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THE PORTUGAL OOOOOnnnnn pppppaaaaagggggeeeee 3333388888 WWWWWiiiiinnnnn aaaaa llllluuuuuxxxxxuuuuurrrrriiiiiooooouuuuusssss hhhhhaaaaalllllfffff dddddaaaaayyyyy tttttrrrrriiiiippppp ooooonnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee CCCCCrrrrraaaaannnnnccccchhhhhiiiii 4444411111 (((((LLLLLaaaaadddddyyyyy AAAAAmmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr))))) LAGOAthis WEEKEND Portugal’s National Newspaper in English 30 May 2009 • Edition Nº 1012 • €1.50 inc. IVA • Publisher: Paul Allen-Luckman • Editor: Brendan de Beer • www.the-news.net Child raised by READER OFFER: 8 page FAIR Portuguese family Home Special Health ‘repatriated’ weekly Guide Insurance Insurance A child who was born in PROPERTY Northern Portugal to a underwritten up to Russian woman six by Lloyds of 40% supplement See pp. 31 years ago and who has London see to 34 been raised by a see p.10 page 58 off Portuguese family from the age of 18 months was last week ordered by Residents up-in-arms as their tranquil country retreats Portuguese courts to be returned to her biological become one of the noisiest locations in the Algarve mother, who within days took the young girl to Russia to live with a family she had never FF11 TTRRAACCKK met. (See Page 5) Feeding Somalia while fighting starving pirates Reporting from Nairobi, Kenya this week for The Portugal News is UUPPRROOAARR Reuters writer Alison Bevege, who has joined the crew of the Portuguese warship NRP Corte-Real in the Gulf of Aden. (See Page Story, see p. 20 8) International Algarve Fair returns this weekend This weekend the International Algarve Fair will take place in the FATACIL exhibition grounds, Lagoa. Open Saturday and Sunday, from 11h00 until 19h00, it will feature a huge variety of food, drink and entertainment as well as hundreds of trade stalls. (See Pages 31 to 34) Two former league champions relegated Belenenses were relegated this weekend from Portuguese top flight football, while Boavista dropped from the Second Division to the lower leagues. Besides, FC Porto, Benfica and Sporting, these two relegated clubs are the only ones to have won the Portuguese league title. (See Page 64) Weekend weather Lisbon: Lisbon will be hot over the next few days, and the summer weather will continue into next week. Faro: Some cloud cover is expected at the end of the weekend, though it will be warm and sunny. Oporto: The north will be cloudy and cooler this weekend with showers also being forecast for NNNNNoooooiiiiissssseeeee gggggeeeeennnnneeeeerrrrraaaaattttteeeeeddddd bbbbbyyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee ccccciiiiirrrrrcccccuuuuuiiiiittttt aaaaattttt PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttiiiiimmmmmãããããooooo hhhhhaaaaasssss bbbbbeeeeeeeeeennnnn dddddrrrrriiiiivvvvviiiiinnnnnggggg rrrrreeeeesssssiiiiidddddeeeeennnnntttttsssss aaaaarrrrrooooouuuuunnnnnddddd ttttthhhhheeeee bbbbbeeeeennnnnddddd,,,,, sssssooooo mmmmmuuuuuccccchhhhh sssssooooo,,,,, ttttthhhhhaaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeeeyyyyy hhhhhaaaaavvvvveeeee both Saturday and dddddrrrrraaaaawwwwwnnnnn uuuuuppppp aaaaa pppppeeeeetttttiiiiitttttiiiiiooooonnnnn cccccaaaaalllllllllliiiiinnnnnggggg fffffooooorrrrr iiiiimmmmmppppprrrrrooooovvvvveeeeeddddd ppppprrrrrooooottttteeeeeccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn..... HHHHHooooowwwwweeeeevvvvveeeeerrrrr,,,,, aaaaauuuuuttttthhhhhooooorrrrriiiiitttttiiiiieeeeesssss aaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee tttttrrrrraaaaaccccckkkkk sssssaaaaayyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee nnnnnoooooiiiiissssseeeee llllleeeeevvvvveeeeelllllsssss aaaaabbbbbiiiiidddddeeeee Sunday. wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh eeeeexxxxxiiiiissssstttttiiiiinnnnnggggg llllleeeeegggggaaaaalllll ssssstttttiiiiipppppuuuuulllllaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss..... (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss))))) nneewwss 22 TThhee PPoorrttuuggaallNNeewwss•• 3300 MMaayy 22000099 Ex-Maddie inspector guilty ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade, Lda Copyright ©2005 Anglo Press Lda and The News Group of Newspapers Inc • TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss is owned and published by: The News Group Ex-PJ inspector Gonçalo Amaral, who at On September 12th 2004, then After being taken into police of Newspapers Inc ••••• DDDDDeeeeepppppóóóóósssssiiiiitttttooooo LLLLLeeeeegggggaaaaalllll NNNNNººººº 80258/94 one point headed investigations into the eight-year-old Joana Cipriano custody, pictures of Leonor’s went missing from the village of bruised and battered face were Content disappearance of toddler Madeleine Figueira, near Portimão, Algarve. published on the front covers of McCann from Praia da Luz in 2007, has The child’s mother and uncle, national newspapers. She ini- NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss been found guilty of giving false testimony Leonor and João Cirpiano, who tially claimed she had fallen down in a previous case where a mother alleged were allegedly having an incestu- a flight of stairs before alleging she National 1-7 & 11 • Regional 10-12 • World View 10 • Business she was beaten by PJ police into confessing ous affair, were accused of her had been beaten into confessing 8-9 • Trading Places 15 • Sport 56 murder and of hiding the body. her daughter’s murder. her daughter’s murder. RRRRReeeeeaaaaadddddeeeeerrrrrsssss’’’’’ iiiiinnnnnpppppuuuuuttttt Letters 18 • Club News 16 ‘New leads’ in Madeleine case PPPPPrrrrrooooopppppeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy Property of the Week 19 • Prestige Properties 21-23 Property Update 26 • Gardening 24 dismissed by Portuguese authorities FFFFFeeeeeaaaaatttttuuuuurrrrreeeee pppppaaaaagggggeeeeesssss Eating Out 17 • More for Women 28-29 • Health 30-31 Paws & Claws 34 • Travel 35 FFFFFooooollllllllllooooowwwwwiiiiinnnnnggggg aaaaannnnn aaaaappppppppppeeeeeaaaaarrrrraaaaannnnnccccceeeee ooooonnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee OOOOOppppprrrrraaaaahhhhh WWWWWiiiiinnnnnfffffrrrrreeeeeyyyyy ssssshhhhhooooowwwww aaaaannnnnddddd aaaaa rrrrreeeeecccccooooonnnnnssssstttttrrrrruuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn dddddooooocccccuuuuummmmmeeeeennnnntttttaaaaarrrrryyyyy EEEEEnnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrtttttaaaaaiiiiinnnnnmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt bbbbbyyyyy CCCCChhhhhaaaaannnnnnnnnneeeeelllll 44444,,,,, bbbbbooooottttthhhhh ooooofffff wwwwwhhhhhiiiiiccccchhhhh wwwwweeeeerrrrreeeee bbbbbrrrrroooooaaaaadddddcccccaaaaasssssttttt eeeeeaaaaarrrrrllllliiiiieeeeerrrrr ttttthhhhhiiiiisssss mmmmmooooonnnnnttttthhhhh,,,,, nnnnneeeeewwwww llllleeeeeaaaaadddddsssss hhhhhaaaaavvvvveeeee eeeeemmmmmeeeeerrrrrgggggeeeeeddddd Cinema 36-37 • Events 38 • TV Guide 39-45 • Mind & Soul 51 ttttthhhhhaaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee MMMMMcccccCCCCCaaaaannnnnnnnnn fffffaaaaammmmmiiiiilllllyyyyy’’’’’sssss ppppprrrrriiiiivvvvvaaaaattttteeeee iiiiinnnnnvvvvveeeeessssstttttiiiiigggggaaaaatttttooooorrrrrsssss aaaaarrrrreeeee rrrrreeeeepppppooooorrrrrttttteeeeedddddlllllyyyyy lllllooooooooookkkkkiiiiinnnnnggggg iiiiinnnnntttttooooo,,,,, dddddeeeeessssspppppiiiiittttteeeee bbbbbeeeeeiiiiinnnnnggggg rrrrreeeeefffffuuuuuttttteeeeeddddd bbbbbyyyyy PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuuggggguuuuueeeeessssseeeee pppppooooollllliiiiiccccceeeee wwwwwhhhhhooooo sssssaaaaayyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee nnnnneeeeewwwww llllleeeeeaaaaadddddsssss aaaaarrrrreeeee nnnnnooooottttt cccccrrrrreeeeedddddiiiiibbbbbllllleeeee eeeeennnnnooooouuuuuggggghhhhh tttttooooo rrrrreeeee-----ooooopppppeeeeennnnn AAAAAdddddvvvvveeeeerrrrrtttttiiiiisssssiiiiinnnnnggggg ttttthhhhheeeee iiiiinnnnnvvvvveeeeessssstttttiiiiigggggaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn..... Advertisers’ Hotline 32-33 • Company Finder 46-50 52-55 Classified Late last week, a convicted has a known past of attacks on Madeleine investigation, disappearance, Robert CCCCCooooonnnnntttttaaaaaccccctttttsssss paedophile who was living in young girls that date back to who they are suing for defa- Murat, is reported to also be the Algarve at the time when 1972 when he was convicted for mation. preparing to take further