THE PORTUGAL FREE PUZZLE national & PAGE internCatApiaoLgneLs ae1Se5l SoPpnro PizWt. Cet 2oh Co5redrd -oDe SSswifusefodewarrordoeckrnhudce Portugal’s National Newspaper in English 26 Dec 2009 • Edition Nº 1042 • €1.50 inc. IVA • Publisher: Paul Allen-Luckman • Editor: Brendan de Beer • Our next edition 8 page 14 days The next edition of The Home CHRISTMAS TV directory Portugal News, with a weekly review of the news in Insurance Guide enquiries Portugal in 2009, will be PROPERTY underwritten up to in English on 9th January 2010 supplement by Lloyds of 40% London Taxman gains see p.10 off access to accounts of suspects’ Portugal looks forward to a Happy New Year families Parliament has with a surge in December reservations approved a law decree proposal presented by the Community Party PACKED (PCP) whereby tax inspectors will be given greater powers to access bank accounts during tax fraud investigations. (See Page 3) Electricity bills to increase by 2.9% PORTUGAL The charges for electricity are going to rise by 2.9 percent in 2010 in mainland Portugal, the equivalent of a €3 increase for an average bill of €40. (See Page 4) PARTIES Thousands awaiting transplants Dying whilst waiting for a transplant is still a reality Full story, see p. 2 in Portugal, where the waiting list now counts more than 3,000 patients and available organs or willing donors are not nearly enough. (See Page 5) Same sex marriages set to be approved before 2010 The Portuguese government were planning to present a law decree proposal to Parliament paving the way for same sex marriages by the end of this year, a senior minister said. (See Page 5) Faro among top priority areas for increased GNR presence The GNR will be giving top priority to Faro, Setúbal and Lisbon, for the placement of their 944 recently graduated officers. (See Page 7) Christmas road campaign in force The National Road MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass && aa HHaappppyy NNeeww YYeeaarr Safety Authority has begun its Christmas campaign in order to alert and inform drivers of ttoo AAllll oouurr RReeaaddeerrss the dangers of speeding and drink driving. (See Page 8) news 2 The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 Packed Portugal parties ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade, Lda Copyright ©2005 Anglo Press Lda and The News Group of Newspapers Inc • TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss is owned and published by: The News Group of Newspapers Inc ••••• DDDDDeeeeepppppóóóóósssssiiiiitttttooooo LLLLLeeeeegggggaaaaalllll NNNNNººººº 80258/94 After a year of dwindling tourism figures, which in comparison to last year’s appeared to successively fall short of the mark, it now appears the country may finally have something to CCCCCooooonnnnntttttaaaaaccccctttttsssss celebrate as hotels and resorts across Portugal are boasting near sell-outs for their Christmas and PPPPPooooossssstttttaaaaalllll AAAAAddddddddddrrrrreeeeessssssssss:::::Apt 13 • 8401-901 • Lagoa New Year events, some resorts even boasting full houses for the festive period – and most without CCCCCooooouuuuurrrrriiiiieeeeerrrrr::::: Rua Município de S. Domingos • Urb. dropping their prices. Lagoa Sol • Lote 3 r/c • 8400-415 Lagoa TTTTTeeeeelllll::::: 707 500 655 (+351 282 341 100) The President of the Portu- News, “We are almost fully of Spanish spending a night or two the sector had been lost with the NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssdddddeeeeessssskkkkk: 707 500 655 (+351 282 380 313) guese Travel Agency and Tour- booked for New Year’s eve. in Portugal, in comparison to the closing of businesses. ism Association (APAVT) said “Christmas is unusually much same month of 2008. The amount Comparing Portugal to Spain, SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss::::: 707 500 677 (+351 282 380 310) recently that while the effects of slower as people tend to stay at of French tourists also grew by where taxes are lower, Joaõ CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeeddddd: 707 500 646 (+351 282 380 315) the crisis are still apparent, there home, but we are still faring very 3.3 percent on last year’s Octo- Passos said: “If we raise our taxes FFFFFaaaaaxxxxx::::: Gen 707 941 201 (+351 282 341 201) has been positive growth regard- well considering the time of ber figures. we will either start to lose out or Fax: Sales: 707 942 053 (+351 282 352 053) ing reservations for the festive year”. The INE said hotel revenues in open the door to the competi- season. In Lisbon, the Estoril Eden October dropped to €153.4 mil- tion”. EEEEEmmmmmaaaaaiiiiilllll::::: [email protected] • [email protected] João Passos explained that says it has not noticed any dif- lion ($224.6 million) as hotels Meanwhile, the surge in inter- WWWWWeeeeebbbbb::::: despite a drop in revenue gener- ference in the amount of reserva- relied on discounts to attract visi- est for winter-sun destinations PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttt &&&&& DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbuuuuutttttiiiiiooooonnnnn ated by the tourist sector this tions from last year, and say they tors during the global downturn over the Christmas period has year, there has been an expressed have not raised or lowered their despite the total number of tour- been confirmed by accommoda- PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrsssss: MIRANDELA Gráfica, Lisbon surge in interest on behalf of tour- prices. ists who stayed in Portuguese tion-only specialist website TTTTTiiiiirrrrraaaaagggggeeeeemmmmm: 2222200000,,,,,444445555566666 cccccooooopppppiiiiieeeeesssss ttttthhhhhiiiiisssss wwwwweeeeeeeeeekkkkk ists looking to spend Christmas Abroad, Cape Verde, Brazil hotels in October having risen one and New Year in Portugal. There and Cuba are Portugal’s destina- percent, but were still fewer than It claimed pent-up demand for DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbooooorrrrrsssss: VASP has also been healthy interest tions of choice, while within Por- those registered the previous early winter season holidays has MMMMMeeeeemmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr ooooofffff apct audited circulation from Portuguese nationals look- tugal the Algarve, Douro and year. led to an increase of more than ing to travel abroad for this pe- Oporto are most in demand. Overall, since January, Portu- 50% in bookings in November, PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn riod. APAVT’s João Passos rea- gal’s hotels industry has suffered against the same month last year, PPPPPuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiissssshhhhheeeeerrrrr::::: Paul Luckman • [email protected] “We have noted an increase in soned that, irrespective of the a rather positive global loss of 3.6 with the Algarve amongst the top reservations for travel over “peaks” in seasonal reservations, percent in guests and 6.6 percent ten selling destinations which EEEEEdddddiiiiitttttooooorrrrr::::: Brendan de Beer • [email protected] Christmas and New Year and as happened over Easter, “it does in occupancy figures, especially also include Sharm el Sheikh, PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn::::: Madeline Luckman • [email protected] many destinations are sold out” not mean that these peaks will when compared with other main- Gran Canaria, Tenerife, JJJJJooooouuuuurrrrrnnnnnaaaaallllliiiiissssstttttsssss::::: Carrie-Marie Bratley • Tommy Broad he said. save the year”. stream destinations. Lanzarote, Costa Blanca, CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeedddddsssss::::: Rebecca Andrade Two of the Algarve’s most He acknowledged that “in re- Nevertheless, according to the Fuerteventura, Costa del Sol, prominent resorts, the exclusive ality there has been a drop in the head of APAVT, predictions are Hurghada and Costa Brava. PPPPPaaaaawwwwwsssss &&&&& CCCCClllllaaaaawwwwwsssss::::: Raquel Salbany five-star Vila Vita Parc (Armação tourism sector”, which is cur- that the tourism sector will pick Sales and marketing director PPPPPrrrrreeeeevvvvviiiiieeeeewwwww::::: Raquel Salbany de Pêra) and the Marriott’s Vila rently, in his opinion, “going up during the second quarter of Paul Riches said: “The terrible TTTTTrrrrraaaaavvvvveeeeelllll::::: Sherry Hughes Sol Renaissance SPA & Golf through enormous turbulence”, 2010, though he refuted the idea weather in the UK and postponed PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooosssss::::: LUSA • Press Association • PortugalNews both said reservations for the with overall losses in activity of of increasing tourist taxes within summer holiday plans have Christmas period were looking between “10 and 20 percent”, the industry to compensate the driven people to think about get- SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm good, and their New Year’s which translates into an esti- loss in revenue. ting away for some early winter events were “nearly sold out”. mated monetary value of be- “I am convinced that, if it does sun. Raquel Abrantes, marketing tween €1.59 and €3.18 