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Preview The Portugal News - Issue 1009

nneewwss 22 TThhee PPoorrttuuggaallNNeewwss•• 29 MMaayy 22000099 First case of ‘swine flu’ confirmed in ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade, Lda Portugal as virus scare wanes Copyright ©2005 Anglo Press Lda and The News Group of Newspapers Inc • TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss is owned and published by: The News Group of Newspapers Inc ••••• DDDDDeeeeepppppóóóóósssssiiiiitttttooooo LLLLLeeeeegggggaaaaalllll NNNNNººººº 80258/94 Content Earlier this week the first case of ‘swine flu’, or influenza A (H1N1) infection as the World NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss Health Organisation is now call- National 1-7 & 11 • Regional 10-12 • World View 10 • Business ing it, in Portugal was confirmed 8-9 • Trading Places 15 • Sport 56 as government officials debated a void in national legislation RRRRReeeeeaaaaadddddeeeeerrrrrsssss’’’’’ iiiiinnnnnpppppuuuuuttttt which prevents medical authori- Letters 18 • Club News 16 ties from prescribing compul- sory quarantine for such cases. PPPPPrrrrrooooopppppeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy A 30-year-old woman who had recently returned from Mexico Property of the Week 19 • Prestige Properties 21-23 became the first known case of Property Update 26 • Gardening 24 influenza A (H1N1) in this coun- FFFFFeeeeeaaaaatttttuuuuurrrrreeeee pppppaaaaagggggeeeeesssss try, as confirmed on Monday by Health Minister Ana Jorge. Eating Out 17 • More for Women 28-29 • Health 30-31 During a news conference Min- Paws & Claws 34 • Travel 35 ister Jorge said “there is no risk of contagion”. She explained that the EEEEEnnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrtttttaaaaaiiiiinnnnnmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt patient was under quarantine at Cinema 36-37 • Events 38 • TV Guide 39-45 • Mind & Soul 51 home and her family and travelling companions had been identified AAAAAdddddvvvvveeeeerrrrrtttttiiiiisssssiiiiinnnnnggggg and were under observation. Advertisers’ Hotline 32-33 • Company Finder 46-50 However, this has brought to light a void in Portuguese legisla- 52-55 Classified tion that prevents doctors from CCCCCooooonnnnntttttaaaaaccccctttttsssss imposing compulsory quaran- tine on a patient as a preventative PPPPPooooossssstttttaaaaalllll AAAAAddddddddddrrrrreeeeessssssssss:::::Apt 13 • 8401-901 • Lagoa measure. CCCCCooooouuuuurrrrriiiiieeeeerrrrr::::: Rua Município de S. Domingos • Urb. By law, compulsory confine- Lagoa Sol • Lote 3 r/c • 8400-415 Lagoa ment is seen as an exceptional TTTTTeeeeelllll::::: 707 500 655 measure despite having been in- NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssdddddeeeeessssskkkkk: 707 500 655 cluded in the National Contin- A Portuguese tourist at Lisbon Airport on Tuesday after arriving on a charter flight from SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss::::: 707 500 677 gency Plan for Flu Pandemics and Cancún, Mexico. (Photo: Lusa / Miguel A. Lopes) CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeeddddd: 707 500 646 therefore entailing the need for revision. A proposition tackling the According to legal experts, a airport, Maria João Martins, also FFFFFaaaaaxxxxx::::: Gen 707 941 201• Sales: 707 942 053 void has been submitted to Par- revision of this law could stir up reconfirmed “there is no involun- EEEEEmmmmmaaaaaiiiiilllll::::: [email protected][email protected] liament. A general debate regard- conflict regarding human rights, tary quarantine in Portuguese WWWWWeeeeebbbbb::::: www.the-news.net April ing a change to the 60-year-old as the right to good health could law”. law has been scheduled for May interfere with the right to free- Nevertheless, the Contin- PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttt &&&&& DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbuuuuutttttiiiiiooooonnnnn 14th, though no date for a vote or dom of circulation and the right gency Plan for Flu Epidemics, temperatures PPPPPrrrrriiiiinnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrsssss: MIRANDELA Gráfica, Lisbon for its implementation has as yet to work. which was drawn up in 2006 and TTTTTiiiiirrrrraaaaagggggeeeeemmmmm: 22,065 been set. A health delegate for Lisbon twice altered to accommodate below possible consequences of the DDDDDiiiiissssstttttrrrrriiiiibbbbbooooorrrrrsssss: VASP Bird Flu outbreak, stipulates MMMMMeeeeemmmmmbbbbbeeeeerrrrr ooooofffff apct audited circulation Concept changing “the creation of a law that allows normal PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm compulsive rules for public whenever public wellbeing can- PPPPPuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiissssshhhhheeeeerrrrr::::: Paul Luckman • [email protected] Average air temperatures in for elderly homes not be ensured by other means”. EEEEEdddddiiiiitttttooooorrrrr::::: Brendan de Beer • [email protected] It foresees the “isolation, vol- April this year were the third PPPPPrrrrroooooddddduuuuuccccctttttiiiiiooooonnnnn::::: Madeline Luckman • [email protected] untary or compulsory, of all sus- lowest on record since pected or confirmed cases and JJJJJooooouuuuurrrrrnnnnnaaaaallllliiiiissssstttttsssss::::: Carrie-Marie Bratley • Tommy Broad 1931, according to the in Portugal the quarantine of those who have CCCCClllllaaaaassssssssssiiiiifffffiiiiieeeeedddddsssss::::: Rebecca Andrade Portuguese Meteorological been in contact with these cases”. PPPPPaaaaawwwwwsssss &&&&& CCCCClllllaaaaawwwwwsssss::::: Raquel Salbany Institute (IM), meaning last This could be applied in Por- PPPPPrrrrreeeeevvvvviiiiieeeeewwwww::::: Raquel Salbany tugal, but currently only in ex- TTTTTrrrrraaaaavvvvveeeeelllll::::: Sherry Hughes month was the third coldest TTTTThhhhheeeee cccccooooonnnnnccccceeeeepppppttttt ooooofffff rrrrreeeeetttttiiiiirrrrreeeeemmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt hhhhhooooommmmmeeeeesssss iiiiinnnnn PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll iiiiisssss treme cases. PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooosssss::::: LUSA • Press Association • PortugalNews in nearly 80 years. ccccchhhhhaaaaannnnngggggiiiiinnnnnggggg,,,,, wwwwwiiiiittttthhhhh aaaaa rrrrreeeeeccccceeeeennnnnttttt sssssuuuuurrrrrgggggeeeee iiiiinnnnn llllluuuuuxxxxxuuuuurrrrryyyyy However an insurance firm When compared to April tem- rrrrreeeeesssssiiiiidddddeeeeennnnntttttiiiiiaaaaalllll dddddeeeeevvvvveeeeelllllooooopppppmmmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss fffffooooorrrrr ttttthhhhheeeee mmmmmooooorrrrreeeee aaaaaffffffffffllllluuuuueeeeennnnnttttt that had sent 60 of its employees SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss TTTTTeeeeeaaaaammmmm peratures from 1972 to 2000, last aaaaagggggeeeeeddddd..... on a trip to Mexico took it upon month’s minimums were one itself to ‘exempt’ the group upon SSSSSaaaaallllleeeeesssss MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrr:::::Bella Talhadas • 914 393 736 degree and a half below previous Many of these develop- sonal belongings. their return on Tuesday and en- AAAAArrrrreeeeeaaaaa MMMMMaaaaannnnnaaaaagggggeeeeerrrrrsssss::::: averages. ments boast sea views, win- It belies a general idea couraged them to stay at home Lisbon, Estoril, Cascais, Sintra • BBBBBeeeeellllllllllaaaaa TTTTTaaaaalllllhhhhhaaaaadddddaaaaasssss Comparisons are made based ter gardens, heated swim- amongst those in ‘transi- until the 12th of this month Alvor, Lagos, P. da Luz, Aljezur • MMMMMaaaaarrrrriiiiilllllyyyyynnnnn HHHHHooooolllllmmmmmeeeees • 914 863 604 on monthly temperature aver- ming pools, and all the five- tional stages’ that retire- through fears one of them may be Guia, Almancil - Faro • KKKKKeeeeellllllllllyyyyy BBBBBaaaaarrrrrrrrrreeeeetttttttttt • 912 583 439 ages from 1972 to 2000, a period star luxury one would expect ment homes are for the sick carrying the virus. Loulé, Quinta do Lago, Vale do Lobo - Ayamonte that is used as a standard rule of of a leading hotel. or bedridden. Jorge Gama, of Mapfre insur- reference. However, this is comple- Filipe Loureiro, delegate- ers, said the company had taken TTTTTooooommmmmCCCCChhhhhaaaaapppppmmmmmaaaaannnnn • 912 583 188 Last month minimum tem- mented by 24-hour, on-hand administrator of the José de action as a precautionary meas- SSSSSuuuuuppppppppppooooorrrrrttttt peratures plummeted to 6.6 de- care, and the clientele are all Mello Residencies and Serv- ure and for the normal incubation grees, while maximum and aver- of mature ages, contradict- ices Group – which has three period of the virus. AAAAAccccccccccooooouuuuunnnnntttttsssss::::: Gaby Rodrigues age temperatures were also lower ing a previous notion of old such units in Lisbon – con- The group of employees were SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss::::: Samantha Hoather by 0.6 and 1.1 degrees Celsius age people’s homes in this firmed that “this is a market among 357 Portuguese tourists SSSSSuuuuubbbbbssssscccccrrrrriiiiippppptttttiiiiiooooonnnnnsssss resApveecrtaivgeel rya.infall was also infe- claopuindtartye,d o ftbenu ilfdoiunngds ina dnid- whahviec hn ios cdloeuabrlty wghroawtsionegv.e rI tdhaayt orent tuwrnoe fdli gtoh Ltsi fsrboomn Cona nTcuuens -- 52 editions of The Portugal News. cost €67.50 (Portugal), €135 rior last month than in other makeshift set-ups. that it is a concept of the fu- the last charters organised by (Europe) or €210 (World Airmail). Send your name and address months during the afore-men- On the Marginal which ture and more solutions are Portuguese travel agencies which plus cheque or credit card details to Apt 13, 8401-901 Lagoa or tioned period of reference, clas- links Lisbon to Cascais, in beginning to appear that rep- have suspended Mexican trips email [email protected]. Queries, please call 707 500 655. sifying the month as ‘normal to Parede, a three-story build- licate this model”. over influenza A (H1N1) fears. NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssssllllleeeeetttttttttteeeeerrrrrsssss dry’, throughout all of mainland ing which is home to 105 eld- All three of the José de Lisbon airport medical officials Portugal. erly people promises to Mello Group’s units, where who assessed passengers To subcribe to our free weekly newsletters, sent by email every A report by the IM predicted “bring life to the years”. It minimum monthly costs onboard the aircraft before dis- Friday please email [email protected] the above-average dryness may boasts large, open-plan range between €2,000 and embarking said none of the trav- DDDDDiiiiisssssccccclllllaaaaaiiiiimmmmmeeeeerrrrr continue during upcoming rooms, sumptuous €3,000 depending on the level ellers showed signs of influenza months. finishings and a light, bright of care needed, are around 80 A (H1N1). Although we do everything possible to ensure the integrity and On the Island of Madeira it was interior décor. No detail or percent full, and therefore Meanwhile, the director-gen- suitability of advertisements in TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss calculated maximum, minimum whim is overlooked. “complying with expecta- eral of Portugal’s National health ,ANGLOPRESS Edições e Publicidade Lda, The Portugal and average air temperatures Rooms are largely left tions”. Other similar set-ups Board has said “there are no rea- Nraenesdwp cosan, nsitinsb oieltim tbype flocoory cmelaeeis mi nosvr o mrlevapedrdee sibney na atnadytv ivdeeirstsips cueatresns nin oo ttrh aleitciircg peauptibto lanicn,iyty, w20e0r0e aavlle rhaiggeh beyr 1th.1a nd etghree e1.971- ethmepirt y osow rne sifduernntist ucaren bwriinthg trhercoourdgihnogu stu Pcocretsusfguall o acrceu aplsao- shoanss a fsosru crietidze tnhsa tto “ ussheo mualdsk tsh”a, ta nbde howsoever arising. In the Azores they were also them and decorate with per- tion rates. necessary, we will indicate which found to be slightly higher. masks are most appropriate”. news The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 3 Madeleine documentary sparks renewed interest The disappearance of British toddler Madeleine McCann made headlines again this week following the showing of a documentary by Channel 4 on Thursday evening. The ‘Cutting Edge’ documen- interest, with “Hundreds of calls anyone who decides to do so has Earlier this week it emerged tary, produced by Mentorn being recorded, along with thou- been threatened with certain le- that an agent acting on behalf of Media on behalf of Channel 4, sands of visits to the Find gal action. Gonçalo Amaral demanded gave an insight into how Kate and Madeleine website”. He added To date, no lawsuits have been “80,000 euros plus VAT”, after Gerry McCann have dealt with note has been made of “a number filed against Gonçalo Amaral ei- an e-mail request by Channel Five the disappearance of their daugh- of possible sightings”, admitting ther in Portugal or in Britain. to appear on British television, a ter and how they have tried to though “this is normal whenever Last October, in the first inter- proposition which was refused. create a normal life for the sake of there is renewed interest in the view granted by Amaral to an The channel had apparently Madeleine’s brother and sister, case.” English-language publication, he also asked that no derogatory four-year-old twins Sean and In a related development, The toldThe Portugal News that he comments be made against Kate Amelie. Portugal News understands that was actually hopeful legal action or Gerry McCann in their re- With the search now shelved the documentary will be shown is taken against him. quest. by the Portuguese police - and no in Portugal on Monday evening “My book is based on facts. It The showing of Channel officers in Portugal or the UK by private television station Sic. could be a good occasion to take Four’s ‘Cutting Edge’ coincided dedicated to the case - the inves- This came despite a tacit agree- all the case files to court and com- with a visit by the former detec- Pictured is an artist’s impression of what has been termed tigators (former police officers ment having been made with ri- pare what I wrote with that which tive to Paris. “a very ugly” man who has been identified by a number of from the UK) spoke about their val channel TVI by producers. is contained in the files”, he said. Last week, Kate and Gerry witnesses who said they saw him watching the apartment interest in a series of what they But a decision by TVI to fi- Other legal action pending re- McCann appeared on Oprah from where Madeleine McCann was taken. term “important sightings” in and nance and show a documentary garding the case includes one by Winfrey in a programme that has around the Ocean Club complex, based on the book by former Por- workers who have been sacked at been widely transmitted across toThe Portugal News in Praia drying up completely he re- Praia da Luz, in the days leading tuguese PJ detective Gonçalo the Ocean Club resort who have the globe. A source close to the da Luz that the Find Madeleine sponded: “It won’t dry up in the up to May 3rd 2007, when Amaral, pointing a finger of guilt confirmed they were seeking the family told The Portugal News Fund, which has received around next few months, but probably Madeleine was reported as miss- to the parents of Madeleine services of a labour lawyer. on Thursday that the couple 2.5 million pounds since it was by the end of the year, at the rate ing. McCann appears to have upset Their intention, according to were pleased at the results ob- set up shortly after Madeleine’s