PPPPPooooossssstttttaaaaalllll AAAAAddddddddddrrrrreeeeessssssssss:::::Apt 13 • 8401-901 • Lagoa the then three-year-old abusing a 12-year-old. “We - together with our action against three Portu- CCCCCooooouuuuurrrrriiiiieeeeerrrrr::::: Rua Município de S. Domingos • Urb. Madeleine McCann went According to the UK’s The three children Madeleine, guese media organisations, Lagoa Sol • Lote 3 r/c • 8400-415 Lagoa missing from Praia da Luz, Sun, he was also questioned by Sean and Amelie - are taking Portuguese daily paper TTTTTeeeeelllll::::: 707 500 655 was tracked down and ques- Portuguese police and gave an this legal action against Jornal de Notícias, and TV NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssdddddeeeeessssskkkkk: 707 500 655 tioned by the couples’ pri- alibi for his whereabouts at Gonçalo Amaral over his en- channel TVI. He is alleg- SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss::::: 707 500 677 vate detectives. the time of Madeleine tirely unfounded and grossly edly asking for compensa- CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeeddddd: 707 500 646 This was reportedly a tip- McCann’s disappearance, defamatory claims - made in all tion in the region of 140,000 off following the couples’ which cleared him as a suspect. types of media, both within Euros for defamation. FFFFFaaaaaxxxxx::::: Gen 707 941 201• Sales: 707 942 053 latest publicity campaigns. The McCann family Portugal and beyond - that Last year he sued several EEEEEmmmmmaaaaaiiiiilllll::::: [email protected][email protected] Sixty-four-year-old spokesperson, Clarence Madeleine is not only dead, British newspapers for li- WWWWWeeeeebbbbb::::: www.the-news.net Raymond Hewlett had been Mitchell, told Sky News that but that we, her parents, were bel, receiving a ‘vindica- PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttt &&&&& DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbuuuuutttttiiiiiooooonnnnn living in Tavira, over an Raymond Hewlett was a per- somehow involved in conceal- tion’ of around €750,000 and hour’s drive away from son of interest to the investi- ing her body.” an apology from a TV sta- PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrsssss: MIRANDELA Gráfica, Lisbon where Madeleine went miss- gation, which Kate and Gerry Amaral published a book in tion. TTTTTiiiiirrrrraaaaagggggeeeeemmmmm: 21,398 ing, at the time of her disap- McCann, Madeleine’s par- 2008 – Maddie, The Truth of Meanwhile, Portuguese DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbooooorrrrrsssss: VASP pearance. He was tracked ents, are financing through the Lie – in which he main- authorities have said that down a few weeks ago and the Find Madeleine Fund. tains the girl died in the Praia nothing that has emerged in MMMMMeeeeemmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr ooooofffff apct audited circulation found in a hospital in Their private investigation da Luz holiday apartment and recent days justifies reo- PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm Aachen, Germany where he is now being led by retired that her parents were involved pening their investigation was being treated for cancer. British policemen Dave Edgar in disposing of her body. into the disappearance of PPPPPuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiissssshhhhheeeeerrrrr::::: Paul Luckman • [email protected] He reportedly agreed this and Arthur Cowley, who are Kate and Gerry McCann Madeleine McCann. EEEEEdddddiiiiitttttooooorrrrr::::: Brendan de Beer • [email protected] week to talk to the McCann’s currently analysing the case were made official suspects in A brief written statement PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn::::: Madeline Luckman • [email protected] private investigators during that was shelved by Portu- the case in the summer of sent to the BBC from Portu- JJJJJooooouuuuurrrrrnnnnnaaaaallllliiiiissssstttttsssss::::: Carrie-Marie Bratley • Tommy Broad which he denied any involve- guese police last year. 2007, but were later acquitted gal’s attorney general, said ment in Madeleine’s disap- Last week, the family also of any charges due to lack of that “the case will be reo- CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeedddddsssss::::: Rebecca Andrade pearance and claimed he instigated a legal action evidence. pened if and when concrete PPPPPaaaaawwwwwsssss &&&&& CCCCClllllaaaaawwwwwsssss::::: Raquel Salbany “had nothing to hide”. against former PJ police de- Another official suspect who and credible facts exist that PPPPPrrrrreeeeevvvvviiiiieeeeewwwww::::: Raquel Salbany According to the Daily tective Gonçalo Amaral, who was later acquitted of any in- justify it, which until now TTTTTrrrrraaaaavvvvveeeeelllll::::: Sherry Hughes Mail, Hewlett, an ex-solider, at one point headed the volvement with Madeleine’s has not yet happened”. PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooosssss::::: LUSA • Press Association • PortugalNews SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm Missing children: 76 reported last year SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrr:::::Bella Talhadas • 914 393 736 AAAAArrrrreeeeeaaaaa MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrrsssss::::: Lisbon, Estoril, Cascais, Sintra • BBBBBeeeeellllllllllaaaaa TTTTTaaaaalllllhhhhhaaaaadddddaaaaasssss Alvor, Lagos, P. da Luz, Aljezur • MMMMMaaaaarrrrriiiiilllllyyyyynnnnn HHHHHooooolllllmmmmmeeeees • 914 863 604 Last year the Portuguese SOS Missing Children Service dealt with 76 new cases of children who were Guia, Almancil - Faro • KKKKKeeeeellllllllllyyyyy BBBBBaaaaarrrrrrrrrreeeeetttttttttt • 912 583 439 reported as missing, the majority of whom were girls, according to a study by the Child Support Loulé, Quinta do Lago, Vale do Lobo - Ayamonte Institute (IAC) which runs the SOS organisation. TTTTTooooommmmmCCCCChhhhhaaaaapppppmmmmmaaaaannnnn • 912 583 188 SSSSSuuuuuppppppppppooooorrrrrttttt Released on International of missing children being reported five cases related to children dead. AAAAAccccccccccooooouuuuunnnnntttttsssss::::: Gaby Rodrigues Missing Children’s Day, figures could be directly related to the between newborns and five Despite combined efforts by SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss::::: Samantha Hoather from the study show that in the increasingly publicised Euro- years of age. PJ police, the IAC and other po- past 12 months the number of pean number. The majority of cases (31) oc- lice forces, 18 children remain SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss children that were reported as “We have verified a rise in cases curred in the Lisbon district, 17 missing. missing more than doubled, with with the dissemination of the in Oporto, six in Setubal and four The study further concluded 52 editions of The Portugal News. cost €67.50 (Portugal), €135 (Europe) or €210 (World Airmail). Send your name and address 34 new cases being reported in European 116 000 number, in both Faro and Santarém. more children go missing during plus cheque or credit card details to Apt 13, 8401-901 Lagoa or 2007, in comparison to 76 new whether that was via social com- SOS Missing Children was school holidays, namely in Sep- email [email protected]. Queries, please call 707 500 655. cases reported in 2008. munication or through interest also contacted with regards to the tember, when 12 children disap- In 2006 SOS Missing Children generated following reports of three missing Belgian girls. peared, followed by June, July NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssllllleeeeetttttttttteeeeerrrrrsssss documented 31 cases of missing the three girls missing from Ant- In most cases (62 out of the 76 and August, with nine children To subcribe to our free weekly newsletters, sent by email every children, 17 in 2005 and 25 in werp, Belgium”, she said. last year) the children reported being reported missing each Friday please email [email protected] 2004. The majority of cases (56) were actually runways who had month. Also on International Missing were reported over the phone, 18 fled from home or care institu- As of this week the Interna- DDDDDiiiiisssssccccclllllaaaaaiiiiimmmmmeeeeerrrrr Children’s Day this year the Eu- cases were reported by email and tions, 12 cases related to paren- tional Missing Children’s Although we do everything possible to ensure the integrity and ropean emergency