million. not happen in the first three “The fact that the winter flight coordinator for Vila Sol said “we According to the National Sta- months of 2010, during the sec- availability has improved so much receive new reservations practi- tistics Institute (INE) Portuguese ond quarter of the year we will compared to this time last year has cally every day and the New hotel revenues fell 9.5 percent in start to see a positive reaction”. also boosted bookings.” Year’s Eve event is also nearly October from a year earlier, even Regarding the possibility of Paul Riches added that sold out”. though the total number of tour- increasing or introducing more eurozone resorts were holding She said the majority of reser- ists edged up slightly, mainly taxes within the sector, Joaõ their own against those outside vations and information requests thanks to more local travel as well Passos said it was “unthinkable”. the zone such as Egypt as Euro- came from national citizens and as a significant rise in the number He further denied that tourism pean resorts had made prices more local residents. of Spanish visiting the region. had been negatively affected by competitive, and bars and restau- A spokesperson for Vila Vita In October this year there was the rise in unemployment, rants were being forced to com- Parc also told The Portugal a 34.7 percent rise in the number though acknowledged jobs within pete with all-inclusive hotels. SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrr::::: Bella Talhadas TTTTTooooommmmm CCCCChhhhhaaaaapppppmmmmmaaaaannnnn 914 393 736 • 707 500 677 (all areas except the following) AA9AAA1rrrrreeeee2aaaaa 5 8RRRRR3eeeee 1ppppp8::::: 8Loulé to Ayamonte EU’s guide to trouble free and safe winter holiday travel The European Commission Air and rail passengers already exceeding 3 hours. In all cases the assistance. has launched a public consulta- enjoy rights guaranteed by Euro- company has to inform you 8. When you travel by cross- tion on the future of air passen- pean legislation, while other about your rights on the spot, border train within the European ger rights and released a top 12 list transport modes are set to fol- when an incident occurs. Union you are entitled to of recommendations to guarantee low. The Commission has al- 3. If your luggage gets lost or reimbursement (or rerouting) and travellers a safe and problem-free ready presented proposals to damaged, you have the right to a compensation, plus assistance, in journey this Christmas. protect the rights of people trav- reimbursement of up to €1,223 case of cancellation or delay at Vice-President Antonio elling by water or by bus or coach, when you take the plane. departure or at arrival of more Tajani, Commissioner in charge which could be adopted as early 4. When you book your flight than 1 hour. You will also enjoy of transport, has also announced as next year. ticket online, remember that the adequate information before and details of a European-wide pub- As not all people are yet fully final price must be clearly during the journey. licity campaign to make citizens aware of all the rights they enjoy indicated on the first page. 9. If your luggage gets damaged MMMMMaaaaarrrrriiiiilllllyyyyynnnnn HHHHHooooolllllmmmmmeeeeesssss DDDDDeeeeebbbbbbbbbbiiiiieeeee SSSSSaaaaannnnntttttooooosssss aware of their passenger rights. as passenger under European leg- 5. When you check in at the during cross-border rail travel 914 863 604 919 421 869 “As millions of Europeans islation, a publicity campaign airport, only take small quantities within the European Union, you AAAAArrrrreeeeeaaaaa RRRRReeeeeppppp::::: Alcantarilha to AAAAArrrrreeeeeaaaaa RRRRReeeeeppppp::::: Armação de Pêra prepare to travel during the fes- will run in 2010 and 2011. of liquids in your hand luggage (a are entitled to compensation of Aljezur to Quarteira tive season, they can rest assured Apart from a special website maximum of 100 millilitres is up to €1,300. In case of accidents SSSSSuuuuuppppppppppooooorrrrrttttt that the EU is doing all it can to in all of the EU’s official lan- permitted per container, which during the journey, you are take the sting out of travelling”, guages, there will also be video includes creams, powder and entitled to advance payments and AAAAAccccccccccooooouuuuunnnnntttttsssss::::: Gaby Rodrigues said the Commissioner. clips, posters and publications to mousse). The total amount of compensation for you or for SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss::::: Samantha Hoather “The introduction of passen- be used in major transport hubs liquids per person cannot exceed your family. ger rights for transport modes such as airports and train sta- one litre. 10. If you are not satisfied with SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss such as aviation and rail is an- tions, while there will also be a 6. If you are planning to travel by your cross-border rail journey 52 editions of The Portugal News. cost €67.50 (Portugal), €135 other example of how the Union dedicated stand at international aeroplane outside Europe, check within the European Union, keep (Europe) or €210 (World Airmail). Send your name and address makes a difference to the every- travel fairs. A budget of €1 mil- the black list of airlines banned in in mind that each railway plus cheque or credit card details to Apt 13, 8401-901 Lagoa or day life of our citizens. This is lion is earmarked for this cam- the European Union before company has to communicate to email [email protected]. Queries, please call 707 500 655. why I am proud to be announc- paign. buying your ticket. you the contact detail of the ing that we will be launching an In the meantime, the EU has 7. If you are a passenger with complaint handling body, which NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssllllleeeeetttttttttteeeeerrrrrsssss EU-wide publicity campaign to released its top 12 list of recom- disabilities or reduced mobility, will answer to your complaint make clear to people what rights mendations for travellers this you will be granted non within one month. To subcribe to our free weekly newsletters, sent by email every they enjoy as passengers under Christmas: discriminatory access conditions 11. When you buy a travel Friday please email [email protected] European legislation, while at 1. If you travel by air and you are if you decide to travel by air or package, always make sure that DDDDDiiiiisssssccccclllllaaaaaiiiiimmmmmeeeeerrrrr the same time opening a public denied boarding, or if your flight by cross-border train within the both the price and all relevant consultation to give everybody is cancelled without notice or is European Union. You have the information are clearly indicated. Although we do everything possible to ensure the integrity and the opportunity to express their subject to a more than five hour right to free assistance before, 12. Keep in mind that one out of suitability of advertisements in TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss,,,,, views on both what has been delay, ask for reimbursement or during and after the flight, when four road accidents can be ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade Lda, The Portugal achieved, and what can still be rerouting. travelling by air; to free assistance attributed to excessive alcohol or News, its employees or representatives cannot accept any done, on air passenger rights 2. You also have the right to at the station and on board, when drug consumption. Don’t drive responsibility for claims made by advertisers in their publicity, when something goes wrong re- assistance and, in some cases, to travelling by train. Inform your if you are under the influence of and cannot become involved in any disputes or litigation, garding their flight”, said Vice- a monetary compensation in case air carrier at least 48 hours in alcohol or drugs! howsoever arising. President Tajani. of cancellation or a delay advance if you require such news The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 3 Taxman gains access to accounts of suspects’ families Parliament has approved a law decree proposal presented by the Communist Party (PCP) whereby tax inspectors will be given greater powers to access bank accounts during tax fraud investigations. According to the new legisla- This change in tax legislation qualify for this special dispensa- tion, the taxman will now be able follows an unexpected move last tion. to enter the bank accounts of fam- week, aimed to keep ailing busi- Previously, some companies ily members of those being inves- nesses from closing their doors were allowed to negotiate the re- tigated for tax evasion. due to burgeoning tax debts, when payment of their tax debts, The law was passed with the the Prime Minister announced though only over periods not ex- favourable votes of the PCP and that companies will be allowed to ceeding five years, but normally, the Left Bloc, while the ruling repay the taxman over 120 the taxman has been reluctant to Socialist Party and the main op- months. allow for a period greater