The potential of sparse photometric data in asteroid shape modeling J.Hanusˇ∗,J.Dˇurech AstronomicalInstitute,FacultyofMathematicsandPhysics,CharlesUniversity,VHolesˇovicˇka´ch2,18000Prague,CzechRepublic. 3 Abstract 1 0 WeinvestigatethepotentialofthesparsedataproducedbytheCatalinaSkySurveyastrometricproject(CSSforshort) 2 in asteroidshape and rotationalstate determinationby the lightcurveinversionmethod. We show thatalthoughthe n photometricqualityoftheCSSdata,comparedtothedensedata,issignificantlyworse,itisinprinciplepossiblethat a these data are forsome asteroidswith high lightcurveamplitudessufficientfora uniqueshape determination. CSS J data are available for ∼ 180 asteroids for which shape models were previously derived from different photometric 0 datasets. For13asteroidsfromthissample,wederivetheir uniqueshapemodelsbasedonlyonCSSdata,compare 3 the two independentshape models together and discuss the reliability of models derived from only CSS data. We ] also use CSS data to determine shape models for asteroids with already known rotational period values, derive 12 P uniquemodelsandcomparepreviouslypublishedperiodswithperiodsdeterminedfromthefull3Dmodelingbythe E lightcurveinversionmethod. Finally, we test differentshape resolutionsused in the lightcurveinversionmethodin . h ordertofindreliableasteroidmodels. p Keywords: Asteroids,Sparsephotometry,Shapemodels,Lightcurves - o r t s 1. Introduction (see KaasalainenandTorppa,2001;Kaasalainenetal., a 2001, 2002). LI, in a form we use, leads to a convex [ Orbitalparametersarecurrentlyknownformorethan shapeapproximationofarealasteroid(closetoitscon- 1 400000 asteroids. On the other hand, rotationalstates vex hull) that has to be a single body (or the possible v and shapes were determined only for a small fraction moonhastobesosmallthatitsphotometricsignatureis 5 of them. In the Minor Planet Lightcurve Database1 0 indistinguishablefromthenoise)inarelaxedrotational (Warneretal., 2009), periods for ∼ 3500 asteroids 2 state(i.e.,rotatesaroundtheaxiswithamaximummo- 7 are stored. Convex shapes with spin axis directions mentum of inertia). Sidereal rotational period and the . were derived only for ∼ 200 asteroids, these three- 1 directionofthespinaxisaredeterminedsimultaneously dimensional models of asteroids are available in the 0 with the shape. Typical number of free parameters is 3 Database of Asteroid Models from Inversion Tech- ∼50–80. 1 niques2 (DAMIT, Dˇurechetal., 2010) maintained by v: the AstronomicalInstitute of the Charles Universityin Weusetwodifferenttypesofdisk-integratedphotom- i Prague,CzechRepublic. etry: (i) dense-in-time,whichtypicallyconsistsoftens X All asteroid models in DAMIT were derived by the to a few hundreds of individual data points observed r lightcurve inversion method (LI). This gradient-based a duringonerevolution(typicallyseveralhours),and(ii) method is a powerful tool that allows us to derive ba- sparse-in-time,wherethetypicalseparationofindivid- sic physicalpropertiesofasteroids(the rotationalstate ualmeasurementsislargecomparedtotherotationpe- and the shape) from their disk-integrated photometry riod. Forsparse data, we usually have a few measure- mentspernight, such as in the case of astrometricsky ∗Corresponding author. Tel: +420 221912572. Fax: +420 surveys. Based on the type of the photometry, we use 221912577. theterms“denselightcurves”and“sparselightcurves”. Emailaddress:[email protected]() Unique asteroid shape models are typically feasible if 1 wehavedenselightcurvesfromatleastthreeapparition, Dat.html 2 combineddenseandsparse datagiveusmorevariabil- roids3D ity. PreprintsubmittedtoPlanetaryandSpaceScience January31,2013 Our long-term strategy is to enlarge the number of ResponseSystem, Hodappetal., 2004), andlateralso asteroids with known shapes and rotational states, be- fromthe Gaia satellite (Perrymanetal., 2001), andthe causeit can helpus in understandingthe physicalpro- LSST(LargeSynopticSurveyTelescope, Ivezic´etal., cesses that take place in the asteroid’s populations, 2008). UnderstandingtheCSSdatawithrespecttothe such as Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs), Main Belt