number for two via mail. tal kidnapping and one case was number is operational in 10 coun- suitability of advertisements in TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss,,,,, missing children was released Of the disappearances that caused by a couple who wanted tries, which will hopefully ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade Lda, The Portugal (116 000). were reported, 52 were girls and to keep a child they had been car- tighten communication between News, its employees or representatives cannot accept any In Portugal the international 23 boys, an imbalance that ing for. security forces and non-govern- responsibility for claims made by advertisers in their publicity, phone line is coordinated by “worries” IAC. Thirty-four Only ten of the 76 children mental organisations from all and cannot become involved in any disputes or litigation, Alexandra Simões, who ex- were aged between 11 and 15, were not located though sadly countries and provide a better howsoever arising. plained that the rise in the number 21 aged between 16 and 18, and two, aged 14 and 16, were found response in such situations. news The Portugal News • 30 May 2009 3 of false testimony in Joana case Even though a body was never ing the origins of Leonor’s inju- found Leonor and João Cipriano ries. were sentenced by a Supreme On the other hand, lack of Court of Justice to 16 years in credibility in the victim’s state- prison for the crimes of murder ments due to a constant chang- and hiding a body. ing of events was said to have Accusations against five PJ in- been a contributing factor to the spectors and ex-inspectors were difficulty in identifying the at- made and a trial was instigated last tacker. year, on October 27th. All five inspectors, current Last Friday week, eight months and former, were cleared of and fourteen hearings later, the charges. judges’ decision was read. It has Ex-inspector Gonçalo Amaral been concluded and proven that was, however, found guilty of Leonor Cipriano was attacked in having given false testimony the PJ’s headquarters by non- during the trial and was sentenced identified officers, and she did not to an 18-month suspended sen- fall down the stairs. tence. However, the court was not Inspector António Cardoso, able to determine who inflicted the who was accused of forging injuries. documents pertinent to the case, The judges highlighted the im- was also found to be guilty and portance of medical evidence sentenced to a two-year and given by Teresa Magalhães, of the three month prison sentence, Legal Medicine Institute, explain- which was also suspended. Toddler abandoned on Faro streets Former police detective Gonçalo Amaral is greeted by a local man after being handed an 18-month suspended A three year old girl was aban- courts placed the girl in the care sentence by a Faro Court for giving false testimony during a case concerning the assault on a mother convicted of doned on the streets of Faro last of Faro’s Refúgio Aboim killing her daughter. (Photo: Lusa/Virgilio Rodrugues) week during the early hours of Ascenção child refuge until fur- Friday morning. Police collected ther notice. Refúgio Aboim Ascenção, the body was covered in insect bites, abandonment to be the worst, dler was “well, plays and laughs”, the infant after being called by a Dressed in a t-shirt and nappy, child showed signs of “serious ne- but she did not seem to be poorly given the child’s vulnerability and that the situation was pend- woman who spotted the toddler after being collected by police the glect”, particularly concerning nourished”, he said. and open exposure, said “We ing on a decision from Faro’s walking the streets at around girl was taken to Faro Hospital’s hygiene, though she was not un- He stressed that the child need to create a national infant Family and Minors’ Court mag- 04h00 and who waited with her Paediatric Emergency Unit, der-nourished. would only leave the institution emergency service, as there are istrates. until the authorities arrived. where she was given a check-up. “She had an uncountable “under judicial orders”. solutions for children in situa- “Now she is safe but she could While the child’s parents have According to Luís Villas Boas, amount of head lice that were still Dr. Luís Villas Boas, who tions like this”. have been taken by anyone”, he been identified and found, Faro psychologist and Director of the there after a third bath and her considered this type of public This week he said that the tod- said. news The Portugal News • 30 May 2009 5 Child raised by Portuguese family forced to return to Russia with mother A child who was born in Northern Portugal to a Russian woman six years ago and who has been raised by a Portuguese family from the age of 18 months was last week ordered by Portuguese courts to be returned to her biological mother, who within days took the young girl to Russia to live with a family she had never met. The past week, the case of six- The foster family argues year-old Alexandra Skilauri made Natalia does not have the condi- headlines in most national news- tions to properly care for her papers and news programmes. daughter, making referral to the Images of the girl screaming while woman’s past, which reportedly been taken from her ‘adoptive’ involves prostitution and drugs. family and handed over to her Nevertheless the Portuguese biological mother caused uproar court decided in favour of the due to the powerlessness of the mother, stating Alexandra was Portuguese legal system. “never at risk or put in danger”. At the biological mother’s re- Upon arriving at the Social quest Florinda Vieira and João Security institute in Braga, where Pinheiro, from Barcelos, had the handover took place on May taken care of Alexandra since 18 18th, Alexandra refused to leave months of age. the car, gripping onto her seatbelt The couple allege her mother, and crying “I don’t want to go”. Natália Zarubina, let her daugh- Two days after she was re- ter sleep in a phonebox while she turned to her mother Alexandra worked as a prostitute around was taken to Russia to live with a João Pinheiro and Florinda Vieira, the foster parents of Alexandra, wait in front of the Russian Embassy in Lisbon on the area of Braga market. They family that she has never met. The 27th May. (Photo: Lusa / Tiago Petinga) also said the child, who does not Pinheiro family is helpless to take speak Russian, weighed just five any form of action as the Portu- that her Portuguese carers had “let On the day of mother and made by the court in the child’s Moscow correspondent for Por- kilos when they met her. guese judiciary can no longer in- her do anything”, Natalia daughter’s departure to Russia, country of residence. Therefore tuguese channel SIC, described At Natalia’s request the cou- tervene. Zarubina repeatedly smacked the the Russian Embassy in Portu- in this case only a Russian court the programme as “very ple took the toddler into their care Early this week further anger six-year-old who had been in her gal issued a statement reaffirm- could overrule the decision made tabliody” and said he would ad- and raised her for four and a half was caused when images of care for a matter of days. ing Natalia Zarubina’s ability to by the Portuguese court, which vise the couple to “think care- years, letting the mother visit Alexandra being smacked by her Businessman João Pinheiro care for her daughter and accus- renders the Pinheiro family and fully” about accepting the offer whenever she wanted. mother during her first days of her said he was “not surprised” by ing the couple from Barcelos of Portuguese judiciary powerless. as they would be interviewed in However, after legal proce- new life were broadcast on TV in Natalia’s reaction to the child’s ‘tricking’ her, as she does not Following the dramatic devel- front of a live audience that would dures were instigated in 2008, last Portugal and Russia. According resistance to adapt, and said “it speak Portuguese. opment of events the Portuguese “be on the mother’s side”. week the Guimarães Family to reports she was being smacked proves she is at risk with her According to an expert in Por- couple were invited to make an However, on Wednesday the Court ordered Alexandra to be for “being spoiled” and “not mother, regardless of what the tuguese family law, the compe- appearance on a Russian prime- Russian embassy in Lisbon de- returned to the permanent care of speaking Russian”. Court says, and she could yet be tency of one court to change a time chat show. nied the couple visas to travel to her biological mother. Angrily telling the cameras sold”. ruling made by another must be Journalist José Milhazes, Russia to be on the program. What if? 