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THE PORTUGAL FREE TTTTTTTTTTuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn ttttttttttoooooooooo pppppppppp.......... 22222222220000000000 aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnndddddddddd wwwwwwwwwwiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn ttttttttttwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooo DDDDDDDDDDiiiiiiiiiissssssssssccccccccccoooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr SSSSSSSSSSccccccccccuuuuuuuuuubbbbbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaa DDDDDDDDDDiiiiiiiiiivvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggggg national & eeeeeeeeeexxxxxxxxxxppppppppppeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnncccccccccceeeeeeeeeessssssssss international CALLS see page 27 Portugal’s National Newspaper in English 4 Jul 2009 • Edition Nº 1017 • €1.50 inc. IVA • Publisher: Paul Allen-Luckman • Editor: Brendan de Beer • www.the-news.net Roaming rip-off 8 page Focus on The cost of a bean is all ends Watersports it takes to talk to one of New EU ‘roaming’ rules weekly our readers, see p.51 have taken effect this see pp wofe ueski,n sgl amshoibnigle thpeh ocnoessts PROPERTY 53 & 55 The Portugal News Group abroad by at least 60 supplement FREE Telecoms • Contact Centre • percent. (See Page 2) classifieds Directory Enquiries • IT • Fairs • Info: 707 500 677 Calls for a smoke As consumer confidence and business confidence free Europe by 2012 The European Commission has this indexes improve, Finance Minister decrees: week adopted a proposal for a Council recommendation calling on all Member States to THE BEGINNING bring in laws to protect their citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke by 2012. (See Page 4) Former Maddie inspector accused OF THE END OF of torture - again Former PJ police inspector Gonçalo Amaral, who at one point lead investigations in the Madeleine McCann case, has once again been accused of torture - on this occasion, by the THE CRISIS stepfather of a girl who Following the release of the latest economic went missing five years figures, which, by all accounts allow for ago. (See Page 5) some optimism, the Minister of Finance has this week said they are proof that the country is turning the corner and the current ‘Wonky’ fruit and economic crisis could be coming to an end. vegetables back on sale Crisis, see p.18 European Union rules governing the size and shape of many fruit and vegetables ceased to exist this week when specific marketing standards for 26 types of fruit and vegetables were repealed. (See Page 11) Portugal bids for Ryder Cup Portugal, along with five other nations, has this week been unveiled as being one of the European countries looking to host the 2018 Ryder Cup. (See Page 56) Weekend weather Lisbon:Cloudless skies and 30º plus temperatures are forecast for the capital with UV ratings hitting maximum levels across most of the country. Faro: The Algarve, second to the Alentejo, will be the hottest region in the country this week with blue skies dominating. Oporto:The North will be one of the more comfortable places to be this weekend, with CCCCCooooonnnnnfffffiiiiidddddeeeeennnnnccccceeeee,,,,, cccccooooonnnnnsssssuuuuummmmmeeeeerrrrrsssss aaaaannnnnddddd bbbbbuuuuusssssiiiiinnnnneeeeesssssssssseeeeesssss temperatures expected ttttthhhhhiiiiisssss wwwwweeeeeeeeeekkkkk rrrrreeeeecccccooooorrrrrdddddeeeeeddddd ttttthhhhheeeeeiiiiirrrrr fffffiiiiirrrrrsssssttttt iiiiinnnnncccccrrrrreeeeeaaaaassssseeeeesssss ooooofffff to reach maximums of ttttthhhhheeeee yyyyyeeeeeaaaaarrrrr,,,,, wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh ssssshhhhhoooooppppppppppiiiiinnnnnggggg ccccceeeeennnnntttttrrrrreeeeesssss fffffiiiiilllllllllleeeeeddddd wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh around 24 or 25 degrees cccccooooonnnnnsssssuuuuummmmmeeeeerrrrrsssss wwwwwiiiiilllllllllliiiiinnnnnggggg tttttooooo ssssspppppeeeeennnnnddddd hhhhhaaaaarrrrrddddd-----eeeeeaaaaarrrrrnnnnneeeeeddddd Celsius, though nights cccccaaaaassssshhhhh,,,,, bbbbboooooooooossssstttttiiiiinnnnnggggg ttttthhhhheeeee oooooppppptttttiiiiimmmmmiiiiissssstttttiiiiiccccc ssssseeeeennnnntttttiiiiimmmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss will be warmer than they eeeeexxxxxppppprrrrreeeeesssssssssseeeeeddddd iiiiinnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee mmmmmooooosssssttttt rrrrreeeeeccccceeeeennnnnttttt ssssstttttaaaaatttttiiiiissssstttttiiiiicccccsssss..... have been of late. (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: LLLLLuuuuusssssaaaaa/////MMMMMááááárrrrriiiiiooooo CCCCCrrrrruuuuuzzzzz))))) nneewwss 22 TThhee PPoorrttuuggaallNNeewwss•• 44 JJuull 22000099 Key Algarve tourist areas demand better policing ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade, Lda One of the Mayors’ main con- The Mayors of Albufeira and Tavira have admitted they are Copyright ©2005 Anglo Press Lda and The News Group of Newspapers cerns is that their municipalities concerned for the safety of their citizens during summer and have Inc • TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss is owned and published by: The News Group have few available police officers asked for increased policing on their beaches. of Newspapers Inc ••••• DDDDDeeeeepppppóóóóósssssiiiiitttttooooo LLLLLeeeeegggggaaaaalllll NNNNNººººº 80258/94 as it is, and they fear crime will rise during summer. Content A source from the GNR in that area has echoed the concerns and NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss highlighted the lack of full-time police in the Quarteira region, in National 1-7 & 11 • Regional 12-14 • World View 10 • Business the municipality of Loulé. Ac- 8-9 • Trading Places 15 • Sport 56 cording to the unidentified source RRRRReeeeeaaaaadddddeeeeerrrrrsssss’’’’’ iiiiinnnnnpppppuuuuuttttt there are just 34 full time police officers in that municipality to Letters 18 • Club News 16 ensure the safety of all its citizens. PPPPPrrrrrooooopppppeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy During summer, with the masses of visitors, Loulé’s population Property of the Week 19 • Prestige Properties 20-23 increases almost 10-fold. Property Directory 25-26 • Gardening 24 Albufeira Mayor Desidério Silva has demanded that the FFFFFeeeeeaaaaatttttuuuuurrrrreeeee pppppaaaaagggggeeeeesssss Minister for Internal Affairs re- Eating Out 17 • More for Women 28-29 • Health 30-31 inforced policing “as a matter of Paws & Claws 34 • Travel 35 urgency”, and stressed the “need to strengthen policing during the EEEEEnnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrtttttaaaaaiiiiinnnnnmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt summer months”. Cinema 36-37 • Events 38 • TV Guide 39-45 • Mind & Soul 50 “We desperately need more full time officers. Prevention is AAAAAdddddvvvvveeeeerrrrrtttttiiiiisssssiiiiinnnnnggggg necessary and the available offic- ers are clearly insufficient to Advertisers’ Hotline 32-33 • Company Finder 46-49 carry out policing that is both 52-55 Classified close to civilians and vigilant”, he CCCCCooooonnnnntttttaaaaaccccctttttsssss said, saying he wants to see more police units on the streets but has PPPPPooooossssstttttaaaaalllll AAAAAddddddddddrrrrreeeeessssssssss:::::Apt 13 • 8401-901 • Lagoa “difficulty in doing so”. CCCCCooooouuuuurrrrriiiiieeeeerrrrr::::: Rua Município de S. Domingos • Urb. Mayor Silva believes a “sum- Lagoa Sol • Lote 3 r/c • 8400-415 Lagoa mer back-up” should already be TTTTTeeeeelllll::::: 707 500 655 available and more police offic- NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssdddddeeeeessssskkkkk: 707 500 655 ers are needed to walk the city SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss::::: 707 500 677 streets so people can feel safer. Macário Correia corroborated CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeeddddd: 707 500 646 his counterpart’s opinion and FFFFFaaaaaxxxxx::::: Gen 707 941 201• Sales: 707 942 053 said the available full time offic- Algarve beach patrols began in 2007 carried out by police on bicycles. (Photo: Lusa / Luis Forra) EEEEEmmmmmaaaaaiiiiilllll::::: [email protected][email protected] ers are not enough to guarantee WWWWWeeeeebbbbb::::: www.the-news.net the safety of residents and visi- PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttt &&&&& DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbuuuuutttttiiiiiooooonnnnn tAolrgs adruvrein gp tohpeu sluamtiomne r,i wnchreena sthees Discos up in arms over ‘disloyal’ beach bars PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrsssss: MIRANDELA Gráfica, Lisbon considerably. TTTTTiiiiirrrrraaaaagggggeeeeemmmmm: 2222200000,,,,,666666666677777 cccccooooopppppiiiiieeeeesssss ttttthhhhhiiiiisssss wwwwweeeeeeeeeekkkkk “In general terms I share the The National Discotheque As- ing the places in which they are cusations from his opposition same opinion as my colleague in sociation (ADN) has accused located”, adding that such venues that he had in some way DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbooooorrrrrsssss: VASP Albufeira, in the sense that secu- beach bars that generally only func- comply with “all demands” con- “benefitted” the “Sasha Bar”, and MMMMMeeeeemmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr ooooofffff apct audited circulation rity forces have told us that they tion during the summer season of cerning, for example, security guaranteed it had a legal contract PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm perceive difficulties with