than 12 position Social Democrats ab- The move to allow companies months. stained. a decade to repay their taxes was However, the Prime Minister The law further forces all fi- initially greeted with applause, has indicated that the measure nancial institutions to pass on all though it became slightly more might only be a temporary one, earnings and interest obtained muted when it was discovered suggesting it could possibly only from savings accounts held by that only companies with debts apply in 2010, depending on the their clients. in excess of 51,000 euros would rate of the economic recovery. Beleaguered Lopes da Mota resigns Eurojust post DDDDDeeeeepppppuuuuutttttyyyyy AAAAAttttttttttooooorrrrrnnnnneeeeeyyyyy-----GGGGGeeeeennnnneeeeerrrrraaaaalllll JJJJJooooosssssééééé LLLLLuuuuuííííísssss LLLLLooooopppppeeeeesssss dddddaaaaa MMMMMoooootttttaaaaa hhhhhaaaaasssss rrrrreeeeesssssiiiiigggggnnnnneeeeeddddd aaaaasssss PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll’’’’’sssss rrrrreeeeeppppprrrrreeeeessssseeeeennnnntttttaaaaatttttiiiiivvvvveeeee ooooonnnnn EEEEEuuuuurrrrrooooojjjjjuuuuusssssttttt aaaaafffffttttteeeeerrrrr bbbbbeeeeeiiiiinnnnnggggg sssssuuuuussssspppppeeeeennnnndddddeeeeeddddd bbbbbyyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee cccccooooouuuuunnnnntttttrrrrryyyyy’’’’’sssss PPPPPuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiiccccc FFFFFiiiiinnnnnaaaaannnnnccccceeeee MMMMMiiiiinnnnniiiiisssssttttteeeeerrrrr TTTTTeeeeeiiiiixxxxxeeeeeiiiiirrrrraaaaa dddddooooosssss SSSSSaaaaannnnntttttooooosssss aaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee ccccceeeeerrrrreeeeemmmmmooooonnnnnyyyyy fffffooooorrrrr ttttthhhhheeeee sssssiiiiigggggnnnnniiiiinnnnnggggg-----iiiiinnnnn ooooofffff ttttthhhhheeeee MMMMMaaaaagggggiiiiissssstttttrrrrraaaaattttteeeeesssss SSSSSuuuuupppppeeeeerrrrriiiiiooooorrrrr CCCCCooooouuuuunnnnnccccciiiiilllll (((((CCCCCSSSSSMMMMMPPPPP))))) ooooovvvvveeeeerrrrr aaaaalllllllllleeeeegggggaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss ooooofffff ppppprrrrreeeeessssssssssuuuuurrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg nnnnneeeeewwwww gggggooooovvvvveeeeerrrrrnnnnnmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt aaaaattttt AAAAAjjjjjuuuuudddddaaaaa PPPPPaaaaalllllaaaaaccccceeeee ooooonnnnn 2222266666 OOOOOccccctttttooooobbbbbeeeeerrrrr iiiiinnnnnvvvvveeeeessssstttttiiiiigggggaaaaatttttooooorrrrrsssss iiiiinnnnn aaaaa hhhhhiiiiiggggghhhhh-----ppppprrrrrooooofffffiiiiillllleeeee gggggrrrrraaaaafffffttttt cccccaaaaassssseeeee..... No date set for introduction of The Justice Ministry said Freeport case, saying he was ing of a British-owned mall it had accepted Lopes da resigning from Eurojust to in 2002, when Prime Minis- standardized Portuguese spelling Mota’s resignation from “defend the interests of the ter José Sócrates was serv- Eurojust, where he was serv- Portuguese state”. ing as environment minis- ing as the EU organisation’s His lawyer said he would ap- ter. The Orthographic Accord standardising Portuguese spelling will not be implemented in president, thanking him for peal the CSMP’s suspension Lopes da Mota has been Portugal’s schools next year and no date has been set for its introduction, Education his “relevant services”. ruling. under investigation on sus- Minister Isabel Alçada said. In a statement, Lopes da Ongoing investigations picions of having exerted Mota reaffirmed his inno- into the Freeport affair centre pressure on magistrates in- “We have work to do with our Alçada said. ception of Angola and Mozam- cence in the so-called graft on allegations of graft and in- vestigating the Freeport various partners to determine The treaty that has been rati- bique - allows a six-year period and influence peddling fluence peddling in the licens- case. TPN/Lusa how we’ll introduce the Ortho- fied by all eight Portuguese- for its implementation. graphic Accord in the schools”, speaking countries - with the ex- TPN/Lusa FROM THIS TAKE CONTROL OF TO THIS! YOUR HOME! We don’t just supply and fit bathrooms and kitchens, we can undertake all the planning, plumbing, installation and service for pools, spas and much more. Before you make any final decision, call in and see the range Adding value to homes of services we offer, backed by over 26 years’ of experience. since 1983 We won’t subject you to high pressure selling (we don’t • Efficient need to), but we will give you straightforward answers to • Long established your questions, and show and explain in full, solutions to • Reliable suit almost every budget. Apartado 1 8401-901 Lagoa Don’t settle for second best service, installation or 282 340 520 equipment. Visit our showrooms and talk to us first. 282 341 490 news 4 The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 High speed train project to create 56,000 jobs Now is the time to move forward with the high speed train network project in Portugal, Sócrates reminded people that try.” With this initial stage now main markets”, adding that those according to Prime Minister José Sócrates, who spoke during the signing of the work the project involved several concluded, it is time to move for- who make decisions can eventu- years of studies: “There are a lot ward and carry out the project. ally be wrong, but those who never contract for the first segment of the Lisbon-Madrid high-speed rail link, between of things to do before a project of The Prime Minister imposed make a decision are wrong from the Poceirão and Caia. this magnitude. There are many his stance on the project before start. The structural projects of studies to make, in order to give critics, saying they “should think the high-speed train link will gen- “The crisis is one more reason cedure in Évora, adding “There tract was the first step towards assurance to the Portuguese that Portugal can’t take the risk, nor erate a total of 56,000 permanent to do it. It is at this time that the are a lot of people looking for a the high-speed rail link between the decisions we make are funda- pay the price, of straying even jobs in Portugal, according to stud- country needs investments, and job and many companies waiting Lisbon and Madrid, and work mental for the future of our coun- further away from Europe and its ies made. job opportunities” said José for this opportunity.” should commence in 2010, sched- Sócrates during the formal pro- The signing of the work con- uled to be complete by 2013. José Electricity bills to increase by 2.9% The charges for electricity are The deciding factors for the to find a balance that is of inter- going to rise by 2.9 percent in increase were not only to reduce est to both consumers and com- 2010 in continental Portugal, the electricity consumption, which panies.” equivalent of a €3 increase for an should happen this year and in Many consumer associations average bill of €40. In Madeira the 2010 as a result of the economic are part of the Rates and Tariffs increase is of 2.5 percent and in crisis, but also for the paying off Board, such as DECO (Consum- the Azores of 2.1 percent. of debts generated by the fixed ers Rights) and FENACOOP The 2.9 percent increase of elec- tariffs of 2009 and due to the de- (National Federation of Con- tricity charges in continental Por- valuation of fossil fuels. sumer Co-ops), as well as ANMP tugal, proposed and accepted by The sector’s regulating body (National Association of Portu- the Rates and Tariffs Board, will also said that the fixed tariffs for guese Citizens), EDP Distribu- represent a €120 million reduction electricity are made “taking into tion and REN (National Electric- of the country’s tariff deficit. account multiple criteria, trying ity Network). Car scrapping incentive continues, but only until 2010 The Government programme, 2010, where new car buyers re- In November, a total of 8,012 which has helped boost the sales ceive a fee for handing in their old vehicles were destroyed, the high- of new cars by offering money in vehicles for scrapping. However, est figure in the last 18 months, return for the scrapping of the in 2010 the maximum reimburse- according to data from Valorcar, buyers’ old vehicles, will be con- ment will be dropped by 16 per- the company in charge of the ac- tinuing in 2010, despite a reduc- cent, from €1,500 to €1,250. counts of the programme. The tion of the maximum monetary The continuation of the pro- second semester of this year, return. gramme still needs approval at without including December, has AAAAAnnnnn IIIIICCCCCEEEEE (((((RRRRR))))),,,,, GGGGGeeeeerrrrrmmmmmaaaaannnnn hhhhhiiiiiggggghhhhh ssssspppppeeeeeeeeeeddddd tttttrrrrraaaaaiiiiinnnnn pppppaaaaassssssssssiiiiinnnnnggggg aaaaa FFFFFrrrrreeeeennnnnccccchhhhh hhhhhiiiiiggggghhhhh ssssspppppeeeeeeeeeeddddd TTTTTGGGGGVVVVV aaaaattttt GGGGGaaaaarrrrreeeee The Government’s incentive Parliament and will be included had 36,322 vehicles sent for dddddeeeee lllll'''''EEEEEsssssttttt,,,,, iiiiinnnnn PPPPPaaaaarrrrriiiiisssss..... (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: EEEEEPPPPPAAAAA ///// HHHHHooooorrrrráááááccccciiiiiooooo