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For a free no obligation brochure contact our local agent:Lloyd & Whyte International Tavira - tel.281 325 842 Boliquieme - tel. 289 360 578 Golden Leaves Email: [email protected] www.goldenleaves.co.uk F u n e r a l P l a n s Golden Leaves Funeral Plans are NOT an insurance policy news 6 The News Portugal • 30 May 2009 Lagoa Mayor tells all As for the seemingly inces- A22-Via do Infante should not sant building of new supermar- have tolls. I always stood kets and shopping centres against the charging of tolls on across the Algarve, the Lagoa this route, even when the Gov- Mayor admits that the City has ernment calling for such a move not seen the last of such venues. was the same party as mine “One or two supermarkets (PSD). will be built in the vicinity of “Even with the renovation of the Fatacil fairground. We have the EN125, and with morethan to be capable of answering the a hundred roundabouts being demands of the residents and built and with the EN125 still those who visit us”, he justifies, moving through urban areas, adding: “We should not lose out there is no way that the EN125 to other councils.” can be seen as an alternative to As for the crisis and how it is the A22 motorway. affecting the council’s coffers, “As long as there is no viable it seems that the City has been alternative to the A22, no tolls hit hard by a drop in real estate can be charged on the motor- sales, which has inevitably re- way. For all necessary pur- sulted in a reduction in revenue poses, the EN125 is no more the council obtains from prop- than a street”. erty transfer taxes such as IMT. As for the opposition in the “We are losing an average of Council, the Mayor states: between 40 and 50 percent in “Overall, the relationship be- IMT, though some months tween the ruling party in the have been far worse”, he admits. Council and the opposition has “However, we are amongst been relatively healthy, and the best payers in the country. very often, we have had pro- 11223344556677889900112233445566778899001122 No projects have been can- posals being voted through 1234567890123456789012 celled, but many have been unanimously.” 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 postponed”, he explains. Are you confident of being re- 111111222222333333444444555555666666777777888888T999999H000000E111111 222222P333333O444444RT555555U666666G777777A888888L999999000000111111222222 crer-eQoapuseeen sinitni osgun omefd mth oeev roe tlrrd at hbfferii cud sgauena dlil n tihnke-- eeoslfe pvceotcteeidas lftlooyr t a hafe tt ehorip rlpodos tsiinmitgieo a rn un Snuonmciibnaeglr-, 11223344556677889900112233445566778899001122 ing Ferragudo/Parchal with ists at the last elections? “I am 11223344556677889900112233445566778899001122 Portimão, Dr Inácio pledges: confident I will be re-elected. I 11223344556677889900112233445566778899001122 “The old bridge will definitely still have tasks to complete. I 11223344556677889900112233445566778899001122 be opening on July 15th accord- think what we have achieved in 1234567890123456789012 ing to information we have. It the past mandate is there for all 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 is vital to the well-being of the to see.” 1234567890123456789012 residents of Lagoa that the Why live in Lagoa? Since the bridge re-opens as many people time of the late Mayor Jacinto work across the river and vice- Correia, we defined the motto Lagoa Mayor Dr. José Inácio versa.” that Lagoa is a council that “But the works had to be un- should be known for quality dertaken. Building a third and harmony.We aim to pro- bridge would have provided vide quality of living and this Residents and those who visit Lagoa will have noticed the CIty’s continued, yet subtle improvements some problems as further south can be seen through our work in in a number of key areas in recent years. While Lagoa Mayor José Inácio is arguably one of the we have the port and further improving public services.We Algarve’s less flamboyant leaders, but without a doubt one of the most approachable, he prefers to north it would almost have been seek to have urban areas with let his work do the talking. Stressing in an interview granted to TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss this week that on top of the EN 125 bridge”. open spaces, allowing people life in Lagoa is about quality and harmony, the Mayor, confident of re-election in the upcoming Continuing on the topic of room to feel free and co-exist roads, the Mayor is a staunch peacefully with their neigh- municipal elections later this year, explains what his aims and objectives are for the foreseeable backer of a toll-free A22-Via do bours and their surroundings. future, such as the building of a new golf course, two new supermarkets and a number of hotels, Infante motorway – despite the But we still have much work to while recalling his most recent achievements. He stressed the importance of the International multi-million euro refurbish- do and it is a constant effort, my Algarve Fair taking place at the Fatacil fairground this weekend, highlighting the fact that it assisted ment of the EN125 ‘alternative’. work is never done.” in promoting the City as a venue to stage large and successful fairs. “I am of the opinion that the Brendan de Beer Algarve A qualified primary boosting the image of Lagoa. all those abandoned areas along the fourth highest number of ho- school teacher, Dr “The Council is recognised be- the river between Ferragudo and tel beds in the Algarve. José Inácio yond its borders for its cultural Parchal, while also boosting the “There will be a demand”, the Marques Eduardo activities, and the foreign com- local economy in terms of job Mayor says confidently. “We Blessing has been Lagoa munity has shown itself to very creation and tourism.” have to keep our focus on qual- Mayor for almost eight years and active and I would like to high- “The old factories along the ity and often people make the has overseen the City’s light this and express my appre- river will be rebuilt and converted mistake of saying Vila Vita or Vila transformation into a bustling ciation for their efforts. into four-star aparthotels”, he Lara are located in neighbouring hive of cultural and leisure “I would like to also stress the adds, continuing, “One will be councils and the same can be said activity. importance of the Fair as it has located in Parchal, with a marina of the future marina at Taking almost 15 minutes to assisted in promoting the Fatacil similar to Boca do Rio, and an- Ferragudo”, stressing that as long answer the first question posed fairground”, added Dr José other further upstream with a as Lagoa can offer high levels of by The Portugal News, the Inácio. nautical leisure centre and an quality, there will be enough tour- Mayor reeled off a number of The recently completed aparthotel.” ists to fill the ever increasing projects that have sprung up dur- Belavista sports park was re- Two luxury five-star hotels number of hotels in the region. ing his second four-year mandate. ferred to proudly by the Mayor, have also been approved for the Regarding the road works cur- “Six crèches have been built and explaining that the floodlit grass eastern side of the council, in rently underway in Carvoeiro, we now have 32 in total, which is football pitch and the athletics Benagil and Caramujeira. the Mayor is confident that all probably the highest per capita track surrounding it is only the “Another golf course is current work will be concluded by All Saint’s Anglican Church can arrange figure for any council in the Al- second of its kind west of Faro, planned for Lagoa, by a new the end of June. your Wedding or Marriage Blessing in a garve”, states the Mayor stated “We will be working with group, which is Portuguese but However, more upheaval has superb, if not idyllic setting. We also have special proudly. hotels to make the best possible using an international brand, been earmarked and soon work on arrangements with a Wedding Planner who can offer superb With