the hi- practicing “disloyal competition” guards, metal detectors, video- for tourism promotion in that erarchy in Lisbon regarding sum- by causing losses of 50 to 60 per- surveillance, and hygiene condi- county. PPPPPuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiissssshhhhheeeeerrrrr::::: Paul Luckman • [email protected] mer reinforcements for this cent to bars that are open all year tions. In separate statements, politi- EEEEEdddddiiiiitttttooooorrrrr::::: Brendan de Beer • [email protected] year”, he explained. round. He warned that these “summer cal parties PSD and CDS-PP ac- PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn::::: Madeline Luckman • [email protected] In previous years Tavira Is- Head of the ADN, Francisco places” could be difficult for fis- cused Portimão Town Hall of sup- land, a popular destination for Tadeu, even went as far as accus- cal officers to check, as they can porting Luís Evaristo in organiz- JJJJJooooouuuuurrrrrnnnnnaaaaallllliiiiissssstttttsssss::::: Carrie-Marie Bratley • Tommy Broad campers, has experienced scenes ing some Town Hall authorities of open one day and close the next. ing summer parties for well- CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeedddddsssss::::: Rebecca Andrade of disturbance when crowds of “promoting” these “summer The ADN chief further accused known individuals of the national PPPPPaaaaawwwwwsssss &&&&& CCCCClllllaaaaawwwwwsssss::::: Raquel Salbany young people, large groups from places” and discriminating against such sites of counting on public- Jet-set at Sasha Beach. PPPPPrrrrreeeeevvvvviiiiieeeeewwwww::::: Raquel Salbany Spain, flocked there to binge- traditional discos which comply ity from the press, “particularly Mayor da Luz explained that TTTTTrrrrraaaaavvvvveeeeelllll::::: Sherry Hughes drink on the beach in what the with all requirements regarding gossip columns”, and from prod- the contract, signed in 2007, is Spanish call a ‘Botellón’. health and safety. uct brands. valid for three years and allows PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooosssss::::: LUSA • Press Association • PortugalNews Mayor Correia said “We hope “There is disloyal competition In response to these comments for 25 parties to be held every SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm there are no more of these situa- practised by these establish- Luís Evaristo, owner of the popu- year, between July 25th and tions on Faro Island. The fact is ments who set up on beaches, lar summer haunt, Sasha Beach (in August 18th, in a space that be- SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrr:::::Bella Talhadas • 914 393 736 Spanish law clearly prohibits sponsored by local Town Halls”, Portimão) which is a favourite longs to the municipality on Praia AAAAArrrrreeeeeaaaaa MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrrsssss::::: what is called a ‘Bottelón’. Por- he said, indicating some businesses hangout for national celebrities, da Rocha beach, a few metres Lisbon, Estoril, Cascais, Sintra • BBBBBeeeeellllllllllaaaaa TTTTTaaaaalllllhhhhhaaaaadddddaaaaasssss tuguese legislation does not and set up their trade outside normal stressed that his establishment from Sasha bar. Alvor, Lagos, P. da Luz, Aljezur • MMMMMaaaaarrrrriiiiilllllyyyyynnnnn HHHHHooooolllllmmmmmeeeees • 914 863 604 the attempts I have made to workplaces. “has been open all year round Revenue up to €900,000 is to Guia, Almancil, Faro • 777770000077777 555550000000000 666667777777777 broach the subject with the Min- Francisco Tadeu explained, “In since 2006 and was a pioneer in the be divided 50-50 between the sig- ister of Internal Affairs have not a nutshell they are competing with area of leisure and entertainment”. natories of the contract, and from Loulé, Quinta do Lago, Vale do Lobo, Ayamonte been sufficiently convincing to venues that are open all year round Last year in July Portimão that amount municipal company TTTTTooooommmmmCCCCChhhhhaaaaapppppmmmmmaaaaannnnn • 912 583 188 solve the problem”. operating for clients and promot- Mayor Manuel da Luz refuted ac- Expoarade receives 80 percent. SSSSSuuuuuppppppppppooooorrrrrttttt Roaming rip-off ends AAAAAccccccccccooooouuuuunnnnntttttsssss::::: Gaby Rodrigues SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss::::: Samantha Hoather SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss New EU ‘roaming’ rules roaming calls. The wholesale price cap is France - and received a bill of 52 editions of The Portugal News. cost €67.50 (Portugal), €135 took effect on 1 July, slash- Sending a text from abroad €1 per megabyte downloaded, €46,000. (Europe) or €210 (World Airmail). Send your name and address ing the costs of using mobile in the EU will cost 11 euro compared with the previous Under the new rules, mo- plus cheque or credit card details to Apt 13, 8401-901 Lagoa or phones abroad by at least 60 cents maximum (or equivalent average EU wholesale price of bile operators must also bill email [email protected]. Queries, please call 707 500 655. percent. Just in time for the in national currency), less €1.68. their customers for roaming summer holidays, the rules than half the previous average The cap will fall to 80 euro calls by the second after the NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssllllleeeeetttttttttteeeeerrrrrsssss reduce the price telecom of 29 cents (far more than cents in 2010 and to 50 euro first 30 seconds, instead of on To subcribe to our free weekly newsletters, sent by email every companies can charge Euro- texters pay at home). cents in 2011. All prices are per a per minute basis. This is Friday please email [email protected] pean customers for using Receiving a text in another minute and exclude VAT. expected to cut phone bills by their mobile phones in an- EU country remains free. Customers can choose a cut- more than 20 percent. DDDDDiiiiisssssccccclllllaaaaaiiiiimmmmmeeeeerrrrr other EU country – also Charges for other roaming off mechanism once the bill The EU first capped cross- Although we do everything possible to ensure the integrity and known as roaming. services - like sending an reaches €50, or can opt for a border mobile calls in 2007 suitability of advertisements in TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss,,,,, This is the first time the EU email or photo or surfing the higher limit. This will protect after finding they were on av- ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade Lda, The Portugal has imposed price limits on Internet – were capped at the people from ‘bill shocks’ such erage four times more expen- News, its employees or representatives cannot accept any text messages and data serv- wholesale level. That is, the as experienced by a German sive than domestic calls and responsibility for claims made by advertisers in their publicity, ices. The rules also lower the ceilings will apply to the rates customer who downloaded a that prices varied widely from and cannot become involved in any disputes or litigation, existing ceilings on mobile one operator charges another. TV programme while in country to country. howsoever arising. news The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 3 Water parks in check for summer Licences issued by Portugal’s Sports Institute have confirmed that there are currently 12 water parks in this country fully authorized to receive visitors. And while there are five water Amarante (Oporto district), parks in Leiria, the three that are Vagos (Aveiro), Figueira da Foz operational in the Algarve attract (Coimbra), and Elvas 85 percent of all water park visi- (Portalegre). tors. Since a new law was intro- A source from the Sports In- duced in July 2007, the checking stitute told Lusa news agency of water parks has been the re- “the average annual number of sponsibility of the ASAE health people visiting these establish- and safety authority. ments is approximately 700,000, To obtain or maintain licences, 85 percent of whom correspond parks must offer an area of “one to entries into water parks in the person for every five square me- Algarve”. tres of open-air or leisure spaces” Leiria has water parks in or “one person per square metre Marinha Grande, Nazaré, of flat water, including all water Peniche, Porto de Mós and tanks that comprise the equip- Pombal. ment”. All staff must be trained The remaining venues are in and qualified. National airports losing thousands of passengers every month Portugal’s mainland air- gers in the first five months of ports, in Lisbon, Oporto and 2008, to 4.9 million in the same Faro, have suffered conjoint period of this year; 265,000 losses of around 120,000 pas- less passengers. The largest water roller coaster in Europe, located at the Aquashow water park in Loulé. (Photo: Lusa / Luis Forra) sengers per month during the Oporto’s Francisco Sá first five months of this year, Carneiro Airport registered a TAP continues to struggle with baggage delivery or in other words, a drop of 6.2 drop of 4.3 percent; a decline percent in comparison to the from 1.72 million passengers in same period, from January to January to May last year, to May, of 2008. 1.65 million this year. According to the latest figures released by the Association of European Airlines on the baggage- This is according to figures During the month of May delivery and punctuality performance of its members TAP Portugal continues to have problems when it from ANA – Airports of Por- alone there was a 7.2 percent comes to delivering passengers’ baggage. tugal, the company responsi- drop in passenger figures this ble for the afore-mentioned year in comparison to May A total of 28 AEA member air- per 1,000 passengers), followed within 48 hours. haul services the figure was 70.6 national airports’ management. 