we are running.” The documentary recon- Kate and Gerry, leading to the theCorreio da Manhã, is to file tained from the show, highlight- disappearance, is running out of He concluded that fundraising structed events surrounding rights for the show being negoti- for damages based on the fact that ing the “sympathetic” nature of financial resources. is presently being considered as Madeleine’s disappearance using ated with Sic. “lies told by Kate and Gerry” Oprah Winfrey. “There’s still money in it”, an option to boost funds and thus actors and based on testimony The TVI documentary, which have destroyed the resort and as Sources in America explained said Mr McCann, adding: “I can’t ensure an ongoing interest in find- given to the Portuguese police as was also distributed by a national a direct consequence, resulted in that no money changed hands for give you the exact figure, but we ing Madeleine. part of their investigations. newspaper as a DVD last week, their job losses. the appearance of the couple, as have spent and continue to spend Madeleine McCann has been Clarence Mitchell, spokes- shows Amaral talking to viewers Gonçalo Amaral has since it is not their “policy to pay for a lot of money with the aim of missing since May 3rd 2007. She man for the McCann family, told through the broadcast, repeating come out in support of the pro- news interviews”. trying to enhance the chance of was three at the time of her dis- The Portugal News on Thurs- opinions stated in his book. posed litigation, saying he will Last month, Gerry McCann finding her. appearance and will be six next day that the recent television The Truth of the Lie, which happily step up as a witness for admitted in an in interview given On the chances of the Fund week. appearances and this latest docu- was published last year, has not the plaintiffs in their civil action mentary has generated enormous yet been printed in English, and against the McCanns. Deadline extended for water equipment registry FFFFFooooollllllllllooooowwwwwiiiiinnnnnggggg aaaaa fffffrrrrreeeeennnnnzzzzziiiiieeeeeddddd mmmmmaaaaassssssssss rrrrreeeeessssspppppooooonnnnnssssseeeee tttttooooo aaaaa rrrrreeeeeccccceeeeennnnntttttlllllyyyyy-----eeeeemmmmmeeeeerrrrrgggggeeeeeddddd lllllaaaaawwwww ssssstttttaaaaatttttiiiiinnnnnggggg aaaaallllllllll ppppprrrrriiiiivvvvvaaaaattttteeeee wwwwwaaaaattttteeeeerrrrr sssssuuuuuppppppppppllllliiiiieeeeesssss llllliiiiikkkkkeeeee wwwwweeeeellllllllllsssss,,,,, bbbbbooooorrrrreeeee-----hhhhhooooollllleeeeesssss aaaaannnnnddddd ccccceeeeesssssssssspppppoooooooooolllllsssss mmmmmuuuuusssssttttt ooooobbbbbllllliiiiigggggaaaaatttttooooorrrrriiiiilllllyyyyy bbbbbeeeee rrrrreeeeegggggiiiiisssssttttteeeeerrrrreeeeeddddd,,,,, ttttthhhhheeeee dddddeeeeeaaaaadddddllllliiiiinnnnneeeee,,,,, ooooorrrrriiiiigggggiiiiinnnnnaaaaallllllllllyyyyy MMMMMaaaaayyyyy 3333311111sssssttttt,,,,, nnnnnooooowwwww lllllooooooooookkkkksssss aaaaasssss iiiiifffff iiiiittttt cccccooooouuuuulllllddddd bbbbbeeeee eeeeexxxxxttttteeeeennnnndddddeeeeeddddd..... The Portugal News first re- six month extension on the deadline there has been a ported on this situation a fort- deadline. great influx in the ARH and night ago and since received However, when The Portu- other involved entities’ serv- floods of telephone calls and gal News spoke to a source at ices, making it difficult to re- emails in response, the ma- the City Hall an extension was spond to demand and causing jority of which seeking more said to have been approved upset and inconveniences to information or guidance. though no deadline was con- those enquiring. The law itself (Decree-Law firmed. “Given these circum- number 226A/2007, dated According to the local Lagoa stances and taking into ac- March 31st, 2007) was in fact City Hall, they did not seem to count that the ARH’s func- officially implemented more be clear on exactly how to pro- tions have suffered delays, the than one year ago, though only ceed with legalising private prolonging of the afore-men- became common knowledge water resources. tioned deadline is being delib- in recent weeks. He said the municipality’s erated so citizens can legalise It states, “All owners and services had tried to contact the their situations with the re- tenants of properties that have ARH – the entity responsible quired serenity, therefore water resource equipment for reinforcing the law – contributing to a better man- must apply for respective us- though it was an unsuccessful agement of water resources age licences by May 31st exercise. and not being subject to 2009”. This seems to be a scenario penalizations as foreseen by While an extension on the that is repeating itself around law”, it concluded. deadline has not been offi- the region. In some cases, peo- Those failing to register cially confirmed, nor has its ple who have licenses for their private water supplies could duration, recent reports, city equipment are being told to re- face fines of between €25,000 hall employees and the ARH register them. and €2.5 million. – Administration of Regional Local parishes and city halls For more information see Hydrographs website, suggest have received more than 3,000 website: www.arhalgarve.pt its probability. registry applications and every or call: (+351) 289 889 000. A Lagoa City Hall employee day between 70 and 80 people Alternatively, contact allegedly told one resident, make their way to the ARH’s your local parish or city hall. who went to the establish- headquarters in Faro. Post offices may also be able ment to legalise his borehole On the ARH’s website it to provide additional infor- and cesspool, that there was a reads “with the nearing of the mation. Join the thousands who’ve slashed their phone bills Mobile phone Desktop phone UNLIMITED FREE O n l y national & 9 9 4 . 2 € international m o n t h * a Terms & CALLS Conditions apply N E O e Tel: 707 500 600 today o n M E O H *Free calls are to fixed lines in: Portugal, UK, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Austria, Spain, Belgium, France, USA (incl. USA mobiles) and Canada. Prices do not include IVA. The Home Plan offer is for domestic use only and subject to a “fair usage” policy. The Business Plan includes 500 free minutes. You can keep your home phone number and then cancel your PT line rental (there is a small one-time charge to transfer your number). The desktop phone costs €60 + IVA to purchase, and themobilecosts €85 plus IVA . We also offer fully mobile internet. Terms and conditions apply. news The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 5 Schools go ‘green’ at the International Algarve Fair While the International Algarve Fair truly is an exploding, living, breathing kaleidoscope of colours, one part of it has decided to stick to just one colour – Green! This year, for the first time ever, the International Algarve Fair is introducing ‘The Green Challenge’. As we all endeavour to do our Algarve, which in turn have put all works being displayed in a ful than just green – is the Inter- bit for the environment – from it to their students to use their large area at the back of the pavil- national Algarve Fair’s Arts & riding bicycles to separating the imagination in creating all sorts of ion near the school’s stands, un- Crafts tent, which will be burst- rubbish and installing solar pan- weird and wonderful projects to der their school’s banner and ing with all sorts of handmade els – the International Algarve save the planet. Each school will chosen project theme. goodies, traditional fare, and rus- Fair has decided to enlist the help be choosing a project theme, and So as pupils brainstorm new tic relishes like jewellery and of little geniuses from around the then it’s to the drawing boards! ideas on how to reduce, reuse, soaps and a huge range of