VVVVViiiiillllllllllaaaaalllllooooobbbbbooooosssss))))) of scrapping old vehicles pro- in the proposed State Budget for scrapping, 11% more than the gramme is set to continue in 2010. same period in 2008. CELOaE9 pBStheoRM JennAaAvi awSnTnLetaOgu&eL r1ty alRwuB0corYroUaiyndt mm DFhea2F Raye0iEsI1TN0K HOigo&PhnE WqsNouIlImaoNNlweiTGt E y p pOR prriF orScoFdeAEdusLRucEctSsts at BUNSEINWESS P T Ci oDSleluwohtuscweveh.eelsistots n sse &ts Electric blankets by Silent Night Live life in comfort 27 Estrada de Vale de Eguas, Almancil Tel: 289 396 385 • E-mail [email protected] Opening hours: Mon- Fri 10- 6 Closed 1-2 for lunch & Sat 10-5 closed 1-2 for lunch (on the left hand side of the roundabout coming into Almancil off the EN 125 from the Boliquieme direction) news The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 5 Thousands awaiting transplants Dying whilst waiting for a transplant is still a reality in Portugal, where the waiting list now counts more than 3,000 patients and available organs or willing donors are not nearly enough. Of the 3,000 people on the “the best way to help” current peaceful, but in many places has transplant list, 2,253 are waiting circumstances. helped to reduce the shortage of for a kidney. And as the number The first transplant to take organs”. of people needing new organs place in Portugal was done by Dr. Worldwide doctors continue grows, the number of donors and Linhares Furtado in 1969. Since to raise awareness concerning availed organs falls short of the then, until 2008, 21,290 people organ donation, in life and after necessary figures. have undergone a transplant, the death. In Portugal, following a So far this year 11 people have majority of which (8,139) receiv- campaign, the number of people died waiting for a transplant. ing a new kidney. donating bone marrow for sick These figures were released Domingos Machado, coordi- children rose dramatically. last week by the National Collec- nator of Lisbon’s Hospital de It has been estimated that by tion Unit for the Blood and Santa Cruz’s Kidney Transplant the end of this year 190,000 bone Transplant Services’ Authority. Unit, stressed that “the duty to marrow donations will have been Unit coordinator Maria João care for patients does not end with made, the majority of which (60 Aguiar said that this year “of the death” and believes that the fami- percent) by women, and that 45 urgent requests for liver trans- lies of donors should be number is expected to continue plants, only 30 were possible. “honored”. to grow throughout 2010. Re- And of the 26 requests for heart “In the United States families portedly, the average age of do- transplants, only 13 were possi- who have allowed organ dona- nors is between 26 and 35. ble”. tion often have funeral expenses Blood donations have also in- She warned that the number of paid for or some form of monu- creased this year, due to cam- people needing transplants con- ment of IT tribute paid to them paigns carried out over the past tinues to grow. in way of thanks”, he explained. 12 months. Hope, and raising awareness Dr. Machado admitted such At present, 40 in every 1,000 regarding donations, seems to be an approach is “not always people give blood. LLLLLiiiiittttttttttllllleeeee DDDDDaaaaavvvvviiiiiddddd wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh hhhhhiiiiisssss mmmmmooooottttthhhhheeeeerrrrr AAAAAnnnnnaaaaa AAAAAnnnnntttttuuuuunnnnneeeeesssss aaaaa yyyyyeeeeeaaaaarrrrr aaaaafffffttttteeeeerrrrr ssssshhhhheeeee dddddooooonnnnnaaaaattttteeeeeddddd hhhhheeeeerrrrr llllliiiiivvvvveeeeerrrrr tttttooooo hhhhheeeeerrrrr sssssooooonnnnn..... (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: LLLLLuuuuusssssaaaaa ///// PPPPPaaaaauuuuulllllooooo NNNNNooooovvvvvaaaaaiiiiisssss))))) Foreign citizens make up Credit card interest capped at 32.8% 6% of the EU population According to recently released public what the maximum limits terest. figures from the Bank of Portu- on interest applicable by the Interest on new car loans has gal (BdP), next year banks could National Bank would be in 2010. been set at 8.0 percent (concern- be charging up to 32.8 percent in Regarding personal loans ing Long Term Leases), while in- On 1 January 2008, 30.8 mil- foreign citizens in the EU27 lived Grand Duchy. interest on credit cards. (with the exception of car loans) terest on second-hand car loans lion foreign citizens lived in the in these Member States. Meanwhile, Brazil, Cape The indicator was published the BDP has established a maxi- has been set at no more than 10.3 EU27 Member States, of which Among the EU27 Member Verde and Ukraine, respectively, last week by the BdP which made mum charge of 19.6 percent in- percent. 11.3 million were citizens of an- States, the highest percentage of have the biggest expatriate com- other EU27 Member state. foreign citizens in the population munities in Portugal, according to The remaining 19.5 million was found in Luxembourg (43 Eurostat. were citizens of countries out- percent of the total population). side the EU27, of which 6.0 mil- The percentage of foreign citi- Same-sex lion were citizens of other Euro- zens was less than one percent in pean countries, 4.7 million of Romania, Poland, Bulgaria and Africa, 3.7 million of Asia and 3.2 Slovakia. marriages million of the American conti- Meanwhile, Portugal is still the nent. Foreign citizens accounted country with the largest number set to be for 6.2 percent of the total EU27 of expatriates in France and Lux- population. embourg, according to Eurostat. In 2008, the largest numbers of Portugal’s immigrant commu- approved foreign citizens were recorded in nity in France numbers 492,000, Germany (7.3 million persons), or 13.6 percent of foreigners le- before Spain (5.3 million), the United King- gally living there. Some 76,000 dom (4.0 million), France (3.7 mil- Portuguese live in Luxembourg, lion) and Italy (3.4 million). accounting for more than a third 2010 More than 75 percent of the of overseas citizens based in the The Portuguese govern- ment were planning to present a law decree proposal to Par- liament paving the way for same-sex marriages by the end of this year, a senior minister said. Pedro Silva Pereira, the min- ister to the presidency, said ALL the draft bill was to be dis- cussed in the Council of Min- isters last Thursday and taken to parliament later this month A N G L I C A N C H U R C H for action. He said the right of adoption by homosexual couples would not be included in the bill. 10.30am • Holy Communion • ASCA • ALMANCIL Prime Minister José with Adventurers and Creche Sócrates’ Socialist Party in- 6pm • Holy Communion ï Convento de S. José • LAGOA cluded a same-sex marriage plan in its election manifesto for last September’s legisla- Lead Priest : Fr. Joseph Wingo T: 309 402 783 tive polls. Assistant Priest: Rev’d Jackie Nevill T: 914 781 453 While the Socialists were Assistant Priest: Rev’d Paul Luckman T: 917 240 123 returned to power with a par- liamentary minority, the pro- [email protected] • posal is expected to get the Please enquire about Baptism Services, Marriage backing of leftist opposition Blessings, Funeral Services etc. parties, virtually assuring its passage, analysts said. For directions, call 282 380 311 any time TPN/Lusa business 6 The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 Douro cruise operator Business in brief EEEEEDDDDDPPPPP pppppllllleeeeedddddgggggeeeeesssss tttttooooo cccccuuuuuttttt iiiiitttttsssss gggggrrrrreeeeeeeeeennnnnhhhhhooooouuuuussssseeeee gggggaaaaasssss eeeeemmmmmiiiiissssssssssiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss signs ‘millionaire contract’ bbbbbyyyyy 7777700000%%%%% Portuguese power group EDP plans to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gasses by 70% over the coming decade, company sources said. In a statement EDP said renewable energy currently with US tour operator accounts for 60% of the group’s installed capacity and nearly a half of its total energy production. EDP “hopes to see an ambi- tious climate accord reached in Copenhagen” this week to limit global warming to two degrees centigrade, added the statement. PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll mmmmmaaaaakkkkkeeeeesssss “““““ssssstttttrrrrrooooonnnnnggggg gggggaaaaaiiiiinnnnnsssss””””” iiiiinnnnn EEEEEUUUUU’’’’’sssss 22222000001111100000 fffffiiiiissssshhhhhiiiiinnnnnggggg qqqqquuuuuoooootttttaaaaa dddddeeeeeaaaaalllll European Union fishing ministers have reached agreement on catch quotas for next year and Portugal says the deal has given it “strong gains”. Speaking in Brussels after talks with EU colleagues, Portuguese Fisheries Minister António Serrano said Lisbon has got important concessions across the board in the bloc’s tempo- rary quota accord for 2010. After negotiations on cod catches are concluded with Norway, Portugal will have a quota of 5,800 tons for next year. Brussels had wanted to reduce Portugal’s monkfish catch for next year by 25% but this has only been cut by 15%, the minister said. Portugal has managed to reduce planned quota cuts for next year in a number of species, added Serrano. LLLLLiiiiisssssbbbbbooooonnnnn-----bbbbbaaaaaccccckkkkkeeeeeddddd DDDDDooooobbbbbrrrrraaaaa-----EEEEEuuuuurrrrrooooo cccccuuuuurrrrrrrrrreeeeennnnncccccyyyyy aaaaaccccccccccooooorrrrrddddd ssssshhhhhooooouuuuulllllddddd tttttaaaaakkkkkeeeee eeeeeffffffffffeeeeecccccttttt JJJJJaaaaannnnn 11111 The accord for Portugal to back currency parity between São Tomé and Principe’s Dobra and the Euro should enter into effect, as planned, on January 1, Portuguese and STP officials have said. GGGGGDDDDDPPPPP pppppeeeeerrrrr EEEEEUUUUU iiiiinnnnnhhhhhaaaaabbbbbiiiiitttttaaaaannnnnttttt rrrrreeeeecccccooooorrrrrdddddsssss wwwwwiiiiidddddeeeee dddddiiiiissssspppppaaaaarrrrriiiiitttttyyyyy In 2008, the GDP per inhabitant in Luxembourg was more than two and a half times the EU27 average, while Ireland and the Neth- erlands recorded levels about one third above average. Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, the United Kingdom and Belgium were between 15% and 25% above the EU27 average. France, Spain and Italy registered GDP per inhabitant between 0% and 10% above the EU27 average, while Cyprus, Greece and Slovenia were between 0% and 10% below the average. The Czech CCCCCrrrrruuuuuiiiiissssseeeee ssssshhhhhiiiiippppp """""DDDDDooooouuuuurrrrrooooo AAAAAzzzzzuuuuulllll""""" iiiiinnnnn OOOOOpppppooooorrrrrtttttooooo iiiiinnnnn 22222000000000077777..... (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: LLLLLuuuuusssssaaaaa ///// EEEEEsssssttttteeeeelllllaaaaa SSSSSiiiiilllllvvvvvaaaaa))))) Republic, Malta, Portugal, and Slovakia were between 20% and 30% lower than the EU27 average. Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia and Poland were between 30% and 50% lower, while Ro- Douro Azul, the leading cruise operator on Portugal’s northern Douro River, has signed a “millionaire mania and Bulgaria were between 50% and 60% below the EU27 contract” with US tour operator Uniworld, assuring more than 136,000 visitors between 2011 and average. 2015, the company announced. PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll’’’’’sssss MMMMMoooootttttaaaaa-----EEEEEnnnnngggggiiiiilllll eeeeeyyyyyeeeeesssss MMMMMeeeeexxxxxiiiiicccccooooo bbbbbuuuuuyyyyy Portuguese construction group Mota-Engil is reportedly study- Revealing details of the agree- Port wine, at a cost of about €12 English market, due to the crisis pany said. ing the acquisition of a construction firm in Mexico where it al- ment in a press statement, the million. and the lowered value of the The number of US, Belgian, ready operates a toll highway, company sources said. Mota-Engil company said the deal was cou- Douro Azul said it foresaw pound to the euro, the space freed Dutch, Norwegian and Swiss CEO Jorge Coelho told Lusa his country is seeking further motor- pled to its plans to build a new closing 2009 operations with un- up by the British has allowed the visitors to the northern region had way concessions in Mexico and also buying a construction com- cruise ship for the vineyard-ter- specified record results. entry of new markets, such as also risen, it said. pany “if everything goes well.” raced river, the fabled home of “Despite the reduction in the Israel and Australia”, the com- TPN/Lusa MMMMMaaaaacccccaaaaaooooo ----- HHHHHooooo’’’’’sssss SSSSSJJJJJMMMMM ooooopppppeeeeennnnnsssss 2222211111sssssttttt CCCCCaaaaasssssiiiiinnnnnooooo Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, owned by gaming magnate Stanley Zara founder richer than Portugal’s top 10 together Ho, opened its twenty-first casino in the territory last week, offi- cials and company sources said. Located next to Macao’s ferry terminal the Oceanus has 260 gaming tables and 560 slots and were The personal fortune of It would take the combined Inditex’s main supplier. The top 25 wealthiest people inaugurated on December 15 by outgoing chief executive Edmund Amancio Ortega, the man who fortune of Portugal’s 25 richest Presently Portugal’s richest have a combined estimated for- Ho. created the Inditex retail chain men to surpass Ortega’s per- man is Américo Amorim, who in tune of €17.7 billion, little more EEEEEUUUUU eeeeemmmmmeeeeerrrrrgggggeeeeennnnncccccyyyyy oooooiiiiilllll ssssstttttoooooccccckkkkksssss aaaaattttt cccccooooommmmmfffffooooorrrrrtttttaaaaabbbbbllllleeeee llllleeeeevvvvveeeeelllllsssss (which owns international sonal wealth, achieved from the 2008 was estimated to be worth than Ortega’s €16.5 billion es- brands such as Zara, Pull&Bear, building of a clothing empire. €2 billion, made from invest- tate. At a meeting in Brussels between the EC and the Oil Supply Massimo Dutti and Berskha) has Portugal alone has 305 shops ments in the stock market and On a global scale, Amancio Group, held to discuss with Member States’ experts EU emer- been evaluated at almost €16.5 of the Inditex chain, 55 of which from patrimony. Ortega is the 10th richest person gency preparedness, it was confirmed current levels of emergency billion, making him the richest are Zara stores. Yet if Portugal and Spain were in the world. His shops can now oil stocks in Europe stand at 122 days of consumption, a figure man on the Iberian Peninsula. This country is, in fact, one, Amorim’s fortune would be found in 73 countries and in well above the mandatory 90 days. rank somewhere around seventh 2008 the chain sold some 80,000 EEEEEUUUUU aaaaacccccccccceeeeeppppptttttsssss MMMMMiiiiicccccrrrrrooooosssssooooofffffttttt cccccooooommmmmmmmmmiiiiitttttmmmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss tttttooooo gggggiiiiivvvvveeeee uuuuussssseeeeerrrrrsssss on the list of Iberia’s wealthiest pieces of clothing per hour. bbbbbrrrrrooooowwwwwssssseeeeerrrrr ccccchhhhhoooooiiiiiccccceeeee people. Should the Spanish entrepre- It has been estimated by the neurs decide to start selling up, The European Commission has adopted a decision that renders magazine ‘Exame’ that Portu- 69 percent of Zara alone would legally binding commitments offered by Microsoft to boost com- gal’s top 10 wealthiest entrepre- be worth an estimated €15.9 bil- petition on the web browser market. The commitments address neurs are jointly worth around lion. Commission concerns that Microsoft may have tied its web €9.3 billion, including the for- All of Portugal’s wealthiest browser Internet Explorer to the Windows PC operating system tunes of personalities such as people saw their fortunes de- in breach of EU rules on abuse of a dominant market position. Belmiro de Azevedo, the José de crease this year, with losses in the Microsoft has also committed to offer European users of Win- Mello Group, and Joe Berardo. region of 8.5 percent. dows choice among different web browsers and to allow compu- ter manufacturers and users the possibility to turn Internet Ex- plorer off. Microsoft has also published an undertaking whereby it commits to make far-reaching interoperability disclosures. SSSSSAAAAA lllllooooowwwww-----cccccooooosssssttttt cccccaaaaarrrrrrrrrriiiiieeeeerrrrr tttttooooo lllllaaaaauuuuunnnnnccccchhhhh MMMMMaaaaapppppuuuuutttttooooo-----JJJJJooooobbbbbuuuuurrrrrggggg rrrrrooooouuuuuttttteeeee South African budget airline 1Time will launch a service between Johannesburg and the Mozambican capital early next year, com- pany sources have said. ITime told the Lusa News Agency the new flight will operate five times weekly undercutting current fares by around 50 percent. EEEEECCCCC ppppprrrrrooooovvvvviiiiidddddeeeeesssss eeeeexxxxxtttttrrrrraaaaa €€€€€8888822222mmmmm fffffooooorrrrr rrrrruuuuurrrrraaaaalllll dddddeeeeevvvvveeeeelllllooooopppppmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt sssssccccchhhhheeeeemmmmmeeeeesssss The European Union is giving Portugal supplementary fund- ing of €82 million, officials said. Some €50 million of Brussels’ new transfer goes to support Portuguese dairy farmers and an- other €30 million is targeted at extending broad-band internet in rural areas. TPN/Lusa regionalnews The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 7 Impressive New Year celebrations planned for Lisbon The Vasco da Gama tower will once again be the stage for an impressive display of fireworks during the 2009/ 2010 New Year celebrations. Called the ‘Wave of Fire’, the nics will be a wave of fire covering New Year firework celebrations a distance of 500 metres, replicat- will begin at 00h00 of January 1st ing the movement of a real wave 2010 at the Vasco da Gama tower, with a total of 10,000 fireworks in the Expo 98 grounds, and will being released from platforms on last for ten minutes in total, illu- the river. The spectacular display minating the night with fascinat- of fireworks is sponsored by Su- ing pyrotechnics. per Bock and it will be an unfor- The highlight of the pyrotech- gettable experience. Red Bull agreement signed Weeks after it was claimed the Red Bull Air Race was in jeopardy of moving to Spain, Turismo de Lisboa has signed an initial agreement with Red Bull Air Race for the event to take place over the Tagus river in 2010. The agreement, signed on which attracted a staggering FFFFFiiiiirrrrreeeeewwwwwooooorrrrrkkkkk dddddiiiiisssssppppplllllaaaaayyyyy aaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee VVVVVaaaaassssscccccooooo dddddaaaaa GGGGGaaaaammmmmaaaaa tttttooooowwwwweeeeerrrrr iiiiinnnnn LLLLLiiiiisssssbbbbbooooonnnnn Tuesday by Turismo de Lisboa, 720,000 people to the Douro representing Lisbon and Oeiras river last September. petition, free of charge, the usage councils, and Red Bull Air Race, With Lisbon Council having of the space where the event takes GUESTS ARRIVING? demonstrates the “desire for an only confirmed on Wednesday place, including the areas dedi- international championship 16th December its involvement in cated to the planes, and a landing event to take place over the Tagus the event, refuting previous strip, so that test flights, training DON’T PANIC... River, between Torre de Belém speculations that the event might and qualifying flights can be car- and the April 25th bridge, in be moving venue, it has also been ried out with ease.” Why not transform your long forgotten guest room this January? 