2008. In May, Faro Airport lines contributed punctuality by Air Malta (4.6 bags) and Vir- A similarly improving trend percent, up from 66.7 percent. Reports from the Lusa news suffered a loss of 10.6 percent data, and baggage data, to the data gin Atlantic Airways (4.0 bags) in punctuality was also noted, As is usual, the number of flights agency, based on ANA’s data, in passengers; Oporto collection which is unique in the In all three key areas of meas- with TAP coming in at ninth and cancelled was extremely low: conclude that during the first dropped 6.4 percent and Lis- aviation sector as a voluntary urement – long and short haul tenth in the areas surveyed. It 1.9 percent for short haul and 0.7 five months of this year, ANA bon 6.1 percent. consumer information exercise punctuality and overall baggage managed a 99.15 percent flight percent for long haul. processed 8.5 million passen- Even so, a spokesperson for for the period between last No- delivery, the figures showed a regularity figure, while it was The improvements are gers, 6.2 percent down on last ANA said Portugal national vember and this March. significant improvement over the placed tenth and ninth for on- clearly influenced by the busi- year’s 9.1 million in the first airport losses in passengers TAP were found to lose 17.3 same period for 2007/8. time departures and on-time ar- ness climate: during these five five months. were “less unfavourable than bags per every thousand passen- The number of missing bags rivals, respectively. months the airlines covered by Broken down by airport, the those experienced in the major- gers ferried, placing them third was 13.0 per 1,000 passengers, On short-haul operations, the Consumer Report carried six biggest loss of passengers was ity of other European air- from bottom, beating Air France compared to 15.5 the previous 83.2 percent of all flights de- percent fewer passengers and experienced in Faro (Algarve), ports”. and Iberia who were even worse. winter. AEA points out that, on parted within 15 minutes of operated nine percent fewer where there was a fall of 11.3 The source said “Traffic data The best for baggage delivery average, 85 percent of delayed schedule, compared with 79.6 flights. percent in comparison to Janu- from around 20 European air- were Turkish Airlines (4.5 bags bags are delivered to the customer percent a year earlier. On long ary – May 2008, translated as ports from the month of May a drop from 1.74 million to 1.45 has already been published and million, or 197,000 fewer pas- some are suffering two digit sengers. losses, as can be seen from these Lisbon, Portugal’s largest examples: Madrid (-12.2 per- and busiest airport, also expe- cent), London Gatwick (-10.4 rienced a significant reduction percent), Oslo (-11.5 percent), in passenger figures, having Prague (-19.5 percent) or fallen from 5.1 million passen- Stockholm (-12.6 percent)”. Holidays safe despite crisis According to a recent survey carried out on 400 Portuguese by Marktest, on behalf of online reservation company Hotels.com, nearly 50 percent of those interviewed are resolute in having a holiday this year and say they will not change their plans because of the economic crisis. The study was carried out be- they may have to change their tween May 26th and 29th, and plans for financial reasons. concluded that 49.2 percent of Region-wise, citizens from the those questioned in the survey south of Portugal were the most guaranteed they would not be determined, with 64.7 percent changing their holiday plans be- stating the crisis would not affect cause of the crisis. their leisure-time. This was an answer expressed In Northern Portugal the sce- by 75 percent of the over-65s, nario was somewhat more dis- and 52.1 percent of those aged mal, with 60.8 percent of Portu- between 55 and 64. guese saying the economic reces- Within the 35 to 44-year-old sion may hinder their vacation age group, 58.1 percent admitted plans. news 4 The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 President sets legislative elections for Sept 27 President Aníbal Cavaco Silva has set Portugal’s regularly scheduled legislative elections for September 27, nearly seven weeks after voters are to cast ballots in nationwide local polls. President Cavaco Silva an- On Sunday, Sócrates ex- nounced the parliamentary elec- pressed his “satisfaction” with tion date Saturday, the day after the President’s decision for sepa- the Socialist government of Prime rate dates, saying many voters Minister José Sócrates set the had “different local and national date for the municipal polls. (political) options” and needed The President said his choice space for separate campaigns. of September 27 was due to the The Portuguese last went to expressed preference of five of the polls on June 7 in European the country’s six legislative par- parliamentary elections that saw ties. the governing Socialists trounced Only the main opposition So- by the Social Democrats. cial Democrats, the party once led By law, the parties must be by Cavaco Silva, had argued in consulted before the President favour of holding the two votes sets a date for legislative polls and simultaneously, the President the Government for local elec- noted. tions. TPN/Lusa Portuguese remain conservative A survey carried out by showed eight in every ten Lisbon’s Catholic Univer- participants in the study said sity to asses the state of Por- it would make sense to die to President Cavaco Silva during his speech to the country confirming his decision to hold elections on 27 September. tuguese moral values in save someone else’s life. (Photo: Lusa / Luis Filipe Catarino) comparison to those of 10 Results further concluded years ago, has concluded that while there are cur- Calls for smoke free Europe by 2012 that citizens are now more rently less racial preconcep- individualistic, less racist, tions, the nation being seem- yet little has changed re- ingly more tolerant of indi- garding what they think viduals that are homosexual about sexuality. or infected with the HIV/ The European Commission has this week adopted a proposal for a Council recommendation calling on An identical survey was AIDS virus, however con- all Member States to bring in laws to protect their citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke by 2012. carried out in 1999, on 2,975 cerning sexual issues, little people, the results being has changed. compared to those from this When questioned about Tobacco remains the greatest EU-25 in 2002 due to exposure my firm belief that each and every reality.” year’s survey which was car- nudity on beaches, the ma- single cause of premature death to tobacco smoke at home European merits full protection Currently, ten EU countries ried out by telephone with jority of answers were eva- and disease in the European Un- (72,000) and in their workplace from tobacco smoke. There is a have comprehensive smoke-free 937 people aged between 15 sive, as they were a decade ion. According to conservative es- (7,300). wave of support from the general laws in place, excluding Portugal, and 65. ago, though having sexual re- timates, 79,000 adults, including EU Health Commissioner public and we will work with the EC explained in a press state- It was discovered that the lations with more than one 19,000 non-smokers, died in the Androulla Vassiliou said: “It is Member States to make this a ment. Portuguese are now more partner or an extra-marital The UK and Ireland have the individualistic, and would affair is still greatly frowned A third of Portugal’s children strictest smoke-free provisions not die for anything or any- upon, with seven in ten par- with a complete ban on smoking one except their family. ticipants answering they be- in enclosed public places, on Ten years ago results lieve it is ‘wrong’. overweight public transport and in workplaces. A recent Eurobarometer poll TTTTTHHHHHEEEEE PPPPPOOOOORRRRRTTTTTUUUUUGGGGGAAAAALLLLL NNNNNEEEEEWWWWWSSSSS GGGGGRRRRROOOOOUUUUUPPPPP suggests that popularity is A National Study for Child in terms of public health, be- June 2008. mounting for smoke-free policies iiiiisssss fffffuuuuurrrrrttttthhhhheeeeerrrrr eeeeexxxxxpppppaaaaannnnndddddiiiiinnnnnggggg Obesity has concluded that one cause obese children could get The same study was carried with 84 percent of Europeans WWWWWeeeee aaaaarrrrreeeee lllllooooooooookkkkkiiiiinnnnnggggg fffffooooorrrrr tttttaaaaallllleeeeennnnnttttteeeeeddddd,,,,, in three children is overweight, diabetes or hypertension at an out simultaneously in 12 other supporting smoke-free offices with 13.9 percent of those be- early age and also tend to be- European countries, at the re- and other indoor workplaces; 77 nnnnneeeeetttttwwwwwooooorrrrrkkkkkeeeeeddddd,,,,, sssssaaaaallllleeeeesssss eeeeexxxxxeeeeecccccuuuuutttttiiiiivvvvveeeeesssss wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh ing obese. come obese adults”. quest of the World Health Or- percent in favour of smoke-free ssssstttttrrrrrooooonnnnnggggg bbbbbuuuuusssssiiiiinnnnneeeeessssssssss ssssskkkkkiiiiillllllllllsssss tttttooooo jjjjjoooooiiiiinnnnn ooooouuuuurrrrr Nutritionist Ana Rito, one of Carried out by the National ganization (WHO). restaurants, and 61 percent sup- gggggrrrrrooooouuuuuppppp ooooofffff nnnnnaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll cccccooooommmmmpppppaaaaannnnniiiiieeeeesssss..... the