lovely region to come up with innova- Divided into four categories – repurpose, recycle and rebuild, knick-knacks for the home. tive ways that this can be Junior & Senior Infants, 1st & 2nd we can’t wait to see what the Another new introduction that achieved. class, 3rd and 4th class, and 5th and outcome is! will no doubt thrill all animal lov- The Green Challenge has been 6th class – a prize will be given to Complementing the ‘Green ers visiting the fair is the dog proposed to schools across the winners from each category, with Theme’ – but much more colour- show, which will feature obedi- ence and grooming demonstra- tions and seminars on agility and obedience by a guest speaker from the internationally ac- claimed ‘Company of Animals’. And last but certainly not least, visitors to the fair will have the opportunity to receive a very unique gift that will un- doubtedly become a collectors item of great value – The Portu- gal News’ special 1000th Edition gift: a hand-size embossed travel The big hoarding which will be found at the centre of The Green Challenge in the Pavilion. hairbrush and compact mirror. the place where all the Algarve All you have to do is go to the meets! Portugal News Café in the Pavil- Make sure you visit the fair, ion and the brush is yours with on May 30th and 31st, and listen the purchase of a bica and pastel out for the jingle which is now de nata. Every handbag, dash- being broadcast around the Al- board compartment and suitcase garve, learn the lyrics and sing should have one, so never have along with us. The Portugal News Café and right, the special 1000th edition gift there been better reasons to visit See you there! 6 news The News Portugal • 9 May 2009 Child abuse investigations unsettling Architect Carrilho for victims, says specialist da Graça wins Pessoa culture prize A child that is the victim of sexual abuse and whose situation reaches the chologist highlighted the fact authorities could have to repeat his or her experiences on average up to that the children may have to recount their experiences up to Architect João Luís da Graça described architec- eight times throughout the investigation, a report this week by a forensic eight times, and this may have Carrilho da Graça has been ture as “a marvelous and uni- psychologist has revealed. unsteadying effects. awarded Portugal’s versal” field of endeavour. Regarding professionals with prestigeous cultural Pessoa The 56-year-old archi- Forensic psychologist whom these children come into Prize for 2008, the Lusa tect’s best known works in- Catarina João Capela Ribeiro contact such as doctors, child News Agency reports. clude the Pavilion of Knowl- reached this conclusion while protection committees, shelter On receiving the €60,000 edge of the Seas in Lisbon doing research for her Masters, institutions, she concluded these prize last week from President and the theatre and audito- which she entitled ‘Justice and play a role that is “not so pro- Aníbal Cavaco Silva, Carrilho rium in Poitiers, France. Children: trajectories, meaning, tective”, the only exception be- and the judicial process regard- ing the PJ police, who were most Portuguese almost ing child victims of sexual abuse complimented in statements. within families’. One such statement read Of the conclusions from her “The inspector was brilliant… research, which included state- She takes me everywhere in her always drink when ments from victims aged be- car, and she is very cool… she is tween eight and 12, the psy- a friend who helps me with this”. going out UN names Portuguese expert as head for fight A study carried out by the National Association of Alcoholic Beverages Violence against Children (ANEBE) has shown that seven in ten Portuguese who go out at night always UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has named the drink alcoholic beverages, whilst 13.3 Portuguese director of UNICEF’s Innocenti Research percent drink occasionally and 12.2 Centre, Marta Santos Pais, as his special representative percent rarely drink. for the Violence against Children, organisation. The study, which comprises interviewed believe that people Marta Santos Pais, who has ment last Friday, the UN under- interviews with 842 people, re- drink too much when going out, headed the Florence, Italy- lined Santo Pais’ “tremendous vealed that over 63 percent try to with 70.5 percent saying they do based centre since 2001, will be passion and firm commitment” consume little or moderately when not like to see drunken behaviour headquartered in New York to the cause of children and her they go out, 57 percent saying and 62.6 percent claiming they do during her new three-year man- 25 years of experience in human they don’t drive under the influ- not need alcohol to have a good date. rights affairs and inter-govern- ence of alcohol and 26 percent time. In announcing her appoint- mental initiatives. TPN/Lusa choosing to ride in the car with a The results were published on driver who has not touched a drop. www.bebacomcabeca.pt, a site Shopping The study also showed that launched by ANEBE at the end Book your stand the national population prefers of 2008, which has already had centres wine (65.1 percent) and beer over 500,000 visitors. (38.7 percent) to accompany ANEBE was created in Sep- NOW! their meals, whilst beer (49.4 tember 2008 and gathers infor- continue percent) is their favourite bever- mation from all major alcoholic age when they go out, followed beverage companies in Portugal, Exhibitors from the previous fair have had to by vodka (46.6 percent) and pre- and its objective is to place psy- the chance to re-book and many companies mixed drinks (43.6 percent). chological problems related to A total of 80 percent of those alcohol in the spotlight. have taken advantage of the early booking mushroom discount. But, there are still some premium Algarve stands which will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Around 18 new shopping Our planners have lots of new and exciting centres have been LAGOA • Fatacil ideas for the May international Algarve fair. predicted to open between Blessing They include the first Algarve Dog Show, a 2009 and 2010 in this 30 & 31 May colourful parade and fair ground side shows country, altogether with lots of prizes to keep the children happy covering a total area of 740 11am-7pm We aim to draw the crowds. So doesnít it square metres, according to make sense for your company to be there? the data from associations For details call 282 380 317 related to the industry. or go to algarvefair.com An annual report from the Portuguese Association for Shopping Centres (APCC), for 2008/2009, 12 shopping centres are to open this year, including the Dolce Vita Tejo, which meas- All Saint’s Anglican Church can arrange ures 122,000 square metres and your Wedding or Marriage Blessing in a was inaugurated on May 7th. superb, if not idyllic setting. We also have special It is the largest shopping cen- arrangements with a Wedding Planner who can offer superb tre in Portugal, dethroning the locations for your Wedding or Blessing Ceremony and Colombo Shopping Centre, in celebration, which include a beach setting, beautiful gardens Lisbon, which previously held (weather permitting), a Pavilion or Marquee for larger the title by measuring 119,958 groups. Plus other arrangements including transport, square metres and consisting 401 accommodation, catering, photography. shops. Three more retail parks, in Lis- bon and Portimão, are to open still this year, with a fourth being ALL For more information opened in Setubal, in 2010. please call New shopping centres are also 351 282 380 311 believed to be in the pipeline for or go to places such as Alverca and Sintra. www.allsaintsalgarve.org All projects are expected to go ahead despite the current