Lagoa still largely a rural use of the facility” by promoting which I cannot reveal just yet, but an underground car park will locations for your Wedding or Blessing Ceremony and area, the “tarring of a number of its use abroad to athletes seeking it will be complete in about two commence at the actual site of the celebration, which include a beach setting, beautiful gardens municipal roads has helped im- a venue to train in the off-season years.” local sports centre (weather permitting), a Pavilion or Marquee for larger prove the standard of living in the boasting not only good weather, “An additional six-hundred (Polidesportivo). groups. Plus other arrangements including transport, countryside”, he said. but world-class facilities. beds have also been approved for The existing structure will be accommodation, catering, photography. The western Algarve has in As for the Marina in Ferragudo, Lagoa, but the location has yet to demolished, though a new im- recent years been spoilt in the the Mayor said work “is pro- be decided, while permission has proved venue will be built once areas of culture, sports and enter- ceeding at a good pace”, stress- been granted for the building of a the underground car park has tainment. ing “It is fundamental to the up- 100-bed unit in Estômbar”, he been completed. ALL For more information Specifically in the area of cul- grading of the area between says. Further improvements to in- please call ture, the Mayor stressed the im- Parchal and Ferragudo”. But is there a demand for all frastructures will come by way 351 282 380 311 portance expats have had in He clarified: “It will renovate this accommodation? Irrespec- of a new municipal pool, “Permit- or go to tive of the current crisis, it will ting competitive swimming and www.allsaintsalgarve.org www.the-news.net mean that Lagoa’s hotel bed oc- water polo and will be built at the cupancy will have risen by 8,000 back of the Arade Pavilion be- A N G L I C A N C H U R C H by 2013. Lagoa currently boasts tween Parchal and Ferragudo.” news The Portugal News • 30 May 2009 7 Portugal no longer attracting immigrants Below: A SEF post which was opened in Reboleiro in February 2008. (Photo: Lusa / Inácio Rosa) A number of immigration spe- to flourish economically. Others cialists have warned that Portu- are opting to work in Spain but gal is fast losing its immigrant returning to Portugal to renew population, and if it cannot keep their paperwork. hold of the foreigners it has, as An exodus has also been occur- well as attracting new ones, then ring amongst Brazilian immi- the country will be left aged and grants, who once made up Por- poorer. Estimates earlier this year tugal’s largest foreign commu- indicated that Portugal will have nity. In 2007 there were 66,354 lost a quarter of its population by legalized Brazilians living and the year 2050. working in Portugal. And despite Specialists have also started the minimum salary in Portugal calling for urgent action to avoid still being three times that in Bra- xenophobic reactions that are a zil, an increasing number of Bra- common occurrence during times zilians are choosing to return to of crisis. At present, immigrants their homeland and less are enter- make up six percent of the Gross ing Portugal. Domestic Product (GDP). Not including illegal immi- In 2007 they were responsible grants, at the end of 2007 420,189 for 9.7 percent of births in this foreigners were legalized in Por- country. And a recent study by tugal, which according to the Im- the National Statistics Institute migration Office, SEF made up (INE) has calculated that, with- five percent of the country’s to- out immigrants, by 2060 the Por- tal population and eight percent tuguese population would fall to of all workers. 8.2 million habitant’s, which Mainly thanks to immigrants, would mean the end of the in the 12 months between 2006 sustainability of the country’s and 2007 the Portuguese popu- Social Security system. lation grew by 18,500 people, Even though the recent phe- and between 2002 and 2007 it in- nomenon is not yet being reflected creased dramatically by 270,000, in national statistics, in two of of which immigrants were re- three years, if the situation is not sponsible for 91 percent. reversed, the effects will be felt. In 2007 foreign women were This is mainly due to the fact the responsible for 9.7 percent of when immigrants leave the coun- births that year in this country, try they do not forewarn govern- the majority of which occurred in mental agencies, like the Social the Algarve, and 11.8 percent of Security. all newborns had a foreign father. It is mainly within the Ukrain- However, the crisis appears to ian community that the biggest be taking its toll on foreigners in shift is being seen, with large Portugal, some of whom are un- numbers of immigrants returning able to pay their own way back to their homeland, this situation to their homelands and have to is further exacerbated by a slow- turn to official organizations for ing in the number of Eastern Eu- assistance Over the first five ropeans entering the country. months of this year 571 immi- In 2006 the number of Ukrain- grants turned to the International ians that were legalized in Portu- Organization for Migration gal was of around 41,530. In 2007 (OIM) for help leaving Portugal. that number dropped to 39,480. In 2008 the organization finan- Figures for 2008 are not yet cially helped 347 stranded immi- know, though a further decrease grants return to their countries of is expected. origin, though this number was far A new trend has emerged exceeded during the first five where these citizens are now months of 2009. opting to emigrate to countries A OIM spokesperson said Wherever you have a family such as the Czech Republic or that the average number of en- Poland, Eastern European coun- quires for assistance has risen tries that are close to the Euro- from 30 to 35 last year, to around pean Union and which continue 90, as of January this year. get together CASH & CARRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AXA PPP healthcare is right there with you THE BIGGEST Meat Wholesaler Whenyou’reliving,working,travellingorretiredawayfromhomeyoudeservequalityhealthcare in the Algarve insurancefromawellgroundedcompanythatreallyknowstheirwayaroundtheworldof healthcarecover! 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Pork Loin with Crackling English Sausages Ox-tail Open Monday - Friday 8am - 1.30pm & 2.30pm- 7pm Closed Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays LaTreglo:( 2NG8ei2la Er4L aP1isn0obe ro5stin9 m-:0 ãB2 Ho1lo /1rOca o5 ilN 5wAº0a :- y 72r 18/sc29t a- 5 tiPo8on3r) t0im70ão NOW ALILSSBOOINN LinesareoApeunthforroismed8aamndtore8gpumlatMedonbdyatyhetoFFinriadnacyiaalnSde9rvaimcestoA1upthmorSitay.tu©rdAaXyA(UPKPtPimhee)a.lCthaclalsrem2a0y0b9erecorded. 8 news The Portugal News • 30 May 2009 Feeding Somalia while fighting starving pirates Reporting from Nairobi, Kenya this week for they did. TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss is Reuters writer Then we took their guns and handcuffed them.” Alison Bevege, who has joined the crew of After being disarmed the pi- the Portuguese warship NRP Corte-Real in rates were released, on the direc- the Gulf of Aden (also see TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll tion of authorities in Lisbon. NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss April 18 and May 2) in their hunt for Two weeks later, and sweat- pirates in what is the most dangerous sea ing in the heat of a Somali morn- ing, NATO Rear Admiral Jose passage in the world and from where almost Domingos Pereira da Cunha five hundred people have been taken gazed over the 100mm artillery hostage by Somalian pirates. guns of the same warship. He was watching food aid be- ing unloaded onto a Berbera dock. When Portuguese commando After a dramatic three-hour With a decisive grunt, he Ricardo Bolinhas stormed aboard helicopter chase of the pirate smiled. a pirate mothership in the Gulf skiff to its mothership the pi- “I am pleased to ensure that of Aden, he was surprised to see rates were captured in a stealth the people of Somalia receive the how skinny the bandits were. attack. food and supplies they so ur- “They were kind of weak. “It was a very dark night and gently need,” he said before retir- They were very thin. They didn’t we were suspicious