study’s authors, said: Health Board, through the Plat- In two years’ time new stud- porting smoke-free bars and “The fact that 30 percent of form Against Obesity, the study ies will be made to re-assess pubs. TTTTThhhhhiiiiisssss iiiiisssss aaaaannnnn ooooouuuuutttttssssstttttaaaaannnnndddddiiiiinnnnnggggg cccccaaaaarrrrreeeeeeeeeerrrrr children are overweight con- involved statistics from 3,847 the situation. The results will dddddeeeeevvvvveeeeelllllooooopppppmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt oooooppppppppppooooorrrrrtttttuuuuunnnnniiiiitttttyyyyy fffffooooorrrrr firms that Portugal has a very primary schoolchildren from 185 be made public to determine 60,000+ aaaaannnnn aaaaarrrrrtttttiiiiicccccuuuuulllllaaaaattttteeeee pppppeeeeerrrrrsssssooooonnnnn wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh aaaaa ppppprrrrrooooovvvvveeeeennnnn serious problem that has schools throughout Portugal, whether or not Portugal is fac- tttttrrrrraaaaaccccckkkkk rrrrreeeeecccccooooorrrrrddddd iiiiinnnnn equally serious consequences gathered between January and ing an epidemic. jobs lost in cccccuuuuussssstttttooooommmmmeeeeerrrrr aaaaacccccqqqqquuuuuiiiiisssssiiiiitttttiiiiiooooonnnnn aaaaannnnnddddd rrrrreeeeettttteeeeennnnntttttiiiiiooooonnnnn..... IIIIIfffff yyyyyooooouuuuu hhhhhaaaaavvvvveeeee ttttthhhhheeeee rrrrreeeeeqqqqquuuuuiiiiirrrrreeeeeddddd aaaaattttttttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbuuuuuttttteeeeesssss,,,,, building pppppllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee CCCCCooooonnnnntttttaaaaacccccttttt TTTTThhhhheeeee CCCCCooooommmmmmmmmmeeeeerrrrrccccciiiiiaaaaalllll DDDDDiiiiirrrrreeeeeccccctttttooooorrrrr sector TTTTTeeeeelllll 222221111199999 000001111100000 999998888800000 Sixty thousand jobs have been lost since the start of the current economic crisis, the National As- sociation of Public Works Con- tractors (ANEOP) revealed this TTTTTHHHHHEEEEE UUUUULLLLLTTTTTRRRRRAAAAALLLLLIIIIIPPPPPOOOOO SSSSSYYYYYSSSSSTTTTTEEEEEMMMMM ----- NNNNNOOOOONNNNN IIIIINNNNNVVVVVAAAAASSSSSIIIIIVVVVVEEEEE FFFFFAAAAATTTTT LLLLLOOOOOSSSSSSSSSS week. ANEOP vice-chairman New to the Algarve this system combines ultrasonic waves to rupture fat Manuel Agria explained that this cells(cavitation) and Radiofrequency to tighten loose skin. increase in unemployment in the Non surgical real fat loss performed as a walk in walk out treatment. building sector is also related to Ideal for spot fat reduction- tummy,thighs,buttocks and cellulite areas. the real estate market crash in Visible measurable loss. Spain, where large numbers of CCCCCaaaaallllllllll TTTTThhhhheeeee FFFFFaaaaammmmmiiiiilllllyyyyy HHHHHeeeeeaaaaalllllttttthhhhh CCCCCeeeeennnnntttttrrrrreeeee AAAAAlllllbbbbbuuuuufffffeeeeeiiiiirrrrraaaaa ooooonnnnn 222228888899999 555554444433333 555554444455555 fffffooooorrrrr Portuguese were employed, bal- cccccooooonnnnnsssssuuuuullllltttttaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss aaaaappppppppppoooooiiiiinnnnntttttmmmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss looning the number of jobless construction site workers here. The Association represents Open your mind for the benefit of your health at Clínica Pacífico the 37 largest building contrac- pppppaaaaarrrrrttttt ooooofffff gggggrrrrrooooouuuuuppppp tors in Portugal. news The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 5 Former Maddie inspector accused of torture - again Former PJ police inspector Gonçalo Amaral, who at one point lead investigations in the Madeleine McCann case, has once again been accused of torture - on this occasion, by the stepfather of a girl who went missing five years ago. Eight-year-old Joana Cipriano tor decided to accuse Gonçalo Cipriano had also been the victim went missing from the village of Amaral of “torturing” Leandro of police aggression, though the Figueira, near Portimão, on Sep- Silva, Leonor Cipriano’s partner at culprits were not identified. tember 12th 2004. the time of her daughter’s disap- In October 2004, whist being Her mother, Leonor Cipriano, pearance. Leandro claims he was held in Odemira prison, pictures and uncle, João Cipriano, who beaten while being questioned at of Leonor Cipriano’s beaten face were believed to have been hav- Portimão police station. were leaked to the press. She ing an incestuous affair, were ac- In this latest revelation, maintains she was beaten into cused and found guilty of mur- Gonçalo Amaral is accused of making a confession during an in- dering the child and concealing her grabbing Leandro Silva by the terrogation session with PJ in- body. throat before punching him twice spectors, which was the basis of Both Leonor and João in the abdomen and twice in the her murder conviction. Cipriano are currently serving a face while demanding Leandro tell Five PJ members were in- 16-year jail sentence, for the him where the child (Joana) was. volved in the trial, including ex- crimes of murder and hiding a Leandro Silva, who works in a inspector Amaral. body even though, to this day, no scrap yard, maintains he was not In May a Faro Court handed body has been found nor do po- able to work for five days follow- Gonçalo Amaral an 18-month lice have solid evidence of what ing the beating. suspended jail sentence after happened to the child. This comes after courts ruled they ruled it had been proven that This week, the Public Prosecu- in May this year that Leonor Leonor Cipriano had been hit by PJ detectives, despite not being Former PJ police inspector Gonçalo Amaral after the reading of the sentence at the New laws suggest able to determine the actual cul- Faro courthouse on May 22nd in the case of the alleged brutality towards Leonor prits. Cipriano. (Photo: Lusa / Virgílio Rodrigues) confinement for New alert system only for ‘life or juvenile delinquents death’ kidnappings In an attempt to curb what this most serious punishment seems to be a recent surge in is applicable are also being de- crimes being carried out by mi- fined. A new alert system that was created to be used in the event of a child’s abduction and which was nors, a law proposal is being At present it can only be ap- introduced this week is only to be activated in the event of a ‘life or death’ situation, a chief police drawn up by a group specifi- plied in situations where crimes figure has confirmed. cally-created by the Govern- would generally be punishable ment to study the phenomenon with a five-year prison term The kidnap-alert system will fact the whole country, on a per- minutes for a three-hour period. channels”. of juvenile delinquency and for children aged over 14. only be activated in “very excep- manent state of alert and is a seri- “The experience of interna- Last year 716 reports of miss- amongst children aged between The law proposal will be tional cases, in which there are ous procedure, taking into ac- tional systems proves that dur- ing children were made, the ma- 12 and 16. submitted in September and is signs that the child’s life is at risk”, count that many cases of miss- ing those three hours these alerts jority of which related to teenag- Included in the law change is being drawn up by the Govern- Pedro Carmo, deputy National ing children are in fact, often, vol- can bring results”, Pedro ers. During the first six months a proposal that children aged 12 ment-created group which is Director of the PJ police said ear- untary acts”. Carmona said. of this year more than 400 disap- or over can be ‘jailed’ for com- made up of lawyers, child pro- lier this week. The new system Pedro Carmona continued to Descriptions of what the child pearances were reported, a large mitting delinquent crimes of a tection representatives, pros- will exclude cases of a child being explain “authorities now have the is wearing, as well as up-to-date number corresponding to chil- serious nature, otherwise pun- ecutors and judges, amongst kidnapped by a parent. power to concentrate on situa- photographs will be broadcast dren running away from tempo- ishable with a prison sentence others. In 2008, of 716 cases in which tions that translate as a threat to along with other information rel- rary homes and institutions. a minor was reported missing, the life of a child”. evant to the child’s kidnapping, In 2008 PJ police also detained if committed by an adult, the The group is also studying only three remain unaccounted The practice is similar to that such as the place, date and time. a minor who had been reported suggested confinement periods the situation where victims of for. which is operational in France The messages will also contain as missing some 17 times. lasting between three and five child delinquency acts could, A protocol for the new prac- and consists of alerts being trans- “a phrase that encourages the At present, in Portugal there years. should the law be changed, claim tice was signed this week prior to mitted on televisions, radio, the public not to take it upon them- are three under-12’s who are still The circumstances in which compensation. its introduction. It is described as printed press, via ATM ma- selves to free the victim or detain officially missing, including “an exceptional system” based chines, over the Internet, on elec- the suspect, but to make them- Madeleine McCann and another on the “rapid release of a message tronic panels on motorways, and selves available for witness state- three-year-old who also disap- CASH & CARRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC that will place all authorities, in in train and bus