eco- A N G L I C A N C H U R C H nomic circumstances. news The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 7 EU forecasts higher economic contraction, unemployment The European Commission, foreseeing a longer, deeper recession for the 27-nation bloc, this week predicted that Portugal’s economy would shrink 3.7 percent this year and 0.8 percent in 2010, it revealed in a quarterly report on the state of the EU’s finances and economy. In its previous projection for recent months. HICP inflation – Portugal in January, Brussels the official measure – is expected said it expected contractions of to come in at just under one per- 1.6 percent and 0.2 percent in cent in the EU (0.5 percent in the Portugal in 2009 and 2010, re- euro area) for 2009, and to rise spectively. gradually to about 1.25 percent In its spring forecast the com- in 2010. mission said it foresaw bloc-wide Employment is expected to contraction of 4 percent and 0.1 contract by about 2.25 percent in percent in the next two years. both the EU and the euro area this The EU economy had grown year, and by a further 1.5 percent by 0.8 percent in 2008. next year. Altogether, a net total On the jobs front, Brussels of around 8.5 million jobs could said Portugal would face unem- be lost in the EU in 2009-10, in ployment of 9.1 percent this year contrast to the 9.5 million created and 9.8 percent in 2010, though between 2006 and 2008. lower than the 9.4 percent and The commission publishes 10.9 percent foreseen for the bloc economic forecasts four times a as a whole. year. The comprehensive spring The Commission further said and autumn forecasts cover in a statement that it expected the growth, inflation, employment falling EU economy to stabilise and public budget deficits and as measures take effect. debts for all EU members and sev- However, as fiscal and mon- eral non-EU countries. The etary measures to stimulate the smaller interim forecasts – nor- economy make their presence mally published in February and felt, growth is expected to resume September – review develop- before the end of next year (de- ments since the preceding forecast spite an overall growth forecast for the largest economies only. of -0.1 percent for 2010). The fig- ures – essentially the same for the Photo above right: Prime euro area and the EU as a whole – Minister José Sócrates lays the are down compared with the au- first stone at a children’s home in tumn forecast and January 2009 Pinhal Novo on Wednesday. interim forecast. (Photo: Lusa / Manuel de Inflation has fallen sharply in Almeida) CASH & CARRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE BIGGEST Meat Wholesaler in the Algarve NEWPORTIMÃOOUTLET Trained in South Africa and England Boerewors Chilli Bites R E Biltong M B T E N GLBaammeeobfn SO Shlitaveneakskss PRSOEPMVEOEC2RTIAIYOLNSAL O VE IN SEAPTITO N AL RE PorEkn MLgoaliisntOuh wr xeS-idttaha u BiClseareagfceksling WEEK N D DEPOSYIET •A RMS • OCCUP 8CalmoOs p-e 1ed.n 3S 0Maptoumnr dd&aa 2yy.s 3-,0 FSprumidn-ad y7apyms OSIT • 15% O2R UP TO 5 & Public Holidays EP D F LaTreglo:( 2NG8ei2la Er4L aP1isn0obe ro5stin9 m-:0 ãB2 Ho1lo /1rOca o5 ilN 5wAº0a :- y 72r 18/sc29t a- 5 tiPo8on3r) t0im70ão NOW ALILSSBOOINN 15% DDELAY DEE business 8 The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 Paying for the grey Hedge fund managers targetted In recent months EU countries have injected billions of euros into their economies to stabilise the financial system and stoke growth and this has led to concerns that countries will not have adequate cash available Hedge funds are high-risk private investment partnerships to look after the ever-growing elderly population. that make huge wagers on market movements and are suitable only for professional and institutional investors. At Dealing with the ageing prob- their meeting in April, leaders of the world’s 20 largest lem during the recession won’t be economies – the Group of 20 – declared their support for easy, says Joaquín Almunia, EU commissioner for economic af- clamping down on large hedge funds. fairs. But he believes it can be done through well-designed poli- Under the proposed law, man- The commission also issued cies geared towards more efficient agers of hedge funds and similar recommendations on how EU na- social spending, increased pro- ‘alternative investment funds’ tions should regulate bankers’ ductivity, better education and that handle at least €500m pay. Current pay practices often higher employment levels. (€100m for those using borrowed encourage directors to take exces- Above all, EU governments money) would have to register sive risks. must reduce budget deficits once with regulators. They would also The commission is proposing the economy rebounds, the com- have to disclose information that bonuses and stock options mission says in a paper on the about their business, for example be linked to financial perform- ageing report. the extent to which they use bor- ance over a period of years. It also In 50 years’ time, the popula- rowed money or financial instru- recommends banning severance tion will be much older but only ments to boost potential returns. pay for executives who fail at slightly larger. The median age, At these thresholds, the law their job and capping such pay currently around 40, is expected would cover about 30% of hedge even when they do well. to rise to about 48 because peo- fund managers and 90% of the as- Financial institutions should ple are living longer, birth rates sets in EU-based hedge funds. At be able to get their money back if are low and migration is slowing the end of 2008, the alternative the bonus was based on bogus down. This will mean smaller rev- investment industry was manag- numbers. enues from a shrinking working- ing about €2 trillion in assets. The commission also an- age population and higher costs For now, the draft law applies nounced plans to help consumers for pensions, healthcare and long- only to managers, rather than make informed decisions about term care for the elderly. funds, because many funds are investing in mutual funds and in- The strain on public finances based offshore. After three years, surance policies, particularly with will be significant if the EU con- the rules will get tougher for regard to their risks and costs. tinues on its current course. Ac- funds based outside the EU. Many of these “packaged invest- cording to the report, spending Earlier this year, the commis- ment products” have lost much of will rise by an average of 4.7% of sion introduced a plan for over- their value during the crisis, often GDP by 2060 because of the hauling the financial system, say- to the surprise of investors. growing number of older people. ing the crisis had demonstrated All proposals, are an impor- By then, there will be just two the need for tighter regulation and tant part of the commission’s re- people of working age (15-64) for greater oversight. The general ap- sponse to the financial crisis, every person over 65, instead of proach was endorsed by EU lead- now they go to parliament and Pensioners enjoying the park the current four. ers in March. the council for consideration. The next years – the last before baby boomers begin to retire in Portugal to fail in reaching large numbers – will be crucial. “There is still a window of op- development aid target portunity,” the report says. But more reforms of pensions and other elderly support sys- Portugal will not be able to week that Portuguese develop- tems are needed, as well as efforts meet the target of 0.51 percent ment aid in 2008 had totalled to keep older people working of Gross National Income de- €470 million, an increase of 21 longer; the report notes that only voted to development aid by percent over 2007, but still leav- about 50 percent of people are 