As- asteroidshapemodelingwillspeedupfutureprocessing teroids (MBAs) or even asteroids in individual fami- anduseofthenewsparsedata. lies (e.g., Koronis family, Slivan, 2002; Slivanetal., 2003). Currentdistributionof periodsandspin axesis 2. Photometry the direct result of the evolutionof these objects start- ing with theirformationuntilthe presenttime (several For a unique5 shape determination of an asteroid, hundreds of Myr to ∼ 4 Gyr for most studied aster- wetypicallyneeddensephotometricdatafromatleast oids). The most prominent processes acting on aster- threeapparitionsandagoodcoverageofthesolarphase oidsarecollisionsandmassshedding,andtheYORPef- angle6 (i.e., different viewing geometries), ∼ 20 such fect3(Rubincam,2000;Vokrouhlicky´etal.,2003). The dense lightcurves are usually sufficient. The biggest knowledge of the shape can be used for several pur- limitingfactorofthesedataistheirinsufficientamount. poses, e.g.: (i) in the construction of a thermal model Denselightcurveswereobservedfor∼ 3500asteroids. (e.g., Mu¨lleretal., 2011), where values for geometric Only in ∼ 100 cases, asteroid shape models were de- albedo, size and surface propertiescan be determined, rived.Determinationofnewmodelsbasedonthedense (ii)asampleofrealshapesinsteadofsyntheticonescan data is now possible only if new lightcurves are ob- beusedforthestatisticalstudyofthenon-gravitational served. Manyamateursorsemi-professionalsusetheir forces(Yarkovsky4andYORPeffects),or(iii)incombi- telescopesforasteroidobservations,buttheirmaingoal nationwithstaroccultationsbyasteroids. Theseevents is the determination of the synodic period, which can (observedforhundredsof asteroids)giveus additional bederivedalreadyfromoneapparition. Ifaperiodfor informationabouttheshape(e.g. non-convexities)and a particularasteroidisthensecure,theyusuallydonot canlead to a size estimationwith a typicaluncertainty observethisobjectanymore. Wehavetoobservesuch of10%(see Dˇurechetal.,2011). objectbyourselves.Thisapproachisdemandingonob- Mostofthecurrentlyavailablephotometricdatawere servational time and also on fundings. Models based already used in the LI. The only significant excep- only on dense data are important in testing the relia- tionaredata fromthe CatalinaSkySurveyastrometric bility of models based on sparse data (due to possible project(CSSforshort, Larsonetal.,2003). Inthispa- comparison). per,weinvestigatethepossibilityofdeterminationofre- Currently available sparse photometry is accessible liableasteroidshapemodelsfromonlyasmallamount via the Asteroids – Dynamic Site database7 (AstDyS), of sparse-in-time distributed low-quality photometric wheredata fromhundredsofastrometricobservatories measurements(∼ 100)by the LI. Such data fromCSS are stored. The photometry is mostly a by-product of projectareavailableforseveralthousandsofasteroids. astrometric measurements and in most cases, asteroid We wantto findoutif thesedataareforasteroidswith magnitudesaregiventoonlyonedecimalplace,sothe high lightcurve amplitudes of a sufficient amount and accuracyis0.1magatbest. Whetherornorthisissuffi- qualityforauniqueshapedetermination,andifso,how cientforauniqueshapedeterminationforareasonable reliable these asteroid models are. The investigation numberofasteroidswasstudiedinHanusˇetal.(2011). ofsparsedatacapabilitiesandthereliabilityofderived The authors have found 7 observatories with quality modelsis important, because (i) it can lead to a deter- data and used these data in combination with relative minationofnewasteroidmodelswithoutaneedofob- lightcurvesforasteroid shape modeling. The most ac- servinganyadditionalphotometriclightcurves,and(ii) curatesparsephotometryisfromtheU.S.NavalObser- inafewyears,anotherhugeamountofsparsedatafrom vatoryinFlagstaff(USNO-Flagstaffstation,MPCcode three astrometric surveys will be available – from the Pan-STARRS(PanoramicSurveyTelescopeandRapid 5Wedefineauniquesolutionasfollows: (i)thebestperiodhasat least10%lowerχ2thanallotherperiodsinthescannedinterval,(ii) forthisperiod,thereisonlyonepolesolutionwithatleast10%lower 3Yarkovsky–O’Keefe–Radzievskii–Paddack effect, a torque χ2thantheothers(withapossibleambiguityforλ±180◦),and(iii) causedbytherecoilforcefromanisotropic thermalemissionwhich thissolutionfulfillsallouradditionaltests(discussedin Hanusˇetal., canalterrotationalperiodsandorientationofspinaxes 2011). 