2010” stated the document. revealed that Lisbon and Oeiras Both councils now have until After being held in Oporto for councils must finance Red Bull by January 31st to complete a pro- 1 Pair three consecutive years, Lisbon €3.5 million. tocol which establishes the obli- will be hoping to gather as many The cities receiving the event gations and rights of the three Other Special Unlined spectators as the Oporto event, must also “provide to the com- parties involved. AvOafiflaebrsle: Curtains, Silver poles 1 Kingsize Faro among top priority areas for €110 (up to 2m) and €125 (up to Bed throw increased GNR presence 2m40) with free & fitting. 2 Cushions Quality fancy The GNR will be giving top priority to Faro, Setúbal and Lisbon, for the placement of rope tie backs for only €20 per pair. their 944 recently graduated officers. €499 According to the Internal due to the growing feeling of in- districts of the country. (up to 2m Safety Report of 2008, Faro, security in the region, a fact that The recently graduated offic- width) Setúbal and Lisbon were the dis- has been approached often in re- ers endured a nine month course, €499 or €549 tricts that presented the highest cent times by businessmen and which ended on Wednesday with crime rates of the country last politicians in the region. a ceremony in Portalegre. A total (up to 2.4m year. According to the GNR, Faro of 1,045 candidates enrolled for width) Last week, the Minister for will be the top priority, followed the course, with 54 quitting, 42 CCuurrttaaiinn WWoorrlldd IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall While Internal Affairs, said, at Parlia- by Setúbal and Lisbon. These being sent home and five still stocks last EENN112255,, QQuuaattrroo EEssttrraaddaass,, AAllmmaanncciill ment, that a special attention will new 944 GNR officers will begin awaiting a final decision. Of the Prices excl be given to the Algarve in the to work from Tuesday 22nd De- 944 new officers, 871 are men and TTeell:: 228899 335566 441188 20% iva placement of new GNR officers cember, spread throughout all 18 73 are women. WANTED GOLD - OURO ‘BEST OF BRITISH’ Quality clothes for & ALL PRECIOUS METALS SUPERMARKET men and women Any condition Over 1,000 lines of products TOP PRICES PAID THOMAS GREEN’S '''''NNNNNEEEEEWWWWW CCCCCOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLEEEEECCCCCTTTTTIIIIIOOOOONNNNN NNNNNOOOOOWWWWW IIIIINNNNN''''' I don’t have big ads & employees Olhos de àgua Rua Direita, Praia da Luz. (parking available behind the Store on Rua do Ramalhete) HONESTY & SAFETY 50 years experience Albufeira Call282 788 630 or Tm: 960 212 008 • 10am - 8pm gardeur d English & Portuguese Spoken tRhoebirin c uanstdo mMeanrsu ealnad w frisiehn adlsl OMpoendnay to Friday MSaotn: 1- 0Famri:- 120pamm-6pm irec a Happy Christmas and 10am to 7pm t a Prosperous New Year. Saturdays and Contact us for an ‘A UNIQUE HELICOPTER FLYING EXPERIENCE’ Bank Holidays MANY THANKS FOR YOUR 10am to 5pm unforgettable adventure in one of SUPPORT DURING 2009. the most beautiful Please note we shall be closed on Visit us at parts of the world Xmas day, Boxing day Praça do Mercado, and New Years day. Loja 12 Have you always Olhos de Agua dreamed of flying? beWtwee ewni l2l 8ctlho saen de a3r1lys t( 6D.0e0cepmmb)er (MCulonsicei ptaol thMearket) Taleglaerpvheohneeli:t r9a1in6i 2n6g2@ withW ep rooffefesrs ioflnigahl tse/xlepsesroiennsced OOOOOuuuuurrrrr BBBBBOOOOOOOOOOKKKKK EEEEEXXXXXCCCCCHHHHHAAAAANNNNNGGGGGEEEEE iiiiisssss nnnnnooooowwwww uuuuuppppp aaaaannnnnddddd rrrrruuuuunnnnnnnnnniiiiinnnnnggggg!!!!! pilots specially tailored to Aerodromo Municipal de meet your requirements TTTTTeeeeellllleeeeeppppphhhhhooooonnnnneeeee::::: 222228888899999 555554444411111 111111111199999 ••••• aaaaalllllbbbbbuuuuufffffeeeeeiiiiirrrrraaaaa@@@@@ttttthhhhhooooommmmmaaaaasssssgggggrrrrreeeeeeeeeennnnn.....pppppttttt Portimão (beside Alvor) wwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....ttttthhhhhooooommmmmaaaaasssssgggggrrrrreeeeeeeeeennnnn.....pppppttttt GtoI FmT aVrkO UthCaHt EsRpeSc iAaVl AocIcLaAsBioLnE regionalnews 8 The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 Poverty rife in Portugal Christmas road campaign in force Poverty in Portugal strikes 18% of its population, equivalent to around 2 Speaking before the ‘March million people, but that number could more than double if the State aids Against Poverty’, which took The National Road Safety Au- roads. place on Thursday 17th December, thority has begun its Christmas According to the National Road were cut, according to the Executive Director of CAIS, a social care Henrique Pinto revealed that if the campaign in order to alert and in- Safety Authority (ANSR), over a association. Government did not help strug- form drivers of the dangers of third of drivers killed in road colli- gling families, the number of peo- speeding and drink driving. Sev- sions have elevated alcohol levels ple considered poor in Portugal eral safety forces, such as PSP, in their system, and most deadly could reach 41 percent, almost half GNR, Civil Protection and Emer- accidents are caused by excessive the population. In the Executive gency Medical Services, are on speeding. The ANSR hopes to Director’s view, this is the conse- high alert during the festive season. encourage safer driving this quence of the existingnational cri- This year’s Christmas cam- Christmas season with its cam- sis, now aggravated by the world’s paign, called ‘Arrive Home Alive paign, continuing the trend of financial crisis. He believes there is to Loved Ones’, began on Mon- feweraccidents on the roads dur- a “lack of political willingness” to day 21st December and will carry ing this month despiteincreased resolve the problem of poverty: on until January 3rd, with several traffic due to the holidays. “When budgets are made or pre- advertising campaigns also being In December last year, sev- pared, each Ministry must place broadcast on television, radio and enty people lost their lives on in its own budget these poverty advertising panels at the side of Portuguese roads. funds, which are reflected in the economy, education, housing, and health services; besides the invest- Opening of new linen shop ments they intend to make.” However, he also admits the in Almancil biggest obstacle in combating poverty and social exclusion is due to most of the population’s indif- Kathryn Owen and Michael thread polycotton sheet range in ference to the matter, which gives Braidwood are very pleased to an- various colours, and an Egyptian continuation to the cycle of fami- nounce the opening of their new Cotton sheet range in white or lies living in poverty for genera- linen shop Linen Warehouse lo- cream with a regular stock of 200 tions. cated on the left hand side of the thread cotton and with 400 thread Henrique Pinto said the ‘March roundabout just off the sliproad cotton available to order. Pillow- Against Poverty’ “assembled the as you come into Almancil from cases are also available in oxford public’s opinion to get closer to the EN125 from the Boliquieme or housewife styles in both each other, to not be indifferent to direction. The location has private polycotton and Egyptian cotton. the two million people or more parking and is very easily accessed Flannelette sheets and pillow- that live on the brink of poverty from the roundabout. cases are available in various col- in Portugal, that means men and Their opening hours will be ours up to kingsize. women who earn less than Mon- Fri 10- 6 closed 1-2 for lunch They have a large range of pil- €406pm.” and Sat 10-5 closed 1-2 for lunch. lows for all preferences, Duck Although the March was organ- In the summer they will open a lit- feather, duck down, memory ised by CAIS, Amnesty Interna- tle later to 7pm. foam, soft pillows, anti stress, anti tional, AMI (International Medi- They will be opening with a allergy, Egyptian cotton cover cal Assistance), the National celebratory drink and a small buf- pillows, luxury