2010, Lisbon’s top aid official ing Lisbon near the bottom of still employed at the age of 60. has said. the body’s 22 donor members. The state secretary for for- Despite Portugal’s current Digital eign affairs and cooperation, belt-tightening, Gomes João Gomes Cravinho, said on Cravinho underlined that its aid Sunday that to reach that tar- programs to developing coun- television get Portugal would have to tries, namely Lusophone part- double its current aid budget of ners in Africa and Asia, had risen 0.27 percent of GNI, a goal he “significantly” since 2004 launched described as impossible. when it represented 0.20 per- “We must be realistic and, cent of GNI. looking at the current circum- “I can’t say I’m entirely sat- Portugal Telecom (PT) last stances, there’s no chance of isfied”, he said, adding that Por- Wednesday launched Digital jumping from 0.27 percent to tugal’s “needs to do more” Terrestrial Television (DTT) 0.51 percent from one year to which would be “good for the across Portugal to provide the next, above all this year Portuguese economy”. freeview channels, interactive with the situation we are fac- In spite of the delay in meet- services and better sound and ing”, Gomes Cravinho told the ing its international commit- image quality than existing ana- Lusa News Agency, referring ment regarding development logue services. to the global economic crisis. aid, he said Lisbon was deter- Portugal’s DTT service car- The Organisation for Eco- mined to “respect” its under- ries the existing four national nomic Cooperation and Devel- takings. channels and is to provide a opment (OECD) reported last TPN/Lusa dedicated digital fifth general interest channel. EU saving rate at Subscribers will have access to up to 20 national channels and between 35 and 45 regional channels. 15 percent The new DTT service will also carry a High Definition (HD) channel with content pro- vided by all national operators. In the fourth quarter of 2008, The saving rate in the euro area DTT reception requires ei- in both the euro area and the was 15.1 percent, while it was ther a set-top zapper box, priced EU27, the seasonally adjusted fixed at 12.2 percent in the en- at around €50 euros, or a more household saving rate increased, larged European Union. advanced digital video recorder. while the household investment This data comes from a de- PT said around 20 percent of rate decreased. tailed set of quarterly European Portuguese viewers will ini- In both zones, businesses re- sector accounts released by tially have digital access. corded a fall in investment rates Eurostat and the European Cen- TPN/Lusa and in profit shares. tral Bank (ECB). business The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 9 Rise in shoplifting predicted Every year Portugal’s shops lose an average of €150 million through ‘unspecified causes’, such as shoplifting, a phenomenon which a study by a UK investigation centre has predicted could worsen in coming years. The Nottingham Retail Re- based on provisional statistics search Centre (CPR) has forecast for 2007, which nodded towards that due to the current economic the €150 million figure. crisis, shoplifting and theft could The study also indicates that rise by up to 12 per cent in a clients are responsible for 48.8 number of countries. percent of all thefts that contrib- This has not yet been noted by ute to depreciation in profit in shop owners in Portugal, though Portuguese commerce. these have voiced concerns over Enquiries that were carried out safety. by the CPR out throughout Eu- The only indication this coun- rope and Northern America try has, as yet, as to how much is showed that, in December, shop- lost on average per year due to lifting had risen in general be- ‘unspecified causes’, including tween four and nine per cent. thefts and calculation errors, is Joshua Bamfield, director of EU bans DMF in consumer products The biocide dimethyl fuma- age or transportation in a humid rate (DMF) has caused severe climate. Placed in “Desiccant” sa- The finishing touches are put to the Dolce Vita Commercial Centre in Odivelas on May 1st. (Photo: Lusa / Manuel de allergic reactions, including skin chets inside the furniture or foot- Almeida) itching, irritation, redness, burns wear boxes, DMF evaporates and CPR, said “our belief is that re- police said they did not have iso- ice Associations (UACS) said it and police cannot be every- and, in some cases, acute respi- impregnates the product, protect- tail crime could rise by around 12 lated figures relating to shoplift- had also not received any com- where”, Vasco de Mello, presi- ratory difficulties, in hundreds of ing it from moulds. However, it percent in the majority of coun- ing. plaints, but has noticed a rise in dent of UACS, said. consumers in the EU because of has been found to seriously affect tries, including Portugal, and that The Portuguese Shopping concern for safety. According to António its use in imported every day consumers who were in contact people are mainly shoplifting Centre Association (APCC) has “There is concern regarding Sampaio de Mattos, head of consumer products such as with the products. DMF pen- necessary primary goods”. said that the situation remains dangers that come from the exte- APCC; “there will always be couches and shoes. There has etrated through the clothes onto Contacted by the Lusa News “perfectly normal” while the rior, like hold-ups, thefts, be- thefts as long as there are thieves even been one case of a soft toy the skin of consumers where it Agency, both the GNR and PSP Union for Commerce and Serv- cause that is what a crisis entails and opportunities”. for small children. caused painful dermatitis. The fact On May 1, a European Com- that in serious cases the dermati- mission Decision came into force tis is particularly difficult to treat Lisbon setting to ensure that no consumer prod- adds to the damage. uct containing the strongly sen- DMF is not legally available up fund to sitising DMF is placed on the for use in the manufacture of market in the EU. If already on goods in the EU, since biocidal the market, these products will products containing DMF are back have to be recalled and withdrawn not authorised under the Biocides without delay, and consumers Directive. businesses in will have to be informed about the However, manufacturers out- serious risk. side the EU may use these unau- The Commission Decision is thorised biocides and then export Mozambique an EU wide emergency measure, their products to the EU if they pending the adoption of a more cause no risks. Portugal will launch a fund permanent regulatory solution. The decision therefore pro- next June to provide low-inter- DMF is used by producers as a tects EU consumers from the risk est credits for companies op- biocide to kill moulds that may of DMF in imported products in erating in Mozambique in ar- cause products such as furniture the same way as they are pro- eas linked to Portuguese coop- or shoes to deteriorate during stor- tected at home. eration projects in the south- ern African nation, Lisbon’s state secretary for foreign af- fairs and cooperation an- nounced last week. João Gomes Cravinho, speaking at a seminar on sus- tainable development, said the planned $9 million, or €6.8 million, fund would leverage between $80 million and $90 million in investments in the former Portuguese colony, primarily in the northern re- gion near Mozambique Island. Gomes Cravinho said the fund, to be launched in the sec- ond half of June, would be managed through Lisbon’s of- ficial aid agency IPAD. He told the Lisbon seminar that Portuguese developmen- tal aid should increasingly “re- volve” around the internation- alisation of Portuguese busi- nesses, while maintaining a fo- cus on the Millennium Devel- opment goals, UN targets