4athermalforceactingonarotatingasteroidwhichcanaltersemi- 6theSun–asteroid–Earthangle majoraxes 7 2 689). These data were alreadystudied in Dˇurechetal. Test 2. The main inconvenientwhen computing mod- (2009)andbasedonthesedata,theauthorsderivedcon- els from sparse data is thatsynodic periodsare known vex shape models for 24 asteroids. The biggest dis- only for ∼ 3500 asteroids (determined from dense advantage of the USNO-Flagstaff station data is that lightcurves and stored in the Minor Planet Lightcurve they are available only for about 1000 brightest aster- Database).Thisaprioriinformationisusedintheshape oids. Data from Hipparcos satellite (ESA, 1997) and modeling: we search for the model only near the as- RoquedelosMuchachosObservatory,LaPalma(MPC sumedperiod(e.g.,wetesttheinitialperiodvaluesfrom code 950) are also accurate (compared to the other an interval (0.95P, 1.05P), where P is the published observatories), but their amount of measurements is periodvalue). Typically,wetestahugenumberofini- evensmallerthanfortheUSNO-Flagstaff station. The tialperiodvalues(usuallythousands),becausethemod- largest amount of sparse photometry is available from eled parameter space is full of local minims and the the Catalina Sky Survey observatory (CSS for short, gradient-basedLImethodconvergestothenearestlocal Larsonetal., 2003). These data were already used in minimumcorrespondingtotheinitialperiodvalue.The the LI by Hanusˇetal. (2011), but only in combina- minimal differencebetween two local minims is given tion with other photometric data. Their typical photo- mainly by the timespan of the observational data (see metric accuracy was ∼ 12%. Although this accuracy Eq. 1) andis usually verysmall (. 10−3 h). Havinga of the CSS photometry seems very low, the data are short period interval saves a lot of computationaltime valuableforasteroidswithlightcurveamplitudeshigher andgivesusconfidencethatthemodeliscorrectif the than & 0.3 mag, which is about a half of all aster- derived period value is close to P. Unfortunately, for oids (based on the lightcurvedata of the Minor Planet most asteroids, we do not know the period (cannot be Lightcurve Database, Warneretal., 2009). There are directlydeterminedfromsparsedatawithoutthemodel dense lightcurves for only ∼ 700 asteroids with num- computationasinthecaseofthedensedata),sowehave bers over ten thousand, on the other hand, we have at tosearchforthemodelonaperiodintervalofallpossi- least 100 sparse data points from CSS for ∼ 6000 of bleperiodvalues,typically2–100hours.Thisconsumes theseasteroids. alotofcomputationaltimeandweloosethepossibility ofcomparingthetwoperiodvalues. 3. Reliability of asteroid models derived only from theCatalinaSkySurveyphotometricdata Inthistestweusedtheaprioriinformationaboutthe TheCatalinaSkySurveyastrometricprojecthaspro- periods: forsomeasteroids,weknewtheirperiods,we duced the largest amount of sparse photometric mea- hadonlyCSSdata(thereexiststheirdenselightcurves, surements. For most asteroids, no other data of suffi- but we do not have them in an electronic form), and, cientqualityareavailable. based on that data, we were also able to derive their models near the published period. We extended the Test 1. One way how to test the reliability of mod- modelsearchontheperiodintervalof2–100hoursand els based only on CSS data is to compare them with triedtofindthemodelsolutionsagain(aswouldbedone models derived from different photometric data set. if the period was unknown). This was performed for So far, about a hundred of asteroid models were de- 12 asteroids. In 7 cases, the previoussolution derived rived from dense data (e.g., Kaasalainenetal., 2002; on a shorter period interval was reproduced also on a Torppaetal.,2003;Slivanetal.,2003;Marciniaketal., larger period interval. For 4 asteroids, we did not get 2007; Dˇurechetal., 2007), another ∼ 100 models a unique period solution on the extended period inter- were