stations every 15 ments, through the designated peared from the same area. THE BIGGEST Meat Wholesaler in the Algarve NEWPORTIMÃOOUTLET Trained in South Africa and England Boerewors Chilli Bites Biltong Beef Olives 2 Lamb Shanks PROMOTIONAL SPECIALS Gamon Steaks EVERY Matured Beef WEEK Pork Loin with Crackling English Sausages Ox-tail Open Monday - Friday 8am - 1.30pm & 2.30pm- 7pm Closed Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays LaTreglo:( 2NG8ei2la Er4 aP1n0oe r5sti9 m-0 ãB Holo /rOcao iNl wAºa :- y 2r 8/sc9t a- 5 tiPo8on3r) t0im70ão NOW ALILSSBOOINN news 6 The News Portugal • 4 Jul 2009 Ministries discussing details of acceptance of US Guantanamo prisoners “Technical meetings” are underway at Portugal’s Foreign and Internal Administration Ministries ahead of Lisbon accepting “two or three” prisoners from the US terrorist-suspect prison at Guantanamo, according to Foreign Minister Luís Amado. “Technical meetings are taking - who arrived in Lisbon Wednes- place at the level of the Foreign day. Ministry and the Internal Ad- “I won’t talk about this”, the ministration Ministry” to Foreign Minister said. analyze the “various situations He reaffirmed that Portugal that merit our attention in this would receive “two or three ex- phase”, Amado told journalists detainees from Guantanamo”, last Thursday night. adding that Washington had al- He said the issues under con- ready provided Lisbon with the sideration revolved around “the “curriculums” of the prisoners it status” of the prisoners to be re- would like Portugal to consider. ceived, “third states” and secu- Lisbon was an early promoter rity concerns. of the idea that the European “At the proper time” the ad- Union should aid the United ministration would make public States closure of the controver- its decisions, Amado said, de- sial Guantanamo prison by ac- clining to comment on whether cepting released detainees, an ini- the Government would meet tiative that was recently included with attorneys for eight candidate in a joint trans-Atlantic declara- prisoners - Syrians and Libyans tion. TPN/Lusa Portugal facing legal action over consumers’ rights infringements TTTTThhhhheeeee EEEEEuuuuurrrrrooooopppppeeeeeaaaaannnnn CCCCCooooommmmmmmmmmiiiiissssssssssiiiiiooooonnnnn hhhhhaaaaasssss ssssseeeeennnnnttttt aaaaa llllleeeeetttttttttteeeeerrrrr ooooofffff fffffooooorrrrrmmmmmaaaaalllll nnnnnoooootttttiiiiiccccceeeee tttttooooo PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll fffffooooorrrrr iiiiinnnnnaaaaadddddeeeeeqqqqquuuuuaaaaattttteeeee tttttrrrrraaaaannnnnssssspppppooooosssssiiiiitttttiiiiiooooonnnnn ooooofffff DDDDDiiiiirrrrreeeeeccccctttttiiiiivvvvveeeee Foreign Minister Luis Amando during his meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington on 5 11111999999999999999/////4444444444/////EEEEECCCCC ooooonnnnn ccccceeeeerrrrrtttttaaaaaiiiiinnnnn aaaaassssspppppeeeeeccccctttttsssss ooooofffff ttttthhhhheeeee June. (Photo: João Santa Rita) sssssaaaaallllleeeee ooooofffff cccccooooonnnnnsssssuuuuummmmmeeeeerrrrr gggggoooooooooodddddsssss aaaaannnnnddddd aaaaassssssssssoooooccccciiiiiaaaaattttteeeeeddddd ggggguuuuuaaaaarrrrraaaaannnnnttttteeeeeeeeeesssss iiiiinnnnntttttooooo ttttthhhhheeeeeiiiiirrrrr Preventing fresh terror quences for our societies is such nnnnnaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll lllllaaaaawwwww,,,,, sssssiiiiinnnnnccccceeeee iiiiittttt hhhhhaaaaasssss cccccooooonnnnnccccceeeeerrrrrnnnnnsssss that we cannot be complacent,” said justice commissioner ttttthhhhhaaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeeeiiiiirrrrr nnnnnaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll lllllaaaaawwwwwsssss mmmmmaaaaayyyyy nnnnnooooottttt bbbbbeeeee Jacques Barrot. sssssuuuuuffffffffffiiiiiccccciiiiieeeeennnnnttttt tttttooooo iiiiimmmmmpppppllllleeeeemmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt ttttthhhhheeeee DDDDDiiiiirrrrreeeeeccccctttttiiiiivvvvveeeee..... The EU has launched fresh calls for So far, the vast majority of ter- Based on the recommenda- The Directive grants Euro- sion of the contract. preventive action against the growing risk rorist attacks around the world tions of an EU-commissioned pean consumers certain legal Moreover, the Directive have employed explosives and task force of experts, the new of terrorist attacks using chemical, safeguards after a contract regulates certain questions guns. But recent intelligence sug- three-year plan lists more than biological and nuclear weapons. gests terrorist groups aspire to 130 measures to prevent danger- has been concluded with a in relation to voluntary or seller for the purchase of con- commercial guarantees, use new weapons capable of ous materials from falling into the sumer goods. which sellers or producers causing much greater harm. wrong hands and to be prepared Algarve The Commission has intro- if they do. Where a defect appears in may choose to offer consum- a purchased item during the ers in addition to the legal duced plans to tighten security In particular, the plan calls for first two years of delivery, safeguards provided by the around such materials and to step improvements in detection sys- the seller is held liable and Directive. up preparedness in the event of tems across Europe and new tools the consumer is entitled to The Commission consid- an attack. to save lives and limit damage in Blessing The threat has grown alongside the event of an attack or incident. obtain repair or replace- ers that Portugal and eight ment. other infringing Member advances in weapons technology The EU plan is designed to Under certain conditions States may have failed in and increases in the use of chemi- support national governments, the consumer may instead their transposing national cal, biological and nuclear materi- who bear the main responsibility obtain an appropriate reduc- laws to sufficiently protect als for legitimate purposes. for security. The Commission tion in price or opt for rescis- consumers’ legal rights. “Although Europe has fortu- proposes to use €100m in exist- nately not seen a large-scale at- ing funds to pay for its imple- tack using these materials, the se- mentation over the 2010-2013 Chinese President to pay riousness of the potential conse- period. two-day visit to Lisbon Lisbon lauds Bissau All Saint’s Anglican Church can arrange Chinese President Hu Jintao, leading a 200-strong your Wedding or Marriage Blessing in a voters for peaceful polls government and business delegation, will visit Portugal superb, if not idyllic setting. We also have special between July 10-11, Belém Palace said. arrangements with a Wedding Planner who can offer superb locations for your Wedding or Blessing Ceremony and Portugal’s Government has congratulated the people celebration, which include a beach setting, beautiful gardens President Aníbal Cavaco ship in 2005 that has allowed the (weather permitting), a Pavilion or Marquee for larger of Guinea-Bissau Monday for the calm manner in which Silva’s office said Hu would two countries to advance with groups. Plus other arrangements including transport, they voted in Sunday’s presidential elections. hold meetings with all senior mutually beneficially coopera- accommodation, catering, photography. Portuguese officials, including tion in increasingly broad areas”, A statement from the Lisbon of the polls by the Bissau au- Parliament Speaker Jaime Gama the presidency said. Foreign Ministry praised thorities. and Prime Minister José Hu’s two-day visit is the first Guineans for the “calm and civil” “While the results of the polls Sócrates. to Portugal by a Chinese Presi- ALL For more information way they expressed their presi- are awaited the Portuguese The two heads of state would dent in nearly one decade. please call dential preferences in the ballot. Government expresses its also participate in a bilateral busi- It takes place as the two coun- 351 282 380 311 Portugal adds its voice to wish these elections be another ness seminar attended by some tries mark the 30th anniversary or go to praise from EU and CPLP elec- step towards stabilisation and 200 Chinese business leaders, of bilateral diplomatic relations www.allsaintsalgarve.org tion monitors, added the reconciliation in Guinea,” the of- the presidential palace said in a and the 10th anniversary of Lis- A N G L I C A N C H U R C H communiqué, who have high- ficial Lisbon statement con- press release. bon’s hand-back of Macao to lighted the sound organisation cluded. TPN/Lusa “Portugal and China estab- Beijing’s administration. lished a global strategic partner- TPN/Lusa news The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 7 Prince Edward completes whirlwind Algarve visit Visiting the Algarve in the official capacity of representing the Duke of Edinburgh charity, HRH Prince Edward, the Earl of Essex, spent last weekend in Vilamoura where he was invited on a tour of the São Lourenço International School as well as inaugurating the luxury ‘The Residences’ development, rounding off a busy Saturday with a gala dinner at the recently-opened, five-star Tivoli Victoria Hotel in the company of fellow guests of honour the British Ambassador to Portugal, Alexander Ellis and Sky News’ Eamonn Holmes. To the eye, security surround- tives helped to hand out 23 ing the Prince’s visit was seem- awards to students on the Award ingly minimal, despite arriving at programme, along with a special São Lourenço School in a convoy award of recognition which was of three high-end vehicles. given to teacher Linda Wright, Prince Edward was received who