quilted and a few Peace and Justice Commission, the fet on Saturday 9th January 2010, more kingsize and bolster etc. Social Commission of Santos-o- at 10am everyone is welcome. Their cushions and duvet sets Velho parish, the Obra do Ardina There will be opening offers and have a wide range of colours and Foundation, the ‘Médicos do a winter sale on some of the prod- sizes to suit everyones require- Mundo’ organisation, the ‘O ucts. Their products are very high ments personal or rental. Companheiro’ association and the quality at low prices, they have Towels come in various sizes European Anti-Poverty Network, budget ranges of sheets and tow- from face towels to super sheets allfully supported the campaign. els for rental purposes, a good 70 500g or 600g with a very wide range of colours, other products include bath robes, mattress pro- ENGLISH DENTAL SURGEON tectors, fleece underblankets, bed- spreads, rugs, throws, bath mats, Dr. Francis Haley teatowels, dishcloths and table- cloths. B.D.S. Electric blankets by Silent Night will be in stock when they (Guy’s Hospital, University of London) open on the 9th of January, al- though most people wonder why they would need them here in Por- Av. 25 Abril, 184 - 1ºC 2750 - 511 Cascais tugal they sell like hot cakes and Tel: 21 486 3012 they can recommend them as they AAAAA wwwwwooooommmmmaaaaannnnn hhhhhooooollllldddddsssss aaaaa cccccaaaaannnnndddddllllleeeee ddddduuuuurrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg ttttthhhhheeeee mmmmmaaaaarrrrrccccchhhhh aaaaagggggaaaaaiiiiinnnnnsssssttttt pppppooooovvvvveeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy wwwwwhhhhhiiiiiccccchhhhh tttttooooooooookkkkk ppppplllllaaaaaccccceeeee were one of their first purchases ooooonnnnn TTTTThhhhhuuuuurrrrrsssssdddddaaaaayyyyy 1111177777ttttthhhhh DDDDDeeeeeccccceeeeemmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr iiiiinnnnn LLLLLiiiiisssssbbbbbooooonnnnn..... (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: LLLLLuuuuusssssaaaaa ///// JJJJJoooooãããããooooo RRRRReeeeelllllvvvvvaaaaasssss))))) when they moved here over two and a half years ago. The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 9 Computer Chronicles Broadband Internet This week we look at Broadband Internet and its availability here in Portugal. Broadband connectivity allows high-speed transmission of large amounts of data, including multimedia and video for business or home use. Delivering millions of bits of scribed to ADSL have experienced speed Internet access over a data to your computer every sec- the growing pains of this very shared cable television line. ond, a broadband connection re- promising network service. While cable modems have greater duces the time spent waiting for WWWWWhhhhhyyyyy aaaaarrrrreeeee AAAAADDDDDSSSSSLLLLL download (from the Internet into web pages and content-rich me- the home) capabilities, the band- dia to download. Here are a few FFFFFiiiiilllllttttteeeeerrrrrsssss/////SSSSSpppppllllliiiiitttttttttteeeeerrrrrsssss width is shared among all users of its main features nnnnneeeeeeeeeedddddeeeeeddddd????? in a neighborhood, and will there- A broadband connection is "al- fore vary, perhaps dramatically, ways on." That means you can When your ADSL and tel- as more users in a neighborhood instantly access the Internet and ephone service work together on get online at the same time. Cable send and receive e-mail 24 hrs a the same line at the same time, the modem upload (from the home to day. What's more, a broadband electronics inside a normal tel- the Internet) traffic will in many connection lets you surf the ephone can be problem for high cases be slower than ADSL, be- Internet at the same time you or frequency ADSL signals causing cause too many people in a another member of your family noise to be heard on some tel- neighborhood are trying to send is using the telephone. ephones. In order to keep these or receive data at the same time. Broadband networks use a "fat- systems apart and stop them in- Many people ask how ADSL ter" broadband cable compared to terfering with each other it is nec- can be so much faster than an conventional telephone net- essary to separate the two com- Analog modem when it uses the works. This means it can send and ponents from the telephone line same phone line. The answer is receive vast amounts of data and in your home. This is where the that Analog modems send their information up to 50 times faster ADSL Filter/Splitter comes in. signals through the public than a standard dial-up connec- An ADSL filter is normally a switched telephone network, the tion. In simple terms, think of small plastic box with a short lead same one that connects ordinary broadband as an empty five lane that plugs into your phone socket telephones. ADSL modems "pig- that make up Web pages can be to offer two-way high-speed speeds, almost no loss of quality highway instead of a single road and two outputs, one for your gyback" their signals on top of the received by your PC from satel- internet services across Europe. over long distances, and virtually blocked with traffic. In terms of ADSL Modem and another for a voice signal. On the phone com- lites or broadcast towers. How- Fiber-Optic: You hear about unlimited capacity or "band- costs broadband service provid- telephone. pany's premises, the line gets ever, with satellites, you need to fiber-optic cables whenever peo- width." All 32 volumes of the ers usually charge a fixed rate rang- Some filters have only one tel- split - the voice calls are sent to have an additional phone line con- ple talk about the telephone sys- Encyclopedia Britannica, for ex- ing from €29.00 a month to ephone output in them. ADSL the public switched telephone nection. In the past only your tem, the cable TV system or the ample, can be sent through an €79.00 depending on the type of filters select the band of frequen- network, and the data transmis- downloads were received via sat- Internet. It's a unique technology optical connection in less than a bandwidth supplied. Installation cies for each of the outputs, sion goes to the Internet. This ellite and your uploads were done that transmits data through hair- second. However typical fees are typically around €45.00 phone or ADSL, and send just method moves data off the phone through your standard telephone thin strands of glass fiber, using broadband speeds being offered and download speeds range from the correct band to the appropri- company’s lines and instead uses line which meant you paid two laser-generated pulses of light— by ISP’s on Fiber Networks are 512Kbps to 24Mbps with ate socket. For good system per- connections optimized for carry- services. However a Paris-based and light travels faster than any 50Mbps and 100Mbps. 4Mbps being the most popular. formance it is very important ing Internet traffic. operator Eutelsat has launched a other wave, 300,000 kilometers In our next edition I will dis- HHHHHeeeeerrrrreeeee'''''sssss hhhhhooooowwwww that all your other telephony WiMAX: This relatively new satellite called E-Bird aboard the per second. Therefore these ca- cuss Mobile Broadband Services equipment is separated from the broadband service has the poten- Ariane 5 rocket which is designed bles can attain mind-boggling available in Portugal. bbbbbrrrrroooooaaaaadddddbbbbbaaaaannnnnddddd iiiiisssss ADSL signal by the use of an tial to do to broadband Internet cccccuuuuurrrrrrrrrreeeeennnnntttttlllllyyyyy bbbbbeeeeeiiiiinnnnnggggg ADSL Filter/Splitter -- this access what mobile phones have dddddeeeeellllliiiiivvvvveeeeerrrrreeeeeddddd iiiiinnnnn equipment includes telephones, done to phone access. In the same What if? PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll answering machines, fax ma- way that many people have given chines, burglar alarm systems up their "land lines" in favor of Phone Lines: Broadband that is and dial-up modems. mobile phones, WiMAX could delivered over ordinary phone Cable: Many of the same Ca- replace cable and ADSL services, lines is called Asymmetric Digital ble TV companies that currently providing universal Internet ac- Make sure your Subscriber Line (ADSL). Using provide access to TV programs cess just about anywhere you go. your existing phone line, ADSL and pay-channels can also pro- WiMAX will also be as painless loved ones don’t can deliver high-speed Internet at vide broadband access. The same as Wi-Fi e.g. turning your com- the same time as voice calls or cable is used to connect both your puter on will automatically con- have to cope alone faxes. There's no need to install a TV and PC to the cable service. nect you to the closest available separate phone line for the The two don't interfere with one WiMAX antenna. In practical Internet. ADSL uses only a por- another, so you can watch cable terms, WiMAX would operate tion of your phone line's band- TV and surf the Web at the same similar to Wi-Fi but at higher The Portuguese way of funerals can ■ Complies with FSAregulations width for connecting, so you are time. Cable modem speeds vary