derived from combined dense and sparse data val, and a formally correct (i.e., it fulfilled our condi- (Dˇurechetal.,2009;Hanusˇetal.,2011). Thesemodels tionsforauniquesolution),butadifferentsolutionwas are believed to be reliable and thus correct. For most found for one asteroid. On Fig. 1, we show a peri- of these asteroids, CSS data are also available, so we odogram of asteroid (5647) 1990 TZ, where for each tried to derive their models from only CSS data itself. initialperiodvalueaχ2-valuecorrespondingtothebest Wehadatleast50individualdatapointsfor185aster- shape model and pole direction (a local minimum in oids. In 13 cases, we were able to derive their unique themulti-dimensionalparameterspace)isplotted. This solutions. Onlyin7casesthesolutionwasinanagree- model computation was based on 87 individual mea- mentwiththemodelbasedonadifferentdataset,other surementsfrom CSS, derivedperiod P = 6.13867h is sixsolutionswereformallycorrect,butderivedperiods in agreement with a period P = 6.141 h reported by weredifferentfromtheexpectedones. BembrickandBolt(2003). 3 1 (5547) 1990 TZ 0.8 0.6 2 c 0.4 0.2 Best solution, P = 6.13867 h 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Period P [h] Figure1: Periodogram ofasteroid (5647)1990TZ.Eachpoint corresponds toaparticular local minimuminthemodeledparameter spaceof periods,poledirectionsandshapes. Test 3. Since we derived several unique models that 4. Discussion wereclearly incorrect,we performedthistest to check more carefully the stability of the solution and to de- In Test 1, where we compared the derived models tect false solutions. The shape of an asteroid is repre- withcorrespondingmodelsbasedondifferentdatasets sentedbycoefficientsofitsexpansionintothespherical (stored in DAMIT), in 7 cases out of 13, the solution harmonicfunctions.Thesecoefficientsareoptimizedin wasinawellagreementwithamodelbasedonadiffer- theLI.Thenumberofcoefficientsisgivenbytheorder ent and higher data set. From this point of view, CSS n of the shape expansion we use, we call n the shape data,whichrepresentsthelargestdatasetofsparsepho- resolution. In the LI, we typically use n = 6, which tometry with photometric accuracy theoretically suf- correspondsto49 coefficients((n+1)2). Forasteroids ficient for a unique shape determination, seem to be with . 100sparse data pointsfromCSS, so manyco- promising for the asteroid shape modeling. Unfortu- efficientscould be to much and the LI could then lead nately, several clearly wrong models that fulfilled our to a random unstable solution that is even unique and conditionsonauniquesolutionwerederived(theyhad physically correct. Another input parameter of the LI differentsiderealrotationalperiodsthanwasexpected). istheperiodstepP betweentwosubsequentperiods SimilarproblemoccurredinTest2,wherewecompared step fromthe scanned interval. The minimaldifferencebe- thederivedmodelswiththeirpreviouslyknownperiods. tweentwolocalminimsinthemodeledparameterspace Onemodelwasclearlyincorrect. ofperiodsisgivenby There are several possible explanationswhy we de- rived incorrect models from the CSS data: (i) data for P2 ∆P= , (1) asteroids with low amplitudes are more noisy, (ii) low T amountof data with respectto thenumberof modeled where P is the periodvalue and T the timespan of the parameters,(iii)systematicerrorsofthesurvey.Incases observationaldata. Inourcomputations,weuseforthe (i)and(ii),thedataarepoor,containnotenoughinfor- periodstepavalueP =0.8∆P. mationabouttheperiodandshape,andcouldproducea step Wetestedthestabilityofthesolutionondifferentval- random solution with an unrealistic rms value (the fit ues of the resolution n and on two values of the pe- is “too perfect”). Oszkiewiczetal. (2011) show that riod step P (0.8∆P and 0.5∆P). Table 1 summa- photometric data sets from astrometric stations (such step rizes the results of this test for all asteroids in Test 1 as CSS) exhibitmagnitudevariationswith apparentV- for which we derived their unique solutions for n = 6 bandmagnitude.Forthebrightestasteroids,theimages and P = 0.8∆P(correspondsto column6). Correct aresaturated, andforthefaintest, thebackgroundsub- step