coordinates Award-spon- by an excited gathering of around sored projects within São 40 students and parents, who Lourenço. waited by the school gates in the Opening the presentation cer- hope of a quick chat with the emony, Constantino Jordan Royal. And they were not disap- briefed those present about São pointed. Within seconds of his Lourenço’s upcoming move to arrival, shortly after 11h00 and new premises. greeting fellow dignitaries, Prince “Don’t judge our school by Edward walked over to the gath- this humble building”, he said. ering to greet and question pupils During his speech, addressing on their favourite subjects and Prince Edward, Loulé Mayor activities. Seruca Emídio said “the people The Prince’s visit was organ- of Loulé thank Prince Edward for ised to acknowledge 23 students his visit”, and concluded by de- for their involvement in the Duke scribing São Lourenço as an “ex- of Edinburgh Award programme ample of excellence” for the mu- that is embraced by the school nicipality. and which promotes the per- After his school visit, HRH sonal development of young peo- attended an official inauguration ple. This is based on volunteer ceremony of ‘The Residences’ work, physical activities, devel- resort, in Vilamoura, where he oping personal and practical received the keys to one of the two skills and completing an expedi- or three-bedroom apartments – tion, with the aim of contribut- a donation to the Duke of Edin- ing to helping others in the com- burgh’s charity. munity. ‘The Residences’, a project HRH was joined at the school conceived by the André Jordan by his Portuguese counterpart Development Group, overlooks the Duke of Bragança, who rep- the Victoria Golf course where the resents the Duke of Edinburgh Duke of Edinburgh Cup Qualifier Award in Portugal, where it goes charity golf event was taking Prince Edward chats to pupils and parents of the São Lourenço International School last Saturday, June 27th. by the title of ‘Prémio Infante D. place at the time of the inaugura- Henrique’. Also joining in the tion. Golf for Youth has so far raised ceremonial procedures was Loulé Last week, HRH Prince more than €2.5 million; substan- Mayor Seruca Emídio. Edward received critical media tial funds to help young people Both royals and the municipal attention when it emerged his trip from around the world lead bet- executive were given a tour of the to the Algarve was being entirely ter lives. This year the charity school grounds by Constantino footed by Mr. Jordan, who re- hopes to raise closer to €3 million. Jordan, son of ‘The Residences’ portedly shelled out an esti- Participation fees and dona- developer André Jordan, who mated €26,000 for private flights tions from Duke of Edinburgh sits on São Lourenço’s Board of as well as anything up to €3,000 Cup events that are held around Directors. per night for a suite at the stun- the world are distributed For the dignitaries’ visit stu- ning new Tivoli Victoria Hotel, amongst respected and success- dents put on living displays of where the Duke of Edinburgh ful national and international or- activities covered by the Duke of Cup gala dinner was held on Sat- ganizations that dedicate their Edinburgh Award / Prémio In- urday evening. Reports likened work to helping underprivileged fante D. Henrique and which in- his visit to that of a paid public- young people from all walks of cluded life-guarding a swimming ity stunt more than that of an of- life. pool and cooking on a campfire. ficial representation. Popular Sky News presenter After a quick tour of the Created in 2001 the Duke of Eamonn Holmes was guest grounds the Royal representa- Edinburgh Cup – International speaker at the gala dinner and announced the qualifying event winners, the top two of whom are invited to attend the World Final in England. Eamonn Holmes launched into his presentation by jokingly pre- senting himself in his unique manner: “To the Portuguese who may not know who I am, I’m Britain’s equivalent of George Clooney. To all the others, I know what you are thinking – yes, I really am better looking in person”, he quipped. His characteristic humour continued throughout the pres- entation, at one point telling the winner of the event, who will be travelling to Windsor as part of the top prize, “I’ve been told Edward’s mum has a gaf down there – you can see it when you fly in”. The world-famous journal- ist’s participation at the gala was warmly welcomed to lighten an otherwise hugely formal event, which was held in Portugal for the ninth time. business 8 The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 Green light for universal mobile phone chargers Incompatibility of chargers for mobile phones is a major inconvenience for users and also leads to unnecessary waste. Therefore, the Commission of chargers for mobile phones in has requested the industry to the EU. Many of them can only come forward with a voluntary charge a particular mobile phone. commitment to solve this prob- Almost every household has a lem so as to avoid legislation. As collection of chargers that have a result major producers of mo- become superfluous over time. bile phones have agreed to har- Old chargers currently generate monise chargers in the EU. several thousands of tons of In a Memorandum of Under- waste a year. standing (MoU), which was sub- In intensive and constructive mitted to the Commission this negotiations with the European week, the industry commits to Commission, the producers of provide charger compatibility on mobile phones have agreed to the basis of the Micro-USB con- settle the problem. nector. In a Memorandum of Under- In addition new EU standards standing (MoU) handed to the to ensure continued safe charger Commission, the industry has use will be developed to facilitate taken a self-commitment to en- the implementation of the MoU. sure the compatibility of new The first generation of new inter- data-enabled mobile phones on chargeable mobile phones should the basis of the Micro-USB reach the EU market from 2010 connector as the interface to onwards. provide charging support. It is EC Vice-president and Commissioner for Enterprise and Industry, German, Guenter Verheugen attends a joint Vice-President Günter expected to enable good charg- meeting of Sejm EU and Foreign Affairs Committees in Warsaw on 8 May . (Photo: EPA/Pawel Kula) Verheugen, responsible for enter- ing capability. The EU expects Have we beaten the banking blues? prise and industrial policy, said: that the first generation of new “I am very pleased that the indus- inter-chargeable mobile phones try has found an agreement, will reach the EU market from which will make life much simpler 2010 onwards. for consumers. They will be able The following companies In the US, confidence that the credit crisis is easing increased after the Treasury announced on to charge mobile phones any- have signed the MoU: Apple, where from the new common LG, Motorola, NEC, Nokia, 9thJune that 10 banks were in a position to pay back bail-out support received under the $700 billion charger. This also means consid- Qualcomm, Research in Motion Troubled Asset Relief Programme (TARP). erably less electronic waste, be- (RIM), Samsung, Sony Ericsson, cause people will no longer have Texas Instruments. The banks will repay a com- largely already been written tion schemes in place to refund of £10,000 and should start to to throw away chargers when The Commission welcomes bined $68 billion, which is much down, and $431 billion to loans, savers, up to a limit. Jersey is receive compensation payments buying new phones. I am also that the MoU will not preclude more than expected. The Treas- of which Just $150 billion has debating its proposed scheme on from August. Those with savings very pleased that this solution innovation in the fast moving ury had previously conserva- been written down so far. 14th July. above the £50,000 limit are ex- was found on the basis of self- mobile phone market by fixing a tively calculated that $25 billion BNP Paribas currency chief, Guernsey’s scheme came too pected to receive around 80% of regulation. As a result, the Com- certain technology forever. would be repaid this year. Hans Redeker, lamented that late for those with savings in their money back. mission does not consider it nec- Therefore, when the time comes, In the UK, Lloyds Banking European banks had not taken the Landsbanki which collapsed last If you would like your life sav- essary to introduce legislation.” the MoU will adapt to future Group has repaid £2.3 billion opportunity to rebuild their capi- October. Savers have so far re- ings to have higher investor pro- Currently, there is a plethora charging technologies. ($3.7bn) to the UK Treasury, tal reserves during the credit ceived 30p in the pound of their tection than that which can be though in its Financial Stability thaw. “US banks have raised money back. They should get a offered by a bank, speak to an EC requests Portugal Report, published on 26th June, $85 billion since the stress tests, further payout of 15p to 25p in experienced and regulated finan- the Bank of England did warn while Europe’s banks have the pound in August. The ex- cial advisory firm like Blevins that although Britain’s financial raised just $7.5 billion. This is pected eventual payout is be- Franks Financial Management to to modify farming system is more stable than it was going to go pear shaped in com- tween 68p to 89p in the pound. find out what options are avail- six months ago, it remains vulner- ing months as people lose confi- Savers with Kaupthing Isle