Yerion ol he GMAT. Uniorunehy, you wil wot ie informed dang tietestas eaves wh to which questions de uot count, so your must give your best st iamance on pets acl questa, Sites Hel CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 5

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