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by  N.A.
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-pha Pak avd The foeletciek Pe Wetarpars Joykeysiors tks Liban Govt uf West Booaal SPOWEVER strunge and intovestiie nviy be the f subjeets? wach lett iar eyes of the St. Cicorge’s Mglent ia the Avatwinical “Museu, the Taser af mead anatomy may liad aan exynadly ti fel! sc outemipletias Ube all walh gadactle £ F teisail’s, and sean th adybhet HF wees whu cougeezate in amt raumd the Ruoms as@ will there, aul tlad boars wk aalulamous aniseepisuy af men, and auder vstenurs stuck are tins napromiiag, find as clour cuttin! wits as ever fhestled ia a Drape, and le can vuly regret, as he sus on that stramge ¥ heuck of the zrawd- sacld school” that amen whe were fram for better things toalil be so uuitarive in thete devotion ta ake ndils. he vom, Whieh bears sileng witgeesy 10 ALese ce + flivtations with the goddtes Foftulle, is 13 by vb fort, nud canable of holm abut 400 persous. Ta the middle of it is a sort of circular epmuter, round which and af #28 fireplace the husiacss is prineipally acted; bet in stiamer the roomy i 3e: dd, and. peculation adjourus ou to the step jutsitle, and hulds commanuipationt with itsiess Jaroused votorjes through the ironebars of the gate. At present, although the number finctiele cou THE POST AND THE PADVOCEN ’ 8 x a Room to av a ae there a Lo’ Sigar, cine place lower by the cs pion rai om hg: t loast a = aes Sp thi side the en 1 roam is a paimings of Hclipse, from thée easel of the grandfather of the pyeseut Mr. Guerard (whoseveydized silveR race cups not favourablg, regurded by country yace-goers fromthe belief thab “they must he afdpans”), repre enting the iunnortal chesnut When he rarainated nuargpsom fu his proud stwil-days. A broml-mare and Your's felipe are also there, wRh two or three of the series of great winners ; and a conple ings of Lord George Bentinek, wad race. otis fang wp nea the fireplice, complete the tout ensent) Nvithin, Thewett-hand sidc-windows open o 8 the groampvhere the Ring, weathor permitting, stand. or saunter abont on field-day and ynastcrs of hounds, &., eurlier in the morning, try the paues of a hack they may live heen cycing some of tke 120 stalls iu the adjacent yard; but on off-lays it is more associnted in our ininds veh « walnut-tree, aii Alderney cow, and a pail, Suh are the loading fea- tures of the great &ctting mart, whose quotutions are to racing men whut those of Mark Lane are to the “farmer, Lloyd's to dhe insurer, the Stock Exebaige to the brokerFor"Greenfich tine to the horologist. = The whole systefh of betting has undeggone a com- plote change in the lust sixty years. Betting between ‘anc ang the ficld was the fushion which Traf specu- tim aseumed in the days of powder and poriwigs, and OQffen (the only betting man who was cer eat, to the Clab et Newmarket), Devis, Holland, Na? den, Kettle, Bickham, aud Watts, rulgg on thé T (Change, With Jom Bland, Jerry Cloves, Myers (aa TURF FUSTORY, Eo ren . i IM tadttor, since Mei Ramgny aiptoni Lord Belin san retjred. »'The finest ngodcray races in its éalogday wee ca] bdbreen, Gcucryl Chhssd and Inhdvit@ at SAyg pad Janercost and? Becswing,. twicg in onc ‘afierivon, SpKelso. Stil:, oven then'the plsided Zand, snaxdod spectatoré wero anything but domou+ atygtive the Teal current of their sporting being gala gokards "A Graham’ ad the slips, aud DR ‘Chanticleer, and Zubpab sink into historical insig- nifetce by the até of Waterlod, Gilhertiicld fund Tinghie Graham. ® a . Seven or vight of the Bngl ened as Witte aboyt. enp-Lorseg as they da fur driftins; and perhaps #he most genuine Olympic tuste 18 to bo found among. the queit-loving Cumpriate, i whose Carlisle rave-festivaly wrestling plays a very pronsi- nent part. Alwhough their style is so widely ditfer- cot, ta that of the Garnish men, who still huel their Straditioniaty seora nt Dyvonshire, in the ladlad, which tells that. 1. qpuntics seem te oo: % Ayeahamn Coa i¢ not the man Tu wrestly ith Patklaghorne,” * . they are not one whit less enthusizstic in the praises of Weightam, Chapthan, Jackson of Kinneyside, and the other “ Belted Wills” of their ring; and, in fact, jt ix only when the afternoon i@pretty far apent, aud bis enraptured backers have borne aif thpaprize- heltel Milo to the booth which he specially deigns to honour, that the starting-BMI tinTes"out its sum- mons. ‘Lhe Northumbrian “ black ttiamonds” always enjoy most being above ground, and in a clean face and shirt, when X. ¥. Z., Beeswing, or some other local star, requires the stitnulus of their graf voices “Qn? coop ;”_and it would have been as judicious a, atép Ws abuse Edwin Forrest's acting befare a Bow.» ~cyy hoy,” asto breathe a word against t’ auld mare's” fame, when one of them wis within, exrahoj, Tho B

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