of able to you. able to shocks. dence in the whole crisis manage- Man which also failed in October Bill Blevins, Financial Corre- scheme Here in the Eurozone, the Eu- ment of Europe”. have had to endure a long compli- spondent ropean Central Bank (ECB) has The ECB was confident that cated procedure to find out when Blevins Franks warned that banks face additional the largest banks could survive and how they will receive their To keep in touch with the lat- writedowns of over $283 billion any further economic deteriora- money back – in spite of the Isle est developments in the offshore The European Commission has formally requested that by the end of 2010. tion. “Most [large banks] appear of Man having a depositors’ world, check out the latest news Portugal change its law since it is of the opinion that In its Financial Stability Re- to be sufficiently well capitalised compensation scheme. They on our website Portugal does not apply a flat rate scheme for farmers view, published on 15th June, it to withstand severe but plausi- each received advance payments www.blevinsfranks.com consistent with the objectives of the scheme which is said that: “Policy-makers and ble downside scenarios”. It did, laid down in the VAT Directive. market participants will have to however, warn banks that “there be especially alert in the period is no room for complacency”. Cape Verde signs As a result farmers opting for EC Treaty). ahead. The credit cycle has not The International Monetary the flat rate scheme may face fi- If the relevant national legis- yet reached a trough. The deterio- Fund (IMF) has also called on the ration in the macro-financial en- European authorities to clean up credit accords worth nancial disadvantages. The re- lation is not amended in order to quest takes the form of a Rea- comply with the respective Rea- vironment has continued to test their banks. In an April report it soned Opinion (second step of soned Opinion, the Commission the shock-absorption capacity of forecast that writedowns for this €500m with Portugal the infringement procedure may decide to refer the matter to the Euro-area financial system. year and next would be $750 bil- provided for in article 226 of the the European Court of Justice. Prospects for a significant turna- lion. From this May to end 2010 round in the short term are not they would be $540 billion – al- promising”. most double the ECB calcula- Taxman reimbursed PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll aaaaannnnnddddd CCCCCaaaaapppppeeeee VVVVVeeeeerrrrrdddddrrrrreeeee ooooonnnnn MMMMMooooonnnnndddddaaaaayyyyy The risks to the stability of tions. the financial sector remained high While there is increasing opti- fffffooooorrrrrmmmmmaaaaallllliiiiissssseeeeeddddd cccccrrrrreeeeedddddiiiiittttt aaaaaccccccccccooooorrrrrdddddsssss wwwwwooooorrrrrttttthhhhh aaaaa tttttoooootttttaaaaalllll €€€€€555550000000000 and “uncertainty prevails over mism that the US and UK econo- mmmmmiiiiilllllllllliiiiiooooonnnnn tttttooooo fffffiiiiinnnnnaaaaannnnnccccceeeee hhhhhooooouuuuusssssiiiiinnnnnggggg,,,,, dddddoooooccccckkkkksssss aaaaannnnnddddd €1.44 billion how well the banking system mies will recover sooner than ex- rrrrreeeeennnnneeeeewwwwwaaaaabbbbbllllleeeee eeeeennnnneeeeerrrrrgggggyyyyy ppppprrrrrooooojjjjjeeeeeccccctttttsssss iiiiinnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee WWWWWeeeeesssssttttt AAAAAfffffrrrrriiiiicccccaaaaannnnn would be able to absorb any fur- pected, and that financial sys- AAAAAtttttlllllaaaaannnnntttttiiiiiccccc aaaaarrrrrccccchhhhhiiiiipppppeeeeelllllaaaaagggggooooo,,,,, oooooffffffffffiiiiiccccciiiiiaaaaalllllsssss sssssaaaaaiiiiiddddd..... ther shocks”. tems are getting stronger, the risks The potential risks include re- of a bank collapsing have not newed loss of confidence in the completely gone away. Under one pact Lisbon will €200 million. The Internal Revenue Service this week revealed that it financial strength of large banks; In the UK, for example, finan- create a €200 million credit The other accord formal- has reimbursed claims totalling 1.445 billion euros on tax larger than expected further falls cial services research firm line to fund housing projects ized by Praia and Lisbon’s declarations for the 2008 fiscal year. in US property prices; becoming TowerGroup warned that five in Cape Verde involving Por- finance ministers at a meet- too reliant on emergency liquid- building societies could fail on the tuguese construction compa- ing of their CPLP Lusophone ity and a worse than expected lines of Dunfermline Building nies. Another deal has been counterparts is for Portu- According to a statement larations via the Internet received economic downturn in the Euro Society within a year or so, while inked for Portuguese state- gal’s BPI bank to grant loan posted by the Finance Minis- their reimbursements much area. 15 others could be forced to owned bank CGD to increase facilities for renewable en- try, it paid this amount in a little faster, and with most paid out, It is estimated that Eurozone merge. a €100 million credit facility, ergy and water-supply over two months, with the op- the Government has managed bank losses will reach $649 bil- Should a bank fail, the UK, intended to fund harbour in- projects in the islands. eration having been initiated on make these payments well within lion by late 2010. $218 billion Europe, Isle of Man and Guern- frastructure schemes, to TPN/Lusa April 17th. the legal limit, which is set at relates to securities, which have sey have depositor compensa- Taxpayers who filed their dec- September 30th. business The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 9 Former BCP bank execs charged with fraud Five former board member of Portugal’s biggest private bank, Millennium bcp, have been charged on a range of corruption charges. The five, including two CEOs, have been bailed for a total €7.5 million and are forbidden from leaving Portugal, officials said. State prosecutors jointly ac- said the high bail imposed on the cused former BCP chief execu- suspects was “appropriate, nec- tives Jorge Jardim Gonçalves and essary and proportional to that Filipe Pinhal, along with ex-board the severity of the crimes”. Por- members Antonio Henriques, tuguese media have reported the Christopher de Beck and five accused are charged with us- Antonio Rodrigues, of “market ing Cayman Islands offshore in- manipulation, forging docu- stitutions between 1997 and ments and serious fraud.” 2007 to manipulate BCP’s share The Lisbon Public Ministry price. TPN/Lusa Portugal told to speed up directory enquiries Portugal must speed up “Comprehensive directory delivery of comprehensive and directory enquiry serv- telephone directory and di- ices are available in most EU rectory enquiry services, as Member States and I see no required by EU telecoms reason why Portuguese con- rules, says the European sumers should not be fully Commission. benefiting from these essen- In March 2009, the Euro- tial rights, as do the citizens Former BCP chief Executive Jorge Jardim Gonçalves pictured during a parliamentary enquiry on 13th May 2008. pean Court of Justice (ECJ) of other EU Member States,” (Photo: Lusa / Inácio Rosa) called on Portugal to ensure said EU Telecoms Commis- Early signs of improvement in EU that Portuguese consumers sioner Viviane Reding. could rely on directory and “As guardian of the EU directory enquiry services Treaties, the Commission including the data of all tel- has to pursue these proceed- economy ephone users that want to be ings against Portugal to en- The Euro-area economy is still deep in recession territory, but the EU’s strong and listed. sure that the European Court coordinated policy response is providing tangible support to economic activity. Last week, the Commis- of Justice judgement is re- sion decided to send a letter spected. Directory and direc- Sentiment indicators and financial markets have started to send some tentative of formal notice to Portugal tory enquiry services are an The QREA provides a pre- signs of improvement, the Quarterly Report on the Euro area shows. asking it to comply with the essential consumer tool for liminary assessment of the effec- judgement, Otherwise, Por- accessing telephone services tiveness of banking support tugal could be fined if the and should be available to all measures implemented by Mem- case proceeds to the ECJ EU consumers.” ber States and discusses chal- again. lenges ahead, particularly in terms of debt sustainability. Most financial markets are showing encouraging signs of stabilization although conditions remain fragile. Spreads on money and bond markets have narrowed on the back of improved eco- nomic sentiment and lower risk aversion. Financing conditions in the Euro-area have also improved as the cost of bank loans, equity capital and market debt have all declined. However, money and credit growth have slowed further in recent months, mainly reflecting very weak economic activity but also some supply constraints. Euro-area GDP dropped by 2.5% in the first quarter of 2009, according to Eurostat’s figures for 3 June, driven mostly by an inventory adjustment and a con- tinued sharp fall in investment. On the positive side, the fall in private consumption was con- tained by the deceleration of con- sumer price inflation and com- paratively supportive develop- ments in nominal disposable in- come. The economic and financial crisis is also likely to result in lower growth potential in the years ahead due to lower employ- ment and productivity levels, and research