cen- tred on eradicating extreme poverty and hunger by 2015. TPN/Lusa worldview 10 The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 Pandemics and Politics The media work themselves the later waves — by then we into a frenzy about how this may might have a vaccine ready. The be a pandemic that kills tens or process of designing and mass- hundreds of millions of people producing the vaccine takes four around the world. Even with a pre- to six months, which is exactly scription, you can no longer buy what immediate and severe re- At the time of writing, almost a week after we all learned that a lethal new strain of influenza had Tamiflu or Relenza, the leading strictions on travel to Mexico appeared in Mexico, every single death attributed to swine flu has been Mexican, and all but one of antivirals that could lessen the now might win us. those deaths happened in Mexico itself. (The one exception was a Mexican toddler visiting Texas impact of swine flu: in most coun- So why do government bu- with his family.) tries, governments requisitioned reaucrats everywhere, together the entire available supply last with the international civil serv- weekend. And yet air travel be- ants of the World Health Organi- tween Mexico and the rest of the sation, assure us in massed cho- world continues unhindered. rus that travel bans are futile? Our elders and betters assure Because they work for govern- us that a travel ban would not ments whose economies could be help. The World Health Organi- severely damaged by those bans. sation’s assistant director-gen- Governments do accept a cer- eral, Keiji Fukuda, tells us that tain responsibility for protecting trying to contain the virus by en- the lives of their citizens, but forcing travel restrictions “is not even in the developed world, a feasible option.” Besides, he where resources are not scarce, says, “the virus has already they interpret that responsibil- spread to several other coun- ity quite differently. Britain and tries.” Texas governor Rick Perry France have stock-piled antiviral says that closing the US border medicines like Tamiflu for 50 with Mexico, crossed by tens of percent of their citizens (and Brit- thousands each day, would be “a ain is now going to over 80 per- little premature.” cent). Japan, Australia and New Am I alone in experiencing a Zealand are all over 40 percent, desire to strangle these people? but the United States only has 25 To begin with, Rick, you either percent cover and Canada a mere close the US border now, or you 17 percent. don’t bother. Closing it a week The biggest difference, how- from now would be completely ever, is between the vague, gen- pointless. If human-to-human eral responsibility that govern- transmission of the virus has not ments feel for the lives of their already taken root in the United citizens and the acute, real-time States, it will certainly have done responsibility they feel for the so once another few hundred health of their economies. They thousand people have crossed the are inundated daily by demands border. from commercial and industrial Obviously, people from other organisations to keep the borders countries who are currently holi- open and commerce flowing. daying in Mexico (overwhelm- They are NOT inundated by de- ingly Americans and Canadians) mands by powerful citizen or- must be allowed to come home, ganisations to impose travel bans but would it be unreasonable to and save lives. monitor their health for a week or So they yield to the greater so in case they are carrying the pressure, as governments gener- KKKKKeeeeeiiiiijjjjjiiiii FFFFFuuuuukkkkkuuuuudddddaaaaa (((((LLLLL))))),,,,, AAAAAssssssssssiiiiissssstttttaaaaannnnnttttt DDDDDiiiiirrrrreeeeeccccctttttooooorrrrr GGGGGeeeeennnnneeeeerrrrraaaaalllll aaaaa.....iiiii..... HHHHHeeeeeaaaaalllllttttthhhhh SSSSSeeeeecccccuuuuurrrrriiiiitttttyyyyy aaaaannnnnddddd EEEEEnnnnnvvvvviiiiirrrrrooooonnnnnmmmmmeeeeennnnnttttt aaaaannnnnddddd CCCCChhhhhiiiiinnnnnaaaaa’’’’’sssss MMMMMaaaaarrrrrgggggaaaaarrrrreeeeettttt CCCCChhhhhaaaaannnnn virus? Indeed, shouldn’t we stop ally do. At the extreme, they con- (((((RRRRR))))) DDDDDiiiiirrrrreeeeeccccctttttooooorrrrr GGGGGeeeeennnnneeeeerrrrraaaaalllll ooooofffff ttttthhhhheeeee WWWWWooooorrrrrlllllddddd HHHHHeeeeeaaaaalllllttttthhhhh OOOOOrrrrrgggggaaaaannnnniiiiizzzzzaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn WWWWWHHHHHOOOOO,,,,, ssssspppppeeeeeaaaaakkkkk ddddduuuuurrrrriiiiinnnnnggggg aaaaa ppppprrrrreeeeessssssssss bbbbbrrrrriiiiieeeeefffffiiiiinnnnnggggg tttttooooo aaaaannnnnnnnnnooooouuuuunnnnnccccceeeee nnnnneeeeewwwww dddddeeeeevvvvveeeeelllllooooopppppmmmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss ooooonnnnn ttttthhhhheeeee ssssswwwwwiiiiinnnnneeeee iiiiinnnnnfffffllllluuuuueeeeennnnnzzzzzaaaaa sssssiiiiitttttuuuuuaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn,,,,, aaaaattttt ttttthhhhheeeee WWWWWooooorrrrrlllllddddd HHHHHeeeeeaaaaalllllttttthhhhh OOOOOrrrrrgggggaaaaannnnniiiiisssssaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn (((((WWWWWHHHHHOOOOO))))) hhhhheeeeeaaaaadddddqqqqquuuuuaaaaarrrrrttttteeeeerrrrrsssss iiiiinnnnn GGGGGeeeeennnnneeeeevvvvvaaaaa,,,,, further holiday-makers from trav- spire to hide the disease alto- SSSSSwwwwwiiiiitttttzzzzzeeeeerrrrrlllllaaaaannnnnddddd,,,,, 2222299999 AAAAAppppprrrrriiiiilllll..... TTTTThhhhheeeee WWWWWooooorrrrrlllllddddd HHHHHeeeeeaaaaalllllttttthhhhh OOOOOrrrrrgggggaaaaannnnniiiiisssssaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnn rrrrraaaaaiiiiissssseeeeeddddd iiiiitttttsssss fffffllllluuuuu aaaaallllleeeeerrrrrttttt tttttooooo ppppphhhhhaaaaassssseeeee fffffiiiiivvvvveeeee ooooouuuuuttttt ooooofffff sssssiiiiixxxxx..... (((((PPPPPhhhhhoooootttttooooo::::: EEEEEPPPPPAAAAA///// elling to Mexico and ask Mexi- gether, as China did with SARS MMMMMaaaaarrrrrtttttiiiiinnnnnaaaaalllll TTTTTrrrrreeeeezzzzzzzzzziiiiinnnnniiiii))))) cans to stay home for a while? It (and Mexico may have done for would cause inconvenience, yes, some time with swine flu). And but large numbers of lives are at they lie routinely about the use- IIIIInnnnnsssssuuuuurrrrreeeee yyyyyooooouuuuurrrrr ppppprrrrrooooopppppeeeeerrrrrtttttyyyyy iiiiinnnnn PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll ttttthhhhhrrrrrooooouuuuuggggghhhhh TTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss stake here. fulness of stopping travel from It may be too late to stop the infected countries, because to do spread of the virus by banning so would gum up international PROPERTY INSURANCE non-emergency travel to and from commerce and damage econo- Mexico, but nobody knows that mies. for sure. The virus has already The less reflective ones may appeared in a dozen other coun- not even realise any more that As an owner of a property tries, but at this point almost all they are lying, because within UUUUUPPPPP TTTTTOOOOO in Portugal make sure you the victims are still people who WHO and the various national were recently in Mexico. If the governments it has become an 4444400000%%%%% get the right insurance cover, flow of further people from article of faith that you can’t con- designed specifically for you. Mexico dwindled rapidly as the tain pandemics once they move RRRRRIIIIISSSSSKKKKK RRRRREEEEELLLLLAAAAATTTTTEEEEEDDDDD DDDDDIIIIISSSSSCCCCCOOOOOUUUUUNNNNNTTTTT remaining tourists and business beyond the first few villages. But OOOOONNNNN PPPPPRRRRROOOOOPPPPPEEEEERRRRRTTTTTYYYYY IIIIINNNNNSSSSSUUUUURRRRRAAAAANNNNNCCCCCEEEEE travellers came home, there would that is quite obviously bullshit. This exclusive Intasure policy, • Your cover is underwritten by one of the world’s still be a chance of containing the Bullshit that could kill your kids. leading insurers – LLLLLllllloooooyyyyydddddsssss ooooofffff LLLLLooooonnnnndddddooooonnnnn