they were ing to the air-conditioned chill of look very strong,” he said of the carrying weapons,” said his office, honeycombed deep 19 Somali pirates he had just Bolinhas, 27, part of the team of within the ship’s metal belly. caught. crack commandoes who crept up The escort frigate had shep- As the troubled state on the on the pirates in a military speed- herded the UN World Food Pro- horn of Africa spirals further into boat. gram vessel MV Fidel on a four- chaos, the people are hungry - “We boarded the boat very fast day journey from Sudan to the including, seemingly, those who so they didn’t see us. They were Somali port as it carried a life- attack ships in the world’s most occupied with the helicopter (cir- sustaining cargo of wheat through Portuguese marines arresting the pirates on May 1 aboard their dhow. dangerous waterway. cling above). We came up along- the pirate-infested waters of the (Photo: Courtesy NATO) Despite their slight frames, the side and boarded in the dark.” Gulf of Aden. pirates were armed and dangerous. The marines clambered into The 23,900-tonne shipment forces have killed hundreds of million Somalis per month, he Military forces have had to Equipped with AK-47s, the dhow and handcuffed seven was enough to feed 1.43 million civilians in the capital, said. “But 95 percent or more of guard World Food Program aid rocket propelled grenades and - men on the deck. Then they people for a month according to Mogadishu, and sent more than that food comes by sea,” he said. shipments since October 2007. for the first time - high explosives, stormed the bridge. the food aid organisation, and it 50,000 others fleeing according to The recent explosion of pirate The European Union’s Op- they had tried to hijack a Norwe- “We saw two pirates with arrived earlier this month amid aid news reports. attacks would have cut off an eration Atalanta now provides gian crude oil tanker. AK-47s and we had to take their agency warnings that Somalia’s The UN World Food Program important source of food for mil- the warships but NATO steps Bolinhas, a muscley special- guns from them,” Bolinhas said. humanitarian emergency was estimates that 3.2 million Soma- lions of people without the mili- into the breech when Atalanta has forces marine from Lisbon, was “When we saw those we got wor- being severely aggravated by the lis need food aid. tary escorts, Goossens said. no ships available, Goossens one of those risking lives captur- ried.” worst outbreak of fighting in Without it, thousands would The International Maritime said. ing the pirate ship after NATO’s To the relief of all, the stand- Mogadishu seen for months. starve to death and refugee num- Bureau reports that more ships NATO has sent four patroling Portuguese warship Corte-Real off was resolved peacefully. In the last three weeks, clashes bers would escalate said Peter have been attacked so far in 2009 warships to the Gulf of Aden hunted the would-be bandits “We shouted at them to put between militant al Shabaab Goossens, director of the pro- than in the whole of 2008. under Operation Allied Protec- down. their weapons on the floor and fighters and pro-government gram’s Somalia operations. So far this year there have been tor to conduct anti-piracy tasks “Without the food aid there 125 reported attacks compared as needed, whether it be escort- would be a significant increase in with 111 in total during 2008, the ing high risk vessels through the the outflow of refugees into Bureau said on Tuesday. But shipping lane, chasing down pi- Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen and fewer of those attacks have been rates or guarding aid shipments. eWnCdalers ae3hr0ao/n0u6csee/09 UDonopnbpp’erotlir icmeteuvsinasisbt ytleh!is Do-gttoh inejt aseei itbt.ss a ho Mwnyauo hwlyttfio ,cooo” chwuf ahe lntndeah ppsefoia astsnoityedid ml f. peto “haaerBevto iemtuep ww tlas eosieo l nflaluvo ll rlyeerdeca stf behv uindeee- sswbwuueiiccAetthhccn ee t48sotsa2s1stkfaf 5luulea llnlso: ah t if snti yhjt4 2a ei7ysc0a8 ekr0y .ai9henr ot.agh srAse t ccarteoog l wmmeesaepp shraatea rr 12vee4d9de lkpoinnakMAto elraw onantld ontsdh ya.aer ftoert seetfeu rct arthan hwno e sbih erteohe anmcobeoueon te, at an rob ddsuu o ttwtolb u tortthheuieoaelidknyr serious trouble.” ships and about 214 sailors are of violence, that looks more un- The UN World Food Program now being held hostage, accord- attainable than ever. gives food assistance to about 2.2 ing to the Bureau. Alison Bevege We have a full range of high quality outdoor all-weather furniture which we are selling at unbelievable prices. Come see us Mon-Fri 9.00-13.00 & 14.30-18.30 & Saturday 9.00 - 13.00 in Parque Industrial do Rogel – Alcantarilha (behind Macoter & Bricomania). If you’re coming on the A22, take exit nº 7, turn left onto the EN125 direction Albufeira and after 400m you’ll see our sign on the right hand side. You can call us on 282 322807 or 917228401 Portuguese commando Ricardo Bolinhas, 27, of Lisbon, stands guard over UN World Food Program ship MV Fidel as it travels to Berbera to deliver grain to starving Somalis DELUXE UMBRELLAS EXCLUSIVE GARDEN FURNITURE GAS BBQs & SKOTTEL BRAAI on Thursday May 1. (Photo: Courtesy NATO/Carlos Dias) news The Portugal News • 30 May 2009 9 Portuguese women get hotter, quicker A recent study carried out on the extreme rate soared following tempera- effects of climate change in Portugal and tures of 36.4 degrees, in Portugal Spain has discovered that Portuguese heat-related deaths started at 33.5 degrees”, he said. women are less resistant to rises in heat The investigation further re- than their Spanish counterparts. vealed that in Madrid people are more resistant to heatwaves than It was also calculated that to become increasingly frequent. people living in Lisbon and that a heatwaves in Lisbon were more The worst heatwave to date, in one-degree variation in tempera- deadly than in Madrid. 2003, killed some 40,000 people ture in both cities affected each one For four years a team of climate throughout Europe and 2,000 peo- differently, causing deaths to rise and health specialists from Portu- ple in Portugal, as well as causing by 21.5 percent in Spain and 31.3 gal and Spain, has been studying the largest amount of land to burn percent in Portugal. the extreme effects of global in this country. That year, in one “The reasons for a higher mor- warming on health. week, around 220,000 hectares of tality rate in Portugal must be so- Led by climate change expert land was set alight. cial and economical, like the cool- Filipe Duarte Santos, the team has Filipe Duarte Santos told the ing and heating of properties, been assessing the effects of Lusa News Agency that the team which in Spain is better”, said events such as heatwaves, cold has also calculated that the deadly Filipe Duarte Santos. snaps, downpours and droughts temperatures vary from region to The study concluded that have been having on human health; region. throughout the Iberian Peninsula phenomenon’s that are expected “While in Madrid the death- it was the elderly that most suf- fered in the heat, but in Portugal Half of Portuguese women were more affected than men, as more women (particularly those aged over 75) died during are overweight heatwaves. Portugal Since 2004 around 9,000 via the National Health Serv- Portuguese have died from ice for more than two years. condemns weight-related issues, issues “Every year around 1,500 that nearly five million over- people die from obesity-re- weight people in this coun- lated complications that North Korea try suffer from, according to could have been avoided”, he the Association for Obesity said. nuclear test Sufferers and Ex-Obese The most recent study car- People in Portugal ADEXO. ried out in Portugal to assess Speaking earlier this the incidence of obesity in Portugal’s Government week for Portugal’s National this country calculated that added its voice to global out- Day Against Obesity, Carlos more than half of the popula- rage at North Korea’s an- Oliveira, President of tion is overweight, and of nouncement that it has suc- ADEXO, said the Associa- those, 14.2 percent are obese. cessfully carried out a second tion was not commemorating The World Health Or- and apparently bigger nuclear the day, but was “grieving for ganisation has described test. the nine thousand or so obes- obesity as ‘the epidemic of the A Lisbon