uniquesolutionismarkedby“X”, wronguniquesolu- tractionisimperfect. Thisconsequenceof(iii)isprob- tionby“x”andnouniquesolutionby“–”. ablypartiallyvisibleinourdata–mostoftheincorrect 4 Table1:TestofthestabilityofthemodelsolutionontheshaperesolutionnandthestepintheperiodPstep.Firstcolumngivestheasteroidnumber, symbol“X”meansthatforagivennandPstep,bothuniqueandcorrectsolutionwasderived,symbol“x”meansthatauniquebutwrongsolution wasderived,andfinally,inthecaseifnouniquesolutionwasdeterminedweusethesymbol“–”. P =0.8∆P P =0.5∆P step step Ast n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 n=2 n=3 n=4 n=5 n=6 685 X X – X X X X – – X 1022 X X – – X X X – – X 1419 X X X X X X X X X X 1568 X X X X X X X X X X 2156 X X X X X X X X X X 3678 – – X X X – – X – X 4483 X X X X X X X X X X 52 – – x – x – – x – – 68 – – – – x – – – – x 216 – – – x x – – – – – 455 – – x x x – – x x x 984 – – – – x – – – x – 1382 – – – – x – – – – – modelsare brighter(have higherabsolute magnitudes) andP = 0.5∆P. Themodelisthenreliableifweget step thanthecorrectones.Wearenotabletodistinguishbe- similaruniquesolutions. tween the effects of the amplitude and the noise from We rerun the computation for all 8 successfully de- each other only from the sparse data itself without a rivedmodelsfromTest2withn=3andP =0.5∆P. step model computation, so there is no way how to detect Previouslycorrectsolutionswereconfirmed,theincor- the case (i). The amount of data sufficient for a cor- rectonewasruledout. rectuniqueshapedeterminationisdependentmainlyon Our method assumes a single body in a relaxed ro- thetimeepochs(geometryofobservations)andalsoon tation state (rotates around the principal axis with the the signal-to-noise ratio, which we do not know. So, maximummomentumofinertia).Objectsliketumblers the sufficient amountof sparse measurements strongly or binary asteroids are not identified by the used form variesfromoneasteroidtotheother. of the LI, their model determination usually fails be- cause thesingle periodmodeldoesnotcoverthemore complex period features. The only exception are fully As seen from Table 1, models derived correctly for resolution n = 6 and period step P = 0.8∆P are synchronous close binary systems with similar-sized step components,suchas91Antiope(Merlineetal.,2000). mostlydeterminedforotherresolutions nandbothpe- Theseobjectsarereproducedashighlyelongatedsingle riodstepsP . Nowrongsolutionappeared.Inseveral step bodies,andbecausetheyhavetypicallyhighlightcurve cases, a uniquesolutionwas notfound,butthe correct amplitudes,theycouldbeeasilypresentinthepossible period was still detected (we had multiple pole solu- sampleofmodelsbasedonCSSdata. tions). On the other hand, for incorrect models from Test1,wegotuniquesolutionsfordifferentresolutions nandperiodstepsPstep onlyrarelyandneverforn = 2 5. Conclusions or n = 3. All these uniquesolutionswere always also incorrect. There is a weak dependence on the period SparsedatafromtheCatalinaSkySurveyarelowef- step, P = 0.5∆P seems to be more convenient be- ficient in unique model determination and seem more step cause when used, less incorrect models were derived. accurate for less brighter asteroids. Incorrectly deter- Tominimizethedeterminationofincorrectmodelsthat minedmodelscouldbeindicatedbyunrealisticrmsval- satisfyourrequirementonuniquesolutions,weshould ues,butnotgenerally. use the values n = 6 and P = 0.5∆P for resolution Correctperiodsolutionsforasingleasteroidbutdif- step andperiodstep,respectively.Ifauniquesolutionisthen ferentresolutionnwerealwaysstable,thedispersionin determined,thecomputationshouldbererunwithn=3 theperiodwastypicallylowerthan∆P(givenbyEq.1), 5 whichisforaperiodvalueof10hoursandthetimespan tronomicalInstituteoftheCharlesUniversityinPrague of the observations 10 years ∼ 10−3 h (typical values ( forthe periodand the timespan of the CSS data). The dispersion in the ecliptic latitude of the pole direction was usually . 20◦, but in the ecliptic longitude of the References poledirectionoften & 50◦. Thissignificantdispersion in longitude was partially caused by modelswith high Bembrick, C.,Bolt, G.,2003. 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