virus. underwritten by LLLLLLLLLLOOOOOYYYYYDDDDDSSSSS OOOOOFFFFF If this “swine flu” really is like • Up to 40% risk-related discount available, depending on LLLLLOOOOONNNNNDDDDDOOOOONNNNN, has been specially designed security, claims experience, excess level and your age the “Spanish influenza” virus to meet the needs of property owners in • Your property is covered whether occupied or unoccupied that killed tens of millions of healthy young adults in 1918-19, Portugal. It is available exclusively • Your property is covered if let short term or long term then we should be doing every- throughTTTTThhhhheeeee PPPPPooooorrrrrtttttuuuuugggggaaaaalllll NNNNNeeeeewwwwwsssss in • Excellent discounts for choosing higher excess thing possible to hold it at bay. Portugal. • All policy documents are in English And even if the virus is bound to get out of Mexico in the end, it’s • Policy covers your swimming pool as well as buildings worth winning some time before For more information, call 707 500 025. • Policy covers public liability of £5m or €7.5m in regard to buildings and it does. You will receive friendly advice and a contents (traditionally, Portuguese policies provide minimal public liability cover) It is spring across the northern quick quote with absolutely no • Loss of rent included following a claim hemisphere, where most of the obligation. • Covers the purchase of your home during the period between exchange of world’s people live, and flu typi- contracts and completion cally goes into retreat in the spring (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) UUIIBBUIBUUIIBBnnnnnuuuuunnnnnsssssyyyddyydddttttt aa a aaeeeeeooooonnnrrnnrrrwwwwwnnnnnttttt rrrrrttiitttiiittttthhhhhcccccttttteeeeeeeeeeooooonnnnn vvvvvppppp eeeeebbbbbhhhhhrrrrryyyyyooooo nnnnnLeeeeeLOYDS OF • •WidCeorv ceorsv eter mthpaonr aar ys taacncdoamrdm Poodrattuiognu efoslelo bwuinildgi nag csla aimnd contents policy abannaddck ps aiunnm dthmeeme nric.o fErltuvh eeonrfn te iafn u icttou cmmoenms — eins basGewd yinndneep Deynedre inst ajo Luornnadloisnt LONDON • Wider cover than a ‘community’ policy several waves some months whose articles are published (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) FFFFFuuuuullllllllllyyyyy cccccooooommmmmppppprrrrreeeeehhhhheeeeennnnnsssssiiiiivvvvveeeee cccccooooovvvvveeeeerrrrr • All claims are reported to and resolved by a UK based English speaking team apart, becoming more virulent in in 45 countries. (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) PPPPPooooollllliiiiicccccyyyyy dddddooooocccccuuuuummmmmeeeeennnnntttttsssss iiiiinnnnn EEEEEnnnnngggggllllliiiiissssshhhhh (cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151)(cid:151) HHHHHiiiiiggggghhhhh llllleeeeevvvvveeeeelllll ooooofffff pppppuuuuubbbbbllllliiiiiccccc llllliiiiiaaaaabbbbbiiiiillllliiiiitttttyyyyy • Optional Accidental Damage cover • Off-Property Cover available BBBBBooooooooookkkkk yyyyyooooouuuuurrrrr ssssstttttaaaaannnnnddddd nnnnnooooowwwww aaaaattttt • Policy available in either GBP or Euros - Claims paid in either ttttthhhhheeeee iiiiinnnnnttttteeeeerrrrrnnnnnaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnaaaaalllll aaaaalllllgggggaaaaarrrrrvvvvveeeee fffffaaaaaiiiiirrrrr Call 707 500 025 for more information and a quick quote Authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority MMMMMaaaaayyyyy 3333300000ttttthhhhh &&&&& 3333311111sssssttttt news The Portugal News • 9 May 2009 11 14th century military commander awarded sainthood Portuguese government and military leaders have welcomed the Catholic Church’s canonisation of Saint Nuno Álvares Pereira as the formal recognition of a “people’s saint” and as an “example” for the armed forces. Pope Benedict XVI raised In his homily before a crowd Àlvares Pereira, a 14th century of some 20,000, Pope Benedict military commander who later underlined that the new saint had devoted his life to the poor as a demonstrated that in “any situa- Carmelite monk, to sainthood in tion”, even in war, “it is possible Rome last Sunday. to live and realise the values and Foreign Minister Luís principle of Christian life”. Amado, who attended the conse- The pontiff said that beyond cration mass last week, said that being “an excellent soldiers and a before his recognition of saint- great leader”, Álvares Pereira had hood by the Church, Álvares devoted himself to “intense Pereira was already “a saint of the prayer and absolute confidence people, a simple and humble in divine help” in the latter part man” and “a great military of his life when he ordered the leader”. construction of the Carmelite Also present at the Rome cer- convent in Lisbon. emony, the head of the Portu- Saint Nuno is the eighth Por- guese armed forces, Gen. Luís tuguese to gain sainthood since Vasco Valença Pinto, described the founding of the nation in the the commander who defeated in- 12th century. vading Spanish forces at He was the only non-Italian of Aljubarota in 1385 as an “exam- five new saints consecrated by the ple” of “service” for the military. Pope. TPN/Lusa Portuguese trawler A statue of Nuno Alvares Pereira which stands next to the Santa Maria da Vitória Convent in the Batalha monastery. (Photo: Lusa / Paulo Cunha) PM to attend East Timor seized for illegal fishing independence festivities Guinea-Bissau fisheries inspectors last week seized a Portuguese-registered trawler that was found to be using illegal nets and committing other offenses in the Prime Minister José Sócrates four-way summit in Dili with Sócrates would take part in the tralian Prime Minister Kevin West African state’s territorial waters, officials said. will pay an official visit to East Indonesian and Australian lead- independence celebrations on Rudd on May 22 for a summit Hugo Nosolini, director of at sea, he added. Timor next month to attend the ers, the Portuguese leader’s office May 20 and join the Timorese meeting. Guinea’s Fiscap fisheries pro- The Guinean official said the country’s seventh independence announced last week. leadership, Indonesian Presi- The four-way summit will be tection agency, told Lusa the skipper of the Portuguese fish- celebrations and participate in a It said in a press release that dent Susilo Bambang and Aus- centred on reviewing the devel- Ria Mar, licensed to operate in ing boat had been uncooperative opment of East Timor as an in- Guinea’s waters under an EU when asked to account for his dependent state over the decade Ramalho Eanes to represent Lisbon at fishing deal, was checked by a trawling methods and the quan- since its independence plebiscite routine patrol and found to be tity of his catch. The trawler was from Indonesian rule in 1999. using unauthorised nets. The released after its owners agreed South African presidential inauguration Timorese Prime Minister Portuguese vessel was also to pay fines fixed by the Bissau Xanana Gusmão has said suspected of illegal re-fuelling authorities. TPN/Lusa Sócrates had been invited to the Former President António Ramalho Eanes had been in- ANC party won the country’s independence celebrations as the Ramalho Eanes will repre- vited to attend the South Afri- legislative elections last “guest of honour”. sent Portugal at the inaugu- can presidential inaugaration week and its lawmakers are The Portuguese prime minis- ration of South Africa’s new as Portugal’s representative by expected to elect party leader ter will return to Lisbon on the head of state on May 9, Belém President Aníbal Cavaco Jacob Zuma as the new head eve of the start of campaigning for Palace has announced. Silva. of state in a vote in parlia- the European parliament elec- The palace said that Gen. South Africa’s governing ment on May 6. TPN/Lusa tions set for June 7. TPN/Lusa

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