Foreign Ministry ity-sufferers that have died 21st century’; a chronic dis- since 2004 and for those who ease that constitutes one of statement said Portugal A woman rinses her face under a fountain to cool off during a 40º heatwave in Elvas in continue to die while waiting the most worrying issues of stands firmly behind an EU 2006. (Photo: Lusa / Nuno Veiga) owna ictoinngs ullitsatst iofonr l issutsr gaenrdy otno pcuurbrleicn thlye aflatche st.hat Portugal cwohnidcehm snhaotwiosn “aonf utnhaec cteepstt-, Young Portuguese film maker wins treat obesity”. In Portugal the majority of able attitude and disrespect for According to Carlos overweight citizens are chil- the relevant UN Security Cannes’ Golden Palm Oliveira more than 2,000 dren and youths. Thirty-one Council resolutions” and also people are currently waiting percent of the country’s chil- “compromises regional stabil- for obesity-related surgical dren, through from primary ity” to “constitute a dangerous A surprised João Salaviza has guese film director told the He said his film still did not interventions and another school age to teenagers, are threat to international peace won the Cannes Film Festi- Lusa News Agency on Sunday have a distributor, but that he 1,000 or so have been waiting overweight, 10 percent of and security.” val’s coveted Golden Palm after winning the prestigious hoped the Golden Palm award for an initial consultation these being obese. The official Lisbon state- award for his maiden short- prize in Cannes. would attract attention. ment urged Pyongyang to de- subject film ‘Arena’. “I wasn’t expecting it”, “I count on the Golden Palm sist from further nuclear tests “It’s always good to have Salaviza said by telephone, to help call some attention to and return to six-party talks one’s work recognised, espe- adding that it had already been the quality of my film - and not on its nuclear programme and cially when I’m so young and a “great joy” having ‘Arena’ se- only to mine, but to other Por- meet its commitments to the this being my first short-sub- lected as one of the nine short- tuguese films that were also treaty on non-proliferation. ject since university”, the subjects in the competition out present in Cannes”, he told TPN/Lusa debuting 25-year-old Portu- of a total 3,600 candidates. Lusa. news TThhee PPoorrttuuggaall NNeewwss •• 3300 MMaayy 22000099 1111 advertiser’s announcement International School São Lourenço– Nurturing academic excellence EEEEEddddduuuuucccccaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll eeeeexxxxxccccceeeeelllllllllleeeeennnnnccccceeeee iiiiisssss aaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee hhhhheeeeeaaaaarrrrrttttt ooooofffff ttttthhhhheeeee one embraces the importance of a thirty year history, plans and im- IIIIInnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrnnnnnaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll SSSSSccccchhhhhoooooooooolllll SSSSSãããããooooo LLLLLooooouuuuurrrrreeeeennnnnçççççooooo aaaaannnnnddddd iiiiittttt iiiiisssss ttttthhhhheeeee provements are constantly being made to secure the future for the chil- dren. ssssstttttrrrrrooooonnnnnggggg fffffooooocccccuuuuusssss ooooonnnnn iiiiimmmmmppppprrrrrooooovvvvviiiiinnnnnggggg nnnnnooooottttt ooooonnnnnlllllyyyyy ttttthhhhheeeee pppppeeeeerrrrrfffffooooorrrrrmmmmmaaaaannnnnccccceeeeesssss The strong focus on the importance of providing children with ac- ooooofffff aaaaallllllllll ttttthhhhheeeee ccccchhhhhiiiiillllldddddrrrrreeeeennnnn aaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee sssssccccchhhhhoooooooooolllll,,,,, bbbbbuuuuuttttt aaaaalllllsssssooooo ttttthhhhheeeee cess to high-tech educational facilities is demonstrated by the recent ttttteeeeeaaaaaccccchhhhheeeeerrrrrsssss,,,,, ttttthhhhhaaaaattttt iiiiisssss pppppuuuuussssshhhhhiiiiinnnnnggggg IIIIInnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrnnnnnaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll SSSSSccccchhhhhoooooooooolllll SSSSSãããããooooo purchase of several interactive whiteboards which are currently in place in the school. LLLLLooooouuuuurrrrreeeeennnnnçççççooooo iiiiinnnnn AAAAAlllllmmmmmaaaaannnnnccccciiiiilllll,,,,, tttttooooowwwwwaaaaarrrrrdddddsssss aaaaa ssssstttttrrrrrooooonnnnngggggeeeeerrrrr fffffuuuuutttttuuuuurrrrreeeee..... There are ten interactive whiteboards at the school, used in all areas of teaching but especially in the fields of languages and science. Interactive whiteboards help both children and teachers in the class- Since taking up his position as Head Teacher in 2007, Terry McGuire room and research has proven that pupils using the boards learn faster has been developing the school, placing particular emphasis on the and more easily then those using a traditional board. quality of the teachers. He has implemented assessment schemes and Students are able to interact with the whiteboards, empowering the external audits for all teachers and this investment in the teachers not pupils to take control of their own learning experience as they browse only benefits the children in the classrooms but also helps to foster a websites, play games and create videos on these versatile teaching aids. relationship of communication and trust between teachers and the One of the most important benefits of the whiteboards is the ele- school. ment of fun that they bring to the classroom. Teachers are able to plan Teachers, who are UK trained and qualified, with the exception of and deliver lessons using fresh and new methods while students are the Portuguese teachers who are trained in universities here in Portugal able to grasp themes and concepts in a more interesting and visually benefit from professional development programmes, that assure the appealing way. highest level of performance. After seeing the enormous educational benefits to the children using But assessment strategies are not only meant for teachers, but as the interactive boards it was decided that every classroom will have well for pupils through CAT’s (Cognitive Ability Tests) and on-going one installed allowing all subjects to be taught using this high-tech teach- target setting and assessment procedures, which guarantee that their ing aid in the new school. The importance of a pupil at the International School São Lourenço natural abilities are developed to full potential, through caring and per- Staff, pupils and parents are constantly working to create a fresh, does not stop at 16 or even 18. Staff at the school understand the im- sonalised learning methods. new and inspiring environment for everyone at the school. A child at portance of further education and offer a diverse choice of A-Level Also a priority for Terry Maguire is the integration within the Por- the International School São Lourenço not only benefits from the mo- options to all students with examinations being taken through the Cam- tuguese community and learning about the Portuguese language and tivated, professional, yet friendly environment provided by the quali- bridge and Edexcel Examination boards, like all the best international culture. fied staff, they are also able to take advantage of teaching facilities and schools around the world. He explained: “There is an opportunity for all pupils to become flu- resources of the highest existing standards. By creating a high achieving sixth form the school is able to boast that ent in Portuguese while here and we think it is important that children more than 80 per cent of their pupils applying for university are ac- become aware of the country that they are living in. Children receive cepted into the higher educational facility of their first choice, demon- daily Portuguese lessons at four varying levels from beginners to those strating the success of the sixth form at the school. at a first language level.” Staff are able to guide students along the path of higher education and By catering towards all Portuguese language skill levels the school provide direct access to the very best UK, international and Portu- ensures that all pupils are challenged at the correct level. Children from guese universities creating a path towards a successful future for every a Portuguese speaking family will have very different teaching require- pupil. ments to those who have no experience of the language, however all Head teacher, Terry McGuire, sees the new building and technol- children have