and development, and capital investment are likely to decrease or stagnate. Euro-area potential growth averaged 1.8% in the period 2000-2006 but is estimated to have fallen to 1.3% in 2008 and to be only 0.7% this year and next. worldview 10 The Portugal News • 4 Jul 2009 Do You Feel Lucky, Hugo? Venezuela‘s president, Hugo Chavez, has declared that any attack on his country’s embassy in Honduras will lead to war between the two nations, and I can’t help wishing that the Hondurans would call his bluff. The Venezeluan blowhard is getting tiresome. In the first of the “Dirty orders, refused to help Zelaya run Harry” movies, thirty years ago, the referendum, he fired the ar- Clint Eastwood achieved immor- my’s commanding general and tality with a single line. Pointing got his own party activists to dis- a very large pistol at an evil-doer tribute the ballot boxes. (as George W. Bush might have At that point, Congress voted put it), he addresses the miscre- to remove Zelaya because of his ant, who is thinking about reach- “repeated violations of the con- ing for his own gun, as follows: stitution and the law and disre- “You’ve got to ask yourself a gard of orders and judgments of question: Do I feel lucky? Well, the institutions,” and the Su- do ya, punk?’’ preme Court ordered the army to Hugo Chavez is more a well- intervene and arrest the presi- meaning idiot than an evil-doer, dent. It was a mistake to put him but the question is the same: will on a plane bound for Costa Rica, he really go for his gun? The an- as that made it look like a tradi- swer is no. He’s not a complete tional Central American coup, idiot, and his threats to attack but apart from that everything other Latin American countries was done within the law. whose behaviour offends him The speaker of the Congress, (the most recent was Colombia, Roberto Micheletti, who has last year) always fade away af- taken over until the November ter a while. elections, insists that he has be- What provoked Chavez’s come interim president “as the threat was the removal of the result of an absolutely legal tran- president of Honduras, Manuel sition process.” Chavez and his Zelaya, who had become Bolivian, Ecuadorian, Nicara- Chavez’s close ally. Zelaya was guan and Cuban allies claim it’s a arrested by the Honduran mili- military coup, and insist that the tary, bundled into a plane and United States is behind it. flown to Costa Rica on 28 June. Washington, which wasn’t Elected to a single term as presi- paying much attention until last dent in 2006, Zelaya astonished Sunday, has been bounced into friend and foe alike by turning out backing Zelaya too, as has the to be not the centre-right, busi- Organisation of American States, ness-friendly politician he had whose secretary-general, Jose seemed. Instead, he began mov- Miguel Insulza, has promised to ing steadily to the left in his do- accompany Zelaya in a grand re- mestic policies, and linked Hon- turn to Honduras. US Secretary A hand out picture provided by the Venezuelan presidency shows ousted Honduran President Manuel Zelaya with duras diplomatically with the of State Hillary Clinton has con- the Presidents of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez (2-R), Ecuador, Rafael Correa (R), and his host from Nicaragua, Daniel other socialist governments in demned the events in Honduras Ortega (C) as they attend a joint press conference at the extraordinary meeting of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Latin America. as a coup, and for all we know she People of Our America (ALBA) in Managua, Nicaragua, 28 June 2009. (Photo: EPA/Venezuelan Presidency) There is no doubt that he might accompany Zelaya too. caused deep annoyance to the If Chavez decided to go along conservative elite who have tra- too, they would have enough IIIIInnnnnsssssuuuuurrrrreeeee yyyyyooooouuuuurrrrr ppppprrrrrooooopppppeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy iiiiinnnnn PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll ttttthhhhhrrrrrooooouuuuuggggghhhhh TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss ditionally dominated Honduran people for a game of celebrity affairs, but they made no move bridge, but all this posturing to overthrow him. Why bother? won’t change anything. It might PROPERTY INSURANCE The constitution limits Hondu- be different if the next Honduran ran presidents to one four-year election were years away and term in office, and Zelaya’s term there was time for diplomatic and comes to an end next January. economic pressures to wear the As an owner of a property No other leftist candidate was legitimate Honduran authorities UUUUUPPPPP TTTTTOOOOO in Portugal make sure you likely to win the presidential elec- down, but it’s only five months tion that is due in November: re- until the 29th of November. 4444400000%%%%% get the right insurance cover, cent opinion polls suggested that So long as that election is con- designed specifically for you. Zelaya’s support nationally is ducted properly, other countries RRRRRIIIIISSSSSKKKKK RRRRREEEEELLLLLAAAAATTTTTEEEEEDDDDD DDDDDIIIIISSSSSCCCCCOOOOOUUUUUNNNNNTTTTT down to around 30 percent. Even will have no grounds to reject its OOOOONNNNN PPPPPRRRRROOOOOPPPPPEEEEERRRRRTTTTTYYYYY IIIIINNNNNSSSSSUUUUURRRRRAAAAANNNNNCCCCCEEEEE Zelaya’s own party was unlikely outcome — and Zelaya is consti- to nominate another leftist as his tutionally barred from running This exclusive Intasure policy, •leadYinogu ri ncosuverer riss u– nLLLLLdllllleoooooryyyyywdddddrsssssit toooooefffnff LLLLLboooooy nnnnnodddddnoooooennnnn of the world’s successor, and many of its mem- again. End of story. underwritten by LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOYYYYYDDDDDSSSSS OOOOOFFFFF bers no longer supported him. So Unless Chavez actually at- LLLLLOOOOONNNNNDDDDDOOOOONNNNN, has been specially designed •secuUripty t,o c 4la0im%s r iesxkp-reerliaetnecde d, iesxccoeusnst laevvaeill aabnlde ,y doeupr eangdeing on all the major political forces were tacks Honduras, that is, but it is a to meet the needs of property owners in • Your property is covered whether occupied or unoccupied cruonn toeuntt o tno h wimai —t fo urn tthile h ec lsotcarkt etdo lCohnagv ewza’ys ffororcme sV aernee nzuoet lrae aalnlyd Portugal. It is available exclusively • Your property is covered if let short term or long term trying to change the constitution. equipped or trained for amphibi- throughTTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss in • Excellent discounts for choosing higher excess Zelaya’s bright idea was to end ous assaults or long-range air- Portugal. • All policy documents are in English the one-term limit so he could run drops. You can almost hear the for president again himself. It’s Honduran soldiers muttering • Policy covers your swimming pool as well as buildings exactly the same tactic that “Go ahead, make my day.” For more information, call 707 500 025. • Policy covers public liability of £5m or €7.5m in regard to buildings and Chavez has used in Venezuela to You will receive friendly advice and a contents (traditionally, Portuguese policies provide minimal public liability cover) prolong his rule indefinitely (he quick quote with absolutely no • Loss of rent included following a claim now talks about being in power obligation. • Covers the purchase of your home during the period between exchange of until 2030), and Zelaya believed, contracts and completion rightly or wrongly, that he could make it work for him in Hondu- (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) BBBBBuuuuuyyyyy ooooonnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee ppppphhhhhooooonnnnneeeee • Covers temporary accommodation following a claim ras. So he set about organising a (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) UUIIUIUUIInnnnnnnnnnsssssdddddtttttaaaaaeeeeennnrrnnrrrwwwwwttttt rrrrriiiiitttttcccccttttteeeeeooooonnnnnvvvvv eeeeebbbbbrrrrryyyyy LLOYDS OF • Wider cover than a standard Portuguese buildings and contents policy referendum on the subject. It was LONDON • Wider cover than a ‘community’ policy scheduled for last Sunday. (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) FFFFFuuuuullllllllllyyyyy cccccooooommmmmppppprrrrreeeeehhhhheeeeennnnnsssssiiiiivvvvveeeee cccccooooovvvvveeeeerrrrr • All claims are reported to and resolved by a UK based English speaking team Alas, the president of Hondu- (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) PPPPPooooollllliiiiicccccyyyyy dddddooooocccccuuuuummmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss iiiiinnnnn EEEEEnnnnngggggllllliiiiissssshhhhh ras does not have the right to or- (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) HHHHHiiiiiggggghhhhh llllleeeeevvvvveeeeelllll ooooofffff pppppuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiiccccc llllliiiiiaaaaabbbbbiiiiillllliiiiitttttyyyyy • Optional Accidental Damage cover ganise a referendum all by him- • Off-Property Cover available self, and the country’s Supreme • Policy available in either GBP or Euros - Claims paid in either Court ordered him to stop. Con- GGwwyynnnnee DDyyeerr iiss aa LLoonnddoonn gress also condemned the ma- bbaasseedd iinnddeeppeennddeenntt Call 707 500 025 for more information and a quick quote noeuvre, but Zelaya plowed jjoouurrnnaalliisstt wwhhoossee aarrttiicclleess Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority ahead regardless. When the army, aarree ppuubblliisshheedd iinn 4455 obedient to the Supreme Court’s ccoouunnttrriieess..

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