speeds (typically 70Mbps), over able to surf the Web and talk on the widely. While cable modem tech- greater distances (up to 50km) and often lead to misunderstanding and ■ Dignified, professional care for phone all at the same time. The nology can theoretically support for a greater number of users. leave people confused at a time of expatriates tAecDhSnLo loonglyy wusoerdk s toov eimr ap lliemmiteendt uvipd teors a obfofeurt I 3n0te Mrnebtp sse,r mvicoesst wprioth- WtheiM suAbuXr bcoanu ladn pdo rtuenratila blllayc ekroasuet distress, particularly when your family ■ Bi-lingual local knowledge and physical distance. At the maxi- speeds between 2Mbps and 25 areas that currently have no and friends are a long way from home. support mum, ADSL runs about 3.1 miles Mbps for downloads, and be- broadband Internet access be- Will they know what to do, who to call? (5 kilometers) from a telephone tween 128Kbps and 1Mbps for cause phone and cable companies ■ Independent Trust Fund exchange. Because of this distance uploads. have not yet run the necessary Planning ahead and making provisions Guarantee restriction, ADSL still remains If we compare ADSL with ca- wires to those remote locations. with Golden Leaves will save this unavailable in many locations. ble modems we see that ADSL Satellite: Broadband can also trauma of knowing who they can turn ■ All inclusive prices - no hidden Many customers already sub- psproeevdid Ienst er"naeltw aacycse sso onv"e r ha isgihn-- baier wdealvivese.r Ueds itnog y ao suart ePlClit oe vdeisrh th oer to and by planning ahead you can costs - inflation proof gle telephone line whereas cable digital TV antenna and a special organise arrangements according to ■ No age or health restrictions modems offer "always on" high- receiver, the bits of information yourwishes. Pre-Pay at Today's Our secure, dignified and personal Prices & Save Money service will give you peace of mind in the knowledge that your funds are backed by our guarantee of trust. For a free no obligation brochure contact our local agent:Lloyd & Whyte International Tavira - tel.281 325 842 Boliquieme - tel. 289 360 578 Golden Leaves Kurt Pardon • I.T. Director Email: [email protected] BlueChipIT part of the Portugal News Group F u n e r a l P l a n s [email protected] Tel: 707 940 332 Golden Leaves Funeral Plans are NOT an insurance policy christmascomment 10 The Portugal News • 26 Dec 2009 Biker prophets resist “ungodly changes” and continue bringing joy to the world At a crucial time in Portugal’s history the men and women of the Christian Motorcyclist’s Association of Portugal are resisting the spirit of the age by being heralds of the Good News and defenders of ancient values. Most would rule bikers out as unlikely candidates to be prophetic voices but it seems as if the Scriptures are being fulfilled as it is written: “ But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong” (I Corinthians 1:27). Christian symbols from public space and the persecution of the Church for her defiant stand, both in Portugal and in the European Union, are all in the pipeline.” The members of CMA Portu- gal believe that “the country of Portugal, indeed all of Europe, is on the verge of collapse. A moral, ethical and spiritual recession has begun. The implosion of Euro- pean society is imminent. His- tory has proven time and again that people without God, with- out the values and principles taught in His Word, are doomed!” Yet, at such a dark time in the nation’s history it seems as if God has seen fit to raise up pro- phetic voices in the most unlikely places. The members of CMA RRRRRuuuuuiiiii CCCCClllllaaaaarrrrrooooo wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh tttttwwwwwooooo ccccchhhhhiiiiillllldddddrrrrreeeeennnnn fffffrrrrrooooommmmm ttttthhhhheeeee AAAAAnnnnntttttóóóóónnnnniiiiiooooo Portugal have taken to the streets. LLLLLuuuuuiiiiisssss dddddeeeee OOOOOllllliiiiivvvvveeeeeiiiiirrrrraaaaa FFFFFooooouuuuunnnnndddddaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn In September and October of CCCCChhhhhrrrrriiiiissssstttttiiiiiaaaaannnnn bbbbbiiiiikkkkkeeeeerrrrrsssss llllleeeeeaaaaaddddd ttttthhhhhooooouuuuusssssaaaaannnnndddddsssss ttttthhhhhrrrrrooooouuuuuggggghhhhh LLLLLiiiiisssssbbbbbooooonnnnn ssssstttttrrrrreeeeeeeeeetttttsssss ddddduuuuurrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg ttttthhhhheeeee WWWWWooooorrrrrlllllddddd 2009 they became politically ac- MMMMMaaaaarrrrrccccchhhhh fffffooooorrrrr PPPPPeeeeeaaaaaccccceeeee aaaaannnnnddddd NNNNNooooonnnnn-----VVVVViiiiiooooollllleeeeennnnnccccceeeee tive as they joined a new Prolife through the heart of their capital Gospel with 300 young people Party even occupying National city always with a view to call at a music concert. “ Board positions. Their bikes led their government to reason on a Divided between two chap- In a desperate attempt to such as the liberalization of traditions the nation is being cata- processions through the city number of key issues. ters, one in the south and one in remain among the abortion, compulsory sexual pulted into something that is during the Legislative Elections. December was a big month for the center of the nation, these radi- forerunners of EU States education of all school aged completely different from, and In the same month of November CMA. They took the Good cal bikers who are followers of in the implementation of children with accompanying even completely opposite to, her their motorcycles occupied the News of Christmas to a Founda- Christ crisscross their country to liberal, secular and condom distribution and former religious nature. The biker main avenue of the capital as they tion for abused, neglected and bring a message of love, peace, antichristian laws, policies and teachings about safe sex (as pastor goes on to say, “every- led thousands in the World abandoned children in Lisbon. salvation and joy to the world. values the government of Portugal opposed to teaching abstinence), thing once considered good, holy, March for Peace and non-Vio- The children were treated to Whether “Riding for the Son” wants to become the 9th nation in and the introduction of new laws righteous, pure and Godly is un- lence. In fact this avenue of Lis- lunch, a game of football, rides on through the streets of their capi- the world to legalize homosexual related to euthanasia, to name but der attack. To describe contem- bon is familiar to these bikers who the motorcycles and presents tal or visiting a small local school marriages by January 2010,” a few.” porary Portugal as religious or also led 7,500 people in the March were distributed as each biker their goal is simply one: to share says Eddie Fernandes, president There is no doubt in anyone’s Catholic is a huge misnomer. And for Life prior to the Abortion law adopted a child. Following that their faith. They live according to of CMA Portugal. He goes on to mind that Portugal is changing there is more to come. I believe being passed. They have led at event on Sunday 13 December a Higher Code. Their purpose is argue, “this follows other rapidly. No longer the bastion of other laws such as homosexual least 50,000 people in five major the bikers were invited to speak to take the message of Jesus of monumental societal changes conservative Roman Catholic adoption, the removal of all marches down this avenue about their faith to a gathering of Nazareth to their nation. Indeed 160 non-Christian bikers! Secu- God must have a sense of humour lar bikers don’t normally ask to use a group of bikers to be apolo- IIIIInnnnnsssssuuuuurrrrreeeee yyyyyooooouuuuurrrrr ppppprrrrrooooopppppeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy iiiiinnnnn PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll ttttthhhhhrrrrrooooouuuuuggggghhhhh TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss Christian bikers to tell them gists of an ancient message in our about Jesus! Prior to that event modern and turbulent times when in September the bikers went to all believe that Christianity is on PROPERTY INSURANCE Benfica do Ribatejo to share the the verge of extinction in Europe. As an owner of a property UUUUUPPPPP TTTTTOOOOO in Portugal make sure you 4444400000%%%%% get the right insurance cover, designed specifically for you. RRRRRIIIIISSSSSKKKKK RRRRREEEEELLLLLAAAAATTTTTEEEEEDDDDD DDDDDIIIIISSSSSCCCCCOOOOOUUUUUNNNNNTTTTT OOOOONNNNN PPPPPRRRRROOOOOPPPPPEEEEERRRRRTTTTTYYYYY IIIIINNNNNSSSSSUUUUURRRRRAAAAANNNNNCCCCCEEEEE This exclusive Intasure policy, • Your cover is underwritten by one of the world’s leading insurers – LLLLLllllloooooyyyyydddddsssss ooooofffff LLLLLooooonnnnndddddooooonnnnn underwritten by LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOYYYYYDDDDDSSSSS OOOOOFFFFF • Up to 40% risk-related discount available, depending on LLLLLOOOOONNNNNDDDDDOOOOONNNNN, has been specially designed security, claims experience, excess level and your age to meet the needs of property owners in • Your property is covered whether occupied or unoccupied Portugal. 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