the opportunity to improve and progress in this essen- ogy within it as just one of the steps towards creating a stimulating and tial subject. high quality educational environment. Since assuming his role he has Meanwhile, it is a time of celebration at the International School São been knocking down proverbial walls of his own, strengthening paren- Lourenço, as staff, pupils and parents join to mark 30 years of educa- tal involvement, creating links with the local community and promot- tional excellence. However, instead of being content with current and ing continuous assessments of staff and pupils to build on the strong former achievements at the school, a five million euro investment has foundations already found at the school. been made to launch it into its next era of success. “There is a certain momentum to be found here now, you can almost There are already many modern facilities at the International School feel the ground move beneath your feet as we move forward,” said Terry São Lourenço, including interactive whiteboards while plans for high McGuire, and it is this momentum that will see the International School tech classrooms in the new school facility show how although every- São Lourenço progress to its next period of educational excellence. business 12 The Portugal News • 30 May 2009 Airport figures picking up Passenger traffic through Portuguese airports grew by 7.6 percent in the month of April this year, in comparison to the same month of the previous year, but is still not enough to make up for losses that have accumulated since the beginning of this year. According to figures from fall in passenger figures of 5.9 ANA – Airports of Portugal, 2.1 percent, when compared to the million travellers passed through same period of 2008. Portugal’s airports during the During the first four months of month of April this year, in com- 2009 6.4 million passengers ar- parison to the 1.9 million in April rived at or departed from a na- 2008. tional airport, in comparison to Lisbon Airport’s passenger the 6.79 million during the same frequency increased by 10.3 per- period of last year. cent, Oporto Airport’s by 8.6 Faro Airport suffered a loss of percent, and in the Azores pas- 1.6 percent in figures this year, senger figures grew by 13 per- mainly due to the weak British cent. market, which is the main con- Overall though, total figures tributor to that airport’s passen- for January to April saw a global ger figures. EU Blue Card for highly-skilled foreign workers The European Council this state the EU Blue Card holder, week adopted a directive aimed and his family members may at facilitating conditions of entry move, under certain conditions, and residence in the EU of third- to a member state other than the country citizens for the purpose first member state for the pur- Exterior view of the Sá Carneiro Airport in Oporto. (Photo: Lusa / Estela Silva) of highly qualified employment. pose of highly qualified employ- The directive is aimed at estab- ment. Low salaries force thousands to take lishing more attractive conditions Under the rules set by the di- for third-country workers to take rective, EU Blue Card holders up highly qualified employment will be entitled to equal treatment second jobs in the member states of the Un- as that of nationals of the mem- Hundreds of thousands of Portuguese workers have been forced to ion, by creating a fast-track pro- ber state issuing the Blue Card, take on a second job as one pay cheque is not sufficient to cover cedure for issuing a special resi- as regards: working conditions, expenses, according to the National Institute for Statistics (INE). dence and work permit called the including pay and dismissal; free- ‘EU Blue Card’. dom of association; education, An estimated 326,000 Portu- The Blue Card will facilitate training and recognition of quali- Portugal at your fingertips! guese have no other alternative but access to the labour market for fications; a number of provisions to work two separate jobs to make the holders and will entitle them in national law regarding social se- up for the low salaries paid in this to a series of socio-economic curity and pensions; access to country. rights and favourable conditions goods and services, including One third of all employees (an for family re-unification and procedures for obtaining housing, Portugal-info has been estimated one and a half million movement across the EU. information and counseling serv- active since 1997 and is a people) will not earn more than The period of validity of the ices; and free access to the entire unique network where €600 at the end of the month, and EU Blue Card will be between territory of the member state browsers can find only a few (another one million one and four years, with the pos- concerned within the limits pro- everything they need to workers) will make up to €900 per sibility of renewal. A Blue Card vided for by national law. know about Portugal. month. may also be issued or renewed for Following its publication in The answers to discount waTghese roef alerses m thoarne € p3e1o0p plee er amrnoinnthg sah woortrekr c poenrtiroadcst pine roirodde pr ltuos c tohvreeer tmhee mObffeicr iaslt Jaoteusr nwali ollf thhea vEeU ,t wthoe hotel rates, property for than there are people earning be- months. years to incorporate the new pro- sale, and cheap cars for tween €1,800 - €2,500, which After eighteen months of legal visions into their domestic legis- rent. Comprehensive could explain the number of peo- residence in the first member lation. sites provide essential ple having to work two part-time information in English on jobs. The only explanation spe- subjects such as the cialists so far have come up with Portuguese EDP subsidiary to justify this situation is ‘poor Algarve, Golf and salaries’, which force people to Property. find multiple employment. gets €500m loan for new Portugal-info is all about According to economics pro- business. If you need new fessor João Ferreira do Amaral, Ceara power plant clients, you need to be Portuguese families are the second included in the network. most indebted in Europe, even The figures speak for though some 900,000 people in Energias do Brasil, a subsidiary Paulo, the Lusa News Agency re- themselves: this country work far more hours of Portuguese utility EDP, has ported. that the 40-hour weekly maxi- received €500 million in financing Construction of the Porto de mum established by law. from Brazilian bank BNDES to Pacem I plant, owned in equal The majority of people with complete construction of the 720 parts by Energias do Brasil and two jobs work primarily in agri- MW thermoelectric plant in the MPX Energia, began last July Total Unique Visitors per site for 2009 - Jan to Apr: culture or fisheries and use their northeastern state of Ceara. with commercial operations surplus time in part-time employ- The company announced ap- scheduled to start in January www.portugal-info.net 431,899 ment in such as restaurants, hotels, proval of the 17-year loan in São 2012. www.algarve-info.com 68,699 security or night-guards. www.algarvegolf.net 74,053 www.portugal-info.com 28,922 Fuel consumption falling www.portugal-golf.info 20,586 www.property-algarve.net 6,880 www.portugal-rentals.net 4,163 Fuel consumption in Febru- ing unleaded 98 and 3.5 percent by cutting back on unneces- www.portugal-rentacar.net 3,566 ary fell by 3.7 percent despite for unleaded 95. sary expenditures. As a result www.portugal.bz 8,109 significant reductions in prices Petrol with additives is prac- many families have traded in which represents a total of 646,877 Visitors over the past few months. tically no longer used in Portugal, cars for other modes of trans- interested in Portugal so far this year According to figures from and diesel suffered a 2.9 percent port, which along with the General Board of Energy decrease in consumption for the cheaper fuel prices in neigh- Find out how little it costs to buy so much exposure informing the and Geology unleaded petrol fifth consecutive month. bouring Spain, has resulted in Contact us at [email protected] or 282 423 770 world about sales registered the biggest The economic crisis has a fall in fuel consumption in Also see details by visiting www.algarve.ws Portugal losses, of 25 percent concern- forced families to make savings Portugal.

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